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namespace = tribal

#Events related to tribal governments

#These events are very generalized to be applicable for a wide variety of
characters, and some inaccuracies will inevitable exist.

# Flavor events
# tribal.1001-1999

# #
# #

# Someone challenges your rule! #
# by Linnéa Thimrén #

#Can only be triggered through the decision "tribal_challenge_ruler_decision"

scripted_effect tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect = {
scope:title_being_fought_over.holder = {
add_to_temporary_list = transfered_vassals
every_vassal = {
limit = {
NOT = {
this = scope:challenger
add_to_temporary_list = transfered_vassals
create_title_and_vassal_change = {
type = usurped
save_scope_as = change
add_claim_on_loss = no
scope:title_being_fought_over = {
change_title_holder = {
holder = scope:challenger
change = scope:change
every_in_list = {
list = transfered_vassals
change_liege = {
LIEGE = scope:challenger
CHANGE = scope:change
resolve_title_and_vassal_change = scope:change
if = {
limit = {
root = scope:challenger
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = usurped_title
else = {
hidden_effect = {
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = usurped_title

scripted_effect tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
root = scope:liege_to_challenge
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
else = {
hidden_effect = {
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
add_prestige_level = -1
if = {
limit = {
root = scope:challenger
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = tried_to_usurped_title
else = {
hidden_effect = {
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = tried_to_usurped_title

scripted_effect tribal_1001_challenger_backed_out_effect = {
add_prestige = major_prestige_loss
if = {
limit = {
root = scope:challenger
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = tried_to_usurped_title
else = {
hidden_effect = {
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:challenger
modifier = tried_to_usurped_title

scripted_effect tribal_1001_start_sce_bout_effect = {
custom_tooltip =
random_list = {
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
desc = tribal.1001.a_champion_success
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes }
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
desc = tribal.1001.a_champion_failure
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect =
yes }
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
this = scope:liege_to_challenge
desc = tribal.1001.a_success
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes }
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
this = scope:liege_to_challenge
desc = tribal.1001.a_failure
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect =
yes }
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
this = scope:challenger
desc = tribal.1001.a_failure
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes }
100 = {
show_chance = no
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
this = scope:challenger
desc = tribal.1001.a_success
scope:challenger = { tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect =
yes }

scripted_trigger tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = {
NOT = { this = scope:challenger }
can_be_combatant_based_on_gender_trigger = { ARMY_OWNER = root }
is_available = yes
is_adult = yes
is_ai = yes
NOT = { has_relation_rival = root }
can_start_single_combat_trigger = yes

tribal.1001 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
age >= 45
desc = tribal.1001.desc_old
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
prowess < scope:challenger.prowess
desc = tribal.1001.desc_weak
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:challenger = {
has_dread_level_towards = {
target = root
level = 2
desc = tribal.1001.desc_meak
desc = tribal.1001.desc_fallback
desc = tribal.1001.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = personality_bold

trigger = {
scope:challenger = { can_start_single_combat_trigger = yes }

immediate = {
play_music_cue = mx_cue_combat_2
scope:challenger = {
add_character_flag = { #To block the event and block the decision
flag = recently_took_the_tribal_challenge_ruler_decision
years = 10
#If you cannot fight yourself then find a champion
if = {
limit = {
NAND = {
can_be_combatant_based_on_gender_trigger =
{ ARMY_OWNER = root }
can_start_single_combat_trigger = yes
if = {
limit = {
any_court_position_holder = {
type = champion_court_position
tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes
every_court_position_holder = {
type = champion_court_position
limit = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
add_to_list = champion_candidates
if = {
limit = {
any_relation = {
type = friend
tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes
every_relation = {
type = friend
limit = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
add_to_list = champion_candidates
if = {
limit = {
exists = cp:councillor_marshal
cp:councillor_marshal =
{ tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
cp:councillor_marshal = { add_to_list = champion_candidates
if = {
limit = {
any_knight = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger =
yes }
every_knight = {
limit = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
add_to_list = champion_candidates
#Still empty list?
if = {
limit = {
any_in_list = {
list = champion_candidates
count < 1
if = {
limit = {
any_vassal =
{ tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
every_vassal = {
limit = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger =
yes }
add_to_list = champion_candidates
if = {
limit = {
any_courtier =
{ tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger = yes }
every_courtier = {
limit = { tribal_1001_champion_check_trigger =
yes }
add_to_list = champion_candidates
#Save champion
if = {
limit = {
any_in_list = {
list = champion_candidates
count >= 1
random_in_list = {
list = champion_candidates
limit = { #We prioritize your champions
has_court_position = champion_court_position
is_court_position_employer = {
court_position = champion_court_position
who = root
alternative_limit = { prowess > high_skill_rating }
alternative_limit = { always = yes }
weight = {
base = 1
compare_modifier = {
value = prowess
multiplier = 10
opinion_modifier = {
opinion_target = root
multiplier = 1
save_scope_as = liege_champion

