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mihaela, Unlock Your Sacred Archetypal Powers &

Experience Abundance Across All Aspects Of Your Life.

This Private Archetype Reading Has Been Prepared For:

Name: mihaela
Archetype: ruler

 Step 1 Your Strengths + Calling

 Step 2 Your Obstacles + Weaknesses
 Step 3 Your Path To Abundance

Dearest mihaela,

There's something truly different about you... I see extraordinary but unleashed potential
lurking within you - potential that's been suppressed for decades now... Much like a dormant
volcano just waiting for its time.

I'm sure you've noticed some rather peculiar occurrences over the last few months - perhaps
through unfortunate circumstances, unforeseen occurrences, or as if the weight of the world's
on your sholders. These are all indications of your forthcoming period of transformation,
emergence, and energies.

Yes, there is no doubt. Your Archetypal Initiation Cycle is on the VERGE of commencing.
This is an intuitive cycle that concentrates the positive energies of the Collective
Unconscious over the course of several weeks - allowing you to unblock all negative
vibrations surrounding you to attain the unimaginable.

In other words, the days and weeks that follow are your optimal period to emerge from
previous struggles, and past pains. Your timing to embark on this self-exploration journey
could not have been more PERFECT.

There is plenty at stake here, mihaela. Your joy, happiness, luck, love, wealth...

Now, it is paramount that you complete this reading to the very end. Because after
introducing your ruler archetype, I will show you how you can leverage on this energetic shift
to catapult your growth forward. That means no more mulling over opportunities, and no
more retreating in the face of adversity.

We'll discuss this in greater detail later, but first, let us proceed with your archetype reading...

mihaela, You Are The Ruler - And This Is What It

The Ruler archetype is best defined by its innate ability to lead. While others tend to avoid
playing the role of a leader, Rulers are absolutely comfortable with volunteering to take

It's important to note that it's not the desire to lead that defines the Ruler archetype, but the
actual quality of leadership that you are able to administer.

Truth be told, the Ruler archetype is not merely one-dimensional. It has many different sides
and faces, and as we progress through this Archetypal Introduction, you'll begin to
understand what I mean. But before we proceed, please do so with with an open mind, and a
willing heart.

mihaela, the Ruler archetype is best illustrated through the decisions that you make. You are
often fair, just, and honourable.
You're able to manage the expectations of others and grant direction towards maintaining
order amongst your friends and various groups of people.

But what really sets you apart is your passion for power and authority... Control is the one
thing that you sought after the most, and also the one thing that you find the most fulfilling.

Everything that you do is always somehow related to either gaining, maintaining, or even
exercising control.

That does not mean to say that you're a control freak. Your approach to idea of control is
calculated and methodical.

More often than not, you leverage on your leadership qualities to attain higher personal goals,
be it for their family, friends, or your community 0 and not for senseless or selfish reasons.

If there's anyone who's capable of pulling that off, it's you, and you know that as well.

Others find themselves drawn to you because of your assertive and decisive personality.
Within your group of friends, you are often the one calling the shots and organizing outings
and gatherings... A trait that others find alluring and attractive about you.
Needless to say, the Ruler is perhaps one of the most charismatic archetypes. After all, you
do need a little bit of charisma in order to gain the trust of others.

mihaela, you are also idealistic when it comes to your goals - a strong sign of a visionary.
You refuse to fall short of your objectives, and you consider consolation as an indicator of

As a Ruler, you thrive on creating reliable systems for others to follow.

Your stance is grounded with conviction, and that conviction is articulated with empathy,
kindness, and a giving heart.

Your visions are what drive you and motivate you to live life to its fullest. And you refuse to
rest until you see your visions through.

You feel responsible for the others around you - whether they're your friends, co-workers, or
even your loved ones. That sense of responsibility pushes you to lead them by example. And
that's what ultimately separates you from the wannabes.

But we'll discuss that in greater detail as we progress through this Archetypal Introduction.

As A Ruler, These Are Your Hidden Strengths, Unknown

Tendencies, And Positive Attributes That You Wouldn't
mihaela, you are inspiring, confident, and determined.

You might not have a specific expertise or an actual skill set, but as a generalist, you do
possess excellent management abilities.

You're able to delegate and direct others with positive certainty - and that's what makes others
willing to follow.

You're not one to shy away from the limelight - being the centre of attention comes natural to

Your keen eye for detail ensures that whatever you set out to do is meticulously executed
with precision.

Apart from that, you're also an individual who's welcoming and open - especially to people
who you trust. You rarely shy away from opportunities to play the role of a listening ear, and
you feed off information from others to make sincere and unbiased choices.
As a Ruler, you're gallant and audacious when it comes to taking massive action. Whether it's
embarking on an unfamiliar personal journey, or putting a new idea to the test, you're swift to

Unlike other archetypes, you're not one to fear failure - you have a thorough understanding of
failure, realizing that it's the next step towards greatness. In fact, you welcome it with open

You are not afraid to make difficult and unpopular decisions. When you have to put your foot
down, you do not hesitate.

