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A Report on Outbound Activity to Eagles Unbound

An Outbound activity at eagles unbound Bangalore was one of the

memorable event organised by our university.
We had lots of fun learning there .It helped me experience new things that
made easy to get out of our comfort zones. We got to learn about time
management, on how to be a team player and work with the team. One
thing that we liked is that we got to communicate with lots of people
around, we enjoyed a lot though the activity was jus for 2 days. And it
wouldn’t have successfully happened without the support of the staff
around the place and our college staff. Eagles Unbound had a nice
hospitality and the food to the visitors and the crew was so supportive and
friendly that they even provide us with the best possible comforts.
Activities like Zip lining, Camping, Wall Climbing, Obstacle Run,
etc were conducted which was enjoyed a lot by most of them. Archery and
shooting were also the part of the activities which made more interesting.
We got to make many friends out there and we even had groups of our
Camp fire in the later evening was the best part of the whole outing. We
got to spend a lot of time with friends and camping till late night gave us a
new experience.
Finally, it was good to be a part of the outbound activity and
looking forward to participate in many such activities in the coming days.

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