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Journal of Business Logistics, 2020, 1–24 doi: 10.1111/jbl.

© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Business Logistics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC
on behalf of Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
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Why Collaborate in a Physical Internet Network?—Motives and

Success Factors
Michael Plasch1, Sarah Pfoser1, Markus Gerschberger2,3, Regina Gattringer4, and
Oliver Schauer1
Logistikum, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr
JRC LIVE, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr
Physical Internet Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Johannes Kepler University, Linz

T he vision of the Physical Internet (PI) involves both sharing logistics resources and information exchange within an open network. The
implementation of PI is seen as a promising contribution toward sustainable logistics. This paper investigates motives for and success fac-
tors in collaborating in a PI network. We apply an interpretive case-based research approach involving four shippers and three logistics service
providers (LSPs) that operate in a PI network. Motives are defined as the reasons that encourage an organization to enter the PI network. Suc-
cess factors are conditions required for organizations to continue collaborating in a PI network. This is the first PI study conducted in a multi-
industry context. The findings demonstrate the central and neutral orchestration of resources (i.e., physical, digital/intangible, and relational
resources) as a substantial and multi-faceted issue in PI and continuous PI collaboration. A well-accepted theory (Resource-Based View) and its
most recent extension (Resource Orchestration Theory—ROT) frame and guide our research. ROT informs the deployment of physical, digital/
intangible, and relational resources by a neutral orchestrator in a PI network. The knowledge of motives and success factors allows the develop-
ment of future user-oriented PI services that are likely to be accepted by shippers and LSPs.
Keywords: physical internet; collaboration; network; resources

INTRODUCTION central issue, however, is to identify the building blocks and pre-
conditions needed to make the PI a reality. Businesses require
Organizational and procedural developments like increasingly guidance on how to leverage and find ways for efficiency gains
automated logistics activities cannot keep pace with the ever- in logistics and how to counteract unsustainability symptoms
increasing sourcing and transport demand. Transport shipments such as idle capacity of assets and transport mode infrastructure
today have become smaller in volume and more frequent (Xing as well as insufficient and nonintegrated management (Simmer
et al. 2011), due to trends such as same-day-deliveries (B2C) or et al. 2017). These unsustainability symptoms can be mitigated
just-in-time procurement (B2B). These trends result in progres- by applying PI, as shown in a case study of two FMCG giants
sive decreases of efficiency and transport utilization as well as in France (Sarraj et al. 2014). The two French FMCG’s involved
warehouse resources. At the same time, emissions from freight were able to increase fill rates by 17% and reduce CO2 emissions
and logistics movements are still increasing and risk a failure to by 60% (Rajahonka et al. 2019).
reach zero emission targets—for example, based on the ETP The above-mentioned case study had a single-industry focus
ALICE strategy aligned with the Paris Agreement (ALICE-ETP on companies with similar requirements and demands. But what
2019). The Physical Internet (PI) is a cornerstone for reaching happens if shippers’ requirements are not similar but highly dif-
the zero emission targets by reducing the environmental impact ferent—because of a multi-industry context? What makes schol-
of freight transport in fully utilized logistics networks. ars confident that, for example, the efficiency of PI hubs,
The realization of the PI, in turn, requires a fundamental re- infrastructure or service offerings are the most important factors
organization in logistics that entails truly integrated processes (Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson et al. 2019) for a successful PI? The mul-
and horizontal collaboration, especially among potential competi- ti-industry context and the corresponding disparity between ship-
tors (Montreuil 2011). In scientific discourse, conventional pers’ requirements must not be disregarded for the PI. To further
approaches in logistics suddenly appear relatively small in scope enhance our understanding of the PI, it is necessary to investi-
and easier to achieve compared to the vision of PI as a superor- gate open networks of networks comprising different logistics
dinate, global, and open logistics network of networks. The requirements from various industries. Current literature on the PI
is focused predominantly on aspects such as the design of modu-
lar PI loading units (Landsch€ utzer et al. 2015) or PI hubs (e.g.,
Corresponding author:
Ballot et al. 2013; Montreuil et al. 2013b). In contrast, there is a
Michael Plasch, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria,
Logistikum, Campus Steyr, Wehrgrabengasse 1-3, 4400 Steyr, Aus-
lack of understanding regarding the forming and performing
tria; E-mail: mechanisms of the collaborative ecosystem, and there are no
[Correction added on Nov 12, 2020: The author’s affiliation has clear insights into how a specific group of interrelated companies
been updated.] can collaborate and profit from a PI.
2 M. Plasch et al.

Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore companies’ designing PI containers or developing decision support models),
motives for entering a PI network and success factors for contin- there is a clear lack of market-related research into the demand
uous collaboration in a PI network. Motives are defined as rea- for PI. By assessing the industry’s motives and success factors
sons that encourage an organization to become part of a PI for participating in a PI network, this paper is one of the first to
network, that is, the expectations and incentives that drive the reveal companies’ expectations toward their potential involve-
organizations to join the PI network (Herczeg et al. 2018). Suc- ment in a PI network. Knowing demands from different stake-
cess factors represent requirements for continued collaboration in holders in a PI network—shippers as well as LSPs in this study
the PI network. If these success factors are not present, the part- —will facilitate the design of future PI services. We provide
ners will no longer value participation and potentially opt to insights into companies’ readiness for PI involvement, going
leave the PI network. The paper is driven by the following two beyond collaboration agreements. Rather, we aim to better
research questions: understand requirements that need to be satisfied by an
advanced network governance structure—based on this heteroge-
RQ1: What motives prompt organizations to enter a PI neous sample.
network? The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: The state
RQ2: Which success factors must be met to collaborate of the art regarding the PI and theoretical background is outlined
continuously in this network? in the literature review, followed by the description of the
research design. Then, the main findings and discussions regard-
In order to address these questions, this research adopted a ing motives and success factors of a PI network in a multi-indus-
resource-based view (RBV), as RBV has often been used as a try setting are given, and propositions are derived. The last
rationale to explain the formation of strategic alliances (Tsang section concludes this study by outlining theoretical and practical
1998; Das and Teng 2000; Steiner et al. 2017) and we want to implications, limitations, and future research directions.
understand what motivates companies to join a PI network.
Resource orchestration theory (ROT) (Helfat et al. 2009; Sirmon
et al. 2011), a recently emerging theory and relatively new exten- ZOOMING IN TO SEE THE PROBLEM
sion of the resource-based view, states that an organization can
realize the full value of its resources only when its resources are The Physical Internet—literature review
managed effectively. ROT is used as a theoretical frame to guide
our research, as the underlying idea of a PI network is to lever- In order to understand how a PI network might work and to
age companies’ resources efficiently. determine which theories might inform our research, we con-
This paper makes several key contributions: First, while there ducted a literature review on PI. We used EBSCO Business
is considerable research focusing on PI in single-industry set- Source Premier, Google Scholar, and Science Direct for their
tings, to the best of our knowledge this is the first paper to broad coverage of journals from multiple scientific fields. The
address a multi-industry setting. The PI network at hand is char- search string “Physical Internet” was applied in connection with
acterized by a heterogeneous sample of cross-industrial compa- Boolean connectors (“AND logistics OR transport OR freight”)
nies including shippers from multiple industries (n = 4) and to narrow down the results. In line with Darby et al. (2019), this
logistics service providers varying in size, business region cover- is the first obvious step in interpretive research.
age, and specialization (n = 3). The attribute of sample hetero-
geneity is unique compared to previous PI research. This allows The Physical Internet—a new type of collaboration model
us to consider multi-industry specifics in terms of transport sub- The PI is a vision which uses today’s interdependent IT net-
strate, logistics service levels, and operations of involved compa- works and the digital Internet environment as a role model to
nies. We therefore anticipated different collaboration issues reorganize freight transport (Montreuil 2011; Montreuil et al.
compared to previous research in single-industry settings. 2013a). Collaboration plays a central role in the conception of
Second, we provide the theoretical underpinning for what is the PI. In the past, several types of collaboration models evolved
‘different’ when collaborating in PI and present our findings in logistics, each of which has distinct characteristics and operat-
based on ROT. It has recently been questioned whether current ing principles (Pomponi et al. 2015). A myriad of different
theories sufficiently address the complex nature of collaboration names were attached to these collaboration models, including
in supply chains or networks (Soosay and Hyland 2015). The transport marketplaces, alliances, coalitions, logistics pooling,
emerging ROT informs resource management in a PI network, as coopetition, synchromodality or the Physical Internet, to name
it explains the role of an orchestrator to efficiently structure and but a few (Pan et al. 2019).
bundle resources. The paper offers explanations for phenomena The PI is one of the most recently developed models and can
associated with the PI, especially for the element of central be considered the most advanced type of logistics collaboration.
orchestration, as well as the application of ROT in a new area PI is seen to be advanced as it tries to utilize and combine the
(Ladik and Stewart 2008). This enabled us to better qualify the advantages of several collaboration models by minimizing their
role of orchestration and the conclusions concerning the orches- disadvantages. Partnerships in the PI aim for long-term relations,
trators’ neutrality, centrality, and de-centrality. as opposed to transport marketplaces, where short-term transac-
Third, we contribute to the larger body of PI literature by tions take place only to perform single transport requests
assessing the demand for PI services and the requirements for (Caplice 2007). Long-term collaboration is desirable, because it
participating in a PI network. In contrast to the abundance of involves mutual trust, increased commitment, and higher reliabil-
technical studies related to the supply of PI services (e.g., ity than short-term relationships (Humphries and Wilding 2004).
Physical Internet Network 3

