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JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY 265:102–119 (2005)

Morphology and Evolution of the Jaw Suspension in

Lamniform Sharks
C.D. Wilga*

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881

ABSTRACT The morphology of the jaw suspension and tral preorbitalis, dorsal preorbitalis, and levator hyoman-
jaw protrusion mechanism in lamniform sharks is de- dibularis) in the ligaments and muscles associated with
scribed and mapped onto a cladogram to investigate how the jaw suspension and jaw protrusion mechanism in lam-
changes in jaw suspension and protrusion have evolved. niform sharks. While derived lamniform sharks (Lamna
This has revealed that several evolutionary modifications nasus, Carcharodon carcharius, and Isurus oxyrinchus)
in the musculoskeletal apparatus of the jaws have taken lost the ancestral passive lateral support of the ethmoid
place among lamniform sharks. Galeomorph sharks (Car- articulation of the upper jaw, they simultaneously ac-
charhiniformes, Lamniformes, Orectolobiformes, and Het- quired muscular support by way of the levator hyoman-
erodontiformes) have paired ethmopalatine ligaments dibularis, which provides a dynamic mechanism for lat-
connecting the ethmoid process of the upper jaw to the eral support. The evolution of multiple divisions of
ethmoid region of the cranium. Basal lamniform sharks preorbitalis insertions onto the palatoquadrate and mod-
also acquired a novel single palatonasal ligament connect- ification of the levator hyomandibularis insertion directly
ing the symphysis of the upper jaw to the cranium mid- onto the jaws provides an active mechanism for multiple
ventral to the nasal capsule. Sharks in the family Lamni- protractions and retractions of the upper jaw, which is
dae subsequently lost the original paired ethmopalatine advantageous in those sharks that gouge or saw pieces
ligament while retaining the novel palatonasal ligament. from large oversized prey items. J. Morphol. 265:102–119,
Thus, basal lamniform taxa (Mitsukurina owstoni, Car- 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
charius taurus, Alopias vulpinnis) have increased liga-
mentous support of the lateral region of the upper jaw KEY WORDS: anatomy; jaw protrusion; Mitsukurina;
while derived species (Lamnidae) have lost this lateral Carcharius; Alopias; Carcharodon; Isurus; Lamna
support but gained anterior support. In previous studies
the morphology of the jaw suspension has been shown to
play a major role in the mechanism of upper jaw protru-
sion in elasmobranchs. The preorbitalis is the primary Understanding the sequence of modification in
muscle effecting upper jaw protrusion in squalean (sister musculoskeletal systems over the course of evolu-
group to galeomorphs) and carcharhiniform (sister group tion is a central theme in functional morphology and
to lamniforms) sharks. The preorbitalis originates from biomechanics. The upper jaw protrusion mechanism
the quadratomandibularis muscle and inserts onto the in elasmobranchs provides an ideal system for
nasal capsule in squalean and carcharhiniform sharks. studying the evolution of a musculoskeletal system
Carcharhiniform sharks have evolved a subdivided preor-
because it is a central component of the feeding
bitalis muscle with the new division inserting near the
ethmoid process of the palatoquadrate (upper jaw). Alopid mechanism in most sharks and rays. Upper jaw
sharks have also independently evolved a partially subdi- protrusion in elasmobranchs occurs when the pala-
vided preorbitalis with the new division inserting at the toquadrate cartilage (upper jaw) moves ventrally
base of the ethmoid process and surrounding connective away from the cranium while the lower jaw elevates
tissue. Lamnid sharks have retained the two preorbitalis to surround the prey. This is in contrast to that of
divisions but have modified both of the insertion points. bony fishes in which upper jaw protrusion is coupled
The original ventral preorbitalis division now inserts onto to lower jaw depression. Numerous functions for
the connective tissue surrounding the mid-region of the protrusion of the upper jaw have been proposed:
upper jaw, while the new dorsal preorbitalis division in- more efficient biting of prey, gouging of the upper
serts onto the surrounding connective tissue and skin at a
more posterior position on the upper jaw. The retractor
jaw into large prey, a versatile yet hydrodynamic
muscle of the jaws, the levator hyomandibularis, has also subterminal mouth, reorienting of the teeth for in-
been modified during the evolution of lamniform sharks. creased grasping ability, simultaneous closing of the
In most sharks, including basal lamniforms, the levator
hyomandibularis inserts onto the hyomandibula and func-
tions to retract the jaws after protrusion. In alopid and *Correspondence to: Cheryl Wilga, Department of Biological Sci-
lamnid sharks the levator hyomandibularis inserts pri- ences, University of Rhode Island, 100 Flagg Road, Kingston, RI
marily onto the upper and lower jaws around the jaw joint 02881-0816. E-mail:
and is a more direct route for retracting the jaws. Thus,
there has been at least one instance of character loss Published online 6 May 2005 in
(ethmopalatine ligament), acquisition (palatonasal liga- Wiley InterScience (
ment), subdivision (preorbitalis), and modification (ven- DOI: 10.1002/jmor.10342



Fig. 1. Representative jaw suspension types in extant elasmobranchs. Amphistyly as in sevengill sharks, Notorynchus cepedianus
(after Daniel, 1922), orbitostyly as in spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias (after Wilga and Motta, 1998a), hyostyly as in carcharhiniform
sharks, lemon Negaprion brevirostris (after Motta and Wilga, 1995) and bonnethead Sphyrna tiburo, euhyostyly as in batoids, Atlantic
guitarfish Rhinobatos lentiginosus (after Wilga and Motta, 1998b). CH, ceratohyal (ventral hyoid element); CR, cranial; ET, ethmo-
palatine articulation; EM, ethmoid process; HM, hyomandibula (dorsal hyoid element); HY, hyoid (composed of hyomandibula and
ceratohyal); MC, Meckel’s cartilage (lower jaw); OP, orbital process; OR, orbital articulation; PO, postorbital articulation; PQ,
palatoquadrate (upper jaw); UJ, upper jaw. black, ethmopalatine and postorbital ligaments; dark gray, hyomandibula; light gray,
ceratohyal; white, cranium, palatoquadrate, and Meckel’s cartilage.

