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City Voices

Surprisingly, I find myself

identifying with Jim Cooper
In the wake of the historic congressio- POST POLITICS
nal health care reform vote, I’ve been think-
ing a lot about how much I identify with politico David Briley for
Rep. Jim Cooper (see his column on p. 10). “crossing the line” in a
I’m no Jim Cooper, I realize. I’m not discussion about race. I
well-bred. I lack an Oxford education. Bud- have been told privately
get summaries give me a headache. And I and publicly by people
don’t know the first thing about investment of various political persua-
banking. sions that they know deep
Politically, we don’t much line up either. A.C. down that I am really on
Point of fact: Few are politically parallel with KLEINHEIDER their “side.”
Nashville’s congressman. So when the proverbial
Cooper may be a member of the Blue poop hits the fan on the
Dog Coalition, but he’s not really an average Internet, things can get dicey. There is no
Blue Dog. He’s conservative on fiscal issues built-in constituency to back me on politi-
but not by any means a cultural conserva- cal or ideological grounds. When you self-
tive. While loyal to his word and principles, identify with an ideology or party, you have
he’s not really a partisan. protection; people have your back without
He is, to use a clichéd political definition, question. When you don’t join a cause,
a maverick. group, ideology or party, you can rely only
Before this recent health care vote, on the kindness of friends and strangers who
Cooper was the subject of a barrage of have no knee-jerk reason to defend you.
negative attacks from the left. Opponents Cooper is similarly a political loner. He
created an anti-Cooper Web site and a PAC can be counted on — but only to do what
to gin up funding for a primary challenge. he thinks is right. He is loyal — but only
As intellectually honest as Cooper’s to what he believes is the truth. That has
policy reform proposals may have been, cost him politically because no one group
his failure to genuflect at the altar of the supports him without question.
“public option” got him nothing but bile In politics (and on the Internet), it’s
from progressives. much more comfortable simply to pick
But after all that wailing and gnashing a side. And really, there’s no shame in it
of teeth about Cooper’s closet Republican because only through collective action is
corporatism, he ultimately voted the “right there hope to exert change in politics.
way.” And what did he get for his trouble? Perhaps I flatter myself to self-compare
A new round of attacks — this time from with Cooper. But it’s not all flattery, be-
the right. cause in the end, Cooper didn’t stand alone
All of sudden, the man who wasn’t or contrary on this health care debate. He
progressive enough for Nashville was being didn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the
assailed as a socialist by the right-wing tea good. He put away cynicism and embraced
party crowd, and few of his progressive something imperfect.
critics stood up to set the record straight. In that way, I wouldn’t even pretend to
While this may be a bit self-indulgent be like the congressman. Because I often
even to express, I feel a certain kinship retreat into cynicism. I frequently lack faith
with Cooper. in the system and in the possibility of true
Since I’ve been a professional blogger, reform. I stay apart from the crowd some-
I’ve been called every name in the book times because it is easier to stay away from
— and have been accused of being a Re- the messiness of compromise.
publican, a Democrat, a left-winger, a right- Contrarianism like that, for it’s own sake,
winger, a racist and a traitor. Republicans is no better than blind allegiance to ideology.
talk to me about “our” cause, and a Demo- I admire Cooper because he walks the
cratic politico once tried to lure me to the thin line between principled individualism
“dark side” of political consulting. and collective idealism, which is a place I’ve
I have had my writing rebuked publicly never been.
by conservative radio talker Steve Gill for
questioning our civilian leadership’s use Kleinheider is’s political
of the military and by liberal attorney and blogger. Visit Post Politics at

nashvillecit November 16, 2009 9

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