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SITI FITRIAH (21150140000012)





Table of Content

Abstract …………………………………………………3

Chapter I Introduction …………………………………………………4

A. Background …………………………………………………4
B. Research questions …………………………………………………5
C. Objectives ………………………………………………....5
D. Significances …………………………………………………5
E. Limitation of the study …………………………………………………5

Chapter II Literature Review ………………………………………………....6

A. Curriculum and syllabus design …………………………………………………6

B. Need analysis ………………………………………………....7

Chapter III Methodology …………………………………………………9

A. Research design and data collection …………………………………………………9

B. Research subjects and setting …………………………………………………9
C. Data analysis procedure …………………………………………………9

Chapter IV Results and Discussion ……………....................................................10

A. The implementation of KTSP in classroom ………………………………………..10

B. Students’ language needs ………………………………………………..11
1. Speaking ………………………………………………..11
2. Listening ………………………………………………..11
3. Reading ………………………………………………..12
4. Writing ………………………………………………..12

Chapter V Conclusion ………………………………………………..13

References ………………………………………………..14

Appendixes ……………………………………………….



The educational curriculum in Indonesia recently draws attention from public regarding to its
controversial changing from KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) to Kurtilas
(Kurikulum 2013) and its effects to students’ learning process at school. In fact, the
implementation of Kurtilas remains postponed until all teachers are ready to carry this out. As
an educational practitioner, it is necessary for me to find out how the curriculum which is
developed and designed by the government is implemented at school. The objective of this
study is to find out the challenges that a public school English teacher faces and how she
copes with those challenges during English syllabus implementation. Further, students’ needs
are analyzed in order to evaluate the content of syllabus and redesign it. This research is a
case study conducted in qualitative approach with interview and questionnaire for data
collection. Subjects of this research are Grade VIII students of SMPN 269 Central Jakarta.
However the English syllabus to be modified is intended for Grade VII. The results show that
the biggest problem of English teaching and learning process is that students’ are lack of
vocabulary and have low ability in listening skill. Several recommended activities to improve
these weaknesses are attached in appendix 2.

Keywords: KTSP, English syllabus, implementation, need analysis




A. Background
The educational curriculum in Indonesia recently attracts the attention of by
the implementation Kurtilas (Kurikulum Dua Ribu Tiga Belas -2013) as the
revolution of education in Indonesia to replace KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Pendidikan). In this situation, a number of problems come up especially within
teachers as the executor of curriculum and syllabus at school. One of the strengths of
Kurtilas is that it is designed in integrated language skills, while KTSP is designed in
separated language skills which cause overlaps and saturation here and there of the
documents. However, teachers view that the socialization of Kurtilas is not clear yet
so they are still not sure and do not fully understand its concept to be carried out in
their classroom. A teacher in an interview last time said that even the instructor of
Kurtilas socialization could not provide clear explanation and understanding. Besides,
Kurtilas requires students to be able to achieve the competence of analysis in which
teachers do not think they can do it since students have limited ability for that.
Regardless several problems and controversies of Kurtilas mentioned above,
the government instructs the school to use KTSP for now and will gradually
implement Kurtilas. KTSP is a national curriculum developed and designed by
Ministry of Education and Culture in certain minimum standards. Ideally this
curriculum development must be based on the students’ real characteristics and needs.
In fact, Indonesia is not a small country with diversity of students’ characteristics
from Sabang to Merauke. In its implementation, most teachers take the national
syllabus for granted and bring it into the classroom as the main guide of teaching and
learning process. In fact, there are lots of errors and mistakes need to be take care of
by the teachers. Not only that, a few numbers of teachers even copy or download the
lesson plans from friends or from internet whereas the role of teacher to facilitate
students’ learning is different from one school to another. To implement the syllabus,
teachers need to evaluate it and analyze students’ needs and characteristics, so the
lesson is planned in contextual and effective activities. An effective and contextual
teaching and learning will be beneficial for not only students but also for teachers in
order to achieve the national minimum standard.


B. Research questions
This study aims to investigate the following questions:
1. How does the English teacher implement English syllabus of KTSP in her
2. What are students’ needs in English language teaching and learning classroom?
C. Objectives
The objective of this study is first to find out the challenges in the
implementation of English syllabus and how teachers overcome those challenges.
Second, it is to uncover the students’ needs in English teaching and learning from
their perspective as learning subjects.
D. Significances
The significance of this analysis is especially for the researcher as an
educational practitioner in doing English syllabus evaluation and students’ need
analysis in a public school so that the researcher will become professional in English
language teaching theoretically and practically. Besides, this study is to fulfill the
requirement of final examination of Curriculum Development and Evaluation course.
Further, hopefully the findings of this research will be an insight for the teacher to
support students’ learning.
E. Limitation of the study
The finding of this study is not eligible to be generalized in wider range of
public school by considering the following aspects:
1. It is conducted in SMPN 269 Central Jakarta, especially Grade VIII.
2. The English syllabus to be modified in this study is in KTSP




A. Curriculum and syllabus design

Curriculum development covers a set of interrelated processes of designing,
revising, implementing and evaluating a language program. It focuses on need
analysis, situational analysis, planning learning outcomes, course organization,
selecting and preparing teaching materials, providing for effective teaching. In school
context, curriculum is defined as the overall knowledge that children acquire at
school. There are four fundamentals to develop the curriculum aims and objective
(what), content (by which), organization (in which order), and evaluation (how to
A curriculum is developed by first designing a syllabus which includes the
specific content in teaching along with its test. In twentieth century, the syllabus
design was changed in line with the changes of teaching methods which were
perceived to be the most effective. The teaching method was defined as the
understanding of the nature of language and of language learning. Afterward applied
linguists paid their attention to vocabulary selection and grammatical selection and
gradation for designing a syllabus.
To design the syllabus, vocabulary was selected according to the objectives
and time available for teaching the language program. In learning the language,
learners should learn high frequently used words. However, high frequently used
words are not always useful for learners because subject matters need to be
considered as well. Therefore, the words with highest frequency and widest range in
use were most useful for all learners. To determine the vocabulary in language
teaching and learning, some features of words were taken into account including
teachability, similarity, availability, coverage and defining power. Next, the
vocabulary was grouped into levels.
Besides the vocabulary selection, the syllabus design of language program
required grammar selection and gradation which were determined by teaching method
as well. In general, grammar items were selected using analytic approach based on its
simplicity and centrality, frequency and learnability. After that, the gradation was put
into practice in which the grammar items were grouped, sequenced and put into order
in the syllabus. Gradation was carried out by considering some aspects such as


linguistic distance, intrinsic difficulty, communicative need and frequency. Eventually

the set of grammatical items could be sequenced either in a linear gradation (with
introduction to grammar items one by one and intensive practice), or cyclical/ spiral
gradation (with repetition all the way through the language program).
There are several characteristics of syllabus design in the past. First,
vocabulary and grammar were considered to be the basic units of language. Second,
all learners had the same needs. Third, learners’ language needs were not identified.
Fourth, the learning process was textbook-oriented. Last, English was taught as a
foreign language.
B. Need analysis
In curriculum development, need analysis (NA) is acquired as an initial and
basic pace. It provides the information to decide what to teach to the learners during
the language program. The analysis of the learners’ needs is usually conducted for
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by having an observation of the tasks required in
the work field. The interesting point is that need analysis is not actually implemented
for English subject at school though. English school subject is designed without
analyzing students’ needs but taking into account of students’ long term benefits after
finishing the education at the school. NA is mostly taken as preliminary or planning
stage of curriculum development. However, it can be done either during or after the
language course. The needs to be analyzed in curriculum development cover not only
language needs of the prospective learners but also how they made use of the
language in certain role.
In NA, it is essential to decide the audiences and stakeholders. Audiences are
required to make sure that the information collected is valuable to design the language
program, while stakeholders are the person or group who gets involved and have
interest in the curriculum development to ensure that the NA carries noteworthy
agenda. Besides, target population and sample of informants are determined too. In
general, target population is the learners or the prospective learners, but some other
people or groups may get involved as long as can provide useful information. In case
of big population, sampling technique need to be drawn on based on the objectives of
study and available information sources. In addition, it is important to decide who will
administer the need analysis especially in formal setting, and collect and analyze the


It is necessary to bear in mind that triangular approach in which collecting

information from two or more resources takes place to ensure that the information
gathered is complete and comprehensive. Different procedure to do this would
provide different kind of information indeed, for instances questionnaires, self-ratings,
interviews, meetings, observation, collecting learner language samples, task analysis,
case studies, analysis of available information. Collecting different kinds of
information must have a clear basis and ensure that the information is useful.
Accordingly those practical procedures above (including collecting, organizing,
analyzing and reporting the information obtained) need to be fixed on to design a need
analysis. Once the information is collected, it is summarized and put into a list of
rank. However, it is not the end result of analysis to be put into program. It requires
further information for each point to be interpreted and put into the planning. For that
reason, it shows that the results of need analysis do not merely change the existing
curriculum. Keep in mind that needs are objective but the interpretation is subjective,
so it requires consulting a number point of view from anyone involved such as
learners, academics, employers and teachers. At the end, the findings can be reported
in the form of a full written document, a short summary document, a meeting, a group
discussion or a newsletter.
In public school context, teacher has an important role to conduct need
analysis for English language teaching and learning. A study by Sutjipto (2015) found
that it was possible for each district/region to play a role in developing curriculum
tailored to the characteristics, needs and potential of each district/region. The
diversifying and customizing curriculum content can begin with the formation of
ideas and designs as well as the implementation and evaluation of the existing
curriculum. It shows that that policy facilitates the customization of the curriculum
has been enacted to encourage diversity, which evolves continuously without
disregarding national education goals.