That's because you're willing to put your reputation and image at stake for the sake of your
values, and for the good of others.

In terms of your behaviour around others, you tend to be a little bit careful with your choice
of words. You prefer to keep yourself censored, and you're always looking for the most
politically correct way of putting things.

You're fully aware that your words have the capacity to hurt or help others, and you'd very
much prefer to use them with good intentions.

But there are obstacles that stand before you... Obstacles that you must be made aware of...
Unfortunately, Not All Is Smooth-Sailing For The Decisive
Ruler, mihaela... These Are The Shortcomings You Must
Look Out For.
This portion of your Archetypal Introduction does not seek to scare you... But it's best that
you be made aware of the potential challenges that lie ahead of you - or perhaps you've
encountered some of these challenges already.

However, I have no doubt that with your Archetypal strengths and personality traits, , you
will overcome all that stands in your way.

The Ruler archetype tends to struggle with spreading itself too thin. At times, it might feel
like you're needed everywhere all at once. It's likely that thoughts of cloning yourself or
splitting yourself in half have crossed your mind.

That challenge often stems from your refusal to seek help from others, perhaps from a lack of
trust in the people around you.

That challenge originates from a deeper fear that resides within you... and that is your fear of
losing control.
Perhaps your obsession with retaining power can at times be unwarranted, or even
unnecessary - a self-inflicted belief that has convinced you that power is something that needs
to be protected.

It is important for you to realize that a lack of trust does not resonate well with others, and
they do see it as well.

And that leads us to your greatest challenge of all, mihaela - and that is overcoming yourself.

The sooner you're aware of your struggles and weaknesses, the sooner you'll be able to
experience the wonders and greatness that it has to offer. Working on that aspect of your
personality will, in fact, reveal a part of your archetype that you never knew existed.

mihaela, it's important to understand that all archetypes has its fair share of weaknesses and
challenges. Now that you're aware of them, you'll be able to pay attention to them, and then
improve on them.

As A Ruler, This Is Your Calling... And It's Beyond Your

Wildest Imaginations
You are an excellent mediator when it comes to managing expectations – those from
yourself, and from others. You’re always able to maintain order through your sense of
understanding what people want..

This can be applied to both your personal and work relationships.

Your talents in discerning right from wrong allows you to concoct fair solutions that are
beneficial to all parties involved.

Your calling in life will revolve primarily around those traits, mihaela. As long as you're able
to be in a position where you're able to make fair decisions and provide others with direction,
you will find the fulfillment that you seek.

But you must always remember that your sense of self-worth is not determined by your
ability to lead or to rule. In fact, it is important for you to disassociate it completely from your

In eventuality, that is the true calling that you must answer to.

mihaela, Here's A Glimpse Into Your Love Compatibility

With Other Archetypes...
Do you see that chart on top? That little chart over there represents the archetypes that you’re
most likely to end up with. Or if you’re already in a committed relationship, there’s a really
good chance that your spouse is one of those archetypes.

The Ruler archetype is known to be charismatic, assertive, and responsible in a relationship...

You often plan ahead of time, and potential romantic partners are often appreciative of that

But you must be aware that you do tend to come off as authoritative and domineering, which
can be challenging attributes to have in a relationship. That often tips the balance in opinions
and perspectives, and your partner will have to exercise a lot of patience and humility to
constantly submit to you.

You must bear in mind that relationships are always a two-way street, and the values and
opinions of your partner needs to be listened to. Listening to your partner can in fact, be a lot
more empowering than trying to impose your authority over him or her.

It's unlikely that you'll encounter any trouble with finding potential suitors, but if you hold
your cards too closely to your chest, you might lose the opportunity to find the one who's
right for you.

With that being said, you must learn to be vulnerable and trusting, and through that, you will
also learn to be a more attentive, emotionally present lover. That will translate into a
rewarding romantic relationship.

But don’t forget, mihaela, how you perceive yourself should not be determined by your love
life. Romance is merely one, single aspect of life - not the only. It's always best to focus on
your own personal growth, because that's the path that you must embark on to lead a
rewarding and fulfilled life.
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You Possess An Incredible Superpower! But...

mihaela, even though you've made some remarkable progress in your life...

There is a big part of you that's yearning for something MORE. Perhaps you're living pay
cheque to pay cheque, and you're not experiencing the abundance you've always yearned for.

Perhaps there's an overwhelming sense of loneliness and emptiness, finding it difficult to

connect with others.

