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12th April 2022

Dear President Vladimir Putin and lawmakers of Russia,

Dear President Xi Jinping and Members of the Chinese Communist Party,
Dear Prime Minister Nerandra Modi and lawmakers of India,
Dear Cyril Ramaphosaand lawmakers of South Africa,
Dear Prime Minister Jair Bolsonaro and lawmakers of Brazil,
Dear Christopher Cope MP and Members of the UK House of Lords
Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee,

In connection to reports that Kiev may be planning to spread

bioweapons, also Ebola, developed in Metabiota bio labs, which are
also funded by George Soros, Hunter Biden, Bill Gates and the
Pentagon, in the Donbass and Russia, I would like to draw your
attention to a precedent in West Africa in 2014 in which the same
actors, specifically Soros and Gates, spread Ebola using also the
same entities Metabiota, which is documented in probes opened by
prosecutors in Greece, in particular in D15 218 in 2015. (Δ is D in
Greek so the Greek file is called Δ15/218)
The Greek prosecutor probes ALREADY contain ALL the proofs necessary
to PROSECUTE AND CONVICT George Soros and Bill Gates of preparing,
planning and bringing about a plot to use a weaponized epidemic
disease, including Ebola and Covid, to scare people, implement
martial law and lure and coerce the global public to accept a
vaccine, which is, infact, a bioweapon designed to make sick and
I am including UK lawmakers because key pieces of evidences in the
probes involves the UK as described below.
They include

 an Open Letter to Dr Sarah Wollaston, then Chair of the Commons

Health Committee and UK Mps warning of a plot by Soros and Gates
in February 2015

 an invitation from Dr Sarah Wollaston, then Chair of the Commons

Health Committee asking me to testify on the UK s pandemic
preparedness on 4th January 2016

 an email to Dr Wollaston raising concerns about the decision to

appoint US bioweapons scientist Daniel Bausch to the post of
Public Health England s director of epidemic rapid support
among other pieces of evidence showing the UK government was warned
already in 2015 about a plot like Covid and warned about the vaccines
like Covid given as part of this plot. The reasons why the UK
government failed to act requires, I think, an investigation in the
UK too.
The sheer volume and number of probe documents means I must send
them mainly as links for you to download. I have prepared a Table at
the end to assist you.
These proofs show that Covid did not just happen in 2020. It is not
an accident that Gates helped funded the Covid gain of function
research. It is not an accident that the Covid injections Gates has
largely funded are linked to so many deaths and hospitalizations.
Covid was prepared and planned by these same actors, Soros and Gates,
as part of a design, a plot, a plan. This proof of a “bioweapons
plot” means that Soros, Gates as well as ALL their instruments,
including, for example Metabiota CEO Nathan Wolfe and funder Hunter
Biden, can be convicted of mass murder and grievous bodily harm in
relation to Ebola and Covid.
The guilt of these Billionaires is proven in the prosecutor probes in
relation to repeated murder attempts against a reporter, myself, and
always for the same motive, namely, censorship, to stop me giving the
global public factual information about this plot. These proofs have
been supprssed by massive violations of due process by the Greek
government. An attempt is being made to frame me, an innocent person,
and put me in prison to stop the probe being reopened. That is why I
request asylum as a reporter suffering persecution from instuments
of Soros and Gates in the Greek government.
I am not an isolated case. May other scientists, doctors, citizen
journalists and whistleblowers are being persecuted in the West. In
my case, however, the persecution is proven by prosecutor probes and
cover ups.
Personal knowledge, motive and means are all proven, all vital
elements for a conviction of Soros, Gates and others, as I discuss in
detail below.
Of especial interest to Russia may be the fact that Greek prosecutor
probe E 17 449 opened in May 2017 also identifies then president
Donald Trump as an instrument of the bioweapons plan conceived of by
Soros and Gates. This, specifically because of claims of links to the
Trump circle made by a Russian journalist Alexander Zamyslov during
an interview with me in Larisa in 2016 on the subject of biological
Zamyslov s research questions to me included the topics

 the proofs against Soros and Gates in D 15 218

 Ebola

 US bio Labs in Kazhakstan

 faulty diagnostics

 swine flu

 bird flu
The way false positive Ebola tests by Metabiota and Tulane University
were used to spread Ebola in 2014 in West Africa is discussed
specifically a study by Augustine Goba published 2016 in The Journal
of Infectious Diseases.
I discuss below ways to stop a repeat of the plot to spread of Ebola
using also lamuvidine, an HIV drug, monitoring water supplies for
substances like formaldehyde, a poison which simulates Ebola
symptoms, ensuring proper protocols as well as the general usefulness
of colloidal silver in killing all viruses.
The best way to forestall more crimes is prosecution of Soros and
It is not possible to sanction the US government and force it to
comply with the BCW Treaty effectively.
But it is possible to prosecute on the basis of these proofs as
private individuals and as the funders, brains, political muscle,
architects of the bioweapons plot. Ever new bioweapons technologies
make it impossible for countries to protect against all
possibilities. By prosecuting the principle architects, the
organizers, a big threat can be cut off at the roots. When there are
proofs of a determined, carefully prepared plan to use biological
weapons to kill people in gigantic numbers people using deception
(also using media funded by Gates and Soros to the tune of billions
of dollars) -- and this plan is the real heart of the probes--, all
those individuals, including in governments, shown to be functioning
as instruments of a broad plan conceived and funded by Soros, Gates
and others can be prosecuted. This as part of an expanded and proper
investigation into the evidence contained in these prosecutor probes.
The globally accepted gold standard of due process can be used.
Since the probes have been opened by Greece, an EU country, they can
be used immediately. Applications can also be immediately made for
European Arrest Warrants for Soros, Gates and their co conspirators
or for extradition to Greece or Austria, for example, from the USA
using European legal instruments.
Prosecution and trials will

 stop more bioweapons plots

This includes plot targeting livestock such as the pig disease in
2019 in China and economic infrastructure, such as the port of
Shanghai, suffering from an omicron outbreak, which may be fulled by
false positives or a wrong focus on cases as opposed to case,
fatality ratio

 allow for information on existing plots to be obtained through

the discovery process of prosecution and trials

 inform the global public about the true cause of their current
misery and how governments in the West and media has been
captured by Soros, Gates and other very wealthy and powerful
individuals and companies

 inform them of the real cause of so many deaths from Covid and
the role of injections from AstraZeneca and Pfizer

 help obtain justice and compensation for the many surviving

victims and families. Legal proceedings against these
Billionaires will also help bring justice to hundreds of
millions of their victims who took the Covid injection in the
USA, UK, Europe, Africa and India.
Forced to pay compensation to victims and facing criminal penalties,
Soros, Gates and co will be drained of the money to continue with
their agenda.

 help find cures for those who have been made sick from the jab

 inform the public of the arguments that the current Ukraine

conflict initiated by same players may be a diversion for them
from the many Covid injection injuries and an attempt to
distract from their crimes also by a full mobilization of all
people in the EU to start WW3. People will understand why
massacres reported in the Ukraine and other atrocities are
likely false flags initiated by these players to fuel public
hostility against Russia and a war they need to divert from
their crimes
Legal proceedings against these Billionaires should have happened in
Greece in 2015. The proofs were all there.
What has been lacking is political and diplomatic power to actually
put them on trial and have them convicted, and jailed, also for their
cover ups of the proofs.
By tying access to rubles, energy, and markets to prosecution,
Russia, China and India can leverage their economic and diplomatic
power for the good of the entire world.
Sanctions can get results quickly.
If the Greek government officials had performed their official duties
and investigated the original probes under due process and held
trials on the basis of the proofs their own prosecutors had
collected, then the Billionaires bioweapons plot would almost
certainly have been stopped around 2016. The Ebola and Covid crimes
since then in the DR Congo and in China and the rest of the world
would most likely have been prevented altogether.
By covering up the original crimes with more crimes, the Greek
government has allowed the US Billionaires plot to advance and cause
devastation around the globe.
Very important is that cover ups using verifiably criminal methods
are being carried out by government officials.
The massive violations have never been corrected after US ambassador
to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt moved to Greece in 2016 and the Supreme
Court probes were crushed. The Austrian government joined in this
conspiracy after Kiev Consul Christoph Reitinger was moved to Greece
in 2017 and denied me help from Austria in maintaining my fair trial
The original Greek Supreme Court probes into the cover ups can and
should be reopened to identify who is responsible for these cover
The file numbers for the probes of Prosecutors Division of the
Supreme Court are
Sanctions to compel prosecution will be an opportunity for Russia and
China to protect not just their own people but people all around the
world from the growing threat of biological warfare using the noble
means of law and information.
These sanctions could include

 Ruble sanctions
Countries wishing to buy Russian commodities need to now obtain
roubles to make payments. Without access to roubles, they cannot make
payments and will be in default. This will mean that commodities
vital for the EU economy especially, such as gas, oil and coal, can
be effectively sanctioned using roubles to compel EU countries to
uphold international law and exert pressure on Greece to carry out
the original investigation under process

 sanctions on commodities exports

 sanctions on manufacturing exports

 sanctions on imports
While the justification for such sanctions is upholding human rights
and fair trial guarantees, snactions would also mean Europe does not
have the means to conduct war in the Ukraine against Russia. Without
gas, oil, coal and food, clearly there can be no funcitoning industry
in Germany and the EU or mobilization. This should bring about a
speedy end to the conflict, which may even have been started to
divert from the massive Covid vaccine damage as discussed below.
Since significant numbers of the victims of Gates and Soros are in
the USA they face severe penalties in the courts there for their role
in this murder plot as well as participating in a campaign of false
claims and misrepresentation.
Using these prosecutor probes in US criminal and civil courts is
another option for the BRICS. They can form their own advocacy groups
or join existing legal actions by victims, also in the UK.
Sanctions may be popular!
Politically, Austrians, for example, may prefer gas sanctions and the
prosecution and jailing of Soros and Gates to being compelled under a
law to take all three doses of their Covid injection, a law which has
been suspended only until the end of May.
In Greece, 7000 doctors have resigned, according to media, rather
than take the fourth dose compulsory for health care professionals.
Millions of people over 60 years old in Greece are being pressured to
take the doses by fines. Nuns, monks and priests and their families
are also being pressured and threatened with losing their job if they
do not take the vaccine. Priests in Greece receive a salary from the
In short, I believe there will be significant public support for
Austria gets 80% of its gas from Russia and only has a tiny reserve.
Greece is less dependent but its economy has been hit by soaring
Sanctions against both countries simultaneously tied to a clear
timetable for action on the prosecutor probes should bring fast
Using these proofs does not depend on my survival. These probes were
opened by prosecutors in Greece and the documents are official
documents belonging to the government. I am a party to the probes and
so entitled to compensation. Anyone can become a party to the probes
or use the documents for new probes. If I am not alive to testify or
provide evidence, then it will clearly be because they have succeeded
in carrying out their repeated attempts at murdering me, which are
continuing even now as I show, and for the same motive, to censor
information about their bioweapons plot. So their guilt will be
proven in relation to probes documeting eventually, in addition, an
actual murder attempt a reporter, myself, for giving the global
public factual information about this plot.
The ruthless wickedness of Soros and Gates is underlined by the way
they have given key witnesses against them named in D 15 218 by
compulsion the Covid injection making some very sick as I describe
These very real repeated murder attempts are the reason why I request
I ask for asylum in a secure residence in Greece. This, so I can
pursue justice and the correction of massive violations of due
process. An appeal has been launched. Prosecutors in Larisa have
asked me to testify in May.
With the diplomatic and political help of BRICS countries, I, a
little reporter, can obtain justice.
This will be an important victory for the freedom of the media.
A free and independent media is important also for identifying
bioweapons and other threats.
I also offer whatever expertise I have to help Russiam, specifically,
look through the documents it has captured from US funded bio labs in
the Ukraine, also to help formulate criminal inditements which can
flow into the expanded investigation of D 15 218, E 17449 and other

Before I get into the details of the probes, it is important to

emphasize that prosecution, conviction and the jailing of Soros,
Gates, Donald Trump and others named in the probes, can be
accomplished very quickly under due process where there is political
pressure, exerted by sanctions.
The probes can be used in criminal and civil ourts around the world.
But prosecution can take place in Greece and Austria especially fast
because both these countries have particular jurisdiction over them
under regular due proces laws.
Because I am a dual Austrian citizen and the victim of massive
violations of due process in Greece, Austrian judges can take over
the probes as well as the appeals opened in Greece, and start
prosecution in Austria under due process.
A senior prosecutor in Larisa told me it would be easy for an
Austrian judge to do in terms of procedure. In reality, the Greek and
Austrian governments will almost certainly not cooperate willingly in
reopening probes which will lead to the conviction of so many
politicians also. Pressure is required.
Russia, China can just take over the probes themselves as they
contain evidence of a plot of global proportions affecting also their
national interests, and use sanctions to compel testimony, evidence
for tials there.
Austria has especial jurisdiction also because there are proofs
implicating former Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann in D 15 218.
Russia can insist on other probes in Austria dating from 2009 on the
bioweapons plot being reopened.
This includes a probe opened by state prosecutors in Vienna into the
contamination of 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the bird flu virus in
Baxter's BSL3 facilities in Orth an der Donau in 2009 almost
mmediately after Barack Obama and Joe Biden took office.
Panasonic can be asked as part of a reopened and expanded probe why
it askedsome of its overseas employees to send their families home to
Japan because of the threat of pandemic influenza just before Baxter
sent out this material in February 2009 nearly sparking a global
Bloomberg News reported that in December 2008 Panasonic asked
employees in some of its Asian offices (excluding Singapore), Africa,
Eastern Europe, and South America to send their families back to
Japan by September, when the jab was due to be rolled out, suggesting
inside knowledge.
Russia can also insist that police charges filed by police against
Professor Lukas Kenner in 2010 for seeking to falsely imprison me for
informing people about the Baxter case and the risks of the swine flu
vaccine in 2009 be reopened and a proper investigation be conducted,
also in who is responsible for crushing these charges, as well as a
probe into judge Michaela Lauer.
Of particular importance is investigating the repeated refusal of the
Austrian government to give me the help I am entitled to as a dual
Austrian citizen in protecting my fair trial guarantees in Greece and
their role in advancing the same bioweapons plot, first started in
Austria by Baxter in 2009.
When it comes to sanctions from Russia, Austria is also extremely
vulnerable to rouble and gas sanctions by Russia. That means,
pressure can be exerted immediately on the Austrian government to
start prosecution.
Austria obtains 80 per cent of its gas from Russia and only has 13%
of its reserve storage tanks filled, so the effect of any sanctions
will be felt immediately.
This move may be surprisingly popular in Austria especially, as
discussed below, because all Austrians over 18 are being threatened
with draconian fines and prison sentences if they do not take the jab
under a law suspended until the end of May.
This law itself can become the subject of an expanded probe as well
as the many deaths and injuries linked to the Covid jab in Austria.
Greece is less vulnerable to sanctions by Russia than Austria, and so
it may take more time to exert pressure on the Greek government to
start prosecution. But sanctions against it in parallel will also
have an effect as inflation is already soaring. Electricity bills are
already unpayable for the average person in Greece. Flour and
sunflower oil are being rationed.
The functioning of the US military base in Alexandropoulis which can
be used to funnel US troops to Eastern Europe and Ukraine will be
affected by sanctions in Greece as well as Europe as supply lines
will be disrupted.
Just by sanctioning these two countries, Austria and Greece, for
their role in the massive violations of due process, the BRICS can
bring about the prosecution, conviction and sentencing to jail of
Soros, Gates, Trump, also in absentia.
Russia especially can lay out a clear timetables also for the
Austrian government to comply which is tied to sanctions.
Deadlines can be set for a judge to request formally the probes D 15
218, E 17 449, and Appeals, open a probe, send out summons etc, issue
European Arrest Warrants, applications for arrest in the US and UK
for any failures to attend in person, sentence them in absentia to
detention and begin an expanded investigation into all the
Access to gas and roubles can be made dependent on compliance with
the deadlines and gradual.
Oil and coal and food can be added depending on compliance
Many people in the USA, UK, EU too may be shocked to learn of the
existence of these probes and proofs, so great has been the
censorship in the Soros and Gates controlled media and alternative
Since they are prosecutor probes opened in Greece, the information
cannot be legally censored. Social media etc who try to censor this
information expose themselves to prosecution for joining in the
Billionaires plot, dependent on censorship.
No one either can credibly accuse the BRICS of propaganda or
nefarious purposes when they sanction countries for violating human
rights, fair trial guarantees and persecuting reporter for exposing
matters of global public interest on the basis of so much objective,
verifiable evidence collected by prosecutors.
If I am not alive to testify, the charges switches to murder of a
reporter exposing matters of global public interest since there can
be no other explanation for any sudden demise of mine given the
Whether in Austria or Greece, a timetable can be set for prosecutors
to send out summons to Soros, Gates, Trump and others to testify in
person in Austria or Greece on charges in D 15 218, E 17 449 in
particular and face cross examination in person, though naturally
they have the right to lawyers as well.
If they do not obey the summons of the prosecutor and appear in
person on the day named, then European Arrest Warrants can be issued
for them. That means, they can and must be arrested if they are in or
enter Europe. If any country refuses to execute the arrest warrants,
for example, Germany or Spain, sanctions can be tightened on them.
Parallel, to issuing a European Arrest Warrant, prosecutors can apply
to the US justice officials for their questioning in the USA and or
extradition using European legal instruments.
Prosecutors can also apply for the freezing of all their assets given
the enormity of the charges they face and the strength of the
evidence against them.
If they fail to appear for their summons, Soros, Gates, Trump and
Biden can be sentenced to jail.
It is a principle of law that those people who do not attend a
summons or seek defend themselves under due process rules because
they hope by silence and omission to escape prosecution, can be
detained in prison pending trial.
If they fail to attend a trial, they can be convicted in absentia.
Greece incorporated that principle into its law in 2019.
Austria can be compelled to incorporate that principle into law if it
does not have it already.
If Soros, Gates, Trump are convicted at a trial in absentia, they can
be sentenced to jail and arrest warrants sent out.
If Soros, Gates, Trump do appear, they can be questioned and if there
is reason to believe they may seek to flee, they can be sentenced to
immediate detention pending their trials in Austria or Greece. Time
is also needed to allow investigators to determine just how many
people have died or become sick from the Covid jabs through
subponaeing documents from government officials, and so prepare the
precise charges.


Parallel, prosecutors can open an investigation into the cover up,
starting with the investigations opened by the Greek Supreme Court in
Again, Russia can lay out a timetable tied to access to energy.
To investigate this, they can summon for testimony etc all those who
are under reasonable suspicion of obstructing justice in Greece and
Austria. This includes
Geoffrey Pyatt
Victoria Nuland as Pyatt s boss in the State Department
Christoph Reitinger
Sebastian Kurz as then Austria s then Foreign Minister
Joanna Mikl Leitner
Karl Nehammer
Werner Faymann
Alexis Tsipras
Kyriakos Mitsotakis
and other Greek and Austrian justice officials including
then Supreme Court President Vasiliki Thanou
and many others who give reasonable cause for suspicion through their
actions that they functioon as instruments of a broad epidemic
disease plot conceived by Soros and Gates specifically in
relationship to murdering, falsely imprisoning, slandering
Also, false claims laws can be used.
The probes document a plot to maintain false claims and
misrepresentations by using criminal means to silence and censor a
reporter seeking to correct these false claims.
Some can be convicted of a campaign of false and misleading claims in
relation to the risks of the Covid jab similar to the US opioid
As part of an investigation into Geoffey Pyatt and his possible role
in corrupting justice in Greece to advance Soros bioweapons plot, his
record in the Ukraine can be looked at to determine if there is a
Again, if any fail to appear at the date named, European Arrest
Warrants can be issued and they can be convicted in absentia.
Countries which do not comply with EAW, applications for extradition,
such as the USA, UK, can be sanctioned as punishment for supporting
massive violations of fair trial guarantees and human rights.
Prosecutors can apply for their extradition to Austria or Greece,
depending where the probes are handled, to serve their jail
Countries who help the accused in a prosecutor probe evade justice
can be sanctioned, including the USA.
The convction of Soros, Gates and Trump for being the brains,
funders, principle architects and political muscle behind a
bioweapons plot, since at least 2014, in relation to one essential
aspect of that plot, censorship of a reporter, sets the scene for an
expanded investigation of all the instruments suspected of
functioning as part of that same bioweapons plot since 2014 as
documented in the probes D 15 218, E 17 449 and on my wordpress blog,
birdflu666 ( a copy of which Wordpress can be ordered to produce),
and other social media, including
Borish Johnson
Voldemyr Zelensky
Justine Trudeau
Chrystia Freeland
Joe Biden
Anthony Blinken
Lloyd Austin
James Mattis
Boris Johnson
Albert Bourla
Pascal Soriot
Sir John Bell
Nathan Wolfe
Joanna Wintrol
Again, Russia can tie a timetable for the expanded probe to access to
I lay out a more detailed possible investigative plan below.


Helpful for Russia, China, India, South Africa and Brazil is that in
Austria, there has been a huge backlash against a law passed on
January 31st 2022 making it mandatory for everyone over 18 years to
take three doses of the Covid jab.
One third of the population have still not taken even one jab despite
draconian fines and prison sentences. As many as half may be in
violation of the law because they have not taken the second or third
dose mandated.
This shows that there will be a very broad political support among
the population for trials of Soros, Gates, Trump, Biden, the Royals
and others, eventually, of course, the Austrian Chancellors from
Faymann to Nehammer as well as of the justice officials who have
allowed this injection campaign to go ahead despite the mounting
evidence of huge numbers of deaths and injuries.
While it will certainly be very hard, indeed, for ordinary Austrians
to have their gas, electricity cut off through, for example, Russian
sanctions, many, I believe, will think it is even more hard,
dangerous for them to face being compelled to take the Covid jabs
when the moratorium on the law on the jab mandate ends at the end of
May 2022.
The Soros influenced Austrian government is in the process of rolling
out a fourth dose like Greece where US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt
Moreover, the public backlash against the Austrian government over
any shortages in gas may be so great, that the entire government may
be forced to resign very quickly if they do not comply.
This will pave the way for a new government, composed of people whose
desire for justice is aligned with that of Russia, China, India,
Brazil and South Africa, but who also have a great deal of support
among the Austrians themselves, and who can expedite the prosecution
under due process.
The same will be true of other countries, including Greece and the
USA and UK and possibly even Germany and France.
Certainly when people have access to the true facts as ascertained
under due process by prosecutors, there will be an enormous backlash
against the government heads and officials responsible for giving so
many people an injection they knew was designed to make them sick and
poison them, forcing many to resign pending their trials.





The probes and cover ups spanning 8 years show Soros and Gates have
with fanatical determination repeated the same savage and murderous
plot using different viruses and different locations since, at least,
2014 (when Obama and Biden were in the WH), in fact, since 2009 as
proofs gathered in Austria show.
The roots of this crime go back much longer to the Nazi eugenics
programmes and their coldly calculating technologies of mass murder,
including the sterilization injections given to hundreds of thousands
of concentration camp prisoners and Operation T 4 euthanasia victims
during WW2.
There is every sign they will double down in 2022 and seek to launch
another epidemic disease plot to try and wipe out all the evidence of
their previous plots, and it could well be they will try to use the
confusion surrounding the conflict in the Ukraine to target Donbass
and Russia first, and later, the rest of the world, and that they may
well agian use Ebola and related hemorrhagic fever diseases as
dicussed below.
Trials and convictions are the best way of forestalling more crimes.
Probe D 15 218 contains all the evidence needed to prove beyond ALL
reasonable doubt that George Soros, and Bill Gates as well as Donald
Trump have direct personal knowledge, motive and means and play a
leading role, along with others, in preparing, planning and bringing
about criminal activites to silence, falsely imprison, murder, smear
and destroy an investigative journalist, myself. That, precisely in
order to deprive the general public around the globe of vital
information concerning the existence of their role in an Ebola plot
in 20124 in West Africa, whose success depends on a campaign of false
claims and a system of media misinformation, and censorship.
This established a precedent for spreading Ebola, which can be used
to help prosecute and convict Soros and Gates and others,
specifically their instruments Joe and Hunter Biden, of seeking to do
the same in the Donbass and Russia.
Before looking in detail at the proofs of personal knowledge, motive
and means, all required for a conviction, I give a brief overview
emphasizing the links to the Ukraine and the secretive bioweapons
programmes there, espcailly UP 8 to spread Crimean Congo hemorrhagic
fever (Ebola) in the Donbass and Russia.
There are many parallels.
Also, I will briefly describe probe E 17 449 opened in 2017 with
other relevant evidence.

A. PROBE D 15 218 opened in 2015


 GEORGE SOROS,US Billionaire, chair together with ALEXANDER

SOROS OF their family Open Society Foundation, major donor to
the Democrat Party and global media

 and funder of the “Colour Revolution” which led to a change of

government in the Ukraine in February 2014 as he stated in an
inteview on CNN with Fareed Zakaria on May 25th 2011

WHO immediately instigated and organized, tyogether with then US
anbassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt, new government, which incorporated
Nazi Brigades like the Azov Battalion into its armed forces and used
them to commit atrocities against ethnic Russians in the Donbass.
This also by holding meetings with major actors involved in the
Maidan coup, including Ukraine s new Ministers of Justice, Health and
Foreign Affairs.
Documents prove Soros actually ruled the Ukraine in 2014, also
documents from a meeting on 31st March 2014, attended by his
Foundation staff Lenny Barnardo and Sabine Freizer, and staff from
his NGO International Renaissance Foundation Yevhan Bystrystsky and
Oleksandr Sushko weeks before an attack on the ethnic Russians in the
donbass, also involving neo Nazi brigades.
In Greece, Soros offered a grant of 6,500 dollars through his OSIFE
(Mapping the Ukrainian Debate in Greece) to a consultant to identify
the main players in the Greek media commenting on the Ukraine, what
are their arguments and how effective are they in 2016.

WHO helped to expand a network of bio labs in the Ukraine
through the Pentagon and using private contractors Metabiota,
which received a contract thgat same month in FEBRUARY 2014,
and Black and Veatch

WHO helped fund those contractors together with HUNTER BIDEN and BILL
GATES FUNDED ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, a key funder of the Covid gain of
funciton research,

 WHICH carried out research on various bioweapons projects


FEVERS (EBOLA) and its spread through the Ukraine and the
“potential need for differential DIAGNOSIS”

 BILL AND MELINDA GATE, US Billionaires and donors of 60 Billion

dollars since 2000 to epidemis and vaccines, and donors to
media, and the second biggest funder of WHO, and chairs of their
family Bil and Melinda Gates Foundation


 WHO helped fund those contractors through his NGO ECOHEALTH

ALLIANCE, a key funder of the Covid gain of funciton research,
together with Soros and Biden

 WHICH carried out research on various bioweapons projects


(EBOLA) and its spread through the Ukraine and the “potential
need for differential DIAGNOSIS”

Of playiung a leading role in preparing, planning and bringing about
a plot dependent on censorship and secrecy

 to fund scientists to develop deadly diseases, also hemorrhagic

fevers, such as Lassa and Ebola

 to fund their work also in a bio lab established inside Kenema

General Hospital, Sierra Leone,run also by the Viral Hemorrhagic
Fever Consortirum, a public and private partnership of
scientists funded also by the Foundations of Soros and Gates

 the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak

 including Joseph Fair, a Tulane university virologist and former

VP of Metabiota, funded the Pentagon. who worked from Kenema
hospital since 2004 and who was a special advisor to Sierra
Leone s health ministry

 Fair worked in for the Pentagon in labs in the Ukraine and since
2020 has worked for NBC

 including Daniel Bausch, Tulane University professor seconded to

Naval Medical Research Unit no 6 in the Ukraine,

 including CDC Epidemic Intelligence Officers

 using flawed biosecurity protocols, specificallyin relation to

incubation and symptoms

 using faulty DIAGNOSTICS also, also false positives by Metabiota

and Tulane while depriving people of accurate diagnostic tools
such as Biofire

 For an analysis on the way false positives by Metabiota and

Tulane spread Ebola in a study by Augustine Goba “An Outbreak
of Ebola Virus Disease in the Lassa Fever Zone” published 4
October 2016 in The Journal of Infectious Diseases see the
discussion above

 That, in order to have a pretext to put healthy people in a ward

with Ebola patients, specifically the KGH Annex Ward, exppsomg
them to infection
As a result, all four locals nurses working there, and the main
doctor Dr Khan, all died.