Similar to a carrier alliance or coalition, the PI promotes an in- gains in cost, customer service, and sustainability. This is already
tegrated and holistic view of freight transport, including and quite close to the concept of the PI, and TRI-VIZOR even calls
combining all available transport capacity in a highly flexible itself “the world’s first cross supply chain orchestrator.” Their
way (Pan et al. 2019), and therefore achieves higher overall uti- ultimate vision is to grow into a full-fledged PI architect and
lization. Compared with scheduling each transport request indi- trustee (TRI-VIZOR s.a.).
vidually, the integrated network approach of the PI provides a In France, a simulation-based experiment with real-life compa-
more efficient transportation plan. Freight flows can be better nies (including Carrefour, Casino, and their top 106 suppliers)
consolidated, which leads to a higher capacity and resource uti- demonstrated that collaboration in a PI network allows for a
lization. Therefore, PI can promote integration as collaboration 30% reduction of total induced costs and a 60% reduction of
may increase in range and intensity—broadening the partners’ greenhouse gas emissions, while offering the same service level
arcs of integration (Frohlich and Westbrook 2001; Childerhouse to customers and getting truck drivers back home every day (Sar-
and Towill 2011). raj et al. 2014). Contrary to our case study, the French experi-
An important principle which distinguishes the PI from other ment had a single-industry focus, namely retail.
logistics collaboration models is the fact that there is a central Procter & Gamble is another company that recognized the
orchestrator, that is, a neutral entity that is allowed to modify potential benefits of PI very early and which is strongly dedi-
transport constraints imposed by the shippers (Vanovermeire cated to the principles of PI. They realized horizontal collabora-
et al. 2014). The orchestrator has a holistic view of all transport tion with the company Tupperware and thereby saved 150,000
demands and available resources in the network and is therefore truck-km by taking trucks off the road, saved more than 200 tons
able to offer integrated services with optimized resource utiliza- of CO2, and increased fill rates from 55% to 85% (Muylaert and
tion (van Riessen et al. 2015). In line with the PI, the related Stofferis 2014). Furthermore, they used an orchestrating platform
concept of synchromodality also entails the idea of a central called “Control Tower” to co-ordinate scheduling and vehicles’
orchestrator (Ambra et al. 2019). In synchromodality, however, movement, reducing empty truck shipments. Like Carrefour/
shippers book a-modal or mode-free transport services (Behdani Casino, Procter & Gamble and Tupperware both originate in the
et al. 2016), which means that the shipper only determines basic retail sector and constitute a single-industry example of an
framework conditions (e.g., delivery time and price cap) but not emerging PI network. By contrast, our case study provides the
the transport mode. Such a-modal booking allows the central first multi-industry setting for a PI network.
orchestrator to make optimized decisions and real-time changes
to the transportation plan. Lacking understanding of PI motives and success factors
Synchromodality is already a quite advanced type of collabo- Scrutiny of the PI literature reveals that a variety of topics and
ration (and could be a first step toward realizing the PI), but PI problems are covered by present research, including production,
is even more progressive. Unlike synchromodality, the PI also distribution or inventory (see Table 1 for an overview). A more
incorporates highly modularized, standardized, and interoperable comprehensive review of the PI literature can be found in Ambra
transport (Pan et al. 2019). In the PI, freight is moved in similar et al. (2019) or Sternberg and Norrman (2017). Several compo-
ways as data (packets)—smart, seamlessly within synchronized nents of PI, for example, pricing and auctions, cloud logistics or
corridors, and through hubs using the (open) networks of others synchromodality, have been defined and further developed by
(Saenz 2016; Lemmens et al. 2019). existing studies.
Interoperability between all players involved in the PI requires It is worth noting that previous research on PI has strongly
revolutionized planning as well as selection and pricing strategies focused on supply-side questions, for example, on designing
in logistics networks with competitors engaging in collaboration standardized, modularized containers (Landsch€ utzer et al. 2015;
(i.e., coopetition). The vision of the PI also entails open and Sallez et al. 2015) or decision-making models for running a PI
shared networks, using standard technical protocols, dynamic network (Darvish et al. 2016; Gontara et al. 2018; Chargui et al.
routing, deployment logics, controlling and optimizing intelli- 2019). In fact, the majority of the papers listed in Table 1 deal
gence, modular containers, etc. (Montreuil 2009). All these ele- with the development of planning models that support distribu-
ments contribute to a highly efficient transport network where tion planning, inventory management, production scheduling, etc.
resources are optimally leveraged. The PI combines the fields of The demand side, in contrast, has been widely neglected in PI
supply chain collaboration and supply chain digitalization so that literature (Sternberg and Norrman 2017). For example, there are
(1) technologies such as cloud computing and smart factories, no results and no insights into the determinants of partners’
and (2) collaboration and exchange among organizations in the (shippers and LSPs) demand for PI services, such as integrated
network are the main enablers in the approach to decentralized, transport and logistics operations. Nor is there any market
self-regulating value creation (Hofmann and R€ usch 2017). research that deals with customers’ requirements and needs
regarding the participation in a PI network. However, market
Real-life examples of (emerging) PI networks research is essential to make informed business decisions and
There already exist practical examples, that is, initiatives and develop user-centric offers. The present paper makes a substan-
organizations, which are evolving toward a PI. The Belgian orga- tial contribution insofar as we identify motives and success fac-
nization TRI-VIZOR proactively designs and operates horizontal tors that prompt LSPs and shippers to interact in a PI network.
partnerships and collaborative communities among shippers by Knowing the motives and success factors is of utmost impor-
bundling and synchronizing freight flows across multiple supply tance in designing future PI services that meet customers’ expec-
networks. By bundling and synchronizing logistic activities tations. This will, in turn, encourage organizations to participate
across their customers, TRI-VIZOR is able to create substantial in PI networks.
4 M. Plasch et al.

