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Assignment: 2



Instruction :

1. Answer all questions correctly on the column below!

2. Type it on A4 paper!
3. Margin top, bottom, left, right : 3 cm
4. Font : Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1
5. Fill in your identities, such as complete name, NIM, class
6. Just submit your answer not including with the questions
7. Send your assignment on PDF, format file name assignment :

1. Part 1 : Foods and Drinks (attached)

2. Part 2 : Animals (attached)

Assignment 2 (Food and Drinks & Animals)
Day/ Date :
Complete Name :
Class :

Reading comprehension: Meals in Britain

A. Read the texts about the meals in Britain and fill in the table.

Hi, my name is Anthony, I’m sixteen years old and I live in

Sheffield. I usually eat bread with jam or honey and I drink
some milk or orange juice for breakfast. At school, I often
eat a sandwich with cheese, salad and tomatoes for lunch. But
I also eat hot meals like Pasta, hamburgers or some tomato
soup. I don’t eat any crisps, I don’t like crisps! I sometimes
eat fish and chips for dinner.
Hello, I’m Julia, I’m sixteen years old and I live in York. I
often eat some cereal with milk for breakfast. I never eat
sausages, I don’t like that! At school in the afternoon, I
usually eat a tuna salad with vegetables and eggs. I also eat
some fruit and drink some water. I sometimes go with
friends to a restaurant and we eat chicken with potatoes and
vegetables for dinner. I don’t eat any hamburgers, I don’t
like that!

B. Type your answer in the column below !

Time Anthony’s Meal Julia’s Meal




Food and Drinks: Meals

C. Writing Exercise

How about you ? What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? What time ?
Where ?


Animal Riddles

Can you find out what I am?

I have four legs. I am small. I am beautiful.

1 2 3
I live in Africa. I can be scary. I have six legs.

I am big and grey. I have eight legs. I can fly.

I live in the river. I spin a web. I eat honey.

I have four legs. I eat vegetables. I can swim.
4 5
I am a pet. I can run fast. I can’t fly.

I hate cats. I can be a pet. I eat fish.

I bark. I have long ears. I am a bird.

I eat other animals. I live in Africa. I live in the house.
I have a big mouth. 7 I am yellow and brown. I eat everything. 9

I am green. I eat leaves. I am small and grey.

I live in the water. I have a long neck. Cats eat me.

I can swim and dive. I am brown. I live on the farm.

I have two legs. I have a mane. I have horns.

10 11 12
I have wings. I like to eat zebras. I moo.

I quack. I roar. I give milk.

I have four legs. I am a pet. I am small and brown.

You can ride me. 1 I like mice. 1 I eat nuts.

3 1
I have tusks. I have nine lives. 5
I can climb trees.

I have a long nose. I purr and meow. I have a nice tail.

I hiss. I live in the city. I oink.
1 1 1
I can be poisonous. I have a long tail. I give you bacon.
6 7 8
I am long. I eat rubbish. I like mud and dirt.

I have a forked tongue. People don’ like me. I am pink.

I eat insects. I have a mane. I am small.

I live in the pond.

1 I whinny. I have feathers.
9 2 1
I hop. You can ride me.0 I lay eggs.

I am green. I live in a barn. I can sing and fly.

Type Your Answer in the column here !

1. 8. 15.

2. 9. 16.

3. 10. 17.

4. 11. 18.

5. 12. 19.

6. 13. 20.

7. 14. 21.

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