Or... Perhaps you thought you'd be a lot farther ahead by now.

It's NOT your fault, mihaela... And here's why.

Your Dreams Of Abundance, Happiness, and Direction

Will Never Be Within Reach, Until You Do This...
Let's agree on one thing - wealthy millionaires and famous actors are amongst the most
abundant individuals on the planet.

By their own right, these different groups of individuals have ALL achieved the heavily
coveted "abundance"... Whether it's money, fame, happiness... They've nailed it!

But how...?

...Is it SHEER LUCK that has brought these fortunate individuals to encounter such
marvellous rewards?

...Is it THE LAW OF ATTRACTION that has helped them manifest their deepest desires?

...Is there some HIDDEN SECRET that they're deliberately keeping to themselves, while
they watch the rest of us struggle?

Now, here's the hard truth.

They Discovered This One, Strange Thing "Suppressing"

Their Potential
Some way, some how, perhaps by chance or destiny, they've all "stumbled" upon a silent,
secret "resistor" LURKING within themselves. A quiet killer of abundance.

A secret that's literally STOPPING ALMOST EVERYONE from maximizing their true
potential... From creating the life of their desires.


Feeling skeptical? Uncertain...? Confused...?

In just a moment, I'm going to share with you this secret hidden, silent killer of YOUR
abundance. The very same "resistor" that abundant individuals have somehow conquered to
transform their lives...

Before we get into that, let's get one thing straight...

Every individual across the face of the planet, whether you're a ruler, a plumber, or Tom
Cruise - every individual faces adversity... Resistance that holds them back from being

Resistance that stems from the conscious mind's natural sense of "BALANCE".

Analytical psychologists and individuation practitioners like to call it "homeostasis".

The True Resistance Preventing You From

Homeostasis is the true resistance of change. It is the brain's warning system that you're
stepping into a realm of discomfort, and it wants to retract you back, hold you back into a
state of familiarity.

That's why no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do differently...

You're always finding yourself running around in circles, expending all your energy, only to
find yourself back at SQUARE ONE.

It's like a part of your brain wants to transform. It wants to undergo a breakthrough, but at the
same time it's holding itself back!

Think of it as the mind's self-regulating thermostat that keeps your mind in a "lukewarm"

The worst part? All these internal battles take place unbeknownst to you, because it happens
in your subconscious mind.

So, until you learn to consciously correct your mind's self-regulating thermostat... Your
energy, happiness, abundance will constantly remain in this "lukewarm" state.
Now, in order to correct homeostasis, we have to first understand how it works

Homeostasis is triggered by a little almond-shaped part of your brain called the amygdala.
The little part that's responsible for the response and memory of fear.

So whether you're trying to manifest your desires, correct your behaviours, seize a new
opportunity, undergo a journey of self discovery...

...Your amygdala WILL sense discomfort, sound the alarm, and force you into a state of
homeostasis by creating paralyzing friction between YOUR CURRENT SELF, and WHO

Your amygdala is the obstacle standing between you, and immense growth. Good change,
bad change, or even pointless change - your amygdala will prevent you from breaking out.
...Talk about being imprisoned by your own mind!

But if there's ONE THING that we HAVE LEARNED from millionaires, actors, and
abundant individuals, it's this.

"Breaking away from our amygdalas is ENTIRELY possible."

People from all over the world, from vastly different backgrounds, facing incredulous
circumstances, have shown us time and time again that breaking through homeostasis CAN

And I'm going to reveal exactly how you can leverage on your archetype to conquer your
mind's natural resistor - your amygdala.

Archetypal Integration
I'll break it down for you.

Your archetype, the ruler, is your gateway to YOUR complete transformation.

There is a palpable reason why psychologists have referred to archetypes as "the fundamental
of the human mind".

Archetypes reside in the unconscious, silently influencing EVERYTHING we do - our

behaviours and thoughts, without us even REALIZING IT.

...Which is why you were not aware of your archetype, your amygdala, and homeostasis...
Until right now.

But awareness is merely the beginning!

See, most people would try to tackle their amygdalas head-on with brute force, thinking "if I
tell myself not to be afraid, then I won't be afraid". Simple enough, right?

Big mistake.

Unfortunately, it does not work that way. If it did, there would be FAR MORE millionaires,
actors, and abundant individuals! Don't believe me? Here, I'll explain.

Think of tackling your mind's natural resistor as the infamous Chinese finger trap. No
matter how hard you try, how much force you use, the Chinese finger trap isn't going to
release... Why? Well, because that's precisely what it's designed to do - resist!
Forcing your fingers apart creates more friction. It clamps down even tighter, making your
release nearly IMPOSSIBLE.

If you've ever toyed with one of these strange thingamajigs, you would know that the only
solution to make it release is the EXACT OPPOSITE of your natural instincts.

