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‫‪3rd Year Primary‬‬ ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثاُ‬

‫‪Mr. Tamer 0100 22 66 316‬‬ ‫‪0‬‬

Unit 8
I'd like a melon!
pasta ١ْٚ‫َهط‬ take ‫أخص‬ٜ
bread ‫خبع‬ a lot of َٔ ‫ايهجري‬
cereal ‫ب‬ٛ‫سب‬ some َٔ ‫بعض‬
meat ١ُ‫حل‬ salad ١‫ايػالط‬
melon ١َ‫ؾـــُا‬ biscuits ‫ت‬ٜٛ‫بػه‬
cucumber ‫اض‬ٝ‫خ‬ fries ‫ات‬ٝ‫ًَك‬
onion ٌ‫بص‬ milkshake ‫و‬ٝ‫ًو ؾ‬َٝ
lemon ُٕٛٝ‫ي‬ child ٌ‫طف‬
supermarket ‫بط َاضنت‬ٛ‫غ‬ shield ‫زضع‬
shopping ‫م‬ٛ‫ايتػ‬ field ٌ‫سك‬
every week ‫ع‬ٛ‫نٌ أغب‬ belt ّ‫سعا‬
need ‫حيتاز‬ quilt ‫حلاف‬
things ‫اء‬ٝ‫أؾ‬ adult ‫ؾدص بايؼ‬
today ٠‫ ايٓٗاضز‬- ّٛٝ‫اي‬ potato ‫بطاطؼ‬
help ‫ػاعس‬ٜ butter ٠‫ظبس‬
sure ‫س‬ٝ‫بايتأن‬ cheese ١ٓ‫دب‬
over there ‫ٖٓــــــــــــــــــــاى‬ salt ‫ًَح‬
too َ‫ضا‬ٜ‫أ‬ pepper ‫ز‬ٛ‫فًفٌ أغ‬
mashed ١‫غ‬ٚ‫َٗط‬ peas ١ً‫بػ‬
The present Simple Tense ‫ط‬ٝ‫املضاضع ايبػ‬

: ‫ َفطز‬١ًُ‫ إشا نإ فاعٌ اجل‬S + ‫ط َٔ املصسض‬ٝ‫ٕ ايفعٌ يف املضاضع ايبػ‬ٛ‫ته‬ٜ ♣ : ٜٔٛ‫ايته‬
( He – She – It – Ahmed ) drives a bus .
: " I " ‫ مجع أ ايضُري‬١ًُ‫ٍ فكط إشا نإ فاعٌ اجل‬ٚ‫ف األ‬ٜ‫ َٔ ايتصط‬ٚ‫ أ‬
 ( I – We – You – They – Students ) go to school at 7.30 a.m .
) es( ‫ٗا‬ٝ‫ف إي‬ٝ‫ ) ْض‬ss – sh – ch – X – O ( ‫ بــ‬١ٝٗ‫ األفعاٍ املٓت‬
 I do : He does &  We watch : She watches
) ies( ‫ٍ إىل‬ٛ‫ حبطف غانٔ حت‬١‫ق‬ٛ‫ ) َػب‬Y( ‫ بــ‬٢ٗ‫ايفعٌ املٓت‬
 I carry : Mona carries &  I say : He says
: ّ‫االغتدسا‬
. ١َٝٛٝ‫اتٓا اي‬ٝ‫ س‬٢‫ث٘ ف‬ٚ‫تهطض سس‬ٜ ‫ سسخ‬ٚ‫ أ‬٠‫ُٓا ْتشسخ عٔ عاز‬ٝ‫ط س‬ٝ‫ – ْػتدسّ املضاضع ايبػ‬1
 He gets up at six o'clock .  Ahmed works in a factory .
 We eat lunch at 3 o'clock p.m .  They go to the cinema on Fridays .
. ‫ُٓا ْتشسخ عٔ احلكائل‬ٝ‫ػتدسّ س‬ٜ – 2
 The sun rises in the east .  Birds fly and fish swim .
١‫ايهًُات ايساي‬
always – usually – sometimes – never – every day.

. ٞ‫ػ‬ٝ‫ قبٌ ايفعٌ ايطئ‬ٚ‫ ) أ‬Verb to be ( ‫ضع بعس‬ٛ‫ ايهًُات ت‬ٙ‫ ٖص‬: ١َ‫ ٖا‬١‫ظ‬ٛ‫ًَش‬
♣ Mr. Ahmed is always late for school .
♣ Mr. Ahmed always arrives late .
: ٞ‫ط يف ايٓف‬ٝ‫املضاضع ايبػ‬
. ) s ( ‫حتصف ايــ‬ٚ ) doesn't ( ‫ بــ‬٢‫ٓف‬ٜ ) s ( ٘ٝ‫ إشا نإ ايفعٌ َضاف إي‬
♣ He studies E. well .  He doesn't study E. well .
. ) don't ( ّ‫ ) ْػتدس‬s ( ‫ بــ‬٢ٗ‫ إشا نإ ايفعٌ غري َٓت‬
♣ I go to school early .  I don't go to school early .

