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Q1. What is honey? https://youtu.


Ans. Call it a natural sweetener or taste enhancer, honey is something that’s easily available in the
market and is healthy too! It is not just a sweetener but much more than that. It has a very long history
and is known for its medicinal properties while being called an all-rounder of nature’s best remedies. The
taste and texture of this sweet nectar makes it exceptional for various types of recipes. Till now, you might
have seen only one or two types of honey that too in texture and colour which depend on the processing
methods and therapeutic application. However, depending on the source of the nectar, the composition of
honey can make a difference in texture as well as taste. Today, over 300 varieties of honey are available
in the market which has several health benefits related to them. Here is a guide to different types of honey
for you that will let you know, which one is the best.

Q2.How honey is made?

Ans.This natural sweetener is nothing but the sweet nectar of different kinds of flowers, on which the
honeybees feed. This nectar is stored in their honey stomach and the honeybees take it back to their
hives. In the hive, they process the honey in order to evaporate all the water (by constantly fanning their
wings) and then store in the honeycombs. It is in the honeycombs that pure honey is made.

Reason Of Honey Crystallization

Source of Nectar
Mustard honey Crystallize Quickly
Arcia & jamun honey does not freeze soon.
The temperature is also a reason because the honeycomb rocks keep the temperature upto 36
Natural honey consist of dust , bee pollen & wax particle which help honey to crystallize
Honey is a mixture of monosecrize consisting of dextrose (glucose) and levulose (fructose)
which is found in different amounts in each flower. If the glucose is high in the flower the honey
will crystallize quickly.

Reason Of Honey Never Crystallization

High Heat
Ultra Filteration
Use Chemical
Corn Syrup & Rice Syrup mix.
Iodine Test


Take a spoon full of honey, add some water and a few drops of iodine
Mix it well
Observe if it changes to blue color


If the honey turns blue it is bogus! Your honey is mixed with some other things like starch or flour in it

ABSTRACT. The plants foraged by bees for honey production vary from place to place in the diverse
flora of India.
This paper reports a palynological study of honey from eight sites of agriculture and urbanisation in the
Plain of Uttar Pradesh (UP), and presents data from similar studies done in India.

Interesting honey facts

This delicious yet magical substance is much more than what you think of it. Believe it or not, there are
some mind-boggling facts about honey that most might not know about. It is believed that honey never
spoils, provided you keep it in an air-tight jar. Also, you will be surprised to know that to produce one
pound of honey, honey bees must collect the nectar from two million flowers. Another interesting yet
surprising fact about honey is that a honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by man.

Type Of honey

The quality and character of honey, whether multifloral, monofloral, or bifloral, largely indicates the
changing pattern of vegetation in a particular area, and can furnish decadal to century-scale information
about the vegetational changes induced by climate or anthropopression.

Different Kind of honey in north india

Rapeseed / Mustard Honey, Eucalyptus Honey, Lychee Honey, Sunflower Honey, Karanj / Pongamia
Honey, Multi-flora Himalayan Honey, Acacia Honey, Wild Flora Honey, Multi and Mono floral Honey are
some of the major varieties of Natural Honey.
Honey is available in which area

No. State Production Major Source

1 Andra Pradesh 31.66 Soap nut, Coriander, Niger tamarind
mixed forest flora
2 Arunachal - -
3 Assam 218.16 Mustard, citrus, mixed flora,
4 Bihar 570.06 Litchi, karanj, mustard mixed flora
5 Goa 0.08 Cashew and other plantation mixed
6 Gujarat 21.41 Mixed cultivated and forest flora
7 Haryana 27.59 Mustard eucalyptus, berseem, sun flower
8 Himachal 37.77 Orchard and mixed forest flora
9 Jammu & 41.46 Acacia, sulah, orchard flora
10 Karnataka 257.01 Rubber, coffee Angela, mixed forest flora
11 Kerala 265.19 Rubber, cordaum, forest flora
12 Madhya Pradesh 15.2 Cultivated and forest flora

