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Stock Market Prediction System Using Arima


Stock market is a market that enables seamless exchange of buying and selling of company
stocks. Every Stock Exchange has their own Stock Index value. Index is the average value
that is calculated by combining several stocks.

Everyday billions of dollars are traded on the exchange, and behind each dollar is an
investor hoping to profit in one way or another. Entire companies rise and fall daily based on
the behaviour of the market. Should an investor be able to accurately predict market
movements, it offers a tantalizing promises of wealth and influence.

This helps in representing the entire stock market and predicting the market’s movement
over time. The Equity market can have a profound impact on people and the country’s
economy as a whole. Therefore, predicting the stock trends in an effective manner can
minimize the risk of investing and maximize profit.

In our paper, we are using the Time Series Forecasting methodology for predicting and
visualizing the predictions. Our focus for prediction will be based on the technical analysis
using historic data and ARIMA Model.

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model has been used extensively in the
field of finance and economics as it is known to be robust, efficient and has a strong
potential for short-term share market prediction

Existing System:

In tradition way we need more computing and mathematical formulas to more computing
resources are used to predict the single stocks from previous stocks such predictions are not
up to the mark in it tends to be so inefficient, it needs enormous number of resources and
minds to such a hefty job. Or either professionals predict the stocks on the natural
occurrence and climatic changes or national damages that matters based on this they
predict the stocks.

Proposed System:

In Proposed System we use time Series algorithm in machine learning such as RNN
Recurrent neural Network, LSTM Long
Short-TermMemoryByusingthisAlgorithmswepredicttheSystemwithCurrent stocks my training
a model using Time Series algorithms, by applying gradient descent and Weights to it we
can fine tune our model to make the perfect results.
We train a model by dumbing 10 years of previous stock market data into it, once the model
is ready, we can predict the future stock data for over a year.

Processor : Intel corei5 or More

Hard Disk : 512GB


Platform : Python
Backend : Jupyter Notebook
Coding Language : MACHINE LEARNING
GUI : Anaconda Navigator
Libraries : TensorFlow, Pandas, Opencv, Keras, and more.
Technologies : Machine & Deep Learning.

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