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Page 181 (writing)

James was confused: he didn’t know what was happening so he was really scared. A few minutes later he
asked the woman what was happening and she immediatly said he had to shut up and he hadn’t to ask
anything. Immediatly James shouted saying: “Let me out of this car!” and suddenly the woman took the bag
and opened the car’s door. James started running and returned to the airport to take his bag. At the airport
a policeman looked at him and asked him if he knows that woman. James tell him what appened and the
policeman said that he is safe now and he could return to his family. Then the policeman gave him his real
bag and James went to his aunt. When he met his aunt and he told her what happened and his aunt was
really impressed about it and said him he handled the situation very well, but the next day he had to
denounce the blonde woman to the police office because he couldn’t trust the airport’s policemen because
they’re probabli included in that strange story. (183 words)

Squillace Nicolò 2A

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