option = { #Fight!
name = {
trigger = { age > scope:challenger.age }
text = tribal.1001.a_child
name = {
trigger = { age <= scope:challenger.age }
text = tribal.1001.a
trigger = {
OR = {
AND = {
can_be_combatant_based_on_gender_trigger =
{ ARMY_OWNER = root }
can_start_single_combat_trigger = yes
exists = scope:liege_champion
if = {
limit = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
custom_tooltip = tribal.1001.a_champion
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:liege_champion = { tribal_1001_start_sce_bout_effect
= yes }
else = {
show_as_tooltip = { tribal_1001_start_sce_bout_effect = yes }

scope:challenger = { trigger_event = tribal.1003 }

ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
trigger = { NOT = { exists = scope:liege_champion } }
add = 30
prowess > scope:challenger.prowess
modifier = {
trigger = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
add = 30
scope:liege_champion.prowess > scope:challenger.prowess
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_boldness = 0.75

option = { #Flyting!
name = tribal.1001.b
trigger = {
culture = {
OR = {
has_cultural_pillar = heritage_north_germanic
has_cultural_pillar = heritage_west_germanic
has_cultural_pillar = heritage_brythonic
has_cultural_pillar = heritage_goidelic
show_as_tooltip = {
duel = {
skill = learning
target = scope:challenger
10 = {
desc = tribal.1001.b_success
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = 2
scope:challenger = {
tribal_challenger_lost_effect = yes
10 = {
desc = tribal.1001.b_failure
scope:challenger = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes
scope:challenger = {
trigger_event = tribal.1006

ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 30
learning > scope:challenger.learning

option = { #Ok, take it...

name = tribal.1001.c
show_as_tooltip = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes
scope:challenger = {
trigger_event = tribal.1002
ai_chance = {
base = 0
#More likely the more scared I am of the challenger
modifier = {
add = 25
dread_modified_ai_boldness = {
dreaded_character = scope:challenger
value <= -45
modifier = {
add = 50
dread_modified_ai_boldness = {
dreaded_character = scope:challenger
value <= -75

#They just gave it all over without a fight!

tribal.1002 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1003.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1002.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_to_challenge
animation = fear

immediate = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes

option = {
name = tribal.1002.a

#They will fight you, in a... fight!

tribal.1003 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1003.desc_opening
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:liege_to_challenge.age > root.age
desc = tribal.1003.desc_old
desc = tribal.1003.desc_young
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:liege_champion
desc = tribal.1003.desc_liege_champion
desc = tribal.1003.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_to_challenge
animation = anger
right_portrait = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:liege_champion
character = scope:liege_champion
animation = anger

immediate = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:liege_champion
scope:liege_champion = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
else = {
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes

option = { #I will fight!

name = tribal.1003.a
if = {
limit = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:liege_champion = { tribal_1001_start_sce_bout_effect
= yes }
configure_start_single_combat_effect = {
SC_INITIATOR = scope:challenger
SC_ATTACKER = scope:challenger
SC_DEFENDER = scope:liege_champion
FIXED = no
LOCALE = throne_room
OUTPUT_EVENT = tribal.1021
else = {
show_as_tooltip = { tribal_1001_start_sce_bout_effect = yes }
configure_start_single_combat_effect = {
SC_INITIATOR = scope:challenger
SC_ATTACKER = scope:challenger
SC_DEFENDER = scope:liege_to_challenge
FIXED = no
LOCALE = throne_room
OUTPUT_EVENT = tribal.1021

option = { #Back out

name = tribal.1003.b
tribal_1001_challenger_backed_out_effect = yes
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
trigger_event = tribal.1010

#Challenger won!
tribal.1004 = {
orphan = yes
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1004.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1004.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = happiness

option = {
name = tribal.1004.a
scope:challenger = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes

