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Bahasa inggris

This holiday, my family and I happened not to travel anywhere. My family and I just
enjoyed the Christmas and New Year's holidays in Bajawa. On the first day of the holiday,
my mother, sister and I made cookies for Christmas. We shape and print cookie dough
with various shapes. After that, my mother baked the pastries in the oven. The smell is
very good. After the pastries were cooked, we tasted them. It tastes amazing. My sister
and I couldn't stop eating the delicious pastries. So we were scolded by our mother
because they were supposed to be saved for Christmas. We bake cookies for 3 days. We
got a lot of pastries for Christmas and can still be saved for the New Year celebrations. On
Christmas day our family went to church. After that we gathered to eat and tell stories
together celebrating a very beautiful and peaceful Christmas. We also heard that our
cousin from Kupang was coming tomorrow. My sister and I were very happy.
And we also prepared everything to welcome their arrival.
On the day my cousins arrived in Bajawa, we greeted them with a hug while wishing them
a merry Christmas. It's their first time here. So the next day my sister and I took them to
see the city of Bajawa which, although small, is beautiful. I also took them to visit my
grandmother's house to wish me a merry Christmas and a happy new year. At grandma's
house, we spent the whole day telling stories together, laughing, and joking.
On New Year's Eve, our family gathered to pray together to give thanks for the days in
the year that will end. We waited together until midnight to welcome the new year while
talking together. After a long wait, the time has finally come. The sound of fireworks is
everywhere, we also celebrate by lighting fireworks. It was a very beautiful and funny day.
We laughed at our silliness as we set off the fireworks. We screamed excitedly as
fireworks exploded into the sky. After being outside for a while, we went back into the
house to eat cake and drink together.
It doesn't feel like this very meaningful holiday is only a week away. And my cousin will
also return to Kupang. So once again we took them out for a walk and eat out.
The next day our cousin went back to Kupang by plane. We drove them to the airport
and said goodbye.
In the end our house felt lonely even so we were still happy. After our cousins left we
spent as usual during the holidays until we went to school.
This three week vacation we spent more time at home, even so, we are very happy and
grateful, we really enjoyed our vacation.

Liburan kali ini kebetulan saya dan keluarga tidak bepergian kemana-mana. Saya
dan keluarga hanya menikmati liburan Natal dan tahun baru di Bajawa. Pada hari pertama
liburan, ibu, saya dan adikku membuat kue kering untuk natal. Kami mendapat banyak
sekali kue kering untuk hari raya natal dan masih bisa disimpan untuk perayaan Tahun
Pada hari natal kami sekeluarga pergi ke Gereja. Setelah itu kami berkumpul
makan dan bercerita bersama merayakan natal yang sangat indah dan damai. Kami juga
mendengar kabar bahwa sepupu kami dari Kupang akan datang besok. Aku dan adikku
sangat bergembira. Dan kami pun mempersiapkan semuanya untuk menyambut
kedatangan mereka.
Di hari sepupuku tiba di Bajawa, kami menyambut mereka dengan pelukan sambil
mengucapkan selamat natal. Mereka baru pertama kali ke sini. Jadi keesokan harinya saya
dan adik saya mengajak mereka melihat-lihat kota Bajawa yang meskipun kecil tapi
indah. Saya juga mengajak mereka mengunjungi rumah nenek saya untuk mengucapkan
selamat natal dan tahun baru.
Di malam tahun baru kami sekeluarga berkumpul berdoa bersama mengucap
syukur atas hari-hari di tahun yang akan berakhir ini. Kami pun menunggu bersama-sama
hingga tengah malam menyambut tahun yang baru sambil bercerita bersama. Setelah
lama menunggu, akhirnya tiba waktunya. Bunyi kembang api dimana-mana, kami juga
ikut merayakannya dengan menyalakan kembang api.
Itu adalah hari yang sangat indah dan lucu. Kami tertawa bersama dengan
kekonyolan kami saat membakar kembang api. Kami berteriak heboh saat kembang api
meledak ke langit. Setelah beberapa lama di luar rumah, kami pun masuk kembali ke
rumah untuk makan kue dan minum bersama.
Tak terasa liburan yang sangat berarti ini tinggal seminggu lagi. Dan sepupuku
juga akan pulang kembali ke Kupang. Jadi sekali lagi kami mengajak mereka keluar
berkeliling dan makan di luar. Keesokan harinya sepupu kami pun pulang ke Kupang naik
pesawat. Kami mengantar mereka ke bandara dan mengucapkan selamat tinggal.
Akhirnya rumah kami pun terasa sepi meski begitu kami tetap bahagia. Setelah
sepupu kami pergi kami menghabiskan waktu seperti biasanya selama liburan hingga
masuk sekolah.
Liburan tiga Minggu ini kami lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di rumah,
meskipun begitu, kami sangat bahagia dan bersyukur, kami sangat menikmati liburan

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