upper and lower jaws, and decreasing the time to phylogenetically and functionally (Wilga, 2002). Ho-
jaw closure (Springer, 1961; Alexander, 1967; Moss, lostyly is characterized as fusion of the palatoquad-
1972, 1977; Tricas and McCosker, 1984; Frazzetta rate to the cranium with a nonsuspensorial intact
and Prange, 1987; Frazzetta, 1994). Only one func- hyoid arch (Holocephali) (Huxley, 1876; Gregory,
tion for upper jaw protrusion has been supported 1904). In contrast, fusion of the palatoquadrate to
experimentally, that of significantly reducing the the cranium with a nonsuspensorial modified hyoid
time to jaw closure (Motta and Wilga, 1995; Wilga, arch (hyoid arch elements broken up and intercon-
2002). nected by other skeletal elements) is retained in
The morphology of the jaw suspension has been autostyly (Dipnoi, Tetrapoda) (Huxley, 1876; Greg-
found to play a major role in determining the extent ory, 1904). A palatoquadrate with a postorbital ar-
of upper jaw protrusion in elasmobranchs (Wilga, ticulation that is independent of and suspended
2002). The type of jaw suspension allows some pre- from the cranium primarily by ligaments anteriorly
dictions to be made about the mobility of the man- and by a hyomandibula posteriorly, which is pre-
dibular arch as a whole on the cranium, but it is the sumed to contribute little to jaw support, is said to
extent of the ligamentous and muscular connections be amphistylic (Xenacanthida, Palaeospinax, Hex-
between the palatoquadrate and the cranium that
anchiformes) (Huxley, 1876; Gregory, 1904). Amphi-
determines the extent that the upper jaw can pro-
stylic sharks not only have a postorbital articula-
trude. Several jaw suspension types are found
tion, but they also have an orbital process, which
within extant chondrichthyans (Wilga, 2002) (Fig.
1). In all extant sharks the hyomandibula links the also makes them orbitostylic (see below) (Parker,
jaws to the cranium, and thus is always functionally 1878; Gregory, 1904; Goodrich, 1909). Correspond-
suspensory, and therefore hyostylic, to some degree ingly, in hyostyly, an ethmoid articulation is present
(Maisey, 1980, 1984). These jaw suspension types and the hyomandibula is thought to contribute more to
are defined by the amount of support that the hyo- jaw support than the anterior ligaments (Hybodon-
mandibular element of the hyoid arch gives to the tida, Heterodontiformes, Carcharhiniformes, Lamni-
mandibular arch and whether it is ancestral or sec- formes) (Huxley, 1876; Gregory, 1904). In orbitostyly,
ondarily derived (Huxley, 1876; Gregory, 1904), the an orbital process articulates with the orbital wall
state (intact or broken up) of the hyoid arch ele- while the hyomandibula contributes significantly to
ments (hyomandibula and ceratohyal) (Gregory, the support of the jaws (Chlamydoselachiformes,
1904), and the presence of postorbital (Goodrich, Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes) (Maisey, 1980,
1909), orbital, or ethmoid articulations (Maisey, 1984). Note that only squalean sharks possess an
1980). orbital process, which is similar to but developmen-
Inclusion of the morphological state of the palato- tally distinct from the ethmoid process of galean
quadrate articulations and hyoid arch has clarified sharks (Maisey, 1980). Batoids are euhyostylic
our understanding of the jaw suspension types, both (truly hyostylic), in which the only articulation of
104 C.D. WILGA
the palatoquadrate and cranium is with the hyo-
mandibula (Huxley, 1876; Gregory, 1904).
Most lamniform sharks are large, oceanic swim-
mers that must continuously swim in order to ven-
tilate the gills. These characteristics make them
difficult to study experimentally in the laboratory.
Probably the most thrilling event in the feeding
behavior of white, Carcharodon carcharias, and
sand tiger, Carcharius taurus, sharks is the protru-
sion of the upper jaw a remarkable distance from the
cranium. Experimental support is hardly necessary
to convince us that these species are capable of ex-
tensive protrusion of the upper jaw. However, there
are some lamniform species that have only moderate
protrusion, such as thresher, Alopias vulpinnis, and
porbeagle, Lamna nasus, sharks. Previous findings
on the musculoskeletal elements of the jaw appara-
tus (Wilga, 2002; Wilga et al., 2002) can be used to
formulate several predictions regarding the function
of the jaw suspension and upper jaw protrusion in
The goals of this study are to: 1) describe the
morphology of the jaw suspension and jaw protru-
sion mechanism in representative species from all
major groups of lamniform sharks; 2) to map these
characters onto a cladogram to hypothesize how
changes in jaw suspension and protrusion have Fig. 2. Lamniform phylogeny after Martin (1995) and Shirai
(1996) with Carcharhiniformes (Galea) as the outgroup. Black
evolved within lamniform sharks; and 3) compare circle indicates sharks in the Order Lamniformes. Species of
these findings to previous research to evaluate the specimens dissected are indicated.
evolution of jaw suspension and protrusion in elas-
rectly related to the jaw suspension, other muscles of interest
such as the hypobranchial muscles are described here that may
MATERIALS AND METHODS not be illustrated.
Six species representing the three major and one of the four Character Mapping
minor families of lamniform sharks were used in this study (Fig.
2) (goblin, Mitsukurinidae, one of one species; sand tiger, Carcha- Morphological characteristics of the jaw suspension and upper
ridae, one of four species; thresher, Alopidae, one of three species; jaw from the six lamniform species were mapped onto an existing
mackeral sharks, Lamnidae, three of five species). Representa- cladogram by Shirai (1996) to better understand how the mor-
tives from the remaining minor lamniform families were not phological characters may have evolved. Note that these charac-
available (crocodile, Pseudocarcharidae; megamouth, Megachas- ters were not used to build the cladogram (Shirai, 1996); rather,
midae; basking, Cetorhinidae, each contains only one species). an existing cladogram was used to investigate how the morphol-
Seven specimens were collected from local shark tournaments ogy of the jaw suspension may have evolved. The methods of
and dissected fresh: two female Alopias vulpinnis 150 and 200 cm Wiley et al. (1991) were used to infer morphological states at the
FL (fork length); four Isurus oxyrinchus ranging from 156 to 181 nodes. The outgroup for the lamnid comparison is the sister group
cm FL; and one Lamna nasus NMFS #40 (ceratohyal removed). Carcharhiniformes, from which several species have been studied
The following preserved specimens were dissected at the Museum in relevant detail: Negaprion brevirostris, Sphyrna tiburo, Car-
of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University: Carcharius tau- charhinus limbatus, C. acronotus, C. plumbeus (Motta and Wilga,
