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Discussion Discuss these questions with a partner: 1.[s it normal to tip in your country? 2. When? How much should you give? 3.Do you always tip when you should? 4. How much do you give? $. Have you had any good or bad experiences when tipping? Did you know? In the 18th century, coffee houses in Britain had a box on each table. A notice on each box read: To Insure Promptness. Customers were encouraged to put money in the box for better service. Soon the money became known by its initials: TIP. Reading Read the statements below. Decide if you agree or think with your partner. }gree with each one. Thon compare what you Tnever know what to do. If ‘my taxi fare comes to £10, T just give the driver E10. But if it comes to £6 or £7, L tell thems to keep the change. They must think Fm mad! Tonly tip if know Dm going back somesvhere Otherwise, there's no point T never tip. Employers should pay their staff a decent wage. If they don't, the staff should leave, Teat out a lot on business. I've had excellent service and truly aul service. E don’t want trouble, I leave a 10% tip, tno matter what the service has been like, Just to be on the safe side. I hate it when porters carry ‘my bags to my room in hotels ~ and then they hang around waiting for a tip. 1 only tip taxi drivers and hairdressers if they chat to me. I reckon 18s part of their job No talk, no tp! Where I come from, everyone thinks we've tight with money. That's nonsense! | tip everyone everywhere ~ just to try and break down peaple’s prejudices about ws. If Tve just bad a very expensive meal, I never leave a tip. I don't see why I should pay through the nose twice! 26 Totip or not to tip? Instant Discussions RRR PARP PPP PPP Language Complete the following expressions from the quotes: 1. We wouldn’t need to tip if employers paida....... wage. 2.1 don’t like to offend so I always tip ~ just to be on the... . . side! 3. Some people have the reputation of being . . with their money. 4. [hare it when I hear people saying, “Just keep the... ... .". It's so patronising. 5. There’s no... ... in tipping people you're never going to see again in your life! 6.1 never tip ~ no what the service has been like. I just don’t do it on principle, 7.1 don’t think one person can . .down prejudices which are hundreds of years old. 8, In expensive restaurants you're paying through the .. . anyway! Go back and underline the complete expressions in the examples above. Discussion Who would you tip? Tick the appropriate boxes: Yes No Maybe 1. a waiter in a coffee shop a a o 2. a waiter in an expensive restaurant a a a 3. a hairdresser a a a 4. a taxi driver a a a 5. your dentist a a a 6. an assistant in a high street burger bar a a a 7. a steward on an aeroplane a a a 8. a hotel porter a a qo 9. the person who conducts your wedding ceremony a a a 10. your doctor a q a 11a tour guide a a ag 12.a hotel chambermaid a g a Work in pairs and compare your answers. Now discuss these questions with your partner: a. Should tipping be made illegal ~ after all, it’s just an excuse for employers to pay less? b, Should tips in a restaurant be pooled and shared between all the waiters? Or should each waiter keep his or her own tips? ¢. In Britain a recent court ruling says thar tips added to a bill and paid for by credit card belong to the employer ~ nor the waiter. Do you think this is fair? Jn Britain tips are taxed. Do you think this is fair? What do you say? ‘What do you think British people say when they tip? Tick the expressions you think are possible: a “Thanks for everything.” a “Here's something. Buy yourself a drink.” a “Keep the change.” a “Here’s your ten per cent.” 9 “Here you are and thank you very much.” a Nothing. Instant Discussions Te tip or not to tip? 26

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