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A Research Study

Presented to

Senior High School Department


In partial of the Requirements of

HOME Economics(H.E 12-A) on

Inquiries,Investigate and Immersion

Sejismundo,Charisse Lou L.

Echavez,Angela Rose C.

Garupil,Jeraldin C.

Catalan, Moh.Alkhater D.

Dolong, Midzna A.


Background of the study

Educational either function as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of

the younger generations into te logic of presentation system and bring about comformity
or it becomes “The practice of freedom’’.That means by which women and men deal
critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation
of their world.(Shaull 1970 p.34)

Teacher and education scholar are accustomed to dischotomis between content and
process coverage and inquing skill development and individual creativity and order and
and dissaray.We often deal with such dichotomies by a ‘Some of both’ approach series
of semi-independent balancing acts in which the balance depends on local
circumtances and preferences and is often strained in fact these dichotomies are all
fact of a move general oppositions the one about freire wrote.
An opposite between ‘integration and freedom’
This essay addressess the posibility that there is a way to conceive and enact education
that doesn’t inevitably set integration and freedom in opposition and counterbalance the
tendency of the human brain to contruct binaries.(Dewey 1897 p.78)

In module learing maybe student could’nt get the right ideas of the task.Thus student
experience difficulties in their modular thus the impact of the modular learning of
student in (H.E)-12 stressed about on the requirements that was they needed for their
activities that should be well expressed more thougths for their application in their
major.Despite of this challenging situation the classes continue through the modular
conduct setting.
Statement of the problem

The study focused to learn the effect of modular learning on the laboratory
practical assessment of GRADE 12 (HE-A) student toward specialization.Specificall this
study aimed to answer some following.

1.What is the profile of GRADE 12-HE student of Vitali National High School?

2. What are effect of modular learning on the laboratory practical assessment of Grade-
12 (HE) student of Vitali National High School?

This study focused on identifying several factors that will influence the interest
and attitude of Grade 12 HE Students toward specialization. Hence, this study is
beneficial to different factors namely; the students, teachers, and future researchers.

Senior high students -This study will be beneficial to SHS students since this
provides them knowledge, engagement, learning, and growth achievement.

Teachers - Teachers will also benefit in this study because can address certain
factors regarding the condition of school facilities which is important in the performance
of students, thus affecting their effectiveness as teachers.

Future Researchers – This study will beneficial to future researchers who will be
addressing similar problem. Researchers can widely identify in the issues with
subordinates and school administrator. As the future researchers’ go further this
research improven infomation will serve as their related topic.

Scope and delimitation

This study only focused on Home Economics (H.E) student enrolled in Vitali
NationalHigh School Year 2021-2022.

The study will be impeded in searching the effect of modular learning on the laboratory
practical assessment of Grade-12 Home Economics (H.E) students of Viatali National
High School.This study will be needed to address certain factors.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which provided
insights in the conduct of the research study.It also included the conceptial frame
work,hypothesis,and operational definitions of key variables and other terms.

Review of related Literature

Technology advancements have made break through innovations in current era

and huge differences in human lies. Variations in the technological advancement are
consistent and will be continued in the future. Such progressions have made mark in
every sector such us government, services, banking, medicine and even education
management. Guspatni (2018) reported that students developed positive learning
perceptions regarding the use of social applications that deliver synchronous discussion
platform. Hi-tech practices in academia have created dynamic impact on learning
capability and effectiveness of students. Decades before, the integretion of education
and technology led to emergence of e-learning, of which m-learning is a more
pronouced form (Alioon & Delialioglu, 2015). The thought of m-learning has already
been rooted deeply in academic sector and has remarkably improved educational
competence of students, especially those who opt to obtain distance learning (Jin,
Zhang,& Lou, 2017;Ahmed & Parsons, 2013). Distant learners or those who used to
acquire knowledge through virtual education are now able to get access to personalized
learning through portable, ubiquitous and flexible sources. This eventually develops
students to have effective understanding just as attained through conventional class
room environment (Miller & Cuevas, 2017;Alion 7 Delialioglu, 2015).
M-learning as an innovative instructional pedagogy plays critical role in assisting
student to become efficacious in developing complex mental frameworks and
understand the content accurately (Males, Bate, & Macnish, 2017;Ng & Nicholas, 2013).
Thomas and Orthober (2011) and Huang, Lin, and Cheng (2010) established positive
association between suitable use of mobile technology and learners configuration
headed to learning along with educational achievements. Students tend to score high
who incorporate mobile devices for learnig than those who acquire knowledge through
traditional text books ( Wilkinson & Barter, 2016). In a longitudinal study conducted on
students in Taiwan, a contrast of mobile and conventional learning was established.

