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Lesson Plan

Objective: Kindergarten students will be able to use body percussion with the song “We Don’t
Talk About Bruno.”

Goal: That students understand each of the different body percussion movements and are able
to follow along with the video of the song/movements

- Begin by going over what each of the body percussion movements and have students
do them together before adding music
- Have students pat on their thighs
- Have students clap with both hands together
- Have students stomp on the ground
- Have students snap or tap their fingers if they are unable to snap
- Have students pat their chests gently
- Explain what the rest sign means and what we do during the rest (quiet!)
- Have students hold a finger over their lips to show being quiet during the rests
- Have students do the hand slide movement
- Play the video and demonstrate how the movements line up with the song
- Have students participate with the video/song

Informal group assessment will be done by having all students participate with the moves and
video/song together
Informal individual assessment will be done by having students model the movements

Winding Forwards
- Add more body percussion movements in such as pounding hands, waving hands above
head, and clapping to different sides (right/left)
- Have body percussion movements in an 8th note subdivision rather than a quarter note
Winding Backwards
- Have students do whatever movement is easiest for them to the beat of the video/song
- Break the video into small sections before having students perform all of the body
percussion movements together

Color: Write out the body percussion movements on the board and outline them in different
colors so students can associate each movement with a color to make it easier when doing the
movements to different songs
Pacing: Break down the video into smaller sections to work on the movements in smaller groups
Modality: Have the movements written and shown (ex: when clapping have the picture and the
word “CLAP”)

VA Standards:
Technique and Application
K.14 The student will develop skills for individual and ensemble instrumental performance.
b) Demonstrate loud/soft and fast/slow.
c) Accompany songs and chants using body percussion as well as instruments.
K.15 The student will identify and perform rhythmic patterns.
b) Use instruments, body percussion, and voice.
c) Include sounds and silence.
K.16 The student will demonstrate a steady beat using movement, body percussion,
instruments, and voice.
K.17 The student will respond to music with movement.
a) Use locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
b) Demonstrate expressive qualities of music, including loud/soft and fast/slow.

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