#Challenger lost
tribal.1005 = {
orphan = yes
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1004.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1005.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = sadness

option = {
name = tribal.1005.a
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:challenger = {
tribal_challenger_lost_effect = yes

#Using champion - Challenger won!

tribal.1014 = {
orphan = yes
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1014.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1014.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = happiness
right_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_champion
animation = sadness

option = {
name = tribal.1014.a
scope:challenger = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes

#Using champion - Challenger lost

tribal.1015 = {
orphan = yes
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1014.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1015.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = sadness
right_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_champion
animation = war_over_win

option = {
name = tribal.1015.a
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:challenger = {
tribal_challenger_lost_effect = yes
scope:liege_champion = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = 20

#They will fight you, time for flyting

tribal.1006 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1003.desc_opening
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:liege_to_challenge.age > root.age
desc = tribal.1006.desc_old
desc = tribal.1006.desc_young
desc = tribal.1006.desc
desc = {
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_02
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_02
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_to_challenge
animation = anger

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
1 = {
save_scope_value_as = {
name = rhyme_group
value = flag:a
1 = {
save_scope_value_as = {
name = rhyme_group
value = flag:b
1 = {
save_scope_value_as = {
name = rhyme_group
value = flag:c

option = {
name = tribal.1006.a
duel = {
skill = learning
target = scope:liege_to_challenge
10 = {
desc = tribal.1006.a_success
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1006.a_success
left_icon = scope:liege_to_challenge
show_as_tooltip = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
trigger_event = tribal.1007
10 = {
desc = tribal.1006.a_failure
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = -2
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1006.a_failure
left_icon = scope:liege_to_challenge
tribal_challenger_lost_effect = yes
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
trigger_event = tribal.1008

option = { #Back out

name = tribal.1006.b
tribal_1001_challenger_backed_out_effect = yes
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
trigger_event = tribal.1010

#Challenger won!
tribal.1007 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1008.desc
desc = {
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_02
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_02
desc = tribal.1007.desc_ending
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = happiness

immediate = {
scope:challenger = {
tribal_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes

option = {
name = tribal.1007.a

#Challenger lost
tribal.1008 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1008.desc
desc = {
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_a_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_b_02
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_1_c_02
random_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:a }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_a_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:b }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_b_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_01
triggered_desc = {
trigger = { scope:rhyme_group = flag:c }
desc = insult_poetry_line_2_c_02
desc = tribal.1008.desc_ending
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = sadness

immediate = {
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:challenger = {
tribal_challenger_lost_effect = yes

option = {
name = tribal.1008.a

#They back out

tribal.1010 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1001.t
desc = tribal.1010.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = {
character = scope:challenger
animation = fear

immediate = {
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:challenger = {
tribal_1001_challenger_backed_out_effect = yes

option = {
name = tribal.1010.a

# Bout has ended, inform affected parties.

tribal.1021 = {
hidden = yes
immediate = {
# Did scope:challenger win?
if = {
limit = { scope:sc_victor = scope:challenger }
# And send out the ending events.
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
if = {
limit = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_champion_failure
left_icon = scope:challenger
right_icon = scope:liege_champion
show_as_tooltip =
{ tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes }
else = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_failure
left_icon = scope:challenger
show_as_tooltip =
{ tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes }
scope:challenger = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_success
left_icon = scope:liege_to_challenge
tribal_1001_transfer_liege_title_effect = yes
# Or did they lose?
else = {
# Apply effects; we do this separately so that there's not a
weird day's delay.
tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes
# And send out the ending events.
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
if = {
limit = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_champion_success
left_icon = scope:challenger
right_icon = scope:liege_champion
show_as_tooltip =
{ tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes }
else = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_success
left_icon = scope:challenger
show_as_tooltip =
{ tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes }
scope:challenger = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1001.a_failure
left_icon = scope:liege_to_challenge
tribal_1001_challenger_lost_effect = yes

tribal.1022 = {
hidden = yes

immediate = {
# Put your shirts back on.
if = {
limit = { exists = scope:liege_champion }
single_combat_clean_shirtlessness_effect = {
ATTACKER = scope:challenger
DEFENDER = scope:liege_champion
else = {
single_combat_clean_shirtlessness_effect = {
ATTACKER = scope:challenger
DEFENDER = scope:liege_to_challenge
# Inform both parties that the duel has invalidated.
scope:challenger = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1022.trigger_failure.challenger
left_icon = scope:liege_to_challenge
scope:liege_to_challenge = {
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1022.trigger_failure.liege_to_challenge
left_icon = scope:challenger

