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How do I Modernize My Infrastructure?

Solution Playbook

© 2018 Google 1
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Getting Started


Welcome to the How Do I Modernize My Infrastructure? Playbook! This book is organized into two solutions. This primer serves as a foundational learning point
for cloud migration. After internalizing this content, you can then add on to what you have learned through the next layers that are covered in the solutions that
follow. Check back on this book regularly - for additions and updates!

Migration is the first step in getting out of managing hardware yourself and letting you focus on what makes your business better. Once in the cloud, businesses
unlock the potential to transform their business via cloud native tools such as data analytics, ML, and containers. Google offers the following solutions for
customers seeking to migrate to the cloud.

Migrate Workloads to the Cloud Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

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Migrate existing applications to the cloud

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey

Welcome to the Migrate Workloads to the Cloud Solution Playbook! This book will help you prepare and lead effective Migration sales conversations with new and
existing customers. This play covers compelling door openers, discovery, solution mapping, and provides many assets to support you in the sales process.


This solution is a key component of the How do I modernize my infrastructure? Playbook. Use the navigation side menu to move within each play category. Below is
a quick summary of what you will find within each category. Click on any button to begin!

Business challenges, products, Challenger openings, what to Additionally, you can navigate
services, and more that create a look for, and what do when you this book via the left and right
customer solution see it arrows located in main image
header. To switch between the
different plays, visit the main
Examples of customers that have home page via the home button
solved similar business to select a different play to
challenges and the value they've review.
created for their organizations

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


The first step to migration begins with understanding of where the customer lies in their cloud journey. Below is a spectrum with descriptions of the customer’s state
Challenger™ Choreography at each point in the cloud journey.

On-prem (Legacy) Private cloud (IBM, Openstack) Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi-public Cloud

*Customer leverages an *Customer leverages an *Customer leverages an *Customer leverages Cloud *Customer leverages one or
on-premises data center and/or on-premises data center and/or on-premises data center and/or Service Provider other than GCP more Cloud Service Providers.
collocates with a data center collocates with a data center collocates with a data center
provider provider provider *Customer is typically proficient *Customer typically has
in the other Cloud Service performance/stability issues as
*Customer typically purchases *Customer leverages a private And Provider’s technology and is it relates to connectivity between
hardware and subscribes to a cloud hardware/software stack often hesitant to explore another the multiple Cloud Service
capital expenditure model to gain some of the benefits of *Customer leverages a Cloud Cloud Service Provider like Providers.
cloud but is still “in the data Service Provider Google.
*Customer typically has pain center business” *Customer typically has pain
points around scalability and *Customer typically has pain *Customer typically has pain points around managing and
efficient resource utilization *Customer typically has pain points around connectivity points around difficult to predict stardizing their technology and
points around maintaining their between their data center and consumption costs from its processes across multiple Cloud
private cloud environment from a their Cloud Service Provider as Cloud Service Provider. Service Providers.
security/patching perspective well as providing a good quality
of experience to their end users. *Customer typically feels it is
difficult to train their employees
on another cloud like Google..
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Challenger™ Choreography

Deadline Liftoff Strategic Emergency

The data center is closing, Customer is growing fast, and Need geo, fast data, lower SAN has melted, DB’s
the gear is aging out, colo out of room/capacity/ up-front, scale, lower ops ratio crumbled, DDoS, DC
contract closed headroom or lower TCO to achieve flooded/burning

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Challenger™ Choreography
Business Technical/Operational
Business alignments (e.g. retailers don’t want to be on AWS) Security breach

New management, new project, new budgets, new strategies Data loss

Layoffs, Reduction in force (RIFs) Scale

Desire to experiment/Fail Fast/Agile Dev-Test Data locality

Interest in exploring Google Cloud Performance


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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Challenger™ Choreography
Infrastructure App Dev
Rehosting Replatforming
Redesigning/re-architecting Building cloud-native apps
Lift-and-shift Lift-tinker-and-shift
● VM ● Cloud optimization ● Re-imagine and redesign ● Greenfield project
migration app using cloud-native

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Challenger™ Choreography

Single, strategic application that forms the center of that company’s 100’s, potentially 1000’s of applications that could potentially be moved to
strategy; Lush, Home Depot, Evernote, Spotify. the cloud. Primarily driven to reduce cost and risk, shut down data centers.

Make that application successful. Get visibility into Application Portfolio and make Google their
cloud migration strategy partner

Service offering: Service offering: Service offering:

Cloud Plan Cloud Discover Migrate Cloud Sprint 9
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Business Decision-maker
Challenger™ Choreography

Value Prop Google Cloud helps you transition to becoming a digital company by helping you to improve developer productivity, resource efficiency,
and automate operations.

Priorities Productivity
● Access to a large ecosystem of partners, vendors, trainers, and talent to help you build and train your team and your
● Enables teams to release applications 10x faster

Resource efficiency
● Achieve greater resource utilization through automatic resource allocation
● Achieve cost efficiency through the benefits of cloud economics

Automate operations
● Increase uptime through tools designed for automation
● Speed application time to market with automatic application deployment, scaling, and upgrades
● Help ensure operations runs within corporate and legal compliance requirements
● Improve your security procedures and posture by ensuring consistent application of security settings

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


IT Decision-maker
Challenger™ Choreography

Value Prop Google Cloud enables multiple teams to reliably run your containerized applications on a single platform, at scale, while minimizing
operational burden, and avoiding vendor lock-in.

Priorities Single Platform

● A standardized platform that is portable; enables multiple teams to run your application consistently, anywhere

Scale Effortlessly
● Autoscaling matches your user demand, both up and down, so you deliver services efficiently
● Quickly scale from few to thousands of machines

Minimize Operational Burden

● Automated repairs and patches brings better reliability to your system
● Upgrading can be automated ensuring you receive the latest innovation and features

Avoid Vendor Lock-in

● Built around Kubernetes, the industry leading open-source container management platform, allowing you to move workloads
● Open source flexibility lets you customize system components to meet your specific environment needs
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Migrate existing applications to the cloud

Customer Migration Journey


Challenger™ Choreography Line of Business

Example Titles: Line of Business CIO, Line of Business Executive
Deliver top-line revenue growth, differentiation in the market, and new innovations to serve customers through nimble practices. Oversees application
development for line of business.

Enterprise Platforms
Example Titles: CIO, SVP Application Development, SVP Enterprise Architecture, Director Technology Shared Services
Enable line of business velocity and agility and reduce delivery and operations costs by providing reusable shared technology services to LoB

Infrastructure and Operations

Example Titles: CTO, SVP Infrastructure and Operations
Provide technology development teams with stable environments; does capacity planning for infrastructure, focused on cost and operations efficiency

Enterprise Risk and Security

Example Titles: CSO, CRO, SVP Information Security Risk, Director IT Compliance
Protect organization against malicious actors and compliance/regulatory violations by defining and enforcing security policies, controlling access,
and conducting audits
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Customer Migration Journey

The Challenger Message will help you deliver commercial insight to your customers. Each Challenger Message provides you with a complete set of conversational
Challenger™ Choreography
guideposts designed to make your customer think differently about their business, drive them to take action, and lead to your solution. Take a moment to orient
yourself to each of the six steps. On the next page, you will see a summary view of using the Challenger Message in a GCP conversation.

The first step is called the Warmer. This is where you build credibility by empathetically sharing familiar trends and issues. The warmer helps set the
stage for reframing the customer’s thinking

TWO The second, and most important step, is called the Reframe which exposes an incorrect belief or assumption the customer has about their business

THREE The third step is called Rational Drowning. This is where you build the business case for the full cost of the customer’s current state of inaction

FOUR The fourth step is called Emotional Impact. This is where you share stories and anecdotes to humanize the business issue

FIVE The fifth step is called the New Way. This is where you provide the customer with a new approach to address the issue

SIX The last step is called the Solution. This is where you map how your offering can solely enable the desired course of action

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography
We talk to Business and IT leaders all the time who are evaluating public cloud providers. Business leaders in particular are under
pressure to deliver on digital initiatives. Competitive pressures and the need to respond quickly to customers and partners make
time-to-value a driving concern. Not every enterprise can afford to take on a prolonged 12-18 month migration effort where benefits are
only realized at the end.