Table 1: Overview of PI literature

Applied research
Topic methodologies References

Conceptualization of PI Report, review Montreuil (2011); Montreuil et al. (2012); Sarraj et al.
(2014); Treiblmaier et al. (2016)
Detailed literature review of PI Literature review Ambra et al. (2019); Sternberg and Norrman (2017)
Standardized modular containers—space/volume Simulation Hofman et al. (2016); Sallez et al. (2015); Landsch€utzer
utilization, handling cost, intelligent containers. . . modeling, et al. (2015); Lin et al. (2014)
Inventory—optimized inventory levels, warehousing Simulation Ji et al. (2019); Yang et al. (2017a); Yang et al. (2017b);
services, reduced inventory costs, maximized modeling, Darvish et al. (2016); Pan et al. (2015)
utilization, etc. analytical
Distribution and transport—network optimization, Simulation Chargui et al. (2019); Ji et al. (2019); Gontara et al.
optimized routing, loading patterns, truck modeling, (2018); Fazili et al. (2017); Tran-Dang et al. (2017);
scheduling, etc. analytical Darvish et al. (2016); Venkatadri et al. (2016); Walha
modeling et al. (2016); Colin et al. (2015)
Production—intelligent and dynamic manufacturing Case study, Ji et al. (2019); Zhong et al. (2017); Zhong et al. (2016)
Dynamic pricing in PI Analytical modeling Qiao et al. (2019); Qiao et al. (2018); van Riessen et al.
Auction trading in PI Analytical Kong et al. (2016); Othmane et al. (2014); Pan et al.
modeling, (2014)
Interconnected city logistics Analytical Kubek and Wiez cek (2019); Zheng et al. (2019); Ben
modeling, Mohamed et al. (2017); Chen et al. (2017); Crainic and
simulation Montreuil (2016)
Cloud logistics platform Analytical modeling Zhang et al. (2016)
Synchromodality Modeling, review Lemmens et al. (2019); Ambra et al. (2019); van Riessen
et al. (2016)
Blockchain technology for PI Simulation Betti et al. (2019); Meyer et al. (2019)
Horizontal collaboration in PI Literature review, Simmer et al. (2017)

Theoretical background have a competitive advantage “when it is implementing a value

creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any
The RBV has often been used as a rationale to explain the for- current or potential competitors.” (p. 102). In order to gain a
mation of strategic alliances (Tsang 1998; Das and Teng 2000; competitive advantage, the organization’s resources should,
Steiner et al. 2017). The RBV is therefore seen as appropriate according to Barney (1991), be valuable, rare, imperfectly imita-
for this research as well, insofar as our objective is to describe ble, and nonsubstitutable (VRIN resources).
the formation of PI networks, which are strategic alliances in the The original focus of the RBV (Wernerfelt 1984; Barney
field of logistics and transport. The RBV will be used as a theo- 1991) was on organizations that act as individual and indepen-
retical frame for this purpose (see Table 2 for an overview of the dent units. However, collaboration enables organizations to
theoretical foundation of the paper). The RBV (Wernerfelt 1984) access and deploy additional resources and capabilities they can-
suggests that organizations gain competitive advantage through not access on their own (Zacharia et al. 2009). This brings a
the set of strategic resources and capabilities that are available to competitive advantage to collaborating organizations. For this
them. According to Barney (1991), an organization is said to reason, the RBV was soon extended to be used as a theoretical
Physical Internet Network 5

Table 2: Theoretical foundation of the paper PI network. We therefore see ROT as an especially promising
theoretical frame for this research.
The RBV has been criticized for focusing too much on the
Theoretical support
characteristics of resources and for neglecting the question of
for motives and
how to use the resources to create competitive advantage (Priem
Basic notion of the success factors in a
and Butler 2001). This shortcoming of RBV has also been found
Theory theory PI network
in an empirical study by Hansen et al. (2004), who state: “[. . .]
Resource- An organization gains Through the what a firm does with its resources is at least as important as
based view advantage through its participation in a PI which resources it possesses.” (p. 1280). ROT accounts for this
(RBV) set of resources network the deficiency of RBV as it analyzes how utility and costs can be
(RBV) ? additional organization is able optimized through resource orchestration (see Table 2).
resources can be to generate a ROT has been applied by several authors in various contexts.
utilized through competitive Liu et al. (2016) used ROT to highlight the importance of align-
strategic relationships advantage ing physical supply chain processes and information technology,
in an interconnected while Ketchen et al. (2014) used ROT to describe how resource
network (extended orchestration shortfalls provoke product recalls. Cui and Pan
RBV) (2015) explore how manufacturers develop capabilities for e-
Resource The full value of an Within the PI commerce adoption by using ROT as a theoretical frame.
orchestration organization’s network the Another example is Wong et al. (2018), who followed ROT to
theory resources can only be management of explain how sustainable development strategies can orchestrate
(ROT) realized if the partner resources supply chain resources.
resources are must be effectively ROT postulates that the right alignment of resources is crucial
structured, bundled, orchestrated by a to generate a competitive advantage. This reflects the philosophy
and leveraged central platform of the PI, where resources are efficiently handled and aligned
efficiently (i.e., orchestrated) by a neutral platform (Ballot et al. 2014). A
neutral platform can be described as a nonpartisan trustee, not
involved in the operational area, whose task is to “maximize the
total synergy gains of the network while keeping its impartiality”
(Cipres and de la Cruz 2019, 211). The neutral platform (orches-
frame explaining the occurrence of strategic alliances and collab- trator) can be either physical, digital, or both and connects manu-
oration between different organizations (Eisenhardt and Schoon- facturers, retailers, and logistics providers, allowing them to
hoven 1996; Tsang 1998; Das and Teng 2000). interoperate as partners in a truly automated and seamless envi-
The RBV involves resources and capabilities, which have pre- ronment (Shin 2019).
viously been defined as “all assets, capabilities, organizational Zacharia et al. (2011) describe four characteristics that an
processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge, etc. controlled orchestrator of logistics networks should have. These four char-
by the firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement acteristics are as follows: standardization, visibility, neutral arbi-
strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness” (Barney trator, and collaborator. The notion of the PI calls for the same
1991, p. 101). Different types of logistics resources (including characteristics. Standardization (e.g., standardized data and pro-
physical resources like technology or equipment and digital/in- cesses, but this could also be modular PI loading units) is needed
tangible resources like knowledge and relational resources) can to improve the efficiency of processes and facilitate the consoli-
be subject of a RBV analysis (Karia et al. 2015). By entering a dation of freight transport. Visibility means the ability to see
strategic collaboration, organizations gain access to network extensive parts of the supply chain. Most organizations only see
resources that are external resources that are embedded in the their immediate partners in their supply chain. In contrast, the PI
interorganizational collaboration networks (Gulati 1999). Access orchestrator is able to see the entire network (Ambra et al.
to network resources can be valuable for organizations as this 2019). Due to its role as neutral arbitrator, participants in the net-
allows them to use additional assets, that is, assets which they do work will develop trust and competing organizations might be
not have on their own. Managing these resources in an inter-firm encouraged to share information via the orchestrator. In this
setting will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a trans- sense, the orchestrator acts as a collaborator, as he enables PI
portation system. Increased efficiency and effectiveness are seen participants to find opportunities and create synergies (Dyer et al.
as the biggest promises of PI, making the RBV is a highly appli- 2004). All of the four aforementioned characteristics must be
cable frame for PI-related research. present to fulfill the role of an orchestrator (Zacharia et al.
A recently emerging theory and relatively new extension of 2011).
the resource-based view is the so-called resource orchestration In the scholarly discussion, an extended field of competences
theory (ROT) (Helfat et al. 2009; Sirmon et al. 2011). ROT for orchestration is attributed to LLPs (Lead Logistics Providers)
places special emphasis on an organization’s attempt to manage and 4PLs (Fourth Logistics Providers). These service providers
resources effectively in order to create maximum value. The role offer versatile services, have expertise in building network col-
of resource management to effectively structure, bundle, and laboration, and match complementary skills of other LSPs. This
leverage companies’ resources is at the center of resource orches- generation of new LSPs acts as orchestrators. A distinctive fea-
tration theory (Sirmon et al. 2011) as well as the core idea of a ture in terms of neutrality is the principle of “non-asset-based”
6 M. Plasch et al.