# Holmgång with a rival #
# by Linnéa Thimrén #

scripted_trigger tribal_1101_victim_trigger = {
basic_is_available_ai = yes
is_in_the_same_court_as_or_guest = root
NOR = {
this = scope:rival
has_relation_lover = scope:rival
has_relation_friend = scope:rival
has_trait_rank = {
trait = wounded
rank >= 2

tribal.1101 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1101.t
desc = tribal.1101.desc
theme = rival_relation
left_portrait = {
character = scope:rival
animation = rage
right_portrait = {
character = scope:victim
animation = pain
lower_right_portrait = {
character = scope:friend
animation = anger

trigger = {
faith = faith:norse_pagan
has_government = tribal_government
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_tribal_1101 }
any_relation = {
type = rival
faith = faith:norse_pagan
basic_is_available_ai = yes
save_temporary_scope_as = rival
OR = {
any_heir = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
any_child = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
any_spouse = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1

modifier = {
add = 1
any_relation = {
type = rival
faith = faith:norse_pagan
basic_is_available_ai = yes
is_in_the_same_court_as_or_guest = root
immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_tribal_1101
years = 10
random_relation = {
type = rival
limit = {
faith = faith:norse_pagan
is_in_the_same_court_as_or_guest = root
basic_is_available_ai = yes
alternative_limit = {
faith = faith:norse_pagan
basic_is_available_ai = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 10
has_relation_nemesis = root
save_scope_as = rival

hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
10 = {
trigger = {
any_heir = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
random_heir = {
limit = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 10
is_player_heir_of = root
modifier = {
add = 5

has_friendly_relationship_with_root_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = victim
10 = {
trigger = {
any_child = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
random_child = {
limit = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 5
is_heir_of = root
modifier = {
add = 10

has_friendly_relationship_with_root_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = victim
10 = {
trigger = {
any_spouse = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
random_spouse = {
limit = {
tribal_1101_victim_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 10

has_friendly_relationship_with_root_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = victim
scope:victim = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = fight }

#Do you have a friend who can help you?

if = {
limit = {
any_relation = {
type = friend
basic_is_available_ai = yes
prowess > root.prowess
random_relation = {
type = friend
limit = {
basic_is_available_ai = yes
prowess > root.prowess
save_scope_as = friend

option = { #I challenge thee!

name = tribal.1101.a
duel = {
skill = prowess
target = scope:rival
20 = {
desc = tribal.1101.a_success
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = 3
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:rival = {
add_prestige_level = -1
death = {
death_reason = death_duel
killer = root
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
trigger_event = tribal.1102
10 = {
desc = tribal.1101.a_failure
show_as_tooltip = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = fight }
root = { add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss }
trigger_event = tribal.1104
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:rival = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = hate_opinion
opinion = -20

option = { #My friend challenges thee! Easier challenge

name = tribal.1101.b
trigger = {
exists = scope:friend
scope:friend = {
duel = {
skill = prowess
target = scope:rival
50 = {
desc = tribal.1101.b_success
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = 4
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:rival = {
add_prestige_level = -1
death = {
death_reason = death_duel
killer = scope:friend
root = { add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain }
root = {
trigger_event = tribal.1103
10 = {
desc = tribal.1101.b_failure
show_as_tooltip = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = fight }
root = { add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss }
root = {
trigger_event = tribal.1105
show_as_tooltip = {
scope:rival = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:friend
modifier = hate_opinion
opinion = -20
scope:rival = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = hate_opinion
opinion = -20
save_scope_value_as = {
name = used_friend
value = yes
trigger_event = tribal.1102

option = { #Do nothing

name = tribal.1101.c
scope:victim = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = weak_opinion
opinion = -10
add_prestige = major_prestige_loss

