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Ayo Ms. Tapps its time for this rap.

Water pollution, the unfortunate conclusion, harming 71% of earth's external surface
Produced by humans through deforestation,
Along with the dumping of industrial waste,
Ceaseless, why can’t our government intervene
Come on man, someone has to interfere,
Make a little difference here and there
Don't you want clean water?
Man, so do I
The most precious thing on earth besides the sky
If were the main cause lets smarten up, start using metal straws and reusable cups
Take a bag with you to the grocery store,
tell the cashier you don't need those plastic bags no more
40% of ‘Mericas lakes, too polluted for fishing or swimming
Spend a little less time on your boat ride
When are we gonna make a change, stop littering, respect the earth, and save the turtles
Clean water, what more could you ask for?
Cant survive without so lets start protecting
You complain about dirty water but what have you done?
Flint, only 5 hours away, with the nastiest water, brown and smelly and its been 5 years
Surrounded by great lakes, cmon people lets keep them great
Make the change
Yeah, make the change
Just a little change can cause an outcome so great
Peace out Ms. Tapps

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