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography
Delaying the time to realizing value leaves companies at a severe competitive disadvantage. By taking the traditional prolonged
approach, we see companies sacrifice market impact, squander internal capital, and increase exposure to market disruptors while
compounding business risk.

Companies need approaches that reap the cost, efficiency, agility, and innovation benefits of cloud in a way that returns value

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography
The most significant costs, however, come from the fact that your business is not able to take advantage of the fully-managed cloud
services that lead to the resource efficiency and agility to capture and respond to new opportunities that are the hallmarks of
successful cloud adoption. This is where businesses realize the true value of cloud: the managed services that allow you to consume
resources efficiently based on actual business demands, turn data into insights without managing underlying infrastructure, and
eventually tap machine learning to generate predictive insights for your business processes. 12-18 (or longer) delays in realizing
these benefits goes against the spirit and original purpose of cloud computing. Moreover, it creates market vulnerability for
businesses at a time where businesses across every industry are gaining digital capabilities through the cloud.

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography
This failure to move towards innovation quickly really costs even the most successful companies. Remember Blackberry? They were the
dominant brand in the mobile space: dominant with enterprises, growing in consumer popularity. It had a very positive brand image
across all the markets it served. It even gained the moniker “Crackberry” emphasizing its high user engagement. In 2009, BlackBerry was
named the fastest growing company in the world by FORTUNE due to earnings growing 84% a year. Today, Blackberry has trended toward
0% market share and has become a classic case of complacency despite market and customer demands shifting.

It’s increasingly challenging for companies to differentiate their products and stay competitive; 52% of Fortune 500 companies since
2000 are gone, destroyed by digital disruption. And the pace of change is only getting faster. Time is not on our side on this one.

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography
What if you could start reaping the benefits of cloud earlier than you thought is possible? What organizations may not know is just how
much we can shorten time-to-value, by selectively targeting both applications and data. By targeting the right workloads for migration —
combined with a combination of technology and service offerings delivered via Google and through partners — value can be realized in
the cloud on the order of weeks

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Customer Migration Journey


Customers Warmer Reframe Rational Downing Emotional Impact New Way Solution
Challenger™ Choreography With Google Cloud, we help you identify the first few workloads to migrate so you can start gaining the benefits of cloud faster. Google
Cloud gives you an agile way to move to cloud that helps you concentrate on building your application, while we help you move to a robust
cloud infrastructure.

Google Cloud offers a variety of discovery and evaluation programs combined with enterprise-ready tools that can inject agility and speed
into a company’s migration process. Selective application workload and data migrations allow customers to begin taking advantage of the
benefits of public cloud as fast as weeks — up to one or two quarters depending on scope. Once workloads and data are migrated to GCP,
customers have access to Google Cloud’s massive ecosystem of innovative services — from fully-managed database offerings, serverless
big data analytics tools that minimize ops burden, machine learning APIs, to an entire suite of monitoring and operations tools for
developer and ops teams to tap.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

The cloud is transforming IT — improving performance, adding new capabilities, and driving down costs. Yet for enterprises with decades of investment in legacy
IT, migration can be difficult. Google Cloud offers custom programs and professional services to jumpstart cloud migration — so customers can focus on their
applications and data and let Google manage the underlying infrastructure. You will encounter many different kinds of migrations including on-premises or
colocation to cloud, as well as cloud to cloud. Migration type will be dictated by the type of application or workload the customer wishes to move, and where it will
be moved. You’ll hear different terms or nomenclature for migrations, such as lift & shift, move-and-improve, replatforming, and more. While that all may sound
confusing, in practical terms, migrations generally fall in one of three categories:

To return to this
page, click on the
Overview tab in the
side navigation bar.
Lift and Shift Application Change Hybrid
Moving applications with minimal, if Applications that are Applications that are architected
any, changes to application deconstructed, or replatformed on to run across both the cloud and a
architecture their way to the cloud data center Note: Links to Hybrid
content will take you
to the Hybrid cloud
book - an asset
Overview Overview Overview separate from this
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


The worldwide IT market is ~$3.7TT and the majority of all IT spend is still in data centers, despite what we see in our growth and the growth of other clouds.
However, much of this will be moving to the cloud, so migrations are going to be a huge part of our business for years to come. A migration of 100s of applications
can’t include bespoke optimizations. Most mass migrations (data center scale) will be mostly lift and shift. While it may seem like the origin for a migration will
make a big difference in how the migration proceeds, in practical terms, it almost never is. Therefore, most of the guidance here will be to help cover the general
case of what you need to know.

Application Rewrite encapsulates several key challenges and opportunities identified during a migration project. Some applications simply cannot move to the
cloud as-is due to technology limitations, such as, unusual hardware or software components not supported under virtualization or unique networking
configurations that cannot be replicated. For these scenarios, it is important to highlight how GCP can support the architecture with minimal impact and risk.

On the other hand, there are other applications that will achieve significant improvement in performance, cost and operating efficiency with some cloud-oriented
changes. For these scenarios, it is important to highlight the cost savings and performance improvements that are possible.In either case, if it makes business
sense, then the opportunity to make application modifications can really showcase the major cloud benefits that your customer can achieve and make further
cloud projects all the more attractive.

Choosing the right amount of modification to suit the customer needs while still showcasing the benefits of a cloud-oriented architecture is a balancing act that
should always be backed by business benefit analysis and key performance indicators for the modified application.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and Shift Application Change Hybrid

Moving applications with minimal, if Applications that are Applications that are architected
any, changes to application deconstructed, or replatformed on to run across both the cloud and a
architecture their way to the cloud data center

Challenges Challenges Challenges

To return to this page, click on the Challenges tab in the side navigation bar.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift


There are two different phases of business challenges you could face. The first is when trying to convince a customer that the cloud can be a benefit to them.
You primarily need to get the executive buy-in at this stage. Sometimes this can be as simple as describing the benefits of cloud in general - agility, cost
savings, and the ability to scale infinitely - or it can require more involved selling - SME presentations, POCs. You will also encounter FUD about the cloud. It’s
impossible to avoid. The best way to deal with that is generally non-confrontational proof against the FUD points. Finally, you will likely encounter hesitation,
primarily from finance, on moving from CapEx to an OpEx spending. This is essentially a part of FUD about the cloud, but you can help address this by going
over the many different options we have for customers to pay for their cloud usage and how flexible we can be with them.

The next phase of business challenges will be after you’ve convinced your customer to migrate to GCP, but there are still issues that remain. The largest
potential issue you will face here is an expectations mis-match. Customers, having been convinced a cloud migration is what they want, may start expecting
cloud to be able to solve all their problems - be faster than is realistic, do more things, etc. Addressing this early on, about what’s possible and what isn’t, and
what’s realistic and what isn’t, is important. The other major challenge you could encounter after decides to migrate is that they may not provide enough
people resources to execute what their goals are. This could be because they simply don’t know what they need, or it could be because of issues that aren’t
under our control - budgets, politics, and differing priorities can all be responsible. The way to address this is to make sure the customer understands the level
of commitment necessary to execute what their own project is.


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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift



The technical challenges are generally easier to address, as we can often (though not always) provide tools or solutions to them. These are not in any order,
because the level of impact each of these could have will depend a great deal on the customer and the situation. However, one of the most frequent
complaints we get is a fear of lock-in. Customers wonder - if they use Spanner or BigQuery (for example), will they ever be able to leave GCP. This is relatively
easily handled by showing our broad and lenthy support for open source. Both those products mentioned here, and nearly all of our core products, have open
source alternatives.