: ّ‫االغتفٗا‬

? ♣ He works hard .  Does he work hard

? ♣ They work hard  Do they work hard
. ‫ باإلثبات‬١‫ ) عٓس اإلداب‬es ( ٚ‫ ) أ‬s ( ٌ‫ضاف يًفع‬ٜ ) does ( ٘‫ إشا نإ ايػؤاٍ ب‬
♣ What does he play ?  He plays chess .
Unit 9
What's the fastest animal in the world?
lake ٠‫حبري‬ Volga ‫جلا‬ٛ‫ْٗط ايف‬
mountain ٌ‫دب‬ Russia ‫ا‬ٝ‫غ‬ٚ‫ض‬
waterfall ٙ‫ا‬َٝ ٍ‫ؾال‬ sand ٍ‫ضَا‬
ocean ‫ط‬ٝ‫حم‬ pond ١‫بطن‬
wide ‫ض‬ٜ‫اغع – عط‬ٚ plant ‫ْبات‬
big ‫ـــط‬ٝ‫نـــــبــ‬ tent ١ُٝ‫خ‬
deep ‫ل‬ُٝ‫ع‬ lamp ١‫يـــُب‬
high ‫َطتفع‬ camp ‫َعػهط‬
quiz ‫اختباض‬ building ٢ٓ‫َب‬
great ِٝ‫عع‬ country ١‫ي‬ٚ‫ز‬
mount Everest ‫ػت‬ٜ‫دبٌ إفط‬ bridge ‫ – دػط‬ٟ‫بط‬ٛ‫ن‬
that's right ‫اب‬ٛ‫ٖصا ص‬ river ‫ْٗط‬
Pacific Ocean ‫ط اهلازئ‬ٝ‫احمل‬ old ‫ظ‬ٛ‫عذ‬
Atlantic Ocean ٞ‫ط األطًٓط‬ٝ‫احمل‬ long ٌٜٛ‫ط‬
animal ٕ‫ا‬ٛٝ‫س‬ temple ‫َعبس‬
cheetah ‫فٗس‬ World Records ١ٝ‫ عامل‬١ٝ‫اغ‬ٝ‫أضقاّ ق‬
student ‫طايب‬ fact ١‫ك‬ٝ‫سك‬
sandcastle ٌَ‫ بايط‬١ٝٓ‫ َب‬١‫قًع‬ interesting ‫ل‬ٝ‫ ؾ‬/ ‫ممتع‬
Nile ٌٝٓ‫اي‬ Mediterranean sea ‫غط‬ٛ‫ض املت‬ٝ‫ايبشط االب‬

Adjectives ‫الصفات‬
( be ) ٌ‫ بعس ايفع‬ٚ‫ قبً٘ أ‬ٞ‫تأت‬ٚ ِ‫ تصف االغ‬١ًُ‫ ن‬١‫ايصف‬
 This man is tall .
 He is a tall man .
 This question is difficult .
 It is a difficult question .
Comparison of adjectives ‫مقارنة الصفات‬
: ٞ‫ٕ ناألت‬ٛ‫ ته‬٠‫ بني اثٓني يف ايصفات ايكصري‬١ْ‫ املكاض‬

Adj + er than

 Ali is taller than Omar .

 The lion is stronger than the fox .
 The rabbit is faster than the tortoise .
:١ٝ‫قبً٘ سطف َتشطى ْضاعف احلطف األخري نُا يف ايصفات ايتاي‬ٚ ٔ‫ حبطف غان‬١‫ إشا اْتٗت ايصف‬

١‫ايصف‬ ١ْ‫املكاض‬ ١‫ايصف‬ ١ْ‫املكاض‬ ١‫ايصف‬ ١ْ‫املكاض‬

Big bigger than hot hotter than fat fatter than
 Cairo is hotter than London.

: ٞ‫ٕ ناألت‬ٛ‫ه‬ٜ ‫ بني أنجط َٔ اثٓني‬١ْ‫ املكاض‬

the Adj ِ+ est

 Ali is the tallest boy in the class .

 The giraffe is the tallest animal .
:١ٝ‫قبً٘ سطف َتشطى ْضاعف احلطف األخري نُا يف ايصفات ايتاي‬ٚ ٔ‫ حبطف غان‬١‫ إشا اْتٗت ايصف‬

١‫ايصف‬ ‫ا‬ًٝ‫ايصفات ايع‬ ١‫ايصف‬ ‫ا‬ًٝ‫ايصفات ايع‬ ١‫ايصف‬ ‫ا‬ًٝ‫ايصفات ايع‬

Big the biggest hot the hottest fat the fastest
 The elephant is the biggest animal.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Aswan is always hotter _____ Cairo.
a) in b) about c) than
2. Yesterday it was 32 degrees in Cairo. Today it is 30. Today is
_____ than yesterday.
a) hotter b) cold c) colder
3. The US is _____ than the UK.
a) big b) bigger c) hot
4. The Nile is the _____ River in the world
a) longer b) longed c) longest
5. Cheetahs are the _____ animals in the world.
a) slowest b) fattest c) fastest

4- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue.

Salma: What’s……………(1)…………… in the world?
Nada : Russia . The other countries are smaller.
Salma: Is Hossam ……………(2)……………… Essam?
Nada : Yes,of course. Essam is shorter than Hossam.
3- Copy the following sentences in your best handwriting.

What’s the biggest country in the world?

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Mona is taller than Jana, but Sara is the tallest.