orchestration. This notion refers to the fact that a 4PL may work The resulting sample heterogeneity is unique compared to pre-
with its own capacities in the network and therefore cannot be vious PI research (which is mainly single-industry focused;
seen as neutral (Fulconis and Pache 2018). Ambra et al. 2019). The strategy of using heterogeneous samples
Previous PI literature suggests two different governance princi- is not only common in survey research, but also used for qualita-
ples for how orchestration can work in a PI network (Sternberg tive approaches (as suggested by Strauss and Corbin 1998;
and Norrman 2017). First, the orchestrator may be a neutral Mason 2002; Robinson 2014). The rationale for gaining a hetero-
entity or trustee (Rajahonka et al. 2019), setting the basic frame- geneous sample is that similarities that were found across a
work conditions for collaboration, such as pricing and bidding diverse group of cases are more likely to be generalizable than
models. In this case, the orchestrator only monitors and enforces similarities found in a homogenous group of cases. Therefore, a
the conditions, but the PI participants act self-rationally in orga- heterogeneous sample ensures that results are generalizable, as it
nizing the freight transport (Sternberg and Norrman 2017, 747). helps to provide evidence that findings are not limited to a par-
Second, the orchestrator may act as central (and also neutral) ticular group, time, or place under observation.
control tower, who gathers data about all the transport demand
and available capacities in the network, and uses them to opti- Selection and description of case study companies
mize the transport flows (Ambra et al. 2019). The second princi-
ple complies more precisely with the idea of ROT to effectively An overview of the criteria and logic underlying the selection of
structure, bundle, and leverage companies’ resources; it also cor- case study companies can be found in Tables 3 and 4. A more
responds to the principle of neutral and “non-asset-based” detailed description is given in the following descriptions.
orchestration. This is why, in the following, we will use the
notion of a “central orchestrator” rather than a merely “neutral Food Inc.: This company is one of the most successful Euro-
orchestrator.” pean food retailers with an annual turnover of four billion
In summary, leveraging companies’ resources by a central and Euros in 2017. It employs more than 10,000 people across
neutral entity to increase utilization is a core consideration of PI. 480 Austrian retail stores with seven domestic retail brands.
ROT therefore appears to be an especially promising theoretical The following topics are of growing importance in its strat-
frame to guide and inform this research. egy: its carbon footprint (with respect to CSR requirements);
increasing customer expectations for product variety and bet-
ter, tailored but free-of-charge services; increasing pressure
AN INTERPRETIVE RESEARCH APPROACH TO from e-commerce and new concepts in brick-and-mortar
UNDERSTANDING MOTIVES AND SUCCESS FACTORS retailing (e.g., click & collect); the opportunities presented by
digitization (e.g., the Physical Internet). On the operational
The interpretive research approach prioritizes understanding of level, the company runs its own fleet of trucks and a large
motives, meanings, reasons, and experiences that are time- and inventory-handling infrastructure throughout Europe. Food
context-bound. The different company cultures and strategies in Inc. constantly aims to reduce its costs by increasing capacity
a PI network are context-dependent by nature and therefore pose utilization (its own fleet and warehouse infrastructure) and
difficulties for the positivist approach and its emphasis on con- more efficient processing (mainly focused on transports and
text-free generalization (Hudson and Ozanne 1988). In line with storage). Due to an ever-increasing number of stock-keeping
Welch’s two-by-two classification, we strongly emphasize con- units and domestic products, the challenge to ship full truck
textualization rather than causal explanation (Welch et al. 2011). loads outbound from the distribution centers to its own stores
Therefore, our research corresponds to Stake’s interpretive sense- is becoming more and more challenging. Shipments are
making dimension (Stake 2010), and we follow his research becoming more frequent and more granular in volume, with a
design (see Figure 1). higher mix of SKU’s.
Packaging Inc.: As a leading glass packaging manufacturer
Deriving criteria for selecting case study companies in Europe (680 employees and 180 million Euros turnover in
2017), the company is the most important supplier of glass
A vision like PI cannot be realized with a single-industry focus, packaging for the domestic beverage and food industry, and
and we wanted our sample to contain a selection of shippers offers a full range of products tailored to customer-driven
from various distinct industries (selection criteria: multiple needs. From two regional company sites, products are sold
industries). As our aim was to understand why companies do domestically as well as to selected export markets within a
(not) manage and utilize logistics resources in an inter-firm set- selling radius limited to 500 km. Four central topics play an
ting in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness, we important role in the company’s strategy: (1) digitization in
selected shippers with varying logistics demands (e.g., truck uti- all its forms, (2) the liberalization of glass recycling, (3) the
lization; sending full-truck-loads or less-than-truckloads; ware- process of keeping pace with global market leaders (and cus-
house utilization; high or low) and LSPs varying in size, tomers), and (4) the creation of competitive advantage. A key
business region coverage, and specialization. In order to have aim is to achieve full transparency along the supply chain in
the chance to understand each actor’s subjective experience, cul- order to stay competitive by means of predictability, agility,
ture, and motivation and to give a detailed description, we lim- and flexibility. Digitization and transparency are seen to speed
ited our sample to one participant per industry and one small, up and simplify service operations, that is, cradle-to-cradle
medium, and large LSP each. principles as well as return and recall campaigns. The
Physical Internet Network 7

Figure 1: Research design.

company aims to reduce logistics, storage, and handling costs to strategically cooperate with complementary businesses to
for fast and reliable delivery. Cost reduction is challenging gain access to markets that are currently not attractive due to
due to the bulky nature of the products and dedicated cus- the high logistics costs or complexity involved.
tomer quantities, which makes the utilization of warehouses Paper Inc.: This family-owned company is global innovation
challenging. Reduced expected customer lead times can also leader in the development, production, and distribution of spe-
result in less than full truckload shipments. A further aim is cialty and functional paper (2,300 employees and a
8 M. Plasch et al.

780 million Euros turnover in 2017). Through effective inter- company is particularly interested in being an active part of
action of people, knowledge, and technology, the company this change, gaining market know-how and further reducing
offers innovative products, outstanding service and tailor- costs by turning fixed into variable costs and increasing
made solutions for the tobacco, pharmaceutical, food, and capacity utilization. Furthermore, it is hoped that lead times
label industries, employing more than 2,300 people at ten pro- can be shortened and transparency can be increased along the
duction and/or printing sites both domestically and abroad. supply chain, especially through learning from and/or with
The company has high process competence in its supply chain customers.
through carefully selected partnerships with reliable suppliers. LSP 2: This company with 200 employees and a 120 mil-
Developing the service component is of high importance and lion Euros turnover (2017) is (1) a logistics service provider
involves, for example, transparency on delivery status, fast in the traditional sense, (2) a specialist for holistic logistics
response times, safety stock, and smaller transport loads and warehouse logistics projects, and (3) a logistics hub
(trend toward LTL due to working capital optimizations of between Western to Central and Eastern to Central Europe.
customers). The trend toward customer-specific products in In the process of organizing and performing forwarding ser-
combination with smaller transport loads and the need to pro- vices, the company uses its own resources, for example,
duce continuously and in larger lots have led to higher levels storage capacity, information systems, and logistics expertise
of mixed inventory on stock. Therefore, production planning as well as group-wide resources, including a truck fleet and
and inventory control are key challenges for Paper Inc. In a parcel service hub network. Due to digital transformation,
order to achieve the flexibility to handle varying customer the company has the role of an enabler in logistics issues
demands, Paper Inc. frequently has access inventory space. In for SMEs. In order to withstand competitive pressure and to
serving call-off-customers, the company is currently trying to keep up with the global players, the company maintains and
build up partner networks for optimizing handling and access- develops collaborations with complementors and pays close
ing external warehouses. Therefore, the company takes a posi- attention to quality, good service, transparency, and innova-
tive attitude toward relationship building with complementary tion. The aim is to further advance the provision of new ser-
companies and new business model development. vices to the customer and thereby remain an attractive
Automation Inc.: This global player specializes in the shipping partner. By envisioning new business models, the
automation industry, offering products, powertrain solutions, company strategically aims at gaining access to additional
complete automation systems, and engineering services and resources, inter-firm partnerships, and markets. The company
supporting tools as a one-stop-shop. Automation Inc. operates focuses on reducing costs by standardizing interfaces,
with 300 employees in four business units, generating increasing automation as well as consolidation and capacity
130 million Euros in turnover (2017). The company supports utilization.
the entire machine development process—from the initial idea LSP 3: This family-owned business (with 10 employees and
to aftersales, from the machine control system to the drive eight million Euros turnover in 2017) has dedicated its focus
shaft. In the company’s view, digitization is the most impor- on rail and combined transport, independent of the geographic
tant driver of productivity. Thus, the progress of B2C (e.g., region, by pursuing efforts to shift truck transport volumes to
through is increasingly in demand in the B2B rail. In its 25 years of business, 60% of transports have been
sector. The company wants to take into account both internal performed by rail. At the same time, the company is experi-
and external competitive pressure to stay highly competitive. encing ever-increasing competitive pressure, especially among
Due to increasing customer specialization and globalization, major customers. The management of cost structures and
the focus regarding optimization initiatives is on logistics and strategies for coping with market liberalization and deregula-
transport costs. Due to the company’s project-related business, tion continue to increase in importance. Regarding its readi-
transports are irregular, nonrecurring, noncombinable (due to ness for digitization, the company is keen to know its status
varying delivery times and locations) and, therefore, mainly and what it takes to be well prepared for the future. Hence,
less than a full truck load. More agile, transparent, customer- clear guidelines and framework conditions are desirable, and
specific, and cost-efficient logistics services could generate the company wants to counteract the high uncertainty in the
additional competitive advantages. Aside from smart factory, corporate environment through innovative thinking and the
the concept of Physical Internet is regarded as an important willingness to open up (even within the industry) among mar-
topic for the company. The company is convinced that con- ket players. In a broader sense, accessing new markets are
tributing in collaborative networks makes sense and strength- considered to be possible due to collaborative resource access
ens the innovation leadership role. and joint reduction of empty runs in certain segments of their
LSP 1: As a specialist for a wide range of transport and transport logistics network.
logistics services as well as network and contract logistics in
Central and Eastern Europe, the company currently employs Data gathering
2,700 people at 85 locations in 17 countries. It reached a turn-
over of 480 million Euros in 2017. Logistics outsourcing is We collected data from several sources of information (see
one of the core competences of the company, which does Table 5), that is, based on (1) two workshops with more than 40
business mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. Regarding the participants, (2) seventeen in-depth semi-structured interviews
optimization of a customer’s logistics processes as an external with companies’ key decision makers, and (3) by using archival
partner, the focus is on cost reduction through new models of data on transport routes, warehouse utilization, and shipment
interaction and processing. Regarding digitization, the demands over the period of a full fiscal year.
Physical Internet Network 9

