Prologue - Read First

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Halo, selamat datang. Sebelum baca ceritaku, ada beberapa hal teknis yang perlu diperhatikan.

Gampangnya mikir aja kayak ini naskah drama. Ada dua bagian di tulisan ini Act 1 dan Act 2, masing-
masing punya penjeda di antara ‘adegan’ yang di sekat pakai semicolon. Nah tiap semicolon itu adalah
sebuah link ke lagu yang bisa diputer. Silahkan dengerin sebelum, sesudah, atau bahkan saat membaca
adegan milik lagu itu. Harapanku yang baca bisa memperhatikan lirik di lagunya juga karena mereka
saling berkaitan dengan ceritanya. Act 1 berisi cerita pribadiku, isinya Bahasa inggris semua. Ada banyak
kata-kata yang sensitif. Walaupun aku pengennya ceritanya di baca orang, tapi kalau ada yang merasa
itu gak baik untuk kesehatan mentalnya, gakpapa lanjut aja ke Act 2 yang isinya lebih ke hal-hal personal
dan harapan ku kedepannya. Lalu di bagian epilog ada beberapa file karya tulisanku yang aku bisa
kumpulkan. Ada banyak lainnya yang gak sempat kuunggah karena gak bisa nemunya, tapi ini sebagian
yang berhasil kutemukan. Terima kasih, selamat membaca.

HI there, Welcome Back! Before we continue with the story, there are several technical stuff that need
to be addressed. Consider all of this composition as a play script. There are two main parts of this
writings, each one has pauses between the ‘scene’ which represented by semicolons. Each semicolon is
a hyperlink which leads to a certain playable song. Feel free to listen to it before, after or during your
reading in the intended scene. My hope is the reader can also pay attention to the lyrics of the song
because they are intertwined with the story. Act 1 consist of my personal story, all in English. There are
a lot of triggering words in it, viewer discretion is advised. Although I intended for people to read the
main story also, if you feel that it’s not good for your mental condition, feel free to skip to Act 2 where it
contain more of my personal stuff and my wishes in the future. And then, there’s the epilogue, which
contains several of my writings that I was be able to gather and upload. There are other writing I had but
cannot be uploaded because I couldn’t manage to find them at the moment. Thank you so much, and
enjoy reading, or not, lol.

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