 None of the US scientists like Fair or Bausch working there died

or contracted Ebola.

 use formaldehyde, a poison, to simulate Ebola.

There were credible reports by locals of formaldehyde being
placed in wells.

 Suppress cures

 use flawed biosecurity protocols, specifically ignoring the

difference between incubation and symptoms

 using infected people, specifically Patrick Swayer, a dual US

citizen and employee of ArcelorMittal, who lied about his
exposure to Ebola (his sister had died on July 8th), and helped
by Soros funded ECOWAS to bypass government rules, and with
false negative tests, took a flight from Liberia to Nigeria on
20th July 2014 while incubating Ebola, and who developed Ebola
symptoms on landing bringing Ebola to Nigeria

 Swayer infected doctors who treated him at the First Consultant

Hospital Oblalende, Lago, where he died on july 24th

 Thomas Eric Duncan who flew from Liberia to Dallas, Texas,

while incubating Ebola and infecting others and who was not
diagnosed when he went to hospital (despite the hospital, the
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas having a secret
Biofiare unit extremely accurate at diagnosing Ebola quickly, it
later emerged) until he developed severe symptomson 30 September

 He was put in an ordinary hospital and not in the specical

biosecurity level 4 hospital units designed for infections as
Ebola in the USA

 He there infected two nurses who were given flawed instructions

and gear following the general and wrong instructions of the
CDC and who did not know a state of the art Biofire Ebola
diagnostic unit was in the hospital, something which was known,
it seems, only to insiders in the plot

 One of the two nurses, Nina Pham who later successfully sued the
Presbyterian hospital in Dallas

 using from September 2017 also US soldiers, specifically the

101st Airborne, among 4000 soldiers sent to help contain with

Ebola building hospitals around Liberia without adequate
biosafety measures exposing them to infection and to becoming
disease carriers

 On 17 October 2014 Marine General James Lariviere testified to

Congress that the only precautions for th soldiers living in
crowded, make shift structures, were a three foot separation
rule with local nationals” with no protection other than washing
their hands in chlorine solutions and measuring of their

 As late as October 27th, the Chief of Staff of the US Army,

Raymond Odierno ordered a 21 day quarantine of all soldiers
returning from Operation United Assistance. More than a dozen
soldiers were quarantined in a US base in Italy

 to have WHO declare a global Ebola emergency in XX 2014 and

implement martial law

 roll out experimental MERCK vaccines later found to give people

EBOLA according to an interim study published in The Lancet in

 and lure and coerce first the local and then the global public
to accept an injection under a campaign of deception, omission,
censorship and fearmongering
Of making sick and killing about 11 THOUSAND people in West Africa in
2014 and inflicting suffering on countless more who were infected but

 as part of a plan make sick and kill billions of people, in

fact, virtually the entire population of the world

 but which as successfully stopped from autumn 2014 after

affected countries corrected the systematic failures in
biosecurity protocols introduced by the administration of BARACK
Of potentially killing whistleblowers.
Glenn Thomas a WHO spokesperson with whom I had personal contact
through emails and phone calls since 2009, delayed Ebola being
declared an international emergency by WHO and a global Ebola
experimental vaccine rollout in 2014.
WHO finally declared Ebola an international emergency on 8th August
2014 only after he died in the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17)
from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down on 17th July 2014 while
flying over the eastern Ukraine, then in the control of Soros.
Soros launched the attacks on the Donbas region where the plane was
shot down allegedly by a BUK missile from rebel Russians. But it is
far more likely to have been shot down by Soros as Russian rebels in
the Donbas had no motive to shoot down that plane, one of hundreds of
commercial airplanes flying above the cloud level using the same
flight corridor to Asia, and kill Glenn Thomas while Soros did. An
intentional investigation has not been able to clear up the confusion
surrounding the crash debris in the hands of the Soros controlled
Ukraine regime.
Initial reports said 100 delegates to an AIDS conference were on
board, including Jope Lange, the former president of the
International AIDS Society.
Ebola is an offshoot of HIV.
Key people, therefore, who were in a position to stop and expose the
2014 Ebola bioweapons plot were all suddenly dead in a plane crash
over the Ukraine precisely as Metabiota labs in Siera Leone were
spreading Ebola and Metabiota labs in Ukraine were expanding their
Soros and Ukranian and US government officials like Victoria Nuland
and Geoffrey Pyatt can and should be questioned about this crash and
documents obtained under due process as they help establish a pattern
of murdering whistleblowers.
Of instigating and carrying out as part of the above mentioned plot a
campaign of false claims, misrepreentation and omission using their
instruments in media, science and governments to hide their crimes
and mislead people about the risks of the experimental Ebola
vaccines, given under using the ruse of “emergency authoritzation”,
violating their right to informed consent
Of playing a leading role in preparing, planning and bringing about
criminal activites falsely imprison, murder, smear and destroy an
investigative journalist, myself' precisely in order to stop me from
pubishing data, studies and facts from 2014 showing that they were
funding, organizing and promoting a plot to spread Ebola in West
Africa and around the world and then, use the fear to rollout Ebola
injections to make them sick and ill. And all that, using a campaign
of vast deception.
This specifically in connection to an Open letter warning about Soros
and Gates Ebola plot which I sent to UK Mps in february 2015 and to
chair of the then UK Parliament Health Committee Dr Sarah Wollaston,
along with other facts.
These appeared to have persuaded key MPs to change their mind and
drop their support of the so called Saatchi Bill which would have
allowed even bioweapons to be used under the ruse of innovation.
In January 2016 Dr Sarah Wollaston asked me to submit evidence to an
inquiry she announced on the subject of UK s pandemic preparedness.
It was this, I allege, which sparked a massive cover up of the
original murder attempt using corrupt officials and next murder
attempt by Soros and Gates, precisely again to stop their bioweapons
plot being exposed, and allow it to advance, a cover up which only
succeed after US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, so closely linked to
Soros, moved from Kiev to Athens in early 2016 after the Greek
Supreme Court ordered the original probe to be reopened, twice, in
fact, as I discuss in the section on cover ups.
Instigating the injection of key witnesses named also in the original
police report in April 2015, which led to the opening of probe D 15
218 by prosecutors in May 2015,with Covid injections from early 2021
using coercion knowing they are designed to kill and make sick in
order to make key witnesses sick, as some have verifiably become as
can be seen from a video posted online in April 2021, deny them help
(the monastery has remained closed since September unlike other
monasteries) and kill them as described in the section on cover ups.
This is a most serious charge as it includes Greek Orthodox nuns in
two monasteries in the Larisa area who are completely subordinate
ultimately the Greek government and Soros instrument in Athens US
ambassador Pyatt. That, because the Greek orthodox clery including
Bishops and the priests are salaried government officials like other
government officials.
Soros especially rightly asks for adherents to the Jewish faith, he
claims allegiance to while giving also the people of Israeli the same
Covid injections, to be respected.
The callous wickedness with which and Gates and other conspirators,
have organized the injection of nuns with this bioweapon in this
monastery and indeed, in all monasteries across Greece and coerced
priests to take it or risk being fired, does not show respect for the
Christian faith and its adherents, and would amount to a hate crimes
and discrimination on religious grounds if it were not for the fact
Soros, Gates and others are subjecting the people of Israel to
exactly the same injections..
Nevertheless, I ask epsecially the Russian government, as the
government of an Orthodox Christian country, in particular to impose
on Soros, Gates and their conspirators, which almost certainly
includes the British Royal Family, with direct links to this
monastery via the association Friends of Mount Athos, as discussed in
detail below, especially heavy penalties for this cruel
atrocity,including all the top echelon of the Greek Orthodox church,
Ieronymos and all 80 or so Bishops, especially the Bishop of Volos
and the Abbess Theodekti, a key instrument of Soros.
There have been many reports of monks, nuns and priests dying and
getting sick from these injections among locals, consistent with
damage reported by government sources OpenVaers, by the UKHSA and
PHS, among others.


B. PROBE E 17 449 opened in 2017

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner are the subject of criminal probe by
Appeals prosecutors in Greece launched over a plot to arrest a
journalist, myself, for publicizing on 15th February 2017 on my blog
allegations by a Russian journalist Alexander Zamyslov that Kushner
had helped him obtain visas to help him research bioweapons plots,
which he made while interviewing me for a documentaty on the Soros,
gates Ebola plot, the swine flu plot and US bio labsin Kazahkstan -
links which Zamyslov, Trump and Kushner were so anxious to keep
secret, which they felt were so incriminating, that my post about
these same links immediately triggered an attempt to organize fake
criminal charges to have me arrested, imprisoned in Greece the very
next day.
That, by the very same lawyer Simos Samaras proven to have used
criminal means to cover up the proofs against Soros and Gates from
2016, and so clearly acting as their instrument.
The fake criminal charges he used were a temporary civil injunction
for 30 days issued illegally because the judge could not find any
proof of either malice or error in late 2016 to suppress presicely
the evidence of personal knowledge, motive and means by Soros and
Gates in D 15 218 and the evidence of a cover up by them.
The point to note is that the probes may sound different and
unrelatedtop D 15 218 but they represent the same people, same
purpose , same motive, same method, same crimes. That suggests the
same higher command centre, Soros, Pyatt and Gates and co
Zamyslov, together with his producer Christina Fadeevain, work for a
company called “Premier Documentary Movie Fellowship”, which is based
in the Kremlin.
Zamslov claimed to have links to Russian and Kazahkstan intelligence
Hunter and Joe Bidens have links to Kazahkstan government officials
and oil oligarchs.
In email correspondence with Fadeeva to set up the interview in June
2016, we discuss the Ebola plot and D 15 218 in detail, also the
method of spreading Ebola using faulty diagnostics.
The way false positive Ebola tests by Metabiota spread Ebola in West
Africa in 2014 is discussed in detail below, specifically in a study
by Augustine Goba published 2016 in The Journal of Infectious
This suggests that there might be a criminal network specializing in
bioweapons plots under the direction of Soros and Gates and others
superimposed on the Russian governments, specifically in the FSB,
which may be ready to be activated to help spread Ebola inside the
Donbass and Russia also using faulty diagnostic tools.
The head of the FSB foreign service was placed under arrest in March
2022, according to media. This person would have been Zamyslov s
supervisor if Zamyslov indeed did work for the FSB as he hinted and
as is very plausible given his high profile documentaries filmed all
around the world and high level contacts.
Trump s then Defense Secretary James Mattis can and should be
summoned for questioning about his role in this contract as part of
due process investigation into E 17 449 along with other Pentagon
What did he know about E 17 449? If E 17 449 shows Trump follows my
blog information in almost real time, is it not reasonable to assume
so do others like Mattis, who has worked with him to carry out the
broad plan conceived by Soros and Gates?
Were Russians selected for an especial target in July 2017 by Soros
and Gates after the probe was opened?
Is that the reason for the timing of the DOD USAF contract to obtain
mRNA samples from Russian Caucasians in July 2017 just after the
probe into Trump and Zamyslov and Samaras was opened by Appeals
Documents can be obtained under due process on this project. In as
far as this plot appears to be connected to a criminal plot
conceived by private US Billionaires, and directed also against the
USA, as well as Russia, the officials in the DOD USAF can also be
prosecuted in criminal and civil courts.
Alexander Zamyslov himself can also be questioned in Russia as part
of an investigation there into this probe E 17 449. along with
Christina Fadeeva.
Why were they so interested in obtaining information on the Ebola
plot? US bio labs in Kazakhstan? Why did go to such lengths to get my
2009 swine flu plot report to the FBI? Why did he think the FBI and
FSB watched my information? Who in the FSB watched my information?
Who were exactly his contacts which Zamyslov claimed to have in the
Trump administration other than Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon and
Reince Priebus helping him get visas? And why did Trump wish to keep
this contact so secret?
Is there a Trump, Soros, Gates fifth column dedicated to bioweapons
inside the Russian and Kazakhstan intelligence services?
The Russian government can continue this investigation already opened
by appeals prosecutors in Greece under due process also using US
courts and compel Trump and members of his government, especially in
the Pentagon, to testify and produce documents and emails on
biological warfare programmes and other communications to determine
the degree of their guilt for acting as instruments, knowingly or
not, of a crime documented by Greek appeals prosecutors.
A request for documents related to US funded bio labs in the Ukraine
and elsewhere can also be made in US courts following the example of
layer Aaron Siri s legal action to obtain the FDAs Pfizer Covid
vaccine data
US funded bio labs in Kazakhstan and the potential use of plague were
a part of the research which Alexander Zamyslov was conducting which
Trump and Soros instrument Samaras were so eager to hide a connection
Victoria Nuland said in testimony to Senator Marc Rubio in March 2022
that the bio weapons labs in the Ukraine, funded to the tune of 200
million, contained material which she hoped would not fall into the
hands of Russian soldiers, strongly suggesting the notion that the
bio labs also contain bioweapons or plans specifically targeting
She too can be subpoenaed in US courts for testimony and records. In
as far as she appears as an instrument of a criminal plot conceived
by private US Billionaires, and directed also against the USA, Nuland
too can be prosecuted in criminal and civil courts.
The same is true of Geoffrey Patty.



Given the facts of the Ebola plot in West Africa in 2014 discussed
above, it is, therefore, reasonable to believe that Soros, Gates,
Biden and others were and are preparing to spread Ebola or other
viruses in the Donbass and Russia as also suggested by new evidence
such as the UP 8 programme run by Joanna Wintrol from the US embassy
in Kiev.
It is reasonable to believe that Soros, Gates, Biden and others were
already in 2014 when Soros overthrew the government to establish a
new regime and install US bio labs run by Metabiota, to spread Ebola
or other similar pathogens, suchas Lassa, in the Donbass and Russia,
and from there to te rest of the world to justify more injections,
this time Mercks Ebola, among others.
In the 8 years since, they may well have worked to develop new
technologies in the Ukraine and other US bio labs.
Of note is that the DOD USAF issued a contract in July 2017 asking
specifically for Russian Caucasion mRNA. This would help bioweapons
researchers design the specific mRNA sequences contained in any Ebola
or HIV injections to make them more effective at entering into human
cells and altering the genetic code to reporgramme the body to
produce Ebola and HIV viruses.
Developing mRNA Ebola injections to target Russian people may be a
part of the Metabiota research in the Ukraine.
Such a plot would explain why Victoria Nuland, US Undersecretary of
State for Political affairs, said must not fall into the hands of
Russian soldiers in March 2022.
This, especially if experiments have been carried out on ethnic
Russians in secret compounds run by Metabiota and the Pentagon, which
may have resulted in deaths.
Use may be made of new mRNA vaccines, similar to the three mRNA HIV
vaccines which started phase I clinical trials on March 14th 2022
funded by NIAID. The mRNA injections deliver a piece of genetic
code which instructs the body to make a protin fragment of a
Genetic material found in Covid mRNA vaccines have been found by a
Swedish study to alter liver cell to make them produce the pathogen
proteins, that is to say, the poisons, triggering a permanent immune
response and autoimmune diseases.
Research on different viruses from Metabiota labs all over the world
could, of course, be used by Metabiota labs in the Ukraine.
Metabiota scientists, for example, from branches in San Francisco,
Kinshasa, Dr Congo, Nanaimo, Canada are the lead authorits of a study
on Ebola in the DR Congo funded by the US government and published
online on July 17th 2020 in Open Forum Infect Dis
doi 10.1093/ofid/ofaa295
Noteworthy is that Merck s Ervebo was given conditional markeiting
authorization by the FDA and also by EU on 11th November 2020. It can
now be used around the globe in the event of an Ebola outbreak.
These licensed doses were first used for the first time ever in the
latest Ebola oubreak in the DR Congo declared on 8th October 2021.
Parallel, experimental, no licensed doses are being admiinistered,
which could be mRNA jabs
This despite evidence they give Ebola.
Of note is the emphasis of Metabiota a perinxiple contractor, Black
and Veatch, on establishing control over the function of Ukrainian
microbiological laboratories, according to documents obtained by the
Russian MOD as reported in the media.
Joanna Wintrol, who supervised the Pentagon projects in the Ukraine
until 2021 at the US embassy in Kiev s Defence Threat Reduction
office, including Projects UP 2, UP 4 and UP 8 studying”spread of
hermorhagic fever virus and hatnaviruses in Ukraine and the potential
need for the differenntial diagnosis of patients.”
Faulty diagnostics, also false positives by Metabiota and Tulane
University.who shared a lab in Kenema were a key method for spreading
Metabioata and Tulane were selected by WHO and the Sierra Leone
Government. Metabiota scientist Dr Joseph Fair was a special advisor
to the health ministry,
As a result, many people were put in the Ebola ward in Kenema
hospital where they became infected and got Ebola because of the lack
of the most basic standard ways of handling Ebola patients including
isolation during the incubation period..
In conjunction with flawed biosecurity protocols and confusion over
incubation and symptoms, a false positive was a de facto death
sentence for many people in Sierra Leone.
For an analysis on the way false positives by Metabiota and Tulane
spread Ebola see also a study by Augustine Goba “An Outbreak of
Ebola Virus Disease in the Lassa Fever Zone” published 4 October 2016
in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Excerpt focussing on Metabiotas, then under CEO Nathan Wolfe, false
positives in Kenema.
“Later in mid July (2014), a canadian health official found worrying
discrepancies in four of eight tests and identified up to five people
misdiagnosed with Ebola (by Metabiota); he was also told by the
Metabiota project cordinator that the outbreak would be over in “two
to three weeks”. And in a separatre July e mail to colleagues , WHO
outbreak expert Eric Bertherat complained of misdiagnosis and “total
confusion” at the (Metabiota) lab, noting that there was no tracking
of samples” and “absolutely no control of what is being done.”Goi
Goba says the same applied to the entire Ebola response.
“In a series of July 2014 e mails, WHO staff were equally critical of
Tulane and Metabiota, with Bertherat suggesting that the lab be shut
down...Austin Demby, who evaluabted the lab s work...., said the lab
lacked the equipment and space to process blood samples safetly, and
that initial diagnosis by Metabiota and Tulance clashed as oftenas
30% of the time. WHO Ebola coordinator Phillipe Barboza susbequently
complained in an email that Metabiota Staffers were “systematically
obstructing any attempt to improve the existing surveillance system
and there are a lot of improvements needed.” further arguing that WHO
should pull its staff from Kenema so that they wouldn't be blamed for
Metabiota s failures.”
Metabiota s CEO Nathan Wolfe is quoted in the study as refusing to
acknowledge any evidence of lab blunders.
In 2014, Metabiota won a European Union grant to carry out Ebola
tests and treatments.
All this, at the same time as Metabiota was expanding in the Ukraine
from early 2014 after Soros backed government took control.
It is possible tha the Covid vaccine is a birdge injection to Ebola
and makes it more easy for people to be infected with Ebola.
Ebola is a brainchild of HIV as Dr Gorbee Logan found out in 2014.
Indian researchers found an HIV segment appeared to have been
inserted into the Covid virus as part of gain of function research
carried out by Bill Gates funded Ecohealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci
at the NIH, who also sits on Gates GAVI alliance.
So, there may be a basis for creating a virus variant, which spreads
easily like Covid but which is also lethal like Ebola and by using
injections administered in several stages.
Going through the research papers published by scientists working for
Metabiota, Black and veatch, EcoHealth and other entities linked to
the plot should provide clues.
Careful examination of research papers may be required as any
evidence of a criminal intent to injure and kill has to research has
to be obscured or inferred and is often buried in tables and
appendices of peer reviewed papers to aovid attention and potentially
legal action.
It appears that a specific method is sometimes broken down into
different parts and the various parts are published in different
research papers, requiring people to join dots, which insiders are
best able to do as they know the overall objective and plan or
method to accomplish it.
The fact that the supervisor for this research was inside the US
embassy itself suggests UP8 project was especially dangerous and
controversial research, knowledge of which may even have had to be
shielded from some DoD US Contractors subject to oversight.
Such research and such a plan would also explain why every effort to
cover it up.
Signficant is that the region affected is rich in natural resources
like the Donbass and Russia, and that Soros, especially, was seeking
to get more ecoinomic and financial influence over the region by
funding an alliance called ECOWAS.
The Donbass is also a zone of conflict as were the regions in the DR
Congo where Ebola outbreaks have occurred since 2018.
The European economy in particular is dependent on Russian energy.
Without Russian gas, oil and coal, its economy would collapse very
fast. This is especially true of Germany, Austria, Poland and Italy.
Without Russian energy, their industry will griind to a halt, perhaps
never to revive as supply chains break. The cost of electricity and
gas would become too much for almost all people to pay. This is
already the case in Greece, where sky high electricity and fuel bills
are starting to bankrupt small businesses and could lead to mass
blackouts in a few months as people who cannot pay are cut off.
Inflation will soar. But it will be true of most of Europe too.
There is a real risk of hunger and mass starvation because of
shortages of all kinds and inflation.
In short, there is a motive for Soros, Gates and others to spread
Ebola or similiar diseases through the Donbass and Russia to cause
mass deaths to obtain control of the natural resources as in 2014
with West Africa.
Ebola can be spread in the Donabass and Russia using the same methods
as in 2014

 using injections of Ebola vaccine into refugees, travellers to

infect them and turn them into incubators and carriers of the
disease and spread it

 using US soldiers

Biden appear to suggest there was a plan for sending the 82nd
Airborne to the Ukraine.

 infected US soldiers would then act as carriers to the USA and

other places repeating the plan of 2014 when the 101st Airborne
was sent to West Africa without proper trainign and equipment or
quarantine protocols to build, maintain and guard gigantic Ebola
field hospitals, which never came to be needed, fortunately,
exposing them to infection in their interactions with Ebola
If they do manage to exploit the conflict to spread Ebola in the
Ukraine, Russia area, and from there all around Europe, Asia and the
world, Soros and Gates have a pretext to roll out Ebola martial law
measures around the rest of the world, specifically a Ebola lockdowns
and Ebola injection programme similar to the Covid injection
programme, and using the same instruments in government,
pharamceutical companies and media.
Potential plots like this can best be forestalled and stopped
altogether by the trials of Soros, Gates and others using the probes
already opened by prosecutors in Greece, to convict and jail the
principle architects, funders and

This Ebola plot was foiled in 2014, 2015 and every time it has been
repeated in the DR Congo since, including late 2021, when Merck's
Ervebo injections were used for the first time under emergency use
Briefly stated, very helpful are

 lamiduvine, an HIV drug

Dr Gorbee Logan gave lamiduvine to 15 Ebola patients and 13 survived,
far lower than the average death rate of 70 to 80%
Logan used the HIV drug after he read about similarities between
Ebola and HIV in a medical journal.

 monoclonal antibodies

 The natural antibodies of survivors blood have been found to be

the most powerful cure, and still are, as monoclonal antibodies.

 colloidal silver, an all purpose, safe, traditional way of

killing viruses, used in fact by the ancient Greeks

 ensuring proper protocols on biosecurity gear, labs, incubation

and symptoms

 ensuring accurate diagnostic tools, such as given by Biofire


 checking and monitoring all drinking water supplies for poisons

like formaldehyde which have symptoms like Ebola

 avoiding ALL Ebola vaccines, especially Merck s Ervebo and all

experimental and mRNA HIV or Ebola vaccines

 aoviding ALL other injections as they may contain contamination

or mRNA gene altering fragments covertly


The Ukraine conflict has brought to light documents showing that bio
labs funded by Soros, Gates and Hunter Biden were engaged in
bioweapons programmes directed against the Donbass and Russia,
specifically, a programme called UP 8 involving Ebola or other
hemorrhagic fevers like Lassa, a fever which has many of the
characteristics of a flu for easy spreading.
Significant that the Ukraine conflict began to boil from the January
202 when the neo Nazi Azov Battalion was reactivated and when it
became clear that their Covid global vaccine plot had failed and when
government statistics showed record deaths and injuries linked to
those injections.
If this was the motive or a contributing motive, the Ukraine conflict
can be considered a private Billionaires war, a war nominally
launched by a state but as part of a broad plan conceived by
Billionaires Soros, Gates and others to further their private,
particular interests, and the perpetrators prosecuted for the murders
there using criminal laws also as a part of an expanded investigation
into D 15 218 etc. There is no need for extraordinary courts like The
There are strong reasons to think Soros, Gates and the Bidens planned
the conflict in the Ukraine
1. to deflect from the growing number of deaths from the Covid jabs
and the threat of legal action
2. to launch another bioweapons plot in the Ukraine, possibly
targetting the Donbass and Russia taking advantage of the confusion
created by the conflict to double down on their global injection
plot, justify more lockdowns, forced vaccinatio, quarantine etc
As discussed earlier, the very existence of such an elaborate network
of US bio labs in the Ukraine, and funded and run by the same actors
behind the Ebola plot in West Africa in 2014, specifically Soros,
Gates, Metabiota, EcoHealthAlliance and other entities as well as
research projects targetting Russian Caucasians strongly suggests
there is a plan to use it.
It is precisely in the Ukraine that Soros has so much influence over
since a coup in February 2014 that a conflict with Russia broke out
in February 25th.
One day earlier Russia and China had signed an agreement to build a
natural gas pipeline, which gives a boost to both economies. This may
also have been a motive for provoking a war as Soros, Gates and
others do not want economic rivals to the US and dollar and euro
system which they control. The economic and financial is vital
subject, which I will not address here because there is a risk of
this submission becoming too long.
Their instruments in Germany, specifically Health Minister Karl
Lauterbach, plan to give all Ukraine refugees fleeing the conflict
they instigated one of their Covid injections, a clear crime given
the facts and government statistics showing the injections are linked
to extraordinarily high death and injury rates, which Lauterbach must
also know.
This is a concrete example of how they are seeking to exploit the
misery and suffering caused by the conflict to advance their
bioweapons injection agenda.
Soros, Gates and their co conspirators, and from the highest offices
to the lowest, must increasingly fear conviction, especially in the
USA, for their role as promoters, funders and architects of the many
deaths and injuries caused by the Covid jab, which are becoming
increasingly hard to hide.
They face not only limitless compensation claims or even jail. They
face the death penalty. US States like Florida have the death
penalty. This is true not just of Soros, Gates and Trump but of their
instruments, especially all those working in their family run
Foundations, the centre of their operations.
This is especially true now their plan to compel everyone to take the
vaccine has failed.
The Biden administrations OHSA mandate was overturned by the Supreme
Court in January 2022 in a severe blow to their plan to coerce every
American into taking the jab.
In the UK, a law to make it mandatory for anyone in England working
for the NHS in a “regulated activity” to be fully vaccinated against
coronavirus unless subject to medical exemption has failed,
attracting criticism also from the House of Lords, Secondary
Legilsation Scrutiny Committee for its lack of scientific evidence
and the ambiguity of its terms.
In Germany, lawmakers rejected a plan to make Covid jabs compulosry
compulsory for everyone initially over 60 years of age, and later,
over 18 years of age on April 7th 2022.
378 voted against the mesdure and 296 for. The large margin of defeat
for the German government headed by Olaf Scholz is almost certainly
due to the growing awareness of the deaths and injuries linked to the
Covid jabs, especially among the young.
In Austria a more draconian law called Bundesgesetz über die
Impfpflicht gegen Covid-19 (Covid-19-Impfpflichtgesetz – Covid-19-IG
came into force on January 31 2022 which imposed fines and prison
sentences on every Austrian over 18 who did not take all 3 Covid jab
in the series by March 15th.
The savage plan has been pushed through by a Hitler 1933 style
enabling act and suspended Austrian constitution and basic rights.
Virtually all the MPs have been complicit in the overthrow of the
rule of law using the pretext of an emergency.
The Austrian Constitutional Court has not overturned this law
althrough it breaks every epidemic law requiring scientific evidence
showing safety and effectiveness, appropriate, targetted, mininally
That same court has just approved euthanasia, creating a loophold for
the government to kill masses of people. Legalizing euthanasia was,in
fact, the same loophole that Hitler used to carry out state order
killings as part of the T4 programme.
For who is to decide when someone is to be euthanised or killed in
specific cases? The individual or the state? Clearly, the state can
step in and order killings especially when there is no oversight and
no functioning justice system as during the Nazi era when about half
a million people were euthanized by Hitler or sterilized after being
classified as useless for the war effort, the so called "useless
mouths to feed."
Yet, the draconian penalities associated with the the law, called
Bundesgesetz über die Impfpflicht gegen Covid-19 (Covid-19-
Impfpflichtgesetz – Covid-19-IG, had minimal effect.
On March 9th, the Austrian government was forced to suspend the law
altogether as it became clear that as many as half the population may
be violation of it.
According to media, only 12,600 people out of a population of 9
million took a first jab after the law came into effect.
3 million people have not taken any first jab, that is a third.
Perhaps 1 or 2 million have not taken the second or third dose.
How to explain such a lack of compliance?
Especially when the penalties are so draconian, including fines of
3,600 euros and prison sentences for those who do not or cannot pay,
which victims must pay for themselves.
The only explanation is that a very large number of Austrians know
very well that these are bioweapons and injections designed to make
sick and kill, especially among the police and army who have weapons
which they are entitled to use as part of the absolute self defence
justification of lethal force to protect lives when courts fail, as
they have in Austria similarly to Greece and the Ukraine, since 2009
when Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the deadly
bird flu virus and sent it out.
Furthermore, Austrians have become aware they can use the courts and
the process of being fined and imprisoned for not taking jabs to
appeal and present all the factual evidence they are bioweapons and
do not meet the legal standard for experimental vaccines of being
safe, effective, proportionate, targetted and the last resort.
In the run up to the date to implement the police checks for Covid
vaccination, judges warned the courts would be flooded with appeals.
Although the law foresees that the federal state heads, such as
Johanna Mikl Leitner, all proven conspirators of the plot since 2009
at least, appoint special doctors to oversee the medical checks in
courts, Austrians know they can have these special doctors removed on
the grounds of conflict of interest. Special doctors appointed by the
politicians cannot be considered objective evaluators of the damage
done by the injections those same politicians are seeking to coerce
everyone into taking.
Clearly, an "elite" who know that about half a country s population,
specifically Austria, has not taken an injection despite maximum
pressure know that the people know it is designed to make the sick
and know too more and more people are getting sick and dying from the
injection, know full well they are sooner or later facing civil war,
mass unrest, lynching or legal action from their victims.
The monstrous ruthlessness, cruelty and callousness of these
Billionaires can be seen from the fact that they feel no remorse as
the public attention turns to the side effects and their crimes.
It may be that nearly 3 billion people around the globe have already
taken one of their vaccines designed to sterilize and poison causing
countless deaths, sickness, suffering with the longer term effects
still to be seen.
It can be guessed that they believed that if they couldn t poison,
make sick and kill most of the globe quickly enough, they could
regroup and wipe out any attempts by any justice systems or police
that still function to hold them to account. This, by staring a
conventional war in the Ukraine they can repeat the conscription,
industrial scale mass murder of WW1 and WW3 but on an even more
gigantic scale and so not only achieve their goal of depopulation but
also escape justice for their Covid crimes.
Any expanded investigation of the Greek probes should include this
Prosecutors can call for testimony of Soros, Gates, Trump and
Ukrainian government officials and Prime Ministers, including Boris
Johnson and Voldemy Zelensky, as well as Joe and Hunter Biden, They
can can be cross questioned about what they know about whether a
bioweapons plot, bio labs in the Ukraine and corruption originating
from the US embassy in Kiev was the motive for the Ukraine war or a
contributing motive.
If prosecutors find evidence there is reason to believe this was a
contributing, if not major factor, to starting a conflict in the
Ukraine, all those involved can be charged with the murder of every
single victim in that conflict.
It is one thing if a state initiates a conflict for legitimate
purposes recognized by international law. Another if private
Billionaires and others start a conflict for their private gain using
a criminal network they have superimposed on government using
instruments such as US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, verifiably involved
in helping Soros in early 2014 determine who should be in the new
Ukrainian government and what policies they should follow.
Of note, is that these are the same people backing the Voldemyr
Zelensky and kiev in the war against Russia.
These are the same people backing the neo Nazi Azov Battalion
andother Nazi brigades fighting as a part of the Ukrainian army and
accused of countless attrocities.
The Queen, Prince Charles and William and Kate have all given very
public support to Zelensky, and tacit to his Nazi Brigades the
villification of Putin and Russia.
Soros called for the assassination of Putin in a piece he wrote in
Project Syndicate in March 2022 on the grounds this could stop world
war 3.
President Putin and Xi can sue Soros for defamation in US courts
using these probes as proofs.
Joe Biden has called Putin a war criminal and called for regime
The very same clique which now stands to face life sentences in jail,
if not the death penalty, for their Covid injection crimes in courts
around the world, are now the driving forces behind an aggressive war
against Russia as a diversion from their crimes.
This connection should also be a part of an investigation.
Records, emails, documents, witnesses may turn up evidence of just
such a connection.
D 15 218