Table 3: Selection criteria and involved shippers

Industry Food Packaging Paper Automation

Selection criteria
Truck utilization FTL (outbound) FTL LTL LTL
LTL (inbound)
Warehouse utilization High High Low Low
Name of Case Study company Food Inc. Packaging Inc. Paper Inc. Automation Inc.
ID# S#1 S#2 S#3 S#4

Table 4: Selection criteria and involved logistics service providers

Logistics service provider LSP 1 LSP 2 LSP 3

Selection criteria
Size Large Medium Small
Specialization Transport & logistics services Logistics services Rail-related logistics
Business region Central Europe to Eastern Western and Eastern Europe to Central From Central Europe
Europe Europe outwards
Name of Case Study LSP 1 LSP 2 LSP 3
ID# L#1 L#2 L#3

An initial workshop was conducted to bring all case study which archival data were to be provided by all partners and in
companies together and study their perceptions, opinions, and what form. This was followed by a second round of interviews
beliefs regarding the formation and continuity of a PI network. which focused on detailed questions regarding specific motives
The workshop setting allowed us to observe the case study com- to enter and success factors to collaborate continuously in a PI
panies’ interactions and social dynamics. Group discussions were network (see the interview guidelines in the Appendix). Finally,
conducted to elicit companies’ viewpoints regarding their vision all network partners provided archival data for a full fiscal year.
of a PI. The initial workshop was the starting point for a first These data sources enabled the research team to develop a dee-
series of interviews in which employees of each case study com- per and richer understanding of each case study company’s posi-
pany were interviewed to reveal the interviewees’ individual per- tion in terms of a PI environment. Due to the interpretative
spectives concerning motives to enter a PI network and success nature of this research, aiming at understanding each individual
factors to maintain collaboration in this network. Each interview actor as well as the case study companies’ motives and required
started with a brief explanation of the research, followed by an success factors in detail, the objective was not to survey a large
assurance of confidentiality and anonymity. All interviews were sample of companies but to develop a research design that tells
recorded. the story of how performed steps fit together (Pratt 2009).
Especially in the first round of interviews, short, broad, and
open-ended questions (see the interview guide in the Appendix) Data analysis and synthesis
were used in order to develop the framework of the study. At
least two researchers were present for all interviews. Interviews Following Stake (2010), research involves both analysis (the tak-
took place at the companies’ premises and in a setting maximiz- ing things apart) and synthesis (the putting things together). In
ing comfort for the interview partner (the interview partners order to take things apart, the team of researchers started with
picked whether they wanted to conduct the interview in their intratextual analysis: The synthesis of the findings in the focal
office, the cafeteria, a seminar room, etc. One interview even domain (=PI network under investigation in this study) is used
took place outdoors, on a bench in front of the company’s pre- as guidance to interpret the text in the relevant context for each
mises). interview partner (Darby et al. 2019). In this phase, we read and
After the first round of interviews, individual motives and suc- reread the interview transcripts for each interview partner to cap-
cess factors were compiled in a generic first- and high-level ture each informant’s story in full contextual detail.
framework. A second workshop was then conducted to condense This intratextual analysis was followed by interpreting across
this framework in order to explain the relevance of single interview partners but still within each specific company. We aimed
motives and success factors. Worksheets were filled-in by the to identify common storylines between the narratives in order to
case study companies for that purpose, and a moderated discus- increase the level of abstraction (Prasad 2017). This sorting is a core
sion took place. Additionally, an agreement was reached on part of our interpretive analysis. Coding is a frequently used method
10 M. Plasch et al.

Table 5: Development of findings

Data gathering stage Setting Outcome

Initial workshop Workshop with 18 managers from twelve potential • A set of expectations on the PI vision
case study companies; (1) Theoretical input; (2) (performance, technology and procedures, see
Interactive discussion rounds about initial Appendix)
expectations in a “world cafe” setting; moderated • Identification of five broad topics that determine a
discussion, tape-recorded and transcribed PI network (the PI-(service) provider, warehouse
Central question: What do you expect from network, contracting, transport unit & data carrier,
participating in a Physical Internet network? in- and outbound network)
• A signed commitment of seven companies to join
the case study research process
First round of Total of seven interviews; semi-structured interview • Identification of company-specific perspectives on
interviews guide with (1) Introduction (explanation, assurance motives to enter and success factors to
of confidentiality and anonymity) and (2) Broad, continuously collaborate in a PI network
open-ended questions [see interview guide— • A generic first and high-level framework on
Appendix]; tape-recorded and transcribed motives and success factors (see Appendix)
• An agreement on the provision of archival data
(i.e., transport routes, warehouse utilization,
shipment demands) of each case company
Second workshop Workshop with 14 participants (two from each case • Seven completed worksheets with case study
study company); case study companies worked in companies’ detailed explanations on motives and
pairs to fill in worksheets about motives and success success factors for PI network collaboration
factors—first- and high-level framework from the • Notes from the discussion
interviews was the worksheet basis; moderated • Specification of interview partners for second
discussion round of interviews
Second round of Total of ten interviews; semi-structured interview • In-depth information on motives and success
interviews guide with (1) Introduction (2) Specific questions factors
about motives and success factors [see interview • Collected verbatim quotes—related to worksheets
guide—Appendix]; tape-recorded and transcribed on motives and success factors from workshop 2
• Selected verbatim quotes as provided in the
manuscript result section
Concluding workshop Workshop with 14 participants (two from each case
study company); (1) Presentation of research results • Validation of findings from interpretive analysis
including conclusions from archival data analysis (intratextual/interview level and
(2) Interactive discussion and validation of results intertextual/company level)
with case study companies

in qualitative research; it facilitates the sorting and can be structured DATA ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS
by the research question, a concept map, and the “clusters of
patches” that begin to emerge (Stake 2010). In our research, we fol- The data analysis and synthesis aimed to derive motives and suc-
lowed the approach of structuring codes along research questions. cess factors by means of an intratextual (interview level) and
For the intertextual as well as the interpretive analysis on the com- intertextual (across company level) analysis, feeding into the
pany level, several rounds of thematic analysis and discussions development of the following propositions.
within the research team took place. The team consisted of two
senior faculty members and two PhD candidates, with both PhD From expectations for the PI vision to an aggregated set of
candidates working exclusively for this research. motives and success factors