A. Research design and data collection

This research is a case study in qualitative approach. First, the researcher
studies the KTSP document and highlights several points to be discussed with the
English teacher. Then, the English teacher is interviewed to gather some data for
questionnaire development. The questionnaire is adapted from the need analysis
questionnaire of Richards (2001). The questionnaire consists of students’ general
view of their English skills, difficulties in each skill, skills to be improved and
learning materials of Grade VII. Next, a number of questionnaires are distributed to
students of Grade VIII.
B. Research subject and setting
The subjects of this research are 85 students of Grade VIII in SMPN 269
Central Jakarta. SMPN 269 is one of ten schools with lowest national examination
(UN) average score for English subject in 2014/2015 (Litbang Kemendikbud, 2015)
from 36 public senior high schools in Central Jakarta. Grade VIII students are taken
as subjects for this analysis of Grade VII English syllabus because they have passed
the learning and teaching process of that level and experienced how far the materials
impact to themselves. An English teacher is involved in order to support the data
C. Data analysis procedure
The data obtained from the questionnaire is then analyzed using IBM SPSS in
terms of its frequency and percentages to describe the findings. The findings are then
consulted to the data from an interview with the English teacher in terms of her
challenges during teaching and learning process.




A. The implementation of KTSP in classroom

The teacher described and explained what is generally covered in KTSP in
terms of learning materials, language skills and some challenges during the
implementation. Learning materials of KTSP can be classified into three types of
English texts such as monologue, functional and dialogue with four language skills of
each text topic (speaking, writing, reading, and listening). The teacher uses an
additional textbook entitled Let’s Talk (consists of books for teacher and students) to
support the learning activities instead of using the book provided by Ministry of
Education and Culture. Overall it can be drawn that the teacher used PPP teaching
method in classroom (Presentation, Practice and Production).
Mostly the teacher starts learning activities by providing examples of the text.
Next, the teacher leads all students to discuss new vocabulary found in the text. Then,
the teacher describes and explains the characteristics and function of the text. Finally
students make their own text in group and individual. In speaking, the teacher
commonly assigns students to do role play or present without reading the text on
paper. The criterion of scoring speaking is based on the guidance attached with the
syllabus. Overall, the teacher gives score 6-7 (in scale of 10) for her students’
speaking skill as well as reading. In listening, the teacher asks students several
questions to be answered after listening to her spoken text. In reading, students are
provided with the text related to the topic and have them answer questions. In writing,
the teacher has more activities instead of answering questions such as filling in the
blank and arranging words into good sentences. Unfortunately, once students are
assigned to make their own writing, mostly the teacher finds them copy the text from
any other resources (mostly from book, internet).
The teacher can definitely recognize it from the text content and its
organization. In this case, the teacher sees that the main problem is that students are
lack of vocabulary mastery and grammatical knowledge which are necessary in
productive skills. Besides, the teacher thinks that students are weak in listening skill
since students have limited exposure to English in their daily life as an input. And
again, to understand the information of listening, students need to know a few number
of vocabularies. Moreover, students do not have dictionary with them during the class


so it is difficult to support their learning process. To solve this problem, the teacher
once had an idea for students to memorize the vocabulary of surrounding things.
Unluckily it did not run well. Students were low motivated to do it.
B. Students’ language needs
Students view that the most required skills during their study is listening. In
this case, they are listening to teacher, friends and other learning materials. The
second skill demand is writing since it is required in almost every session and it is
mostly graded. This importance is in line with how students view its difficulty. Both
listening and writing are perceived as the two most difficult skills. Writing requires
students to express ideas but then they have limited ability to put it in English words
with the proper grammar and structure. Especially in listening, English has different
spelling and pronunciation with particular intonation and stress pattern. Moreover,
English might be pronounced differently especially by non-native teachers with
various accents. And for native speakers, they often speak fast with unclear word
separation which might confuse the students as listeners.
In terms of the importance of language skills, listening is considered to be the
most important and followed by speaking, and reading in the third rank. The
importance of listening and speaking shows that students perceive the importance of
English for communication in which listening to understand the speakers and
speaking to respond is more important. In addition, students indicate their difficulty in
leading the classroom and participate in classroom discussion or debate. It is because
to participate here, students need to have good ability in communicative skills.
Besides, students have problems as well in reading English resources to do their
1. Speaking
Students worry to make mistakes in their speaking. As a result, students are
unwilling and hesitate to speak up. One of the reasons behind it is that they have
problem in wording what they want to say in English quickly. Again, this problem
is rooted on the lack of vocabulary mastery and grammar knowledge.
2. Listening
Since English is a foreign language in Indonesia, students have limited exposure
to the language. That is why most students have problem understanding informal
English. Even students have problems with English that they study in classroom.
Unfamiliarity with English causes problems for students especially in listening

long descriptions or talk and teachers’ explanation. Mostly this difficulty comes
from speakers’ unclear voice (e.g. in a group discussion or noisy classroom) and
fast speed of talk.
3. Reading
In reading, students have most problem in reading in which students need to find
the main point of the text and comprehend all of the detail information of the text
especially in the exam when they need to look through the text and locate where
the information is required by the question. Besides, identifying the text
organization is not easy for students.
4. Writing
The most important thing in writing is to use correct punctuation and spelling.
Besides, students also show that the use of appropriate vocabulary is important
because of course it will impact to the understanding of readers. Students’ big
problem is to express their ideas, organize good paragraphs, and address the topic.
Students mostly have problems developing their ideas. As a result, students cannot
finish their writing task during the time allocated. Here the teacher has an
important role to help the students by narrowing the topic and providing guiding

According to students’ responds above, students finally decide several skills to

be improved. The first is to listen to English pronunciation, intonation and stress
pattern. It includes any listening activity in and out of classroom. It will help students’
learning. Second is to improve note taking skill because teacher’s explanation is
important and it might not be possible to write down all single words spoken by the
teacher. Last is to improve the communication and participation skills for effective
discussion with friends. Overall, students view the learning materials of the syllabus
are important especially greeting, introduction, showing gratitude and apologizing,
and asking for and giving help.




The results and findings above, it comes to the conclusion that basic needs of
students are vocabulary mastery and grammar knowledge. Besides, students found it
important to learn English for communication purposes, listening and speaking. At the
end of this paper, a modification of English syllabus is attached as a mean for
facilitating students language needs in their learning process.



Richards, J.C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Sutjipto. (2015). Diversifikasi kurikulum dalam kerangka desentralisasi pendidikan. Jurnal

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 21 (3), pp. 317-338.

Litbang Kemendikbud. (2015). Laporan hasil UN.

Kuesioner Analisa Kebutuhan Proses Belajar Mengajar Bahasa Inggris

Kuesioner ini merupakan bagian tugas mata kuliah Curriculum Development and Evaluation untuk menentukan
kebutuhan bahasa siswa yang tidak berlatarbelakang Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pertama. Kuesioner ini akan memakan
waktu kurang lebih 20 menit. Saya haturkan terima kasih atas partisipasi kamu dalam melengkapi kuesioner ini.

A. Gambaran kemampuan yang dibutuhkan dan kesulitan yang dihadapi

Seberapa seringkah kamu dituntut untuk menggunakan keterampilan berBahasa Inggris berikut ini? (Lingkari)

Sangat Sering Terkadang Jarang Tidak

sering pernah
Membaca 1 2 3 4 5

Menulis 1 2 3 4 5
Berbicara 1 2 3 4 5

Mendengar 1 2 3 4 5

Seberapa seringkah kamu mendapatkan kesulitan pada masing-masing ketrampilan berikut? Dan seberapa pentingkah
keterampilan tersebut di sekolah menurut kamu?(Lingkari)

Kesulitan Kepentingan
Sangat sering

Tidak pernah

Sangat penting

Cukup penting

Tidak penting


Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris

1 2 3 4 5 Membaca 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 Menulis 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 Berbicara 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 Mendengar 1 2 3 4 5

Seberapa seringkah hal berikut terjadi pada kamu?

Tidak pernah

1. Mendapatkan nilai rendah dalam tugas yang membutuhkan 1 2 3 4

partisipasi dalam kelas
2. Mendapatkan kesulitan bekerja dalam kelompok kecil selama di 1 2 3 4

Tidak pernah
3. Kesulitan memimpin diskusi kelas atau kelompok 1 2 3 4

4. Kesulitan berpartisipasi dalam kelompok besar diskusi atau dalam 1 2 3 4

5. Kesulitan dalam tugas di luar kelas yang membutuhkan sumber 1 2 3 4
Bahasa Inggris

B. Keterampilan berbicara

Seberapa seringkah beberapa hal berikut terjadi pada kamu?

