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by Dian
ne W. Hawkkins, M.A.

o Christiian Yoga
Thee Danger of a

“There in beautiful
b collor was an attractive wom
man seated iin the lotus pposition teacching yoga. I watched
in horror and amazem ment as she praised thee health bennefits of thee breathing techniques and other
exercises of
o this Easteern religious practice. What
W her view wers did not know is thatt yoga is dessigned for
one purpose only—to open up thee mind and body b to the false gods oof the East. . . . I assumee many of
the viewerrs were deceived into believing this was just anoother harmleess exercise show. But thhose of us
born and raised in nations domiinated by th he powers oof darkness know that hundreds oof Eastern
religions are
a marketing g themselves in the Unitted States annd Canada uunder innocuuous—even scientific-
sounding— —brand nam mes.”
K.P. Yohaannan, Revollution in Worrld Missionss: One Man’s Journey too Change a Generation,
n, TX: Gospel for Asia Books,
B 2004), p. 137.
This man is
i from Indiaa.

Restoration in Ch
hrist Ministries, PO
P Box 479, Groottoes, VA 24441-0479 :: 5400-249-9119 :: ::

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