13 Maharashtra 56.08 Jamul, hold, gala forest flora

14 Manipur 90.4 Citrus and forest flora
15 Meghalaya 34.8 Orange and forest flora
16 Mizoram 12.2 Forest Flora
17 Nagaland 9.2 Forest flora
18 Orissa 297377 Mustard forest flora
19 Punjab 74.34 Mustard eucalyptus berseem, sun flower
20 Rajasthan 0.8 Cultivated and forest flora
21 Sikkim 4.58 Orchard and mixed forest flora

22 Tamilnadu 612.71 Rubber card urn, taming forest flora

23 Tripura 18.9 Rubber and forest flora
24 Uttar Pradesh 128.23 Mustard eucalyptus, berseem, sun flower
25 West Bengal 442.85 Mustard, litchi and forest flora

26 Delhi 3.41 Cultivated flora

27 Pondicherry 5 Cultivated flora
Total 3282.3
Types of Honey and which one is the healthiest

Jamun Honey
Made from the extracts of Jamun, it contains low glycaemic index which makes this honey consumable
for diabetic patients.

Litchi Honey
This is a gluten-free version of honey. In India, this honey type is sourced from the organic litchi orchards
of Muzaffarpur (UP) and is very light. You can use this honey for digestion-related issues.

Eucalyptus Honey

This honey has a warm woody flavour and is sourced from the flowers of eucalyptus. It is known to be
highly effective in alleviating mild cough, chest congestion, headache and digestion.

Clover Honey

This is a type of classic honey and has floral yet sweet notes. This honey contains a huge amount of
antioxidants and is known for its healing properties. This honey is also helpful in regulating blood pressure
and cholesterol. Mr. Samarth Garg, Founder of HoneyTub believes, “Honey is good for health as it is
believed that honey mobilizes stored fat. When the fat is burnt during the daily chores, it helps reduce
weight. Honey added with lemon juice increases fat metabolism as lemon juice is loaded with Vitamin C.”

Acacia Honey

It’s a sweet yet very clean type of honey that comes from the Black Locust tree in America. This honey is
very popular among honey connoisseurs as it has higher fructose concentration with low sucrose levels,
which makes it the best choice for diabetic patients.

Rosemary Honey

A little light yellow in colour, rosemary honey has a strong sweet flavour. It is mostly used in cosmetics to
provide moisture to the skin. Not just that, it also provides assistance in cardiovascular diseases and
digestion issues.
Benefits of different kinds of honey ( multi, wild, litchi, eucalyptus, mustard, neem, jamun)

Benefits of Multi Flora Honey:

Our range of multi flora honey is 100% natural and pure.

Natural multi flora honey helps in improving immunity.
Reduces anti bacterial irritation.
Decreases the state of hypertension.
Multi flora honey has high spreadability.

Benefits of Litchi Honey:

benefits of litchi honey. superbee litchi honey amazing benefits. Natural honey Contains vitamins and
minerals assists in reducing cough and throat irritation as it has antibacterial and antifungal properties and
phytonutrients. Honey aids in proper functioning of the digestive system and also helps in reducing
weight. Provides energy and strengthens immunity. Stay fit, feel young and enhance athletic

Benefits of Jamun Honey

Health benefits of Jamun Honey

1. Good For diabetic people.
2. low glycemic index.
3. Treats high blood pressure
4. Good for Skin conditions.
5. Prevents periodontal infections.
6. Inhibit ulcers and prevent cancer.
7. rich source of antioxidants.
8. Anti-inflammatory effects.
9. Cures cardiovascular diseases and
improves eyesight.
10. Used as a calming and sedative

Benefits of Eucalyptus Honey

The health benefits of the eucalyptus honey are many - anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant,
deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and stimulating.

Benefits of Mustard Honey:

Lower cholesterol Level.

Pure Mustard Honey reduces the risk of heart attacks.
Best for sore throat and cough.
Helps us to maintain glycogen levels in the body.
Used as a raw material in many foods.
For body massage.

Benefits of Neem Honey:

Neem honey is highly esteemed in Ayurveda used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions,
periodontal and throat infections, allergies, treatment of rheumatism, chronic sores and indolent ulcers. It
can be applied topically to heal wounds and rashes, acne, internally to treat infections and other health
concerns. It promotes body and digestive health, is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune
system, itching, eliminates allergies, balances sugar levels, relieves pain, and calms nerves. It is antiviral,
anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, an expectorant and anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and has been known to
effectively treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma.