Proofs of personal knowledge are important for prosecution and

If personal knowledge, if motive, means and opportunity are all
proven, then all the elements needed for a conviction have been
All these elements have been proven for Bill Gates and George Soros
in connection with crimes against me D 15 218.
The proofs are so strong that Soros and Gates have only been able to
stop their conviction by instigating cover up using criminal means as
discussed below.
I will go through these elements one by one, starting with proofs
that both Bill Gates and George Soros follow my posts from at least
August 2014 - and felt threatened by them enough to instigate a smear
piece targetting my reports in The Tampa Bay Times.
There is a statement of a BMGF media officer Christopher Williams in
the Tampa Bay Times in August 2018 specifically attacking my reports
of their financial links to scientists at the epicentre of the Ebola
outbreak in Kenema - a smear quote supported by the Open Society and
certainly originating from and the Foundations respective heads, Bill
Gates and George Soros.
What was in my blog post which they went to such lengths to smear in
particular? It was a report about the financial links of key
scientists working in Kenema and spreading Ebola to Bill Gates and
George Soros.
I refer you to the Russian Defence Ministry which has just documented
the financial links of Soros, Gates and Hunter Biden to US defence
contractors Metabiota and Black Veatch in the Ukraine.
I also refer you to the facts showing that Gates, at least, through
his NGO EcoHealth Alliance, played a key role in funding Covid gain
of function research in Wuhan, which is the origin of Covid in 2020
and the jusitification for the global Covid vaccine rollout.
EcoHealth Director, Peter Daszak, also head a task force set up by
The Lancet to investigate the origins of Covid (and suppress
evidence) channelled at least 600,000 dollars to the Wuhan Insistute
of Virology to gain of function research.
A video in December 2019 shows talking about how easy the viruses are
to alter in a lab, specifically, the Covid spike protein.
We are, therefore, not talking about an isolated instance in Kenema.
We are talking about a systematic programme spanning West Africa and
the Ukraine, at least, involving Metabiota and other private
contractors, and a programme running for 8 years at least, from 2014
to the present.
Before I discuss the many pieces of evidence proving that Bill and
Melinda Gates and George Soros have personal knowledge of my
information, motive and means in the probes, evidence so damning that
Soros and Gates have gone to tremendous lengths to cover them up
using criminal means, ad discussed below, I will briefly outline the
contents of key probe
? 15 /218
or Delta 15/218
? is the Greek letter for Delta
where these proofs are contained.

For background, the events described in D 15 218 happened in a

monastery in Greece, 1000 metres high up a mountain, St John the
Forerunner, where I had gone to seek refuge - precisely from Soros
and Gates and their network for giving information about Baxter and
the swine flu vaccine risks in 2009 as described in XX.
For good reason, I feared for my life especially moving around in
open spaces, in cars etc. The nuns in the monastery are almost all
from other European countries, including Germany, Austria, Uk,
Estonia and so I was able to speak to them in English and German.
Important because I could not speak any Greek.
When I arrived at the monastery in November 2013, the Abbess
Theodekti seemed familiar with my work, praised it highly and was
supportive. But it was not long before she, it appears, was
conscripted into a plot by Soros and Gates. Only with her help could
they get at me inside the monastery where I wrote my blog, covering
the West Africa ebola outbreak especially intensively from July 2014
onwards. This, because the plan then too was to rollout a global
vaccine campaign as actually happened from 2020, then with Ebola, now
with Covid.
It was just as I tried to leave the monastery in April 2015, just
after I had sent my Open Letter to UK MPs warning them about an Ebola
plot, Ebola vaccines and the loopholes in the Medical Innovation
Bill, and to Sarah Teather Liberal Democrat MP about sterilizing
agents found in vaccines in Kenya and after that Bill was stopped by
the Lib Dems.
To repeat, as I was about to leave that Theodekti seized her last
chance to execute a carefully prepared plot as I describe below. And
it failed preceisly because I was about to leave and she could not
choose her perfect moment...

To return to the probe.

There are five key parts.

PROBE Delta 15/218

This first police report first describes my charges in April 22nd

2015 over a de facto murder attempt against me for giving information
about how Ebola was being spread deliberately in West Africa,and
later the USA,amongother countries, through flawed protocols and
biosecurity rule breaches as well risky experimental vaccines.
Witnesses are named who heard the culprit say it was my blog
information which was the reason, that is to say, the factual and
accurate information about the global medical martial law plot run by
Gates and Soros.

1. My criminal charges at Larisa police April 2015

My charges filed ith the help of my then lawyer Konstantinos
1053 3 136-A
Accused Abbess Theodekti Theodekti, Theoniki,
Kloster St. John der Vorbote, Anatoli, Aija,Larisa, Griechenland.
Wtinesses named by me Theoktisti, Thekla, Theonymphe, Theosemni and
Garyfalya named as a helper of Theoniki.
Roula Kominou named as person who came after the events to drive me
to Larisa.


A police doctors report documenting bruises is included.

The culprits almost immediately tried to bribe my then lawyer
Konstantinos Christopoulos to suppress the charges, something which
indirectly confrirms the truth of my claims in those charges. They
they were caught and reported to the police.

Important is that same evening on April 22nd 2015 my then lawyer

emailed the top Greek Orthodox clergy including the Bishop of Volos
overseeing the monastery. That is proof that Ieronymos and the senior
echelon of Greek Orthodox Church knew from the very beginning of the
crimes committed in the monastery and joined in to organize the
bribery attempt, which happened shortly after.

It is proof that the Greek Orthodox Bishops have conspired with Gates
and Soros at every stage and the Bishops have knowingly, deliberately
ordered, coerced the witnesses at the monastery to take Covid
injections which they know is designed to make them sick and kill
them from 2021 and coered nuns and monks in other monasteries and
clergy to take injections, firing them, in many cases, if they
refuse. Priests receive government salaries as officials and
monasteries are under the virtually total control of local Bishops,
some of whom impose annual "Bishop" taxes on the income of their

2. Bribery attempt of my then lawyer five days after the charges were
a) Police report, 27.04.2015
Co signed by Jane Burgermeister, two investigating
police officers and translator Report of the attempt by Theodekti
to bribe my then lawyer Christopoulos that same day one hour after
obtaining his number by deceit.

b) Larisa, police station Police officer Vaios Papadimitroulas

Record of call by police to Theodekti in relation to her bribery
attempt and to warn her against phoning my lawyer again
She admits to phoning my lawyer but claims it was on another matter

In this police report, the culprit, Theodekti, freely admits ringing

my then lawyer but claims implausibly and falsely, and contradicted
by my then lawyer himself, it had nothing to do with an attempt to
bribe him but was on an unrelated matter.
She was warned by the police not to contact him agai. But we know she
did because we can infer from his actions that he was bribed almost
immediately after I left Greece the next day.
That same evening my then lawyer emailed the top Greek Orthodox
clergy including the Bishop of Volos overseeing the monastery.
These reports led to Larisa prosecutors opening a criminal probe
Delta 15 218 opened in May 2015.

3. Police report 02/05/15 1019/26/958 a

The two abovementioned police reports about the original murder

attempt and bribery attempt were sent with the file number 1053 3
136-B to Larisa prosecutors office on 11th May 2015.
Eight pieces of evidence were sent, including the police doctor's
report, photos of my bruises, which are part of the charges on the
original murder attempt and has the same file number 1053 3 136-A.
The file was sent by the police chief Asterios Mantzokas.
These police reports became the basis of the prosecutor's file Delta
15/218 as is shown by the prosecutor's office stamp on May 20th 2016
in the corner.
File Delta 15 218 assigned to Christina Fasoula, the prosecutor on
duty when Christopoulos reported the bribery attempt on 27 April

Prosecutors asked me to write a more detailed report in July 2015. I

included in that report evidence that Bill Gates and George Soros as
people who had direct, personal knowledge of my blog, a motive to
murder me for exposing their links to the Ebola plot in 2014, and an
opportunity through their political allies,specifically Alexis
Tsipras and Werner Faymann.
I sent the report (I was in Ireland at that time) by email by my
then lawyer Konstantinos Christopoulos on 8th July 2015 to leave him
time to translate it.

4. Police record of receipt of my more detailed report on the events

translated by k. Christopoulos 31/07/15
Delta 15 /218 Police station Police officers Evangelas Toutounas and
Sofias Mitsiou
1053 3 136 B

Note a section on my information on the private fractional reserve

banking system and Goldman Sachs also mentioning Soros was removed in
the translation by my thenlawyer without my knowledge and consent.

5. Prosecutor report on new proofs against Soros, Werner Faymann and

Alexis Tsipras
Delta 15/218
Accepted by prosecutor Anna Baloyianni.
The allegations about Gates and Soros were substantiated just two
months later in end September, early October 2015 when concrete
evidence that, first, Soros and, second, Tsipras as well as Faymann
had direct personal knowledge of my blog emerged. I was able to
document the evidence that Soros and Tsipras read and copied from my
blog and this evidence was accepted by the prosecutor Baloyianni in
January 2016.

It was accepted again by the Suprme court in February 2016 and again
police magistrates in November 2016 when a second investigation by
the Supreme Court was opened into Delta 15 218 due to the many
violations of procedure and rights.
First, I will discuss evidence of personal knowledge in police report
Delta 15 /218 Police station Police officers Evangelas Toutounas and
Sofias Mitsiou
1053 3 136 B

Second, I will discuss the evidence of personal knowledge in Janaury

2016 prosecutor report.





I turn first to the crucial evidence establishing direct personal

knowledge of my reports by both Bill Gates and George Soros in D 15
As mentioned, there are two separate pieces of evidence in this probe
proving that Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros have personal
knowledge of my information.
The first piece of evidence is a Tampa Bay Times attack piece in
August 2014 and is included in the police report written in July 2015
for D 15 218.
See page 5 of my July 2015 police report where I give the link to the
Tampa Bay Times report as well as portions of the January 2016
prosecutor report.
It is a statement of a BMGF media officer Chris Williams in the Tampa
Bay Times, one of the USA s biggest selling newspapers, on 14 th
August August 2014 smearing or attacking a blog post in which I note
their funding links to key scientists at the epicentre of the Ebola
outbreak in West Africa in July 2014 - a statement supported by the
Open Society and certainly originating from and the Foundations
respective heads, Bill Gates and George Soros as I discuss below.
My post was dated 8th July 2014.
It was called US bioweapons lab at the epicentre of the Ebola
A subheading is
“Us bioweapons labs with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation at the core of the Ebola epidemic.”
In it I give links for all my claims and sources.
In this attack piece in The Tampa Times, we also see one of the
hallmark characteristics of Soros, namely, that he works closely
together with Gates to achieve his epidemic goals.
The article quotes both Foundations unified in their message.
It suggests they both were monitoring my reports along with other
reports in relation to their activities.
They may have chosen The Tampa Bay Times because it is the local, so
to speak, for Wellington, Florida, where the Gates and Soros family
appear to have been at the time.
The Soros, specfically George Soros eldest son, Robert Soros, and
Gates family members even have residences in that same place in
Wellington, Florida, very close to Trump s residence Mar a Lago and
Jeff Epstein s Florida home, just a few miles.
Bill and Melinda Gates appear to spend a lot of time there together
with their daughter Jennifer who attends show jumping events with the
daughters of other Billionaires who attended the Good Club meeting in
2009 in New York, specifically, Georgina Bloomberg, daughter of
Michael Bloomberg.
Here again we see a closeknit network working and living and
"playing", so to speak, together almost like an extended family. If
you have Nazi eugenicist beliefs and goals, which are counted as
crimes in society, then naturally sharing time with like minded
individuals brings safety and security and secrecy for that group.
They may have chosen The Tampa Bay Times because it is the local, so
to speak, for Wellington, Florida,


One issue that must be addressed is whether a quote from a Foundation
spokesperson proof of personal knowledge of the Foundation heads Bill
and Melinda Gates?
To answer this, we must discuss some general considerations about the
role of media officers.
Press and communications officers make comments that are explicitly
authorized by their chiefs or heads, in this case Bill and Melinda
Gates and George Soros, or say things within the broad policies laid
down by the chiefs or heads, namely, Bill and Melinda Gates and
George Soros.
As a reporter, I have experienced and constantly observed the
practice that to get a comment requires a reporter or to contact the
media officer, ask a question and for the press officer to, then, go
to the appropriate source, get a clarification, a quote and
instructions on what to say, and then relay what they had been
instructed to.
Naturally, there may be times when a press officer does not need to
get approval and authorization for every comment, for example, when
it is a standard answer, such as how many people work for your
organization etc?
Is there any reason to think this is not the case when it comes to
the BMGF and OSF? Far from it.
It would be wrong to assume these Foundation operate like a company
with a large number of people on a board or oversight deciding on
policy etc
These Foundations are the personal agents of the Gates and Soros
families to achieve their publically avowed philanthropic aims and
bear their family names.
These families are chairs and trustees.
Bill and Melinda Gates appointed themselves co chairs of the
Foundation, joined by Bill Gates father, deceased in September 2020,
so it is very much a family affair. There is no outside supervision,
board or directors controlling their activities. The only other non
active trustee Warren Buffett left in 2021.
Though officially divorced in July 2021, Bill and Melinda Gates
continue to head their Foundation, set up, like other Foundations, to
exploit tax laws on charities.
Six board members were added in late 2021, but it is not clear how
independent they are as all have links to them.
Melinda Gates has worked full time for the Foundation since about the
year 2000, underlining her influence in its day to day operations.
The overwhelming share of the funds has come from the Gates family,
about 60 billion dollars from its inception up to 2021.
The goal of the Foundation is to fund what Bill and Melinda Gates
have identified as their personal goal or mission in relation to
global epidemic disases and vaccines.
There are less thean 2000 staff as of 2021 and the CEO is Mark
Suzmann, a former Financial Times journalist.
Meida reports suggest that all persons involved are, indeed, under
strict instructions from Bill and Melinda Gates and subordinate to
This is as we would expect as part of the common contractual
relationship between people who pay for services or pay salaries and
people who receive payment for work.
For example, the XX reported that Bill Gates directed his staff to
meet with Jeffrey Epstein to use his network to accomplish their
shared objectives. Epstein, incidentally, openly talked about
creating a master race according to the NYT.
A plan to given billions of people an injection designed to sterilize
and poison epitomizes the thought expressed by Jeffrey Epstein, close
friend of Bill Gates, that the creation of a master race is desirable
and that billions of people whose lives have no value in their eyes
should be exterminated using injections which are cheap and pratical.
Gates and Soros also attended a meeting in New York in 2009 called
the Good Club to curb overpopulation as the media put it. But the
facts now suggest it was about depopulation, mass extermination.
So, it is, we can say, pretty sure that Williams consulted together
Bill and or Melinda Gates and or Bill Gates Snr to obtain
instructions when in 2014, I reported on the funding links of Bill
Gates and George Soros to scientists linked to the epicentre of the
outbreak at Kenema hospital.
As part of the classical top down hierarchy, Bill and Melinda Gates,
the heads, issued the instructions to their subordinate. Williams
received them and passed them on to the newspapers, specifically, the
Tampa Bay Times and organized for its dissemination in other also
media funded by the BMGF and OSF.
Either individually or together, they discussed my post and whether
to respond and how to respond and which media to use for their
response, and then gave the instructions to Christopher Williams.
Williams as the individual, employee below the policy level and
employer is but the policy makers' and employer s instrument, paid to
perform duties.

The same reasoning applies to the Soros Foundation OSF and its media
department run by George Soros and his son Alexander Soros as vice
Certainly when George and Alexander Soros are in a position as high
as virtually sole chairs, founders, funders, the notion that George
and Alexander Soros had no knowledge of the activities of their
spokesperson related to the Tampa Bay Times smear piece in Augusut
2014, and no knowledge that the Bill and Gates Foundation was also
quoted is patently absurd. There is no evidence that Bill and Melinda
Gates or George Soros opposed the quotes.
Williams was promoted in August 2014 to top communication officer,
and boosts in his Linked profile of cooperating at the highest policy
level personally with Bill and Melinda Gates.
Why promote a press officer who is not doing what you want them to
do? Williams was promoted precisely because he does, says, tells the
media what Bill and Melinda Gates tell him to do, say, tell the media
also in their face to face meetings with him.
Just what they dicussed in relation to my blog post has to be
determined by reviewing witness testimony, records, emails etc
Williams left the Foundation to work in a biotech and is now at
Sanofi, showing how Gates creates networks and positions his loyal
staff in companies.
BMGF later gave grant to the Tampa Bay Times, which could be
interpreted as a bribe.



Before I discuss particulars of the report or rather smear pieces, in

The Tampa Bay Times, it needs to be stressed again that the idea also
for the content certainly also originated and was directed personally
by Bill Gates and George Soros.
There is no reason to think their Foundation media officers were not
acting on their instructions.
What kind of report did Bill Gates and George Soros approve and
Was it a factual rebuttal?
Was it an objective analysis as one would expect of Billionaires who
give hundreds of millions of dollars to the media in order, as they
say, to inform the public?
The aim was not to give a factual rebuttal, which they were not able
to do as the facts of their funding links were clear and public.
The Tampa Bay Times article was published on 14th August 2014.
It was written by Katie Sanders and Politifact.
It begins by lamenting the misinformation surrounding the Ebola
outbreak in Africa. It names as "the culprit", the internet. It
specifically references my birdflu666 wordpres blog report linking
George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates to a bioweapons lab.
The third paragraph is a quote from my blog report but it is not
named as the source only sites it is "shared".
"At the epicentre of the current Ebola epidemic is the Kenema
Government Hospital in Sierra Leone, which houses a US. a (sic)
biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab with links to the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Soros Foundation."
I refer you to the way false positive Ebola tests by Metabiota and
Tulane University inside the Kenema hospital by scientists, including
Daniel Bausch, who worked in Pentagon funded bio labs in Peru, were
used to spread Ebola in 2014 in West Africa is discussed also a study
by Augustine Goba published 2016 in The Journal of Infectious
This shows my claim was correct.
On 1st August 2014, Jon Rappooport reported on his blog
about the false positives by Tulane and their “Fort Detrrick”
associates in Sierra Leone, citing as a source my blog birdflu666 at
the end.
His report is called “What are US biowar researchers doing in the
Ebola Zone”
“Thanks to for discovering hidden elements
of the Ebola story.”
The funding and bioweapons links of Gates and Soros to key scientists
working n that lab, specifically as part of the Viral Hemorrhagic
Fever Consortium" are open source. The scientists burnish their own
credentials by citing these funding sources on their websites. I
included the links in my report for people to check for themselves.
Yet, the TBT article next states as a fact that these facts are
"There is no proof pf Soros and Gates funding a bioweapons lab in
Kenema...And there s really no case that a bioweapons lab in Kenema
is behind the outbreak."
The Gates Gates Foundation spokesperson is named as Chris Williams.
He addresses my particular claim and calls it an "absurd"
He is quoted as saying "The assertion is absurd."
Next, a spokeswoman for Soros OSF is quoted as saying it does not
fund any labs, much less bioweapons labs.
I refer you to Soros funding links to Black and Veatch and Metabioata
in the Ukraine.
The Soros Foundation spokesperson is not named.
The segment concludes with disparaging remarks linking my report to
"conspiracy theories" and calls the claim "Pants on Fire," a term for
particularly crazy.
The second part refers to another aspect which I also report on
concerning an executive order issued by Obama for infectious diseases
and is also rated "Pants on Fire."
On 16th December 2014, the TampaBay Times published another attack
piece on my reports without specfically naming my blog as the source.
Authored by Politifact, its headline is
"Lie of the Year for 2014 Distorted claims on Ebola Virus."
Politifact explains that the facts challenging the official Ebola
narrative entered the mainstream to make it their choice for Lie of
the Year using its own coded terms. They refer to a "dangerous and
incorrect" narrative.
Again my report is referred and the bioweapons lab in Kenema and
links to Soros and Gates.
It is rated Pants on Fire.
This is the lowest rating on its "Truth O Meter", lower than Mostly
False or False.
A spelling mistake I made is paragraph to imply a general illiteracy
and while it is true I do make spelling mistakes, I suggest they are
just that mistakes made as I have to rush work and do not an editor,
hacked etc
In the light of what we now know about their funding of bioweapons
research in Wuhan and the Ukraine, we can understand their alarm at
my drawing attention to their role in funding scientists at the heart
of the Ebola outbreak.
In the Ukraine, in and around that same time, in 2014, Soros and
Gates were funding through Metabiota. Black Veatch and EcoHealth
Alliance, also Ebola research in the Ukraine, which they have
continued until Russian soldiers seized many of their labs in early
In addition, we know Gates and an NGO the BMGF funds, the EcoHealth
Alliance under Daszak, as well as GAVI member Fauci were key players
in funding the Covid gain of function research in Wuhan, which has
given the world Covid.
This fact only emerged in the summer of 2021.
For months, Fauci, Gates and Daszak were not just silent about their
role. They went to extraordinaty lengths to hide it.
Peter Daszak, DIRECTOR OF Gates funded ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE, channelled
at least 600,000 dollars to the WIV to gain of function research. He
organized a denial of lab origins by scientists in the Lancet and was
head a task force set up by The Lancet to investigate the origins of
We can assume Bill Gates and George Soros must have read my original
post. They instigated and went along fully with the plan to
misrepresent, discredit, disparage my report.
They went to great lengths to hide the source quoting from my blog
post but omitting the blog or my name precisely so that readers would
find it difficult to locate the original and check for themselves.
My statement is deliberately taken out of context and then repeated
in a way that misrepresents what I had written to make it sound
overly broad and ridiculous, stating I had claimed they funded a
bioweapons lab. Clearly, this is false claim about what I said
contradicted by the very quote taken from my blog.
It is plainly an absurd claim to say they fund a bioweapons lab
directly as opposed to the scientists. Anyone involved in a plot to
spread a virus, frighten people and lure them into taking a poison
would go to great lengths to hide their role and any funding directly
to a bioweapons lab.
The fact that Tampa Bay Times Politifact focussed on the same topic
in December 2014 shows how sensitive Gates and Soros were too them.
The Tampa Times received a grant from the BMGF.
These grants must be seen as bribes or pay offs to participate in a
secret and deceptive advertising in the light of the facts presented
It is clear that The TBT and accompanying reports are behind a well
thought-out, oft-repeated, persistent campaign to arouse the hatred
of the public against anyone who reports critically on their
activities which originates in Bill Gates himself.
He has publicly misbranded critics as “crazy and evil.”is as part of
a broad policy to disparage criticis fostered by Bill Gates himself.
Without examining any individuals, or giving a fact based rebuttal of
specific claims, critics are as a class to be classified as crazy and
Its clear from the wording that the purpose of the Tampa Bay Times
article is to whip up hostility among the public against the writer
of the post, myself.
There is an incitement to contempt and even hatred. A reporter giving
facts of public interest is portrayed as villain, the crazy one,
harming others and personally attacking them.
Its purpose is to condition the public and scientific community to
accept the persecution of anyone who brings attention to their role
in funding scientists engaged in Ebola research.
In the light of the crimes documented in D 15 218, including a
violent beating, this particular report becomes very significant and
suggests that Gates and Soros already planned in August 2014 to
murder me for bring attention to their funding links to a scientists
at the heart of the Ebola outbreak and were laying the groundwork by
a media campaign was to encourage hostility against me and deprive me
of support.