rus MCZ 164335; Carcharodon carcharius MCZ 36470 male; and 1995; Wilga and Motta, 2000; unpubl. data). The outgroup for the
Mitsukurina owstoni MCZ 16073. elasmobranch comparison is the sister group Holocephali, from
which the species Hydrolagus collei has been studied in relevant
detail by the author and others (Edgeworth, 1935; Didier, 1995).
Anatomical Description
Illustrations were prepared by photographing dissected speci- RESULTS
mens and tracing the outlines of muscles and cartilages. The
muscle fiber direction was sketched in by hand. The nomencla-
Jaw Suspension
ture for the chondrocranium, connective tissue, and musculature Ethmopalatine ligament. The more basal spe-
follows that of Wilga (2002) and Motta and Wilga (1995). Muscu- cies, Mitsukurina owstoni, Carcharius taurus, and
lar anatomy of taxa not dissected by the author relies on the Alopias vulpinnis have two ethmopalatine liga-
works of Gegenbauer (1865), Marion (1905), Luther (1909a,b),
Goodey (1910), Allis (1913, 1914, 1923), Daniel (1915, 1922),
ments, one on each side of the palatoquadrate sym-
Edgeworth (1935), Lightoller (1939), Moss (1972), Nobiling physis, while the more derived species, Lamna nasus,
(1977), Gadow (1988), and Compagno (1988). Although not di- Carcharodon carcharius, and Isurus oxyrinchus, lack
them (Fig. 3). The ethmopalatine ligament is solid 4D,F). The epaxialis splits to circle around the pari-
and rope-like in all of the lamniform specimens ex- etal fossa and then extends anteriorly onto the cra-
amined here; however, the morphology of the eth- nium at various distances among the species. In
moid process differs among them. In M. owstoni a Mitsukurina owstoni, Carcharius taurus, and Isurus
small ethmoid process projects dorsally from the oxyrinchus the epaxialis inserts as far anterior as
mid-dorsal surface of the palatoquadrate cartilage, the postorbital process of the cranium. In Alopias
from which an ethmopalatine ligament extends to vulpinnis the epaxialis is massive and extends an-
the suborbital plate at the anterior edge of the eye teriorly as far as the anterior edge of the eye. In
(Fig. 3). In C. taurus the ethmoid process is large Lamna nasus and Carcharodon carcharius the ep-
and projects dorsally into the anterior end of the axialis extends anteriorly nearly to the mid-orbital
ventromedial surface of the orbit. The ethmoid pro- region. In C. carcharius the epaxialis also inserts
cess has a wide cartilaginous base from which the onto the postorbital process as well as in the region
ethmopalatine ligament arises. The ligament ex- between the hyomandibula and orbit (not visible in
tends first dorsally, then anteriorly to insert onto lateral view).
the ethmoid cartilage posterior to the nasal capsule.
In A. vulpinnis the ethmoid process is of moderate
size and also has a cartilaginous base capped by a Muscles of the Mandibular Muscle Plate
ligamentous flap that extends from the base of the
Levator palatoquadrati. The levator palato-
process to its attachment in the ethmopalatine
quadrati is vertically oriented and lies between the
groove of the orbit (Fig. 3B). This is very similar to
postorbital process and the levator hyomandibularis
the condition observed in lemon sharks Negaprion
in all of the lamniform species examined (Fig. 4).
brevirostris (Carcharhiniformes) and other carchar-
The origin may be from the lateral surface of the otic
hiniform sharks, which have solid rope-like ethmo-
capsule such as in Mitsukurina owstoni and Alopias
palatine ligaments (Motta and Wilga, 1995; Wilga,
2002). The shark species examined from the more vulpinnis, from the dorsolateral edges of the epax-
distantly related shark orders, Orectolobiformes, ialis as in Carcharius taurus, Carcharodon car-
Heterodontiformes, and Squaliformes, have hollow charius, and Isurus oxyrinchus, or from both as in
sleeve-like ligaments that fold over the ethmoid or Lamna nasus. In A. vulpinnis, C. carcharius, and L.
orbital process when the upper jaw is retracted nasus the levator palatoquadrati also originates
(Wilga, 2002). from the posterior surface of the postorbital process.
Palatonasal ligament. A single solid palatona- The levator palatoquadrati extends ventrally be-
sal ligament emanates from the mid-ventral surface hind the orbit to insert onto the ascending process of
of the cranium between the nasal capsules and ex- the palatoquadrate, although details of the specific
tends to the symphysis of the palatoquadrate in all region and area of the insertion varies among the
of the species (Fig. 3). In Mitsukurina owstoni the species. Unlike the other lamniforms described here,
ligament is thin, solid, and strap-like (Fig. 3a). In the insertion of the levator palatoquadrati in Mit-
Carcharius taurus the palatonasal ligament is solid, sukurina owstoni is relatively small. It extends ven-
rope-like, and emanates from a low flat cartilagi- trally over the hyomandibula to insert onto the dor-
nous base. In Alopias vulpinnis, Lamna nasus, Car- sal surface of the palatoquadrate just anterior to and
charodon carcharius, and Isurus oxyrinchus the pal- on a small region of the ascending process (Fig. 4A).
atonasal ligament is also large and rope-like and The levator palatoquadrati is massive in Carcharius
contains a small vertically oriented rod-like carti- taurus, with a broad insertion on the dorsal and
lage extending four centimeters from the palato- dorsolateral edges of the anterior half of the ascend-
quadrate symphysis (Fig. 3B–D). The rod-like carti- ing processes of the palatoquadrate (Fig. 4B). In
lage is embedded within the ligament and therefore Alopias vulpinnis the levator palatoquadrati is of
not visible in the figures. In L. nasus there is a small moderate size and inserts onto the dorsal and dor-
process on the dorsal surface of the palatoquadrate somedial surfaces of the ascending and anterior
on either side of the symphysis from which the small crest regions of the ascending process of the palato-
rod-like cartilage emanates. When the jaw is in the quadrate (Fig. 4C). It does not extend past the crest
retracted or resting position, the rod-like cartilage is nor does it insert anterior to the ascending process.
flipped forward over the dorsal surface of the pala- In Lamna nasus the levator palatoquadrati inserts
toquadrate. When the jaw is manually protracted to onto the dorsal surface of the palatoquadrate imme-
simulate upper jaw protrusion, the rod-like cartilage diately anterior to as well as on the ascending pro-
is pulled vertically upright between the cranium and cess (Fig. 4D). In Carcharodon carcharius the leva-
palatoquadrate. tor palatoquadrati inserts onto the dorsal surface of
the palatoquadrate immediately anterior to and
onto the ascending process up to the crest (Fig. 4E).
Axial Muscle Here the insertion narrows diagonally to insert only
Epaxialis. The epaxialis inserts onto the poste- onto the dorsomedial surface of crest. In Isurus
rior and dorsal surface of the otic capsule (Fig. oxyrinchus the levator palatoquadrati inserts onto
106 C.D. WILGA

