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Pyramid of Friendship From: Socially Curious 2y; Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke Bonded Friendship Evolving Friendship Possible Emerging Friendship Friendly Greeting ose Friend This is a very special friend with whem you have deoper conversations, You share secrets, worries and feelings with each other. You share your most intimate, important thoughts. onde friendship “his is when yoo are realy there for each other You spend a lot of 4me together both where you met and aso in other Paces. W's a mere intense friendship and there is shared effort ‘Evolving Friendehi> “This is when you show the person tha you would ike to spend more time with them +o hang ovt ouside of where you met. There fs muha effort put into +he relationship and benefit to both, Possible Emerging Friendship “This is when you stark 40 ceek ovt people 40 talk to them, but you meet with them in the same location where You met. This level takes less effort kecause it takes place in a chared seHing ‘Acquaintance “This is a person you have worked with in a class group or they may ke friends with one of your friends ard so you hurg aut for a short while. They are someone you just happen 40 4alk 4. Friendly Greetings This is someone youre friendly 40 but don't realy now, don't tale 40, and dons hang out with at all. These are short, friendly, sometimes norrverbal greetings towards ancl ‘Action needed 40 maintain friendship at 4his level: Hang out including spending time together (on the weekend Treat your friend's friends well by showing an interest in $hem ‘Action needed +0 move +o the next level: Ask them if they want hang out +0 do ‘something together after school Call this person just 40 say hella ‘Action needed +0 move +0 the next level: Hang out after school Talk about more personal ‘huff. Show the person theyre special to you by being thoughtful and Kind 40 hem. ‘Action needed +o move +o the next level ‘Ack them 40 meet for lunch. Ask them 40 be your partner in a school project. Call 42 ask them a homework auestion ‘Action needed +0 move +0 the next level: ry to sit near this person in class. Choose to work together in a class group. Show an interest in them ky responding +o ther comments, ‘Action needed 40 move +o the next level: ‘Say hi 40 people as you pass them, Make eye contact and smile at others. Look yp and be open to being greeted by others

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