Tidak pernah
1. Kesulitan dalam presentasi lisan 1 2 3 4

2. Kesulitan mengungkapkan apa yang ingin saya katakan dengan cepat 1 2 3 4

3. Khawatir melakukan kesalahan untuk mengatakan dalam Bahasa 1 2 3 4
4. Tidak tahu bagaimana menyatakan maksud dalam Bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4

5. Tidak tahu cara terbaik untuk menyampaikan maksud dalam Bahasa 1 2 3 4

6. Kesulitan dalam cara pengucapan kata-kata (pronunciation) 1 2 3 4

7. Kesulitan untuk terlibat dalam sebuah diskusi 1 2 3 4

8. Lainnya (Tuliskan): 1 2 3 4

C. Keterampilan mendengar

Seberapa seringkah hal berikut terjadi pada kamu?

Tidak pernah

1. Kesulitan memahami penjelasan guru dalam Bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4

2. Kesulitan menulis catatan yang baik 1 2 3 4

Tidak pernah
3. Kesulitan memahami deskripsi panjang dalam Bahasa Inggris 1 2 3 4
4. Sulit memahami bahasa non-formal 1 2 3 4
5. Kesulitan memahami pokok pembicaraan 1 2 3 4

6. Saya juga menghadapi kesulitan dalam (Tuliskan): 1 2 3 4


Saya sulit memahami penjelasan guru atau teman dalam Bahasa Inggris karena:



7. Mereka berbicara sangat cepat 1 2 3

8. Mereka berbicara dengan suara pelan 1 2 3

9. Aksen dan pengucapan mereka berbeda dengan yang saya gunakan 1 2 3

10. Lebih dari satu orang berbicara (misalnya dalam diskusi kelompok) 1 2 3

11. Lainnya (Tuliskan): 1 2 3


D. Keterampilan membaca

Jenis materi apakah yang kamu inginkan untuk belajar di kelas? Dan seberapa seringkah kamu mendapatkan kesulitan
dalam membacanya? (Lingkari)

Ingin dibaca? Sering Terkadang Tidak
1. Artikel koran/majalah Ya / Tidak 1 2 3

2. Cerita fiksi/karangan Ya / Tidak 1 2 3

3. Teks dalam buku pelajaran Ya / Tidak 1 2 3

4. Lainnya (Tuliskan): Ya / Tidak 1 2 3


Seberapa seringkah kamu mengalami kesulitan dalam hal berikut?

Sangat sering

Tidak pernah
9. Memahami isi pokok teks 1 2 3 4 5

10. Membaca cepat untuk mendapatkan isi pokok pada teks 1 2 3 4 5

11. Membaca perlahan dan hati-hati untuk memahami teks secara rinci 1 2 3 4 5

12. Melihat keseluruhan teks dengan cepat untuk menemukan 1 2 3 4 5

informasi khusus (scanning)
13. Menerka kosakata yang tidak diketahui dalam teks 1 2 3 4 5

14. Memahami struktur organisasi teks 1 2 3 4 5

15. Kecepatan membaca 1 2 3 4 5
16. Membaca untuk memberi tanggapan secara kritis 1 2 3 4 5

17. Lainnya (Silahkan tulis): 1 2 3 4 5


E. Keterampilan menulis

Seberapa pentingkah keterampilan berikut? Dan seberapa seringkah kamu menghadapi kesulitan didalamnya?

Kepentingan Kesulitan
Sangat penting

Tidak penting

Tidak pernah
Tidak pasti



1 2 3 4 Menggunakan tanda baca dan ejaan yang benar 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Menyusun kalimat 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Menggunakan kosakata yang tepat 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Menyusun paragraf 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Mengungkapkan ide dengan tepat 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Mengembangkan ide 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Mengungkapkan apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan dengan jelas 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Menentukan topic tulisan 1 2 3
Sangat penting Kepentingan Kesulitan

Tidak penting

Tidak pernah
Tidak pasti


1 2 3 4 Menggunakan gaya tulisan yang tepat 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Mengikuti perintah dan petunjuk penulisan 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Mengevaluasi dan memperbaiki tulisan 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Menyelesaikan tugas menulis dalam waktu yang diberikan 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Lainnya (Tuliskan): 1 2 3

F. Keterampilan yang ingin kamu tingkatkan

Jika kamu hendak meningkatkan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris, manakah hal di bawah ini yang paling penting dan
bermanfaat menurut kamu? (Lingkari)

Kurang penting
Sangat penting

Cukup penting
1. Mendengarkan pengucapan, intonasi, dan pola penekanan Bahasa 1 2 3 4 5
2. Mencatat penjelasan dalam Bahasa Inggris oleh guru 1 2 3 4 5
3. Pemahaman dalam mendengar 1 2 3 4 5

4. Melakukan presentasi 1 2 3 4 5

5. Berpartisipasi dalam diskusi dengan baik 1 2 3 4 5

6. Berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan teman sebaya dalam 1 2 3 4 5
kelompok diskusi kecil, tugas kolaborasi atau kerja kelompok di
luar kelas
7. Keterampilan membaca berbagai sumber 1 2 3 4 5

8. Menulis esai pendek 1 2 3 4 5

9. Menulis laporan 1 2 3 4 5

10. Menulis kreatif 1 2 3 4 5

11. Mendeskripsikan benda atau prosedur 1 2 3 4 5

12. Merangkum informasi atau bacaan 1 2 3 4 5

G. Materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Seberapa pentingkah beberapa materi berikut dalam kelas Bahasa Inggris? Dan seberapa seringkah kamu menemukan
kesulitan didalamnya?

Kepentingan Kesulitan
Sangat penting

Tidak penting

Tidak pernah
Tidak pasti


1 2 3 4 Daftar barang (shopping list) 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Pengumuman (announcement) 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Kartu ucapan 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Instruksi (instruction) 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Teks deskriptif 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Teks prosedur 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Ungkapan sapaan 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Perkenalan diri 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Ungkapan perintah dan larangan 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Ungkapan meminta dan member informasi/ fakta 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Ungkapan terima kasih 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Ungkapan permintaan maaf 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 Ungkapan meminta dan member jasa/ pertolongan 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Ungkapan meminta dan member barang 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Ungkapan meminta dan member pendapat 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Pernyataan suka dan tidak suka 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 Lainnya (Tuliskan): 1 2 3

H. Informasi tambahan

Jika saya mengharapkan informasi lebih lanjut dari kamu, apakah kamu bersedia? Ya / Tidak.
Jika ya, harap tuliskan:
Nama :_____________________________________
Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi: _________________________________________


Functional texts

Learning materials, time Language focus Language skills and learning activities Indicators Assessments
allocation and objectives Students are able to…
Shopping list (2x4) Countable and Reading Identify the picture with its right name
Students are able to uncountable noun Match shopping items with its name and and quantity
understand the use of quantity
shopping list in daily life Listening Identify what needs to be put in shopping Fill in the blank
communication with the
Listen to a conversation talking about things list
people surrounding in
terms need to buy (shopping list)
Writing Choose the based things to buy according Shopping list
Write a shopping list to different shops (e.g. to the situation
bookstore, grocery) based on needs in the
given situation
Announcement (2x40) Simple present tense Reading Identify some aspects of information in an Worksheet
Students are able to Look at several examples of announcements announcement
understand the use of Simple future tense Fill in the worksheet with important
announcement in daily life information of the announcement
communication with the (from…, to…, what…, where…, when…,
people surrounding contact…)
Listening Recognize the important information of Report
Taking notes the important information of an announcement
friends’ announcement
Writing Write an announcement Announcement
Write an announcement about the topic writing
given by the teacher
Speaking Duplicate how an announcement is Speaking rubric
Present their announcement in front of the announced in public

Greeting card (2x40) Simple present tense Reading Recognize the similarities of several Worksheet
Students are able to Read some greeting cards of different greeting cards
understand the use of Simple past tense situation
greeting card in daily life Identify the general structure of greeting
communication with the Simple future tense card
people surrounding in Listening
terms Writing Write a greeting card Greeting card writing
Write a greeting card to a friend based on
the chosen topic Choose the proper responds for greeting
Reply the greeting card by writing a letter cards
Instruction Simple present tense Reading Select the best situation for each
Match the best instruction with its instruction
Imperatives description of situation
Listening Interpret the meaning of an instruction Note-taking
Listen to a number of instructions
Write on paper what students must based on
the instruction
Writing Describe the situation for an instruction
Write several descriptions of situations
Speaking Use instruction in an appropriate situation Individual response
Say out loud an instruction based on the
written situation by students

Monologue texts

Learning materials, time Language focus Language skills and learning activities Indicators Assessments
allocation and objectives Students are able to…
Descriptive text (7x40) Simple present tense Reading Identify the clues of text to the right Worksheet
Students are able to Match pictures with their descriptions picture
understand the use of Do/does Listening Identify the required information of Game
descriptive text in daily Listen to friends’ presentation of descriptive questions
life communication with Text generic structures texts
the people surrounding Answer friends’ question
Writing Write descriptive text for different object
Write a descriptive text for selected pictures
in good text organization and grammar
Make questions from the written text
Speaking Describe pictures using complete and Speaking rubric
Make short descriptions for several pictures meaningful sentences

Procedure text (7x40) Simple present tense Reading Locate the steps of procedure in the right Worksheet
Students are able to Arranging scrambled parts of procedure text order
understand the use of Imperatives Listening Demonstrate the information obtained Poster
procedure text to do /make Make a poster according to the procedure from spoken procedure text
something in daily life text displayed from audio
communication with the Quantifiers Writing Use the procedure text function in Short writing
people surrounding Write the procedure text based on the different situation
selected topic
Speaking Demonstrate spoken procedure text in Presentation
Presenting in front of class how to make/do sequential orders