There’s no such thing as total lock-in. There’s always a way to move data and applications around. Another challenge you may encounter is in the
infrastructure itself. If the environment(s) being moved are old, inflexible, or don’t easily scale, the challenge of how exactly to run them in the cloud could be
a major one. There is, unfortunately, almost never a magic solution to these situations. It generally comes down to the customers appetite to re-write an
application work better on the cloud, versus being ok with the current limitations the application has remaining when it’s moved to the cloud. Next, working
with employees who will need to retrain on cloud infrastructure will be difficult. There can often be resentment to the cloud migration project. There may also
be a fear (sometimes well founded) that jobs will be eliminated. You can mitigate this by offering our training classes and making sure the current ops teams
know what their role will be in the new environment. Finally, IT organizations are often pressured on cost. They are expected to keep costs down in the current
environment, during the transition, and after the migration, even when other pressures may have prevented them from doing this as efficiently as possible. The
best way to mitigate is to help them with their cost controls and efficiencies as early as possible, especially if you see a cost-cutting organization.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Application Change


● Momentum to remain/resistance to change

● Cost to re-write

● Political ownership of existing application

● Resistance from current vendor


● Cloud licensing

● Developer capability to replace existing application(s)

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and Shift Application Change Hybrid

Moving applications with minimal, if Applications that are Applications that are architected
any, changes to application deconstructed, or replatformed on to run across both the cloud and a
architecture their way to the cloud data center

Products Products Products

See ‘Lift & Shift’ ‘Key Products Involve’


To return to this page, click on the Products tab in the side navigation bar.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift


While in theory every GCP product could be involved in a migration, the overwhelming majority of the time this is not the case. The products usually involved fall
under 2 groups:

Products for Migration Products for Migrated Architectural

Systems Recommendations

Click to learn more

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift


These products are tools that help move or connect data and systems. In general, you’ll be looking at our networking services, but also anything else that’s
mean to help migrate. In particular, look at:

● Cloud Interconnect. Knowing the different offerings here is essential in a migration. One customer may be fine using a VPN, but another would need
redundant dedicated interconnects.

● Transfer Appliance. It’s an easy way to move data that’s sitting in a data center to GCS. It’s not for every use case, but when it is, it’s a great product.

● Transfer Service. Great for moving data from AWS S3.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift


Once systems have migrated, they can use any GCP product, obviously. However, most of the time these systems will use the same core types of products they
used where they were. Usually, this is:

● Compute Engine. This will run their core compute, and often data and front end layers. Some will be mixed in with networking products like GLB and
managed instance groups, but not often.

● Persistent Disk. This will take the place of any attached storage used in a datacenter. Some companies will at first gravitate to using Local SSD, but in
general we should recommend Persistent Disk.

● Cloud Storage. This will generally take the place of a SAN in a datacenter. The use cases are not identical, but for most cloud architectures, it works in
a similar place. Be sure to make whoever’s designing it aware.a

● Cloud SQL. If they have MySQL or PostreSQL based workloads, CloudSQL may work for them. Otherwise they can run databases on GCE.

These products are likely the only ones that most customers migrating from datacenters are likely to use.

What about other clouds? Then they will more likely use the products that align with what they’re using in those clouds. Reference the guides on GCP for AWS
Professionals and AWS for Azure Professionals for help with that conversion.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift

The architectural models and technical solutions for lift and shift opportunities are as varied as the existing customer architectures deployed today. This
makes it challenging to provide a concrete example but there are some very common approaches and challenges that customers face when choosing this
path.Strong dependence on network design - One common reason for lift and shift approach is that applications have limited flexibility to adopt cloud-optimized
design patterns, which means the applications are often brittle in the deployment options and reliant on fixed and stable networking models. For this reason, it
is important to gather and identify network design dependencies for applications to allow for the (re-)creation of virtual private networks on GCP that mimic the
application requirements.

Little to no change mantra - A common reason for going with lift and shift is the inability to change the application design due to lack of technical knowledge or
resources, which requires a focus on little to no change. To support this approach, it is critical to work with the customer to identify tools and techniques to
ingest VMs and servers as they exist. Both Velostrata and CloudEndure, listed below, are great examples of tools to support this little to no change approach.

Save time with automation - Another challenge common to lift and shift is the need move quickly in support of large scale migration efforts such as
decommissioning an entire datacenter. While GCP VM ingest tools might be useful for PoC activities it will be critical to identify tools and partners, such as
those listed below, that can assist in accelerating the migration approach.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


Google has provided various training to support customers in their cloud journey. For every workload, we have segmented training by role.

Private cloud Hybrid Cloud

On-prem (Legacy) (on-prem, some cloud)
(IBM, Openstack)

Other Tier 1 Public Cloud

Multi Public Cloud
(AWS, Azure)

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


Business Leadership Data Engineer

Build a Business Transformation Vision with Google Cloud
● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Big Data &
Architect Machine Learning

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure ● Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform

● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure ● Qwiklabs Quest: Data Engineering

● Architecting with GCP: Design and process Data Analyst

● Qwiklabs Quest: Cloud Architecture ● From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform

Operations (Security, Networking)

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Qwiklabs Quest: Networking in the Google Cloud

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


Business Leadership
Build a Business Transformation Vision with Google Cloud

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Architecting with GCP: Design and process
● Qwiklabs Quest: Cloud Architecture

Operations (Security, Networking)

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Qwiklabs Quest: Networking in the Google Cloud

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


Business Leadership
Build a Business Transformation Vision with Google Cloud

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Architecting with GCP: Design and process
● Qwiklabs Quest: Cloud Architecture

Operations (Security, Networking)

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Qwiklabs Quest: Networking in the Google Cloud

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud


● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Architecting with GCP: Design and process
● Qwiklabs Quest: Cloud Architecture

Operations (Security, Networking)

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Qwiklabs Quest: Networking in the Google Cloud

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● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Architecting with GCP: Design and process
● Qwiklabs Quest: Cloud Architecture

Operations (Security, Networking)

● Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform: Infrastructure
● Qwiklabs Quest: Networking in the Google Cloud

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery WHAT IS IT?

The conversation section is focused on enabling you to lead effective sales discussion with target buyers.

This area of the play works by helping you to understand who the customers are, what they care about, and their top challenges. What follows is
criteria to ensure you have a qualified opportunity and that Google and your prospect are a good fit. In addition, the conversation guide provides
discovery questions to advance the sales cycle as well as Challenger Choreography to improve your odds of success.
Finally, the play arms you with common sales objections you can expect to encounter and the ways to respond.


The sales conversation is where sales reps often find the most difficulty. Honing your skills in this area is a great way to improving your chances
of winning the opportunity.

Get Started!

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery PERSONAS TO ENGAGE

In the primer we examined the different buyer types you might engage in depth. In this segment, we examine the specific business and IT
challenges each of these buyers face, specific to this solution.

