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I read your post regarding the concept of perception and individual decisions. Attribution

theory is affected by consistency, uniqueness, and consensus. Distinctiveness describes how

people behave differently at different times, whereas consensus describes how people respond

similarly in a specific context. Consistency refers to how a person acts consistently in the face of

changing circumstances (Martinko, Harvey, & Dasborough, 2011). As a result of these three

characteristics, one can decide whether activities are outwardly or internally motivated.

Organizations utilize stereotyping to minimize their knowledge about others to a manageable

level. Stereotyping has a negative impact on the morale of the persons involved. A stereotype is a

supposition. A stereotype is when an organization assumes that some common features share

certain qualities. Stereotyping is an unjust behaviour that is harmful to the user. It can produce a

poisonous work atmosphere (Nmecha & Bowen, 2015). When a manager employs stereotypes,

including such insulting staff, employees are prone to losing interest and enthusiasm in working,

resulting in low output.


Martinko, M. J., Harvey, P., & Dasborough, M. (2011). Attribution Theory in the Organizational

Sciences: A Case of Unrealized Potential. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(1),

144-149. Retrieved from


Nmecha, E., & Bowen, G. (2015). Management Implication of Stereotype or Qualification

Towards Female Progression. International Journal of Business, Economics and

Management, 4(4), 50-58. Retrieved from


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