Dialogue text

Learning materials, time Language focus Language skills and learning activities Indicators Assessments
allocation and objectives Students are able to….
Greeting and Introduction Simple present tense Reading
(3x40) Listening Identify the general vocabulary and Fill in the blank
Students are able to Yes/no questions Listen to some short conversations of expression in greeting and introduction
understand the greeting and introduction Multiple choices
conversation to 5WH questions
Writing Demonstrate introduction in daily
communicate with the
Write a short dialogue conversation
people surrounding in
terms of greeting and Speaking Use the appropriate expression to respond Role-play
introduction Respond to greeting cards from friends greeting from others
Introduce themselves
Giving order and Simple present tense Reading
prohibition (3x40) Listening Identify the instruction text in spoken text Report
Students are able to Imperatives Taking notes from friends’ role play Note-taking
understand the use of Do… Writing Write using dos and don’ts in real life Dialogue writing
giving order and Don’t… Write ‘dos and don’ts’ based on the given context
prohibition in daily life place by the teacher
communication with Write a dialogue in pair
people surrounding Speaking Demonstrating the instruction of dos and Role play
Present dos and don’ts in the right context don’ts in right pronunciation and
Asking for and giving Simple past tense Reading
information and facts Listening Identify the required information to True and false
(3x40) Yes/no questions Listen to a conversation talking about what answer questions questions
Students are able to happened recently/experiences Short answers
5WH questions
understand the Answer questions
conversation to Writing Use the right question for specific
communicate with the Write questions to ask friends about what information
people surrounding in they did in specific time (last night,
terms of asking for and yesterday etc.)
giving information/facts Speaking Use the expression of asking for and Report
Ask friends the questions and write the giving information/facts with the right
answers pronunciation and intonation
Showing gratitude and Simple present tense Reading Identify the different expression to show
Apologizing (3x40) Read a number of short conversations gratitude and to apologize
Students are able to scripts of showing gratitude and apologizing
understand the Listening Recognize the different situation to show Matching
conversation to Listen to some short conversations of gratitude and to apologize
communicate with the
showing gratitude and apologizing
people surrounding in
terms of showing gratitude Writing Use the expression of showing gratitude
and apologizing Provide students several situations and have and apologizing in the right context
students to write a short dialogue
Speaking Use the expression of showing gratitude Role play
Practice expressing gratitude and apology and apologizing in right pronunciation
and intonation
Asking for and giving Simple present tense Reading Locate the expression with the proper
help/things (3x40) Match the expressions of asking for context
Students are able to Quantifier help/things with its responses
understand the Listening Identify the required information of Answering questions
conversation to Answer questions from short conversation questions
communicate with the displayed in classroom
people surrounding in
Writing Use the expressions of asking for and
terms of asking for and
giving help/things Write a short dialogue using the expression giving help/things in real life situation
of asking for and giving help/things
Speaking Demonstrate the expression of asking for Role play
Act out the dialogue in front of the and giving help/things in daily
classroom conversation
Asking for and giving Simple present tense Reading Recognize one’s opinion toward specific True and false
opinion/like and dislikes Read several opinions and like/dislike of issue questions
Yes/no questions some issues
Listening Interpret the speakers’ opinion or Fill in the blank
5WH questions
Answer questions of conversation about like/dislike in conversation
Do you like…..? opinion and like/dislike
Writing Explain the opinion or like/dislike about Short essay writing
What do you think Write a short opinion about the current particular issue
about…..? issues presented by the teacher
Speaking Use the expression of asking and giving
Make a list of issues to be asked to friends opinion and like/dislike in the right
in class context
Ask friends about their opinion and

Sekolah : .......................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 1. Mendengarkan
memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
1.1 Merespon makna 1.Percakapan singkat  Tanya jawab Merespon 1.Tes lisan 1.Merespon Listen to the expressions 2x40 Script
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- yang terkait ungkapan ungkapan ungkapan and give your response. menit Bahan-bahan
transaksional ( to ungkapan : dengan lisan 1 .A: Good morning. rekaman
get things done ) Contoh : materi

(kaset, CD ,
 -A : Good morning
1. Sapaan orang B: .......................
dan interpersonal Membahas VCD )
yang sudah /
(bersosialisasi ) kosa kata dan belum dikenal
yang mengunakan How are you ? 2. Listen to the
tata bahasa
ragam bahasa lisan B : Fine Thanks. yang terkait 2.Pilihan expressions and
sangat sederhana 2.Tes tertulis
Nice to meet you dengan Ganda choose the best option.
secara akurat, sapaan, A : “Hi, I’m
 -A : Hello, I’’m Nina
lancar dan perkenalan, 2. Perkenalan diri
berterima untuk Yeny,Nice to meet
memberi sendiri / orang you
berinteraksi dengan B : Hi, I’m Reny perintah atau lain
lingkungan melarang B : ...
Nice to meet you

terdekat yang a. oh, really ?
 -A : Don’t do that
melibatkan tindak
tutur : menyapa an b. Thank you so much
orang yang B : No. I won’t
percakapan c. It’s a pleasure
belum/sudah yang terkait d. Nice to meet you,
dikenal, dengan Too
memperkenalkan -A : Stop it sapaan,
diri sendiri / orang perkenalan,
Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
lain, dan B : Ok memberi 3.Melakukan 3. Give it to me !
memerintah atau 2.Tata Bahasa perintah atau 3. Perintah / 3.Unjuk perintah
melarang melarang. guru

Verb be larangan kerja
Menjawab /
3. Kosakata

Kata Terkait tentang
Tema percakapan
 Kata Terkait yg didengar.
Jenis Teks

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
1.2. Merespon makna 1. Percakapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan Merespon 1. Tes lisan 1.Merespon 1.Listen to the questions /
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- dan merespon ungkapan- pertanyaan expression and give
transaksional ( to ungkapan sebagai berikut: percakapan ungkapan : / ungkapan your answer / response
2x40 Buku guru
get things done ) tentang 1. Meminta dan lisan orally.
dan interpersonal meminta dan memberi a. A: How many persons
Contoh :
(bersosialisasi ) memberi informasi are Script
yang mengunakan A : Where’s the book? informasi, percakapan
in the conversation?
ragam bahasa lisan B : It’s there. ungkapan tulis
sangat sederhana terimakasih, 2. Ungkapan terima B: ............
secara akurat, permintaan kasih
A : Thank you. 2.Menjawab b. A: thank you so much. Rekaman
lancar dan maaf, 2. Tes tulis pertanyaan B: ............
berterima untuk B : You’re welcome. kesantunan. percakapan
lisan dalam kaset,
beriteraksi dengan 2. memperhatikan 3. Permintaan maaf secara
lingkungan terdekat A : I’m sorry. 2 Listen to the questions / CD , DVD,
kosakata dan tertulis film
yang melibatkan tatabahasa yang expressions and write
tindak tutur : B : it,s okay. your answer / response.
Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
MateriPembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
meminta dan besar muncul 4. Kesantunan a. A : What’s that ?
memberi informasi, A : Please..! dalam B : .........
mengucapkan mendengarkan
B : All right thanks.
terima kasih, topik materi
meminta maaf, dan b. A: Sorry I’m Late.
3. mendengarkan
mengungkapkan percakapan B: .........
kesantunan tentang
meminta dan c. A : Come in, please !
informasi, B : ...
terimakasih, d. A : You are so kind.
permintaan Thank you
maaf dan
kesantunan B : ...
4. mendengarkan
yang muncul
dalam materi
5. menjawab /
materi yang
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Sekolah : .......................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 2. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Kegiatan Indikator Pencapaian Alokasi Sumber
Materi Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Dasar Instrumen Instrumen
2.1 Merespon 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab 1. menentukan makna 1.Tes tulis Pilihan 1. Listen to the 2x40 Script
makna tindak pendek. yang terkait dalam teks lisan ganda dialogue or menit percakapan
tutur yang Contoh: dengan materi fungsional expression or text
 Keep closed !
terdapat dalam 2. Membahas pendek berupa: and choose the
 Things to buy :
teks lisan kosakata & tata - Instruksi right answer
fungsional bahasa: verb - Daftar benda / kebutuh-an
pendek sangat - Sugar phrase yang 2.Tes Lisan Jawaban
barang 2. What is the sehari-hari
sederhana - Flour berkaitan dengan Singkat
(Shoping list ) purpose of the
secara akurat, instruksi, ucapan
- Meat teks?
lancar dan selamat; noun - Ucapan selamat Bahan
berterima - Butter rekaman
 Congratulatio
phrase yang - Pengumuman
untuk berkaitan dengan 3. What do you call (kaset, CD
berinteraksi ns ! daftar this kind of teks? ,VCD ,dll)
dengan 2. Mengidentifikasi
- Well done ! benda/barang
 Announcement
lingkungan tujuan teks
3. Mendengarkan fungsional
! berbagai contoh
 “ School will
teks fungsional
pendek 3. Mengidentifikasi
close tomorow bentuk teks
since it’s the 4. Menjawab/meres
pon pertanyaan fungsional
WAISAK day.”
tentang :
2. Tata bahasa
 Imperatives a. Isi teks yang
 Future “will” didengar
3. Kosa kata b. Tujuan teks
 Kata terkait
tema c. Bentuk teks

Kata terkait
jenis teks
4. Ungkapan Baku
 well done
 congratulatio-
ns !