This attack piece was published around the time WHO press officer
Glenn Thomas died in a mysterious plane accident in July 2014 in the
eastern Ukraine, suggesting a coordinated attempt to remove obstacles
and whistleblowers in summer 2014.
I have been in loose email contact with Glenn Thomas since 2009
concerning the swine flu vaccine campaign.
On 3rd April 2014, I emailed WHO asking whether there were any
conflicts of interests which could influence WHO to declare Ebola an
emergency. Glenn Thomas received a copy of the reply to me from WHO
press officer Gregory Hartl as a copy of the email included in my
OpenLetter to UK MPs on February 2015 shows (
Glenn Thomas gave a platform to the WHO Ebola expert Pierre Formenty
to tell the world s press there was no need for an Ebola declaration
as late as June 27th, and so helped thwart a international emergency
declaraion in June already.
Unknown to me at that time, WHO and other scientists and local
government had begun to scrutinize the false positives provided by
the Metabiota and Tulane lab in Kenema, and found evidence of
systematic false positives.
This information is contained in the study of Augustine Goba in 2016
discussed above.
My information was based on studying documents and studies used to
authorize the diagnostic tests for the Ebola emergency, including one
which showed one test never showed a negative. Clearly, if a test is
so inaccurate as to always give false positives, it will create an
Ebola epidemic on paper just through this error.
Jon Rappoport working on the alternative media reported on my
reports about Kenema, bioweapons scientists and false positives on
August 1st 2015.
He thanks me or rather my then birdflu666 wordpress blog since
suspended without explanation, for revealing "hidden" aspects,
underlining that it was my information which was exposing sinister
aspects when other media sources were not.
The fact that my post on my birdflu666 blog documenting George
Soros' and Bill Gates financial links to key scientists at the
hospital at the centre of the Ebola outbreak prompted the Bill and
Melinda Gates and George Soros Foundation Foundation to publish a
deniel through The Tampa Bay newspaper just five days later,
strongly suggests that they felt threatened by my report, which TBT
says had gone viral.
Glenn Thomas s death on 17th July 2014 on his way to an HIV
conference in Austalia removed a key obstacle to the WHO declaration.
This declaration was made on August 8th, triggering a global Ebola
vaccine rollout, which, however, was stopped in its tracks in October
2014, in particular when the USA tightened and corrected all its
biosecurity protocols to stop Ebola spreading there and among its
soldiers sent to Ebola affected areas.
I allege that Gates and Soros were already in July determined to
remove, kill, murder anyone they saw as an obstacle to their plot to
spread Ebola and declare a global international health emergency and
rollout experimental global jabs, including me.
There problem in my case was how to get at me inside a monastery 1000
feet high up a mountain, which I hardly ever left.
In my Open letter to UK MPs in February 2015, I drew attention to the
way WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas had disappeared in a flight which
had crashed in that very same place under the control of Soros, the
Ukraine, allegedly after a missile attack, possibly have come from
Ukrainian forces and Soros.
Before declaring Ebola a global emergency, Gates and Soros took
meansures to remove the people who were obstacles. Glenn Thomas had
become an obstacle after he used his position to counter the official
narrative of an out of control Ebola outbreak, needed to justify the
declaration and the mass rollout of vaccines. I allege they used the
plane crash story as a cover. They were alarmed at the possibility of
UK MPs looking into the death of Uk citizen Glenn Thomas and the
operations of their Foundations.
For, as I show, it was this very report, these very talking points
which were used by the accused in D 15 218 in April 2015 in order to
justify their crimes when witnesses appeared as I discuss below,
repeating a crime committed in 2010 perpetrated by Lukas Kenner
linked to then Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann which triggered
police charges against Kenner, charges which were illegally
Anyone who looks more closely at the activities of Billionaire
philanthropist and reports critically must be crazy and evil because
Bill Gates has declared his own motives and actions must be above
There is no such thing as legitimate criticism of him or facts
showing that his funding is related to a biological warfare plot.
The pseudo science, false claims and deception at the heart of the
epidemic disease plot can only be kept upright if it is not
challenged by facts or the most vital facts are not emphasized.
But the crimes documented in D 15 218 show they went one step further
than a smear campaign.
With grants of about 250 million dollars, BMGF has built a virtual
monoply or cartel position in the media coverage of global epidemics.


"In a safe and orderly way"

When I saw that phrase in an article written by George Soros in
September 2015, I recognized it. I had just used the very same
phrases in a report the day before, and on the very same topic.
One phrase was almost matching verbatim text of five words, namely
the phrase in a safe, orderly way", which mirrors my phrase "in a
safe and orderly manner" even occurred in the same context of the
management of the flow migrants to Europe. The sixth word in the
phrase in the Soros text is "way", and it is a synonym of the sixth
word in my text, which is "manner".
A quick scan of Soros' report published on 26th September, and I
recognized many other multi word phrases I had used in his report.
Examples, "migrants who do not qualify for asylum", "asylum
seekers","processing centres" (UK spelling), "Greece and Italy",
"The EU should", "another political crisis", "The EU needs..."
So many parallels, so many matching phrases, so many similarities in
such a short text and on the same topic cannot be a coincidence.
I even name "George Soros" in my report of about 650 words on 25
September 2015!
George Soros report on the same theme as my own was about 300 words
longer, so there were some different words from my own in it, also
because he was making the opposite policy recommendation, namely for
uncontrolled migration into the EU with Germany taking on extra debt
to pay for it (something he would have been able to profit from as a
hedge fund manager)
This crucial piece of evidence emerged after I had demonstrated in
July 2015 to prosecutors that Soros had a motive, means and
opportunity to silence me for reporting on his activities in relation
to a false flag Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Central to
accusing Geroge Soros and Gates themselves was the need to establish
that Soros had personal, direct knowledge of my information which was
supplied by The Tampa Bay Times attack piece.
As mentioned above, that evidence emerged in September 2015 hiding in
plain view, in open source report published by him on Project
Syndicate website.
I believe that it was catching Soros red handedly virtually copying
essential items from one of my blog post, which is the reason why
Soros arranged for his tool in the Ukraine, US Ambassador Geoffrey
Pyatt, to be transferred to Athens from May 2016 to ensure it was
covered up after the massive violations reached the Greek Supreme
Court in February 2016 as I discuss below.
This evidence of personal knowledge also ensures his prosecution and
conviction for ALL the massive violations of due process, cover ups
and repeated attempts to falsely accuse me, a person Soros knows to
be completely innocent reporter exposing his role in a sinister plot,
using slander and imprison me which continues now in April 2022,
seven years later showing his lack of all remorse and his ruthless
determination to censor all proofs of his crimes and those of his co
conspirator Gates and others.
Based on this new evidence, prosecutors concluded it was reasonable
of me to accuse George Soros and added the evidence to the file on
the original murder attempt Delta 15 218.
I quote from the January 2016 prosecutors report, in which I
emphasize the significance of this new piece of evidence of personal
knowledge in the light of my previous accusations in the July 2015
police report because they substantiate, confirm, prove them.
As a graduate in English Literature and Language from Edinburgh
University (MA Hons), I am familiar with linguistics and textual






i. Evidence
1) A screenshot of Google search page of the date of my report from
25th September 2015
2) A screenshot of my report from 25th September 2015
3) A screenshot of the article George Soros from 26th September 2015,
one day after my post

ii. Discussion
The proof that George Soros knows my blog comes in the form of a
textual analysis comparing an article I posted about EU policies for
the migrant crisis on my birdflu666 blog on 25th September 2015 and
an article George
Soros wrote one day later on the same topic. 1), 2) 3)
I used Text Analyzer to search for words that appeared in the
articles written by me and by Soros and determine their frequencies.
I also used other databases to determine the frequency of those terms
in the language of a whole. The results of this analysis and other
aspects of my analysis above strongly suggest a correlation which can
only be explained by copying.
The two texts are well suited to such a comparative analysis. They
are comparable in length and language (US English versus British
Some basic statistics about the two text. Soros article is 967 words
or 46 sentences. That is about 30% longer than my text at 663 words
or 30 sentences (minus the links).
The average words per sentence in both texts is more or less the same
at 22 in my text and 21 in the Soros text.
In my post I even referred to George Soros and accused him of
engineering the migrant for his financial and other benefits.
Highlighting with red boxes all the words which appeared in my post
on September 25th and which Geroge Soros used in his article
published on the same topic the very next day makes the extent of his
"copying" or "mirroring" clear.
Phrases that Soros uses that are exactly the same as phrases I used
?"migrants who do not qualify for asylum"
?"processing centers" (US spelling)
?"Italy and Greece"
?"another political crisis"
?"The EU needs"
One expression was an almost matching verbatim text of five words,
namely the phrase in a safe, orderly way", which mirrors my phrase
"in a safe and orderly manner" even occurred in the same context of
the management of the flow migrants. The sixth word in the phrase in
the Soros text is "way", and it is a synonym of the sixth word in my
text, which is "manner".
Words that Soros uses that also appear in my report include
?"George Soros" (I refer to him in my text while he signs his name
as the author!)
?"asylum seekers"
Asylum seekers is spelt in two different ways by of Soros without a
hyphen as in my report "asylum seekers" and with a hyphen
indicating an external influence.
My report is only 663 words long, including a reference to George
Soros' role in the engineered migrant crisis, about 30% shorter than
his text published in Project Syndicate. Many of the words in both
articles are the common words which are necessary for grammar such as
"a", "the",
"and", "of", "they", "has", "is" and so on. That means most of the
nouns, adjectives or verbs in my report are used by George Soros in
report the next day with similar frequencies.
Furthermore, where I use the term "Middle East" to designate a
region, Soros refers to specific countries such Turkey, Lebanon,
Syria. So, he is referencing the same concept, but using different
Likewise, where I argue the "EU needs", Soros uses also related terms
should" and the "EU must".
Significant is that the words that occur prominently in the two texts
are not commonly used.

I searched for their frequency using databases such as Wikitionary.

"European" for example is ranked only 2191 in the frequency rank.
So, both articles are packed with the same words, which are,
however,very uncommon in the English language as a whole.
Apart from striking similarities in content and vocabulary, anothe
correlation with my article is the time frame. Soros' article
appeared one day after mine on September 25th titled "The EU needs a
radical approach to migrant crisis, camps in Saudi Arabia?"
Significant too is that Soros is not a prolific columnist. His
article copying my own is only the third penned by him this year for
Syndicate. The two other articles by him, published on January 12th
and March 30th, focussed exclusively on the theme of the Ukraine.
Also, the
last article was written six months earlier.
The fact that Soros wrote his article just one the day after mine
that Soros reads my blog frequently. The shortness of time that
elapsed between my blog post and his article suggests he also feels
compelled to counter my proposals with his own proposals and to do so
This indicates that Soros recognizes my blog is read by powerful
people and even influences policy decisions. Soros' active attempt to
counter act my policy suggestions increases the weight and
persuasiveness of the argument that Soros was eager to silence me
once and for all in the monastery in April. Having failed to do so, I
allege Soros did the next best thing, and attempted to counter act
the influence of my articles by writing articles using counter
arguments in the quickest possible time.
Both articles focus on the need for the EU to develop a new policy to
deal with sudden inflow of migrants from the Middle East, fleeing the
devastation of wars, but Soros makes the opposite policy
Soros argued in his report on September 26th for an open borders
policy in the EU. A close associate of Soros, Alexis Tsipras has also
followed an open borders policy in Greece as Soros wanted. Werner
Faymann and
Angela Merkel have also followed the open borders policy
recommendation of Soros, but in violation of EU laws. Critics say
their decision to open the borders to illegal migrants has increased
the threat of terrorism. It has also generated extra costs for
Germany. It may have to borrow money as Soros suggested in his report
on September 26th.
It is unlikely that Soros obtained knowledge of my blog only in
September when he copied extensively from it. It is much more likely
that he had
prior knowledge of my blog. His foundation denied any involvement
with a
bioweapons lab in West Africa in the Tampa Bay Times on 13th, August,
2014, allegations which originated on my blog. It is, therefore,
plausible that Soros had knowledge of my blog in August 2014 if not
The fact is, therefore, established from this textual analysis that
Soros knows my blog, reads it regularly, and has likely done so for a
time. Also, he takes it seriously enough to copy extensively from it,
albeit suggesting another policy option which benefits his hedge
All this shows that he gives my blog credibility. By extension, he
gives credibility to my claims in my post that Soros and his
associates are involved in engineering false flag Ebola crisis and
the current migrant crisis.

It might be expected that BMG and Soros who follow my information so

closely and so can see all the proofs of their crimes in might make a
Yet they have never made an comment on all the proofs prosecutors
have gathered that they are behind this criminal campaign. To make a
comment would be very suitable. Yet they are silent about the
evidence of their crimes while continuing those same crimes precisely
in order to continue those same crimes. Clearly, publicity would make
it difficult, yes, impossible to carry out their crimes.
It is clear that they are behind a well thought-out, oft-repeated,
persistent campaign to cover up the evidence against them as dicussed
below revealing Soros utter contempt for the principles of a free
media and the rule of law.

The motive given by the culprit was my blog.

On my birdflu666 wordpress blog since suspended without warning or
explanation, I reported on the deliberate spread of Ebola in West
Africa in 2014 also using false positives, flawed biosecurity
protocols, on the risks of the experimental Ebola vaccines and on the
bioweapons scientists involved with funding links to Soros and Gates.
Prosecutors can obtaina copy of my blog from wordpress, and also
investigate why it was suspended and whether Soros and Gates or their
co conspirators played a role.
What reports appeared on my blog? The report about the financial
links of key scientists working in the Kenema to Bill Gates and
George Soros.
I also sent information in emails to governments and organizations in
the USA and Africa.
Specifically, I emailed people who were at the forefront of fighting
the Ebola at different stages of the spread of the disease in as far
I was able to follow developments in real time on the internet and
find emails (very difficult for West Africa)
I drew attention to the need for special biosecurity level 4
equipment and clothes.
Fire fighters, police sheriffs, nurses and doctors in the USA, for
example, were encouraged by the CDC to handle Ebola patient, and
contacts without wearing any protective clothing or calling on
special biosecurity units.
Two Ebola nurses Nina Pham and Amber Wilson contracted Ebola as a
result of this failure to inform them of the need to wear special
protective clothing when treating patients with this lethal disease.
I emailed them to warn them to wear protective clothing or ask
special units toundertake the tasks.
I noted faulty diagnostic kits, confusion over incubation and
isolation etc
Through a stand down of biosecurity regulations, US soldiers who were
sent to West Africa as well as nurses in Texas were exposed to the
lethal disease A vaccine plan could eventually have been rolled out
to remove virtually 100% of the population of the USA.
Jon Rappoport reported on my reports about Kenema, bioweapons
scientists and false positives on August 1st 2015.
He thanks me, my birdflu666 for revealing "hidden" aspects,
underlining that my information was also the source of much of my
criticism about the diagnostic tools also used by Metabiota and
Tulane. Not surprising considering the proofs in D15 218 of the
criminal means Soros and Gates go to to censor information about
their bioweapons plot.
I summarised the plot in an Open Letter I sent to Chair of the
Health Committeeof the UK Parliament Dr Sarah Wollaston, and UK MPs
in February 2015, warning about the plot, the role of Soros and Gates
Foundations, and laws deregulating the medicine market and, in
particular, about vaccines which can be given under emergency rules,
specifically Merck?s Ebola, funded also by Bill Gates, specifically
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
“Ebola_Vaccines_Open_Letter” pdf
In that letter to UK MPs in February 2015 I especially noted a
precedent with a Merck HIV vaccine which gives people HIV which
suggested that Merck's Ebola vaccine could also give people Ebola.
That suspicion was later confirmed by an online study on the Merck
Ebola vaccine, funded also by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
and published in The Lancet on 31st July 2015 (just after I
submitted my report to the police and prosecutors in Larisa), stating
that getting Ebola from the vaccine was the main sertious adverse
event from that very same Merck vaccine.
The Lancet study is called
Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine
expressing Ebola surface glycoprotein: interim results from
the Guinea ring vaccination cluster-randomised trial, Ana Maria
Henao-Restrepo et al
The Lancet Published Online
July 31, 2015

Key excerpt is

"As of July 20, 2015, a total of 43 serious adverse events had been
documented among eligible and consenting trial participants,
including 27 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (see appendix).”
“Apart from Ebola virus disease, the three most commons serious
adverse events were suspected, unconfirmed Ebola virus disease (three
cases), episodes of febrile illness (three cases), and road traffic
accidents (three cases). 16 deaths occurred: 15 from Ebola virus
disease and one from cardiac
(The Lancet interim results July 2015 Page 6 to 7)

I refer you to the growing evidence Covid vaccines make it more

likely that people get Covid and lose their natural immunity.

In addition to my Open Letter to Dr Sarah Wollaston, Chair of the UK

Commons Health Committee, I also sent emails to Liberal Democrat MP
Sarah Teather in February urging her to block the Medical Innovation
Bill. I received a positive reply from her office after the Liberal
Democrats blocked the bill.
I also gave copies of my email correspondence with Liberal Democrat
MP Sarah Teather, whose aide sent an email thanking me for my input,
strongly suggesting my Open Letter and emails had played a role in
some MPs changing their minds and deciding that the Medical
Innovation Bill had more risks than benefits and should not be
At the very end of that letter, on page 12, I call for an
investigation into the role of the Bill an Melinda Gates Foundation,
George Soros among others.
"Given the huge amounts of money involved in the Ebola declaration, I
ask for an investigation also into the role played by non state
actors, specifically philanthropic organizations such as the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, the Wellcome Trust as well as
NGOs such as Doctors
without Borders, in funding key personnel in a bioweapons lab in
Sierra Leone, in inflating the Ebola threat and in seeking to profit
from a declaration," I wrote.

This just after noting I lived in "fear of my life" and that

reprisals are being conducte against whistle blowers."

I said in the police report, I believe that this apparently

successful intervention on my part to stop the Medical Innovation
Bill seemed to have triggered the murder attempt
The probes also highlight the importance of undermining regulations
to achieve their aims.
Clearly a bioweapon cannot be given to the public without creating a
loophole in the regulations. Such a loophole has been created by so
called emergency use authorizations and Right to Try laws.
It was concern over just such a loophole that seems to have prompted
UK MPs to vote down the Medical Innovation Bill or Saatchi Bill in
February 2015.
My emails appear to have played a role.
In an email to Sarah Teather MP from the Liberal Democrat Party, I
warned that Bishops in Kenya had with doctors analyzed Tetanus
vaccines in labs and found a secret sterilizing agent.
Later the Chair of the Health Committeeof the UK Parliament Dr Sarah
Wollaston, on 4th January 2016, asked me to testify on UK pandemic
preparedness, reinforcing the notion that Bill Gates and George Soros
may have feared that UK MPs might have begun to scrutinize their
activities more intensely as I had suggested and start an
investigation, a motive for the cover ups.


Soros and Gates are Billionaires of wealth and influence who does
not soil its own hands with blood. They are Billionaires who know how
to use others as tools.
And their tools used exactly the same talking points as in The Tampa
Bay Times to justify their crimes, talking points which, as we have
dicussed, originated personally from Gates and Soros and their
Just because Bill Gates and George Soros did not actually committ all
the crimes in D 15 218, including beating her violently causing
bruises documented by the police doctor, does not mean they are not
the motivating forces, the brains, the organizers.
Soros and Gates were the ones who who conceived the plan and design
which renders them answerable, regardless of the fact that the plan
was actually executed by others in Greece.
Since I was inside the monastery at that time, 1000 metres high up in
Greece, For that reason, Soros and gates had to gain access to the
monastery and that meant the Abbess who runs the monastery,
I was in a remote monstery in Greece precisely because I feared for
my life after the events in Austria since 2009, including a crime by
top government epidemic advisor Professor Lukas Kenner who was
charged by Austrian police for an attempt at my false imprisonment in
2010 but who escaped conviction because the proofs were suppressed by
the Faymann government.
Journey to the monastery required a long car journey up an isolated
and winding mountain road. I left as little as possible. I feared
an assassination also via car crash, not just for my own sake but for
the sake of anyone else who happened to be in the car, and because I
recognized the vital importance of trying to alert people to the plot
to spread Ebola around the world starting in West Africa and moving
to the USA and Europe using flawed protocols etc which required me to
stay alive.
It was not an easy choice for me to make to report on Ebola in 2014
not just because it involved hours and hours of extremely hard work
researching documents, studies and so and not just because I received
not one cent for all that work(as is proven by my bank accounts which
are also a part of the probe due to the fact I gave Theodekti 96,000
euros after she pressured me). But above all, I knew my coverage
would lead to a repeat of the murder attempts in Austria.
I mention this not to sound heroic but to underscore why there are so
few people reporting accurate on these plots, why there are so few
whistleblowers. I would estimate seven out of ten people I worked
closely with in 2009 to cover the Baxter and swine flu vaccine plot
are dead through accidents or even de facto imprisoned under
mysterious circumstances. Probes D 15 218 and the cover up document
just how ruthless Soros and Gates and their conspirators are in
seeking to slander, falseluy imprison and murder reporters and
Soros and Gates made use of the fact that the Greek Orthodox Church
is a part of the government, itself under the control of their
corrupt instruments. The clergy, priests and bishops, are paid
salaries by the government. Also, an Abbess in a Greek Orthodox
monastery in 2022 has virtually limitless power. Under church law,
she can even imprison nuns for three days without food or water as a
punishment for disobeying her, and this is not uncommon if a Bishop
backs it. Nuns are obliged to obey the Abbess in everything as part
of a so called spiritual discipline to shed the ego.
There is a strict hierarchy unlike Catholic most monasteries I have
experienced them. The Abbess at the top controls all the money,
access to phones, computers, cars etc followed by her close aides and
the nuns at the bottom. The Abbess assigns the tasks to the nuns etc.
The monastery of St John the Forerunner, Anatoli, focuses on
producing cheese and milk to earn money and had a small farm with
cows, goats, sheep and other animals. Most of the nuns were employed
in running the farm or doing other chores. There is also an icon
painter, Theocharite who also shares the chores. There is a sister
monastery close to Athens and a Skete in Estonia. The circa 40 nuns
move among these three, though most of the Greek nationals are in
Athens where the Abbess is Greek. The nuns of St John the Forerunner,
Anatoli, come from various countries, including Germany, Austria,
Estonia, Lebanon, Armenia, UK, USA, Japan and so on.
Most nuns have zero access to the internet.
It is mainly because English is a common language that I went there
in November 2013 as I could not speak Greek.
I believe Theodekti was cautious about the attempt as she realized
that my blog information had many readers also in Greece, and also
among the clergy. She tested the waters and drew back, I believe,
several times because she realized that she was committing a crime
and wanted assurances of impunity.There are reasons to think she
helped have one young American nun Theocliti falsely diagnosed with a
disease just when I arrived at the monastery to justify giving her
experimental drugs and chemotherapy which killed her on 18th August
2014 to remove a potential witness and vocal advocate of basic ethics
well in advance.
In March when the UK MPs, led by Dr Sarah Wollaston and Sarah Teather
s party, voted down the Saatchi Bill which would have allowed Ebola
vaccines to be used in the UK, and other experimental jabs,
apparently also due to my intervention, the patience of Soros and
Gates seems to have snapped.
Theodekti left the monastery suddenly to go to Athens for six weeks
only returning for Easter. The extraordinary nature of her trip and
absence can only be understood if the significance of Easter and the
Easter fast for Orthodox Christians and each monastery is understood.
In additon, her second in command, Theoktisti made a visit to San
Francisco to give a speech, which would in the normal course of
events have been all the more reason for Theodekti to remain here.
It looks like in Athens she received her instructions to act
immediately on her return to the monastery just days before Easter.
She was followed soon after by her close friends from Athens a newly
ordained priest Father Alexander and his wife, a pyschiatrist
Angeliki Kapoutsi. They were accompanied by others from Athens, who
knew my blog.
I believe she waited until the group had left altogether because she
feared resistance from these people, one man was called Petros, who
were not part of the plot and did not suspect anything.
Her actions were premeditated and part of a clearly thought through
plan as I describes in detail in her July 2015 police report.
Briefly sketched, just as I was preparing to leave the monastery
after 18 months and as she discussing the details with the second in
command, the English speaking nun Theoktisti, in her office (I was
dependent on Theodekti for access to a car, phone etc and unable to
leave the isolated, mountain top monastery without their help),
Theodekti ordered Theoktisti to leave and without warning or
provocation and began a violent assault against me, which axctually
lasted for two days until she was able to leave and which was fuelled
and justified in its incredible aggression by the talking points of
the Tampa Bay Times, the crazy conspiracy theorist, mentally ill
villain, harming others.
The intial assault aimed to imprison me in the office where the
police and medics were to come to take me away in handcuffs in an
ambulance for confinement using an emergency law requiring only two
witnesses, herself and another nun complicit in the crime.
Theodekti did not seek to contact a pyschiatrist for a legal test
precisely because she knew I was sane, my reports accurate and her
actions were illegal. She sought to circumvent all due process and
seize me by a lightning strike using a special emergency law. I did
not even know about it until by then lawyer Christopouls explained it
to me after the police refused to come, she did not call a
prosecutor, and I was able to leave or rather escape. He said I would
have been confined, drugged and presented to a judge in that drugged
state after 30 day emergency period was up for an assessment ensuring
the judge had a pretext to keep me confined permanently. Once
imprisoned in a facility like this with no independent
oversight,anything can happen to a victim from rape to torture and of
course, eventually murder.

There is also a clear parallel with the Lukas Kenner charges.