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Unit 10
In the park
path ٞ‫ ممؿ‬-‫ممط‬ wash your hands ‫و‬ٜ‫س‬ٜ ٌ‫اغػ‬
grass ١ًٝ‫عؿب – دم‬ rain ‫ايــُطط‬
flowers ‫ز‬ٚ‫ض‬ٚ train ‫قطاض‬
bin ‫ املُٗالت‬١ً‫غ‬ tray ‫ زضز‬/ ‫ضف‬
trees ‫أؾذاض‬ case ١‫ب‬ٝ‫سك‬
playground ‫ًََعب‬ race ‫غبـــــام‬
fountain ٠‫ض‬ٛ‫ْاف‬ shout ‫صطر‬ٜ
litter ١َ‫قُا‬ chase ‫طاضز‬ٜ
beautiful ٌٝ‫مج‬ catch ‫ًشل‬ٜ /‫ميػو‬
pick flowers ‫ض‬ٖٛ‫كطف ايع‬ٜ meet ٌ‫كاب‬ٜ
walk on ‫م‬ٛ‫ ف‬ٞ‫ميؿ‬ cross ‫عرب‬ٜ
funny ‫َضشو‬ laugh ‫ضشو‬ٜ
must ٕ‫جيب أ‬ and )ٚ( ‫ ايعطف‬ٚ‫ا‬ٚ
mustn't ‫جيب إٔ ال‬ or ٚ‫أ‬
take photos ‫ض‬ٛ‫ًتكط ص‬ٜ be quiet ‫نٔ ٖازئ‬
turn off ‫ػًل دٗاظ‬ٜ walk your dog ٘‫َع‬ٚ ٞ‫تُؿ‬ٜ

must / mustn't + ‫مصدر‬

 You must do your homework .

 You must turn off your mobile phone .
 You mustn't talk in class .
 You mustn't take photos here .
 You must be quiet .
 You mustn't walk on the grass.

The Present Continuous Tense

: ‫القاعدة‬
Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing.

- I …. am
- He / She / It … is
- We / You / They … are

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Ex: - I am playing football now.

- She is reading a book at the moment.
- Look, they are playing basketball.
:‫ و يأتى وع الكمىات اآلتية‬,‫ يعرب عَ حدخ حيدخ اآلُ و وستىر يف احلدوخ مل يٍتْ بعد‬
now ٕ‫اآل‬ at the moment ١‫ ايًشع‬ٙ‫يف ٖص‬ Look ‫اْعط‬
Listen ‫اغتُع‬ at the present time ‫قت احلاضط‬ٛ‫يف اي‬
Ex: - He is watching TV at the sitting room now.
am – is – are ‫ بعد‬not ً‫ فى الٍفى ٌستخد‬-
Ex: - The girl isn't singing now.
.‫ يعرب عَ حدخ خمطط لْ يف املستكبن‬
Ex: - I am traveling to England next week.

Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences:

1- You mustn’t put litter in the bin.

2- You must walk your dog here.


3- You must play in the fountain.


4- You must pick the flowers. …………………………………………….

5- You must walk on the grass. …………………………………………….

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Unit 11
In the museum
ferry ١ٜ‫َعس‬ inside ٌ‫زاخ‬
bus ‫ؼ‬ٝ‫ب‬ٛ‫ات‬ full ‫ء بـ‬ًٛ‫مم‬
helicopter ‫برت‬ٛ‫ه‬ًٖٝ /١‫ّاف‬ٛ‫ط‬ holes ‫فتشات‬
motorbike ١ٜ‫ ْاض‬١‫زضاد‬ fire ‫ ْاض‬/‫ل‬ٜ‫سط‬
plane ٠‫طائط‬ room ١‫غطف‬
taxi ٞ‫ تانػ‬/٠‫ أدط‬٠‫اض‬ٝ‫غ‬ city ١ٜٓ‫َس‬
train ‫قطاض‬ England ‫ادمًرتا‬
tram ّ‫تطا‬ only ‫فكط‬
skateboard ‫ح تعجل‬ٛ‫ي‬ heating ‫ايتػدني‬
ice cream ِٜ‫ؼ نط‬ٜ‫آ‬ smoke ٕ‫زخا‬
dream ًِ‫س‬ Viking ٠‫ حباض‬/ ‫هٓر‬ٝ‫ايف‬
queen ١‫ًَه‬ life ٠‫ا‬ٝ‫احل‬
green ‫أخضط‬ centre ‫َطنع‬
jelly ًًٞٝ‫د‬ farmer ‫ فالح‬/ ‫َعاضع‬
happy ‫س‬ٝ‫غع‬ sheep ِٓ‫ غ‬/‫ف‬ٚ‫خط‬
along ٍٛ‫ ط‬٢ً‫ ع‬/ ٞ‫اي‬ٛ‫ط‬ kitchen ‫َطبذ‬
through ‫ عرب‬/ ٍ‫خال‬ horse bus ٍٛٝ‫ جتطٖا اخل‬١‫عطب‬
in the middle of ‫يف َٓتصف‬ times ‫ض‬ٛ‫ عص‬/ ‫قات‬ٚ‫أ‬
at the top of ١ُ‫يف ق‬ move ‫تشطى‬ٜ

Choose the correct answer:

a) I can cross the river by a ( train – ferry – bus).
b) I see a horse ( bus – beach – helicopter) at the museum.
c) We see the ( horse – ferry – taxi) in the sea.
d) The ( helicopter – motorbike – train) flies in the sky.
e) I go to school by ( bus – ferry – helicopter).
f) I can see a ( tram – fish – ferry) in the street.
g) There weren’t any (planes – fish – parks) a hundred of years ago.
h) There weren’t any ( trains – animals – flowers) a hundred of years
i) There weren’t any cars a hundred of years ( ago – last – yesterday).
j) There weren’t any buses in the town a hundred years ( last – ago –
k) There were people on the ( ferry – bus – train ) in the sea.