Conclusion and validation During the initial workshop with twelve potential case compa-
nies, the team of researchers identified a set of initial expecta-
Once we had identified a clear story for each company, the final tions for the PI vision (see Appendix). These initial expectations
phase of the analysis was the interpretative analysis across compa- include performance aspects (e.g., better-utilized storage and
nies aiming to identify commonalities and differences in this setting. transport capacities, high delivery readiness, and on-time deliver-
Finally, what remained was the question: “did we get it right?” ies), technological aspects (e.g., modular and intelligent contain-
(Stake 1995). Therefore, we initiated a third workshop where we ers, tracking, and tracing) but also procedural aspects (e.g.,
presented and discussed our findings with companies involved. bundling of material flow and holistic network view). The initial
Physical Internet Network 11

expectations reflect the case study companies’ assumptions and (“Existing overall conditions result in competitive pressure for
beliefs toward a PI network. In the course of the case studies, our business” [L#2]). Beyond that, companies are also driven by
the initial expectations were refined and developed further to envisioning “integration and collaborative business strategy” as
determine motives and success factors. At this initial stage, five stated by L#2—“our company’s service quality, transparency and
broad topics associated with the potential realization of a PI innovations are only achievable when collaborating and realizing
emerged: (1) the PI-(service) provider, (2) warehouse network, best possible integration with partners”—as well as “innovation
(3) contracting, (4) transport unit and data carrier, and (5) in- and business model development strategy” (“In PI we see an
and outbound network. The initial workshop closed with a opportunity to co-develop a future business model” [I#3]). Com-
signed commitment of seven companies to join the research pro- panies are convinced that LSP business models will be subject to
cess and become a case company. change. Real-time demand and supply expectations need to be
After the initial workshop, the first round of interviews was covered with efficient processes at a high level of quality. As a
conducted, which facilitated intratextual insights (=on the level countermeasure against the pressure from market players, LSP
of the individual interview) into the case study companies’ posi- businesses in particular consider collaboration agreements to
tions on the PI. We sorted statements from the interview tran- remain competitive against other players. Costs and competitive
scripts and abstracted motives from statements which reflected advantage affect shippers and LSPs likewise, which make busi-
“reasons for entering a PI network.” Using the same logic, we ness efforts toward a PI network more compelling, as PI promises
abstracted success factors those statements that reflected “frame- to tackle these challenges. This motivates our first proposition:
work conditions required to effectively collaborate in the PI net-
work.” Through this abstraction process, the interview results Proposition 1: Shippers and LSPs enter a PI network,
were aggregated into a generic first- and high-level framework. because they expect to gain a competitive advantage.
In the course of a second workshop, the first- and high-level
framework was developed into a set of nine specific motives and Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a transportation
13 specific success factors (see Appendix). Most of the motives system is the overall goal of the PI. In the context of PI,
result from the need to cope with external demands (e.g., com- resources according to RBV can be transport assets, such as
petitive pressure, policies and regulations, cost pressure, flexibil- trucks or warehouses, and the capacity of these transport assets.
ity requirements). Today, the access to and exploitation of big data is another type
In a second round of interviews, the motives and success fac- of resource that can lead to a competitive advantage as suggested
tors were elaborated in more detail. The analysis of interview by RBV (Yu et al. 2018). Notably, transport assets or big data
transcripts allowed the consolidation and in-depth understanding will not meet the VRIN criteria, unless an organization enters a
of each motive and success factor leading to our propositions as PI network. For example, an organization can fully exploit the
presented in the findings section below. potential of its empty truck or warehouse capacity or transport
information, if it is part of a network where other partners can
take advantage of these resources and reward the resource-own-
FINDINGS ing organization.
Without the PI network, capacity or transport information
Based on intertextual and interpretive analysis from interview would not be valuable as defined by Barney (1991), because
transcripts and additional workshop notes, this section shows these resources would not enable the organization to improve its
data by means of power quotes in order to support our findings efficiency. Outside the PI network, the resources are neither rare
(Pratt 2009; Fawcett et al. 2014) related to motives and success nor imperfectly imitable, because many companies have empty
factors for PI collaboration. Corresponding proof quotes (see col- truck capacities. However, participation in the consortium
umn two) for each motive and success factor (see column one) ensures that these empty truck capacities are optimally utilized
and how they guided us to derive our propositions are presented without adding disproportionate efforts, and full utilization of
in Tables 6 and 7. transport assets is indeed rare and imperfectly imitable in the
According to collaboration literature, a distinct management of transport sector (Montreuil 2011). This is in line with I#2’s state-
interdependencies between firms participating in relational net- ment—“without established access to new and non-utilized
works can result in cost reduction and overall improved business resources in networks, realized through LSP partners, the busi-
performance (Zacharia et al. 2009). Although benefits of collabo- ness performance is potentially at risk.” Regarding PI networks,
ration appear to be synergistic in nature, even across enterprises LSPs aim to “look beyond own business horizon, in order to cer-
(Sanders and Premus 2005), there is little insight into new busi- tainly not miss to gain access to additional resources” [L#2] and
ness model development based on multi-industry network collab- “see several potentials left to collaboratively gaining access to
oration. Research on the logistics service industry shows that non-utilized partner resources in the market” [L#3].
collaboration and the use of external relations contribute to inno- Unused shipper’s storage capacities in a PI network can also
vation of LSPs, but so far contrary to our approach—as our be made available to LSPs. PI resources can also be regarded as
research emphasizes open network members, focusing specifi- nonsubstitutable: The intelligent combination and provision of
cally on LSP’s customers (Bellingkrodt and Wallenburg 2013). resources creates a nonsubstitutable setting of partners’ poten-
Our analysis shows that businesses certainly face “cost pres- tials. There is no equivalent condition which provides compara-
sure” (“Reduction of logistics, storage and handling costs of a ble efficiency and optimization. The following statements
high priority to us” [I#1]; “Common cost reduction between dif- indicate the meaning of resource access in terms of “know-how”
ferent process levels” [L#3]) and “competitive pressure”
12 M. Plasch et al.

Table 6: Motives to enter a PI network—Proof Quotes [from second round of interviews]

