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NPP: 32.0930

a. Using “and”
1. He often gets sick and doesn’t follow outine activities
2. He is very busy, and sometimes he forgets to do his homework
b. Using “but”
1. I want to join GAP,but I don’t know how to play an instrument
2. He wants o go to the canteen, but he doesn’t bring his wallet
3. He is often sleepy during the day, but he can’t sleep at night
c. Using “yet”
1. Praja often sleeps during class, yet their grades are always good
2. I hate tempeh, yet here I eat it almost every day
3. He is afraid of heights, yet he takes wall climbing extracurricular
d. Using “so”
1. I’m very short, so I always line up behind
2. I polish my shoes regularly, so they always look celan and shiny
3. He is active and critical in class, so his teaching grades are always good
e. Using “or”
1. He can eat his food, or he can give it to his friends
2. IPDN Praja wash his own clothes, or he can also use a laundry service
f. Using “for”
1. Praja go to the KSP canteen more often, for it’s more complete there
2. The KPN canteen is closed, for it’s quieter than other canteens
3. Praja must do everything on time, for IPDN teaches to always be disciplined in
g. Using “not”
1. He doesn’t wake up, nor does sleep either. (he doesn’t wake up. He doesn’t sleep
2. Praja does not curve, nor does it go to college. (Praja does not curve. Praja does not
go to college)

2. At 09.15 the class started, before starting the lesson, it started with a prayer led by the
class leader. During the lesson I listened more and only noted the important things that I
caught. When it's time for a question and answer session, my classmates and I will ask
things that are less accessible. Class lasts 1 hour 40 minutes. The class ended by reading
another prayer led by the class president.

Interesting themes are used as material for learning English in my opinion:

- Online education

- Global warming

- Covid-19

- Stress on student

- Academic dishonesty

- Violence at school

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