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

l) The ( ferry – bus – plane) flies in the sky.

m) The ( tram – train – taxi) is a car.
n) We use fire for ( cooking – playing – swimming).
o) Fire gives us (water – heat – cold).
p) We can walk ( in – out – through) the door.
q) We can walk ( in – through – along ) the road.
r) The rabbit lives in a ( smoke – hole – ferry) under the ground.

The past simple ‫ط‬ٝ‫ ايبػ‬ٞ‫املاض‬

. ‫ايفعٌ ايؿاش حيفغ‬ٚ ِ‫ ) يًفعٌ املٓتع‬d – ed – ied ) ١‫ يًفعٌ بإضاف‬ْٞ‫ف ايجا‬ٜ‫ ايتصط‬
 Samy played football yesterday .
Ali went to Cairo last year .
 She visited Cairo last month . ٞ‫ يف املاض‬٢ٗ‫اْت‬ٚ ‫ – سسخ بسأ‬1
When I was young , I went to Alexandria. . ‫ اْتٗت‬ٚ ٢‫ املاض‬٢‫ ناْت حتسخ ف‬٠‫ – عاز‬2
: ١ٝ‫ػتدسّ َع ايهًُات اآلت‬ٜ – 3

Yesterday – last – ago – once – one day – ) – in the past

" ٌٖ " ‫غؤاٍ بـــــ‬ ٍ‫ايػؤا‬
 Did you visit Cairo last week ?  Yes, I did .  No, I didn't .
" ّ‫ اغتفٗا‬٠‫غؤاٍ بـــــ " أزا‬
 What did you study yesterday ?  I studied English and maths.

Verb to be ٞ‫ٕ )يف املاض‬ٛ‫ه‬ٜ( ٌ‫ف ايفع‬ٜ‫تصط‬

‫الضمائر‬ ‫التصريف‬ ‫أمثلة‬
I  There was a lion in the zoo.
she  There was a taxi.
We  They were happy yesterday .
they were
you  There were trains

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Choose the correct answer:

a) She ( was – were ) at the museum.
b) They ( was – were ) at the cinema last night.
c) A hundred of years ago, there ( was – were ) some cars.
d) We ( was – were ) at the town two days ago.
e) I ( was – were ) at the park yesterday.
f) Molly ( was – were ) in the club last week.
g) The Vikings ( was – were ) very strong.
h) The houses ( was – were ) small.
i) Ali ( was – were ) at the library yesterday.
j) Mum ( was – were ) at the shopping mall.
k) Jack ( was – were ) at the sports centre.
l) My dad ( was – were ) at the café.
m) We ( was – were ) at the playground.
n) My sister ( was – were ) in the swimming pool.

Follow the example: :ٞ‫اتبع املجاٍ األت‬

Sentence Not Question
I was at home yesterday I wasn’t at home yesterday Were you at home yesterday?
I was at the library ………………………………… …………………………………
I was at the café ………………………………… …………………………………
There were cars ………………………………… …………………………………
There was a bike ………………………………… …………………………………
There were trains ………………………………… …………………………………
There was a ferry ………………………………… …………………………………
There was a hotel ………………………………… …………………………………
There were hotels ………………………………… …………………………………
I was happy yesterday ………………………………… …………………………………
There was a CD ………………………………… …………………………………
There were sandwiches ………………………………… …………………………………
We were at the library ………………………………… …………………………………
I was with Samy ………………………………… …………………………………
The Vikings were strong ………………………………… …………………………………
The princess was here ………………………………… …………………………………

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Finish the following dialogue with these words:

[When – from – old – What - Where]
?Teacher: . . ……… . . . are you from
?Pupil: I am . . . ……………. . . Aswan
?Teacher: . . . . . ……….. is your name
Pupil: My name is Tamer.
?Teacher: . . . . …………. . were you born
Pupil: I was born in 1996.
Finish the following dialogue with these words:
{Do – goals – Let's – good - like}
Tamer: . . . (1) . . . play football at six o'clock.
Ali: It's a . . . (2) . . . idea.
Tamer: . . . (3) . . . you like playing football.
Ali: Yes, I like playing football very much. I like scoring. . (4). . .

Read and put a (√) or a (x):

The Vikings came to England 1000 years ago. Their houses were very small.
There was only one room in some houses. There was a fire in the middle of
the room for cooking and heating. There were holes at the top of the
house. The animals were sometimes inside the house. Their houses were
very full.
Complete the sentences:
1. The houses of the Vikings were ………………………..
2. The animals were …………………………………………….
3. The Vikings’ houses were full because…………………………
4. They came to England …………………………………..