Theodekti committed the very same crime that Kenner had, knowing that
it was a crime, knowing that the police had filed charges against
Kenner in Vienna, knowing that I had told her about it.
The first parallel is that the response of the police.
The Greek police told Theodekti her actions were illegal and she
would have to have the approval of a prosecutor for them to put me
under arrest and place me in a pyschiatric unit under emergency laws.
Theodekti never sought that approval. She dropped the attempt
realizing that any investigation would reveal her crimes, reveal that
her real motive was to silence my accurate reports.
The fact that she decided to use the very same method that I had said
had been used to try to forcibly confine me illegally in Austria in
2010, strongly suggesting the involvement of the same culprit namely
then Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymmann, who was caught having
personal knowledge of my blog in October 2015 as documented in my
January 2016 prosecutors report, which, however, focuses mainly on
the new evidence which emerged against Soros.
The July 2015 police report describes all these events from my
reports on my blog, to my Open Letter to UK Mps, to the actual
I descibe in detail how early in the morning of the 19th April 2015
went to the office of the English speaking nun Theoktisti to arrange
my departure, and asked her to give me a sum of cash I had entrusted
to them for safe keeping as I had no bank account in Greece,
specifically 30,000 euros in cash. Theoktisti did not show any
willingness to give me the cash.
Abbess Theodekti was pacing up and down outside in the corridor on
the phone as if taking instructions. Then without warning, out of the
blue, seeing her last chance, tried to carry out her attack,
assaulted me and tried to lock me into an office as I describe also
in the police charges of April 22nd 2015.
I describe how while I was talking to Theoktisti, I saw Theodekti
talking on her mobile phone walk past in the corridor outside.
She closed her phone and suddenly turned back, walked in to the
office, and shouted at Theoktisti telling her go to her cell. Looking
terrified, Theoktisti jumped up from her desk and left and went to
her cell in a distant part of the monastery. Theodekti then attacked
me, pushing me backwards, shoving me against a book case so hard its
glass shook.
She then retreated walking backwards to the door, her eyes fixed on
me and her arms up as if ready to attack me. When she reached the
door, she fumbled for a key. I realized then that she intended to
lock me in to the office which was like a fortress with heavy wooden
doors and windows with a circa 10 metre drop onto an uneven exterior
staircase into the garden. I had no phone or computer with me, no way
to call for help or alert anyone. Jumping out of the window would
almost certainly have led to serious injury and perhaps even death. I
rushed to the door and reached it just in time to jam my foot in
between the door and the post. Theodekti began to punch me, and she
started shouting at me.
Her shouting and violence attracted the attention of other nuns who
had just had breakfast. Afraid of continuing her violent attack in
front of so many witnesses, Theodekti stopped and let me go into the
I describe how in a state of shock, I sat down on a chair.
Theodekti told me the police were coming to forcibly confine me.
"It's your blog," she kept saying in font of the witness, other nuns,
because she had to justify her violence and attempt to confine me
after 18 months in the monastery and just as I wanted to leave.
She knew they did not have access to the internet for the most part
and could form no opinion of their own of my blogs contents. Some did
not even speak much English.
But the fact is, that there were about five or six direct witnesses
of her statement about my blog (same word in Greek but written with
Greek letters.)
"You don t speak Greek. The sisters will all say what I want them to,
Theodekti said to me as I waited for the police to come. I was told
they would come to my 30 minutes.
Witnesses would have testify I was completely calm and did nothing to
provoke any such violent attack, and never used violence myself. My
emails showed that too.
I went to my room, took my computer and bank statements proving I had
transferred 98,000 euros to the private account of Theodekti and to
her monastery altogether but found only 79,000 euros immediately.
About a month later, I got the full accounts from my bank.
With my computer, I returned to the guest room and waited for the
police, preparing to explain everything.
I describe how Theodekti, who was constantly on the phone as if
taking instructions,. then walked in and told me the police had said
that we should sort out our "disagreement among ourselves".
In fact, the police had told her that she needed to have a prosecutor
to issue a warrant for them to arrest me, it later emerged from
documents in a a civil case I launched to get my money back.
Theodekti did not seek to contact a prosecutor because knew she
trying to use an illegal method and unprovoked violence to silence
me, a journalist. She knew there were many witnesses, including
Theososte, Thekla and Theonymphe, to her statement saying the reason
was my blog. She knew an immediate investigation would produce all
the evidence needed for her conviction.
I asked again for the 30,000 euros in cash I had given to her for
safeguarding. Theodekti did not want to give me any of it, but
Theoktisti intervened and gave me the remaining 18,000 euros. Most of
the 12,000 euros missing had been spent by Theodekti.
The next day, April 20th, as I describe in my police charges also on
April 22nd 2015, Theodekti and another nun, Theonike, continued a
campaign of unprovoked and sustained physical assault and battery,
threats, strangulation, intimidation, slander, hampering me in my
attempts to pack my things and depriving me of the means like a
phone to organize my immediate departure from the monastery. I,
nevertheless, did manage to organize my departure after obtaining a
phone from her when she was sitting with guests and could not refuse
my polite request to use the phone.
Theoniki, on the instigation of Theodekti, threatened to murder me
twice without any provocation. This while holding her hands around my
neck and trying to strangle me.
My police report records her statement "I will kill you" in German.
I had just finished packing when Theodekti sent word that it was
getting late and I could stay another night.
I was afraid she might use the cover of night to carry out another
murder attempt. She owns a shot gun, ostensibly to protect the
monastery from thieves , but after seeing her ruthlessness, I was
quite sure she would have no scruples about using it on me to
dispatch me before I could alert others.
Indeed, after so much evidence against Bill Gates, George Soros,
Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Alexis Tsipras, Kyriakos Mitsotakis has
mounted in the past six years, as part of criminal probes, I realize
I was very lucky to get out of that monastery, so very remote on a
mountain top, alive. Theodekti or some other members of her circle
may well have tried to kill me if I had stayed another night and if
they had had more time to organize.
There were many witnesess to these crimes. The murder threat and
assault were certainly overheard by nuns Theososte and Theosemni
working in the cheese kitchen below and perhaps other witnesses.
Then novice Garyfalya helped Theoniki. Garyfalya said to me,
smirking, "if the police asked me if I had seen something, I ll say I
saw nothing."
After I packed up my things (mainly books) and arranged for them to
be transported to another address in Ireland, precisely because I was
afraid of returning to Austria and facing more such crimes there, I
left the monastery, driven by Roula Kominou, the mother of a novice
Angeliki who arrived about 5 pm in the evening, after the events
described above, on the orders of Theodekti to drive me to Larisa.
Roula and her family run a taverna in village at the foot of the
mountain where the monastery is. She moved there from a place near
Athens after the financial crash in 2009 and was financially
dependent on the help of Theodekti and the local priest to set up
the taverna, the main income for the four member family. Her
daughter, Angeliki, was also a novice at the monastery.
Of note, is the deception of Theodekti.
She feigned friendliness and support of me to the very end. I had
decided to leave of my free will. She did not ask me to leave.
Concealing from me her intentions behind a show of friendliness and
support, even praising mne for me blog reports and encouraging me to
send information about vaccines to clergy in West Africa and
elsewhere she knew.
But how could she have persuaded me to stay otherwise?
And having me stay was vital for the criminal plan.
It was executed just when I tried to leave. She was not able to
choose her prefect moment when I was alone.
To repeat, Theodekti used these same talking points in The Tampa Bay
Times (“conspriacy theorist”, “crazy:, sick:) to whip up hostility
among the nuns (most of whom have no access to the internet or only
to the things Theodekti lets them see) and justify hostile and
criminal acts, beatings and false imprisonment, pyschiatrization and
other measures.
Theodekti had to justify her incredible, savage violence against a
peaceful reporter who had done nothing to provoke, who had spent 18
months in the monastery without causing any trouble, helping out with
chores, attending services, and who was just trying to leave. How
could she explain why she suddenly considered me crazy? She said in
front of the witnesess to paraphrase everyone who reads your blog can
see you are crazy and sick. This was her only charge against me, my
blog information on Ebola.
This was only possible because Theodekti could refer to the talking
points of reports like The Tampa Bay Times which originated in a
plot conceived by BG and GS, and call the reports up on her smart
phone or computer.
The talking points in the Tampa Bay Times attack piece against me
were an essential,integral part of her plot.
Without these talking points in the TBT, MSM controlled by Soros and
Gates would not have been possible to begin to portray me as a
mentally ill person who needed emergency confinement before the nuns.
They knew from daily interactions I was perfectly sane but who do not
have, most of them, any access to the internet and so were unable to
form an opinion for themselves.
The Soros and Gates network has been able to impose their version of
reality on the world by their control of the media, which they
weaponize to whip up hostility against legitimate criticism.
A story reporting on a Gates supported vaccine is reproduced by a
Gates funded news organization through a Gates funded media
collaboration, where it was then further disseminated by other media
to create an echo chamber.
A self referential totalism, a collective solipsism, a world of
slogans and propaganda that feels real to people because it is
Former CDC chief Robert Redfield got death threats after saying on
CNN that he thought the coronavirus had originated from a lab,
something which we now now to be a fact and true.
He said
“I was threatened and ostracised because I proposed another
hypothesis. I expected iut from politicians. I didn t expect it from


The facts of D 15 218 prove that Soros and Gates have used their
grants to media like the Tampa Bay Times precisely to ensure that no
such analysis and research can be applied to their activities.
They know, in short, that they were engaged in a criminal plot and
they know that censorship is a part of, or essential supplement, to
their central, larger crime, a global epidemic disease and vaccine
plot, which is completely dependent on deceptive marketing .
The repeated crimes committed to silence me are attacks on media
freedom and all the more serious as their purpose is censor
information about experimental vaccines, thereby violating a key
legal requirement of informed consent, also about harms, for all
participants in what are legally experiments, experimental vaccine
The purpose is censorship. It is to condition the public and
scientific community to accept the persecution of anyone who brings
to attention facts concerning a bioweapons plot as a conspiracy
These "crazy and evil" people, as Bill Gates, calls them, are
portrayed as a threat to the public and deserving of prison.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla openly called for people critical of the
Covid injections, also those giving factual information, to be
imprisoned at a public discussion. He also implied the motive is
money. Perhaps for some. But for me, and for so many others,
including doctors who have been fired and suspended, giving factual
information about the risks of these injections is very costly.
Unable to work again in my profession mainstream media or the
alternative media which they also control, blacklisted and banned
from publishing in the very media controlled by Gates and Soros and
in other media, ( I have had only one article published in past ten
years in an Optics journal on photonics), I have been prevented from
earning a living.
But depriving someone of their job, their reputaiton is not all they
do. Repeated attempts have been made to effect my false arrest in
order to imprisonment and murder me.
Bourla, who is resident in Thessaloniki, is a prime suspect to be
questioned as part of an expanded probe, especially as to what he
meant when he said, it was only a very small number of people. How
does he know? Has he carried out research? Who are they? Me? It is
simply incredible that Bourla does not know all about these probes
and cover ups in near by Larisa, implicating George Soros especially.
Countless people, scientists, doctors, citizen journalists, parents
are subjected to a campaign of villification, slander by the Gates
and Soros funded media, which is used also to have them suspended or
fired from jobs, banned from social media and ostracized.
This same media machine is now targetting anyone who questions the
official narrative on the Ukraine war and who mentions facts
concerning Nazi Brigades fighting in Zelensky s army or Pentagon
funded bio labs in the Ukraine developping bioweapons targetting
Russians or the suspect dealings of Hunter Biden at Burisma.
Using these very smear terms ofThe Tampa Bay Times and Gates and
Soros Foundation press officers, Theodekti assaulted me violently and
encouraged other nuns to join in the violent assault, One nun,
Theoniki, tried to strangle me while threatening to murder her on her

Knowing that the nuns would offer no resistance as they were either
brainwashed or intimidated, she was emboldened to extremely violent
assaults over two days until I managed to leave the monastery and
file charges at the police station in Larisa on April 22nd 2015. I
knew that the crimes would be repeated if the Soros, Gates were
allowed to get away with them.
Indeed, the criminal means used to cover up these original probe
constitute more massive crime in themsleves for which Soros, Gates
and others can be convicted too as described below.
Their crimes and cover up also extend to E 17 449 opened by Appeals
prosecutors in Larisa in May 2017, which I will describe briefly

I would like to draw your attention to other key evidence in E 17 449

nsmely, that George Soros and Bill Gates are the principal architects
of a plot involving Donald Trump and Russian journalist Alkexander
Zamyslov who conducted an interview in Larisa with me in June 2016 on
the topic of biological warfare and bioweapons labs, specifically, in
Kazahksthan, Ebola and Soros and Gates plot.
A hidden link between Zamyslov and Soros, Gates and Trump emerged
when I reported on 15th Februrary 2017 on allegations made by the
Russian journalist members of Trump s team, including Jared Kushner
and Steve Bannon helped him obtain a visa for Greece to carry out the
interview. This report immediately prompted an attempt by a key
instrument of Soros and Gates in the cover ups as decribed below,
lawyer Simos Samaras to use temporary civil injunction to block my
evidence against Soros and Gates being posted and which had expired
to charge me for crimes.
This, at the very same time as Soros was with the help of Joe Biden
and his son, Hunter, paid 50,000 dollars a month from Burisma. Joe
Biden, very actively involved in funding bioweapons labs in the
The proofs against Soros and Gates and of a bioweapons plot is also
discussed in emails with the Russian journalists, Fadeeva and so is
also a part of E 17 449.
The substance of D 15 218 is that Bill Gates and George Soros went
one step further than a media attack in August 2014 against JB for
reporting on their funding links to scientists engineering Ebola in a
On June 20th, 2016, at the end of filming for the documentary in
Larisa, the producer and journalist Alexander Zamyslov (called Sasha
in email chains and court records) told me, as we moved from the
city's ancient theatre to a new location outside the court to film a
scene connected to the misuse of defamation charges to silence me by
a lawyer called Simos Samaras, that Kushner, along with Mike Pence
and Reince Priebus, helped him obtain visas.
On 15th February 2017, I posted on my blog, birdflu666
wordpress(since suspended without warning or explanation), these
allegations of the Russian journalist concerning Kushner.
On or about 16th February 2017, the same lawyer, Simos Samaras, known
to Sasha through the scenes filmed outside the court in June 2016,
went to the police station in Larisa and obtained unlawfully, making
false representations, about a temporary civiil injunction applying
to ten posts mainly with evidence of the crimes of Soros and Gates in
D 15 218, criminal charges against me specifically for that post
about the Russian journalist's allegations as well as for another
post on 7th February 2017 in which I criticised Trump for continuing
the same sharp practises which, I believe, characteristed the
presidency of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton.
Apparently concerned about scrutiny from the FBI, Trump and Kushner
waited until I had completed a move inside Larisa in April, May 2017
to send the summons to the wrong address deliberately at the
beginning of May.
The aim, I allege, was to have me summarily arrested for failing to
obey a court summons, taken secretly for trial and punishment without
being given time to notify anyone, and to deprive me of all legal
The plot was derailed after I did, by chance, get the summons, was
able to go to testify at the police magistrate on time, was able to
defend myself and give my view that, all facts considered, only Trump
and Kushner would have the means, motive and opportunity using the
resources, power,government apparatus of the US state to organizse
such a criminal plot so quickly in a foreign country to silene a
journalist reporting on allegations by a Russian journalist
researzing biological warfare that they helped with visas.
At the end of May 2017, Larisa appeals prosecutor office opened a
criminal probe into this attempt to have arrest me unlawfully and
without due process. In November 2017, I gave my testimony to the
police magistrate.
Prosecutors considered it plausible that Trump and Kushner
personalley directed the criminal measures to silence me to suppress
information about their role in this epidemic disease plot since
only Trump and Kushner would have the means, motive and opportunity.
The court record of my testimony also notes a connection with the
FBI, specifically, the firing of then FBI Director James Comey.
Having failed in 2017, Trump and Kushner have repeated the same
attempt to have me arrested using the same lawyer and the same
criminal means, and I have faced trial twice since 2017 in Larisa as
part of that specific plot.
If the allegations in the February 15th 2017 made by Zamyslov about
Trump, Kushner and other members of his administration had been false
or irrelevant, Trump and or Zamyslov could have either ignored my
report of them or used the legal remedies at his disposal.
If Trump had not known that the information was relevant or somehow
essential to his plans, also perhaps in the Donbass and Russia, that
he and his associates were secretly linked to some vaccine plot run
by Bill Gates and George Soros, then, surely, he would not have gone
to such lengths to hide the information.
The elaborate, determined, ruthless and repeated criminal plot
documented in E 17 449 is proof that the allegations of Zamyslov were
true. Trump was alarmed at the world finding out about his secret
links ultimately with Bill Gates and George Soros to advance their
plot.He was reading her posts. He knew other important people were,
He wanted to silence her. How else can the determination to suppress
the Febvruary 15th blog post be explained? How else can the speed be
And how can the choice of the lawyer Simos Samaras to carry out the
plot be explained unless Trump and Zamyslov was collaborating with
Gates and Soros. Simos Samaras is the very same lawyer used by Soros
and Gates to suppress and using the very same temporary civil
injunction to criminal fake charges used to suppress the irrefutible
evidence against Soros, Gates in D 15 218?
How could people as diverse as Theodekti, an Abbess in Anatoli, Simos
Samaras, a lawyer in Thessaloniki end up working hand in hand to
falsely accuse me in relation to my Trump, Russia blog post on
February 15th 2017, repeating their roles in D 15 218 and the cover
up, unless Trump and Zamyslov were connected with Soros and Gates?
There is every sign in 2022 they will double down in 2022 and seek to
launch another epidemic disease plot to try and wipe out all the
evidence of their previous plots, and it could well be they will try
to use the confusion surrounding the conflict in the Ukraine to
target Donbass and Russia first, and later, the rest of the world,
and that they may well agian use Ebola and related hemorrhagic fever
diseases as dicussed below.
Have they superimposed a criminal network on the Russian government
to carry out their plot?
Finally, I would like to apologize to President Putin for assuming
also in summaries without any evidence that Zamyslov must have been
working for him when it is now crystal clear he was working for Soros
and Gates, the political antagonists of President Putin and Xi and a
threat to the Russian and Chinese people as well as the rest of the

The details of the proofs of cover ups are contained in

 AP 372 February 2016 which Larisa court prosecutors sent to the

Supreme Court and triggered a new investigation, which was also

 Appeal to D15218 ruling in April 2016 which triggered a second

investigation and testimony at the court in late 2016, which was
also crushed

 Appeals prosecutor probe E 17 449 described in the XX

The Austrian government s role since 2017 in helping Soros, gates and
the Greek government violate my fair trial guarantees in Greece is
documented in XX

Because there is a risk of this submission getting very long, I will

only briefly describe key aspects here.
The way Greek justice officials handled criminal case Delta 15 218
offers unambiguous, irrefutable proof, proof which is beyond any
shadow of a doubt, proof sufficient to lead to a conviction in any
court of law, that Greek governments, under both Alexis Tsipras and
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, joined in the original conspiracy OF Soros and
Gates and conspired maliciously to falsely charge, incarcerate and
silence a journalist (myself) using criminal means, violating the
state's own procedures as well as the right to life, fair trial,
freedom of the media, as well as the state's duty to protect whistle
blowers and implement a corresponding EU directive.
These Billionaires know how to place their instruments in political
office and to use government officials to execute crimes and they
know the power of money to corrupt.
When Dr Sarah Wollaston MP asked me on January 4 2016 to testify on
the subject of the UK s pandemic preparedness, all the Greek police
and prosecutor reports were suppressed and hidden by prosecutors.
Jean Claude Juncker also sent me a letter related to the probes in
December 2015.
In February 2016, Larisa court sent the proofs of massive violations
to the Supreme Court in Athens summarized in
AP 372.
The probe was reopened.
After I was given the police reports in March 2016, I submitted them
to the Supreme Court myself.
Note it was only in March 2016 that finally obtained the original
police reports, which include the police report on the attempt to
bribe my then lawyer within two days of my filing charges in April
2015 over the murder attempt over my blog info, as the perpetrator
herself said in front of witnesses, as well as the July 2015 police
report by prosecutors.
The investigation was assigned to Efstathia Spyropoulou.
I would like to draw your attention to the particular viciousness of
the slander directed at me, clearly instigated by Soros and Gates
after proofs against Soros emerged in September 2015.
In statements not given under oath afterwards, the culprits Theodekti
and Theoniki are given a free reign to make outrageous, slanderous,
impossible statements against me.
I am accused of being drunk 24 hours a day, even at a funeral,
something denied by an independent witness Kirsten Funke.
The vicious, vile slander used to smear me exceeds that of their
Foundation spokespersons the Tampa Bay Times hit piece of August 2014
by magnitudes. It gives an insight into the vileness, the personal
corruption, the wickedness of these two men, Soros and Gates, that
they would smear an innocent reporter giving factual information
about their role in a plot to spread Ebola and kill thousands with
such vicious lies.
There can be no doubt, this was all done with their approval if not
on their direct instructions as part of a plot to not just cover up
their crimes but destroy my reputation and have me put in prison.


It was only after Geoffrey Pyatt became ambassador to Greece in May

2016, that the very grave violations occurred which have never been
Before he was appointed ambassador, the court in Larisa still
functioned to correct or stop the violations in D 15 218 by sending
the proofs to the Supreme Court in February 2016.
Also, Soros' instrument Simos Samaras attempt to get a civil
temporary injunction was rejected by civil court Judge Ragani in
February 2016.
This, precisely because he could not, cannot, show either factual
error or malice.
Pyatt was nominated ambassador in May 2016, almost immediately after
the Supreme Court began to investigate the cover up by Spyropulou.
I believe the timing is not a coincidence. Soros saw that he needed
to have more control of the Greek justice system and institutions and
he knew he could rely on Pyatt to destroy justice in Greece and get
him out of jail.
Pyatt has been accused of undermining, weaponizing and destroying
justice in the Ukraine from early 2014. He is accused of interfering
in the Ukraine justice system,specifically by having prosecutor
Shokin fired for seeking to investigate Hunter Biden and Burisma.
He urged prosecutors to file charges against ousted Burisma owner
Mykola Zochlevsky, ecology minister under Vikor Yanukovych, and
called for an investigation into prosecutors for alleged misconduct
when they failed to produce evidence of any crimes, likely because
there was none.Pyatt turned a blind eye to the way Burisma paid
Hunter Biden 50,000 dollars a month despite his having no experience
in natural gas. P
Leaked documents of a meeting which took place on March 31st 2014
(DC Leaks "Breakfast with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt) reveal Soros
ruled the Ukraine after the Maidan coup principally through Pyatt and
his boss Nuland. Soros accompanied by members of his Foundation and
NGOs also met directly with the Minister of Justice.
Pyatt also helped oversee the expansion of Pentagon funded bio labs
in the Ukraine from early 2014. The Black Veatch UP 8 project
studying the spread of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses and
hantaviruses in the Ukraine and the potential need for differential
diagnosis for patients as well as proect P 782 studying spread of
diseases among bats (blamed for Ebola in West Africa in 2014) was
overseen by the US embassy in Kiev, specifically by Joanna Wintrol
until 2021.
A document has emerged between Black Veatch s project manager Lance
Lippencott, who also worked on SARS CoV2 viruses, and the Ukrainian
Ministry of Defence concerning the extension of UP 8.
Pyatt was also in a position to help organize the shooting down of
the flight with Glenn Thomas in July 2014 as well as the cover up in
the eastern Ukraine.
In short, Pyatt knows all about the special, criminal objectives of
Soros also in relation to an epidemic disease plot and Ebola.
What better person for Soros to place in Athens to do the same job
here and ensure the proofs against him conering his role in the 2014
Ebola plot in west Africa, implicating Metabiota also, were never
investigated and that even the Supreme Court would be thwarted? And
that in a way which would set me up for charges of slander and prison
as has happened.
I allege that Soros had Pyatt moved to Greece precisely to ensure
that Soros had the same grip on justice here and corrupt it.
His appointment following his nomination was rapid, already in July
2016, Pyatt was appointed ambassador to Athens just as the highest
Court in the land was investigating the irrefutible evidence
implicating Soros and Gates in the Ebola vaccine plot and mass


A similar pattern of moving key officials from Kiev to Greece to

crush the proofs against Soros and gates is evidence in relation to
Austria. After I asked the Austrian embassy in Athens for help in
maintaining my fair trial guarantees in June 2017, the then consul
Christian Vlazny promised me help. He restored the proof of my
citizenship to the government database. It had been removed. But
immediately afterwards, he was removed and a new Consul came
Christoph Reitinger, who was also transferred from Kiev, Ukraine, in
the sphere of influence of George Soros and the former posting pf
Pyatt and who proceeded to reverse the decison of his predecessor
Vlazny and refuse me all help feigning that there was no evidence of
massive violations.
Reitinger in 2017 was followed by Hermine Poppeller. She also
transferred from Kiev who became ambassador in Athens, able
potentially to form an alliance with Geoffrey Pyattt to ensure I
could not get any help and that the probes were not transferred to an
Austrian judge.


In February 2016, Larisa court sent the proofs of massive violations
to the Supreme Court in Athens summarized in
AP 372.
I state here the motive for the cover ups.
I note that I received a letter from former EC President Jean Claude
Juncker in December 2015.
I note I also received an invitation to testify at an inquiry on UK
preparedness by Dr Wollason on January 4th 2016. That is the very
person I sent an Open Letter to in February 2015 saying I feared for
my life and calling for an investigation into the role of Soros and
Gates into the Ebola ouytbreak, which I also give as one of the
reasons for the murder attempt shortly after in my July 2015 police
So, after I said I feared for my life in february 2015 and named
Soros and Gates as particularly nefarious suspects, a murder attempt
occured and prosecutors collected proofz that Soros in particular had
personal, close knowledge of my blog and included them in that
Soros and Gates were probably very worried at the prospect of the UK
Parliament holding a public inquiry into all the evidence of their
crimes against me as part of an inquiry into the UK s preparedness
for pandemics. Clearly, if whistleblowers are being thrteatened,
persecuted, murdered, it is pertinent to any inquiry and needs to be
examined. And if there is a prosecutor probe in Greece naming Soros
and Gates as prime suspect that opens the door to prosecution.
Suspecting, perhaps even knowing, the Saatchi Bill which would have
opened the door to the use of Ebola experimental jabs in the UK in
2015 had been blocked by M P s after my warning contained in my Open
Letter in February 2015 and knowing I had highlighted the role of
Soros and Gates in funding the Ebola plot, and knowing I had called
for an investigation into Soros and Gates, I allege Soros, and also
Gates, then decided to remove me once and for all. That, using even
more criminal means.
Fearing the very crimes I had predicted they might commit had been
committed and they had been caught by prosecutors as the brains
behind them, they went to extraordinary lengths to hide every trace
of the police reports implicating them with personal knowledge,
motive and means.
In January 2016, just after the prosecutor accepted the report on
Soros and also Faymann and Tsipras, I caught my then lawyer
Konstantinos Christopoulos suppressing all the police reports, all
the contents of the official file, and under the direction of a
lawyer from Thessaloniki called Simos Samaras.
I listed all the violations in AP 372 sent to the Supreme Court by
Larisa prosecutors in February 2016.

AP 372 Report English
AP 372 Report Greek (this report was sent to the Supreme Court ,
Areios Pagos, n Athens in 2016 resulting in a new investigaition
which however was also suppressed)

The probe was reopened.

After I was given the police reports in March 2016, also the ones
naming Soros and Gates, I submitted them to the Supreme Court in
April 2016 separately myself.
Note it was only in March 2016 that finally obtained the original
police reports, which include the police report on the attempt to
bribe my then lawyer within two days of my filing charges in April
2015 over the murder attempt over my blog info, as the perpetrator
herself said in front of witnesses, as well as the July 2015 police
report naming Soros and Gates.
The investigation was assigned to Supreme Court prosecutor Efstathia
Again, it was only after Pyatt arrived that the Supreme Court
investigation was finally crushed violating all due process.
Spyropoulou s attempt to crush the evidence against Soros and Gates
sparked a second investigation by the Supreme Court from May 2016 and
in an instruction in September 2016 to Larisa court to investigate,
which resulted in my giving testimony to an examining magistrate on
the original crimes and cover up and also the proofs against Soros
and Gates. Copies of this testimony are included with the other
documents related to D 15 218.
But after Pyatt took up residence in Athens as ambassador, this new
investigation was crushed. The investigation D 15 218 proceeded but
the indictment was directed against me and set me up for charges of
slander in a rigged trial as I describe below.
Eight pieces of evidence were sent, including the bribery report, the
police doctor's report, photos of my bruises, which are part of the
charges on the original murder attempt and has the same file number
1053 3 136-A. The file was sent by the police chief Asterios
These police reports became the basis of the prosecutor's file Delta
15/218 as is shown by the prosecutor's office stamp on May 20th 2016
in the corner.
Ther July 2015 police report naming Soros and Gates as people with
personal knowledge motive and means is a key part of D 15218.
The Janaury 2016 prosecutors report withirrefutable evidence that
Soros has personal knowledge of my blog and follows it closely is a
part of D 15 218.
None of all that evidence, specifically, Soros and Gates are part of
the inditement. There was no investigation into it. Gates and Soros
were never questioned. They were not found innocent. The reports were
suppressed without any investigation because, I allege, the proofs
were so strong.
In the Indictment the only things included are the false and
salnderous claims of Theodekti and the original perpetrators not
under oath as fact with no proofs and the police photos without the
Crucially, I am classified as a witness and not a part, although the
police reports clearly state I am a party and paid the fee.
This to violate my right to defence and appeal, rights which I have
as a party and not a witness. A witness has no rights, no right to
see a file, no right to a lawyer, no right to appeal.
An appeal I submitted was rejected on the grounds I was not a party
but only a witness and so could not appeal. That, though a key part
of my appeal was proving I was a party!
Appeal to Indictment D 15 218 in ENG
Appeal Confirmation
Appeal to Indictment D 15 218 in GR
and more here
Evidence Stichea 1-16
Evidence Stichea 17-32
Evidence Stichea 33-44
Evidence Στοιχείο Emails Areois Pagos, 47-66
Gamma 16 508 Report Greek
Gamma 16 508 Evidence

Among many other submissions to the Suprreme Court and Administrative

Court giving the same proofs.