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Dasar Kompetensi Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
2.2. Merespon Teks fungsional pendek: 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Mengidentifikasi 1. Tes lisan Daftar Listen and answer 2x40 Script teks
makna Contoh: merespon percakapan makna gagasan pertanyaan the questions menit funsional
gagasan tentang makna yang dalam teks lisan orally! pendek lisan
1.- Congratulations !
yang tersurat dalam fungsional Dari buku teks
terdapat - Well done ! ungkapan-ungkapan pendek berupa:
Game Listen and mention
dalam teks 2. Announce ment ! fungsional pendek - Instruksi as many shopping Script teks
lisan “ School will close berupa instruksi,
- Shopping list list items as you fungsional
fungsional tomorow since it’s shopping list,
can remember
pendek greeting card, - Greeting card pendek lisan
the WAISAK day
sangat announcement. - Announcement yang ada
sederhana 3. Come in ! dalam
2. Memperhatikan Listen to the
secara 4. Things to bring along Melengk-api announcement and kehidupan
kosakata dan 2. Mengidentifikasi 2. Tes tulis
akurat, For camping fill in the nyata
tatabahasa yang makna
lancar dan - cooking utensils mungkin muncul blank spaces
berterima interpersonal teks
- tents dalam makna yang lisan fungsional Rekaman
untuk tersurat dalam kaset, CD ,
berinteraksi - clothing pendek Write down T/F for
ungkapan-ungkapan T/F DVD, film
dengan fungsional pendek the statements
lingkungan Tata Bahasa : lisan berupa instruksi, below

 Verb do/does
terdekat shopping list,

 Future Tense
greeting card, Pilihan Choose the best
3.Mengidentifikasi ganda
announcement makna tersirat 3. Unjuk answer by crossing
3. Mendengarkan teks- dalam teks lisan kerja a, b, c, or d
Kosakata : teks lisan fungsional fungsional
 Kata terkait tema pendek yang terkait pendek Menjodoh Match the
 Kata terkait jenis
dengan topik materi statements in list A
terkait and B
4. Mengidentifikasi
makna gagasan
Ungkapan Baku /interpersonal teks Respon dg Listen to the
 Great ! lisan fungsional tindakan instruction and do

 Wonderful
pendek yang terkait it!
dengan topik materi
5. Menjawab
pertanyaan tentang
berbagai informasi
yang terdapat dalam
materi teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 3. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Materi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pencapaian
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3.1 Mengungkapkan Percakapan Singkat 1. Tanya jawab yang Mengungkapkan Unjuk kerja Tanya jawab 1. Ask and answer your 4x40 Script
makna dalam Contoh: Memuat berkaitan dengan berbagai tindak friend based on the menit percakapan
percakapan ungkapan-ungkapan materi. tutur: picture
transaksional dan sbb : 2. Meniru ungkapan- 1. Menyapa
Bermain Buku teks
interpersonal ungkapan sapaan dan yang
A : Good morning peran 2. Perform the dialogue yang relevan
dengan respon sapaan. belum/sud unjuk kerja
How Are you? in front of the class!
menggunakan ah dikenal
3. Membahas kosakata
ragam bahasa lisan B : Fine thanks. Bermain
dan struktur 2. Memperke
sangat sederhana peran 3.Work in pairs Alat peraga
percakapan sesuai nalkan diri Unjuk kerja
secara akurat, A. Give instructions
materi. sendiri/ora Kartu peran
lancar dan
berterima untuk A : Hi, I’m Rani 4. Latihan percakapan ng lain.
berinteraksi dengan B : Hello, I’m Nina. dalam bentuk dialog. 3. Memerinta B. Does the
lingkungan 5. Menggunakan h/melaran Instructions and
terdekat yang ungkapan-ungkapan g respond
melibatkan tindak A : Go away ! percakapan sesuai
tutur : orang B : Okay. materi dalam situasi
menyapa yang nyata.
belum dikenal, A : Don’t be Noisy
diri sendiri / orang B : I won’t.
lain, dan
memerintah atau Tata Bahasa
melarang Kalimat (+)(-)(?)
 Kata terkait tema
 Kata terkait jenis

Ungkapan Baku

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
3.2 Mengungkapkan Percalapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan dan Bertanya dan Unjuk Kerja Tanya jwb 1. Ask and answer 4x40 Script
makna dalam Contoh : memberi respon menjawab questions to your menit percakapan
percakapan tentang introduction, tentang : friends based on
transaksional dan tindak tutur the situation
Where is it ? 1. Meminta dan Buku teks
interpersonal terkaittopik materi given or picture
memberi berisi
dengan It’s here. yang akan Unjuk Kerja 2. Respond to the
informasi percakapan
menggunakan disampaikan Merespon dg following
ragam bahasa lisan 2. Memperhatikan singkat expressions
sangat sederhana A. Thanks a lot.
penjelasan tentang Alat peraga
secara akurat, B. You’ re kosakata dan Unjuk Kerja
2. Mengucapka
lancar dan Welcome. 3.Read the dialog and
tatabahasa yang n terima
berterima untuk muncul dalam tindak kasih Tes Praktik Bermain perform it
berinteraksi tutur dengan topik peran
A. I’ m sorry.
dengan lingkungan materi yang akan Games(20 4. a. Please guess, what
terdekat yang B. It’s Okay. disampaikan Question) is there in the box
melibatkan tindak 3. Meminta
3. Mendengarkan model by asking
tutur : meminta dan A. Please, maaf
percakapan yang questions
memberi come in. menggunakan tindak
informasi, tutur tentang topik
mengucapkan b.Perform a role play
terima kasih B. Thank you. materi yang 4. Mengungkap with your friend
meminta maaf dan disampaikan kan dan about asking and
mengungkapkan 4. Menggunakan tindak merespons giving information.
Tata Bahasa
kesantunan tutur dengan topik kesantunan Use the pictures
Contractions provided
materi yang
I’m disampaikan dengan
He’s teman
She’s 5. Menggunakan tindak
tutur dengan topik
materi yang

disampaikan dengan
Kata terkait variasi-variasi atau
tema kemungkinan-
 Kata terkait kemungkinan secara
jenis teks bebas
Ungkapan Baku
Thanks a lot

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 4. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
4.1 Mengungkapkan Teks Fungsional Pendek 1.Tanya jawab yang 1.Memberi Tes lisan 1.Membaha- 1. Give an instruction 4x40 1.Buku teks
makna tindak tutur Berbentuk : instruksi Sakan based on menit
fungsional pendek  Intruction
berkaitan dengan yang relevan
gambar the picture shown!

Materi 2.Alat peraga
sangat sederhana
Shopping list
 Greetings
secara akurat, 3.Rekaman
lancar dan 2.Menirukan ungkapan- Unjuk kerja 2.Uji Petik 2. Mention 5 things you kaset, CD
 Announcement
berterima untuk ungkapan sesuai 2.Menyebut have in : ,VCD ,film
berinteraksi dengan materi daftar benda a. Your bag 4.Rekaman
lingkungan b. your bedroom percakapan
Tata Bahasa
 Negative
terdekat otentik
3.Membahas kosakata

 Imperratives
dan struktur 3. What would you say
Unjuk kerja 3.Uji Petik
percakapan 3.Mengucapkan to a friend :
selamat a. on his/her
Kosakata birthday
 Kata terkait tema
4.Latihan memberi
b. in weekends
 Kata terkait jenis
mengucapkan c. if he/she has got
teks selamat, the best in class
 mengumumkan
dengan singkat
Unjuk kerja
5. Menggunakan 4.Mengumumka
4. Uji Petik 4. inform your friend
ungkapan percakapan n dengan
about the coming
dalam situasi nyata singkat flag ceremony
through an

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
4.2.Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Memberi Tes lisan Membahasa 1. Give instruction to 4x40 Script of short
makna gagasan berbentuk : memberi respon insruksi kan gambar your friend based menit functional text
dalam teks lisan  instruction introduction secara lisan. on the picture.
 shopping list
fungsional pendek tentang makna
Buku teks
 greetings
sangat sederhana gagasan teks lisan
2. Menyebutka Uraian 2. Mention the things
secara akurat, fungsional pendek Tes lisan
 announcement
n daftar that you find in
lancar, dan sesuai topik materi Rekaman
barang yang your bedroom
berterima untuk yang akan kaset, CD
berinteraksi dengan disampaikan ,VCD , DVD,
lingkungan terdekat 2. Tata Bahasa
 Quantifiers
2. Mendengarkan dan 3. Congratulate your Fm
memberi respon 3. Memberi Unjuk kerja Uji Petik friend on
penjelasan tentang ucapan his / her success in Alat peraga
kosakata, selamat doing
3. Kosakata

tatabahasa: noun, something
Countable & noun phrase, adj,
Uncountable nouns verb, adverbs,
shrort answer, 4. Mengumum Uji Petik 4. Tell your friend
istilah-istilah dalam kan sesuatu Unjuk kerja about the
4. Ungkapan Baku

teks fungsional coming school
attention !