Punctuate the following:

my friend is from luxor
i went to cairo last monday
what did maher do last Saturday

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Unit: 12
A clever boy
old ٔ‫نبري ايػ‬ picnic ١ٖ‫ْع‬
Young ٔ‫صػري ايػ‬ Groom ‫ؼ‬ٜ‫عط‬
Short ‫قصري‬ Cheerful ‫َبٗر‬
Tall ٌٜٛ‫ط‬ Bride ١‫غ‬ٚ‫عط‬
Handsome ِٝ‫غ‬ٚ Blond ‫ؾكطاء‬
Pretty ١ًٝ‫مج‬ Bright ‫الَع‬
Shy ٍٛ‫خذ‬ Generous ٟ‫عبكط‬
Friendly ‫ز‬ٚ‫ز‬ٚ Mean ‫سكري‬
Grandma ٞ‫دست‬ Worried ‫قًل‬
Grandpa ٟ‫دس‬ Relaxed ٞ‫َػرتخ‬
Different ‫خمتًف‬ Miserable ‫بائؼ‬
Hungry ٕ‫عا‬ٛ‫د‬ Light ‫ء‬ٛ‫ض‬
Sunny ‫َؿُؼ‬ Night ًٌٝ‫اي‬
Small ‫صػري‬ Shine ‫ًُع‬ٜ
Big ‫نبري‬ Smile ِ‫بتػ‬ٜ
Weekend ‫ع‬ٛ‫ األغب‬١ٜ‫ ْٗا‬١ً‫عط‬ Dry ‫داف‬
Lunch ‫ايػساء‬ Sky ‫ايػُاء‬
Guitar ‫تاض‬ٝ‫د‬ games ‫أيعاب‬

Choose the correct answer:

1. My grandpa is (old – young – ugly)
2. My mum is (pretty – dirty – polluted)
3. My dad is (mall – tall – ball.)
4. My sister is very (pretty – polluted- dirty) she is beautiful.
5. When my grandpa was young he was (short – shirt – T shirt)
6. My grandma (was – were – is) young 25 years ago.
7. Max (was – were -is) shy yesterday.
8. I (am – is – was) shy two years ago.
9. When grandma was a girl, her eyes (was – were) bright and blue.
10.When my grandma was 25, she was a very pretty ( bride – bird – flamingo).

Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. My brother ………. (to be) at school this morning.
2. My bike ………. (to be) in the garage.
3. The children………. (to be) outside in the garden.

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

4. John and Sam ………. (to be) at home yesterday.

5. My dog ………. (to be) very ill last week.
6. My birthday cake ………. (to be) lovely.
7. Jack's friend ………. (to be) very nice.
8. It ………. (to be) cold today.
9. They ………. (to be) at the zoo last weekend.
10. Some of the animals ………. (to be) very tame.

Not be === wasn’t – weren’t

1. I ……………….. (not be) at the shops yesterday.

2. John ……………. …. (not be) out for a walk with his dog this morning.
3. You ………. ………. (not be) at school this morning.
4. Jack and Jill ………. ………. (not be) at the cinema the other day.
5. Mary ………. ………. (not be) on holiday last week.
6. We ……………. …. (not be) in Spain last year.
7. My dog ………. ………. (not be) with me this morning.
8. The boys ………. ………. (not be) at the wrong school.
9. The new girl ………. ………. (not be) in the wrong classroom.
10. We ………. ………. (not be) home for lunch at 12 o'clock.

Give the negative:

I had a shower ( not ) I didn’t have a shower
1. My grandpa had long hair.
2. My grandma had a dog.
3. My sister was angry
4. My father was tall.
5. We had a big house.
6. She had a pretty face.
7. We had a short friend.
8. They had an old car.
9. We had pizza for lunch.

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10. I had a party last week.
11. I had a shower last Monday.
12. I had a brush.
13. She was sad.
14. I was happy.
15. They were in the library

Finish the sentences with these words:

[How – old – ten – What – name – fine]
1) - - - - - - is your name?
2) My - - - - - is Maher.
3) - - - - - old are you?
4) I am - - - - - years old.
5) How are you?
6) I am …………….

Read and put a (√) or a (x):

Yesterday we went to the zoo. We saw a lot of animals there.
Elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys, crocodiles, and zebras.
Elephants are always big and have got long trunks.
Giraffes are always tall and have got long necks. Crocodiles always
swim in water.
1) We can see animals in the zoo. ( )
2) A giraffe is always short. ( )
3) Elephants are always big. ( )
4) Monkeys have got long trunks. ( )
5) We went to the zoo last Friday. ( )

Read and put a (√) or a (x):

We go to the shops every Friday. We go to the butcher's to buy
meat. We go to the baker's to buy some bread. We buy tomatoes from
the market.
1) we buy onions. ( )
2) We go to the shop to play. ( )
3) A butcher sells meat. ( )

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Unit: 13
The Ancient Egyptians
Start ‫بسأ‬ٜ Break ١‫فػش‬
Finish ٜٞٗٓ Make ‫صٓع‬ٜ
Love ‫جيب‬ Expensive ٞ‫غاي‬
Hate ٙ‫هط‬ٜ Job ١‫ف‬ٝ‫ظ‬ٚ
Want ‫س‬ٜ‫ط‬ٜ Math ‫سػاب‬
Use ّ‫ػتدس‬ٜ Know ‫عطف‬ٜ
Laugh ‫ضشو‬ٜ Rain ‫َطط‬
Live ‫ـ‬ٝ‫ع‬ٜ Coat ٛ‫َعطف – بايط‬
Ancient ‫قسَاء‬ Soap ٕٛ‫صاب‬
Egyptians ٕٜٛ‫املصط‬ Nose ‫أْف‬
Message ١‫ضغاي‬ Stone ‫سذط‬
Cook ‫طبذ‬ٜ Papyrus ٟ‫ضم بطز‬ٚ
Dish ‫طبل‬ Light ‫ف‬ٝ‫خف‬
People ‫ايٓاؽ‬ Heavy ٌٝ‫ثك‬
Watch ‫ؿاٖس‬ٜ Sofa ١‫ه‬ٜ‫ أض‬- ١‫نٓب‬
Wash ٌ‫ػػ‬ٜ Easy ٌٗ‫غ‬
Listen ‫ػتُع‬ٜ Difficult ‫صعب‬
Play ‫ًعب‬ٜ Wait ‫ٓتعط‬ٜ
Birthday ‫الز‬َٝ ‫س‬ٝ‫ع‬ Reed ٟ‫ايربز‬
Snow ‫س‬ًٝ‫د‬ Plant ‫ْبات‬
Elbow ‫ع‬ٛ‫ن‬ Clay ‫دبؼ‬

