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Inglés en una foto

Sujeto Verbo Objeto Preposición Conector

Eat – Ate – Eaten
I, you, he, she, it, we, you ,they Eat(s) Me, you, him, her, it, us, you ,them Along That
Erick Am/is/are eating Erick Within After
Ana Have/has eaten Ana Beyond Before
The dog Have/has been eating The dog Through Because
Sofia and I Ate Sofia and me Next year What
My parents Was/were eating My parents Tomorrow When
My family Had eaten My family At the night Where
People Had been eating People An hour ago While
The chocolate that we sell Will eat The chocolate that we sell In the party Once
The pretty and black cat Will be eating The pretty and black cat At the school Since
The car production cost Will have eaten The car production cost At the wedding Until
A young water company worker Will have been eating A young water company worker However
To run Modal eat To run Would – ría Therefore
Running Modal be eating Running Should – debería Provided
To think Modal have eaten To think Could – podría Though
Thinking Modal have been eating Thinking Although
To run is healthy – Running is healthy
Sofía y yo comeremos con mis padres en el parque
Sofía and me will eat with my parents in the park
Sofía y yo estamos haciendo un pastel con el chocolate que nosotros vendemos
Sofía and me are making a cake with the chocolate that we sell
El costo de producción del carro debe ser reducido para el siguiente año-lowered, reduced
The car production cost must be reduced for the next year
La gente no debería salir de su casa a menos que sea una emergencia – unless
The people shouldn’t leave their house unless it is an emergency
El coche se ensuciará si no lo estacionas dentro de la casa cuando llueve
The car will get dirty if you don’t park it inside the house when it rains.

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