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It is often argued in many educational institutions that teacher giving a strict rules for student to make

them discipline while some people think discipline should be the responsibility of parents. Nevertheless,
i believe that instilling a discipline and morality to the student from the both side are equally important.

First of all we must know what is discipline, discipline is a practice of making people obey the rules or
standards behavior. Therefore, the contribution of educators in instilling a code of ethics is really needed
and that’s why certain people believe that teachers contribution is really needed developing moral values
and discipline to their children. Although teachers have a responsibility to discipline children, I strongly
believe that parents have an important role to play in it. In addition, sometimes parents who are too busy
working blind to notice the bad aspects of their children. For example, the child's who have broken home
and their weaknesses can only be discovered and corrected by educators. Therefore, the help of
teachers in the improvement of children is very influential. 

On the other hand, children spend more time at home with their parents and observe their activities
more closely and try to absorb the same, and the big role of a parents is set a good example because
home is the first place for children to learn, socialize and build a strong character such as giving a
positive outlook from a mistake. Therefore, how they behave and carry out daily activities as role models
instilled since childhood. In addition, the words of parents are usually heard more. For example,  a
children who is naughty and undisciplined at school but does not represent the best behavior at home.
Thus why parents are ultimately the ones who can dedicate the overcome their children's problems.

 In conclusion, the points I have considered so that the role of parents and teachers together helps in
establishing good ethics for children among the children. So it is very clear that the participation of both
makes the child a dynamic and independent person. However, despite that undoubtedly parents have a
higher share in terms of ownership instilling discipline among children because they not only learn life
lessons from their parents but also understand human qualities and in my opinion, if there is no
discipline education from home. Therefore, it will be difficult for children to learn in the community and
their environment.

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