● Perceive high switching costs - staff training,

● Under pressure to outsmart the competition
limited bandwidth
● Looking for partner, not vendor, for meaningful
● Believe current architecture and incumbent
(“standard”) cloud partners are “good enough”

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Business Challenges Technical Challenges

● Cost ● Maintaining a secure environment

● Security ● Scalability
● Rapid growth (scalability) ● Resource planning and allotment (bursting)
● Moving from capex to opex ● Training employees on cloud based infrastructure
● Meeting IT expectations of product owners/LoB ● Inflexible infrastructure with lack of agility
● Siloed environments ● The need to scale on demand
● Flexibility without compromising security, data integrity or system
● Growing cost pressures and inefficiencies of managing on-premises
data centers

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Business Challenges Technical Challenges

● Typically a large capital expenditure ● Maintaining a secure environment

● Requires in-house operations to maintain ● Scalability
● Still in the data center business ● Increasing physical capacity as demand grows
● Risk associated with running a security ● Training employees on cloud based infrastructure
● Costs associated with providing high availability
and redundancy

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Business Challenges Technical Challenges

● Security ● Connectivity/latency between on-prem and cloud

● Rapid growth and scalability ● Providing strong QoE either regionally or globally
● Quality of experience (QoE) for end users ● Maintaining a consistent security posture across on-prem/cloud
● Cost of moving data between on-prem and cloud ● Technical troubleshooting across on-prem/cloud
● Supporting capex and opex models
● Global expansion
● Siloed environment (traditional eng vs cloud eng)

© 2018 Google 41
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Business Challenges Technical Challenges

● Security ● Data mobility

● Consumption cost ● Vendor lock-in
● Vendor lock-in ● Working with a cloud provider that has not embraced open source
● Price/Performance, quality of experience (QoE) ● Connectivity/latency
● Shadow IT ● QoE for regional or global user base
● Leveraging the best components from different cloud providers

© 2018 Google 42
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Business Challenges Technical Challenges

● Cloud cost containment and rationalization across ● Complexity managing multiple diverse clouds
clouds ● Connectivity
● Maintaining a unified security posture ● Quality of connectivity
● Providing a predictable QoE for customers ● Picking the best technologies across platforms
● Support from multiple vendors ● Picking compatible technologies across platforms
● Software licensing ● Complexity of a developer interface

© 2018 Google 43
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile


To help you lead an effective qualification and discovery question, we’ve prepared a series of useful questions you can ask customers, depending on a particular
use case, listed below:

Lift and Shift Application Change Hybrid Cloud Journey

Moving applications with minimal, Applications that are Applications that are architected Discovery depending on where
if any, changes to application deconstructed, or replatformed to run across both the cloud and the customer lies lie on the
architecture on their way to the cloud a data center cloud spectrum

Qualify & Discovery Qualify & Discovery Qualify & Discovery Qualify & Discovery

To return to this page, click on the Qualify & Discovery tab in the side navigation bar.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift


Generally, lift & shift migrations come from the top down or the bottom up. If they come from leadership, some questions you could use to help dive deeper are:
● Are you running in the cloud? Do you plan to run in the cloud? What is your cloud strategy?
● What systems do you use today?
● What is your growth strategy?
● What is your data center usage like now? In a year? In 5 years?
Obviously, these are broad questions aimed at diving deeper in to the overall direction the customer is taking in IT.

If the project starts from IT or within a group in IT, you can focus your questions a technical and focused topics:

● How many applications and workloads are in your portfolio? What kind of applications and workloads are they?
● How elastic is the utilization of your applications or workloads? Do any burst?
● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● How do you currently purchase your software licenses? Do you have an enterprise agreement? If so, when does it expire?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your services?
● What does performance look like right now?

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Application Change


● What is the long term plan for applications that can’t run in the cloud?
● How flexible is your licensing to run where you want?

● How often do you have to renew your licenses?

● How well do your developers understand all your applications?

● Do all your applications run on modern hardware and operating systems?

© 2018 Google 46
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum


To help you lead an effective qualification and discovery question, we’ve prepared a series of useful questions you can ask customers, depending on where they lie
on the cloud spectrum. As a reminder, below is the cloud spectrum and links to the questions to get you started.
On-prem (Legacy) Private cloud (IBM, Openstack) Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi-public Cloud

*Customer leverages an *Customer leverages an *Customer leverages an *Customer leverages Cloud Service *Customer leverages one or
on-premises data center and/or on-premises data center and/or on-premises data center and/or Provider other than GCP more Cloud Service Providers.
collocates with a data center collocates with a data center collocates with a data center *Customer is typically proficient in the
provider provider provider other Cloud Service Provider’s *Customer typically has
And technology and is often hesitant to performance/stability issues as
*Customer typically purchases *Customer leverages a private *Customer leverages a Cloud explore another Cloud Service Provider it relates to connectivity between
hardware and subscribes to a cloud hardware/software stack Service Provider like Google. the multiple Cloud Service
capital expenditure model to gain some of the benefits of *Customer typically has pain points Providers.
cloud but is still “in the data *Customer typically has pain around difficult to predict consumption
*Customer typically has pain center business” points around connectivity costs from its Cloud Service Provider. *Customer typically has pain
points around scalability and between their data center and points around managing and
*Customer typically feels it is difficult
efficient resource utilization *Customer typically has pain their Cloud Service Provider as stardizing their technology and
to train their employees on another
points around maintaining their well as providing a good quality processes across multiple Cloud
cloud like Google.
private cloud environment from a of experience to their end users. Service Providers.
security/patching perspective

Discovery Discovery Discovery Discovery Discovery

© 2018 Google 47
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Objections ● What is your cloud strategy?

● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● How do you currently purchase your software licenses? Do you have an enterprise agreement? If so, when does it expire?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your
● What does performance look like right now?

© 2018 Google 48
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Objections ● What is your cloud strategy?

● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● How do you currently purchase your software licenses? Do you have an enterprise agreement? If so, when does it expire?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● Do you have a cloud governance strategy?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your
● What does performance look like right now?

© 2018 Google 49
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Objections ● What is your cloud strategy?

● How do you troubleshoot technical issues that traverse both your data center and cloud?
● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● Do you have a cloud governance strategy?
● How do you decide what goes in the datacenter and what goes in the cloud? Age? Size? Some other kind of rubric?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your

© 2018 Google 50
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Objections ● What is your cloud strategy?

● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● Do you have a cloud governance strategy?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your
● What is your policy on unique vendor offerings?
● What is your support model with your cloud vendor?

© 2018 Google 51
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Cloud Spectrum

Qualify & Discovery

On-prem Private Cloud Hybrid Cloud Other Tier 1 Public Cloud Multi Public Cloud

Objections ● What is your multi-cloud strategy?

● How do you troubleshoot technical issues that traverse both cloud providers?
● How is disaster recovery and business continuity planning addressed in your current environment?
● What protections are in place when upgrades fail. (software, hardware or network)?
● What does it take to scale your network to meet future bandwidth needs?
● Do you have a cloud governance strategy?
● How do you ensure that internal and external customers are provided with a good quality of experience when accessing your
● How do you decide with geographic coverage?
● What determines what goes in which cloud?

© 2018 Google 52
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Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery

Objections Lift and Shift Application Change Hybrid

Moving applications with minimal, Applications that are Applications that are architected
if any, changes to application deconstructed, or replatformed to run across both the cloud and
architecture on their way to the cloud a data center

Objections Objections Objections

To return to this page, click on the Objections tab in the side navigation bar.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery

Google isn’t ready for/doesn’t like Lock-in to Google Cloud You have to “run like Google” to
Enterprise use GCP
New products/features to address this: ● We strive for openness ● We meet you where you are
Response ● IAM ● Bigtable <-> HBase today
● VPC ● GKE <-> Kubernetes ● Virtual Machines running
● Peering ● ML <-> TensorFlow Windows, Linux, block storage
● Organizations/folders ● CloudSQL <-> ● Peering options for hybrid
● Teams to work with enterprise MySQL/Postgres ● SQL databases
(marketing, sales, OCTO) ● Dataflow <-> Apache Beam
● Google partners with its customers for ● Dataproc <-> Hadoop

© 2018 Google 54
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery I need to understand/assess the cost benefits/savings I can really achieve if I
move to GCP. How do I do this? (keyword: “assessment”)
Objections RESPONSE
● Mid Market Customers: We’ve partnered with CloudPhysics to provide our customers with a fully-funded assessment that can enable you to understand
your infrastructure utilization and potential cost savings. Just download a vCenter App to get started. (send customer this registration link)

● Large Enterprise Customers: Our tech partner StratoZone has a cost analysis and infrastructure discovery solution that can help you understand costs
and plan your migration. This basic assessment is available at no cost to you (please reach out to your Google Partner Manager or submit info here)

● Customers needing help with the assessment: SI partners can help you get started with an assessment workshop (deck, register prospect at here)

© 2018 Google 55
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery

I need help with planning my migration. Can Google help me?
● If customer’s environment is <50VMs, recommend that the customer use the VM Migration Service to migrate the environment as-is. OTHERWISE...

