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- 1 pack of “Galletas Marias”

- The juice of 2 or 3 limes (depends on your taste)
- 1 can of condense milk
- The zest of 2 limes
- 2 tbsp of sugar
- ½ tbsp of cinnamon
- The zest of 1 lime
- ¼ tbsp of salt


1) Smash de cookies until the cookies are crumble

2) Sprinkle the cinnamon, lemon zest, sugar and salt and mix until combine

3) Mix 1 can of condense milk, the zest of 1 lime and the juice of 2 or 3 lemons depending on your

4) Layer both mixtures like you will do in a lasaña... first the crumble cookie mix and then the
sweet lemon feeling (repet the process till the cup if full)

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