Fig. 3. Representative jaw suspension types in lamniform sharks. A: Goblin, Mitsukurina owstoni. B: Thresher, Alopias vulpinnis
(jaw suspension similar to sandtiger Carcharius taurus). C: Porbeagle, Lamna nasus. D: Mako, Isurus oxyrinchus (jaw suspension
similar to white Carcharodon carcharius). CR, cranium; EP, ethmopalatine ligament; HY, hyomandibula; MC, Meckel’s cartilage; NC,
nasal capsule; OP, ethmoid process; PN, palatonasal ligament; PQ, palatoquadrate or upper jaw; RO, rostrum.

Figure 3 (continued)
108 C.D. WILGA

Fig. 4. Lateral view of superficial muscles in lamniform sharks. A: Goblin, Mitsukurina owstoni. B: Sandtiger, Carcharius taurus.
C: Thresher, Alopias vulpinnis. D: Porbeagle, Lamna nasus. E: White, Carcharodon carcharius. F: Mako, Isurus oxyrinchus. BC,
branchial constrictors; CR, cranium; CY, ceratohyal; EP, epaxialis; EY, eye; HY, hyomandibula; IM, intermandibularis; LH, levator
hyomandibularis; LP, levator palatoquadrati; MC, Meckel’s cartilage; NC, nasal capsule; POD, dorsal preorbitalis; PO, preorbitalis
(homologous to POV); POV, ventral preorbitalis; PQ, palatoquadrate; PQP, ascending process of palatoquadrate; QMD, dorsal
quadratomandibularis superficial division; QMDm, dorsal quadratomandibularis medial division; QMV, ventral quadratomandibu-
laris; RO, rostrum.

the anterior portion of the ascending process of the riorly and medially from the anterior jaw joint to the
palatoquadrate (Fig. 4F). posterior jaw joint to separate the dorsal and ventral
Mid-lateral raphe of the quadratomandibu- divisions of the quadratomandibularis (Fig. 4A,B).
laris. The mid-lateral raphe is a broad tendinous In Alopias vulpinnis and Lamna nasus the superfi-
sheet that separates and provides attachment points cial portion of the raphe extends posteriorly from the
for the various divisions of the quadratomandibu- connective tissue at corner of the mouth but fans out
laris (Fig. 4). In Mitsukurina owstoni and Car- medially diagonally and posterodorsally to the re-
charius taurus the mid-lateral raphe extends poste- gion of the jaw joint (Fig. 4C,D). In Carcharodon