● YES! We have partnered with StratoZone, a Google Cloud tech partner, to assess, map, and provide a TCO of your infrastructure. This basic assessment is
available free of cost to our customers. (please submit details on the opportunity at this link)

● YES! We have world-class professional services that help customers from diverse backgrounds to move to the cloud. We also have Google certified SI
partners who can help with your cloud journey.

How do I manage my infrastructure on Google?

● GCP provides a large set of management capabilities to manage your infrastructure. (overview, detailed documentation)

● Google Stackdriver supports multi-cloud logging, monitoring, tracing and analytics for your infrastructure

● To manage hybrid and multi-cloud deployments, enforce policies on your users, and create self-service portals for your users, we partner with CloudBolt
© 2018 Google (solution doc, landing page). 56
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery

How do I secure my workloads on GCP?

● Security is one of our core design principles. We look at security at various layers starting from Hardware and boot level all the way to usage and
operations level. We have various compliance certifications such as SOC2, SOC3, ISO27001, HIPAA, PCI DSS 3.0 and more - Read more here
● We additionally have a broad set of partners who offer additional layers of security such as WAF, DDoS, IPS, Firewall, Vulnerability scanning, and
Governance, Risk and compliance. Read more here
● Specifically for migrating web applications, we have a strong partnership with Fastly (an enterprise grade CDN, WAF, DDoS solution).

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery My employees are not familiar with cloud technologies and I am concerned about having to incur
significant costs and organizational disruptions while getting them up to speed.
Objections RESPONSE: In actuality, learning about and moving to the cloud is very similar to the existing skill sets that your employees possess. In addition, it is typical
that customers find that the cost savings provided by the cloud easily offset any training costs.

My organization is extremely security conscious and I have reservations about putting our data in the cloud.

RESPONSE: Google is a security first company with over 800 security professionals on staff. Google’s security model is an end-to-end process, built on over
15 years of experience focused on keeping customers safe on Google applications like Gmail, Search, and other Apps. With Google Cloud Platform you can rest
assured knowing that your applications and data take advantage of the same security model.

© 2018 Google 58
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery My organization cannot handle the excessive costs and cannot dedicate the necessary resources
associated with performing a migration to the cloud.
Although a cloud migration may seem daunting, Google provides best of breed tools and services to help streamline the process. By leveraging migration
resources such as CloudEndure’s easy to use VM migration software or Google’s Professional Services Organization, you can have piece of mind knowing that
Google will partner with you to ensure a successful migration.

My company subscribes to a capital expenditure model and is used to purchasing our hardware upfront
and then depreciating the assets over time?

Although traditional capital expenditure models provide certain benefits, you will find that Operational expense models will allow your business to retain cash and
also allow for savings based on the ability to dynamically scale your operations and only pay for what you use.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery My company has run on-premises data centers for years. We see the value in cloud technologies, but are
not comfortable putting our business in a public cloud, hence our desire to use a private cloud.
RESPONSE: Although private clouds do offer the inherent benefits of cloud technologies, leveraging a public cloud like Google Cloud Platform will also give
your company access to Google’s world class technologies, operational efficiencies, and savings via the economies of scale.

My organization takes pride in running our own private cloud.

RESPONSE: You will find that moving workloads to GCP will actually help your organization run more efficiently. Whether it is Google’s carbon neutral data
centers, best of breed technologies, or ease of use, your employees will be empowered to innovate and optimize your environment, bringing additional value to
your business.

IT Security is of a paramount concern which is why our company leverages an on-premises private cloud.

RESPONSE: By leveraging GCP, our customers immediately benefit from Google’s deep knowledge and efforts surrounding security and scale. Whether it is
the over 800 Google Security Professionals working to ensure your business stays safe or Google’s global fiber network that ensures your customers have the
best quality of experience, Google Cloud provides your business with stability and scale second to none.
© 2018 Google 60
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery My company has concerns around latency between applications that run in Google Cloud and our
on-premises datacenter in a hybrid model?
Objections RESPONSE: Google Cloud Interconnect provides dedicated, high speed, low latency connectivity from your on-premises datacenter to Google Cloud
Platform. With GCI, you will be able to bypass the Internet via a private, dedicated connection when exchanging traffic between your data center and GCP.

My company has concerns around how we can move data into the cloud in a reliable and efficient manner.

RESPONSE: Google Cloud provides multiple ways for customers to bring their data to the Google Cloud. Whether you are leveraging the Google Transfer
Appliance which allows for data to be loaded onto a purpose built device and shipped to Google to be imported into the cloud or Google Cloud Interconnect
which provide you with a dedicated, private connection from your data center to Google Cloud, Google’s offerings provide multiple ways to address data
migrations to the Cloud.

My company has a significant amount of data that will be transferred continuously between our on-premises data
center and GCP. We’re concerned that the cost to egress this data from GCP to our data center will be cost prohibitive.

RESPONSE: Being mindful of egress costs is an important aspect to managing your cloud costs. By leveraging Google Cloud Interconnect to privately
connect your data center to Google Cloud, Google will in turn provide a significant discount on all egress traffic from Google Cloud to your data center. By using
GCI and bypassing the public Internet, Google is able to save on Internet egress charges, which in turn, are passed on to you, the customer. 61
© 2018 Google
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery We are already using AWS (or Azure) and have concerns about the consumption costs if we move to
Google Cloud Platform.
Objections RESPONSE: Cost containment is one of Google Cloud’s key benefits. Google Cloud provides features such sustained use discounts up to 30% off, custom
machine types, preemptible VMs, committed use discounts, and rightsizing recommendations to name a few.

My company is currently using AWS (or Azure). We have concerns that if we move to Google Cloud that
we will experience further vendor lock-in like we do with our current cloud provider.
RESPONSE: Google has a long history of supporting, developing, and releasing software to the Open Source community. Google strives to give customers
the flexibility they need to succeed. This is evidenced by the fact that Google led projects are the number one (Kubernetes) and number two (TensorFlow) most
contributed to projects on

My company is heavily invested in AWS (or Azure) and we do not have the time or money to dedicate
resources to learning a new cloud platform.

RESPONSE: Google Cloud Platform is designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, especially if your company already has experience in
another public cloud. Google helps accelerate knowledge acquisition by building a non invasive and easy to consume training package which contains
professional online or onsite Google Cloud training, as well as being able leverage live, hands on labs via the Google Qwiklabs learning platform. 62
© 2018 Google
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Lift and shift

Qualify & Discovery Given our multi-cloud strategy, we are concerned about network performance between our current cloud
provider and Google Cloud Platform.
Objections RESPONSE: By leveraging Google Cloud Partner Interconnect and a similar product from your other cloud provider, you can provide dedicated, high speed,
low latency connectivity between both cloud providers.

Our multi-cloud strategy dictates that we must use compatible technologies across our current cloud
provider and Google Cloud to avoid vendor lock-in.
RESPONSE: Google Cloud supports many open source technologies that give customers the confidence to know that their workloads can be run in Google
Cloud or another destination. For example, Google Container Engine (GKE) is a hosted version of Kubernetes. A customer can leverage GKE to manage their
Docker containers within Google Cloud or run these same containers in another location that supports Kubernetes (i.e on-prem or an alternate cloud).

Adding GCP to our multi-cloud strategy will require our team to learn and interact with an additional cloud
portal which will drastically increase the management overhead needed to support our environment.

RESPONSE: Google Cloud Platform is entirely built on APIs. By leveraging these APIs, your company will be able to easily create programmatic functionality
to streamline and automate any management tasks that would typically need to be done manually, in turn, decreasing the management overhead needed to
support your environment. 63
© 2018 Google
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Customer Profile Application Change

Qualify & Discovery

Google will make us write it the Google Google doesn’t support Google doesn’t support
way. We can’t do that. Windows (or insert platform X). developers
Google will meet customers where they are. We’re Google works directly with Microsoft to Google strongly supports the open
Response proud of innovation, but offer services to bridge you offer the best possible performance we source community just so that we can
to where are now. can for Windows and Microsoft benefit developers doing what they need
applications. to do in the environments they chose.