See, you cannot just pull your fingers apart...

You have to push your fingers together, releasing the trap's traction, and then smoothly slip
your fingers away.

Think of the finger trap as the "amygdala". Think of the resistance and friction between the
trap and your fingers as "homeostasis".
And think of your two fingers as your subconscious mind, and the unconscious...

Yes, now you see.

Archetypal integration aligns your subconscious mind to the unconscious, opening the
gateway of infinite possibilities.

It's what guides your consciousness from a state of homeostasis, to a state of transformation.

And that's exactly when you'll start to witness all your limiting beliefs dissolve, your energy
blocks released, and your consciousness shift.

Your very own holistic transformation - gifting you the purpose and direction to reach your
destiny of fulfilled desires.

When You Master "Archetypal Integration", Your Life

Can Transform COMPLETELY!
Over the years, we have created a remarkable system that guides individuals through a self-
discovery process like no other...

...Restoring flair, passion and purpose to the lost and directionless.

...Returning confidence and certainty to the insecure and undecided.

A "strange" transformation method that will reveal to you a complete and epiphanic
understanding of who you are, who you have the potential to become, and what's
stopping you from living a life of abundance, happiness, and love.

A Weird Story Of Struggle, Evolution, and Triumph

Before his Archetypal Integration, Marcus, a budding entrepreneur, encountered
unimaginable struggles with his subconscious, and his internal self.

It wasn't until he began his Archetypal Integration, that he began to notice a spectacular
"shift" in his thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and negative energies.

Within DAYS... His amygdala had been conquered, his archetype had been integrated into
consciousness, and everything else became literally effortless.

5 months ago, it dawned on me that there was a bigger purpose in life. That's when I decided
to take a break from the corporate world, and pursue entrepreneurship.

What started with a few emails eventually became a guide which has left me dumbstruck
until today - all thanks to my Premium Archetypal Analysis

There I was, thinking I was about to take a break from work, but little did I realise that the
journey of life discovery and aligning myself with my life path started to unfold.
I started to notice a series of weird "coincidences" happening in my life, and it has put me on
a life path filled with self-discovery, purpose, and constant learning.

Although the journey came together with obstacles and numerous challenges, I now live a
more purposeful life. I'm now equipped with learning lessons that can only lead me to a
bigger breakthrough.

I look forward to my continued success during this journey, and hope to keep gaining
knowledge and blessings from the Individualogist Team.

Marcus Khoo, 33, Entrepreneur - Member Archetype

The awesome, odd stories don't just end there, mihaela.

Jake, a humble Deli Clerk, had this to say about his archetypel integration:

...I cannot say enough positive things about the various products that are available at as I have purchased several reports and have been 100% satisfied with
each one.

I have learned so much about myself in such a short span of time and the results are

The Universe answered when I was ready to listen and guided me to
(among other things) starting with my free archetype reading.

I was so impressed that I purchased the complete report on my archetype, which explained to
me things I already knew about myself but had forgotten or buried deep down inside, as well
as opened my eyes to a new perspective on myself.

I have also purchased and read through the Diminishing Your Shadow Report on my
archetype, which was invaluable at taking a real good look at myself and seeing what makes
me tick.

Note that this material is not for everyone, you have to be ready to take an honest evaluation
of yourself including the bad with the good.

But in the end while taking a close look at yourself can be difficult at times, what you find
and release and integrate consciously is more than worth it.

Highly recommended!

Jack Brunner, 51, Deli Clerk - Magician Archetype

mihaela, you can experience the same remarkable transformation. Jake's and Marcus' stories
are amongst COUNTLESS glowing testimonials and reviews we've received over the years.

I want you to know that it IS possible. And more than possible, it can be EFFORTLESS.
So, I'm so excited to share the exact TOOL and PROCESS that's helped Jake and Marcus,
along with thousands of others to master archetypal integration, AND unlock abundance,
happiness, and love:

 A blueprint that reveals the exact steps and phases to integrate your archetype into
your consciousness...
 A tool that unravels the secret to overcoming your mind's resistance to "good"
 A resource that can align your direction, desires and energies for remarkable
 A shortcut that can return intuition and intention to your control...

INTRODUCING: Your Premium Archetypal Analysis -

The Gateway To Archetypal Integration
This powerful analysis is the starting point of your personalized path to your abundant

A carefully crafted guide that will take you on a journey through an in-depth understanding
of what your archetype truly encompasses, and help you gain an epiphanic perspective of
who you truly are, and who you can become.

It will reveal your archetypal path and purpose, guiding you through each phase of the
Archetypal Integration process, without ANY homeostasis produced from your amygdala.

To make this journey as effortless as possible...

