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VAIDYA ACADEMY 120 QUESTION PAPER TEST SERIES 2021-22 X CBSE MATHS (Term II) SAMPLE PAPER ANSWER SHEET Max. Marks:40 ‘Time allowed: 90 SECTION -A 1. HintS—1=241 15 A 16(x4 1. xt eee) ay 16x + 16 — 15x = x? +x = 16> x? Hence, the roots are 4 and —4, 2. Hint Let the three parts are a,a +d and a + 2d,and let d > 0. Then, a +a+d +a 42d = 207 atd=69 @ and product of smaller parts = 4623 a(a +d) = 4623 > a =67 On putting a = 67 in Eq. (i),we get d=2 First part, a = 67 Second part, a+ d= 69 Third part, a+ 2d = 71 Hence, three parts of 207 are 67, 69 and 71 3. Hint ZABQ = $4409 [angle subtended by an are twice the angle subtended at remaining part of circle is = 29°] And ZBAT = 90° [angle between radius and tangent] In AABT, we get Page 1 of 7 ZATQ = 180° — (29° + 90°) [angle sum property of a triangle] em Red coloured material required= Curved surface area of cylinder And Green coloured material required= Curved surface area of cone Ans, 990 m° and 8745 m> 5. Hint ax? +a = ax +x ax?—a@x—x+a=0. Ans. a,l/a 6. Hint First 8 multiples of 3 are 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24, The sum of first 8 multiples of 3 8 Flea =2[3 +24] 2 = 4x27 = 108 SECTION -B 7. According to the statement of the question, we have x-9 x Tit WES3xT + 4x ‘Tx — 63 + 28yx + 6x + BV x = 826 59 13x + 36Vx = 826 + 63 13x + 36Vx — 889 = 0 Page 2 of 7 y 13y? + 36y — 889 =0 13y? + 127y — 91y ~ 889 = 0 13y(y —7) +127(y-7) =0 (y— 7)(43y + 127) 127 ys Tory = [rejecting - ve value] We have y=? vx=79x=49 8. Hint S, = 5 (Sum of a5,06,47, dg) = > (Sp — Ss) 2S, = Sg — Sq => 35, = Sp Clearly, 5, = $[2a + (4- 1)d] n Sq = 7 f2a + (n— Da = 2[2(5) +3 x d] Sy = 20+ 6d and So = 512% 5+ (8- 1d] 8 = 5 (10 +7d)40 + 26d On putting the values of 5, and Sg in Eq.(i),we get 3(20 + 6d) = 40 + 28d 60 + 18d = 40 + 28d 20=10d >d=2 Hence,common difference is 2. 9, Hint In quadrilateral APBO, AO 1 PA and BO LPB [+ radius is perpendicular to tangent at the point of contact] 2PAO = ZPBO = 90° Page 3 of 7 APB + ZPAO + 2PBO + ZAOB = 360° [by angle sum property of a quadrilateral] 75° + 90° + 90° + ZAOB = 360° ZAOB = 105° al 1" 2AQB x 105° = 525 1-408 2 pense subtended by an arc at the centre is double of the angle | subtended on remaining part of the circle In cyclic quadrilateral AQBM, 2AQB + ZAMB = 180° [sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral = 180°] a 52> + 2AMB = 180° 105° 2 ZAMB = 180° — Ans.127% eed 10. Hint Steps of Construction (i) Draw a line segment AB = 5 cm and contruct 2B = 60° (ii) Draw AN 1 AB and cut AM = CD = 3 cm from AN. (iii) Through M, draw a line | parallel to AB to intersect ray BX" at C. (iv) Join AC. ‘Thus, AABC is a required triangle. (v) Draw a ray AX to make an acute 2BAX and mark five points Aj, Ao, As, Aa, and As on ray AX such that AA\= AjAr= AvAy= AsAu= Ags. (vi) Join ASB. (vii) Through point Ay, draw AyB? | AsB. (viii) Through B’ , draw B’C” || BC. Page 4 of 7 Thus, AAB'C’ is the required triangle similar to AABC with scale factor’. SECTION C 11. Hint Let PM be the light house of height 200m and let A and B be two ships on the either sides of lighthouse such that the angles of depression of A and B are 60° and 45°, respectively. Let AM = xm and BM = ym then, XPB = ZMPB = 45° [alternate angles} and ZYPA = ZMAP = 60° [alternate angles] In right angled AAMP, tan 60° = In right angled ABMP, y = 200m Now, distance between the two ships = AB = x + y Ans, 315.48 m 12. Hint Table for the given data is XL fi Lx 15 2 30. 17 3 il Page 5 of 7 19 4 16 20+k Sk 100k + 5k? 23 6 138 Total Df = 5k +15 | Sfx; = 295 + 100k + Sk? Here, Df; = 5k +15 and Yfix; = 295 + 100k + 5k? Given, mean= 20 ) ana BE We know that, Mean= 2 295 + 100k + 5k? _ 5k +15 (295 + 100k + 5k?) = 20(5k + 15) 295 + 100k + Sk? — 100k — 300 = 0 5k?-5=05k?- =05(k+1)(k-1)=0 [. ab? = (a+b)(a-b)] Ifk +1=0,thenk -1 (here, negative value is not possible, as frequency can't be negative] Ik -1=0,thenk =1 Hence, the required value of k is 1 13. Ans. (i) Distance of first position of parrot from the eyes of git AC In AABC, sin60°C (ii) If the distance increases, then the angle of elevation decreases. Distance between girl and buil AB ‘Now, AABC, Tan 60°C = 6 = y3AB = 50 = AB = Page 6 of 7 (iv) In AAED, tan30°C = a D => AD = V3BC = 50V3m ‘Now, distance between two position of parrot = EC = BD =AD~ AB = (5ov3-32)m = s008-1) _ 100 _ = BG) § = 57.80m () Speed of parrot = Peace covered 57.80 = 82) m/: = 7.225 m/s 14, Ans. (i) Given, r =, h = 105m = cm Volume of cylindrical cup = mr*h a2 yl xix 7 X2%E%9 ara oe = 404.25 cm? (ii) Given, r = em + Volume of hemispherical cup (iii) Area of canvas provided Area of remained after westage = 551 — So, area of conical tent = rer Here, r = 7m sar = 550 = 2x7 x1= 550 1 = 25m Ve— 49 = V576 = 24m Now, Page 7 of 7

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