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Student ID : 014201900113

This Faculty currently one of the most popular and highly regarded learning courses. Especially in
President University. Because in the business world, it is important to have professional management
knowledge and basic skills to carry out accurate and correct business. People with these qualifications are
also in great demand and needed in the work world. The president's university curriculum is checked
regularly. This is because you need to make sure that both the subject and its content are always up to
date and meet your economic needs. To earn this degree, students must earn 144 credits. It consists of 87
credits of the main curriculum with key competencies and 57 credits of the institutional curriculum with
concentration and support skills and lead by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Genoveva, M.M.

And in this study program itself, we have President University Major Association Management or known
as PUMA or HIMA is the place for all of Management student and alumni to develop their talent in
academics and nonacademic fields. PUMA also have several events in order to maintain Management
Study Program accreditation and also front liner of students itself.
In President University, This study program offers four concentrations to prepare the students in entering
the profession: 

 Banking & Finance

 Digital & Contemporary Marketing
 Human capital
 International Business

Job prospects

This major is one of the most loved majors in the country. This department is a favorite because it
is considered capable of providing wide job opportunities. What are the job prospects for this
department? Check out the following explanation.

1. Banking Expert

Not only about business, this majors are also very much needed in the banking world. Job
opportunities in the banking world are very wide open for management graduates. It is undeniable,
if you work as an expert employee in the banking world, then you can collect salaries from tens to
tens of millions.

2. Marketing expert

The need for marketing will never end. Every company and business activity definitely needs it.
The graduates are certainly very likely to work as an experts. By becoming an expert, the more you
successfully lead product marketing, the more income you will earn.
3. HR Expert
Like marketing, HR experts must be very much sought after by a company. When graduating, this majors
are sought after to become HRD experts in companies. The salary offered is also very promising, you
know. Starting from the standard UMR up to tens of millions of rupiah.
4. Entrepreneur
This is the most interesting. One of the professions that will be printed by this major graduates is to
become an entrepreneur. Most of them usually have run their business since college. In addition to
studying in college, management graduates who are entrepreneurs by profession will also immediately
put the knowledge they have acquired into practice.

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