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a. Title page
b. Abstract
c. Table of Contents


In paragraph, follow the SPIN.

S - describe the situation, the unsatisfactory situation

P - describe the research problem that may have caused the unsatisfactory
situation from the review of your literature
I - discuss your idea, your research topic, your main research objective
N- discuss the need for your idea, your research topic. What can your work
contribute to the body of knowledge, to improve the situation, to the improvement
of the system, to the quality of life, etc.

Statement of the Problem (Research Questions)

These are the list of questions that the research is trying to answer in order to satisfy the
main research objective

Review of Related Literature

This is the summary of related literature where your study is based from. Cite similarities
and dissimilarities of the concepts cited in related literature and studies to the present
study. This part should include short citation of statements or ideas taken from
different literature which should include or support the following (per paragraph):

a. Theoretical framework
o Theory or Models similar to want you want to study
b. Key Variables: Independent and Dependent of the study
o Discuss each of your Independent and dependent variable which should
§ Meaning(s) or Definition(s) derived from literature
§ Measurement variables or indicators
c. Hypothesis

o Discuss each of your hypothesis from previous studies or literature which

already studied the variables you want to study
o Use the alternative Hypothesis

d. Research Locale / Respondents / Industry

Conceptual Framework

Your research paradigm. This is the illustration, or schematic representation of the interplay
or the relationships of variables with each other i.e. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES -
DEPENDENT VARIABLES. Otherwise, it is a diagram or schematic representation
featuring the general concept of the present study.

Significance of the Study

In paragraph, discuss the importance of the study in filling gaps or addressing the problems
and issues found as discussed in your introduction, and then enumerate the stakeholders
who will benefit the output of your study and the benefits that they will gain out of it. e.g.,
Students. This study may help students to internalize the concepts that will be illuminated
in this study.
• Why study is important?
• To whom it will be important? Who will be the beneficiaries?


Research Design

In a paragraph, discuss the research design appropriate with your research objective.

Research Participants

In a paragraph, the following should be discussed

• the locale of the study:

o geographical location where the respondents are found
o industry or group where they belong
• Profile or the qualities of your respondents
• Characteristics for them to qualify as your respondent


In a paragraph, the following should be discussed

• the locale of the study:

o geographical location where the respondents are found
o industry or group where they belong
o Discuss the intended profile or the qualities of your respondents. What are
their characteristics for them to qualify as your respondent?

Time Frame of the Study

Discuss when the study is conducted. It should also include the time frame of your data.


Show a table of the questionnaire items adopted from the previous studies.

Variables/Constructs Questionnaire Items / Sources


In a paragraph, discuss how have you constructed the instrument used in the data
gathering i.e. questionnaires, observation sheets, interview guides, interview schedules,
and then, discuss the mechanical device such as thermometer, video recording, traffic
counter, etc. used in obtaining data.
• How did you write your questionnaire?
• What are the sources of the items in your questionnaire?
• Discuss the parts of your questionnaire


In paragraphs, discuss the process in gathering the data, from asking permission, to the
formulation of instrument, down to the actual conduct of the study, either survey, interview
or narrative account.

Statistical Analysis of the Data

For each specific problem, discuss the statistical tools used to process the data into
readable information.

Specific Problem Information Statistical Treatment


Discuss each Statistical treatment as subtopics.

Chapter 3 - RESULTS

In order of the numbered specific problems (see Statement of the Problem), present the
statistical tables (APA format). Right after each table, there will be a discussion separated
in 3 paragraphs:

1. Discuss the results by describing the contents of the table.

2. Compare the results with the hypothesis from the related studies discussed
under Review of Related Literature.
3. State your overall analysis. Answer the specific problem related to this table.
In case that the table answers the hypothesis, make sure to answer if the
hypothesis is rejected or accepted.

Important: do not just mimic the figures or numbers that you see in the tables, but interpret
what those figures and number mean, and their implications.


Summary of the Findings

In numbered paragraphs, summarize all the results answering all the specific questions in
your statement of the problem.


Present the numbered recommendations. Recommendation should be based on your


If recommendation comes with outputs like policy, rubrics, plans, etc., discuss them here,
but put them as part of your appendices.

For research presentation purposes, Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation

should be in paragraph form.

Post Body

References (List the references in APA format)

a. Survey Questionnaire
b. Letter to the Respondents
c. Brief profile of the researchers
d. Other documents supporting your research


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