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Q1 – It symbolizes the people’s reverence & acknowledgement of Jesus’ power, authority and status.

In my opinion, we acknowledge the proof of God’s glory & faithfulness thru the lives of our elders,
whom we seek to bless us & our children. We hope that they may impart to us those blessings they

Q2 – Children are straightforward, unbiased on the way they think and overly dependent; they never
doubt nor contradict whatever their parents teach them.

A1 – I do my best to apply & obey God’s commandments by means of keeping it plain & simple on
complying with it, avoiding to compromise and hesitate to do what He want us to do.

Q3 – It was not customary for Jews to use the word “good” when addressing a rabbi, a word with
very high spiritual meaning attached.”

Q4 – No. In contrary, Jesus is asking the man if he truly means how he addressed Him.

Q5 – The last commandment - Deuteronomy 5:21

Covet – to desire / yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another)

The key term that the Lord Jesus is pointing out is the term “covet”, the young man’s hesitation to
part ways from his treasure puts his heart in an obvious state of his desire for it far more greater
than his desire to genuinely acquire eternal life.
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not set your desire on your neighbor’s house
or land, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

A – Honestly, in the financial aspect of our life. I tend to silently ponder, compare my situation to my
other peers and question God on his plans on my life, having seen the better situation of those
people around me. I overcome these struggles through praying, reading the Bible and hearing
teachings & sermons related on how I should modify the way I see things in accordance to God’s
righteousness & glory.

A – I feel I had to give up my desire to pursue the life I dreamt of by my own terms. It was a hard
ones because that’s how it was done by the people around me and had yielded a favorable result on
them. My family and my brethren in Christ helped & continuously helping me on it. I believe Yes,
experiencing and overcoming the trials that I have encountered through the help of our Lord that
enabled me to be like this as of this moment.

Q6 – Not necessarily. Rather, our Lord Jesus is implying that we check our hearts and see for
ourselves that our desire to obey & follow Him is genuine and sincere; that no other things,
especially worldly matters, should be a hindrance or may cause us to become hesitant on obeying

A – I remind myself that I was saved by God’s grace and not by my works when I encounter and
socialize with people who are unbelievers, having a great opposition on how I believe things should
be and those who are in need of my help.
How do I ensure that I maintain a balance between grace and good works?

Firstly, I seek the Lord’s help & guidance, acknowledging that only through Him, can I be able to do
good works. Then, I also remind myself that above any other purpose, the main reason I have to
perform such deed is for His name to be glorified. Despite all the praises & adoration we receive
from those whom we helped, we always acknowledge that it is through Him that we are able to do
it. And lastly, as a deed is completed, I pray a prayer of thanksgiving everyday.

Q7 – During that time, the Jews firmly clings on the interpretation that being wealthy equals being
blessed and favored by God. The misinterpretation is that if you are poor, then God’s favor is not
with you, often viewed as caused by personal sin. (Deuteronomy 28)

Q8 -People, over time, viewed following the Law as a means of obtaining wealth, overshadowing its
true purpose, which is to express love for the Almighty One.

Q9 – We see it through prosperity gospels & teachings.

Q10 – 2 Corinthians 8:9 / Jesus, despite having the ability to

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