Motives and [link to

proposition] Interviewee proof quotes

Cost pressure “Reduction of logistics, storage and handling costs is of a high priority to us.” [I#1]
Means transport and “We work hard to reduce costs due to real-time supply and demand information in our transport
logistics costs [P1] network.” [I#2]
“We focus on cost reduction through increased capacity utilization and more efficient processing—
especially when it comes to transport and logistics operations.” [I#3]
“Due to increasing customer specialization and internationalization/globalization, the focus is on logistics
and transport costs.” [I#4]
“Given the shortage of freight space, cost pressure is constantly challenging for us. Fixed costs need to
be managed thoroughly and requires efforts for increased utilization.” [L#1]
“In fact, we prioritize cost reduction through various sets of activities such as standardization of
interfaces, IT-issues, automation and consolidation.” [L#2]
“Realizing potentials for cost reduction in our business means: Competitive advantage.” [L#3]
“Refining models for common cost reduction between different process levels is our main motive.” [L#3]
Logistics resource “We consider access to enhanced logistics resources and competences and aim to match activities in
access/expansion network management with partners.” [I#1]
From both shippers’ and “Without logistics networks and established access to new and non-utilized resources in networks, we see
LSPs perspective [P2] our business performance at risk.” [I#2]
“As an involved partner company, we are motivated by the possibility to collaborate to use each other’s
access to resources and gain important advantage.” [I#3]
“Expected potentials are seen diverse but, access and expansion through a more effective bundling of
cargos is a clear target in our operations.” [L#1]
“If we do not look beyond our business horizon, we certainly miss to gain access to additional
resources.” [L#2]
“In our market, there are several possibilities left to collaboratively gaining access to non-utilized partner
resources.” [L#3]
Competitive pressure “Logistics changed in its core meaning for many businesses, especially when we take e-commerce and
Due to a competitive new concepts (i.e., Click & Collect) offered by competition: There is also a stronger connection between
logistics context [P1] online and traditional retail and competing service providers.” [I#4]
“There is internal and external but mainly external competitive pressure, which has to be managed to
perform on a top level.” [I#2]
“As a countermeasure against the pressure from market players, we consider diverse collaboration
agreements in order to remain competitive against global players.” [I#3]
“Within the existing overall conditions our business experiences competitive pressure naturally and it is
difficult to keep up with global players.” [L#2]
“Notably it is the case that pressure from competition increases, especially regarding our major
customers.” [L#3]
Policies and regulations “Clear regulatory guidelines and supportive PI framework conditions are expected. . .: At present, they are
Relevant for enforcing PI not there. Not for shippers, not for LSPs. This is an impulse for re-think the CMR, the regulations for
implementation Speed up international carriage of goods.” [I#1]
the transition to greener “There will be regulations that require greener transport activities in our network. We consider each and
and cleaner assets’ every initiative from our service providers relevant as it supports both our emission targets and the
utilization [P3] utilization aspect.” [I#3]
“Being faster and more flexible also means offering alternative routes and operational latitude which are
blocked by legal regulations (e.g., breaks and rest times).” [L#1]
“There is the need for change or at least adaptation of specific regulations that to-date hinder operational
collaboration between service providers. As this can be the first step, we will take part.” [L#3]

Physical Internet Network 13

Table 6: (Continued)

Motives and [link to

proposition] Interviewee proof quotes

Know-how access “Our goal in terms of accessing know-how is diverse as it concerns innovative technologies, logistics
Knowledge collaboratively processes, operational collaboration as well as know-how in simulation and transport modeling.” [I#2]
improves PI network “Digitization, smart factory, physical internet, interconnected logistics etc. are considered important topics
partners [P2] for the company. We want to contribute and are motivated by the cooperation network and the potential
knowledge profit.” [I#4]
“Learning from and with the customer is an important part of development and constant benchmarking
and source of know-how access.” [L#2]
“Transportation-wise, our company is already very specific in terms of a know-how basis: But we expect
some more new aspects in collaboration.” [L#3]
Flexibility requirements “It is a logistics demand: We require increased efficiency of processing in terms of hub-utilization, last-
Driven by customer mile deliveries and general cargo transport.” [I#3]
demands on both ends “We want to improve in terms of flexibility—which means planning reliability, complementarity and
[P3] agility. Especially the mode complementarity within the open network will result in being more flexible
as a service provider. This is what drives us.” [L#2]
Network and/or market “Access to markets which are currently not attractive due to high logistics costs or complexity (e.g.,
expansion and within a selling/operating radius greater than 500 km).” [I#2]
internationalization “Our company pursues new sustainable ideas in the field of warehousing (especially sharing concepts)
An open network implies which enable the development of new market’s business models. The central aim is that we would like
these relational resources to expand our network and better utilize our storage capacities” [I#4]
[P2] “Our expansion strategy involves to acquire experience and market networks to cover peak demands.”
“In this context we see the opportunity to find (international) strategic partners with experience in areas
where the company itself is not yet specialized.” [L#2]
“New opportunities and/or new markets which are currently not possible due to operational and strategic
barriers are in focus for us.” [L#3]
Integration and “We focus on collaborative practices and try to find sustainable ideas based on exchange and integration
collaborative business with organizations along the supply/value network.” [I#3]
strategy “Full transparency through enhanced integration in the supply chain/network offers the following
Which follow the PI vision competitive advantages: predictability, agility, and flexibility.” [I#1]
in reality [P1] “Competitive advantage result from good quality, good service, transparency and innovations of the
company: Parts of that is only achievable when collaborating and realize best possible integration.”
“Not only systems integration but collaborative mechanisms need to be in place to improve transparency
along the supply chain network.” [L#1]
Innovation and business “A particular aspect from a service point of view is the acceleration and simplification of returns
model development processing and recall actions—involving value chain partners.” [I#1]
strategy “When you take the increasing importance of carbon footprint for businesses. To achieve this, it requires
Which make partners involvement of all partners within our network.” [I#4]
capable for PI [P1] “In our current situation we see an opportunity to co-develop a future business model especially with
regard to B2C.” [I#3]
“We believe that new and additional innovative solutions result in competitive advantage: Our company
wants to act as a customer and solution-oriented manufacturer and reliable industry partner.” [I#4]
“Our company wants to expand its leading role in terms of logistics innovations within the
organization/group. [I#1]
“According to our business strategy we strive to be able to develop our operations and processes, to be
open for collaboration, to offer new products/services and thereby to be an attractive partner for
shippers.” [L#2]
“The goal is to deliver the perfect total package for the customers. This is our business model
development strategy. The service component becomes more important (e.g., transparency of delivery
status, fast response times, assurance of safety stock, etc.).” [I#2]
“We are convinced that our LSP business models will be subject to change. We are not afraid of
innovating.” [L#2]
14 M. Plasch et al.

Table 7: Success factors to collaborate continuously—Proof Quotes [from second round of interviews]

Success factors and [link to

proposition] Interviewee proof quotes

Trust-building measures “The establishment of trust between partners in the network is essential. It should be based on
Against increasing competitive facts that are derived from the system or the collaboration platform.” [L#2]
thinking “Mutual trust is considered on a new level. Partners are more transparent in terms of their
For reliable data exchange [P4] business processes and customer structure. This is ok, but we want to be sure that we share
data with trusted partners in the network.” [L#1]
“Transparency on exchange data, openness, information exchange protocols, data truth and the
question who owns the data exchanged in the PI network: This is what concerns us and
requires management, measures and regulation.” [I#4]
Open used infrastructure “Sure, we aim to use other available hubs and transport options within the network and would
Characterizing warehouse hubs and be ready to align our processes as a result: However, we expect compensation if we split or
transport capacities change well organized transport operations to share with other partners.” [I#1]
Comprising aligned handling and “It affects the practical suitability and alignment of shared and commonly used transport
usage of container units [P5] infrastructure. It needs to be insured that the containers and data carriers used on or in the
transport unit. Otherwise, higher utilization is not achievable.” [L#2]
“With open used infrastructure in the network, our LSP systems and processes—that illustrate
our and other available resources—require synchronized and aligned processes and ERP
planning.” [L#3]
Central orchestrator “Our continuous engagement would require a clearing instance—a neutral role in the PI network
Acts as neutral control and that orchestrates partners’ resources and coordinates, which partner gets which order using an
coordination entity intelligent and fair mechanism” [I#4]
Uses standards and compatible “In relation to data exchange we consider uniform and functioning standards for communication
interfaces for decision making and uniform interfaces. That only guarantees clear decision making on transport constraints and
Applies contracts, participation smooth communication.” [L#2]
scheme and pricing model for “On the one hand, contracts shall secure the declared participation for partners in the network.
operational execution and fair On the other hand, fair accounting should be achieved—executed by a neutral entity—with
network collaboration agreed unit prices, as well as with transparent and flexible pricing models.” [L#1]
Enables certification and ongoing “What if a partner in not qualified (anymore) to be part of the network due to particular
quality assurance of network reasons? An initial assessment is obligatory. Only if the results are objectively measurable and
partners [P4] performance indicators of partners can be compared, the platform is able to assess the quality
of performance.” [I#1]
Operational transport system (for PI “For example, continuous goods flows monitoring throughout the entire network could have a
reality) positive effect on network controlling and monitoring performance and service settlement.”
Mechanisms for alignment, full [I#3]
network transparency and “If the platform system can transparently calculate and show prices, costs and orders,
monitoring demonstrate compliance regarding delivery time and quality, it should be able to show what is
Measurable display of open network available for each partner compared to others in certain time periods.” [I#1]
performance (financial and “A well-functioning control logic would be important. If I were to communicate the utilization
ecological KPIs) rate (of my warehouse or my fleet) to the platform, it would have to synchronize, control it
Control levers for tracing and and calculate the synergy potentials.” [I#2]
documenting operational process
excellence [P5]
Strategic alignment (toward PI “Referring to autonomy which implies independence in a way. We, as a partner and network
reality) entity, want to be able to have a certain freedom within the network—aside from the necessary
Maintaining private partners’ control of a neutral acting instance. We commit ourselves to align our strategy and resources
autonomy despite the alignment in but want to react to changes ourselves or decline decisions in certain scenarios.” [L#1]
the network “As a provider of freight transport and logistics services, we have an ability to strive and
Enabling business development and implement emissions-reduction solutions and to gain more efficiency in our value streams.
performing value streams Aligning our strategy and resources for PI, we pursue this central goal in our LSP/transport
Envisioning physical, digital/ sector.” [L#2]
intangible and relational resource “We need to start cooperating. If we were to combine our disciplines, synchronize data and
alignment [P5] efforts, act as good complementors, we would be much better in developing our businesses and
value streams collaboratively. We would be ready to make the first steps early on.” [L#3]
Physical Internet Network 15