Your Premium Archetypal Analysis is split into FIVE

Progressive, Transformational Phases...
Phase #1: The Individuation Fundamentals
This phase marks the beginning of your transformation, where every step that lays ahead of
you will be explained. During this phase, the secrets of individuation and the Archetypal
Integration process will be unveiled. You will come to understand how all the pieces of the
puzzle fit to form your holistic ruler identity, and of course, how it works together with your
amygdala, and not against it.

Immediately, you will see your personalized path of least resistance to transformation.

Phase #2: Your Archetypal Incarnations

The second phase is when the real work begins, and when real results are experience. During
this phase, you are guided through all the incarnations of your ruler archetype. Incarnations
that form the entirety of your archetype.

It is through this phase that you will gain a thorough, profound revelation of who you are, and
who you can evolve into.

Phase #3: Your Archetypal Profile

Now, we've moved on to the third phase of your Archetypal Integration, where you'll work
more intimately with your archetype. In this phase, more of your archetype's tendencies,
behavioural responses, strengths, and weaknesses are revealed.

With homeostasis out of the way, your subconscious mind will start to become unified with
the unconscious, and you'll start to experience a "shift" in your perceptions - of yourself, of
others, and of what's truly possible.

Phase #4: Your Archetypal Odyssey

Your amygdala is out of the way. Your archetype is slowly becoming integrated - now what?
The fourth phase will prepare you for your next steps - the journey that your archetype will
embark on. It sheds light unto the obstacles that lie ahead, giving you predictive foresight for
you to maintain your integrated state.

In any transformation, regression and "back sliding" are extremely common phenomenon.
This phase will ascertain your transformation as a permanent change.

Phase #5: Your Archetypal Exercise Guide

The fifth and final phase is where you'll translate everything into action - your newly
experienced epiphanies, realizations, and wisdom. Here, we reveal a series of cognitive and
emotional exercises that work directly with all levels of your consciousness, familiarizing
your entire self with archetypal integration.

And as soon as this final phase begins, your direction and purpose will become clear. Your
entire being will be radiating with energy. You will notice abundance flowing into your life,
and everything will somehow "click" into place...

A Transformation Method That Supercedes All Other

mihaela, if there existed another transformational program as powerful, detailed, and
personalized as this... how much time, effort, research, and resources do you think it's
taken to produce?

Life coaches typically charge hundreds up to THOUSANDS of dollars per session - with NO
GUARANTEE of making any transformation whatsoever!

In fact, I just came across an "abundance course" from one of those "gurus" - SLAPPED with
a steep price tag of $1,900!
At - we've made it our mission to deliver personal transformation
through archetypal integration to the MASSES, because we believe that everyone should
have access to the information they need to become more abundant, happier, and filled
with love.

In order to make our programs, reports, and information available to the masses, we have to
make it affordable without compromising quality AND results.

And so, we've personalized the archetypal integration process to EACH ARCHETYPE.

See, each of the archetype's amygdalas, each individual has a different "response" to change
and transformation, making it absolutely necessary to develop a process that's not only
powerful, but also effective through personalized guidance and information.

...Which means, mihaela, as a ruler archetype, the exact archetypal integration steps, methods
and exercises have all been personalized to YOUR archetype.

In other words, I'm sure we can both agree that the true value of your Premium Archetypal
Analysis is certainly worth MUCH more than one of those overpriced "guru courses", that
hardly ever work.

mihaela, but despite the immense value of your Premium Archetypal Analysis, we have NOT
set the price tag at $1,900.

In fact, it is NOT even going to be priced at $1,000!

...$500 seems pretty fair, but admittedly, not everyone can afford to part with a sum of
money that large...

We did consider pricing a little under $200, but it still didn't feel quite right... At least to me.

So... After years of research and development, tests and tweaks... We're proud to announce
that we've set the official price of the Premium Archetypal Analysis at just $97.

BUT WAIT! You're NOT Going To Part With $97 TODAY.

...Because I'm NOT Going To Give You Your Premium

Archetypal Analysis At The "Official Price".
On this special page, I've included an exclusive one-time $60 discount for your Premium
Archetypal Analysis, setting the final "unofficial" price at $37.

It's part of an "archetypal experiment" to see how different archetypes react to unique
opportunities - will some of them seize such precious opportunities without a second
breath...? Which archetype's amygdalas will create enough resistance to stop them from
receiving something good into their lives... Will skepticism simply get the better of them?

The more we learn about you from these little anonymous "archetypal experiments", the
better we can improve our products, content, and programs to better serve you.
Consider this discount - this opportunity, as my invitation to you, mihaela. I'm inviting you to
become a part of our successfully transformed and archetype-integrated community.

A community filled with like-minded rulers such as yourself.