M- learning gives opportunity to obtain just – in –time and highly personalized

learning that can be obtained anytime and and anywhere (Emerson & Berge, 2018).
Flexibility is gained in terms of access to learning content and interaction with the
teacher irrespective of time and location. The fast proliferation of ubiquitous learning
using mobile technologies offers great opportunity for innovative learning, enabling
students to be prepared for future (Panjburee & Srisawasdi, 2018). Mobile devices have
greater academic potential that fulfill concerns for ubiquitous learning anytime and
anywhere (Fuegen, 2012). Flexibilty provides portability and accessibility for students
and leaves affirmative immersion of students’ learning and support inquiry- based
understanding of the concepts (Chang & Hwang, 2018). A huge population of students
is facilitated for distant learning,benefits from both the perspective of pedagogy and
scheduling.Students who gain virtual learning highly value flexibility,due to enhanced
mobility and portability of mobile devices (Kumar Jena
&Pokhrel,2017;Nie,Armellini,Witthaus,&Barklamb,20011).Integration of mobile devices
with education is a tremendous collaboration that allows maximum learning flexibility for
distant learners and teachers,(Sulaiman & Dashti,2018).M-learning pedagogy delivers
online learning with greater extent of flexibility,subsequently,m-learners take advantage
of access to knowledge resources and digital learning content in mean time
(fakomogbon & Bolaji,2017).This flexibility genarated as a result of mobile enabled
education assisst students in engaging in adaptive activities foe coping up with the
needs of dynamic learning (Hamdan & Ben-Chaban,2013).

Flexible learning creates climate of learning empowerment,where all learners are

regarded as “co-creators of knowlegde” also give away to conduct face- to-face virtual
interactive sessions that boost learning (Niculescu,Rees,Gash,2017).One of the
significant characteristic of flexible learning is moving beyond the borders of formal
concepts transform conventional learning to open learning (Li,2018;Ryan & Tilbury,
2013).Flexible learning provides student diverse choices concerning wher,and when
and how to learn (Gordon,2014) and assist in terms of interaction with instructor,time
management,learning materials and assessment (Palmer,2011).Wireless connectivity
inherently boosts flexibility for mean time communication and learning.These series of
activities and characteristics lead to improved performance of learners scholastically
and achievement of outstanding grades in their course assessment (Jacob &
Isaac,2014).Flexibility results in effective self-study, aids learner in seeking knowledge
in just in time at their own strides and helps to retain information for longer time periods
(Grenier,2018).Resultantly,learners are able to apply their thoughts under the different
circumstances for resolving problems (Trifonova & Ronchetti,2006).

M-learning was found to be more effective in supporting students to achieve best

learning was found to be more effective in supporting students to archive best learning
outcomes and improve their performance than the traditional learning approaches.
Related studies

Modular learning arranges information in a way that presents paints in an intelligent

way,and it can be individualized according to learners needs.Traditional course
framework generally present information sequentially, and the perception by the learner
is one of the monotony.Traditional courses often intersperse quizzes after some
prescribed reading or lecturing is offered.Modular courses tend to use learning object
that are more closely related to a holistic approach to information,often including a
problem oriented approach (Tseng,Su,Hwang,tsai,2008).

Sahin (2009) explained that the problem-based learning involves teaching how to
resolve problems that exist in the real world through experiental learning. It is often
accomplished through the use of scenarios,students developed an unfavorble view of
the modular approach after having exposure to it in introductory physics classes.The
unfavorable view appeared to arise bacause students felt that the instruction of physics
is best accomplised through memorization of material that the learner gets from texts
and instructor knowledge.Any favorable view the students expressed solely centered on
how physics was connected to real life,and how how it connects to other subjects like
math .While some confounding variables may have been present (e.g course
load,grading variations, etc.) finding where significant.

Dochy (1989),explained the modular learning’s most important consideration is the

student.The author explained that the learners want a more individualized approach to
the course content so that his/her prior knowledge and personal characteristics are
taken into account.Further,modularization will generally allow the learner to skip
modules if they already know the material.Offering pre-test for each module is therefore
a critical element to modularization.If the student achieves as passing score,they may
skip the section.If he or she does not taken the section,a post test is administered.Only
upon successful completion can the student continue on with the next module in the
course.Douchy pointed out that modular learning is often best achieved through
computer based courses.
Conceptual framework

Figure 1 shows the perception of Grade-12 Home Economics A Student of Vitali

National High School on Work of Laboratory Practical Assessment.

Perception of Grade-12 Home

Economics Student of Vitali National Memorizing on
High School on Work of Laboratory Laboratory Practical
Assessment. Pressure.

Practical of Home Economics

Student of VNHS on Work of
Laboratory Practical Assessment.

D.Parents incomes
Figure 1.Show the perception of Grade-12 Home Economics Students in Work of
Laboratory Practical Assessment.

Figure 1 show the profile of the Grade-12 Home Economics Students in Work of
Memorizing on Laboratory Practical Assessment.The profile of Grade -12 Home
Ecomics Students of Vitali National High School served as the intervening factor.
Operational Dfinition of Key Variables and Other Terms

In order to have a better understanding of this study,the following key variables and
terms were operational defined;

Age-the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed

Gender-either of two sexes (male or female)

Family Status-is defined as the status of being in a parent and child realationship.

Family Income-means all income receive by all members of the family.

Perception-is the organization,identification’and interpretation of sensory information in

order to represent and understand the presented information,or the environment.

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