We want to support all the applications Google has a history of supporting

and platforms you need to run. If your developer related open source tooling
application doesn’t have a license that (containers, Netflix thingy [I’m tired]) to
can run on GCP, our partner team will actual developer languages (Go).
work with them and you to help resolve
this and get GCP certified.

© 2018 Google 64
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Customer success contains a series of winning customer stories to arm you with proven wins that demonstrate our capabilities in action. Each
story includes elements like the organization’s challenges and goals, the Google solution used, why the customer chose Google, the impact of
the solution and best sales practices for you to learn from.


More Stories As you prepare for your customer conversation, review these reference stories and identify similarities in the challenges your prospect is facing
to show them ways in which we have seen success with other organizations.

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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift

Business Goals & Challenges:
● For two years running, the Lush website crashed on Boxing Day while experiencing traffic of up to 12 transactions per second, three
Market Enterprise times the scaled-for capacity
Vertical Retail ● Previous infrastructure offered little control and visibility of core system
Priority Infrastructure
● LUSH migrated its global e-commerce site from AWS to GCP in less than six weeks, significantly improving the reliability and stability
LUSH is an international retailer of Fresh
of its site
Handmade Cosmetics known worldwide
for changing the face, body, and soul of ● LUSH benefits from GCP’s ability to scale as transaction volume surges, which is critical for a retail business
the cosmetics industry. Its unique bath
More Stories and beauty products, amazing skin and ● Google's commitment to renewable energy sources aligns with LUSH's ethical principles
hair care, personalized customer
service, environmental activism, and fun Products
and unique atmosphere make LUSH an
Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, G Suite
inspirational place to work.

● Chose Google for long term flexibility and performance
“Managing a global e-commerce
infrastructure is complex and expensive ● Moved e-commerce site to Google in 22 days
to scale. Google Cloud made migration ● Brought down costs from $120K to $60K/month
easy and quick. In 22 days, we were up
and running. Now our engineering team ● Cut energy consumption in half, with 35% now from renewable sources
can focus on building for the future.”

– Jack Constantine, Chief Digital

Officer, LUSH Full Story
© 2018 Google 66
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Application Change
Business Goals & Challenges:
● Scale fast-growing workloads cost effectively and focus resources on its core business
Market Enterprise ● Keep service engaging, safe, and secure
Vertical IT
IT Approach/Strategy
● Move user-facing services to Google Cloud Platform, using Google Identity-Aware Proxy for user authentication
Each month, over 250 million
people consume Whisper stories, ● Analyze growing datasets quickly with Google BigQuery
videos and posts which showcase ● Use Google’s managed databases to scale with excellent performance
authentic, eye opening ● Solution: With Google Cloud Platform Whisper can scale fast-growing workloads cost effectively, in order to keep its
perspectives from Whisper users.
user services engaging, safer, and more secure.
More Stories Whisper stories and videos are
powered by Eliot, Whisper’s AI
storytelling technology. Whisper’s Why Google
mobile app is the largest platform Whisper chose Google Cloud Platform because it:
where people share real thoughts ● Offers flexible pricing and payment plans, reducing costs by more than 50%
and feelings, without identities.
● Maintains high availability for VMs and data at all times and provides industry-leading security features

With Google Cloud Platform, Whisper can scale to support ever-advancing data science:
By moving customer services to
Google Cloud Platform, Whisper is ● Accelerating time to market for new features and service enhancements
improving uptime, scalability, and ● Maximizing availability of services
performance, enhancing security,
reducing costs, and delivering
new services to market faster
Full Story
than ever.
© 2018 Google 67
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Migrate Workloads to the Cloud

Lift and shift

Challenges/Business Goals
Market Enterprise ● Each day, their satellites capture images of the entire Earth’s surface (6-10TB of data) and are then stitched together using
Vertical Satellite Image algorithms to smooth out the main image. Their imagery data required more capacity than their current infrastructure
Technology could handle, and they risked falling behind in data capture and processing
● Given the nature of round-the-clock image capture and processing, any lag would result in compounding backlogs. Since
Planet Labs is an American private
Earth imaging company based in
their core business relies on current and accurate imagery, this was a significant issue. They also faced high storage and
San Francisco. The company processing prices which spiked unpredictably
manufactures Triple-CubeSat

More Stories
miniature satellites called Doves
that are delivered into orbit as
passengers on other rocket launch ● They developed an initial architecture on GCP but then sought Google’s help to re-architect the solution after discovering
missions. Each Dove Earth
they needed guidance on best practices due to the complexity of the use cases. Google’s expertise and structured
observation satellite continuously
scans Earth, sending data once it approach ensured success of their migration and ability to meet a tight deadline
passes over a ground station.
Together, Doves form a satellite Results
constellation that provides a ● Eliminated capacity bottlenecks in data processing pipeline
complete image of Earth.
● Able to keep up with near real time data feeds for customers
● Established price predictability and cost savings over other cloud provider
Products: pVMs, Compute Engine

Full Story

© 2018 Google 68
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Proprietary + Confidential


Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Welcome to the Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud Solution! This book will help you prepare and lead effective sales conversations with new and existing
customers around managing infrastructure between on-prem and cloud . This play covers compelling door openers, discovery, solution mapping, and provides many
assets to support you in the sales process.


This solution is a key component of the How do I modernize my infrastructure? Playbook. Use the navigation side menu to move within each play category. Below is
a quick summary of what you will find within each category. Click on any button to begin!

Business challenges, products, and Challenger openings, what to Additionally, you can navigate
more that create a customer look for, and what do when you this book via the left and right
solution see it arrows located in main image
header. To switch between the
different plays, visit the main
Examples of customers that have home page via the home button
solved similar business to select a different play to
challenges and the value they've review.
created for their organizations

© 2018 Google This tool was designed and developed in collaboration with Chasse Consulting: Sales Strategies, Inc. 70
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud


Infrastructure modernization is about meeting enterprise customers where they are. Hybrid means enterprises must operate across their on-prem data centers,
private hosted data centers, and one or more public cloud environments. Hybrid is one of the most overloaded terms in technology today.

It’s overloaded for good reason; hybrid architecture applies to every layer of the enterprise from infrastructure management to application architecture to global
networking and beyond. This makes selling hybrid cloud challenging as it takes many forms, appears in many areas and means different things to different
customers. There are, however, three core layers of hybrid to consider when thinking about hybrid opportunities:

Hybrid infrastructure Hybrid Applications Hybrid Management

Also called hybrid network, this is Applications that have different parts Managing applications/infrastructure
achieved by extending the network running in different locations (typically located on-prem./cloud in the same way
perimeter on-prem./co-lo to the cloud crossing the on-prem./co-lo to cloud (using the same tools)

Learn more Learn more Learn more

© 2018 Google 71
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Not every application component was designed for the cloud and modernization or redesign is not always an option. For these application components, we are
building an open, secure, efficient home for them called Google Compute Engine, with Nutanix, Cisco, and Pivotal and more for on-prem offerings. GCE and it’s
partner products have experienced startling growth because they are delivering immediate value for these existing applications.
● Works on our cloud, or in your datacenter (using VM’s other places works ok too)
● Increases flexibility by allowing applications to grow beyond the datacenter with consistent APIs
● Reduces effort to get started by allowing on-prem modernization when and as needed

Fundamental to any hybrid solution is a strong network fabric that allows customers to build resilient, performant and expansive network. Google has built the
world’s largest SDN, which allows us to meet you where you are, and become a backbone for secure, reliable, and performant communications across your hybrid
● Dedicated Interconnect, Partner Interconnect, Carrier Interconnect, Direct Peering, HA VPN, and the largest set of global connection points of any cloud
ensure that we can get you connected
● Continued investment in upgrading and improving networks connectivity across the globe
● Focus on innovation to expand your access around the globe

© 2018 Google 72
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid applications that can migrate and scale-out in and out of the cloud require a common operating model to support this next generation of application
mobility. For modern architectures and new development, we’re building an open, secure, and efficient home called Kubernetes. The Kubernetes ecosystem has
experienced startling growth because it is delivering startling value for modern applications.
● Works on any cloud, or your datacenter
● Increases utilization efficiency by a similar factor as the jump from bare metal to VM’s
● Reduces operational toil while enabling higher availability via SRE principles
● Enables developers, platform teams, and operators to be more productive by reducing friction with software updates
● optimize software delivery by enabling code to be released faster and ultimately reducing the time to market

The complexity of portable applications, architectures spreading over regions and datacenters and the highly dynamic nature of modern application development
and deployment has created an increased needed for unified visibility across this hybrid environment. Included in this area is the need for common monitoring,
management, security, global risk, and compliance. This elusive single-pane-of-glass is likely the biggest gap in hybrid today and will require a strong partner play
to get a customer-centric approach that works.