As mentioned, I applied to the Supreme Court with all the proofs I

was a party and my rights had been violated.
Another probe was reopened as mentioned.
But this probe was also crushed at the end of December 2016 and has
never been reopened.
The trial for D 15 218 went ahead on the basis of these massive
violations in February 2019 and I was de facto declared guilty and
the culprits declared innocent.
Once the culprits were declared innocent, the way was open for me to
be charged with slander with the culprits appearing as my accusers as
has happened.
In addition, I was de facto declared guilty of lying and specifically
of being a chronic alcoholic and suicidal as the two culprits
claimed, allowing for a repeat of my confinement in a pyschiatric
unit under emergency laws.
In fact his could have happened as soon as the culprits gave the
statements as all that was lacking was a prosecutors signature, which
a corrupt one could have given and would have if there had not been
so much attention paid to the proofs that Soros had personal
knowledge of my blog on the internet. That made it difficult for
Soros and Gates to “disappear” me without a connection to them.
To give the appearance of legality to their next murder attempt, they
proceeded with the original probe but rigged it in such a way as all
the evidence against them would be suppressed, hidden and I would be
portrayed as a slanderer against their instruments with no relation
to them.
The object is cleazr.
It is not just to crush all the evidence gathered by prosecutors
against Soros and Gates as part of the due process investigation of D
15 218 using criminal means and massive violations. It is to destroy
every link to them, denigrate me, slander me, ruin my reputation, put
me in prison and kill me.
Precisely to ensure that I am deprived of the right to appeal the
trial ruling in D 15 218 and defend myself and to ensure the massive
violation of my right changed from party to witness. This also
stopped me from having a proper trial and having the evidence against
Sopros and Gates investigated, also by calling them to testify.
The brazenness and lawlessness of this approach is only possible
because, I suggest, Pyatt as US mabassador has so much influence over
the Greek justice system.
But all of these are also crimes which are proven by the massive
violations of rights. In fact, they are the ultimate proof of Soros
and Gates involvement and of a plot, a plan.
It is vital to have the original evidence in D 15 218 investigated.
The probe needs to be reopened and Soros and Gates questioned on
their role in the original crimes and also the cover ups, the most
emphatic evidence of all of their guilt.
They knew that if the investigation went and go ahead, they would be
prosecuted and convicted five years ago and certainly will be now in
2022 when their plot has resulted in possibly hundreds of millions of
victims of their Covid injections.
They worked out plan after plan to crush the investigations opened by
prosecutors. That was not enough. They were determiend to do so in a
way that I, the victim, was falsely accused by their instruments and
deprived of defence in rigged trial and of an appeal andf so could be
sentenced to prison and they executed that plan.



I was sentenced to one and a half years in prison in a trial on

September 20th 2021 for ten blog posts which contain the proofs of
crimes of Soros and Gates and which were a part of temporary civil
injunction applied for in February 2016. It was filed by their front
man, Layeer Simos Samaras as part of an attempt to use civil
proceedings and defamation laws to stop information from being
published the public has the right to know, specifically about Soros
and Gates. In fact, the civil temporary injunction which contains a
sub part of D 15 218 has been used to substitute for D 15 218
criminal probe altogether as part of a plot to create deliberate
confusion about the very existence of the criminal probe.
Samaras first attempt was rejected by a judge in February 2016
because it is so clearly the misuse of defamation charges to try to
suppress proofs of the crimes of Soros and Gates, which are protected
by free speech and media laws. The brazenness of Samaras is shown by
the way he did not even try to show malice or error to the judge. He
just submitted a copy of all my birdflu666 posts, hundreds of posts,
translated into Greek and insisted on an injunction for 30 days for
the first ten blog posts in January showing massive violations of
duer process. He filed it as soon as I found out all the police
reports including the proofs against Soros and Gates had been
illegally suppressed and as soon as I began putting up the evidence
on my blog, also presumably something which Dr Sarah Wollaston and
Jean Claude Juncker or members of their team may have seen.
Immediately Samaras acting as a front for Soros and Gates and the
corrupt prosecutors began a civil court action and applied for a
temporary injunction lasting 30 days for me to remove 10 blog posts
up that time point which had all the evidence against Soros and the
proofs of a cover up, mainly in the form of links to the documents of
D 15 218, later accepted by the Supreme Court. It is clear from these
facts alone that Samaras was misusing the civil defamation case to
try to censor information about Soros and Gates.
Samaras is clearly the front man. Samaras is the tool clearly related
to Soros and Gates by the nature of the posts he sought to have
removed whom Soros and Gates have now used in 2022 in conspiracy with
a corrupt judge Ziounas to have me sentenced to prison for one and a
half years for slander for putting up these proofs, including the one
about my finding him ordering my then lawyer Christopoulos not to
resign officials from my probe, when he had been verifiably found to
have joined in the suppression of all the proofs against Soros and
Gates, a critical point as it will emerge.
One post on Samaras list is a short criticism of Alexis Tsipras
handling of a farmers dispute with no mention of Samaras, Soros or
Gates or any attachments.
Samaras is the front man. Samaras is the tool clearly related to
Soros and Gates by the nature of the posts he sought to have removed
whom Soros and Gates have now used in 2022 in conspiracy with a
corrupt judge Ziounas to have me sentenced to prison for one and a
half years for slander for putting up these proofs.
That though, a civil injunction was granted to him for only 30 days
in November 2016 by a corrupt judge who ignored the fact no malice or
error had been proven as required by Greek law. Samaras never applied
for a permanent injunction because therre was no proof of malice or
Samaras tried to use this same temporary injunction in february 2017
to have me put in prison also using a procedural trick for a blog
post in February 2017 for my report on the allegations of Russian
journalist Alexander Zamyslov that he had help with viass to research
a Billionaires bioweapons plot also from Trump s administration,
specifically, Steve Bannon, who worked for Goldman sachs, funder of
Metabiota in the Ukraine, Jared Kushner and others.
Samaras massive crimes were so plain to appeals prosecutors that they
opened an investigation , E 17 449,into Samaras, Trump, Kushner and
others for trying to misrepresent this civil injunction as a criminal
verdict and issue fake charges to have me prosecuted and imprisoned.


Soros, Gates and their instruments in Greece, Pyatt, instigated my

sentencing to prison for one and a half years in a trial on September
20th 2021 under massive violations of due process.

They did this as part of a deliberate, wilful plan to destroy justice

as they must

 know that a civil temporary injunction for ten posts for 30 days
which expired in December 2016 is not the lawful basis for two
separate criminal trials on the same day

 know that the posts contained all the proofs of crimes of Soros
in blog posts that Sorois wanted censored, know the irrefutable
evidence implicated Soros especially personally in instigating
the murder attempts, with personal knowledge of my blog proven
on his part

 know that the only difference is that in one trial I am accused

not just for the ten posts but also for extra February 2017 blog
posts related to Trump and Zamyslov and biological warfare, that
is to say, there is a 95% overlap in the indictments for the two
trials, namely, the temporary civil injunction.

 know that the Appeals prosecutor opened an investigation into

Samaras, Trump and others precisely for misusing the civil
temporary injunction with proofs of Soros to censor my February
2017 blog post

 know that advancing the same crime and bringing it to trial

could draw the ire of the Apppeals prosecutors

 declared me innocent immediately in that trial apparently to

avoid problems with the Appeals prosecutors

 denied me the right to present the evidence collected by the

Appeals prosecutors of Samaras crimes in relation to the very
same civil temporary injunction which was the basis also of the
second trial

 declared me guilty in the second trial for the same posts but
without the extra February 2017 Trump posts added on to the ten

 sought to deflect from the posts by focussing on one aspect, my

meeting with Samaras in January 2016

 allowed him to make slanderous, false and unproven claims,

including a totally new claim of my asking for money

 denied me the opportunity to present evidence or cross question


 denied me the opportunity to present evidence that his key

witness Christopoulos had been bribed

 had the presiding Judge Ziounas constantly shout me down,

threaten to have me arrested to stop me speaking

 hurried the trial through in about 30 minutes

 sought to hinder me from entering an appeal by refusing to

accept it in violation of basic rights. I succeeded on
officially entering my appeal on September 29th 2022 only after
two hours
 sought to direct my appeal to a corrupt lawyer Eleni Matraki who
had her address on the appeal, which I could only with
difficulty change to my own

 know that the Appeal is now pending pointing out that I cannot
be found guilty if only because of due process rules which make
it impossible for me to be found guilty and innocent of
substantially the same crime in two consecutive trials

 know that the Appeals prosecutors in E 17 449 found Samaras

guilty of the very crime he was repeating and may decide he is

That is why, I allege, they determined on a plan to circumvent due

process again by delivering me the invalid first court instance
verdict privztely.
As part of their plan, they used a ruse to try to persuade me this
was the actual appeal ruling when it was the ruling appealed
used Simos Samaras and a court bailiff to give me the first instance
verdict and not the court itself. That means, the service of the
verdict was unlawful. Private people cannot legally go around
delivering criminal court verdicts. The criminal court must do it.

It is to be feared Soros, Pyatt and Mitsotakis will suppress the

appeal as they have suppressed all the other appeals and I will be
put in prison.
Furthermore, as an indicted person, I can now be arrested and put in
prison for minor offences.
Confirmation of my Appeal to E 17 379 (guilty) and E 17378 (innocent)

Contents of my Appeal to E 17 379 (guilty) and E 17378 (innocent)

Criminal charges over decision E 1739 and E 17 378 and prison


Another very sinsister aspect of this latest plot reveals their use
of fake media and fake friends to seek to influence a person.

Immediately after receiving the decision on February 18th, I had it

scanned in around 2 pm local times and sent to my email account. It
was Friday and I had to wait till Monday at least to have it
translated. I did not post it up on any social media, Twitter or
blog, anywhere.
Some one calling themselves Stanley Matthews emailed me on February
18th 2022 within about fours of hours after I scanned in a copy of
the First Court Decision at a copy shop (A4 copies) and had it sent
to my gmail account as a back up, without publishing it anywhere on
the social media (also to have time to have it translated from Greek
and understand it) and asked me what was the final decision.
See Email attached from A4 copies to me
Gmail Decision Feb 2022
with the attachment of what turned out to be the invalid decision of
the first court That, I found out three days later on Monday 21st
2022 when someone translated it for me.
I have not posted it on the internet.
I did not send him a copy by email or mention it to him. Yet he knew
all about it and asked me what was the “final” verdict to suggest it
was the valid one.
See Stanley Matthew s email that same day in the evening attached.
“Gmail What was the final verdict?”
When I asked him what final verdicht? He asked again what the
“result” was.
This shows that Soros and Gates spy on my gmail account. Sending a
copy to one s own gmail account is not the same as publishing it on
social media..
Most likely one of the NSA spy tools has been downloaded onto my
smartphone, laptop etc.
He sent me a link to a video from 2018 about the D 15 218 trial in
2018 which was postponed as part of asking about “the final decision”
by someone I had never heard of and who had never contacted me about
the probes.
This, within about two hours of my sending a scanned in copy to my
gmail as a back up copy to have it translated on Monday. I had never
published it online.
This proves that Stanley Matthews and his associate video maker must
have had inside knowledge from Samaras, Soros himself of the decision
and the plot to misrepresent it to me as the final decision while
posing as friends. There is no way otherwise he could have asked me
about it.
When confronted with these verifiable facts, Stanley Matthews could
not rebut them with facts. Instead, he resorted to personal insults,
calling me “nuts”. He did not address the verifiable fact that he
could only have found out about the decision sent to me that day by
Samaras through a private bailiff service if he found out from
Samaras, Soros and Gates or spied on my gmail account. He could not
have found it by browsing as he claimed.
See email Nuts.
Stanley Matthews can be linked directly back to Soros and also Gates.
There is no other way he could have known of the verdict in advance.
In one email, he says, the Soros and Rothschilds are always right.
Other fake friends used in this elaborate operation coordinating with
Stanley Matthews are biologist Christl Meyer and her friend Johann
Branis in Austria.
Feigning admiration for my analysis, he proceeded to question me on
my view of China s economy, the congestion at China s ports, the NHS
decision to drop the Covid vaccine mandate, compulsory vaccination
for all UK adults and the war in the Ukraine before it broke out.
These are all key areas of interest to Soros and Gates.
Of note is that Shanghai, a vital port for China s economy,. Has been
placed under lockdown due to omicron. Shutting China a ports to
damage its economy using Covid as a pretext may well be a key aim of
the Soros, Gates clique. For if China s ports keep shutting down, its
economy and trade will be severely harmed over the longer term.

Soros and Gates repeatedly and immediately bribe any lawyer I use.
This is proven already in April 2015 where a police report record an
attempt to bribe my then lawyer Christopoulos by their instrument
That they succeeded is proven by his role in the repeated violations
of due process which he tried,as long as he could, to hide from me to
prevent me taking control of the probes, which I did in January 2016
in the face of opposition for Samaras caught giving Christopoulos
instructions in his office.
The lawyer Eleni Matraki put her name and address on the appeal
although she had been caught red handed of giving me deliberately the
wrong court date for the same trials in March 13th 2021 so that I
would miss the trial and be found guilty in absentia.
This one week after she gave a talk on the TED platform linked to
Bill Gates in Larisa as can be seen on her social media accounts.
So, here we have the lawyer supposed to be helping me to defend
myself in the probe with damning evidence against Gates and Soros,
chosen, for no particular apparent reason, to be a part of a TED Talk
in larisa one week earlier allowing her to burnish her credentials
and boost her image.
When caught doing the same kind of crimes as Christopoulos has done
in 2015 and 2016, I also asked her by email to confirm she had
resigned from my case and to return the 450 euros in fees paid to her
to represent me only for these specific trials in the court. These
trials were cancelled at the last moment. The court was closed as
part of the Covid lockdown in March 2013.
A new date was set for September 20th 2021.
In an email, she confirmed she would have nothing to do with my
probes or trials, but refused to repay the 450 euros falsely claiming
she had earned it for her work at the trials when the trials never
took place.
The evidence suggests she did not repay the fees in order to keep up
the lie that she was representing me and obtain control of my appeal.
It was only with a great deal of effort, I could have the address for
the appeal changed to my own address and have her address removed.
It was precisely this, trying to pretend to represent me to obtain
control of the probe and suppress it, that I accused Samaras and
Christopoulos of wanting to do in January 2016 when Samaras ordered
Christopoulos not to give me proof of his resignation as my lawyer.
To bribe lawyers is a very serious crime.
It makes it very difficult for me to get legal advice or legal help.
Who benefits? Soros and Gates.
What evidence is suppressed? The proofs against Soros and Gates.


To keep this submission, short I would just like to briefly mention a

civil case I started to have the96,000 euros in donations I gave to
Theodekti returned.
The Judge de facto ruled in September 2017 that all the crimes I had
alleged in criminal probe Delta 15 218 had been committed, that I was
entitled to have almost all my donations returned, excepting for
circa 10,000 to Estonia Skete as an example of bias for he falsely
said the Skete in Estonia was not related to Theodekti when it is
under her control and she instigated my donation to the Skete, which
I have never visited.
But the judge ordered me not to ask for the return because Theodekti
said that she did not have the money.
Greek law says that if a person has spent a donation on an investment
like solar energy or a machine to grow grass, then that person must
return the value of the investment as well as the fruits or yield of
the investments.
Theodekti admitted to having used my donations to make those
investments in the civil case so was obliged to return me the
equivalent in value and give me the profits from these investments
plus interest.
In addition, the judge showing clear bias also ruled arbitrarily that
donations I sent to Theodekti's Skete in Estonia on her request,
which I have never visited, were not the responsibility of Theodekti.
Though the Austiran government knew I was trapped in Larisa, forced
to defend myself against false accusations and draconian penalities,
had extra expenses and no income, knew I needed the money returned to
pay for these extra expenses, knew about the civil case through the
documents etc, knew about the flawed, wrong and biased judgement
about my money while admitting I was the victim of a crime, it did
not help me get the donations returned or offer me vital financial
help, making it very difficult to exercise my fair trial guarantees
in practise. Money is required for that.


The cover up of D 15 218 show Soros and Gates have built a vast,
private criminal network meshed with the courts governments and
lawyers in Greece almost certainly directed by Pyatt.
These Billionaires have escaped because they have corrupted the law
through their control of political office through instruments like
Donald Trump. The probe E 17 449 launched by the Appeals Prosecutor
against Trump shows clearly how they have used a network of corrupt
justice and police officials to carry out massive violatioons of due
In fact, these cover ups lasting 7 years involving massive violations
of rights are the ultimate proof of their involvement and also of a
plot, a plan. Vital to their plot to spread diseases and give people
poisonous injections is censorship. Censorship is especially
iomportant to them in 2022 with so much evidence of the damage done
by the Covid vaccines emerging. The proofs contained in the probe D
15 218 especially show a plot. The prooof of a criminal plot allows
for all their instruments to be prosecuted as part of that plot.
What are the legal consequences for them of all the proofs that they,
specifically through Soros and Biden s instrument, Pyatt have since
2016 until 2022 every single year made a proven, documented de facto
attempt to have me falsely imprisoned by prosecutors for reporting on
their sinister activities, which have continued throughout this
For cover ups show how prosecutors did not just cover up the original
crimes, suppress police reports, but falsify evidence, lie and alter
legal documents to have me falsely imprisoned for slander.
From 2018 to 2020, there were outbreaks of Ebola in the DR Congo
which I reported on and another end 2021.
From 2020 until now there has been Covid, also an engineered virus
made more lethal by among others Peter Daszak, head of an NGO, which
Gates funds, the EcoHealth Alliance, which is also involved in the
Ukraine bio lab research.
The legal consequences are plain.
Soros, Gates and conspirators can be charged not just on one count in
relation to the murder attempt and murders in West Africa in 2014,
But in relation to many other counts in relation to all the epidemic
plots culminating in Covid from Ebola in 2014 to Covid from 2020.
If Soros and Gates follow my information personally about their
vaccines, as is proven to have since August 2014 at least by the
Tampa Bay Times smear piece a part of in D 15 218, they must know of
the many attempts at false imprisonment, know of the evidence against
them and corrupt prosecutors, and if, they are innocent, be concerned
at so much injustice, so much persecution of an innocent reporter.
So why have they not come forward and made statements via their
Foundations such as their Foundations did in The Tampa Bay Times
August 2014 condemning the persecution of a journalist? The answer is
plain. It is the persection which they want, the censorship which
they want, which they plan, execute.
Are we to assume they followed my information and then stopped all of
a sudden? Stopped just when the irrefutable proofs emerged in
prosecutor probes of their crimes which could put them into prison?
The only conclusion is they want the cover ups, they want me to be
put in prison to stop me exposing their sinister crimes. They are
behind them. Personal knowledge, motives, means for the cover ups are
also proven.


Without reasonable cause of suspicion of a crime, it is not possible

to obtain subpoenas or court orders to compel people to testify and
so on.
These probes already opened by prosecutions in Greece offer that
reasonable cause of suspicion and so allow for the prosecution to
obtain testimonies, documents, emails etc under due process.
Crucially they allow for the prosecutiona and conviction of the
brains, the funders, the principle architects and political muscle,
Soros and Gates, so dealing a major blow to the plot and perhaps
crippling it altogether.
Their instruments number 1000s

 in the media they fund, also the alternative media which they
appear to secretly control

 in NGOs they fund

 in WHO of which Gates is the second biggest funder

 in pharamaceutical companies

 in private contractors like Metabiota

 in universities and academia especially in the field of science

 in politics

 in government, including regulators, defence department (In

Pentagon, in CDC Epidemic Inteeligence Service)
Identifying as many instruments as possiblke and prosecuting them for
their role is vital for dismantling this network.
But all of these instruments ultimately act under a central plan
formulated and funded by Gates and Soros.
An investigation of Soros and Gates and Trump should turn up a wealth
of evidence about the involvement of other US Billionaires and almost
certainly also of the British royal family.. It is clear there is a
higher command centre that covers politicians from all parties since
20014, 2009.
Politicians come and go but the plot continues. In the USA,
Republicans and Democrats take over the White House. But when it
comes to executing the bioweapons plot they march in lockstep.
Obama and Biden, leave office in 2016, Trump takes office. Biden
returns in 2020 with Kamala Harris. All the time, the program, plot
continues showing the politicians are just instruments of Gates and
Soros, other Billionaires and royals,as Christina Fadeeva said in her
emails in June 2016.
Ebola used in West Africa in 2014 is used again in the DR Congo in
2018 to 2020 and Covid is used from 2020.
Not just the brains and funders but ALL the individuals, who can be
reasonably suspected of functioning as part of that plan or plot
proven and documented in the probes can be prosecuted, including
government officials.
Wherever the actions also of politicians and government officials
like Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland and Chrystia Freeland are not
consistent with the duties of their office, namely to protect
national national security, and consistent with a criminal plot
conceived by Soros, Gates and other Billionaires to kill and injure
people with bioweapons, also in the USA and Canada, where the deaths
and injuries are indeed numerous from their Covid "operation", then
they can be criminally and civilly prosecuted.
This includes Joe Biden.
I do not believe that Congress will be able to stop the immunity of
Biden as President being lifted when the crimes he is accused of are
so grave also against Americans. It may take some time, but
eventually Joe Biden will also have to stand trial along with Hunter
Biden and his wife, Jill.
How can we infer she does not know about the activities of Joe and
Hunter Biden also in the Ukraine? Only if Joe and Hunter Biden never
discuss anything in her presence and never leave their email accouns
open can she not have known.
Melinda Gates guilt is clearly established, more than that of Bill
Gates in some respects, because of the long period of time during
which she worked full time for the Gates Foundation from 2000.
Should we assume she is an exception and the wives of Soros, Gates,
Prince Andrew, Charles, William, Harry don t know they are engaged in
a depopulation plot. Only if they know and agree, can they know what
not to say. None of the wives have ever warned, for example, of the
risks of the Covid jabs. On the contrary, they have willingly joined
in promoting them with their husbands.
If a plot can be proven, if a criminal conspiracy can be proven, then
it follows that all the instruments contributing decisively to
further that criminal plan, whether they are in government, or in
science or in the media, share responsibility for those crimes.
The question is. Do they know they are particpating in a plot?
How could they not know as doctors, scientists, journalists, judges
when the plot involves them violating every rule, ignoring vital
facts, even the scientific method, and repeating obviously false
claims, contradicted by the facts, to lure people to take a dangerous
vaccine, including children and pregnant women.
Can we say that there are other facts showing that people like
Anthony Fauci, John Bell and Nathan Wolfe are participating in actual
fact in any such scheme to weaponize a virus, release it and make
false claims, downplay the risks and exaggerate the benefits of the
Covid vaccine?
Beyond question there are other facts and to document them would
require volumes. New facts are emerging every day.
For the sake of brevity, I will outline only a few broad ideas for an
expanded investigation.


It is impossible for Soros and Gates to organize and coordinate

everything personally. They have to rely on staff who will carry out
their instructions.
The Foundations were set up to exploit tax laws.
The grants show that Gates participation in these field of global
health is not just substantial and of great importance. It can
perhaps be said that Gates single handedly created the field, which
has come to dominate the world from 2022, with policies, lockdowns,
vaccines, emergency laws.
It has given 60 billion dollars to this field since 2000.
The role of Bill Gates in the funding and promotion of this plot
cannot be exaggerated.
It is Bill Gates who funded the development of the AstraZeneca Covid
vaccine, its mass production, its distribution with plans to give it
to virtually everyone in the globe, also via subcontractors like the
SII in India. It is Bill Gates who has funded the so called global
epidemic programme of WHO, which is an euphemism for the global
epidemic disease plot. Gates is the second largest funder of WHO
after the USA in 2018, 2019, and has sent hundreds of staff from his
Bill and Melinda Founbdation to work for WHO to infleunce and direct
its response to epidemics.
It is Bill Gates who has poured more than 250 million dollars in
grants into media to report specifically on the global epidemic
vaccines in the way he wants, and who has substantial links with Jon
Snow and C4, which has been caught censoring the irrefutable fact
disclosed by Sir John Bell that the AZ vaccine is designed to
sterilize and many other vital facts.

But they have been helped at every stage by the Soros Foundation with
about 100 staff devoted to specialized global health field - the
research into epidemic diseases, the vaccines and the policies. The
Soros funds have been the essential contribution to the creation of
the political will for the creation global epidemic plan centered
around vaccines or injections, especially through donations to the US
Democrat Party, as well as the media coverage.
The staff appears to relatively small.
Both Foundations appear to have about 1,500 staff.
No greater mistake could be made than to think of the Foundation in
terms of the loose organizations which we associate with
philanthropy. Secrecy, a lack of transparency are at its core.
We do not even know the names of the people in the Foundations.
That is because Foundation is not organized to help the majority of
the people; it is organized to carry out the criminal plots of Soros
and Gates family. Secrecy, conspiracy and coercion are at its core.
Gates even has a private spying and surveillance armed linked to the
NSA, according to media.
The Foundations, in fact, function like a pyramid with Bill and
Melinda Gates and George and Alexander Soros at the top. They are
the co chairs and trustees. They have supplied the vast majority of
funds, approximately 100 billion dollars.
Their power has been all the greater as there is no board, no
independent governance, no oversight or accountability, although the
Bill and Melinda Gates in early 2022 appointed six members to its
To believe that top echelon in the Foundations do not know the goal
is to kill people using bioweapons, loot and plunder unreasonable.
These Foundations channel billions to the other instruments selected
for the plot and coordinate the activities across all the sectors
from government to media, from universities to pharmaceutical
companies to synchronize them and obtain the objective desired by
Soros, Gates and the wealthy top of the pyramid.
They have to be selected precisely for the reason they can be relied
on. To do so, staff have to be in on their secret plan. The staff
have to know what to hide and what to reveal, who to target and who
to promote.
Prosecuting the top echelon at least will dismantle a key tool of the
Soros, Gates bioweapons plot


The British Royal Family have aides who function much like Gates and
Soros Foundation staff. Each working member, the Queen, Prince
Charles, Andrew, William, appear to have staff.
Certainly when one was in a position so high-a chair, trustee,
founder, funder, a monarch and head of state -so high that they have
virtually limitless access to information, the denial of knowledge is
patently absurd.
Soros, Gates and the Royal family may be responsible for the
formulation and execution of the policies that result in the a plan
to give the world AstraZeneca and Covid injections. But they are not
the only major criminals. To say that Bill and Melinda Gates or
George and Alexander Soros, Joe and Hunter Biden are guilty, but not
the people in their staff in their Foundations, in the White House,
in their residences, people like Nathan Wolfe at Metabiota
weaponizing viruses, people in the media receiving their grants who
repeat their talkingp points to lure people to take a vaccine with
false plans, all the people who actually carried out the plot would
be unreasonable. Every one of them must take responsibility for
their role in this global mass murder plot.
If there is knowledge on the part of Foundation or NGO or Royal
Family staff that a particular vaccine they fund and or promote is
designed to sterilize and injure and so illegal, and that they are
participating in a campaign of deception, suppressing the information
to lure people to take the vaccine, then we say, that constitutes
the criminal responsibility on the part of very member of the staff.
Only an investigation into each one can determine the precise degree
of their guilt.
A starting point for an investigation would be subpoenaeing all the
names of staff since 2014 at least, and all the documents and emails
related to the epidemic plot since 2014.
Every single person should be prosecuted as the reasonable suspicion
We cannot say that a secretary at the reception desk was in a a
positon to know that the Foundation or Royals were engaged since a
secretary may never come into possession of key facts.
That said, secretaries of the higher echelons often know more than
anyone else precisely because they do come into possesion of key
facts in the course of their duties.
The more senior staff members must all demonstrate that they did not
know they were part of a plot, in which case, they can be accused of
negligence. Manslaughter through negligence is also a crime albeit
with a less severe sentence than first degree premeditated murder,
mass murder and so.
When Dr Sarah Wollaston MP asked me on January 4 2016 to testify on
the subject of the UK s pandemic preparedness, all the Greek police
and prosecutor reports were suppressed and hidden by prosecutors.
No inquiry was conducted in depth.
The Queen as head of State should be questioned as to why no inquiry
was conducted by Dr Sarah Wollaston in such an urgent matter since
she, as head of state, meets the Prime Minister for a weekly briefing
of government and parliamentary business and goes through the
Ministerial boxes and MI5 and MI6 and GCHQ briefings.
Why did she as head of state allow Daniel Bausch a US navy bioweapons
officer, apparently a CDC Epidemic Intelligence Officer, implicated
in the Metabiota and Tulane diagnostic testing scandal, discussed
also in the study by Augusine Gobe in 2016, which helped spread Ebola
around West Africa, to be appointed the head of a key body tasked
with stopping the spread of epidemic diseases in the UK despite my
email warning Dr Sarah Wollaston?
The same question has also to be asked of the then Prime Minister
David Cameron.
But Prime Ministers come and go, but the head of state remains in
place as the ultimate power in the state. She must bear the ultimate
political responsibility for the disastrous consequences of
appointing Daniel Bausch to the head of the PHE rapid reaction task
force, despite all the warnings.
Predictably, Bausch and his task force have been widely criticised
for their failures in stopping the spread of Covid in early 2020 in
the UK, including the failure to have enough PPE available for NHS
staff, a key problem for Kenema hospital staff in 2014.
The Queen should be cross examined about this.
As head of state there is a clear overlap between her duties and the
Prime Minister also in Canada and Australia.
She appoints the UK Prime Minister who, in turn, appoints the
Ministers, who propose legislation. UK MPs have only very limited
powers to propose or amend legislation.
In short, the Queen has enormous power over the executive in the UK
and Commonwealth.
She has almost uncontrolled power over the secret services MI5, MI6
and GCHQ together with the PM and Home Office Minister since their
activities cannot be scrutinized by MPs except in a very limited way.
There can be no question. MI5, MI6 and GCHQ know all about these
probes, including E 17 449 implicating a Russian journalist Zamyslov
and Trump. That is their job to know what is going on. They know all
about the Covid injection plot. They have done nothing to oppose it.
The only explanation can be that they are a part of it. Since they
take orders from and or report to the Queen and UK PM, we can infer
the Queen and PM ordered them to take part.
No MI5, MI6, GCHQ officer, especially not the top echelon, has
immunity from prosecution for their role in this plot, which has
resulted in millions of British people being given a vaccine designed
to sterilize, the AstraZeneca vaccine, using deception an act which
is clearly criminal under British law.
At most intelligence officers can claim ignorance. In that case, they
can be convicted of negligence. It is their job, their duty to know
of such asymmetric threats to the UK public.
As part of a due process investigation, all their names should be
made public and every single individual questioned to ascertain the
degree of their guilt if any.
The Queen knighted John Bell, the developer of AsztraZeneca s Covid
vaccine designed to sterilize entire populations.
This is an idea which Prince Philip, himself with close family ties
to leading Nazis in Hitler s Germany, floated during a TV interview.
The Queen should be questioned about her knowledge of his statement
that AstraZeneca is designed to sterilize entire populations.
Her actions especially in personally promoting the Covid vaccines too
can only be understood in relation to a joint plan or conspiracy.
The Queen went on TV to call people who did not take the vaccine
How come she, who is kept so well informed by her intelligence
services, ministers, did not know of the very public statement of a
scientist knighted by her that the vaccines are designed to sterilize
on UK s Channel 4 TV? How come she did not find out as so many other
did about it in the course of the year after Sir John Bell s
statement was made in August 2020?
How come, if she found out, she did not take it seriously? She gave a
knighthood to Sir John Bell s precisely because of her and the
government s high regard for his scientific achievements? For her to
then say, she had a high enough regard for his scientific expertise
to knight him but not to take his statement seriously is
Asked what is the biggest problem in the world, he said from "our"
point of view it is overpopulation. Asked what his soluton would be,
he said "voluntary" sterilization.
AstraZeneca s Covid vaccine designed to sterilize is consistent with
Prince Philips notion of how to kill masses of people off, but using
deception, false claims and censorship of the true facts.
What does she know about any such plan?
At most she can claim ignorance. In that case, she can be convicted
of negligence. It is her job, her duty as head of state to know of
such asymmetric threats to the UK public.
When not knowing key facts and not mentioning them becomes
crystallized into a definite pattern then it is itself proof of
That she may not have known about one or other aspect is plausible.
But that she knew of none of them when half the internet is full of
these facts despite the censorship?
The same applies to all members of the royal family and their staff.
They should all be questioned, asked to produce documents and emails.
Central to the accusation is that even when all the evidence of the
harm of the vaccines emerged, none of them have ever mentioned it.