Figure 4 (continued)
110 C.D. WILGA

Figure 4 (continued)
carcharius and Isurus oxyrinchus the raphe is a thin innis, Lamna nasus, Carcharodon carcharius, and
broad connective tissue sheet that extends superfi- Isurus oxyrinchus the medial division of the quadra-
cially dorsoposteriorly from the connective tissue at tomandibularis dorsal originates from the mid-
the corner of the mouth to the palatoquadrate about lateral raphe and fans out dorsally to insert onto the
one-third of the way from its posterior end. The lateral surface of the palatoquadrate ventral to the
raphe is not apparent superficially in C. carcharius. superficial division. In L. nasus, C. taurus, C. car-
The orientation of the raphe rotates medially from charius, and I. oxyrinchus the medial division ex-
more transverse at the corner of the mouth to more tends more anterior than the superficial division to
sagittal at the palatoquadrate end to separate the insert onto the palatoquadrate anterior to the as-
dorsal and ventral quadratomandibularis. cending process up to the insertion of the levator
Preorbitalis. The posterior end of the preor- palatoquadrati. However, the preorbitalis muscle
bitalis muscle originates from the anterior surface of completely overlies it in L. nasus, C. carcharius, and
the raphe at the corner of the mouth in all of the I. oxyrinchus, but not in C. taurus, where it is clearly
lamniform species dissected here and from the skin visible in superficial views.
laterally in Isurus oxyrinchus (Fig. 4). Mitsukurina Quadratomandibularis dorsal deep division.
owstoni, Carcharius taurus, and Carcharodon car- The deep division is a small triangular division that
charius possess only the original ventral preorbitalis is located in the angle of the jaws in all of the
muscle. Alopias vulpinnis, Lamna nasus, and I. lamniform species dissected here. It originates from
oxyrinchus have two divisions of the preorbitalis, the a shallow shelf of cartilage on the mandible in the
original ventral head and a new dorsal head that are corner of the mouth and extends dorsally to the
distinct from each other and the quadratomandibu- palatoquadrate under the rim at the jaw joint.
laris at the insertion end (Fig. 4C,D,F). In C. taurus, Quadratomandibularis ventral. The quadrato-
L. nasus, C. carcharius, and I. oxyrinchus the ven- mandibularis ventral originates from the ventral
tral preorbitalis muscle extends anterodorsally to surface of the mid-lateral raphe and fans out to
insert onto the palatoquadrate-mandibular connec- insert along the mandible approximately as far an-
tive tissue sheath that overlies the teeth and jaws at terior as the dorsal division of the quadratoman-
the anterior region of the palatoquadrate (Fig. dibularis in all of the species studied here (Fig. 4). In
4B,D–F). In M. owstoni and A. vulpinnis the preor- Lamna nasus a few superficial fibers pass over the
bitalis inserts onto the posteroventral surface of the raphe to merge directly with the superficial fibers of
nasal capsule and the overlying skin. In A. vulpinnis the quadratomandibularis dorsal (Fig. 4D). Also in
a second, smaller medial division of the preorbitalis L. nasus, some fibers from the dorsal edge of the
inserts onto the connective tissue overlying the jaws palatoquadrate anterior to the jaw joint extend di-
and the base of the orbital process. In L. nasus and rectly posterior to insert onto the mandible just pos-
I. oxyrinchus the dorsal preorbitalis extends anteri- terior to the jaw joint. In Carcharodon carcharius
orly to insert onto the skin just anterior to the qua- and Isurus oxyrinchus some superficial fibers of the
dratomandibularis muscle mass (Fig. 4D,F). quadratomandibularis ventral merge with superfi-
Quadratomandibularis dorsal superficial di- cial fibers of the quadratomandibularis dorsal (Fig.
vision. The superficial division of the dorsal qua- 4E,F). These fibers extend between the outermost
dratomandibularis originates from the dorsal sur- lateral edges of the ascending process to the lateral
face of the mid-lateral raphe and fans out edges of the posterior region of the mandible. In C.
anterodorsally to insert along the lateral edges of carcharius a deep ventral quadratomandibularis di-
the ascending process of the palatoquadrate (Fig. 4). vision originates from the mid-lateral raphe to in-
Mitsukurina owstoni has a relatively simple, undif- sert onto the lateral fossa of the ascending process
ferentiated dorsal quadratomandibularis that is and lies between the mandibular nerve and the
most similar to the superficial division of the dorsal palatoquadrate.
quadratomandibularis of the remaining species dis- Intermandibularis (not shown). The inter-
cussed here (Fig. 4). In Carcharodon carcharius the mandibularis extends from a mid-ventral raphe and
superficial fibers extend from the palatoquadrate inserts onto the outer edges of the quadratoman-
directly to the mandible without an intervening ra- dibularis ventral and mandible. In Isurus oxyrin-
phe (Fig. 4E). The mandibular nerve partially sepa- chus the intermandibularis also extends between
rates the superficial and medial divisions of the dor- the lateral edges of the palatoquadrate. No distinct
sal quadratomandibularis as in carcharhiniform mid-ventral raphe is present in Carcharias taurus
species (Motta and Wilga, 1995). or Lamna nasus. In L. nasus the insertion is broad
Quadratomandibularis dorsal medial divi- anteriorly and extends onto the ventral surface of a
sion. In Carcharius taurus the medial division of large process on either side of the symphysis of the
the dorsal quadratomandibularis is very large and mandible.
originates from the mid-lateral raphe (Fig. 4B). It Intermandibular plate (not shown). A pair of
inserts onto the anterodorsal edge of the ascending cartilaginous elements are attached to the mid-
process between the superficial quadratomandibu- ventral raphe between the mandibles, of which the
laris division and the preorbitalis. In Alopias vulp- morphology varies greatly among the species. The
112 C.D. WILGA
intermandibular plates are located medial to the the intermandibularis plate and ends with Meckel’s
ventral edge of the mandible and anterior to the cartilage.
insertion of the quadratomandibularis. The inter-
mandibular plates are located deep to the interman-
dibularis and overlap when the jaws are retracted. Muscles of the Hypobranchial Muscle Plate
In Mitsukurina owstoni there is a large interman- Coracomandibularis (not shown). The origin
dibular plate consisting of a triangular-shaped car- of the coracomandibularis was present in only two of
tilage with the apex pointed posteriorly. In Car- the species. In Alopias vulpinnis the coracoman-
charius taurus the intermandibular plate is more dibularis is very long and narrow and originates
teardrop-shaped with the apex directed anteriorly. from the coracoid bar. In Isurus oxyrinchus the cora-
In Alopias vulpinnis the intermandibular plate is comandibularis originates from the anteroventral
small and lies near the edge of the mandible. In end of the coracoarcualis in the mid-region of the
Lamna nasus the intermandibular plate is small coracoid bar, posterior to the coracohyoideus. It does
and rod-like and is located at the posteroventral not originate from the coracoid bar. In Carcharius
edge of the coracomandibularis insertion onto the taurus, A. vulpinnis, Lamna nasus, Carcharodon
mandible. In Carcharodon carcharius the interman- carcharius, and I. oxyrinchus the coracomandibu-
dibular plate is also small and rod-like and is located laris extends anteriorly and splits just prior to the
posterior to the process of the mandibular symphy- insertion onto the posterior surface of Meckel’s car-
sis. tilage on a large process on either side of the sym-
physis. A coracomandibularis was not present or
was indistinct from the intermandibularis in Mit-
Muscles of the Hyoid Muscle Plate sukurina owstoni.
Levator hyomandibularis. The levator hyo- Coracohyoideus (not shown). The origin of the