pendek. holiday
Excuse /me 3. Mendengarkan
model teks-teks Tes lisan Menjawab
pertanyaan Listen to the texts and
lisan fungsional answer the questions
pendek orally.
4. Menggunakan teks-
teks fungsional
pendek dalam
5. Mengidentifikasi
makna gagasan
teks-teks lisan
fungsional pendek
6. Menjawab
pertanyaan tentang
makna gagasan teks
fungsional pendek
secara lisan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 5. Membaca
Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
5.1 Membaca nyaring 1.Pronunciation kata 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Melafalkan 1.Tes unjuk Uji petik 1. Read the sentences 2x40 Buku teks
bermakna kata, dan Intonation: merespon hal-hal kata, frasa dan kerja membaca loudly. menit
frasa, dan kalimat yang perlu kalimat dengan nyaring
dengan ucapan, diperhatikan dalam baik dan benar
tekanan dan kalimat yang kegiatan membaca
intonasi yang telah dipelajari nyaring: teks
2. Membaca kata Lembar
berterima yang pronunciation, 2.Observasi 2. Read all the otentik
frasa dan observasi
berkaitan dengan intonation sentences loudly and
2.Teks fungsional kalimat dengan
lingkungan 2. Mendengarkan carefully.
pendek intonasi yang
terdekat model membaca benar
1. cara membaca nyaring Lembar 3. Read the text
kata, frasa, 3. Menirukan 3. Observasi Observasi Loudly
kalimat. 3. Membaca
membaca nyaring
nyaring dengan
2. pronunciation. dengan intonasi dan
baik dan benar.
3. intonation jeda sesuai model
4. Membaca nyaring
sendiri dengan
lafal, intonasi, dan
jeda yang baik dan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

5.2 Merespon makna  Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab 1. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda 1. a. Read the text 4 x 40 - Buku teks
yang terdapat pendek berbentuk: yang terkait Mengidentifikasi and choose menit
dalam teks tulis dengan materi berbagai the correct - Sumber
fungsional pendek 2. Menirukan informasi dalam answer.
1. Instruksi bacaan lain
sangat sederhana membaca teks fungsional
2. Daftar barang yang relevan
secara akurat, nyaring pendek Tes lisan Melengkapi
lancar dan 3. Kartu ucapan berbentuk : kalimat/frase b-Complete the
 Instruksi
3. Mengidentifika noun phrases
berterima yang 4. Pengumuman

si informasi
berkaitan dengan stated in the
yang terdapat Daftar
lingkungan sentences
dalam bacaan barang

terdekat below!
4. Membahas Kartu
kosakata ucapan

struktur Tes tulis Menjawab
c. Answer the
Pengumu pertanyaan
kalimat, questionarry based
struktur on the text!
bacaan, tujuan 2. Menjodohkan
teks, dsb Mengidentifikasi Tes Lisan
ciri kebahasaan 2. Match the text with
teks yang dibaca the correct phrases
3. Membahas
tujuan masing- Jwb singkat 3. What’s the purpose
masing teks of the text?
fungsional yang
telah dibahas.
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Standar Kompetensi : 6.Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
6.1 Mengungkap-kan  Teks fungsional 1.Membahas ciri-ciri 1.Melengkapi teks Tes tulis 1.Mlengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 -Buku teks
makna gagasan pendek berbentuk: jenis teks fungsional pendek a. Menyus- spaces of the menit
dalam teks tulis 1. Instruksi fungsional un Kata following text!
- Alat peraga
fungsional pendek
pendek sangat 2. Daftar barang
3. Kartu ucapan 2.Menyusun b. Menyu- a. Arranged the ju
sederhana Tes tulis - Lingkung-an
2.Membuat frasa, kata/urutan kata sun mbled words into
dengan 4. Pengumuman sekitar yang
kalimat sesuai menjadi kalimat Kalimat good sentences
menggunakan 5. Kalimat terdapat
ragam bahasa materi yang padu b. Arrange the pengumuman
sederhana terkait jumbled
tulis secara materi dan jenis dan tanda
akurat, lancar teks. sentences in a peringatan

dan berterima good order
Tanda Baca
 Spelling
berinteraksi 3.Menulis teks Tes tulis
2. Esai
fungsional pendek 2. Make a greeting card
dengan 3.Membuat teks
(choose the topic you
lingkungan fungsional pendek prefer: Happy
birthday, Wedding,
Season’s greeting)

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
6.2.Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Mendengarkan 1. Membuat teks Tes tulis Melengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 menit Buku teks
langkah retorika pendek tentang : dan merespon fungsional spaces of the short
dalam teks tulis Instruksi penjelasan pendek text.
- Alat peraga
fungsional tentang ciri-ciri
- Daftar barang
pendek sangat teks fungsional
Kartu ucapan 2. Menggunakan 2a. Write down an
sederhana dengan - pendek Tes tulis Esai
langkah announcement
menggunakan - pengumuman Pengumuman,i
retorika dalam based on the given
ragam bahasa nstruksi, daftar

akurat, lancar dan 

2. Menyusun kata menulis teks situation
tulis secara barang,kartu
Langkah retorika teks dalam bentuk fungsional
ucapan otentik
fungsional pendek frasa benda pendek
berterima untuk Project b. Go to public places
berinteraksi and find at least 10
dengan 3. Menyusun kata, written short texts
lingkungan frasa dalam
terdekat kalimat padu
Uraian c. Make a list of
things you find in
4. Mengidentifikasi the following
ciri-ciri teks
pendek yang 1. bedroom
diberikan dengan 2. bathroom
bantuan guru 3. kitchen

5. Mengidentifikasi
ciri-ciri teks
pendek yang
diberikan secara

6. melengkapi teks
pendek dengan
struktur teks
yang benar.
7. Menulis teks
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

........., ....................20.....
Mengetahui; Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,
Kepala Sekolah .......................

( ....................................................... ) ( .............................................. )
NIP /NIK : ; ..................................... NIP /NIK : ; .............................

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 7. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
7.1 Merespon makna 1. Percakapan 1. Tanya jawab Merespon Tes lisan Merespon 1. Listen to the expression 2x40 - script
dalam percakapan singkat memuat tentang berbagai ungkapan- ungkapan and menit percakapan
transaksional (to get hal terkait materi ungkapan : respond to it
things done ) dan 2. Membahas 1.Meminta &
ungkapan : - rekaman
interpersonal kosakata dan tata memberi jasa Matching 2. Listen to the expression media
(bersosialisasi) sangat bahasa: noun a. Tes tulis
and elektonik:
sederhana secara Contoh: phrase, adjective, kaset, VCD
akurat, lancar dan adverb, verb 2. Meminta & match it with the suitable
A :Pass me the , DVD film
berterima untuk yang terkait memberi response
berinteraksi dengan pencil, please! dengan meminta barang
lingkungan terdekat B :Sure. Here you dan memberi
yang melibatkan are. jasa, meminta T/F 3. Listen to the dialoque
tindak tutur : and
A : Give me a piece dan memberi kerja
meminta dan of paper, please! barang, meminta decide whether it is
memberi jasa, dan memberi TRUE or
meminta dan B : Sure, Here You Merespon
are. fakta FALSE.
memberi barang, serta Tes lisan tindakan
A : Did you come 3. Mendengarkan 4. Pass me the pencil,
meminta dan
here yesterday? percakapan please.
memberi fakta 3.Meminta & Memberi
sesuai dengan
B : I did. materi jawaban
2. Tata Bahasa singkat 5. Give short answer
 Simple Past tense
4. Menjawab fakta
pertanyaan sesuai
 Quantifiers dengan isi
3. Kosa kata percakapan
 Kata terkait tema 5. Menjawab
 Kata terkait jenis
tentang struktur
teks percakapan
4. Ungkapan Baku
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
7.2 Merespon makna Percakapan singkat 1. Mendengarkan Merespon Tes lisan Merespon Respond to the following 2x 40 Script
dalam percakapan memuat ungkapan- dan merespon ungkapan- ungkapan expressions orally. menit percakapan di
transaksional ungkapan : introduction ungkapan : buku teks
1. A: What do you think?
( to get things done) tentang topik 1. Meminta dan
dan interpersonal materi yang akan B: .Not ........
Contoh : memberi Merespon Rekaman
(bersosialisasi ) disampaikan Tes Lisan 2. A: What do you like to
pendapat ungkapan percakapan
sangat sederhana 2. Mendengarkan drink? buatan: CD
secara akurat, lancar 1.A: What do you dan merespon B: ................... ,VCD ,DVD,
dan berterima untuk Think? penjelasan 2.Menyatakan film
berinteraksi dengan kosakata dan
lingkungan terdekat B: Not bad suka dan tidak
tatabahasa suka
yang melibatkan tentang topik pilihan Rekaman
Tes tulis 3. A: Are you sure?
tindak turur : meminta 2.A: I like tea materi yang akan ganda percakapan
dan memberi B: .................. otentik
B: I dont I like milk dipelajari
pendapat dan a. Ok b. Fine
3. mendengarkan 3.Meminta
menyatakan suka dan klarifikasi c. Alright d. I am
3.A:.Are you sure ? percakapan
tidak suka, meminta
transaksional dan jwbn singkat
klarifikasi, dan B : I am
merespon secara
interpersonal Tes tulis 4. A: I’m happy
tentang topik B: Are you?
4.A: Are you? materi yang
dipelajari 4. Merespon A:…….
B : Yes, I am
4. mengidentifikasi secara
tindak tutur interpersonal
Tata Bahasa ungkapan-
 Verb : Like, ungkapan yang
need, want diperdengarkan
6. merespon
Kosa kata
 Daily need
ungkapan yang
 Kata terkait jenis