Queen s son, Prince Andrew, escorted Donald Trump, himself accused

in E 17 449 of trying to hide his links to secret bioweapons plot
related to Russia, on an official visit to the UK in 2019. Andrew,
Trump have been pictured with Jeff Epstein, also involved in the
Ukraine bio labs. Epstein worked closely with Gates.
Andrew has just settled out of court with a former under age sex
slave trafficked to the UK by Epsein and Ghislaine Maxwell to be
raped by him, Virginia Giuffre.
He visited Epstein s Zoro Ranch where Epstein planned to impregnate
30 women at a time to create a super race together with a scientist
from Texas funded by Epstein as well as visiting his paedophile
island, where many girls report being raped or seeing rapes, numerous
Epstein, Maxwell were high profile guests at the Queens s residences
in Balmoral, Sandringham and Windsor including at the 18th birthday
of Princess Beatrice.
Prince Andrew and Beatrice should be questioned and asked to produce
documents, emails about what he knows about a depopulation plot and
any blackmail racket using under age girls centered around Epstein
and Gates to coerce politicians, media andothers to participate in
that plot.
His actions too can only be understood in relation to a joint plan or
Jeff Epstein funded the PED, studying evolution, which is a vital
part of so called gain of function research. Which viruses can be
made lethal to humans? How can viruses be made more lethal? How can
they be kept lethal by finding the most deadly variants which emerge
out of reassortment? Mathematical models can help answer questions
like this .
Jeff Epstein funded the PED, studying evolution, which is a vital
part of so called gain of function research. Which viruses can be
made lethal to humans? How can viruses be made more lethal? How can
they be kept lethal by finding the most deadly variants which emerge
out of reassortment? Mathematical models can help answer questions
like this .
Martin Nowak was appointed the head of the PED. An Austrian, he was
studying in Vienna in the 1980s when Jeff Epstein had an Austrian
passport which he used to travel to Spain, France, the UK and other
countries. It is not clear if Epstein formed some association with
Nowak in Vienna and, having done so, promoted his career, finally
crowning it with the positionof president of an institution which he
funded. Nowak thought so highly of Epstein that he gave him his own
office inside the institute, alllowing him access to all the research
and researchers.
At the same time, Epstein was able to burnish his reputation as a
high and respectible academic.
Andrew should be questioned about his communications with Epstein on
The Queen and the British Royal Family, as discussed below, also have
close family links to Greece and especially to the Greek Orthodox
Church, a key instrument of Soros, Gates as proven by D 15 218.
Prince Philip was a Greek prince and his cousin is former king
Constantine, who currently lives in Greece.
Princess Beatrice and Eugenie attended their son s wedding in Athens
Cathedral in September 2022 held by Ieronymos.
Prince Philip s mother became an Orthodox nun and founded a monstery
on Tinos.
Prince Philip and Prince Charles are members of the society of
Friends of Mount Athos, a relatively small society.
Key witness Theoktisti is an English nun, an Oxford graduate, and
like Theodekti, has had frequent interactions with the Friends of
Mount Athos society, including giving talks.
In April 18TH, 2021, she gave an online talk which can be seen on
youtube with the Friends of Mount Athos society, that is to say just
after she was coered by their instrument in the monastery and in the
Greek church to take vaccines they know to be poison.
Prince Charles and Camilla have made frequent official or state
visits to Greece.
Prince Charles has also made many visits to Mount Athos, specifically
to Vatopedi monastery and is close to the Abbot Efraim.
It is the prosecutor of the Vatopedi land corruption case, Efstathia
Spyropoulou, who was given the proofs of the massive violations in my
case, in AP 372, sent by Larisa court in February 2016.
I do not believe it is an accident that Spyropoulou who let Prince
Charles friend, the Abbot of Vatopedi, off the hook for a massiuve
crime also engaged in massive violations at the Supreme Court level
to crush the evidence.
These are documented in the Appeal.
This resulted in the Supreme Court ordering a new investigation being
Spyropoulou, Efraim, Theodekti, Ieronymos and Orthodox clergy and
Prince Charles, Queen, Andrew, William and Harry and their royal
staff should be questioned about their communications with each other
over the St John s Monastery, the crimes there and the cover up and
their knowledge of the Covid vaccines.
It should be remembered I grew up in London, went to Edinburgh
University and worked mainly for British mainstream media. I am a
dual Irish citizen and Irish citizens have more or less the same
rights as British citizens as part of a reciprocal agreement.
Key witness Theoktisti is a British citizen.
How come the UK embassy in Athens, with its intelligence officers,
media officers, don t know about what has been going on in the
monastery were she is and all the proofs in the prosecutor probes?
It s their job to ensure the safety of their citizens. They cannot
say she never asked for help and that is why they did nothing. Many
victims of crimes are too frightened to ask for help because they
fear reprisals.
That is well known.


The fomer Greek royal family should be asked about what she knows
about these probes, the proofs against Soros, Gates and Trump, Greek
Orthodox clergy and Prime Ministers they have dealings with?

If the various members not know about them, if they claim ignorance,
then they may be guilty of negligance and manslaughter through
negligence. It is their moral, though not their legal duty as the
British royal family, as former monarchs to the head of state to know
of threats to the Greek public including those of a bioweapons
injection plot documented in the prosecutor probes in Greece.
His daughter married the King of Spain and is Queen Sophie of Spain,
and her family and staff also should be questioned along with other
royals families in Europe, who are mostly related through descent
from Queen Victoria as well as the former royal families the
Hohenzollerns in Germany and the Habsburgs in Austria for they jhave
retained enormous influence behind the scienes.
Prince George of Prussia uses the very same lawfare tactics of Simos
Samaras to try to silence historians reporting on how his grandfather
helped Hitler to obtain power. His motive is also avarice. He wants
to have about 300 million euros of former Hohenzollern property
confiscated precisely for the family s role in helping Hitler
I urge the BRICS to make laws to have all their property confiscated,
every last hectare, also of all the major German and Austrian
artistocratic families, most of whom had to take loans from the
bankster, especially the Rothschilds, to survive from the 19century
and who have become the banksters like Soros, a hedge fund manager,
willing instruments in all their plots, including their bioweapons


Key suspects in Greece, of course, are Alexis Tsipras and Kyriakos

Mitsotakis and their respective Justice Ministers and Supreme Court
top tier as well as the US ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and Pfizer CEO
Albert Bourla.
At the Supreme Court, Athens, key witnesses Efstathia Spyropoulou,
prosecutor at the Supreme Court, assigned the case in february 2016
who continued with the cover up.
She had a high profile in the case opened over the so called Vatopedi
land scandal, when a monastery on Mount Athos, Vatopedi, allegedly
swindled the Greek state of billion of euros of land with help of
then Greek PM Kosta Karamanlis, who rolled out the Greek pandemic
plan 2009 every single Greek a vaccine swine flu since proven to give
people narcolepsy, and which had a 3% take up in Greece.
Her son alleged worked for a top banker implicated in the Greek and
Cyprus national debt scandal in 2009.
Another key witness is Vasiliki Thanou, former President of the
Supreme Court, who became Tsipras personal legal advisor after she
retired. Her secretary told me she had seen a letter from the Justice
Ministry with my name on it when I went to the Supreme Court in April
2016 with more evidence and was directed to Thanou s office by other
officials. Thanou was not there.
Also to be questioned should be Supreme Court prosecutor Anna Zairi
came to Larisa court in autumn of 2016, when Pyatt took up residence
in the US embassy in Athens and who I was told by court officials was
behind the latest cover up, and who I managed to see about my case,
but who did nothing, as well as the next Supreme Court president
Xenia Dimitriou appointed under the tenure of Pyatt.
The lawyer Eleni Matraki put her name and address on the appeal
although she had been caught red handed of giving me deliberately the
wrong court date for the same trials in March 13th 2021 so that I
would miss the trial and be found guilty in absentia.
This one week after she gave a talk on the TED platform linked to
Bill Gates in Larisa as can be seen on her social media accounts.
She should be questioned on this and asked how she who supposed to be
helping me to defend myself in the probe with damning evidence
against Gates and Soros, chosen, for no particular apparent reason,
to be a part of a TED Talk in larisa one week earlier allowing her to
burnish her credentials and boost her image. As she shares an office
with her father Theodore, the head of the family law firm, and her
brother Athanasios, the second in command, and sister Olympia, it is
not possible she did this without all their agreement. Indeed, the
family seems to have received large sums of money, including 30,000
euros they used to buy a tractor.


All the top Greek Orthodox clergy should be prosecuted as it is
proven they were fully informed of the criminal charges on April 22nd
2015 already and have joined in with Soros and Gates, specifically
the Bishop of Volos, the superior to Theodekti.
Abbess Theodekti can perhaps best be characterized by avarice and
ambition. Her role in this crime, which has advanced to result in the
injection also of millions of Greeks, including children, shows her
character to be vile, remorseless and callous.
Most wicked has been her readiness to give all the nuns, including
the witnesses who can talk out against her and the Bishop and others,
the Covid injections. Locals says she would not let them reopen the
monastery until every one of them had taken two injections, holding
them hostage economically.
This backed by the Bishop of Volos.
A video from April 2021, shortly after they were all coerced to take
the injections shows two nuns especially in extreme pain and sickness
forced to chant for the friends of Theodekt and the Soros and Gates
circle in Greece. Despite the visible signs of extreme pain,
Theodekti uses hand signals to coerce them to make more effort
But let us be clear. This poisoning of the witnesses has been done
with the approval of Soros and Gates and co conspirators.
Their callous indifference to their victims, whose calculated,
premeditated cruelty, lies and evil will surely earn them the title
of the most wicked people who have ever lived.
Another monastery which hosted witness Kirsten Funke who gave
testimony showing Theodekti s slander against me was lies has also
been targetted for injections, the Three Holies monastery on Mount
A high profile professor of medicine was appointed priest in both
monasteries in early 2022 to enforce injections. His wife, a doctor,
appears on Greek TV encouraging children to take the Covid jab. Itis
to be assumed that he will, under the instructions of Soros, Gates
and the Royals, seek to give the witnesses as many injections as he
can to kill them while feigning to help them.
This dreadful crime is being repeated all over the monasteries of
Greece. The Bishop of Volos has forbidden priests to discuss the
Covid jabs and is summoning them one by one to coerce them to take
the jab or lose their job and salary, which many depend on to feed
their families, again a crime being repeated all over Greece.


As EC President, von der Leyen is obliged to go through the official

documents and correspondence of her predecessor, Juncker, and absorb
vital, relevant information, also about epidemic vaccines etc and the
threats against reporters like myself giving factual information. For
her not to do so is, at best, negligent.
I also emailed her and her staff to draw attention to the prosecutor
proofs and cover ups.
Jean Claude Juncker, then European Commission President, sent me an
email in December 2015 in response to an letter to him asking him for
help protecting my life and right to free expression, referencing the
attempt at false imprisonment documented in D 15 218 and an exact
same type of attempt in Austria, then for reporting on the risks of
the swine flu vaccine in 2009, which resulted in the culprit also
being charged by police, specifically Lukas Kenner.
Unlike Juncker, she never replied to my email, drawing her attention
to the many attempts at my false imprisonment by Greek government
officials for warning people Covid injections were part of a plot.
Instead, she appears to have decided to engage in a campaign of
deception, omission and false marketing ny totally ignoring all the
proofs Juncker and his staff (several of whom emailed me) of a
criminal plot had collected.

She and her staff should be asked to produce all their records and

Remaining completely silent about these proofs, also the statenment

by Sir John Bell on C4 TV in August 2020 that the AZ jab was designed
to sterilize, she proceeded as EC President in 2020 to order billions
of doses of Covid injections mainly from AstraZeneca and Pfizer,
BioNtech, and to launch a Europe wide vaccine campaign from early
Von der Leyen has refused to give the EU Watchdog her personal sms
which she exchanged with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
It is not clear if von der Leyen and Bourla discussed the way
AstraZeneca s Covid vaccine had just failed to gain the anticipated
approval in the USA in December 2020 because of the attention on the
social media which the statement of its developper Sir John Bell that
it was designed to sterilize was getting.
An email I sent to the FDA Chief Stephan Hahn in December 2020
underlining the legal significance of this statement, and which I
posted in my now fourthempireblogspot, blog was also sent to the
European Union s counterpart regulator, the EMA as well as the UK
regulato and others.
Yet despite receiving this information, the EU and UK regulators gave
the green light to AstraZeneca s Covid vaccine.
The UK regulator has admitted to receiving 3 million in funds from
Bill Gates.
The head of the EMA, Emma Cooke, is a former member of WHO, of whom
Gates is the second biggest funder. Some funding link can reasonably
be assumed.
The key point is that they were warned at least once by myself in an
email about the risk that AZ s Covid vaccine is designed to sterilize
people covertly and they ignored the warnings in breach of their duty
of care obligations. That makes them criminally liable for
prossecution along with von der Leyen and other members of the EC,
the EU and UK regulators for the many, perhaps millions of deaths,
caused by the AZ jab in Europe.
The exact number can only be determined by an investigation because
of the determined effort to hide, misinterpret and suppress
information about the side effects of the AZ and Pfizer jab by the EC
and EMA. This despite the fact, the jab is being given as part of a
clinical trial which requires accurate and up to date and independent
surveillance and reporting, which cannot be only left in th hands of
AZ and Pfizer due to obvious conflicts of interest.
By contrast, the FDA appears to have abandoned the plan to authorize
AZ s Covid vaccine after Bell s statement received so much attention
knowing that if and when victims of any damage emerged, they would
have a trump card to play in US courts.
For, if there is any expert witness who can be expected to testify
accurately about the AZ Covid vaccine, then it its developper, a
distinguished scientist at Oxford, knighted by the Queen. Any jab
damage in the USA would, therefore, have be seen as the effect of
what Bell and others at AZ, including the vaccine funder, Gates, said
he wanted to cause, namely sterilization.
Yet, the FDA top echelon did know about the statement in December
2020 from my email at least, and could and should have issued an
official warning on its website to the EC and UK regulators. They are
therefore libable for joining in a conspiracy to give the jab to
Europeans and British people and other people around the world, also
in India and Africa.

The contract to process vaccine adverse events reports on VAERS was

given to a private company CSRA by the Trump administration in 2018.
CSRA is, in turn, owned by General Dynamics. James Mattis essentially
took leave from GD to become Trump s Defence Secretary and oversee
the military arm of the Billionaires plot before rejoining GV in 2019
to oversee, and indeed, cover up VAERS records of the deaths from
that same plot as I discuss below.
VAERs is run by a private contractor owned by General Dynamics on
whose board James Mattis, Trump s Defence Secretary in 2017, when the
crimes documented in E 17 449 were committed by him and his officials
in the White House.
What did Mattis know about this?
As President, Trump did not soil his own hands and fly to Greece and
drive to Larisa police station, court and get everyone occupying
position in government on board.
He used his subordinates in government, almost certainly, his son in
law, Jared Kushner, and daughter Ivanka, officially advisors with
offices inside the White House from which they conducted business as
US government officials claiming the entire weight of the US
govenment behind their actions and crimes.
Are we to believe Mattis knew nothing about all this when a former
collegaue of his from Marine Division One John Kelly was Chief of
Staff at the time?
Is it believable that his actions and policies as Defence Secretary
just so happened to be consistent with the plot and scheme of Bill
Gates and George Soros, including using millions of dollars of
Pentagon funds to make Covid more lethal in Wuhan, in collaboration
with Fauci and Peter Daszak, and setting up Operation Warp Speed to
ensure the efficient production and implementation of the Covid
injections, in collaboration with Fauci and Gates, to 300 million
Americans in 100 days, which was the original plan?
What makes it unbelievable that Mattis did not know is the role
Mattis has played on the board of the company which owns the
contractor processing the reports of the adverse events to those same
injections which Mattis himself made such a decisive contribution in
authorizing as Trump s Defence Secretary.
Mattis also sat on the board of Theranos whose chief executives are
now on trial for massive fraud and false claims in connection to a
blood test. To hide evidence, they have deleted a key database of
blood tests.
Why did General Dynamics rehire Mattis as a board member in 2018 when
they got the contract to supervise VAERS given his record at Theranos
for which Mattis lobbied even when he was within the military?
Was it not precisely because GD, FDA, CDC all knew they could rely on
Mattis to join in a conspiracy to hide, falsify and manipulate
medical data from his record at Theranos, and to use his contacts in
the Pentagon to further this fraud?

We do not know if Mattis or other members of the GD board or other

participants have shares in Pfizer and Moderna, and stand to make a
fortune from hiding the adverse events of Pfizer and Moderna to allow
the companies to make false claims. We do not know if bribe money has
flowed or blackmail material has been used.
But we do now Mattis now has charges far more serious to answer than
those concerning Theranos.

How can we explain this failure on the part of so many individuals

and institutions to stop the Covid injections despite all the deaths
and injuries? If they are independent, neutral, scientists, as they
claim, one or other would have raised a red flag, whether it is
Anthony Fauci or Rochelle Walensky or Janet Woodcock or Biden s
science advisor or even Bill Gates himself, the main bank roller of
the scheme.
Not a single one has.
They all repeat the same message and false claim day in day out that
the data are positve, the vaccines are safe and effective, that they
are the only way out of the Covid pandemic
They all omit to mention the same facts day in and day out, shown by
the OpenVaers data.
A side presentation by CDC and FDA officials in 2020, including Steve
Anderson, showed a slide for a split second of all the side effects
which the FDA anticipated from the Covid vaccine, including deaths,
heart attacks, multiple organ inflammation for children, given a
special name and code, two months before the Covid vaccine campaign
was launched in the USA.
Yet the public was not informed of the list of dangerous side effects
anticipated by the FDA or CDC despite a requirement to obtain
informed consent for what is a phase three clinical trial experiment.
The very fact that the slide appeared for only a split second shows
the intention on the part of the FDA and CDC officials to deceive,
hide and dissemble the true facts, known to them, in order to be able
to sell the Covid vaccine to the public on the basis of false claims,
downplaying the risks and overstating the benefits.

Knowing in advance that these side effects, deaths would occur

because of the vaccine, the FDA and CDC changed the definition of
"vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" in order to have a flimsy pretext to
say the side effects, which their own slide showed they knew or
anticpated would be caused by the Covid vaccines, had nothing to do
with the vaccine to continue to deceive the public.
Buried in CDC reports on the side effects related to vaccines is the
definition of "unvaccinated" as all people who have had one dose of
Pfizer or Moderna vaccines and all people who have two doses of
vaccines of these vaccines. All such people officially count as
unvaccinated in the CDC and FDA data because they are officially part
of an experiment and the experiment choses this definition. It is
only after 14 days have elasped for all people who have taken or two
doses of Pfizer and Moderna that they count as "fully vaccinated" or
"vaccinated" in the sense in which the CDC and other officials like
Fauci use it.
Unvaccinated according to the standard, general, commonly accepted
and accurate defintion refers to all those people in a subset of a
group who have not been vaccinated or given any injection.
That is how not just how the general public would understand the term
unvaccinated but most doctors and scientists who are not familiar
with the special definition of this specific experimental protocol.
If the CDC, FDA do choose to make use of the term unvaccinated in
sucha radically unscientific way as to influce all the people in the
subgroup vaccinated who have received one or both injections until an
arbitrary timelineof 14 days has elapsed, they have an obligation to
make it clear to the public and place disclaimers all over their
reports and website. In fact, these vital definitions, vital for
interpreting the AEs are placed in footnotes. The purpose seems to be
that no one notices what can only be called scientific fraud.
Is it a conincidence that the FDA, CDC and NIAID have all suddenly
abandoned the scientific method and failed to notice their glaring
When so many key people are involved in actions which so radically
depart from standard science and the law, there can be only one
explanation. They are instruments of Billionaires placed in these
positons well in advance to further their plot.
The very existence of a plot, a scheme, a plan means the Billionaires
had time to organize the resources and personnel to carry out that
plot, recruit helpers and distribute them among key positions in
governmment, science and media.
Since this scheme was formulated in secret, there was no immediate
pressure for them to execute it until they were ready to do so.
Indeed, we do see a tiny group of people at the core of this plot.
Placed into the leading position at the top of their respective
organization, they issue instructions to the lower echelons which
further the plot.


What crimes
could Soros, Gates and all their instruments be charged with by
prosecutors in 2022?
Part of the discovery process of the trials will involve obtaining
documents, emails and record which shed light on their activities.
Key is that we have established a plan, a plot, a conspiracy to start
the trial and investigation process.
Two criminal probes opened by prosecutors in Larisa, Greece,
· D 15 218 in April 2015
· E 17 449 in May 2017
and others
contain evidence
· Bill Gates
· George Soros
are the the brains, the authority, the principal funders, planners
and organizers of the cornavirus virus and vaccine crisis using a
campaign of deceptive marketing, omission and misrepresentation
Donald Trump, Jared Kusher, Joe and Hunter Biden, Alexander Zamyslov
and Nathan Wolfe
among many others
function as instruments of that broad plan conceived by Soros, Gates
and other Billionaires.
This plan
· to engineer lethal diseases also using a network of bio labs run
by contractors like Metabiota
· to implement global campaigns of injections designed to kill and
injure under emergency rules with the help of WHO, of which Gates is
the second biggest funder,has been executed several times and each
event constitutes a crime.
· Baxter bird flu contamination scandal in Austria in 2009
· Swine flu vaccine in 2009
· Ebola in West Africa in 2014
· Ebola in DR Congo in 2018 to 2020
· Ebola in Dr Congo in 2021
· Covid in the world in 2020
· Covid injections to billions the world from end 2020 until now
That means, all instruments can be charged with all or most of these
crimes as participants, though the extent of the degree of guilt and
the specific contribution each ndividual made in their particular
field has to beexamined.

Let me focus on the Covid crimes and possible charges.

The actual extent of the damage and injuries and deaths Soros and
Gates have inflicted on others is still unknown, and may well only
become apparant with time. Much effort has been made by them to hide
it. The discovery process during trials should reveal more about
their activities as they and their instruments will be forced to turn
over documents, records as well as testify.
The have used new technologies like mRNA vaccines.
Credible reports have come of the presence of metals in the vaccines,
also from Japan whose government found magnetic metals in the jabs.
Doctors and researchers have found graphene like structures in the
vials and blood of people who took the jabs.
Graphene is a super conductor and interacts with WIFI fields.
Is there a way to influence people's behaviour.
Notable are the investments of Gates in cell tower operators.
Much research is needed to uncover the full scale of damage of their
Covid crimes and write the full indictments against Soros, Gates and
their instruments.
The contents of vials have to be examined.
The blood of victims studied.
The government and hospital and insurance statistics.
There are perhaps 1000s of peer reviewed studies in the meantime of
the link between the vaccine.
Each country has been somewhat differently impacted.
About three billion people have been injected so far as of September
2021 with these risky vaccines under emergency use provisons. The
reports of deaths immediately afterwards have been large, reaching
record levels if we look at OpenVaers, for example. But it is to be
feared these are the tip of the iceberg.
We can can say that the OpenVaers data constitute proof of mass
murder and injuries of around 20 million Americans alone as of end
March 2022.
That number of reports of deaths is roughly THREE times that for all
the vaccines for the previous 30 years at 26,369 Covid vaccine
reported deaths out of a total of 35,763.
The number of reports of hospitalizations is roughly TWO times as
many as for all the other vaccines for the previous 30 years,
according to OpenVaers reports, at 145, 781 versus 228,059.
As a passive surveillance system, OpenVaers carries on its website an
estimate it collects only 1% of actual events. It cites a study
called the Lazarus Report.
When we multiply the %1 reported adverse events 26,396 and 145,781,
respectively, by 100, using the method supplied by OpenVaers we come
to 2,639,600 and 14,578,100 million.
That is
2,639,600 million murders
14,578,100 million injuries resulting in hospitalization.
Then, there are all the other injuries.

On January 7th 2022, the report numbers stood at

an increase of about 5000 and 30, 000 in about ten weeks.

Through June 11th 2021, there were 5,993 reported deaths post Covid
vaccine according to OpenVaers.

That means there are almost as many reports of deaths, circa 65%,
after Covid vaccines in the first two months of 2022 as there were in
the the first six months of the Covid vaccine campaign in the USA,
which started in December 2020.

This suggests the damage from the vaccine is growing over time.

By comparison, the experimental swine flu vaccine programme in 1976

in the USA was stopped when there were only about 150 reports of
serious injuries and deaths.


These injections are given as part of a loophole for experiments and

emergencies. But even under this loophole, Pfizer and othrs are
required to alert the public and stop the jabs immediately when
evidence of deaths and injuries come to light.They have not done so.

This document has only now come to light after legal action

Especially grave is that the clear, scientific link established

between the deaths and injuries by the statistical association is
being denied by the instruments of Soros and Gates in the US
government, specifically Fauci and the CDC head Rochelle Walensky.

Conspiracy to prepare a plan to mass murder Americans using
injections and carrying out that plan from end 2020 to kill of injure
about 30 million people, including children

Particularly grave is that so many children have been given the

vaccine despite studies showing they have natural immunity and almost
no healthy children have died from Covid, which is, infact the flu.

Children are now having heart attacks and strokes.

So are many young people who were perfectly healthy before.