mandibularis originates from the dorsolateral edge coracohyoideus was present in only four of the spe-
of the epaxialis and extends ventrally to various cies. In Mitsukurina owstoni, Carcharodon car-
insertions among the species (Fig. 4). In Mitsuku- charius, and Isurus oxyrinchus the coracohyoideus
rina owstoni the levator hyomandibularis inserts originates from the ventral surface of the anterior
onto the posterodorsal edge of the hyomandibula end of the coracoarcualis. In I. oxyrinchus the cora-
(Fig. 4A). In Alopias vulpinnis and Lamna nasus the cohyoideus is much larger than the coracoarcualis.
levator hyomandibularis also originates from the In Alopias vulpinnis the coracohyoideus originates
otic crest (Fig. 4C,D). In Carcharius taurus the le- primarily from the first basibranchial, hypo-
vator hyomandibularis is very thick and inserts onto branchial, and ceratobranchial, with few fibers orig-
the entire dorsal surface of the hyomandibula (Fig. inating from the ventral surface of the anterior end
4B). In C. taurus the anterior edge of the levator of the coracoarcualis as in most sharks. In all of the
hyomandibularis is overlapped by the levator pala- species the coracohyoideus extends anteriorly to in-
toquadrate. sert onto the ventral surface of the basihyal.
In some species the levator hyomandibularis has Coracoarcualis (not shown). The origin of the
multiple insertions onto the palatoquadrate and coracoarcualis was present in only four of the spe-
hyomandibula, with some fibers inserting onto the cies. In Mitsukurina owstoni, Carcharodon car-
mandible and jaw joint, and a nonfunctional spi- charius, and Isurus oxyrinchus the coracoarcualis
racular canal anterior to its insertion (Fig. 4). In originates from the anterodorsal edge of the coracoid
Alopias vulpinnis, Carcharodon carcharius, and Isu- bar and inserts onto the dorsal surface of the poste-
rus oxyrinchus the bulk of the fibers insert onto the rior end of the coracohyoideus. In Alopias vulpinnis
dorsal surface of the posterior third of the palato- the coracoarcualis originates from the hypaxialis
quadrate, while in Lamna nasus only superficial musculature and the mid-ventral surface of the cor-
fibers do (Fig. 4C–F). In A. vulpinnis, C. carcharius, acoid bar (the pericardium is attached to the ante-
and I. oxyrinchus some of the medial fibers insert rior surface). The origin of the coracoarcualis over-
onto a dorsal ridge along the anterior surface of the lies the hypaxialis, which inserts onto the posterior
hyomandibula as well as on the dorsal surface of its surface of the coracoid bar.
proximal end. In L. nasus the bulk of the fibers
insert onto the dorsal surface of a ridge along the DISCUSSION
anterior edge of the distal three-quarters of the hyo- Evolution of the Jaw Suspension in
mandibula. In A. vulpinnis, L. nasus, C. carcharius, Lamniformes
and I. oxyrinchus some fibers insert onto the dorsal
surface of the mandible adjacent to the jaw joint as Anatomical dissection of the ligaments and mus-
well as the capsule of the jaw joint. culoskeletal apparatus of the jaw suspension of six
Interhyoideus (not shown). The interhyoideus lamniform species from the four major groups has
extends from the ceratohyal and posterior edge of revealed that several morphological modifications
the mandible to the mid-ventral raphe. It lies deep have occurred during the evolution of lamniform
to the intermandibularis and begins just posterior to sharks (Fig. 5). Several ligamentous and musculo-
A number of evolutionary changes in the muscu-
loskeletal apparatus of the jaw suspension among
elasmobranchs have taken place, as revealed by
plotting these morphological characters onto an ex-
isting cladogram (Shirai, 1996) (Fig. 6). The out-
group to Elasmobranchi is the Holocephali, or chi-
meras, in which the upper jaw is fused to the
cranium and thus lacks cranial-palatoquadrate lig-
aments (Fig. 6-1) (Huxley, 1876; Gregory, 1904). The
basal morphology of the ethmopalatine ligament in
elasmobranchs appears to be a tubular sleeve-like
ligament that overlies and contains the orbital or
ethmoid process of the palatoquadrate and extends
to the outer edges of the ethmoid groove in the
cranium (Fig. 6-2) (Wilga, 2002). Thus far, basal and
derived squalean (Chlamydoselachiformes: Chlamy-
doselachus anguineus; Hexanchiformes: Notoryn-
chus cepedianus, Heptranchus perlo; Squaliformes:
Squalus acanthias), orectolobiform (Ginglymostoma
cirratum, Chiloscyllium plagiosum), and heterodon-
tiform (Heterodontus francisci) sharks that have
been examined have the sleeve-like ethmopalatine
ligament condition (Daniel, 1915; Allis, 1923; Motta
and Wilga, 1995, 1999; Wilga and Motta, 1998a,
2000). Lamniformes and Carcharhiniformes evolved
solid rope-like ethmopalatine ligaments connecting
Fig. 5. Evolution of the ligamentous and musculoskeletal el- the ethmoid process of the upper jaw to the ethmoid
ements of the upper jaw in lamniform sharks, with Carcharhini- region of the cranium (Fig. 6-3). All Lamniformes
formes as an outgroup. Phylogeny after Martin (1995) and Shirai evolved an additional single rope-like palatonasal
(1996). ligament (Fig. 6-4), while the ethmopalatine liga-
ments were lost in derived lamniform species, Fam-
ily Lamnidae (Fig. 6-5). The condition of the cranial-
skeletal elements connect the upper jaw to the cra- palatine ligaments in the less well-known
nium and therefore contribute to support of the lamniform families, Psudeocarchariidae, Megachas-
jaws. Basal lamniform species have paired rope-like midae, and Ceteorhinidae, is unknown, and thus it
ethmopalatine ligaments connecting the ethmoid is possible that the loss of the palatonasal ligament
process of the upper jaw to the ethmoid region of the may be more widespread or there may be multiple
cranium (Figs. 3A,B, 5-1), similar to their sister independent losses. Hexanchiformes evolved an ad-
group the Carcharhiniformes (Compagno, 1988; ditional postorbital articulation (Fig. 6-6), while ba-
Motta and Wilga, 1995; Wilga et al., 2002; Wilga, toids lost the ethmopalatine articulation (Fig. 6-7).
2002). In addition, all lamniform species acquired a
novel single rope-like palatonasal ligament attach-
Evolution of the Jaw Suspension of
ing the symphysis of the upper jaw to the nasal
region of the cranium (Figs. 3, 5-2). Inside the novel
ligament of alopid and lamnid species there is a A hypothetical ancestral condition for gnathos-
small rod-like cartilage that bends anteriorly over tomes called autodiastyly was proposed because it
the upper jaw when retracted and is pulled verti- presented a nonfused autostylic state from which all
cally during upper jaw protrusion (Fig. 5-3). The other jaw suspension types could be derived (De
rod-like palatonasal cartilage and the interman- Beer and Moy-Thomas, 1935; Miles and Westoll,
dibular plates may be analogous to the sesamoid 1968; Miles, 1969; Moy-Thomas and Miles, 1971;
bones of bony vertebrates. Sesamoid bones can form Lund and Grogan, 1997; Grogan et al., 1999; Grogan
in tendons, often near articulations, and are thought and Lund, 2000). In autodiastyly, the hyoid arch is
to modify pressure or diminish friction (Gray, 1918). nonsuspensorial and is similar in morphology to the
More derived sharks, family Lamnidae, subse- branchial arches but articulates with the palato-
quently lost the ancestral paired ethmopalatine lig- quadrate (upper jaw) (De Beer and Moy-Thomas,
aments while retaining the novel palatonasal liga- 1935). In this state the palatoquadrate is not fused
ment (Figs. 3C,D, 5-4). Consequently, basal to the cranium and has ethmoidal and orbital artic-
lamniform species have increased the anterior liga- ulations with the cranium, which are considered
mentous support of the upper jaw, while derived basal gnathostome characters (Janvier, 1996). Chi-
lamniform species have decreased this support. maeroid and selachian jaw suspension states are all
114 C.D. WILGA

