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MARZO 2022

Realizar una revisión previa del E-book, módulos 5 a 8

 Resumen del texto “una fábula para mañana”

After reading the text, summarize the main points of the fable as follows:

1. What the town was like at the beginning.

The town was quiet at first,

It was a town nestled in land where around there were prosperous farms that generated a stable
economy and projected wealth and tranquility to its inhabitants.
In addition, its communication routes were dazzlingly beautiful and that is how its inhabitants
described them in whatever season they were visited, in spring and autumn, the bird migration
season, the visits of people who came from great distances increased to enjoy this environment
full of life.

2. How is it now.

After being a prosperous city, it seems that a curse had fallen on it, its fertile land and its crops
ceased to be productive, hundreds of plagues and diseases were destroying all traces of life,
both animals, plants and people.
Even the insects responsible for carrying out processes such as pollination disappeared, it was
so disconcerting that even the children were victims of a hostile, desolate and dead

3. How it is predicted to be in the future.

It will be a life in the shadows, in silence, with nothing that bears fruit and with nothing to
hope for, you will not enjoy any of the riches of the world and the environment because the
effect of the actions that the human being caused with the passing of The years have already

had their effect and it's too late.

4. A fable is a story with a lesson; So, in your opinion, what is the lesson that this fable
teaches? (One or two lines).

It tries to tell us that times change rapidly and even more so when the human being with his
life habits little by little and even worse without realizing it, consumes and/or absorbs
everything in his path.



CHARACTERS Nature, wealth, animals, human beings,
ADJUSTMENT (CONFLICT) The habits of life of the human being and its
effects in the world.
THE WAY YOUR REGION OR CITY It was a quiet town surrounded by nature
WAS BEFORE and where wildlife was one of the beauties
to highlight.
THE WAY IT IS NOW It is a town full of noise due to the constant
movement of motorcycles and where the
only thing that matters is surviving from day
to day.
PREDICTIONS AS IT WILL BE IN No traces of friendships will be found and
THE FUTURE the beauty of being in the Amazon jungle
will be just a memory, because the flora,
fauna and life painted in a thousand colors
will have disappeared.


Once upon a time there was a small town in the center of the Amazonian foothills, it was a
welcoming town with a calm and friendly atmosphere, full of beautiful landscapes where the
sun dazzled at sunset and the horizons showed their beauty with a great diversity of flora and
fauna. fauna, fresh air was breathed, its fields were productive and its people lived to enjoy
the simplest of life away from the overwhelming city and industry.
Everything was simple, from enjoying the songs of the birds to finding tranquility in observing
the great river that surrounded them, however one day new visitors appeared who with their
costumes caused great commotion and intrigue in the population, they were cautious and little
by little Little did they make their way through the beauty that surrounded them, their people
with the passing of days only sought the opportunity to get involved in new trends and have
the opportunity to be part of what progress promised.
There was no longer tranquility because, like a thunderous drum, the motorcycles and
machinery of those who only saw a gold mine on earth and not because of its natural riches,
were turning the productive lands into a horizon of hostile and dry winds, little by little their
animals were becoming less visible, the beauty of the natural green was changing, the great
river was ceasing its strength and the sad thing is that people no longer had time to realize
what was disappearing, although a black spot was trying to be covered with a large yellow
The effect caused by the intervention of the human being in remote places where nature
circulates freely is not favorable at all, mining and oil exploitation leave traces because their
waste and gases destroy soil, air and destroy ecosystems, although the environment is
promising of development and job creation that improve the economy, time can never be
turned back and sooner or later we regret it "How long will we wait to lose".

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