All I ask in return is you spread the good news of archetypes, Individuation, and Archetypal
Integration to your friends and family around you, so they too can rise above their amygdalas.
So that they too can have that fighting chance to "step out" of homeostasis.

"A great reminder of who I used to be..."

I recently purchased the Premium Archetypal Analysis after learning I was the Creator. It has
been revealing in what motivates me, as well as a great reminder of who I used to be. I was
always so creative as a child and lost this along the way. I believe this report has reawakened
that part of me and will serve me well on my path! Big thanks to the Individualogist Team for
this awesome information!

Deborah Brown, 44, Holistic Health Coach - Creator

"As time went along, more and more seemed to come true..."

This product is amazing. I was very scepitical at first but as time went along, more and more
seemed to come true. Plus, it was filled with so much relevant information, it made it very
easy to follow and recognize the signs and traits that were placed in front of me. It was a
pleasure to read and piqued my interest even further. I recommend that everyone take part in
this and get yourself involved in this. You won't regret it.
Bryan Smith, 51, City Inspector - Ruler

Regular Price $97, Today $37

Click Here To Gain Instant Access

Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server
using SSL technology.

Now, I must warn you - if you leave this page, your discount will be lost - forever. The next
time you see your reading, your Premium Archetypal Analysis will return to its "official
price" of $97.

AND on top of your $60 discount, I'm going to sweeten the deal just a little more...

Act Now, And I'll Give You These...

Claim your Premium Archetypal Analysis today, and I'll include 5 additional bonus readings.

These 5 additional materials are my personal recommendations for enhancing your self-
discovery journey - each of them revolve primarily around energetic influences, and intuitive

But not only that - these bonuses are all authored by our in-house panel of analytical
psychology and spirituality experts. They ARE NOT readings, guides, or information that
you'll be able to get ANYWHERE ELSE.

BONUS #1: Active Imagination Guide - $37 value

Bridge the gap between your consciousness and the unconscious using this mind-exploring
meditative technique, translating your unconscious mind into tangible images.
This extremely powerful guide will enhance your archetypal integration efforts by tapping
into the proven psychological exercises of "active imagination".

BONUS #2: Dream Analysis Guide - $37 value

Become a master of your intuition by deconstructing your dreams to reveal your "inner
voice". This secret guide will give you the edge you need to navigate the complex plains of
your unconscious mind.
By borrowing principles of analytical psychology, this guide will show you the exact art and
science to interpret dreams, so that you can uncover "hidden truths" about your inner intuition
and deeper personality.

BONUS #3: Exploring Your Birthdate With The Chinese Zodiac - $37 value

Meet the counterpart of Western astrology – The Chinese Zodiac. Understand the Eastern
influences on predictions and learn how you can apply them to harness yin and yang energies,
all based on your personalized Chinese Zodiac.

BONUS #4: Discovering Your Aura - $27 value

Each individual exudes a certain aura. Learn how you can instantly identify and interpret
different auras of different individuals to gain maximum influence over others, as well as
manage the emission of your own aura.

BONUS #5: Feng Shui Paradigm Guide - $37 value

Maximise the flow of energy in your home or office by discovering a few simple techniques
from the Eastern art of Fengshui. This in-depth guide will turn you into a true geomancy
master in no time.

$175 Worth Of Powerful Energy & Intuition Bonuses Given To You For FREE.

That's not ALL.

I hope you don't mind if I overdeliver! Because...

...I'm also going to go above and beyond to ensure your complete satisfaction... So I'm
backing this entire opportunity with our transformation-assured, money-back guarantee.

60 Days From Today, If You're Not Satisfied For ANY

Reason, I'll Give You A FULL Refund

Within the next 60 days, starting from the day of your purchase, if you decide that your
Premium Archetypal Analysis fell short of your expectations, or if you decide that you
weren't satisfied with it in ANY way, I'll issue you a FULL refund.

It is important to me that you get value AND results from this. And if you DON'T see a
difference whatsoever in your thought patterns, in your subconscious, and in your state of
abundance, then we DO NOT DESERVE to keep your money.

"As time went along, more and more seemed to come true..."

This product is amazing. I was very scepitical at first but as time went along, more and more
seemed to come true. Plus, it was filled with so much relevant information, it made it very
easy to follow and recognize the signs and traits that were placed in front of me. It was a
pleasure to read and piqued my interest even further. I recommend that everyone take part in
this and get yourself involved in this. You won't regret it.

Bryan Smith, 51, City Inspector - Ruler

"...Truly heal my physical and spiritual self..."

