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Academic Writing

Name : Baiq Wina Aisha Kamila

NIM : E1D020053
Class : 4B

Assignment 4

The Benefits of TV


TV is so related to our daily lives that we cannot even imagine the world without it. TV can give
us benefits such as entertainment, information, and education.

A. One major benefit of TV is entertainment.

1. Joy
a. Large screen
b. Stereo sound
2. Various programs
a. Movies, sports, comedies, shows, music, soap operas, cartoons
b. Choosing favorite programs
3. My favorite programs
a. Watching TV being my pleasure
b. Live sports relay

B. Another major benefit of TV is information.

1. News
a. Community, country, world
b. CNN World Today
2. Living
a. Weather
b. Shopping
c. Utility

C. Finally, TV benefits us because it provides education.

1. Improve students’ knowledge
2. Provide good materials to learn

In conclusion, TV is becoming more beneficial in our daily lives when it is used correctly.

The Benefits of TV

TV is so related to our daily lives that we cannot even imagine the world without it. TV
can give us benefits such as entertainment, information, and education. It provides entertainment
to the people of every age, so that they can enjoy movies, dramas, sports, cartoons and cooking
shows without going anywhere. Television can be useful source of information. People can be
informed of weather, shopping, all happenings and developments in the country in economic,
industrial and political fields. There are also several programs for students to improve their
learning. As it is very affordable, everyone can now own television and get access to it. Although
television do have some negative aspect, but I believe it is important to tell viewers how
television affect our daily lives positively as it is hard to avoid.

First of all, one major benefit of TV is entertainment. It gives so much joy, such as a
large screen which can make us feel satisfied to see what is shown on the television and the
stereo sound that provides sound perspective. It gives an idea of the direction from which a
sound signal is coming or how the sound has been recorded. Stereo offers a better experience
when we watch a TV. Second, television brings entertainment almost as a sense of relief which is
essential for people’s well-being. Television provides a source of unlimited entertainment and
various programs. Whether that’s sporting events, movies, documentaries, music, or anything in
between. We can also easily change the programs in which we want to watch. Some studies have
even shown that television provides a type of psychological social surrogacy, where television
makes one feel less lonely by filling in the empty space for those who live on their own.
Moreover, watching TV being my pleasure since I was a kid. I love to watch my favorite
programs such as cartoons, movies, and cooking shows. It takes my mind away from the bad
situations that could be occurring in everyday life.

In addition, another major benefit of TV is information. News is one of the beneficial

aspects of television. News channels are really a part of essential needs in our daily lives. It is
important because it will fulfil the needs of the mind regarding knowledge. For instance, people
today need to watch the news on CNN World Today to keep track of what is happening with the
war in Ukraine. Also, news provides information on weather, crime, and many other things that
occurring around the world. Another example is that news gives people information on school
closings and traffic before he or she may want to leave the house. Therefore, tuning in to local
news allows civilians to stay informed with what is happening in their city.  International news
shows keep you up-to-date with breaking news around the world.  As well, in the wake of global
warming, the weather channel is vitally important because it gives us information about tornado
warnings, hurricanes and more. Such information connects people with the entire world and
ensures they stay in touch with what is happening all around them.

Finally, TV benefits us because it provides education. Television is a great way to open

students’ mind to a variety of things to improve their knowledge and help them learn about
topics they may not be exposed to at school. On the other hand, television can reinforce what
students learn in school and provide a supplementary method to teaching them about important
subjects. Without television, most students would never be able to see amazing things like exotic
animals, different cultures, and beautiful cities. For example, nature shows and history program
such as National Geographic is great resource for teaching students about creatures and places
that they have never heard of. They can learn from this type of media in order to appreciate and
understand the world around them. Also, much of students’ programming can help stimulate and
develop their imaginations, leading them to lives of creativity. This how TV is beneficial for
educational purposes.
In conclusion, TV is becoming more beneficial in our daily lives when it is used
correctly. It has become quite common nowadays and almost every household has one television
at their place. By watching television, people may know the latest information around the world,
gain new knowledge and give so much joy with the various programs that provided such as
movies, sports, comedies, cartoons, and cooking show. More and more channels were
broadcasted with different specialties. Thus, it gave us information, educational issues and

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