Conspiracy to hide, conceal, obscure the mass murder Americans using
injections to continue carrying out that plan from end 2020 to kill
of injure about 30 million people
Covid vaccines refers to the entire class of vaccines given under
emergency use authorization as experimental vaccines or treatments
believed to help prevent Covid but without any proof of safety or
efficacy. As part of that authorization, the regulatory authorities
CDC, FDA in the USA, the EMA, are required along with the vaccine
manufactuters to collect data on the vaccines side effects, and stop
the rollout when evidence of deaths mount.
Not only do Bill Gates and George Soros deny responsibility for this
public health disaster, they and their instruments continue to
encourage and even also to force people to take these injections
using a campaign of deception, omission and misleading statements
which they issue themselves or have the media they fund issue.

Conspiracy to refuse treatment and help to victims of their
As a result of the campaign of concealment, obfuscation and denial,
people who are sick and dying from the injection are being denied
Americans especially face gigantic medical costs if they have become
sick from the jab, costs which they must pay out of their own pocket
or through insurance if they have it and if the insurance covers
their illnesses.
We do not know how many tens of millions of Americans may be severely
sick from these vaccines or getting sick, who urgently need
Experience shows that whenever a bioweapon is produced so is a cure.
Cures to the injections have been proposed including using magnets to
pull apart any graphene or metallic particles, found by the Japanese
government in Moderna jabs, and then using seaweed to remove the
particles naturally to baths using ingredients used to handle
radioactive poisoning and other extreme poisoning as, for example, by
Dr Carrie Madej. Dr Madej was banned from Twitter for posting up the
ingredients although she never specifically mentioned their use for
Covid vaccines.
What we need are proper trials to find effective cures immediately.
Many people s lives may still be saved.

Conspiracy to deny people safe and effective medicines for Covid.
Ivermection was denied to people by WHO and Western governments
despite the evidence it was safe and effective in India to coerce
people to take the Covid jab.
Mention of their safety and efficacy is censored. People have
allegedly been banned from Twitter and other social media for citing
peer reviewed studies showing ivermectin is safe and effective.

Conspiracy to sterilize billions of people around the world
The clear and public statement of Oxford Professor and Gavi member
John Bell to Jon Snow that the purpose of the AstraZeneca coronavirus
vaccine is to sterilize entire populations as proven by the statement
of Sir John Bell, a professor of medicine at Oxford University, who
developed AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine, with funds from Gates,
made from timepoint 8 15 in a Channel4 interview with Jon Snow on
24th August 2020, which can be seen at the link below.
This statement alone shows that the Covid vaccine campaign is the
most horrible and extensive mass poisoning and sterilization
operation in history.
Any jab damage by the AZ Covid jab must, therefore, be seen as
intended effect of what Bell said he wanted to cause, namely
The FDA appears to have abandoned the plan to authorize AZ s Covid
vaccine after Bell s statement received so much attention knowing
that if and when victims of any damage emerged, they would have a
trump card to play in US courts.
For, if there is any expert witness who can be expected to testify
accurately about the AZ Covid vaccine, then it its developper, a
distinguished scientist at Oxford, knighted by the Queen.
The statement of Professor John Bell is enough to charge Bill and
Melinda Gates and their personal agents at their Foundation -- no
board, no outside directors, no oversight although plans to change
this were announced by the Foundation at the end of May 2021 --,
with murders, tortures, and other atrocities committed under the
pretext of medical care for funding and promoting the AstraZeneca
vaccine as well as funding and supporting media fgiures like Jon Snow
engaged in a campaign of misrepresentation as well as funding WHO
whose officials who have been complicit in this vast conspiracy.
But it is the number of deaths and injuries following AZ, which may
amount to tens of millions, even 100s of millions around the world,
which is the real crime.

Conspiracy to fund and run, also using instrument Metabiota, a
private public partnership of secretive bioweapons research and
development programme in bio labs around the world, including Ukraine
We now know the extent to which Gates funded EcoHealth Alliance, NIH
and Pentagon were involved in secret Covid gain of function research
in Wuhan.
Hunter Biden and Goldmann Sachs funded Metbiota in the Ukraine.

Conspiracy to coerce people to take the injection using illegal

Conspiracy to run a media campaign of misrepresentation, false claims
and omissions to lure people to take the jab

As part of that conspiracy to run a media campaign of
misrepresentation, false claims and omissions to lure people to take
the jab, a conspiracy to falsely imprison and murder a reporter,
myself, as documented in criminal probes opened by prosecutors in
Larisa, Greece,
· D 15 218 in April 2015
· E 17 449 in May 2017
and other probes
cover up those crimes to repeat them using corrupt justice officials
and massive violations of due process.
Including poisoning key witnesses.
Witnesses in probes named have been given, at least, two doses of
the Covid vaccine under duress in 2021, and possiblly more in 2022,
something which can be intepreted in the context of the evidence of
these probes as poisoning of witnesses, specifically
have been given, at least two, possible several doses as part of
first degree, pre meditated poisoning to remove witnesses, who could
give testimony against their instruments and them.

Conspiracy to prepare and plan more bioweapons plots



I have made no money out of my reports as can be shown, for example,

from her Deutsche Bank accounts which are a part of D 15 218 and
which show I received no income, transfers for the entire time she
was reporting facts and analysis on the Ebola false flag in 2014,
2015, as is the case for most of the past 14 years. All my reporting
is based on in depth research of documents, and fact based and so
protected by freedom of speech and media laws.
I have written for mainstream publications (Nature, The Scientist,
the British Medical Journal) on the subject of medicine and science.
In 2001, I wrote a report for The Guardian on a spray developped in
Vienna, Austria, to counter anthrax. I have no criminal record, not
even points from her driving license. I have no strong political
views, belong to no political party, have no membership in any club
or society. My parents had no strong political views.
My father was conscripted on his 18th birthday in September 1942 into
the German army. He had no choice like others. He was given a special
Matura certificate on his birthday when he was still at school in the
Schottengymnasium in Vienna. Because he could ski and mountain climb,
was blond, blue eyed and tall, he was assigned to the Mountain
Division of the SS. He had no choice. He was sent to Finland after
three months traning in 1943 where he served the entire war until he
was injured in 1945 and was evacuated to a hospital in Germany before
being sent to fight in the Ardennes.
During this period, his father, who had also been conscripted into
WW1 and fought in the Italian Alps, was frquently threatened with
imprisonment by the Nazis for his criticism of the Nazis based on his
Christian convictions. He oppsoed the annexation of Austria by Hitler
in 1938 was classified as an opponent and put under surveillance by
the Gestapo.
Some of his army friends with whom her served in WW1 in Italy had
links to officers involved in the July 20th 1944 plot when Vienna was
captured by the anti Hitler forces for a short time. Many were
arrested and killed.
One of his ancestors was an admiral in the Austro Hungarian navy and
based in Trieste, Italy. But all other members of the family were not
professional soldiers but conscripts.
Many were interested in art and theatre. One was the actress Romy
Not a single member of my familty was a member of the Nazi Party or
voluntarily joined any Nazi German organization.
After the war, my father studied economics at Vienna and Innsbruck
University and obtained a doctorate. He went on to work mainly in
accountancy and finance in various corporations including Swiss Air
in Zurich which is why I happen to have been born there.
I give these details because there is a concerted attempt to suggest
to people that if you are Austrian, have an Austrian father who
served in the war or in the frontline units of the SS, you must be a
Nazi when the facts of conscription, annexation are ignored.
This slanderous campaign has been directed at me as other opponents
of Soros and Gatesespecially offensive as nothing could be further
from the truth. I consider Nazi especially malignant and also
sollipsitic to the point of being insane as they have convictions
about things like their superiority and the need to kill other people
to save the planet, which are never proven by a shred of evidence,
something which does not even to strike them as a problem.
I completely understand President Vladimir Putin and the Russians get
fed up by being called right wing, Nazi, Hitler when they oppose the
real Nazis, including a Ukrainian government iunstalled by a coup by
a Nazi collbaorator, George Soros, as he admitted on Sixty Minutes
and used and still uses Nazi brigades as part of their armed forces
as verified by the BBC, including the AZOV brigade.
I have been the target of a coordinated smear campaign by media,
largely funded by Bill Gates and George Soros, of which the Tampa Bay
Times defamatory piece in 2014 is only one following other defamatory
pieces in Geermany s Bild in 2009, Le Monde Diplomatique and Austria
s Profil among other media designed to discredit and disparage me to
deflect from the facts I am reporting.
Protecting lives is my motivation. As a Christian, I believe every
single person is created in the image and likeness of God and of
absolute value. I do not like to see suffering inflicted on people. I
believe this is the case for so many others who have tried to warn
people of the dangers of the Covid vaccines despite threats,
defamation and other penalties. I do not like lies, trickery and
deceit . I do not like dictators, tyrants and bullies like so many
others. I value the truth and freedom, fairness and the rule of law
as do most other people, I believe.


The threat that I poses to their plan is not due to any power I have
has or money or organization. It is due to the virtual monoply on the
coverage of epidemics and vaccines, and other issues, which Gates and
Soros have acquired. People must not know the true facts if they are
to take the vaccine, encourage others or accept it as a condition of
work. The pseudo science, false claims and deceptive marketing is
repeated and amplified by the media they control through 100s of
millions of dollars of grants.
What Soros and Gates are accused of in the probes in Greece is of a
plan and a design, to which Soros and Gates are fanaticaly committed,
to censor, silence, stop any information, facts reaching the public
about their plot to annihilate billions using bioweapons.
They show Soros and other Billionaires are ready to use any criminal
methods to establish a global machinery of media censorship. Whoever
they cannot buy, they smear and attempt to murder repeatedly,
specifically myself.
When caught, they are willing to use any criminal methods to corrupt
the justice system. They can do this by using their political tools.
While these vaccines are being given under the empty formal shell of
an experiment and an Emergency Use Authorization, a closer
examination shows that they are bioweapoins.
Especially grave is that these experimental vaccines can only legally
be given under informed consent.
The tremendous importance of the role played by propagansa in
carrying through the plans and objectives of Bill Gates and these
Billionaires in promoting the willingness of people to take a poison
sold as a cure cannot be exaggerated.
The development of the media as a weapon is the most important single
aspect of Gates project and the reason why the Foundation has given
more than 250 million dollars in grants to media to cover the theme
of global epidemics and vaccines in a way that favours the approach
of these Billionaires.
It is precisly that the proof that they use criminal methods as a
part of the machinery of that censorship of a plot that the Greek
probes and cover ups contains.
But censorship is essential to the plot.
For, the pseudo science, false claims and deception can only be kept
upright if they are not challenged by facts or the most vital facts
are not emphasized.
The true facts must be censored, obscured, hidden, denied because
they so damning. The true facts of a poison, a bioweapon cloaked as
an injection to be given to virtually all the people in the world
reveal a crime, a savage, beastial, evil plot that dwarfs every other
crime in history even the Nazi Germans crimes.
It shows that George Soros and Bill Gates are not a philanthropists
trying to save humanity, but some of the most muderous men who has
ever lived, plotting to kill 7 billion and more using especially, the
The true facts reveals people so steeped in falsehood and
fabrications that they play a personal role in going on TV to tell
people lies they knows to be lies to lure them to their death. It
exposes Gates and Soros as a men so motivated by personal enrichment
that they cannot even wait and even as their plot is underway, start
profiting from the economic and human misery he has inflicted on
billions, buying up stakes in companies. farm land and stakes, taking
advantage of rock bottom prices, adding billions to their fortunes.
Above all, the true facts provides the evidence for his prosecution
and imprisonment and the basis for his victims to claim their entire
fortune of billion s of dollars as compensation along with whatever
share his wife, Melinda, may get, now divorcing him, or which he may
seek to divert into off shore bank accounts or shell companies.
Knowing they were false, knowing the were fabrications, knowing that
journalists who sought to give the true facts suffered persecution
and murder attempts and Bill Gates was personally implicated
These proofs, used in a trials especially, offer a signal opportunity
to lay before the US and world public, and the world public, the true
cause of their present misery.
They will lay bare the real reason why the global economy has been
battered by Covid and Covid lockdowns, why tens of millions, if not
hundreds of millions, of people around the world have died or been
seriously injured by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid injections
especially as shown by US OpenVaers and UKHSA and PHS data.

 Their guilt is proven in relation to probes involving a

reporter, myself, giving the global public factual information
of public interest and so especially grave.

 If the Greek government officials had performed their official

duties and investigated the original probes under due process
and held trials on the basis of the proofs their own prosecutors
had collected, the bioweapons plot would almost certainly have
been stopped around 2016 and the Ebola and Covid crimes since
then in the DR Congo and in China and the rest of the world
would most likely have been prevented altogether.

 By covering up the original crimes with more crimes, the Greek

government has allowed the US Billionaires plot to advance and
cause devastation around the globe.

 The threat is ever present.

 It is not possible to sanction the US government and force it to

comply with the BCW Treaty effectively.

 But it is possible to prosecute on the basis of these proofs as

private individuals key actors behind a global criminal
conspiracy to use these bioweapons which have led to millions of
deaths also in the USA and so forestall more crimes.

 It is possible to use the global golden standard of

international law and due process for fair and objective trials.

 What is lacking is political and diplomatic power to actually

put them on trial and have them convicted, and jailed.

The paralysis, failure and corruption of the justice system has let
these Billionaires off the hook and allowed them to advance their
plot when they could and should have been prosecuted and convicted
under due process years ago and the plot stopped altogether.
The globe must ask whether the law is so weak as to be utterly
helpless to deal with crimes of this magnitude by criminals of this
order of importance when they are so few and their network so
relatively small and when their goal is to make sick and kill every
single person.
When so much is at stake, when the very future of humanity is at
stake, when even babies and children are being given this dangerous
poison in large numbers, then people can expect action to protect
their lives. They can expect that attorney generals, law enforcement
take action so that people can live in safety,
They have a right to expect the Billionaires and the key figures in
this plot to be held to account. They have a right to compensation.
Their victims have a right to treatment and to see funding for cures
made a priority.
The Greek government has acted purposefully to hamper, and is
continuing to act deliberately, to prevent the prosecution and
conviction of Soros and Gates almost certainly at their instigation
and using their instrument in Greece, US ambasssador Geoffrey Pyatt.
The Greek government is liable for the many grave harms, and the
single, a priori harm of violating the Constitution and EU human
rights, caused by its deliberate, willful, malicious, premeditated
plot and scheming to cover up the crimes of Soros and Gates and also
falsely imprison a reporter exposing their crimes.
The failure of the justice officials to follow the law is a hideous
crime and a dangerous failure. The paralysis, failure and corruption
of the justice system has let these Billionaires off the hook and
allowed them to advance their plot when they could and should have
been prosecuted and convicted under due process years ago and the
plot stopped altogether.
The globe must ask whether the law is so weak as to be utterly
helpless to deal with crimes of this magnitude by criminals of this
order of importance when they are so few and their network so
relatively small and when their goal is to make sick and kill every
single person in the world.
When so much is at stake, when the very future of humanity is at
stake, when even babies and children are being given this dangerous
poison in large numbers, then people can expect action to protect
their lives. They can expect that prosecutors and judges to take
action so that people can live in safety,
They have a right to expect the Billionaires and the key figures in
this plot to be held to account. They have a right to compensation.
Their victims have a right to treatment and to see funding for cures
made a priority.
That is why Russia, China, India and other countries can and should
now place sanctions on Greece and other countries countries,
specifically USA and Austria, for engaging in massive violations of
rights and media freedom.
These sanctions could include

 Ruble sanctions

 sanctions on commodities

 diplomatic sanctions
By tying access to rubles, energy, and markets to prosecution,
Russia, China and India can leverage their economic and diplomatic
power for the good of the entire world.
Russia amd China can use these proofs to obtain the conviction of
Soros and Gates in Greece in one month if a due process investigation
is carried in Greece.
Potential plots like this can best be forestalled and stopped
altogether by the trials of Soros, Gates and their instruments using
the probes already opened by prosecutors in Greece.
Their entire network could be dismantled.
These proofs, used in a trials especially, offer a signal opportunity
to lay before the world public, the true cause of their present
They will lay bare the real reason why the global economy has been
battered by Covid and Covid lockdowns, why tens of millions, if not
hundreds of millions, of people around the world have died or been
seriously injured by AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid injections
especially as shown by US OpenVaers and UKHSA and PHS data.
Quick action is needed to forestall these crimes and other crimes.
The magnitude of the danger we face is only eclipsed by the magnitude
of the danger of a repeat of this plot.
Bill Gates is already talking about another epidemic, a talking point
repeated by his instrument Angela Merkel and others.
When we know the true facts that the epidemics are part of a plot,
then we can see that Gates is actually talking in cloaked terms about
a plan to gain time, regroup, target opposition, destroy resistance
using dirty tricks, and launch another lethal attack.
I believe that the truth, justice will prevail, that Gates, Soros,
members of the royal family and others will be prosecuted and
convicted, that truth and justice will prove to be greater than money
and wealth and a desire for the common good greater than the desire
for selfish personal gain.
I believe that is already the case in Russia and China were leaders
have emerged who wish to serve the people and not have the people
serve them as is evident by the only objective measure which counts,
namely, policies.
For if truth and justice do not prevail, the consequences for
humanity are unthinkable.
If Gates, Soros and other Billionaires succeed in continuing with
their bioweapons plot,diseases giving virtually the entire population
of the globe an injection of sterilizing agent and poison, humanity
will inevitably get sick and die out.
Our great and ancient civilisations, our science, philosophy, art,
music and great dreams of fair political systems, of freedom, justice
and peace and of a green and financial revolution to enable human
beings to live in harmony with nature will die with humanity.
Finally, I request asylum in a residence in Greece as well as
diplomatic help in maintaining my fair trial guarantees.
The criminal probes and cover ups show Soros and Gates are
fanatically determined to destroy me by whatever means they can. This
is increasingly the case as the world becomes aware of their crimes
and they want to destroy alll evidence and stop my appeal succeeding.
With your help I can continue fighting for my rights in the probes.
Speifically, I woul dlike to

 Reopen D 15 218

 Compel Soros, Gates and others sto terstify

 Reopen the Supreme Court Appeal of 2016

 Compel Simos Samaras, Geoffrey Pyatt and Christian Reitinger to
among others
I also am happy to offer any expertise or assistance which I can in
reviewing documents preparing indictments, giving advise on
biological security and writing reports.


Jane Burgermeister
Larisa, Greece

Table 1

Δ 15/218

Essential documents

Essential evidence

Jane Burgermeister s letter to Dr Sarah Wollaston and UK MPs

Dr Sarah Wollaston asks Jane Burgermeister to testify on UK s pandemic preparedness

Report Date File Person Content


Larisa police 22/04/1 Co signed by Jane Police record of criminal charges

record of charges 5 Burgermeister, two
filed investigating police
officers and translator

Police record of 22/04/1 Co signed by Jane

charges filed 5 Burgermeister, two
investigating police
officers and translator
Jane 22/04/1 Jane Burgermeister Charges
Burgermeister s 5 with fee receipt Page 1
number to become a
written in Greek “party”
Theodekti and Theoniki
with the help of
her then lawyer CRIME

Konstantinos FRAUD




attempt due to

reports on JB s

birdflu666 blog


meaning JB was sick to present facts

showing a plot by Billionaires like Bill
Gates and George Soros to depopulate
the globe using viruses and vaccines









Police report, 27/04/1 Co signed by Jane Report of the

5 Burgermeister, two attempt by
investigating police
Theodekti to bribe JB s then lawyer
officers and translator

that same day

Police report 02/05/1 1019/26/95 Police officer Vaios Record of call by police to Theodekti in
5 8a Papadimitroulas relation to her bribery attempt and to
warn her against phoning my lawyer

Police file 11.05.1 Police file Signed by Larisa Sent to prosecutors

5 number police chief Asterios
1.Original charges 22.04.2015
sent to the 2. Report of bribery attempt of JB s then
prosecutor's office, 1053 3 lawyer
Larisa 136-B
3. Evidence, including letter from the
Αναφορά doctor from 22.04.2015 with file number
Αστυνομίας 1053 3 136-A
Λάρισας, s file
Μάιος2015, ΑΠ
1053 3 136-B
Δ 15/218

Prosecutor's office 20.05.1 Police file File assigned to Stamp confirming receipt of police
5 number Christina Fasoula, the report and recording new file number
prosecutor on duty
when Christopoulos
Receipt 1053 3
reported the bribery
of the 136-B
attempt on 27 April
file sent
s file
Δ 15/218
Police record of 31/07/1 Δ 15 /218 Police officers Report naming George Soros, Bill
receipt of my more 5 Evangelas Toutounas Gatesas persons withdiret personal
detailed report on and Sofias Mitsiou knowledge of JB s blog, in form of a
the events Tampa Bay Times report 13th August
translated by K. 2014 quoting from JB s birdflu6666 blog
ΑστυνομίαςΛάρισα outbreak/2192733/

ς, Ιούλιος 2015 a motive to have JB murdered for

ΑΠ 1053 3 136 exposing his links
to Ebola plot, and JBs letter to DrSarah
Wollaston, Chiar of UK Parliaments
Health Committee, and UK MPs
warning about the risks of Ebola
vaccines in connection with a “Right to
Try” law (Medical Innovation Bill( to
loosen regulations

which appeared to influence Mps to

stop the law and a call for UK Mps to
investigate Bill Gates and George
Soros as the first cause of their

action, that is, murder attempt

Police report, 31/07/1 Δ 15 /218 Jane Burgermeister,

5 handed over by
Greek translation
lawyer K.
Christopoulosy after
editing out about
three pages, including
JB naming George
Soros as person with
the biggest motive,
means and
opportunity to

try to silence JB on
account of her blog,
and mentioning the
meeting of and his
meeting with Werner

Police instructions 22/09/1 Δ 15 /218 Police chief Asterios Instructing police in Ajia to question a
on witnesses to be 5 Mantzokas fake person
Mantzokas is the Th Vallianatou
same police man who
along side the
sent the file with the
two culprits,
original charges and
bribery attempt to the Theodekti and Theoniki,
prosecutor's office in as witnesses
not under oath,

a biased and

non essential witness


Roula Kominou

and Theosemni

Police report Δ 15 /218 Ajia deputy police

chief, Andreas

Report 27/01/1 Δ 15/218 Jane Burgermeister Evidence

Αναφορά translated into Greek George Soros s Project Syndicate
εισαγγελέα by a court certified Report from September 2015
Λάρισας, translator
and Alexis Tsipras tweet proving both
Ιανουάριος 2016,
Δ 15/218
direct, personal,


of JB blog, reads it and copies from it

Plus January 4th 2016 letter from Dr

Sarah Wollaston inviting JB to testify on
UK pandemic preparedness

Letter December 2015 from then EC

President Jean Claude Juncker on
swine flu vaccines and freedom of

Prosecutor 04/08/1 Δ 15/218 Δ 15/218 Decision leaves out all the above
6 evidence, including only statements of
Kataria ΕΓΓ 16/72
accused made not under oath and full
Papaioannou s
of slanderous claims, inconsistencies,
JB s status chaneged to witness to
render her unable to defend herself or

ΕΓΓ 16/72 refers to Γ 16/508 a claim by

Theodekti that she had no knowledge of
JB s information, which JB showed to
be false by providing emails she sent
to Theodekti with specific information
on vaccines, Ebola etc
Table 2

Ε 17/449


Probe documents

E 17 /449 Documents Overview

*Annotated with notes in English and highlighted parts to help non Greek speakers navigate the

E 17 /449 Documents Overview

Email correspondence with Christina Fadeeva TV Producer "Premier Documentary Movie

Fellowship" Moscow working for state T

Email exchange in June 2016 to set up an interview in Larisa for a documentary on the subject of
articificial virus and epidemics in the USA, mentioning

· Bill Gates and George Soros

· FBI, "Bureau"

· Baxter case 2009

· swine flu 2009

· Ebola

· "technical ways of spreading Ebola epidemic ie through faulty diagnosic kits, equipment"

· the murder attempt against me in 2015

· Simos Samaras and his defamation charges against me

Email exchange over payment for JB interview and work on June 20th 2016 . Christina Fadeeva
did not pay any renumeration

H 17 44

Simos Samaras criminal charges at Larisa police on 16th Februay 2017 over JB s blog posts on

1)7th February 2017 criticising Trump (Simos Samaras was not mentioned)

2) 15th February 2017 relaying the allegations of Alexander Zamyslov that Jared Kushner and
other members of the Trump administration helped him obtain visas

referenced by Simos Samaras as the blog post which he saw on his computer for the first time on
16th February 2017

Page 1 The charges against JB signed by deputy police chief Giorgos Vasileos on 21st February
2017 and given the prosecutors file number H 17 44 on 24 February 2017

Page 3 - 12 Simos Samaras charges

Pages 13, 14, 15 Police records of his testimony at the police station on 16th February 2017

H17 44 became E 17 /449 after JB s testimony to the prosecutor in May proving charges over
Trump Russia blog post had no legal basis, fraudulent misrepresentation

JB s charges given file number E 17 /449

Page 6

JB s statement naming Jared Kushner and Trump as the people with the motive to suppress the
allegations of the "Russian journalist working for the Russian government made when I gave an
interview in Larisa in June 2016 on biological warfare" that Trump and Kushner are helping them

Actual date of submission is 24 July 2017 as shown by receipts of fees paid to file charges and
become a party

Prosecutors office gave the date 26 May 2017

Evidence attached

Page 44, copy of the registration of my new address Theotokopoulou 4 to 6,Larisa, vby Larisa
court on 4th April 2017
Page 45, the summons issued on 2nd May 2017 by the police magistrate, sent on 3rd May 2017
to my old address, Plapouta 1, ordering me to face allegations of crimes according to article 230 of
the criminal code by Simos Samaras at the police magistrates office at 11 am on Friday 5th May
2017 (over my blog posts on 7 th February 2017 and 15 February 2017 in which I relayed the
allegations of the Russian journalist about Kushner's help for visas

Pages 47 to 49 , copies of that the fees were paid to file charges and become a party to case E 16
489 and L 16 162 received on 24 7 2017.

Please note that file number E 16 489 is slightly different from E 17 /449 on the electronic form,
possibly because the court made a mistake but from the context, especially, the court stamp E 17
/449 on the first page of the charges, it is clear that JB is applying to file charges and become a
party in the heart of the matter described in E 17 /449.

I was, in fact, invited to testify as a party to E 17 /449 in November 2017

E 17 /449

Appeals prosecutor court decision 146 on 14 July 2017 instructing my charges to be investigated
at Larisa prosecutors office

E 17 /449 JB s testimony to Larisa police magistrate as a party

Note page 6 should be page 5,scanned in in wrong order

1) 23 November 2017 transcript

Final page (page 6 in ATTACHMENT) my statement that Trump and Kushner devised a criminal
plot to have JB arrested without due process because of JB s blog post on February 15 2017
relaying the allegations of the Russian journalist that Kushner, Mike Pence and Reince Priebus
helped him obtain visas

2) 30 November 2017 transcript

Final page (7) JB s statement that Trump and Kushner were motivated to attempt to have me
arrested using criminal means because they feared that JB s report relaying the allegations of the
Russian journalist about Kushner, Priebus and Pence help for visas would result in more intense
scrutiny of their Russia ties by the FBI

Note only first page (double sided of my testimony to prosecutors in May 2017 for H 17 44 which
had been folded into this file is scanned in as it is the only page JB can find but the content is more
or less the same as my charges E 17 /449 referenced in the testimony with the date 24.7.2017
when I paid the fees to become a party



AP 372 Report English

AP 372 Report Greek (this report was sent to the Supreme Court ,
Areios Pagos, n Athens in 2016 resulting in a new investigaition
which however was also suppressed)

Appeal to Indictment D 15 218 in ENG

Appeal Confirmation OF receipt
Appeal to Indictment D 15 218 in GR

Part Summary of Violations D 15218
and here

More documents here

Evidence Stichea 1-16

Evidence Stichea 17-32
Evidence Stichea 33-44

Evidence Στοιχείο Emails Areois Pagos, 47-66
and here

Gamma 16 508 Report Greek
Gamma 16 508 Evidence

DefamationChargesE17 378Eng

DefamationChargesE17 379Eng

DefamationChargesE17 378GR

DefamationChargesE17 379GR

Confirmation of my Appeal to E 17 379 (guilty) and E 17378 (innocent)

Contents of my Appeal to E 17 379 (guilty) and E 17378 (innocent)

Criminal charges over decision E 1739 and E 17 378 and prison


Invalid E 379 decision from February 18th 2022 delivered by Samaras

as Appeal still pending

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