Choose the correct answer:

a) Ancient means ( old – new – polluted).
b) The Egyptians live in ( Egypt – England- English).
c) When you don’t like something, you ( hate – like – love).
d) The ancient Egyptians lived 5000 years ( ago – last – yesterday).
e) The ancient Egyptians used ( pictures – words – homework) for writings.
f) The (old – ancient – new) Egyptians used pictures for writing.
g) The ancient( Egypt – Egyptians – English) used pictures for writings.
h) The ( old – ancient – long) Egyptians cooked rice.
i) It was my birthday ( ago – yesterday – last ) Friday.

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j) The ancient Egyptians used ( papyrus – paper –parrots) for writing their
k) ( paper – Papyrus – Parrots) was very expensive for the ancient
l) The ancient Egyptians used( clay – play – tray) for writing and
m) Reed is kind of ( birds – animals – plants).
n) The ancient Egyptians used the ( read – reed – ride ) for writing and

The Past Simple Tense

. ‫ يًفعٌ َع نٌ ايضُائط‬٢ْ‫ف ايجا‬ٜ‫ٕ َٔ ايتصط‬ٛ‫ته‬ٜ -
: ‫( وجن‬ed / d) ‫ تٍتّى بـ‬:‫ ٍِاك أفعاه وٍتظىة‬-
- play played - arrive arrived
- watch watched - use used
: (y) ‫( بدالً وَ حرف‬ied) ‫( و قبمّا حرف ساكَ ٌضع‬y) ‫ األفعاه التى تٍتّى بـ‬-
- study studied - cry cried
: ‫ وجن‬:‫ و ٍِاك أفعاه شاذة‬-
- eat ate - go went
:‫ يعرب عَ شئ بدأ و إٌتّى فى املاضى و يستخدً وع الكمىات اآلتية‬
In the past a week ago a year ago
Yesterday ‫أَؼ‬
٢‫ املاض‬٢‫ف‬ ‫ع‬ٛ‫َٓص أغب‬ ّ‫َٓص عا‬
last year last week last month a month ago
٢‫ايعاّ املاض‬ ٢‫ع املاض‬ٛ‫االغب‬ ٢‫ايؿٗطاملاض‬ ‫َٓص ؾٗط‬
Ex: - I went to school by car yesterday.
- I didn't walk to school yesterday.
: ً‫ فى حالة االستفّاً ٌستخد‬-
- ّ‫ اغتفٗا‬١ًُ‫ ن‬+ did + ٌ‫ فاع‬+ ٌ‫? َصسض ايفع‬

- What did you do yesterday?

- Where did you go last Friday?
Yes / No ‫ تكوُ االدابة بـ‬Did ‫ أوا إذا بدأ السؤاه ب‬-
- Did you play football yesterday?
Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.
: was / were ً‫ وأحياٌ ًا فى حالة االستفّاً ٌستخد‬-
- Where was Mohamed yesterday?
- He was at the market.

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Put the verb in the past simple tense:

Present Past
Look looked

Choose the correct answer:

1. We ( like – liked ) the party yesterday.
2. The ( move – moved) to Alex last year.
3. She ( help – helped ) her mother yesterday.
4. People ( use – used) papyrus to write in the past.
5. Ellie ( finish – finished ) his homework early yesterday.
6. Dad ( don’t – didn’t ) like the film last week.
7. We didn’t go to the cinema( yesterday – last – ago) Monday.
8. The cat ( finish – finished ) the food.
9. She ( doesn’t have – didn’t have ) lunch yesterday.

 Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.

1. Yesterday, Khalid ---------- in bed all day. (stay)
Yesterday Khalid stayed in bed all day.
2. She ---------- breakfast this morning. (not have)
She didn’t have breakfast this morning.
3. Last week, we ---------- a football match. ( play)
4. Why ---------- late ? ( she / arrive )
5. Basmala ---------- to school yesterday. (not come )
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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

6. The ancient Egyptians ………………(live) in huts.

7. The ancient Egyptians ……………….(use) papyrus.
8. The ancient Egyptians………………..( not use) words.
9. We ………………….( not play) yesterday.
10. They ………………….(love) dates.
11. She …………….(not look ) at her photos.
12. He …… ( listen) to the teacher last week.
13. They ………….(not cook ) lunch with their mother.
14. They ……………..( help) their father.
15. Men and women ……………….( work ) .
Match the following:
(A) (B)
1- What's his name? a) Mona.
2- Did Dalia play football? b) I am from Giza.
3- Who visited Luxor? c) No, she didn't.
4- Where are you from? d) His name is Hani.

Give the negative of the following sentences:

I had nice pictures. I wanted a fish.
I didn’t have nice pictures. I didn’t want a fish.
1. She played yesterday.
2. They cooked yesterday
3. I laughed on the photo last week
4. I visited my grandma last Friday
5. The ancient Egyptians used papyrus 5000 years ago.
6. My dad lived in Cairo2 years ago.
7. Shahd started reading the news paper.

