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April to June Statistics

State # of colonies (1) Max # of bees # of bees lost % Lost (2) # of bees added (3)
Alabama 7000 8500 650 8 1700
Arizona 19000 19500 2600 13 14000
Arkansas 14500 16000 2000 13 13000
California 1130000 1200000 110000 9 172000
Colorado 16500 27000 3000 11 12500
Connecticut 3600 3600 120 3 340
Florida 250000 275000 56000 20 49000
Georgia 131000 137000 18000 13 35000
Hawaii 16500 16500 380 2 330
Idaho 59000 94000 6500 7 14500
Illinois 10000 10500 2300 22 5000
Indiana 8000 9500 1800 19 4000
Iowa 45000 47000 4300 9 15500
Kansas 3900 3900 300 8 3500
Kentucky 5500 6000 910 15 1500
Louisiana 48000 48000 1400 3 4900
Maine 2200 23000 3100 13 430
Maryland 7000 8000 370 5 2400
Massachusetts 3500 8000 260 3 910
Michigan 37000 70000 7500 11 23000
Minnesota 69000 116000 8500 7 42000
Mississippi 50000 50000 3400 7 4000
Missouri 7000 7000 390 6 2100
Montana 50000 176000 5500 3 17000
Nebraska 10500 46000 2100 5 4000
New Jersey 4400 15000 270 2 1300
New Mexico 1900 4300 50 1 1700
New York 20000 42000 2700 6 11000
North Carolina 16000 17500 2500 14 4100
North Dakota 74000 460000 23000 5 23000
Ohio 11000 13000 1500 12 9000
Oklahoma 15500 15500 1700 11 10500
Oregon 41000 107000 3400 3 17500
Pennsylvania 15500 19500 1100 6 6000
South Carolina 14000 14000 1300 9 2600
South Dakota 10000 169000 17000 10 12500
Tennessee 8000 8000 1200 15 3800
Texas 305000 315000 38000 12 79000
Utah 14500 26000 1900 7 9500
Vermont 5500 6500 520 8 2600
Virginia 5000 6000 500 8 2600
Washington 55000 122000 7500 6 15500
West Virginia 7000 7000 570 8 2300
Wisconsin 26000 56000 6500 12 12000
Wyoming 8500 28000 2300 8 5500
Other States 5/ 4380 8670 380 4 1750
United States 2665880 (X) 355270 13 676360

(X) Not applicable.

(1) April 1 colonies plus all colonies moved into that state during the quarter.
(2) Percent lost is the number of lost colonies divided by maximum colonies except for the United States, where percent lost is the number of lost colonies divided by t
(3) Defined as any surviving colony that was requeened or received new honey bees through nuc or package.
(4) Percent renovated is the number of renovated colonies divided by maximum colonies except for the United States, where percent renovated is the number of reno

Honey Bee Colonies: Released August 1, 2019, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agricult
# colonies renovated % renovated (4)
710 8
2100 11
1900 12
255000 21
4700 17
170 5
68000 25
16000 12
3100 19
29000 31
2900 28
730 8
4800 10
2100 54
560 9
4000 8
790 3
1200 15
350 4
8500 12
25000 22
7000 14
800 11
22000 13
900 2
170 1
450 10
2400 6
800 5
64000 14
2100 16
6500 42
24000 22
1600 8
4000 29
65000 38
1300 16
71000 23
4100 16
700 2
19000 12
550 16
7000 8
2200 13
1030 8
740350 12

lost colonies divided by the April 1 colonies.

ed is the number of renovated colonies divided by the April 1 colonies.

s Department of Agriculture (USDA).

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