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Traffic Levels at the End of 2016

Studio : Good morning viewers. You watched Headline News on Monday, 22nd December, 2016 at 08:00
am with me, Amelia Linton. Headline News this time will preach news of traffic jam which often
becomes a major problem for big cities in England, not to mention congestion in London area to
Manchester which becomes subscription of congestion. On a typical day the volume of vehicles already
increases and becomes crowded in this area, especially during the long holiday in the end of 2016 and
the beginning of 2017. In the direction of London to Manchester, the volume of vehicles looks
increasingly overflowing. Congestion is not only happening in the big streets but also happens in Leaden
Hall Highway from London to Manchester. Congestion this time is accompanied by heavy rain that
flushes the area of Manchester and the surrounding areas starting this morning that causes flood
around Manchester, not least in Leaden Hall Highway, Manchester. This affects the congestion that is
getting worse from the direction of London to Manchester. Well, we will connect with my colleague
Thea Collins on Leaden Hall Highway, Manchester.

Reporter : Thanks to Amelia. Good morning viewers, I am currently on Leaden Hall Highway,
Manchester. The congestion in this area has become a subscription and becomes a major problem for
motorcyclists and cars, because this bottleneck hampers the activities of the surrounding community,
especially in the morning. Especially now is the holiday season at the end of 2016 and the beginning of
2017 , which affects the traffic congestion is increasingly severe in this Manchester area. Viewers, here
not only happens congestion, but also heavy rain that flushed this area since at 07:00 am. The rain that
has flushed this area seemed thorough in the area around Manchester causing a long traffic jam up to
about 7 km from the direction of London to Manchester. This jam has occured almost 2 hours. Rain also
makes the complex of houses near the highway in Manchester flooded to a height of 30-40 cm. Heavy
rain also results in roads around the perforated Manchester and disrupts the road users. It is very
dangerous especially for two-wheeled riders. The worst congestion occurs from the flyover near the
Super Mall to the red light intersection of White End Street. This can be seen from the volume of both
four-wheeled vehicles that have filled this street since this morning. So, for you who want to take a
vacation or just passing in the area of Manchester, it’d better choose other alternative routes because
the congestion is expected to last until noon if the rain stops and water inundated areas around
Manchester gradually recedes. Thus report from Leaden Hall Highway, Manchester. I am Thea Collins
and the cameraman Mason Williams reported, back to the studio, Amelia.

Studio : All right. Thanks to Thea Collins who has reported the congestion that happened in Leaden Hall
Highway, Manchester. Viewers, this is Headline News for today. You can follow the next development in
Headline News one hour ahead. I am Amelia Linton retreat. See you.

Tingkat Lalu Lintas pada Akhir Tahun 2016

Studio : Selamat pagi pemirsa. Anda menonton Headline News pada hari Senin, 22 Desember 2016 pukul
08:00 pagi dengan saya, Amelia Linton. Headline News kali ini akan memberitakan berita lalu lintas yang
menjadi masalah utama bagi kota-kota besar di Inggris, terutama kemacetan di daerah London ke
Manchester yang menjadi langganan kemacetan lalu lintas. Arah London ke Manchester, volume
kendaraan terlihat semakin meluap. Kemacetan tidak hanya terjadi di jalan-jalan besar tapi juga terjadi
di Leaden Hall Highway dari London sampai Manchester. Hal ini mempengaruhi kemacetan yang
semakin memburuk dari arah London ke Manchester. Baiklah, kita akan terhubung dengan rekan saya
Thea Collins di Leaden Hall Highway, Manchester.

Reporter : Terima kasih Amelia. Selamat pagi pemirsa, saat ini saya berada di Leaden Hall Highway,
Manchester. Kemacetan di daerah ini telah menjadi langganan dan menjadi masalah utama bagi
pengendara sepeda motor dan mobil, karena kemacetan ini menghambat aktivitas masyarakat sekitar
terutama di pagi hari. Ditambah lagi sekarang adalah musim liburan di akhir 2016 dan awal 2017, yang
mempengaruhi kemacetan lalu lintas semakin parah di kawasan Manchester ini. Pemirsa, disini tidak
hanya terjadi kemacetan, tapi juga hujan deras di daerah ini sejak pukul 07.00 WIB. Hujan juga sempat
membanjiri daerah sekitar Manchester. Jaraknya sekitar 7 km dari arah London ke Manchester. Hujan ini
sudah berlangsung hampir 2 jam. Hujan juga membanjiri kompleks rumah di dekat jalan raya di
Manchester dengan ketinggian 30-40 cm. Hujan deras juga berujung pada jalan di sekitar Manchester
yang berlubang dan mengganggu pengguna jalan. Hal ini sangat berbahaya terutama bagi pengendara
roda dua. Kemacetan terburuk berada di flyover Super Mall ke persimpangan lampu merah di Jalan
White End. Ini bisa dilihat dari volume kendaraan roda empat yang sudah memenuhi jalan ini sejak pagi
ini. Jadi, bagi Anda yang ingin berlibur atau sekedar lewat di daerah Manchester, lebih baik memilih jalur
alternatif lain karena kemacetan diperkirakan akan berlangsung hingga siang hari jika hujan berhenti dan
daerah air tergenang di sekitar Manchester berangsur surut. Laporan dari Leaden Hall Highway,
Manchester. Saya adalah Thea Collins dan juru kamera Mason Williams melaporkan, kembali ke studio,

Studio : Baiklah. Terima kasih kepada Thea Collins atas laporan kemacetan yang terjadi di Leaden Hall
Highway, Manchester. Pemirsa, inilah Headline News untuk hari ini. Anda bisa mengikuti perkembangan
selanjutnya di Headline News satu jam ke depan. Saya Amelia Linton mohon undur diri. Sampai jumpa.
Demikianlah contoh teks reporter berita dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga contoh tersebut dapat
bermanfaat. Terima kasih.


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