Taste and texture and look of different kinds of honey ?

Most people are familiar with clover honey. Clover is an abundant flower that bees love to visit and gather
nectar to take back to the hive. The bees take this nectar and stir it and fan it until the water content drops
and it becomes the thick syrupy goodness we love to enjoy in various ways. This is the taste that most
people associate with honey. Mildly sweet with a pleasant taste.
Now picture instead a field of lavender. Lavender has a very distinct smell. The smell is one of the
properties of lavender that makes it unique. I'm sure you can imagine that honey produced primarily from
this flower might taste drastically different than honey produced from clover blossoms.
Raw honey can vary in color from very dark to almost colorless depending on floral source. Color can also
be affected by age as honey generally gets darker with age. Another factor in honey color is the
crystallization process. Honey generally appears lighter when crystallized
And that leaves us with texture. Texture can be dependent on the floral source. Clover honey tends to
have a creamy consistency while almond and dandelion are very coarse. This is caused by the difference
in properties of the nectar source. Some have a much lower water content and vary in chemical
composition. And that is why honey varies in taste, color, and texture..

Consistency Color Flavor

Acacia fluid golden yellow mild, floral notes
Alfalfa moderately thick yellow to amber less sweet than other
varieties, spicy nuances
Avocado silky, smooth, rich dark amber complex with warm, toasty
Buckwheat thick, rich dark, ebony colored malty, spicy, intense
Blueberry smooth, buttery amber toasty with herbal notes
Chestnut gooey, thick amber to very dark malty and herbal, less
brown sweet than other varieties
Clover crystallizes quickly, white to pale yellow floral and mild
spreadable, smooth or amber
Eucalyptus thick, rich light to dark amber herbal nuances with cool
and complex flavor
Forest gooey, rarely crystallizes amber toless
brownthan other varieties, spicy and intense aroma
Orange Blossom smooth, creamy light to medium dark fruity, mild floral notes
Sage smooth, rarely crystallizes delicate,
light amber
fruity to herbal nuances, less sweet than other varieties

Shelf life of different kinds of honey

suggests shelf life of 2 years, 3 years or even up to 5 years. Not many consumers realize that many
honey varietals crystallize over time on the shelf and exhibit changes in color and appearance. Though
honey crystallization is a natural and harmless process, most consumers do not perceive the darkening of
honey and the formation of sugar crystals in honey positively. In this case a "best before date" on the jar
does help in indicating "freshness" of the honey and address customer's expectations to a certain extent.
So, the "best before date" in a way signals to the customers whether or not the honey jar has been sitting
on the shelf for too long. Well, you wouldn't want to end up wondering if you have bought a honey jar that
has been left on the shelf for years even if you know honey remains edible for indefinite years.

Different uses of honey

Honey Citrus Syrups: Sooth Sore Throat And Flu

Lemon-Honey: Colds
Cinnamon-honey: Overall Wellness
Ginger-honey: Sore Stomach
Clove-honey: Toothache
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey: Acid Reflux
Honey Heel Moisturizer: Dry, Cracked Heels
Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub: Dry Skin
Honey and Yogurt Face Mask: Acne
Honey and Coconut Water Drink: Sore Muscles
Honey and Sugar Cream: Athlete’s Foot
Honey and Lemon: Weight Loss
Adulteration of Honey
Honey is sometimes adulterated by the addition of other sugars, syrups, or compounds to change its
flavor or viscosity, reduce cost, or increase the fructose content to stave off crystallization. The practice
was common dating back to ancient times, when honey was sometimes blended with plant syrups such
as maple, birch, or sorghum and sold to customers as pure honey. Sometimes crystallized honey was
mixed with flour or other fillers, hiding the adulteration from buyers until the honey was liquefied. In
modern times the most common adulterant has become clear, almost-flavorless corn syrup; the
adulterated mixture can be very difficult to distinguish from pure honey.

