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Key questions to discover the buying process

General questions
What business needs do you need to meet? Who is the main sponsor for this?
How committed is the business to this project?
What’s your role in the project?
How does a project like this work here (stages, process, finances, sign off)?
Who are the key stakeholders at each stage? What do they think of the project?
What’s your process for evaluating options / suppliers?
Are you open to fresh perspectives if we can see a different way of achieving your goals?

Getting to the details – and expanding your contacts

Who else will you want to involve to get your recommendations signed off?
Once you have made your recommendations, what’s the process to getting your
recommendations signed off? (Evaluate – Decide – Place order) Who will need to release the
What does each of the key sign off stakeholders think about this project / about us?
In our experience, it’s easier to get sign off when we engage (CxO…) together early in the
conversations. How can we best work together to get their buy-in?

1 © Alate Business Growth Ltd delivered on behalf of Informa PLC

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