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8. Ali cooked his breakfast.


Choose the correct answer:

1- Hani: This is my friend Ziad.
Ali: ____________________
a) Good bye. b) Fine. c) Hello.
?2- Dalia: Did you visit the Valley of the Kings
Mona: ___________________
a) Yes, I did. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I have.
3- Dina: When did you visit the park?
Hind: ______________________
a) Today. b) Yesterday. c) Tomorrow.
?4- Teacher: _________________________
Pupil: I am from Bani Suef.
? a) What's your name? b) How old are you? c) Where are you from

Read the following comprehension then answer the questions:

5000 years ago, there was no paper. People used clay tablets to write
and dram on. They used the reed to make papyrus. The ancient Egyptians
wanted to make paper to write on. There were lots of paper plants in
Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used this paper to make papyrus. It was
difficult to make, but easy and light to write on. Papyrus was very
expensive. Rich people used it.

a. What is papyrus?
b) How did the ancient Egyptians used to write?
c) What did they use to write?
d) Was it difficult to make papyrus?
Complete the following:
5000 years ……., there was no ……... People used ……… tablets to write
and dram on. They used the reed to make …………. The ancient …………
wanted to make ……… to write on. There were lots of paper ……….. in

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Unit: 14
Did you have a good day at school?
paint ِ‫طغ‬ٜ Break ١‫فػش‬
paintbrush ِ‫ ضغ‬٠‫فطؾا‬ believe ‫صٓع‬ٜ
calculator ١‫ ساغب‬١‫أي‬ blue ٞ‫غاي‬
lunch box ‫م غساء‬ٚ‫صٓس‬ glue ‫يصل‬
dictionary ‫ؽ‬َٛ‫قا‬ tune ١ُ‫ ْػ‬/ ٔ‫حل‬
PE kit ١‫اض‬ٜ‫ات ايط‬ٚ‫أز‬ tube ١‫ب‬ٛ‫أْب‬
backpack ‫ ايعٗط‬١‫ب‬ٝ‫سك‬ tent ١ُٝ‫خ‬
apron ١ًٜ‫َط‬ sleeping bag ًّٛٓ‫ ي‬١‫ب‬ٝ‫سك‬
good day ‫س‬ٝ‫ّ د‬ٜٛ frying pan ١‫ طاغ‬/ ١ٜ‫قال‬
first ‫ال‬ٚ‫أ‬ matches ‫ت‬ٜ‫نرب‬
next ّ‫ ايكاز‬/ٞ‫ايتاي‬ rope ٌ‫سب‬
then ‫ بعس شيو‬/ ِ‫ث‬ torch ‫نؿاف‬
outside ‫يف اخلاضز‬ camping trip ِٝٝ‫ يًتد‬١ً‫ضس‬
onto ٢ً‫ ع‬/ ‫م‬ٛ‫ف‬ stay ‫ ميهح‬/ ٢‫بك‬ٜ
art ١ٝٓ‫ ايف‬١ٝ‫ايرتب‬ night ًٌٝ‫اي‬
maths ‫ات‬ٝ‫اض‬ٜ‫ايط‬ noise ‫ضاء‬ٛ‫ض‬
computer ٞ‫احلاغب اآلي‬ scared ‫ب‬ٛ‫َطع‬
PE ١ٝ‫اض‬ٜ‫ ايط‬١ٝ‫ايرتب‬ rain ‫املطط‬
English ١ٜ‫ع‬ًٝ‫ االدم‬١‫ايًػ‬ wet ٌ‫َبت‬
moon ‫ايكُط‬ start a fire ‫ؿعٌ ايٓاض‬ٜ
boot ١‫سصاء ضقب‬ stick ‫عصا‬

‫ضىائر فاعن‬ ‫ضىائر وفعوه‬ ‫صفات املمكية‬ ‫ومكية بدوُ اسي‬ ‫ضىائر وٍعكسة‬
I write Ali gave me My book The book is mine Myself
He writes Ali gave him His book The book is his Himself
She writes Ali gave her Her book The book is hers Herself
It eats Ali gave it Its food Itself
We write Ali gave us Our book The book is ours Ourselves
They write Ali gave them Their book The book is theirs themselves
You write Ali gave you Your book The book is yours Yourself/ves

Choose the correct answer:

1. We use the calculator to ( calculate – play – talk).
2. We use the paints to ( play – calculate – paint)
3. We wear the ( PE – AE – BE) kit to play.
4. We use the ( dictionary – rubbish – calculator) to know the meaning
of a word.
5. I put my books in my ( pack back – socks – short).

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6. My mum wears an ( apple – apron – orange) when she cooks.

7. I liked the school ( campaign – sleeping bag – matches) trip last year.
8. I used the ( matches – tent – clothes) to make fire.
9. I used the matches to make ( fire – water – mobiles).
10. We sleep in a ( sleeping bag – frying pan – matches box) in the
camping trip.
11. We cook food in a ( sleeping bag – frying pan – matches box).
12. We put the frying pan on ( fire – bags – torch) to make food.
13. The moon comes in the ( night – morning – afternoon).
14. The ( flying – frying – sleeping) pan is very hot.
15. The ( flying – frying – sleeping) bag is blue.
16. We paint with a ( tooth brush – paint brush – lunch box)
17. I put my food in the ( matches box – lunch box – dictionary).
18. Mum wears an apron to( sleep – cook – shop).