According to the Codex Alimentarius of the United Nations, any product labeled as "honey" or "pure
honey" must be a wholly natural product, although labeling laws differ between countries. In the United
States, according to the National Honey Board (NHB) supervised by the United States Department of
Agriculture),"honey stipulates a pure product that does not allow for the addition of any other substance...
this includes, but is not limited to, water or other sweeteners".

Isotope ratio mass spectrometry can be used to detect addition of corn syrup and cane sugar by the
carbon isotopic signature. Addition of sugars originating from corn or sugar cane (C4 plants, unlike the
plants used by bees, and also sugar beet, which are predominantly C3 plants) skews the isotopic ratio of
sugars present in honey, but does not influence the isotopic ratio of proteins. In an unadulterated honey,
the carbon isotopic ratios of sugars and proteins should match. Levels as low as 7% of addition can be

Food Article Adulterant Harmful Effects

Honey Molasses sugar (sugar plus water) Stomach disorder

Harmful effects on health of eating adulterated honey

Adulterated Honey Consumption can Induce Obesity, Increase Blood Glucose Level and Demonstrate
Toxicity Effects. The effects of adulterated honey consumption towards human health is not widely
known; mainly due to lack of systematic and scientific studies and low public awareness.
Honey is a natural complex food product produced by bees from nectar of plants. It is a unique
sweetening agent that can be used by humans without processing. Honey adulteration is a complex
problem in the world in general and in our country in particular, which has a significant economic impact; it
can be caused by the addition of different cheap foreign materials. Adulteration or the addition of foreign
substances to honey are such as; sugar, molasses, water, banana, wheat and maize syrup or flour in
Ethiopia. Being a natural product, the composition of honey is highly variable because of adulteration.
Hence adulteration of honey often takes place alter physicochemical and rheology of honey, resulting in
reduction in its nutritive and medicinal value, the methods of discrimination of adulterant, accurate
quantification of the adulterants, must have been employed for producing high quality of honey and free
from any foreign addition.
Difference between Pure honey & impure honey

Pure Honey
Impure Honey
Pure Honey is thick . impure honey will be runny
Pure Honey sticks to the surface it is Place a small amount of honey on your thumb
applied to and doesn't drip away and check if spills or spreads around like any
other liquid. If it does, it may not be pure.

Pure honey which has a more dense Take a teaspoon of the honey and put in a glass
texture will settle right at the bottom of the full of water. Fake or adulterated honey will
glass as lumps. dissolve in the water

You may have not known this, but pure If it doesn't light, it may be adulterated and may
honey is inflammable. Although, we'll also contain some amount of moisture added
request to you observe utmost caution while contamination.
while performing this test and do it at your
own risk. Take a dry matchstick and dip it
in honey. Strike the matchstick against the
matchbox. If it lights, your honey is pure.

Take a small piece of old, hard bread and If there is a lot of water in the honey, the bread
submerge it in the honey. If, when you will soften.
remove it 10 minutes later, the bread is
still hard, then the honey is pure.

If you heat pure honey, it will caramelise If you have iodine at home, take some honey,
quickly and not become foamy mix it with water, and add a few drops of iodine.
If the solution turns blue, then the honey has
been adulterated with some sort of starch or