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Not every customer is in a hybrid architecture but they will be. Enterprise customers are already moving to a hybrid strategy[1][2] and that includes those
enterprises talking about multi-cloud approaches. Large corporations with any significant organizational memory will stridently argue for multi-source
strategies for risk mitigation if nothing else.
Startups and small companies will talk about making all-in bets on a single cloud provider today but they will eventually grow beyond those initial workloads
and consider hybrid architectures to take advantage of technology differentiators, 3rd party integrations, data locality needs and even business continuity
factors. Given this lens, the hybrid market is a large percentage of the total addressable market as customers evolve and change over time.

Links to consider:

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We offer a series of abstractions that move a customer to ‘cloud ready’. All are open source and portable for multi-cloud applicability. We partner with enterprise
OEMs to bring these to market.
1. Recompose existing apps
2. Produce, consume and manage services
3. Abstract the infrastructure for mobility (k8s)
4. Built on the foundation of GCP network and complementing our migration tools
5. Manage all from single pane of glass in GCP

See the next page for a visual overview of our open hybrid cloud strategy.

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Open Hybrid

Legacy Cloud-Native
Applications Applications

Our approach to hybrid is to allow applications full portability across different

environments: on-prem legacy, hosted private (e.g. GCP Rack), and one or more
public clouds. For H1-2018, we begin with partners e.g. Cisco

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

We want to move to the cloud We need a We need

between public and private applications & infrastructure

Train once run everywhere Scalable management

Developer productivity, service Developer flow should be consistent Retain programmatic control and
innovation, scale, while navigating and fast, operations team needs to be transparency across public and
legacy and regulatory efficient and scale across on-premises
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

The biggest challenge with hybrid is that any opportunity could be hybrid due to its broad nature.
Since hybrid is such an amorphous term, focus on gathering the customer’s use cases rather than a static definition of hybrid as a point solution or target. Try to
map these to areas above and the architectures below. Narrow the scope to an actionable opportunity. The biggest technical challenges are often networking,
security, and cloud-readiness of the application.
Networking is easily addressable but is often handled by several teams in the customer organization and getting the right folks involved is key. Security is often
more of a perceived blocker versus and actual blocker. Make sure to get specific on their concerns, needs and security scenarios. This will allow for a targeted
response that turns security concerns into implementation requirements that GCP can support.
Finally, cloud-readiness concerns can be combated by showing the flexibility of GCP to handle the variety hybrid architectures outlined below. The entire application
does not need to move together and with GCP a measured and pragmatic approach can be designed to fit their needs and maximize their benefit.

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Hybrid solutions vary widely by customer but there are some common architectural models that are prevalent and each is outlined below. Hybrid, by its very
definition, is the blending of multiple parts so each part can be as simple as a single resource or as complex as an entire application architecture. This
makes identifying key products difficult as the entire scope of GCP could be called into play. There are framework components, however, that are common to
most if not all hybrid solutions.

The one unifier in all hybrid solutions is the need for a scalable, performant, and resilient network.

Another common challenge in any hybrid approach is the need for unified monitoring and management.

Just because your architecture is distributed doesn’t mean you want your employees looking everyone to find out what is going on. This arena encompasses
an array of potential products and services but an obvious product offering in this space is Stackdriver, which works on GCP and AWS and includes an API for
ingesting that data into a 3rd party monitoring platform.

Last but not least in the common challenges arena is security.

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud


Hybrid solutions vary widely by customer but there are some common architectural models that are prevalent and each is outlined below. Hybrid, by its very
definition, is the blending of multiple parts so each part can be as simple as a single resource or as complex as an entire application architecture. This
makes identifying key products difficult as the entire scope of GCP could be called into play. There are framework components, however, that are common to
most if not all hybrid solutions.

The one unifier in all hybrid solutions is the need for a scalable, performant, and resilient network.

The blending of components and services in a hybrid model is only possible if the network has been well planned and designed to support these real-time
interactions. Specifically, many hybrid opportunities will fall into one of the architectural patterns outlined below and all of them will need a strong network
solution. Depending on the network topology, reliability requirements and data flow needs, one or more of the following networking services can be applied:
Dedicated Interconnect, Partner Interconnect, Carrier Interconnect, Direct Peering and HA VPN.

Another common challenge in any hybrid approach is the need for unified monitoring and management.

Last but not least in the common challenges arena is security.

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud


Hybrid solutions vary widely by customer but there are some common architectural models that are prevalent and each is outlined below. Hybrid, by its very
definition, is the blending of multiple parts so each part can be as simple as a single resource or as complex as an entire application architecture. This
makes identifying key products difficult as the entire scope of GCP could be called into play. There are framework components, however, that are common to
most if not all hybrid solutions.

The one unifier in all hybrid solutions is the need for a scalable, performant, and resilient network.

Another common challenge in any hybrid approach is the need for unified monitoring and management.

Last but not least in the common challenges arena is security.

There is no one product on GCP that addresses all security needs in one place but the availability of data encryption throughout GCP data services and the
ability to control services and resource access with IAM is critical in addressing common security concerns.

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And Google is not stopping here. The future of hybrid is the ability to leverage technology as, and when, needed where you need them whether that is
on-prem, on GCP, or elsewhere. Google has made commitments to many new products and services that can run anywhere making them perfect for hybrid
use cases where Google will be hosting only part of the solution. These include:

Kubernetes Forseti Istio Envoy CNCF

Open source container This open source project This open source project is This open source project is This site is a great resource
platform to build portable focuses on defining security focused on a extremely an edge and service proxy for current and future open
apps that run anywhere. policies, analyzing your lightweight layer that can be for observing, source projects that will
GKE is the best way to run environments for used to connect, manage load-balancing and continue to form the
Kubernetes. compliance and making and secure the various managing network traffic. foundation for shared
changes to ensure that your microservices in your technology making hybrid
environments stay secure. application architecture. architectures easier.

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery BUYER MOTIVATIONS

“We want to reduce broken deployments by having our Which organization types should you target?
Objections Organizations that have had or will have significant difficulties:
development environment match production exactly.”

● Building a software development environment that is an exact

“We want to respond quickly to customer demand by scaling or duplicate of their production environment
rolling out new features.”
● Moving code from development to production

“We want to speed rollout of new applications in production ● Updating their application code in production
(including canary and blue/green deployments).”
● Optimizing the amount of hardware they’ll need

“We need to maximize the use of compute cycles, particularly ● Scaling up computing resources in response to spiking customer
for applications with spiky or diurnal computing demands.” demand

“We are concerned about lock-in to cloud providers and

ensuring our applications run the same anywhere.”

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Customer Profile


Line of Business
Objections Example Titles: Line of Business CIO, Line of Business Executive
Deliver top-line revenue growth, differentiation in the market, and new innovations to serve customers through nimble practices. Oversees application
development for line of business.

