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The Effects of Modular Distance Learning on Students and


I decided to choose this particular topic because it is the common problem that
the students and teachers of the Philippines are now facing. In order to conduct this
study first is to do a preliminary search for information to determine whether there is
enough information out there for my needs and to set the context of my research. Next
is to locate materials and evaluate the sources of my materials. I should make sure that
the materials I use are reliable and authentic because there are some materials in the
internet that are not reliable and are fake. Third is to make notes, I will consult the
resources I have chosen and note the information that will be useful in my paper.
Fourth is to write the paper, I will begin by organizing the information I have collected.
The next step is the rough draft, wherein I will get my ideas on paper in an unfinished
fashion. This step will help me organize my ideas and determine the form my final
paper will take. After this, I will revise the draft as many times as I think necessary to
create a final product to turn in to my adviser. Fifth is to cite the sources properly,
citing or documenting the sources used in my research serves two purposes: it gives
proper credit to the authors of the materials used, and it allows those who are reading
my work to duplicate my research and locate the sources that I have listed as
references. To sum it up, before submitting everything I should proofread my work. I
will read through the text and check for any errors in spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. Make sure the sources I used are cited properly and the message that I
want to get across to the reader has been thoroughly stated.

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