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Site Analysis

1. Primary node- Playground and Banyan Tree

2. Secondary node-secondary entry of UVCE Architecture block- potential for enlivening a dead
space by creating an activity hub -exhibition spaces
3. Existing natural vistas with tree canopies terminating in the Majestic Banyan Tree and
4. Mostly moderately tall trees- corresponding to G+2/3 building height- to be shown
graphically-determines building massing
5. The visual axis connects the external landscape to the internal landscape and further to the
nodes - one of the primary tenets of the concept
6. Context-
a. Landscape
b. Nondescript and neutral architectural character of existing buildings – a backdrop to
create something interesting and lively
7. Maximum retention of trees
8. Minimise the possible noise in future from the road junction-by blocking it by buildings
9. Mildly sloping site-put to advantage by creating an internal plaza with minor level
differences- walkable
10. Attempt to create transparency in the built form by bringing external landscape indoors
11. Attempt to create changing vistas at every nook and corner
12. Trees have been framed in courtyards wherever possible, as transition elements between
inside and outside.

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