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logic 1

1. Start
2. Declare WashOption,paymentMethod
3. Enter preferred car wash tier at kiosk and store to washOption
4. if WashOption ==
a.Clean(tier-1) ; charge $6.00
b.Sparkling(tier-2) ; chage $11.00
c.The Works (tier-3) ; charge $20.00
5. If paymentMethod ==
a.Cash ; goto step7
b.Debit Card ; goto step6
c.Credit Card ; goto step6
6. Debit/Credit card paymnet
a.Enter card in the kiosk
b.Enter card details
c.Enter PIN
d.Make Payment
7. Print receipt of the payment
8. Proceed to car wash
9. End

Logic 2
3.Scan the chip on windshield
4.Identify the subscription and check counter
5.If counter is
a. equal or greater to 2 ;Pay regular rates
a. less than 2 ;Pay rates according to vip subscription

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