I have been on my spiritual journey for about a year. It wasnt until i got diagnosed with HSV
did I truly began to embark on the quest of individuation. This has helped me take a better
look at myself and go inward to truly HEAL my physical and spiritual self. Thank you for

Ciara L, 22, DOT Driver - Explorer

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mihaela, All Obstacles Have Been Removed For Your One

Chance At Enormous Change
There is absolutely no risk involved, and it’s all up to you and whether you decide to begin
your Archetypal Integration.
This is your one chance to come face-to-face with your archetype and be guided through a
transformational journey. This is your time to realign your direction with your destiny.

 Experience MULTIPLE BREAKTHROUGHS across ALL aspects of your life with

Archetypal Integration.
 Discover your hidden strengths, intuitive instincts, and unquestionable purpose to
charge through mental barriers and limiting beliefs.
 Receive a personalized and effortless blueprint that reveals your true inner self, all
based on your primary archetype.
 Transform yourself into a magnet that draws like-minded members of the opposite
gender into your life - members who'll love you and appreciate you for who you truly
 Receive a detailed guide, broken down into 5 different phases - your Individuation
Fundamentals, your Archetypal Profile, your Archetypal Incarnations, your
Archetypal Odyssey, and your Archetypal Exercise Guide.
 Receive your 5 additional bonus materials for FREE - readings that will help you
obtain a deeper understanding of your archetype, your energies, and the
spiritual/psychological realm.
 Walk away with these 5 bonuses materials if you're not COMPLETELY SATISFIED

Now, mihaela - how far are you willing to go to experience that single, life-changing
breakthrough that will open your heart, mind, and soul to your true purpose, and all the
abundance that comes with it?

Right now, you have TWO options.

You can, of course, do NOTHING. You can choose to remain in your status quo. Nothing
changes. You stay as you are, drifting along the currents of life, restrained by your limiting
beliefs, and remaining powerless to whatever life chooses for you.


You can give yourself a chance to transform, grow, and unlock all the abundance, happiness,
and love you desire - completely risk free.

In mere minutes, your archetypal integration can start working its magic in your life!

Once again, I'd like to remind you of everything you're about to receive:

 Your Personalized Premium Archetypal Analysis - $97 value

Includes all 5 phases of your archetypal integration: Individuation Fundamentals

Report, your Archetypal Incarnations Report, your Archetypal Profile Report, your
Archetypal Odyssey Report, your Archetypal Exercise Guide, all personalized to your
unique archetype.

 Bonus Report #1: Dream Analysis Guide - $37 value

Become a master of your intuition by deconstructing your dreams to reveal your

"inner voice". This secret guide will give you the edge you need to navigate the
complex plains of your unconscious mind.

 Bonus Report #2: Active Imagination Guide - $37 value

Bridge the gap between your consciousness and the unconscious using this mind-
exploring meditative technique, translating your unconscious mind into tangible

 Bonus Report #3: Exploring Your Birthdate With The Chinese Zodiac Report -
$37 value

Discover the potent influences of the hidden archetypes of the Eastern Zodiacs, and
the role it plays in the grand scheme of the Universe.

 Bonus Report #4: Discovering Your Aura Guide - $27 value

Receive a complete breakdown and secret insights into the unexplored realm of your
personal aura, and discover how your aura impacts your archetype.

 Bonus Report #5: Feng Shui Paradigm Guide - $37 value

Leverage on this powerful guide to transform your external environment to maximize

the flow of energy after transforming your internal self.

 Priority Customer Support - $97 value

Our team of archetypal specialists will be with you throughout the entire program, so
you'll always have someone to encourage you, and guide you. This priority treatment
is ONLY made available if you place your order FROM THIS PAGE.

 60-Day Moneyback Guarantee - Risk Free

If you don't experience a transformation of ANY form, we'll issue you a FULL
refund, and you'll get to keep the 5 bonus reports.

...All of this, for JUST $37.

To get started, click on the button below and commence your archetypal transformation
Regular Price $97, Today $37

Click Here To Gain Instant Access

Your information is safe and secure. The entire transaction will take place on a secure server
using SSL technology.
"...It reassured me of who I could be..."

I had doubts about who I was, even though I had a vague idea of who I really wanted to be.
Suddenly, I found myself engrossed in Individualogist. It reassurred me of who I could be,
and how I can become be that person - showing numerous possibilities of what I could

Wow, it has certainly given me a whole new world of insight. And ever since, I'm becoming
the Self I need to be.

Vivian Ngozi Jensen, 34, Self-employed - Hero

"...I found a goldmine when I found Individualogist..."

There has been a search for who I am and what my destiny is since I was 6 years old and
suffered a SEPARATION TRAUMA.... I found a goldmine when I found Individualogist.
Thank you so much for helping me. Your questionnaire determined that I am a Caregiver,
and I love your assessment!

Till Dunn, 73, Author & Speaker - Caregiver

"...Helped me realize what my soul purpose on this earth is..."