#You won!!
tribal.1102 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1101.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1102.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1102.desc
theme = rival_relation
left_portrait = scope:rival

immediate = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
scope:rival = {
add_prestige_level = -1
death = {
death_reason = death_duel
killer = root
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain

option = {
name = tribal.1102.a

#You won!! By the help of your friend

tribal.1103 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1101.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1103.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1103.desc
theme = rival_relation
left_portrait = scope:rival
right_portrait = {
character = scope:friend
animation = personality_bold

immediate = {
scope:friend = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
scope:rival = {
add_prestige_level = -1
death = {
death_reason = death_duel
killer = root
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain

option = {
name = tribal.1102.a

#Rival won...
tribal.1104 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1101.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1102.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1104.desc
theme = rival_relation
left_portrait = {
character = scope:rival
animation = personality_bold

immediate = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
scope:rival = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = fight }
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss

option = {
name = tribal.1104.a

#Rival won over friend...

tribal.1105 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1101.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1102.desc_opening
desc = tribal.1105.desc
theme = rival_relation
left_portrait = {
character = scope:rival
animation = personality_bold

immediate = {
scope:friend = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = fight }
scope:rival = {
set_signature_weapon_effect = yes
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss

option = {
name = tribal.1105.a

# Horse Racing #
# by Linnéa Thimrén #

tribal.1201 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1201.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1201.desc_opening
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
any_owned_story = {
story_type =
desc = tribal.1201.desc_warhorse
desc = tribal.1201.desc
desc = tribal.1201.desc_ending
theme = hunting
left_portrait = scope:racer
right_portrait = scope:villain_racer

trigger = {
is_available_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region = world_steppe }
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_tribal_1201 }
OR = {
any_vassal = {
count >= 2
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_courtier = {
count >= 2
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_neighboring_realm_same_rank_owner = {
count >= 2
is_available_ai_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region = world_steppe }

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1

modifier = {
add = 1
OR = { #More likely if someone that can be involved has a
warhorse story going on
any_owned_story = {
story_type = story_cycle_martial_lifestyle_warhorse
any_vassal = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_owned_story = {
story_type =
any_courtier = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_owned_story = {
story_type =
any_neighboring_realm_same_rank_owner = {
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region =
world_steppe }
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_owned_story = {
story_type =

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_tribal_1201
years = 10
if = {
limit = {
any_vassal = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
every_vassal = {
limit = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
add_to_list = potential_racers
if = {
limit = {
any_neighboring_realm_same_rank_owner = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region =
world_steppe }
every_neighboring_realm_same_rank_owner = {
limit = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region =
world_steppe }
add_to_list = potential_racers
if = {
limit = {
any_courtier = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
every_courtier = {
limit = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
add_to_list = potential_racers
#To save the "good" racer
random_in_list = {
list = potential_racers
limit = {
any_owned_story = {
story_type = story_cycle_martial_lifestyle_warhorse
alternative_limit = {
has_court_position = master_of_horse_court_position
alternative_limit = {
is_of_major_interest_to_root_trigger = yes
alternative_limit = {
always = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 10
has_any_good_relationship_with_root_trigger = yes
modifier = {
add = 5
is_powerful_vassal_of = root
opinion_modifier = {
opinion_target = root
multiplier = 10
save_scope_as = racer
#To save the "bad" racer
random_in_list = {
list = potential_racers
limit = {
any_owned_story = {
story_type = story_cycle_martial_lifestyle_warhorse
NOT = { this = scope:racer }
alternative_limit = {
has_court_position = master_of_horse_court_position
NOT = { this = scope:racer }
alternative_limit = {
is_of_major_interest_to_root_trigger = yes
NOT = { this = scope:racer }
alternative_limit = {
NOT = { this = scope:racer }
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = 10
has_personality_malicious_trigger = yes
modifier = {
add = 10
has_any_bad_relationship_with_root_trigger = yes
modifier = {
add = 5
is_powerful_vassal_of = root
opinion_modifier = {
opinion_target = root
multiplier = -10
save_scope_as = villain_racer

option = { #Join!
name = tribal.1201.a
custom_tooltip =
trigger_event = {
id = tribal.1202
days = { 7 10 }
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_boldness = 0.5

option = { #Just chill

name = tribal.1201.b
add_stress = medium_stress_loss
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 30
stress >= high_medium_stress

#Sabotage time
tribal.1202 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1201.t
desc = tribal.1202.desc
theme = hunting
left_portrait = {
character = scope:villain_racer
animation = personality_dishonorable

immediate = {

option = { #Intervene
name = tribal.1202.a
scope:villain_racer = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = insult_opinion
opinion = -20
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_honor = 0.75

option = { #Do nothing

name = tribal.1202.b
flavor =
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
20 = {
save_scope_value_as = {
name = sabotaged_you
value = yes
80 = {
save_scope_value_as = {
name = sabotaged_racer
value = yes
ai_chance = {
base = 60

option = { #Sabotage THEIR horse!