Enterprise Platforms
Example Titles: CIO, SVP Application Development, SVP Enterprise Architecture, Director Technology Shared Services
Enable line of business velocity and agility and reduce delivery and operations costs by providing reusable shared technology services to LoB

Infrastructure and Operations

Example Titles: CTO, SVP Infrastructure and Operations
Provide technology development teams with stable environments; does capacity planning for infrastructure, focused on cost and operations efficiency

Enterprise Risk and Security

Example Titles: CSO, CRO, SVP Information Security Risk, Director IT Compliance
Protect organization against malicious actors and compliance/regulatory violations by defining and enforcing security policies, controlling access,
and conducting audits
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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery Many customers have a definition of what hybrid is and what they want.

Have them describe their application needs and see if it maps to one of the architectures below. Any approach that has a split of resources between on-prem
and cloud or across clouds will likely fit into one of the scenarios below. Highlight the richness and strength of GCPs world-wide network as a foundational
Objections element to ensure success and then try to map to one of the designs below. There will be two major categories of hybrid discussions:

● Central IT driven - these discussion will focus on a portfolio of applications that might be bridged across on-prem to the cloud. Big focus areas will
be security, management of resources and network design. Specific apps may come up and a lead application should be identified to drive the
opportunity. Also, existing customer partners should be identified to see if there existing partnerships to leverage. Big selling points of GCP are the
world-class network, breadth of solutions and API manageability.

● Business unit driven - these discussions focus on a single app or a small set of apps, which should fall into one of the architectural models below.
Make sure to engage early on networking needs as many business unit customers do not know how to extend their corporate networks. Also, tap
into central IT service teams that are leveraged to capture corporate standards and tools required.

Either type of opportunity can take the lead but engaging the broader organization will be required to ensure success and can be a useful way to land and

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Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK

● Are teams delivering functionality to customers at a frequency which meets business demands?
Objections ● Do your applications often encounter unnecessary downtime?
● Are you looking to quickly expand your applications to reach users in new regions?
Line of
● Can you seamlessly adopt best-of-breed services across different cloud providers?
● What’s your strategy to shield yourself from technology/vendor lock-in?
● How do you manage policies fragmented across applications and environments?
● Are you encountering challenges migrating your applications across different environments (private or public cloud)?
● Do spend significant time troubleshooting inconsistencies across environments?
● Are you able to make changes quickly across the diverse environments you manage?
Infrastructure ● What is your strategy to integrate on-prem, private and public cloud environments?
and Operations
● Do you have a consolidated way to perform compliance policy audits across your on-prem and cloud applications?
● Do you have a unified view of your applications across environments?
● How confident are you in verifying security across each environment?
Enterprise Risk ● What is your strategy for managing security policies across various — esp. regulated — environments?
and Security
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Customer Profile


● Re-architecting our applications is going to be expensive and difficult
Objections ● My teams need to learn entirely new technologies and ways of developing applications
● We have a significant amount of investment in our existing platforms which we do not want to lose
Line of ● I only have expertise in my organization to maintain the status-quo - it’s running and I don’t want to touch it
● Large-scale reskilling of our team is not an option at this time
● Managing container application workloads across environments and cloud providers will be significant administrative overhead
● We can’t put existing projects to support this transformation and having parallel architectures will be a challenge
● Writing code that will work with multiple public cloud providers and on-premises will limit use of the unique capabilities of each
● Moving to distributed containerized architecture with shared services is a major refactoring with a very high initial cost
● We don’t have an operating model that can immediately benefit from the efficiencies of a containerized architecture
● We have critical processes in place (e.g., provisioning, monitoring) which can’t break in the move to container based architectures
and Operations

● We can’t reduce our current security and compliance capabilities

● Removing protected VM’s appears to compromise a persistent level of security and visibility
● Containers appear to add vulnerabilities like privilege escalation and kernel exposure
Enterprise Risk
and Security
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Customer Profile

Qualify & Discovery The most common objections are security and lock-in.

For security, the standard discussions are recommended to show GCP’s commitment to security and a dedicated discussion of specific risks is recommended to
Objections remove perceived issues.

For lock-in concerns, it would be better to show how Google is the cloud most focused on ensuring lock-in isn’t an issue. Google’s continued commitment to
creating, fostering and contributing to open source projects shows that Google wants the customer to benefit from Google’s open innovation. Open innovation
means that Google innovates with the best of them but also gives back and allows others to build together so that the best and most portable solution develops.
By committing to open source, Google is saying that you can use the latest and greatest technologies on GCP on anywhere else that the customer needs it. This
puts the customer in the driver’s seat use these products in the way that works best for them.

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The Customer Success tool contains a series of 30- to 60-second summaries of company success stories you can use in your customer
conversations. Each Customer Success Story includes information about the organization’s pain points, requirements, the solution that they
used, and the benefits and ROI that they received.


As you prepare for your customer conversation, review these reference stories and identify similarities in the pain points your prospect is dealing
with to show them ways in which we have seen success with other organizations by addressing similar challenges with our solutions.


Using the Customer Success stories will help you gain credibility with customers by highlighting proven wins.

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Rationalize and Manage Hybrid Cloud

Business Background:
● Running on bare-metal initially (SoftLayer)
Market Enterprise ● In order to meet the capacity they were forced to commit to a much larger capacity
Vertical Technology
● Multiple clusters provisioned for peak, overall 6X of required capacity

Priority Performance and Challenges:

reliability ● Startup running on funding, need to justify; and their pricing model needed change to survive in the face of increasing competition
● Cost reduction being primary goal, as well as expand as needed based on capacity
Founded in 2009, Mixpanel is a San
Francisco-based product analytics Solution
company that tracks user interactions ● Running Kubernetes on GKE and Persistent Disk for fast storage. Pub/Sub and Spanner was being used as well; also uses G Suite
with web and mobile applications and
collects data to build custom reports
and measure user engagement and Results:
retention. Mixpanel has more than 250 With Google Cloud Platform, Mixpanel is increasing its competitive edge in a crowded analytics marketplace:
employees and serves nearly 20,000
customers in 150 countries.
● Reclaiming 30-50% of engineering time for innovation and product development
● Maintaining bare-metal performance in the cloud with sub-second median query speeds
By moving its service to Google Cloud
● Offering higher uptime for employees and customers
Platform and using Google Container ● Able to scale quickly in response to growing customer demands
Engine to automatically scale its
proprietary analytics services, Mixpanel
is maintaining excellent performance and
reliability while keeping its engineers
focused on innovation.

Full Story
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Business Background:
● Quickly develop and scale new smart lighting services
Market Enterprise ● Minimize costs of and resources dedicated to managing these services
Vertical Technology
● Startup running on funding, need to justify; and their pricing model needed change to survive in the face of increasing competition
Philips Lighting (Euronext: LIGHT), the
world leader in lighting products, ● Cost reduction being primary goal, as well as expand as needed based on capacity
systems and services, delivers
innovations that unlock business value, IT Strategy / Approach
providing rich user experiences that help
improve lives. Serving professional and ● Used Google Cloud Platform to enable connections and transactions between customers’ Philips Hue bridges and backend systems
consumer markets, we lead the industry ● Engaged Q42 for design and engineering services
in leveraging the Internet of Things to
transform homes, buildings and urban
spaces. With 2016 sales of €7.1 billion,
Why Google
we have approximately 34,000 Philips Lighting chose Google Cloud Platform for the Philips Hue backend because it:
employees in over 70 countries. ● Offers a rich set of cloud services that help
support fast innovation
Philips Lighting built the backend for its ● Is scalable and easy to use, reducing
Philips Hue smart lighting solution on management requirements
Google Cloud Platform, helping it scale
to support the ultimate success of the Results:
business while keeping its engineers With Google Cloud Platform, Philips Lighting is revolutionizing home lighting:
focused on innovation. ● Runs a platform at 10x the scale of other similar projects with one-tenth the workforce
● Routes 200 million transactions per day through a Google-powered backend
● Integrates Philips Hue with other smart home devices and platforms including Nest
Full Story
© 2018 Google 92

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