This reading really helped me realize what my soul purpose on this earth is. It's very accurate
and right on point and I would recommend it to anyone who feels like they have lost their

Misty Thompson, 42, Homemaker - Caregiver

"...Gained a lot of insight into my abilities and weakness..."

Excellent product, I've gained a lot of insight into my abilities and weakness. Now I'm able to
detect my shadow way easier and let go of what has been holding me back all my life. It's
been a deeply rewarding and fulfilling journey that I keep returning too whenever I need to
refresh my memory. Thank you!

Oscar Nygren, 36, Emotional Fitness Coach - Explorer

"...Try it yourself..."

Had a great time with my readings! I've learned a lot about my strengths, weaknesses and
different latent gifts I have. Gifts that need to be tapped in to and used. There are things in my
reading that have amazed me. Try it for yourself!

Barbara Lewis, 67, Magician

"...Dead accurate..."

Dead accurate and couldn't have come at a better time. Best of the best! I now know my place
in the world for certain!

Bruce Gordon, 25 - Outlaw

"I was convinced of the power and precision..."

As a retired teacher and a seeker of Universal Truths and Mysteries, my archetype is the
Lover and every word I have read from my Premium Archetypal Analysis has been right on

I was sceptical at first but as I began reading I was convinced of the power and precision of
the information given. I am now a confirmed student of this process and recommend it to any
other seeker of truth on this pathway.

Janice Hickey, 62, Retired Teacher - Lover

"...Helping me hone my unique characteristics..."

The Premium Archetypal Analysis is helping me hone my unique characteristics and has
really made me interested in further research into Jungian Psychology. Thanks! I will add this
to my toolbox to further map out my inner world.

Ryan Evans, 33, Hairstylist - Ruler

"...You won't regret it..."

I'm still taking everything in. Do it! Get this program. I promise, you won't regret it!

Dulce Montas, 48, Student - Member

Regular Price $97, Today $37

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Q1. Will I really experience a transformation with this?

Absolutely! Your analysis is in good hands. Our Premium Archetypal Analysis has helped
thousands of struggling, lost, and purposeless individuals find their true selves - all by
encountering their archetypes.

The Premium Archetypal Analysis is an excruciatingly detailed report about your archetype,
containing highly informative pages of actionable and thought-provoking strategies and
methodologies. Once again, all of the information is customized to your dominant archetype.

It breaks down an in-depth outlook of your life journey and all of its obstacles. There is no
other product that comes as close in terms of detail or information. The Premium Archetypal
Analysis is 100% owned and authored by us. This is the only place where you’re able to get
it, or anything like it.

Q2. How will I receive my analysis?

You will receive your personalized Premium Archetypal Analysis, along with your bonuses
securely via e-mail, carefully stored in a secure download area that only you'll have access to.

Usually it takes 10 to 15 minutes for your purchase to be delivered, but in most cases it's
much quicker.

Yes, this also means you'll be able to access your Premium Archetypal Analysis AND your
bonuses from anywhere, and any device - as long as you have an Internet connection!

In the rare occasion where you do encounter issues with accessing your analysis, simply drop
us an e-mail at and our rockstar support team will assist you

Q3. Is the Premium Archetypal Analysis really proven by

Absolutely. Individuation is a psychological process that was created by thought leaders in
the psychological world decades ago. In fact, principles of Individuation can be traced all the
way back to the days of Aristotle.

This means that Individuation has stood the test of time to be a proven personal development
process. There have also been numerous conclusive scientific studies about analytical
psychology (what Individuation is based on) across the globe.

Your Premium Archetypal Analysis will guide you through actionable steps, that you can
take towards making a MASSIVE change in your life. It reveals callings and directions that
are specific to YOU.

Q4. Will I REALLY experience a transformation in 7

Yes. I know, it's a big promise to make, so let me explain.

Your Premium Archetypal Analysis will guide you through the Individuation process and
explain to you your archetype in even greater detail. It takes the average reader
approximately 5 to 7 days to complete the entire series.

As long as you pay attention to the insights and wisdom revealed in your Premium
Archetypal Analysis, there is no doubt that you will experience an epiphanic shift in your
consciousness. That's when EVERYTHING in your life begins to TRANSFORM.

Q5. How does the moneyback guarantee work?

Our 60-day moneyback guarantee is plain and simple.

After going through your Premium Archetypal Analysis, you WILL experience a
TRANSFORMATION in your understanding of your true self, your deepest desires, and your
abundant destiny.

If not, simply get in touch with us at, and we'll issue you a
FULL refund. No questions asked.

In fact, you'll even GET to keep the bonuses for FREE - as a gesture of goodwill from all of
us at, to YOU, mihaela.

Click on the button below now, lock in your MASSIVE discount, your exclusive BONUSES,
and take advantage of our 60-day, risk-free guarantee!
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