Ungkapan Baku
 Not bad
 Great
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 8. Mendengarkan
Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
8.1 Merespon makna  Teks fungsional 1. Brain storming 1.Merespon makna Tes lisan Jwbn singkat Listen to the text and 2x40 script :
yang terdapat dalam pendek berupa : tentang kosakata dalam teks fung- answer the questions. menit di buku guru
teks lisan fungsional 1. Instruksi terkait materi
sional pendek : tentang :
pendek sangat
sederhana secara 2. Daftar barang 2. Membahas
- Instruksi Tes tulis -Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and instruksi
kosakata dan tata choose the best option.
akurat, lancar dan 3. Ucapan bahasa terkait - Daftar barang
berterima untuk Selamat materi tentang : - daftar barang
berinteraksi dengan 4. Pengumuman noun, noun Listen to the text and
lingkungan terdekat - Ucapan - melengkapi
phrase, adjective, complete the sentences.
selamat Unjuk kerja - ucapan
verb, adverb.
 Kosakata terkait
- Pngumuman selamat
3. Mendengarkan Listen to the instruction
teks fungsional Test Lisan Melakukan and do it !
tema dan jenis perintah - pengumum
yang 2. Menentukan
mengunakan Fungsi komuni- -an
What is the purpose of
 Ciri kebahasaan
gambit-gambit Jawaban
attention please, katif teks yang Tes Tulis the text
Singkat Rekaman
teks fungsional : thanks, excuse didengar.
- instruksi me, sorry. Listen and write all the
Uraian singkat verbs stated in the text
- daftar barang 4. Menjawab 3. Menentu kan ciri
pertanyaan sesuai kebahasaan dari
- ucapan selamat
dengan isi teks Listen and write all the
- pengumuman yang didengar masing-masing verbs stated in the text
5. Menjawab teks fungsional
pertanyaan yang didengar
tentang struktur
teks fungsional
yang didengar

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )
8.2 Merespon makna yang  Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan  Merespon informasi Tes lisan Pertanyaan Listen and answer the 2x40 Script teks
terdapat dalam berbentuk: dan merespon dalam teks lisan lisan following questions menit monolog
monolog sangat tentang berbagai monolog berbentuk deskriptif/prose
sederhana secara 1. DeskriptIf hal terkait tema / : dur dalam buku
akurat, lancar dan 2. prosedur jenis teks yang guru
- Diskriptif
berterima untuk dibahas.
berinteraksi dengan  Kosakata terkait 2. Memperhatikan
- Procedur
Rekaman teks
tentang kosakata  Menentukan ciri
lingkungan terdekat penjelasan Pilihan ganda Listen to the text and
tema / jenis teks Tes tulis monolog
dalam teks berbentuk choose the best answer deskriptif
descriptive dan

dan tatabahasa kebahasaan teks by crossing a,b,c or d /prosedur
procedure Ciri kebahasaan yang muncul yang didengar.
teks deskriptif dalam teks
Listen to the text and
deskriptif / Pilihan ganda
dan procedur.
 Menentukan fungsi Tes tulis
choose the best answer
by crossing a,b,c or d
 Langkah retorika
3. Mendengarkan
komunikatif teks
model monolog
yang didengar.
teks deskriptif / teks
prosedur deskriptif/prosed
4. Menjawab
secara lisan
tentang isi teks
5. Menyebutkan
komunikatif teks
yang didengar.
6. Mengidentifikasi
kata kerja dari
teks yang
7. Mendengarkan
teks deskriptif /
prosedur lainnya.
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
Ketulusan ( Honesty )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 9. Berbicara
mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
9.1 Mengungkapkan Percakapan singkat 1. Tanya jawab * Bertanya dan Unjuk kerja Bermain 1. Perform the 4x40 menit  Script
makna dalam memuat ungkapan- yang berkaitan menjawab berbagai peran dialogue with percakapan
percakapan ungkapan : dengan materi informasi : your friend in the dari buku
transaksional ( to 2. Membahas 1.Meminta dan front of the teks
get things done ) kosakata dan tata
 Alat peraga
Contoh: memberi jasa class!
dan interpersonal bahasa: noun,
( bersosialisasi ) adjective,

 Rekaman
sangat sederhana 1.A : Pass me the adverb, noun 2.Meminta dan
Tes Lisan Merespon
2. Listen to the
dengan pencil please! phrase memberi barang ungkapan expression and
menggunakan B : Sure. here you 3. Menirukan respond to it ,
ragam bahasa lisan ungkapan- example :
secara akurat, are.
ungkapan yang a. Pass me the salt,
lancar dan digunakan dalam please.
berterima untuk 2.A : Give me the percakapan
berinteraksi dengan b. Give me the
paper Please! sesuai materi paper,
B : Sure, here it is. 4. Berlatih dengan please.
terdekat yang
teman 3.Meminta dan c. Did you come
melibatkan tindak
mengunakan late?
tutur : meminta dan 3.A: Did you come memberi fakta Bermain
ungkapan- Unjuk kerja
memberi jasa, here yesterday ? peran
ungkapan yang
meminta dan 3. Create a dialoque
B : I did ada dalam
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
memberi barang, percakapan based on
dan meminta Tata Bahasa sesuai materi the role cards and
memberi fakta 5. Bermain peran perform it.
- Verbs: Like, need,
want menggunakan
ungkapan yang
- Simple Past Tense
telah dipelajari.

- Kata Terkait tema
dan jenis teks
ungkapan baku
- Here it is
- Here you are

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines) 

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
9.2 Mengungkapkan 1. Percakapan 1. Mendengarkan dan Bertanya dan 4x40 Script
makna dalam singkat memuat merespon menjawab berbagai menit percakapan
percakapan pertanyaan tentang Informasi : dalam buku
transaksional (to topik materi yang teks
1. Meminta &
get things done) & ungkapan : akan disampaikan Unjuk kerja Bermain Perform a dialogue
interpersonal memberi pendapat peran about asking and
giving opinion with Script otentik
(bersosialisai) Contoh : 2. Mendengarkan dan your own words!
sangat sederhana 2. Menyatakan suka
dengan dan tidak suka Rekaman
A : What do you think pembahasan Tes lisan Daftar
menggunakan Answer the following percakapan
of this? tentang kosakata pertanyaan
ragam bahasa lisan questions orally!
dan tatabahasa 3. Meminta
secara akurat, B : Not bad yang terkait dengan klarifikasi Alat peraga
lancar dan Bermain
topik materi yang Unjuk kerja Create a dialoque
berterima untuk peran
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
berinteraksi A : I like tea akan disampaikan 4. Merespon secara based on the role
dengan lingkungan B : I don’t interpersonal Menjawab cards and perform it
terdekat yang singkat Give your positive
A : Are you sure 3. Mendengarkan Tes lisan
melibatkan tindak response
B : I am model percakapan
tutur : meminta
transaksional dan a. Do You ?
dan memberi
interpersonal b. Are You ?
pendapat, A :Do you? dengan topik materi
menyatakan suka c. Can You ?
B : I do yang dipelajari
dantidak suka, d. Does she ?
klarifikasi, 2. Tata Bahasa 4. Menirukan model
merespon secara - Verb be percakapan
interpersonal transaksional dan
- Verb do interpersonal
- Verb have dengan topik materi
yang dipelajari
3. Kosa kata
 Kata terkait tema 5. Melakukan
 Kata terkait jenis
transaksional dan
dengan teman
4. Ungkapan Baku dengan materi yang
 Wonderful ! dipelajari
 Excellent !

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 10. Berbicara
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
10.1. 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab Mengungkapkan Unjuk kerja Uji petik 1. Give instrtruction to 4x40 - Script
Mengungkapka pendek yang berkaitan makna dalam teks berbicara your friend orally based menit percakapan
n makna yang berbentuk : dengan materi fungsional pendek on the picture. dari buku
terdapat dalam 2. Membahas berbentuk : 2. Mention the things you teks
1. Instruksi
teks lisan kosakata dan tata - Instruksi find in ... - Alat peraga
fungsional 2. Daftar barang
bahasa: noun, - Daftar barang 3. Announce a certain
pendek sangat 3. Pengumuman noun phrase, adj,
- Pengumuman information to your
sederhana 4. Ucapan verb, adverb friend
dengan selamat - Ucapan
3. Menirukan 4. Say something to your
menggunakan selamat
ungkapan yang 
ungkapan- friend when ...
ragam bahasa Memberi
2. Tata Bahasa
 Imperatives
lisan secara instruksi secara a. He/She got good
digunakan dalam
akurat, lancar, score
 Quantifiers
percakapan lisan.

dan berterima at english test
sesuai materi Menyebutkan
berinteraksi 4. Mendengarkan daftar barang b. won the game
teks fungsional / tertentu.

dengan 3. Kosakata
lingkungan pendek Mengumumkan
Kata terkait
terdekat 5. Menjawab sesuatu

jenis teks
pertanyaan Mengucapkan
tentang isi teks selamat
4. Ungkapan Baku
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
 Well done yang didengar.
 Congratulation 6. Menggunakan
s ungkapan-
 Happy
ungkapan yang
ada dalam
sesuai materi
dengan teman
7. Mengguanakan
ungkapan sesuai
dengan materi

