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Nama: Dayu Kade Sinta Prasetia Sari

No. : 32
Kelas : XBABUD2


a long time ago, in a village lost to time three lived a Crimson ini and blue oni they
were the best friend.the Crimson oni wanted to be friend with humans, so the Blue oni
played the rope of the naughty kid and then be left

After a long time, the Crimson oni was living happily with the humans. But in his
heart, he wanted to bring the Blue oni back home. The Crimson oni didn't know where
to find the blue oni. His search took him up the highest mountains and across the
widest rivers. Gw found many traces of the blue oni . But the more he found, the
clearer it became. The blue oni was hiding on purpose

So just as the blue oni had once done, the Crimson oni left him a latter. "Dear So,I' ve
Made lord of human friends now and i want to have a big party for everyone. I want all
of my friends to be there. That means you too, Ao if you don't wanna meet me, you
gan just watch from a distance" the blue oni snuck back to the village, and hid the
shadows, he saw the great feast and roaring fire, and longed to join in, but thought
his stomach rumbled. The blue oni remembered the oath of suddenly, he jumped: the
Crimson oni was right behind him! "Hey,you finally back!".



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