10 Honey Benefits

1. Natural Energy Booster 6. Cures Hangover
Noticed how a sugar high leads to a rapid
energy crash and burn more often than not?
It’s time to ditch the energy drinks and forget It's a familiar feeling... a heavy head, raging
your coffee fix. Use honey instead of sugars thirst, waves of nausea, over sensitivity to light
and sweeteners in your tea, baked goodies or and noise? Yes, it's the dreaded hangover!
spread to it on a hot toast. Its natural sugars Fret not, honey is here to rescue you. Just a
even prevent fatigue during exercise, so it is few tablespoons of honey will help speed up
also good for improving athletic performance. your body’s metabolism and help you combat
The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body that hangover, since fructose helps speed up
quickly, giving an immediate energy boost, the oxidation of alcohol by the liver. The NYU
while the fructose provides sustained energy Langone Medical Center reveals that taking
since it is absorbed more slowly. Honey has honey orally can, "increase the body's ability to
also been found to keep levels of blood sugar metabolise alcohol, thereby limiting intoxication
fairly constant in comparison to other types of and more rapidly reducing alcohol blood
sugar. levels."
2. Treats Cough 7. Prevents Heart Diseases
According to a 2012 study published in the “Consumption of natural honey increases
Journal Pediatrics (and my grandmother), just polyphonic antioxidants in the blood which
two teaspoons of honey can help cure a helps prevent heart diseases”, adds Dr. Manoj
persistent cough. Thanks to its antimicrobial K. Ahuja, Sukhda Hospital. It can also help
properties, honey not only soothes the throat, lower cholesterol levels.
but also kills certain bacteria which cause the
infection. If you don't wish to eat honey straight
up, you can add Manuka UMF honey to warm
water. What is Manuka UMF honey? Manuka
Honey is produced in Australia and New
Zealand from the nectar of the manuka tree,
and UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor i.e.
a grading system that assures purity and
quality of manuka honey.
3. Improves Sleep 8. Honey forWeight Loss
Do you lie awake all night staring at the ceiling,
tossing and turning? Use the famous milk and
It is believed that drinking warm water with
honey remedy to fall asleep quickly. All you
honey and a splash of lime first thing in the
need to do is add a teaspoon of honey to a
morning is an effective anti-cellulite treatment,
glass of hot milk. Honey releases serotonin (a
as it helps to increase body metabolism. But
neurotransmitter that improves your mood),
with 64 calories per tablespoon, how can
and “the body converts serotonin into
honey help you shed those extra pounds?
melatonin (a chemical compound that
According to a 2010 study published in the
regulates the length and quality of sleep”, says
Journal of the American College of Nutrition,
Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Sukhda Hospital. You can
honey helps control your appetite. If you
also add a teaspoon (or two) of honey to a cup
consume honey before bed, the body begins to
of chamomile tea, if you’d prefer.
burn more fat during those early hours of
sleep. You can even take a step further and
replace all refined sugar in your diet with honey
in order to rebalance the brain signal that
compels you to consume more sweet stuff.
4. Treats Wounds And Burns 9. Honey for Fabulous Skin

Honey is made up of mostly glucose and

fructose that absorb water if applied on Honey is a fantastic moisturiser and works
wounds. It helps promote healing, making it a wonders on patches of dry skin. You can use it
natural first aid cure for wounds, burns and to soften up your knees and elbows, even
cuts. Honey’s antiseptic properties inhibit the chapped lips. During the cold winter months,
growth of certain bacteria and help keep just rub some honey onto your face and wash
external wounds free from infection. It helps off after 30 minutes. You can even create a
reduce swelling, pain and even scarring as it moisturising scrub - all you need to do is add
works as an anti-inflammatory as well. A 2005 some sugar and voila! It works as a natural
study published in the British Journal of exfoliator. Give your skin the benefit of honey's
Surgery showed remarkable improvement after powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and
applying honey to the affected areas. ultra-moisturising properties.
5. Honey for Immunity 10. Treats Dandruff
According to a 2001 study published in the
European Journal of Medical Research,
Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial honey can bring temporary relief to the
properties help improve the digestive system scalp by targeting dandruff. The study found
and boost immunity. It is also a powerhouse of that applying honey diluted with 10 percent
antioxidants, which are very effective for the
warm water to problem areas and leaving it
removal of free radicals from the body. “Start
on for three hours before rinsing, led to itch
your day by adding a spoonful of honey and
lemon juice (from half a lemon) to a cup of relief and no scaling within a week. Skin
warm water. Drink this cleansing tonic before lesions healed within two weeks and
breakfast to reap the benefits”, says Delhi- patients even showed an improvement in
based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. hair loss.

Some Important Fact About Honey

Honey is a mixture of monosecrize consisting of dextrose (glucose) and levulose (fructose) which
is found in different amounts in each flower . If the glucose is high in the flower the honey will
crystallize quickly.
Honey Crystallize due to its own property because honey contains 40% glucose, 40% fructose and
20% moisture content. Which is found in different amounts in every flower, such as mustard
flower, which contains a high amount of glucose, due to which the mustard honey crystallizes

The honey sold in the market does not Crystallize because high fructose syrup is added in the
form of adulteration which does not allow the honey to Crystallize and also cater to the lack of
honey in the market.

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