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Name: ________________________________________ Grade: _________________________

Writing: write a text about a job giving information about origin, responsibilities, qualifications,
requirements and opinions.

Good ______________class and teacher. Today, I’m going to talk about the job of dentist.
A doctor or physician is a person who specializes in developing and treating diseases to improve the health
of patients and they are divided into two groups: General practitioners and specialist physicians.
The first physician was an Egyptian scholar named Imhotep, between 2690 and 2610 BC. He was an
important person, holding the positions of high priest of Heliopolis and pharaoh's chaty.
At first, they were trained to combat small ailments with greater or lesser success and tried to lessen the
chronic ones, however, they could do little against the great epidemics that devastated humanity during
those years.
In modern times/currently, a doctor has to cure, or cure the patient and has an obligation of result. If the
obligation assumed is of result, his fault will consist of not reaching the promised end.
To do this job, you must also be empathic, sociable, have good reading and writing skills and must have a
strong drive, ability to work under pressure.
A dentist job can be performed in places such as ______________________________________.
In my opinion, to be a dentist is a very _________________________job because _____________________

Adjectives of mood: quiet, sociable, extroverted, logical, sensitive, sensible, responsible, practical,
meticulous, hard – working.

Adjectives of opinion: interesting, exhausting, stressful, boring, well paid, badly paid, socially accepted.

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