name = tribal.1202.c
duel = {
skill = intrigue
target = scope:villain_racer
20 = {
desc = tribal.1202.c.success
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = 2
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1202.c.success
left_icon = scope:villain_racer
custom_tooltip =
save_scope_value_as = {
name = sabotaged_villain
value = yes
10 = {
desc = tribal.1202.c.failure
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1202.c.failure
left_icon = scope:villain_racer
scope:villain_racer = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = suspicion_opinion
opinion = -10
ai_chance = {
base = 25
modifier = {
add = 50
intrigue >= high_skill_rating
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.25

after = {
trigger_event = {
id = tribal.1203
days = { 7 10 }

#Time to race!
tribal.1203 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1201.t
desc = {
desc = tribal.1203.desc_opening
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
desc = tribal.1203.desc_sabotaged_you
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
desc = tribal.1203.desc_sabotaged_racer
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
desc = tribal.1203.desc_sabotaged_villain
desc = tribal.1203.desc
theme = hunting
left_portrait = {
character = scope:racer
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
animation = pain
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_racer }
animation = idle
right_portrait = {
character = scope:villain_racer
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
animation = pain
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_villain }
animation = idle

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
scope:racer = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = horse_riding_accident }
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
scope:villain_racer = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = horse_riding_accident }
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = horse_riding_accident }

option = { #Stop and help

name = tribal.1203.a
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_you }
OR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
progress_towards_friend_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:racer
scope:racer = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = wounds_quickly_tended_to_modifier
years = 2
if = {
limit = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
progress_towards_friend_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:villain_racer
scope:villain_racer = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = wounds_quickly_tended_to_modifier
years = 2
save_scope_value_as = {
name = stopped_and_helped
value = yes
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 100
OR = {
has_focus = learning_medicine_focus
learning >= high_skill_rating
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.75

option = { #Just focus on the race

name = {
trigger = {
NOR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
text = tribal.1203.b_nothing_sabotaged
name = {
trigger = {
OR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
text = tribal.1203.b
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_you }
custom_tooltip =
ai_chance = {
base = 100
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_honor = 0.5

option = { #You got hurt!

name = tribal.1203.c
trigger = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you

option = { #Veer into the villain!

name = tribal.1203.d
trigger = {
OR = {
NOR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
random_list = {
70 = {
desc = tribal.1203.d.success
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1203.d.success
left_icon = scope:villain_racer
scope:villain_racer = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON =
horse_riding_accident }
30 = {
desc = tribal.1203.d.failure
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1203.d.failure
left_icon = root
custom_tooltip =
save_scope_value_as = {
name = rammed_villains_horse
value = yes
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.5
ai_compassion = -0.5

option = { #Jump over to the villains horse

name = tribal.1203.e
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_you }
NOT = { exists = scope:sabotaged_villain }
prowess >= high_skill_rating
skill = prowess
duel = {
skill = prowess
target = scope:villain_racer
20 = {
desc = tribal.1203.success
compare_modifier = {
value = scope:duel_value
multiplier = 2
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1203.success
left_icon = scope:villain_racer
scope:villain_racer = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON =
horse_riding_accident }
save_scope_value_as = {
name = in_the_lead
value = yes
10 = {
desc = tribal.1203.failure
send_interface_toast = {
title = tribal.1203.failure
left_icon = scope:villain_racer
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON =
horse_riding_accident }
progress_towards_rival_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:villain_racer
save_scope_value_as = {
name = jumped_horses
value = yes
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 25
prowess > scope:villain_racer.prowess
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_boldness = 0.5

after = {
trigger_event = {
id = tribal.1204
days = { 7 10 }

#Finish line
tribal.1204 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1201.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
exists = scope:stopped_and_helped
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
desc = tribal.1204.desc_slow
desc = tribal.1204.desc_fast
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:racer_in_the_lead
desc = tribal.1204.desc_racer
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:villain_in_the_lead
desc = tribal.1204.desc_villain
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:jumped_horses
desc = tribal.1204.desc_you_jumped_horses
desc = tribal.1204.desc_you
theme = hunting
left_portrait = {
character = scope:racer
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:racer_in_the_lead
animation = happiness
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:racer_in_the_lead }
animation = sadness
right_portrait = {
character = scope:villain_racer
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:villain_in_the_lead
OR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
animation = schadenfreude
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:villain_in_the_lead
NOR = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
animation = happiness
triggered_animation = {
trigger = {
NOT = { exists = scope:villain_in_the_lead }
animation = sadness