The past simple:

Question Words ّ‫ات االغتفٗا‬ٚ‫أز‬

What ) ٌ‫ء غري عاق‬ٞ‫ َاشا ( تػأٍ عٔ ؾ‬/ ‫َا‬

 what did you watch yesterday? - A film.

Where ) ٕ‫ٔ ( تػأٍ عٔ املها‬ٜ‫أ‬

 Where did you watch the film? - At the cinema.

When ) َٔ‫ ( تػأٍ عٔ ايع‬٢‫َت‬

 When did you watch the film? - At 9:00.
Remember :
ّ‫ اغتفٗا‬٠‫ أزا‬+ ‫ فعٌ َػاعس‬+ ٌ‫ فاع‬+ ‫ فعٌ يف املصسض‬+?
What did you play?
I played football.

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Ask questions on the following:

I played football yesterday. ( What)
What did you play?
 She cooked rice yesterday. ( What)
 They visited their uncle last week. ( When)
 She started reading at 9:00. ( When)
 They watched the film at the cinema. ( What)
 He had dinner at 3:00. ((when did he have lunch?))
 She had a shower 2 hours ago. ( When)
 The children visited the zoo last week.(When)

Choose the correct answer:

(What – When - Where) did you live? In Egypt.
1. (What – When - Where) did they sleep? At 9:00
2. (What – When - Where) did you play? At the club
3. (What – When - Where) did she cook? In the kitchen
4. (What – When - Where) did he take the photo? In the garden
5. (What – When - Where) did the girls play tennis? Las Friday
6. (What – When - Where) did Sam visit his uncle? Last week
7. (What – When - Where) did Ali eat his lunch? At 3:30
8. (What – When - Where) did Molly do her homework? At 3:00
9. (What – When - Where) did you go to school? On Monday

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3rd Year Primary ُ‫الصف الجالح االبتدائي ترً ثا‬

Unit: 15 : Our holiday!

suitcase ١‫ب‬ٝ‫سك‬ scarf ١‫ ططس‬/ ٍ‫ؾا‬
sun cream ‫ِ مشؼ‬ٜ‫نط‬ tomorrow ً‫غسا‬
towel ١‫ط‬ٛ‫ف‬ soon ‫با‬ٜ‫قط‬
soap ٕٛ‫صاب‬ later ‫ُا بعس‬ٝ‫ف‬
shampoo ٛ‫ؾاَب‬ next week ّ‫ع ايكاز‬ٛ‫األغب‬
hairbrush ‫ ايؿعط‬٠‫فطؾا‬ tonight ١ًًٝ‫اي‬
toothbrush ٕ‫ أغٓا‬٠‫فطؾا‬ this afternoon ‫ٖصا املػاء‬
toothpaste ٕ‫ٕ أغٓا‬ٛ‫َعذ‬ weather ‫ايطكؼ‬
wait ‫ٓتعط‬ٜ beach ‫ؾاطئ‬
go on holiday ٠‫أخص أداظ‬ٜ water sports ١ٝ‫اضات َائ‬ٜ‫ض‬
heavy ٌٝ‫ثك‬ seafood ١ٜ‫الت حبط‬ٛ‫َأن‬
know ‫عطف‬ٜ restaurant ِ‫َطع‬
be careful ‫صا‬ٜ‫نٔ سط‬ octopus ‫ط‬ٛ‫إخطب‬
wear ٟ‫طتس‬ٜ history ‫ذ‬ٜ‫تاض‬
swimsuit ١‫َالبؼ يًػباس‬ Spain ‫ا‬ْٝ‫أغبا‬
go away ‫سا‬ٝ‫صٖب بع‬ٜ presents ‫ا‬ٜ‫ٖسا‬
wool ‫ف‬ٛ‫ص‬ fly home ٙ‫طري عائسا يبًس‬ٜ
wood ‫خؿب‬ water ski ‫ املاء‬٢ً‫ايتعسًل ع‬
hood )‫ط‬ٛ‫غطاء يًطأؽ(ظعب‬ windsurf ١ٝ‫اضب ايؿطاع‬ٛ‫ايك‬
cook ‫طبذ‬ٜ show ‫بني‬ٜ
coat ٛ‫ بايط‬/ ‫َعطف‬ best wishes ‫ات‬َٝٓ‫ب األ‬ٝ‫أط‬
The future with going to

am / is / are + going to + inf َ‫التكوي‬

* He is going to buy a car next week .
* I’m going to fly to London .
. ‫* تستخدً لمتعبري عَ التخطيط يف املستكبن‬

-: ‫* يف حالة السؤاه بـ ِن‬

Is / Are + subject + going to +( ‫? ) الفعن يف املصدر‬
* Are you going to travel tomorrow ? - Yes, I ‘m . No, I ‘m not .
-: ً‫* يف حالة السؤاه بأداة استفّا‬

ً‫ أداة االستفّا‬+ is / are + ‫ الفاعن‬+ going to + ‫ باقي اجلىمة‬+ ‫ الفعن يف املصدر‬+ ?

?* When are you going to travel
* What are you going to do ?
‫♣ الكمىات الدالة‬
tomorrow َ‫ غدا‬- next…. ( week – month – year) ً‫الكاد‬
in the future ‫ يف املستكبن‬- soon ‫قريبا‬
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