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
10.2 1. Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan 1. Mengungkapkan Tes lisan Daftar Answer the following 4x40 menit Script
Mengungkapka berbentuk : dan merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan questions orally! monolog teks
n makna dalam berbagai hal dalam teks deskriptif/pros

monolog tentang teks monolog edur dalam
pendek sangat Descriptiv deskriptif/prosed berbentuk buku teks

sederhana ur
dengan Procedure 2. Memperhatikan -Procedure Script otentik
menggunakan dan merespon
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
ragam bahasa 2. Kosa kata terkait penjelasan
lisan secara tema / jenis teks. tentang kosakata 2.Menyebutkan fugsi Rekaman
akurat, lancar dan tatabahasa komunikatif teks monolog
dan berterima dalam teks yang didengar.
untuk monolog
berinteraksi 3. Ciri kebahasaan Deskriptif/prosed Alat peraga
dengan ur tentang 3.Menyebutkan ciri
teks deskriptif / Unjuk kerja
lingkungan Tea/How to make kebahasaan teks
prosedur Uji petik 2.a. Describe something /
terdekat dalam a cup of tea. yang didengar. berbicara someone with your own
teks berbentuk 3. Mendengarkan
descriptive dan 4. Tata Bahasa words orally in front of
 Present
model monolog
procedure 4.Melakukan
lisan tentang teks the class!
Tense deskriptif/prosed
 Imperatives
ur dalam bentuk
2.b. Tell your friends how to
4. Mendiskusikan deskriptif /
dalam kelompok prosedur do something (make a
5. Ungkapan Baku draft monolog Uji petik cup of tea)
Well,.. mendeskripsikan berbicara
you know kembali,
that ? menyampaikan
prosedur dengan
kata-kata sendiri
5. Melakukan
monolog lisan
secara individu
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang
berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
11.1. Merespon 1. Teks fungsional 1 Tanya jawab yang 1.mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Esai 1.write down the 4x40 Buku teks
makna yang pendek berupa : berkaitan dengan berbagai informasi answers completely menit Yang relevan
terdapat dalam Instruksi materi
dalam teks
teks tulis 2 Membahas
Daftar barang fungsional pendek Tes lisan Pilihan Ganda 2.Choose the best
fungsional kosakata dan tata answer by crossing
pendek sangat Ucapan selamat bahasa: noun, noun berupa: Esai
sederhana pengumuman phrase, adj, verb, - Instruksi
secara akurat, adverb
lancar dan - Daftar barang Unjuk kerja Jawaban
3.Answer the
3 Mendengarkan
berterima yang 2. Tatabahasa - Ucapan Singkat
questions orally Teks otentik
- Adverb phrase contoh membaca
berkaitan selamat
nyaring yang
dengan - Noun Phrase - Pengumuman Uji petik
dilakukan guru 4.Read the text aloud.
lingkungan - Adj Phrase membaca
terdekat 4 Berdiskusi dengan 2.Merespon berbagai nyaring
teman menjawab informasi dalam
3. Kosakata pertanyaan bacaan teks fungsional
5 Menjawab pendek
- Kata terkait tema
dan jenis teks pertanyaan bacaan
secara lisan 3.Membaca nyaring
Ungkapan baku individual teks fungsional /
- Listen, Please 6 Membaca nyaring pendek.
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
- Attention, please bergiliran

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Berani ( courage )
11.2 Merespon 1.Teks Esei 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Daftar 1. Read the text 4x40 menit Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk merespon berbagai informasi pertanyaan carefully Yang relevan
langkah deskriptive/procedure introduction and then answer
dalam teks
retorika secara tentang teks the
akurat, lancar deskriptif/prosedur descriptive dan
2. Kosakata terkait following questions
dan berterima dengan topik materi procedure Teks otentik
tema / jenis teks. briefly!
dalam esai yang akan dibaca.
sangat 2. Memperhatikan Alat peraga
sederhana yang 3.Ciri kebahasaan penjelasan tentang 2. Answer the
2. Mengidentifikasi Tes tulis Uraian
berkaitan teks : kosakata dan questions
dengan - procedure tatabahasa yang fungsi komunikatif based on the text.
lingkungan berkaitan dengan teks deskriptif /
terdekat dalam - descrptive teks
teks berbentuk procedure.
deskriptif/prosedur Pilihan Ganda
descriptive/pro 4.Ungkapan baku yang akan dibaca Tes tulis 3.Choose the correct
cedure - Delicious ! 3. Mengidentifikasi Answer
3. Memperhatikan
- It smells good ! penjelasan tentang langkah retorika
langkah retorika teks deskriptif Jawaban
List all the verbs
teks singkat
/prosedur started in the text
4. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dalam kerja 4menyebutkan ciri
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
kelompok kebahasaan teks
5. Mengidentifikasi descriptive /
berbagai informasi procedure.
dalam kerja
6. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dan berbagai
informasi secara

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
11.3 membaca  Teks Esei 1 Mendengarkan dan Melafalkan kata, Tes unjuk Melafalkan 1. Pronounce the 2x40 Buku teks
nyaring berbentuk merespon hal-hal frasa dan kalimat kerja following menit
bermakna teks descriptive / yang perlu dengan baik dan words or phrases Teks otentik
fungsional dan procedure. diperhatikandalam benar
kegiatan membaca 
esai pendek dan Membaca kata
 Pronunciation
sangat nyaring teks frasa dan kalimat
sederhana descriptive/procedu 2. Read the following
dengan intonasi Intonasi
berbentuk re tentang
 Intonation
yang benar sentences by

descriptive/ pentingnya applying
procedure pronunciation, Membaca nyaring
correct intonation!
 punctuation
dengan ucapan, intonation, teks
tekanan dan punctuation, descriptive/procedu
re dengan baik dan Uji petik
intonasi yang kualitas suara 3. Read the following
benar. Membaca
berterima 2 Mendengarkan text loudly!
model membaca
nyaring teks
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Dasar Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Waktu Belajar
Instrumen Instrumen
3 Menirukan
membaca nyaring
dengan intonasi dan
jeda sesuai model
4 Membaca nyaring
sendiri dengan
lafal, intonasi, dan
jeda yang baik dan
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )

Sekolah : .........................
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 2 (dua)
Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Kompetensi
Instrumen Instrumen
12.1 Mengungkapkan 1. Teks fungsional 1. Tanya jawab  Menulis teks Test tulis Melengkapi 1. Complete the 4x40 - Buku teks
makna dalam teks Instruksi yang berkaitan fungsional Menyusun sentences menit
tulis fungsional dengan materi kata acak
Daftar barang pendek Tes tulis - Alat peraga
pendek sangat 2. Membahas dan
Pengumuman berbentuk : 2. Rearrange the words
sederhana dengan mengembangkan
menggunakan Ucapan selamat - Instruksi Esai bebas into - Tempat-
kosakata dan tata
ragam bahasa good sentences tempat
2. Kosakata terkait bahasa: noun, - Daftar barang Penugasan
tulis secara noun phrase, umum yang
akurat, lancar dan tema / jenis teks. adj, verb,
- Pengumuman
3. Write down your ada teks
berterima untuk 3. Ciri kebahasaan adverb, simple - Ucapan own fungsional
berinteraksi teks fungsional. Pr tense, Selamat Tugas
rumah shopping list based
dengan 4. Tanda Baca imperative
 Menulis kalimat
on the
5. Spelling 3. Membuat frasa, situation given.
kalimat sesuai sederhana
dengan materi
4. Membahas 4. Write down list of
struktur atau instructions
ciri-ciri teks tulis to be on time to
fungsional school
5. Membuat teks 5.Write a greeting card
tulis fungsional to your
pendek friend on his/her
terpimpin birthday
Listen and make a draft
6. Membuat teks
of retelling
tulis fungsional
pendek sendiri
dengan bebas

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )
Materi Indikator Alokasi Sumber
Kompetensi Kegiatan
Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Waktu Belajar
Dasar Kompetensi
Instrumen Instrumen
12.2 Mengungkapkan  Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan dan 1. Melengkapi teks Tes tulis melengkapi 1. Complete the blank 6x40 Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk merespon - descriptive spaces Correctly. menit
langkah retorika introduction - procedure
sangat sederhana 
Alat peraga
dalam esai pendek tentang penulisan
Descriptive / teks monolog
dengan procedure deskriptif / 2. Menyusun teks Teks otentik
menggunakan prosedur.
ragam bahasa tulis 
menyusun 2. Arrange the jumbled
Unsur bahasa 2. Memperhatikan teks sentences into a good
secara akurat, terkait teks. penjelasan tentang
lancar dan kosakata dan descriptive/procedure

berterima untuk tatabahasa yang 3. Menulis teks
berinteraksi Langkah retorika berbentuk text
berkaitan dengan Esai
dengan terkait teks. penulisan teks - Descriptive/
lingkunguan procedure 3. Write down a simple

monolog deskriptif
terdekat dalam Spelling / prosedur
teks berbentuk descriptive/procedure
3. Memperhatikan dan

descriptive/ text
membaca teks
procedure Tanda baca based on the picture /
deskriptif /
prosedur. with your own words
4. Menulsi frasa-frasa,
yang diperlukan
untuk menulis teks
deskriptif /
5. Menulis teks
deskriptif /
prosedur dengan
struktur teks yang
 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
........., ....................20.....
Mengetahui; Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris,
Kepala Sekolah .......................

( ....................................................... ) ( .............................................. )
NIP /NIK : ; ..................................... NIP /NIK : ; .............................

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