Fig. 6. Evolution of cranial-palatoquadrate connections in elasmobranchs, with holocephalans as the outgroup (phylogeny after
Shirai, 1996). Jaw suspension types are in parentheses. 1: Holostylic condition illustrated by Callorhinchus milli (after Jollie, 1962).
2: Basal elasmobranch condition illustrated by Squalus acanthias (after Wilga and Motta, 1998a). 3: Carcharhiniform and lamniform
condition illustrated by Negaprion brevirostris (after Motta and Wilga, 1995). 4: Basal lamniform condition illustrated by Mitsukurina
owstoni. 5: Lamnid condition illustrated by Isurus oxyrinchus. 6: Hexanchiform condition illustrated by Heptranchias perlo (after
Daniel, 1922). 7: Batoid condition illustrated by Rhinobatos lentingosus (after Wilga and Motta, 1998b). Black, ethmopalatine and
postorbital ligaments; dark gray, hyomandibula; light gray, ceratohyal; white, cranium, palatoquadrate, and Meckel’s cartilage.

derivable from an autodiastylic plesiomorphic con- sharks evolved them independently. Deeberius ellef-
dition (Fig. 7) (Grogan and Lund, 2000). Fusion of seni, an autodiastylic chondrichthyan, shows the
the palatoquadrate to the cranium evolved in holo- typical hypermineralization reinforcement of the
cephalans, while elaboration of a postorbital articu- cartilage at the articulation sites in response to lo-
lation and modification of the epihyal to form a calized stress, such as that at a joint (Grogan and
suspensory hyomandibula in amphistyly evolved in Lund, 2000), which supports the supposition that
selachians (Lund and Grogan, 1997; Grogan et al., autodiastylic chondrichthyans had an ethmopala-
1999). Hexanchiform sharks retained the postor- tine articulation. Only the ethmoid articulation,
bital articulation as it acquired the orbitostylic ar- which became solid and rope-like, was retained in
ticulation, and therefore possesses two jaw suspen- the hyostyly of galean sharks (Maisey and Carvalho,
sion types, both of which contain sleeve-like 1997). The ethmoid articulation moved medially on
ligaments. The orbital articulation became promi- the palatoquadrate in Heterodontiformes and Orec-
nent and the postorbital articulation was lost in tolobiformes. Lamniforms evolved a single solid pal-
orbitostyly as it spread throughout squalean sharks. atonasal ligament, while lamnids subsequently lost
If batoids are derived squaloids (Carvalho, 1996; the paired ethmopalatine ligaments.
Shirai, 1996), then loss of the orbital articulation
created a modified suspension that is “truly” hyo- Evolution of Upper Jaw Mechanisms
stylic or euhyostylic, with the hyomandibula func-
tioning as the sole means of jaw support. If batoids Two cranial-palatoquadrate muscles, the preor-
are the sister group to sharks (Douady et al., 2003; bitalis and levator palatoquadrate, act to protrude
Winchell et al., 2004), then they lost the ethmopala- or retract the kinetic upper jaw in elasmobranchs.
tine ligaments from the autodiastylic ancestor and Holocephalans appear to have lost these muscles

Fig. 7. Possible evolutionary sequence for jaw suspension types in chondrichthyes. See text for description (autodiastylic after
Grogan and Lund, 2000; chimera after Jollie, 1962; amphistylic, sevengill, and heterodontiform after Schaefer and Rosen, 1961;
dogfish after Wilga and Motta, 1998a; batoid after Wilga and Motta, 1998b). Black, ethmopalatine and postorbital ligament; blue,
Meckel’s cartilage; gray, cranium; green, ceratohyal; red, hyomandibula, yellow, palatoquadrate or upper jaw.

when the upper jaw fused to the cranium (Edge- 1909b; Edgeworth, 1935) that presumably still func-
worth, 1935; Didier, 1995). The ancestral condition tions to protrude the upper jaw. The only squalean
in elasmobranchs appears to be a horizontally di- taxa to evolve multiple subdivided preorbitalis mus-
rected preorbitalis muscle that protrudes the upper cles are batoids and their sister group, the saw
jaw (Fig. 8-1a), as represented by Squalus acanthias sharks Pristiophoridae (Fig. 8-1f) (Marion, 1905;
(Wilga and Motta, 1998; Wilga et al., 2002). In Het- Luther, 1909b; Shirai, 1992; Wilga and Motta,
erodontiformes and Orectolobiformes the preor- 1998). One of the new preorbitalis divisions in ba-
bitalis muscle is subdivided, vertically aligned, and toids is vertically aligned and inserts onto the lower
inserts onto Meckel’s cartilage rather than onto the jaw (Marion, 1905; Luther, 1909; Wilga and Motta,
quadratomandibularis as in other sharks (Fig. 8-1b) 1998b), indicating that it would function to elevate
(Smith, 1942; Compagno, 1977; Motta and Wilga, the lower jaw rather than protrude it. If batoids are
1999; Wilga et al., 2002) and probably functions to the sister group to sharks (Douady et al., 2003;
adduct the jaws rather than protrude the upper jaw. Winchell et al., 2004), rather than modified
In basal carcharhiniform and lamniform taxa the squaleans, as shown in the figures, then they were
preorbitalis has undergone a reversal back to the the first elasmobranch group to evolve duplicated
horizontal orientation, but still functions to protrude preorbitalis muscles instead of the ancestor to the
the upper jaw (Fig. 1c) (Luther, 1909b; Edgeworth, heterodontiform-orectolobiform lineage. If so, then
1935; Compagno, 1977, 1988; Motta and Wilga, the other preorbitalis division became vertically
1995; Wilga and Motta, 2000; Wilga et al., 2002). aligned in heterodontids and orectolobids. In gen-
Basal lamniform species have lost the new preor- eral for elasmobranch species, the preorbitalis divi-
bitalis division in yet another reversal (Fig. 8-1d), sions that insert onto the palatoquadrate function to
while the more derived Lamnidae retained the sub- protrude the upper jaw, while those divisions that
divided preorbitalis muscle (Fig. 8-1e) (Luther, have been modified to insert onto Meckel’s cartilage
116 C.D. WILGA

Fig. 8. Evolution of upper jaw muscles in elasmobranchs (phylogeny after Shirai, 1996). 1a,2a: Basal elasmobranch condition,
illustrated by Squalus acanthias (after Wilga and Motta, 1998a). 1b,2b: Basal galeomorph condition illustrated by Ginglymostoma
cirratum (after Motta and Wilga, 1999). 1d: Basal lamniform condition illustrated by Carcharius taurus. 2d: Derived Carcharhiniform
condition illustrated by Sphyrna tiburo Carcharhinidae (after Wilga and Motta, 2000). *Note that some place sphyrnids in their own
family as the sister group to Carcharhinidae. 1e,2e: Derived Lamniform condition illustrated by Isurus oxyrinchus Lamnidae. 1f:
Batoid condition illustrated by Rhinobatos lentiginosus (after Wilga and Motta, 1998b). Color of muscular figures: blue, quadrato-
mandibularis; green, levator palatoquadrati; red, levator hyomandibularis; yellow, preorbitalis. Dotted line indicates location and
orientation of the levator palatoquadrati muscles when overlaid by quadratomandibularis and preorbitalis muscles. *Note that not all
families are shown in order for clarity.