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
5 = { #You win!
trigger = {
NOT = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_you
save_scope_value_as = {
name = in_the_lead
value = yes
modifier = {
add = root.prowess
modifier = {
add = -4
exists = scope:rammed_villains_horse
5 = { #Racer wins
trigger = {
NOT = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_racer
save_scope_value_as = {
name = racer_in_the_lead
value = yes
modifier = {
add = scope:racer.prowess
5 = { #Villain wins
trigger = {
NOT = {
exists = scope:sabotaged_villain
save_scope_value_as = {
name = villain_in_the_lead
value = yes
modifier = {
add = scope:villain_racer.prowess

option = { #I won!
name = tribal.1204.a
trigger = {
exists = scope:in_the_lead
add_prestige = major_prestige_gain

option = { #Racer won!

name = tribal.1204.b
trigger = {
exists = scope:racer_in_the_lead
scope:racer = {
add_prestige = major_prestige_gain
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss

option = { #Villain won!

name = tribal.1204.b
trigger = {
exists = scope:villain_in_the_lead
scope:villain_racer = {
add_prestige = major_prestige_gain
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss

# Crocodile Encounter #
# by Linnéa Thimrén #

#Based on the travel narrative of Abu Abdalla ibn Battuta (he was alive a bit
later, but still...!)
tribal.1301 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1301.t
desc = tribal.1301.desc
theme = friendly
override_background = {
event_background = wilderness
left_portrait = {
character = scope:peasant
animation = dismissal

trigger = {
is_available_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region = world_africa }
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_tribal_1301 }

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_tribal_1301
years = 20
create_character = {
template = servant_character
dynasty = none
location = root.capital_province
gender_female_chance = 50
save_scope_as = peasant
hidden_effect = {
scope:peasant = {
add_trait = brave
capital_county = {
save_scope_as = capital

option = { #Thank you!! Have some gold

name = tribal.1301.a
trigger = {
short_term_gold >= minor_gold_value
scope:capital = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = invested_in_province_modifier
years = 5
remove_short_term_gold = minor_gold_value
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = -100
has_trait = greedy
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5

option = { #Thank you, please come work for me

name = tribal.1301.b
add_courtier = scope:peasant
scope:peasant = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = loyal_servant
hidden_effect = {
set_relation_potential_friend = root
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5

option = { #Well... bye.

name = tribal.1301.c
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = drank_water_modifier
years = 1
hidden_effect = {
random = {
chance = 100
trigger_event = tribal.1302
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 25
has_trait = arrogant
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = -0.5

option = { #Thanks.
name = tribal.1301.d
custom_tooltip =
ai_chance = {
base = 50

#You approached the water

tribal.1302 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1301.t
desc = tribal.1302.desc
theme = unfriendly
override_background = {
event_background = wilderness
left_portrait = {
character = scope:peasant
animation = fear

immediate = {
increase_wounds_effect = { REASON = crocodile }

option = {
name = tribal.1302.a

# Irrigate Oasis #
# by Linnéa Thimrén #

tribal.1303 = {
type = character_event
title = tribal.1303.t
desc = tribal.1303.desc
theme = realm
left_portrait = scope:councillor

trigger = {
is_available_adult = yes
has_government = tribal_government
capital_province = { geographical_region = world_africa }
exists = cp:councillor_steward
short_term_gold >= medium_gold_value
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_tribal_1301 }

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_tribal_1301
years = 10
cp:councillor_steward = {
save_scope_as = councillor
capital_county = {
save_scope_as = capital

option = { #Invest
name = tribal.1303.a
scope:capital = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = irrigated_oasis_modifier
years = 10
remove_short_term_gold = medium_gold_value

ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.75

option = { #They'll pay to get access!

name = tribal.1303.b
scope:capital = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = guarded_irrigated_oasis_modifier
years = 10
remove_short_term_gold = medium_gold_value
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_greed = 0.75

option = { #Leave it
name = tribal.1303.c
scope:capital = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = oasis_modifier
years = 10

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