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Khedut shikshan mandal's

R.B.Madkholkar Mahavidyalaya Chandgad

Computer Science
Name:-Mahesh Appaji Rane. Date:-
Class:-B.Sc.II Roll No:-204
Year :-2020-21 PRN NO.:-2019078592

Assignment no: 10
Assignment Name: Write a php script to find leap year or not.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width initial-scale=1"/>
<body align=center>
<h2> The Leap year</h2><br><hr><br>
<form action="leap_year.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="year" /><br><br>
<input type="submit" />
<font color="black">

if( $_POST )
//get the year
$year = $_POST[ 'year' ];

//check if entered value is a number

echo "Strings not allowed, Input should be a number";

//multiple conditions to check the leap year

if( (0 == $year % 4) and (0 != $year % 100) or (0 == $year % 400) )
echo "$year is a leap year";

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echo "$year is not a leap year";


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