have a modified function as well in elevating the joint under the cranium in Heterodontiformes and
lower jaw (Wilga and Motta, 1998). Duplication by Orectolobiformes, the orientation of the levator pala-
subdivision of the ancestral single preorbitalis mus- toquadrati is now horizontal (Fig. 8-2b), but is still
cle appears to have evolved in most elasmobranch in a position to retract the upper jaw due to the
groups, apparently independently in some (Carchar- anteroventral location of the insertion relative to the
hiniformes, Lamnidae, Pristiophoridae, and Ba- origin (Luther, 1909b; Edgeworth, 1935; Smith,
toidea) and with several different morphologies. 1942; Compagno, 1977; Motta and Wilga, 1999;
Multiple preorbitalis muscle insertions will increase Wilga et al., 2002). The levator palatoquadrati has
the bite force and spread it over a larger area of the reverted to the ancestral vertical orientation in car-
upper jaw as well as provide finer control of upper charhiniform and lamniform species (Fig. 8-2c)
jaw protrusion. (Luther, 1909b; Edgeworth, 1935; Compagno, 1977,
The ancestral condition of the levator palatoqua- 1988). The origin of the levator palatoquadrati ex-
drati in elasmobranchs appears to be a vertically panded and moved more anteriorly on the cranium
directed muscle that functions to retract the upper in sharks of the Family Carcharhinidae, resulting in
jaw (Fig. 8-2a) as represented by Squalus acanthias a more horizontal orientation that now functions to
(Luther, 1909b; Edgeworth, 1935; Shirai, 1992; assist the two preorbitalis divisions in protruding
Wilga and Motta, 1998a). Due to shifting of the jaw the upper jaw (Fig. 8-2d) (Compagno, 1988; Motta
and Wilga, 1995; Wilga and Motta, 2000; Wilga et evolutionary changes occurring as mapped onto the
al., 2002). existing cladogram.
The ancestral state of the levator hyomandibu- The addition of a direct insertion of the levator
laris in elasmobranchs is an insertion onto the hyo- hyomandibularis muscle onto the jaws in lamnids
mandibula from an origin on the cranium or epaxial resulted in greater active support of the jaws com-
musculature (Fig. 8-3a) (Luther, 1909b; Edgeworth, pared to the situation in most shark species. A mus-
1935; Compagno, 1977; Motta and Wilga, 2001; cular connection provides increased flexibility in ac-
Wilga et al., 2002). In this state the levator hyoman- tively preventing overextension of the jaws at
dibularis functions to elevate the hyomandibula, continuously variable lengths compared to a liga-
which in turn retracts the jaws after they have been mentous connection that prevents overextension
protruded (Motta et al., 1997; Wilga and Motta, only when fully extended. In other shark taxa the
1998). In basal lamniform species the levator hyo- levator hyomandibularis inserts only onto the hyo-
mandibularis is similar to that of other elasmo- mandibular cartilage and when activated retracts
branchs and most likely also retracts the jaws after the hyomandibula, which then retracts the jaw ap-
protrusion. However, the insertion of the levator paratus back under the cranium through the
hyomandibularis has been altered in alopid and hyomandibula-mandibular joint. This leaves only
lamnid sharks to insert primarily onto the palato- the relatively small levator palatoquadrati muscle
quadrate and Meckel’s cartilage surrounding the to retract the upper jaw during the recovery phase
jaw joint, although it does retain a partial insertion in most shark species (Motta et al., 1997; Wilga et
onto the hyomandibular cartilage as well (Fig. 8-3b). al., 2002). However, alopid and lamnid sharks
Thus, Alopias vulpinnis represents an intermediate have a distinct advantage in that the relatively
condition between basal and derived lamniforms in larger levator hyomandibularis, as well as the le-
having both ethmopalatine and palatonasal liga- vator palatoquadrati, are in a position to retract
ments, a partially subdivided preorbitalis, and the the upper jaw.
modified insertion of the levator hyomandibularis Possession of the direct levator hyomandibularis
muscle. Therefore, the loss of the ligaments does not insertion and duplicated preorbitalis muscle inser-
tions onto the upper jaw in lamnid species should
appear to have driven the derived muscular condi-
permit more forceful and controlled movements of
tion. The function of the levator hyomandibularis
the upper jaw. This is advantageous in those species
probably has not been greatly affected by the new
that engage in gouging chunks from oversized prey,
insertion; elevating the jaws in the region of the jaw
such as white sharks, Carcharodon carcharius
joint is simply a more direct way of retracting the
(Tricas and McCosker, 1984; Klimley and Ainley,
jaws compared to the more indirect mechanism
1998). Indeed, white sharks are notable for the abil-
through the hyomandibular cartilage of other shark ity to protrude and retract the upper jaw several
species. However, the onset of levator hyomandibu- times during a gape cycle (Tricas and McCosker,
laris muscle activation relative to the onset of jaw 1984; Klimley and Ainley, 1998), something that has
retraction has probably been shortened, and thus not yet been observed in carcharhiniform and
the gape cycle, due to the more direct connection. A squaliform sharks (Motta and Wilga, 2001; Motta,
reduced duration of the bite cycle will increase prey 2004). Thus, lamnid sharks appear to be well
capture performance in those species that prey on equipped for the repeated protrusion and retraction
elusive fishes, as do mako Isurus oxyrinchus, cycles of the upper jaw required to gouge bites from
thresher A. vulpinnis, and porbeagle Lamna nasus large or elusive prey.
sharks (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1948; Compagno, In summary, there has been at least one instance
1984). of character loss, acquisition, subdivision, and mod-
Note that an alternative scenario may have taken ification in the jaw suspension and muscles associ-
place in the evolution of the preorbitalis and levator ated with jaw protrusion and retraction in lamni-
palatoquadrati muscles at the base of the galeo- form sharks. It is of special significance that as
morph radiation. Heterodontiform and orectolobi- lamnid sharks lost the ancestral support of the eth-
form sharks may have independently acquired the moid articulation to the upper jaw anteriorly, they
vertical orientation of the preorbitalis and the hori- gained new anterior muscular support to the jaws
zontal orientation of the levator palatoquadrati through the duplicated preorbitalis muscle. This,
muscles as the jaws shifted more anteriorly under coupled with the new muscular connection of the
the cranium (Fig. 8-1b,2b). If so, then the orientation levator hyomandibularis posteriorly provides flexi-
of the preorbitalis and levator palatoquadrati mus- bility in actively preventing overextension of the
cles in carcharhiniform and lamniform sharks re- jaws at various lengths and by allowing repeated
flects the basal condition rather than a reversal back protrusion–retraction cycles of the upper jaw within
to the basal condition (Fig. 8-1c,2c). Both scenarios one gape cycle without first having to retract the
(this paragraph with two independent character ac- entire jaw apparatus. Finally, although evolution
quisitions in sister groups and the ones shown in the has provided multiple insertions of the preorbitalis
figures with two independent reversals) require two muscles, and thus anterior support of the upper jaw,
118 C.D. WILGA
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