and “relational resources”: Profiting from PI processes, opera- discover success factors that need to be present in order to col-
tional collaboration as well as accessing know-how in simulation laborate continuously in a PI network. Success factors in P4 and
and transport modeling [I#2]; The access to specialized know- P5 of our framework provide insights into what a central orches-
how that for example stems from LSP partners’ experience in tration involves and into the alignment in a PI network as a basis
areas where the company itself is not yet specialized [L#2]. for continuous collaboration.
We therefore propose the following: Collaboration literature shows that elements of trust are diffi-
cult to acquire between multiple firms (Adams et al. 2014) and
Proposition 2: Shippers and LSPs enter a PI network, emphasizes the importance of trust from a network perspective
because they wish to gain access to the network’s (“network trust”) (Whipple et al. 2013). “Trust-building mea-
resources sures” as a relationship-building factor in networks or alliances
(Fawcett et al. 2008), which counteract competitive thinking and
Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a transportation support reliable data exchange, were of central importance to all
system is the overall goal of a PI network. Existing studies on PI network partners. I#4 stated: “Our continuous engagement
collaboration to foster efficiencies refer to shipper collaborations would require a clearing instance—a neutral role in the PI net-
that aim to efficiently utilize capacities and improve shipment work that orchestrates partners’ resources and coordinates, which
processes in terms of weight and volume dimensions (Verdonck partner gets which order using an intelligent and fair mecha-
et al. 2013; Suzuki and Lu 2017). In this regard, in a PI, resources nism.” The “central orchestrator” as a new role in a PI network
such as truck capacities or warehouse capacities are leveraged— collaboration, objectively deciding on facts without personal
in contrast to the current situation, in which enormous capacities motives, is widely seen as the key success factor in order to fos-
remain unused: “It is a requirement to increase the efficiency of ter trust among partners and maintain a successful PI network.
processing in terms of truck, warehouse and hub-utilization, last- In line with prior research efforts, the capabilities of a central
mile deliveries and general cargo transport” [I#3]. This means orchestrator cover the encouragement of standardized processes
that the resources are efficiently shared between organizations to and improved network visibility (Zacharia et al. 2011). This role
increase overall utilization in the network in order to satisfy trans- of a catalyst to encourage change from a neutral position has the
port demands by continuously lowering operational expenses. potential to facilitate the process of successful partner collabora-
This aspect complies with “demand collaboration”—understood tion in value networks (Stubbs 2004; Christopher 2005; Sch-
as a collaborative willingness to engage in inter-firm relationships weizer 2005; Wind et al. 2009). This neutral orchestration of
and adapt an innovative view on doing operations (Kahn et al. partners’ resources and decision making relies on the use of con-
2006). Similar to existing research, service providers try to lower tracts, standards, compatible interfaces, participation schemes,
operational expenses by efficiently sharing transport resources and a pricing model for executing operational transportation
(i.e., inventory, terminal and vehicle consolidation (Cruijssen plans and fair network collaboration. The principle of “no-asset-
et al. 2010; Dai and Chen 2012) and logistics service exchange based” service provision can be considered as the factor separat-

(Ergun et al. 2007; Ozener et al. 2011)). ing LLPs and 4PLs from “pure” neutral orchestrators (Fulconis
Similarly, data (i.e., information resources) will be leveraged and Pache 2018). Central/Neutral orchestrators act as dematerial-
within the network to facilitate efficient processes, thereby reduc- ized assemblers of resources and competencies, without having
ing logistics costs. “Flexibility requirements,” on the one hand, (their) own physical assets. In a developed PI network, gain-shar-
stand for the LSPs’ motive to meet the challenging requirements ing mechanisms (Um and Kim 2019) are expected to ensure that
of shippers with higher planning reliability and agility. The resource-owning organizations are compensated adequately for
demand for higher flexibility was described by L#2: “We want providing their capacities: “On the one hand, contracts shall
to improve in terms of flexibility—which means planning relia- secure the declared participation for partners in the network. On
bility, complementarity and agility. Especially the mode comple- the other hand fair accounting should be achieved—executed by
mentarity within the open network will result in being more a neutral entity—with agreed unit prices, as well as with trans-
flexible as a service provider. This is what drives us.” On the parent and flexible pricing models” [L#1].
other hand, “policies and regulations” as described by I#1 This results in our fourth proposition:
—“Clear regulatory guidelines and supportive PI framework con-
ditions are expected. . .: At present, they are not there. Not for Proposition 4: The presence of a neutral entity that
shippers, not for LSPs. This is an impulse for re-think the CMR, orchestrates the resources is a critical success factor in
the regulations for international carriage of goods.”—have to be a PI network.
created to allow a joint and more efficient management of trans-
port logistics processes and use of resources. In the context of a PI, physical resources (e.g., warehouse or
This leads to our third proposition: transport capacities) and digital resources (e.g., information and
data exchange) must be coordinated appropriately. This align-
Proposition 3: Shippers and LSPs enter a PI network, ment of resources refers to “openly used infrastructure,” “opera-
because they expect their transport logistics processes tional transport system,” and “strategic alignment” as success
and resources to be more efficient. factors for continuous collaboration in a PI. Alignment further
means open resources (i.e., warehouse hubs and transport capaci-
After understanding shippers’ and LSPs’s motives better with ties) as well as proper handling and use of container units. An
respect to why they would enter a PI network, we wanted to aligned IT system potentially provides full network transparency,
16 M. Plasch et al.

monitors measurable network performance KPIs, and records of a PI network. Propositions 4 and 5 relate to RQ2 and indicate
operational processes—as stated in the following quotes: “LSP success factors as conditions required by organizations to collab-
systems and processes—that illustrate our and other available orate continuously in a PI network. Figure 2 summarizes the five
resources—require synchronized and aligned processes and ERP propositions.
planning” [L#3]; “It affects the practical suitability and alignment
of shared and commonly used transport infrastructure” [L#2].
Alignment deals with fuzzy boundaries between involved part- CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND FUTURE
ners and leads to a degree of abstraction of digital resources RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
(Ndede-Amadi 2004; Sanders 2005; Tunzelmann 2010), that is,
operations, logistics, and strategic planning data. If “continuous This paper delivered an explanation of motives and success fac-
goods flows monitoring throughout the entire network could tors to collaborate in a PI network. Case study companies were
have a positive effect on network controlling and monitoring per- contrasted—for a state of having no active business interaction
formance and service settlement” [I#3], the transmission and pro- between the actors against, their involvement within a PI net-
cessing of information between participating PI partners is vital work, conditioned by substantial data exchange, sharing ware-
(Sanders 2005). Yet, to understand alignment in the context of a house and transport facilities, and the development of
PI, it is important to consider the strategic alignment of busi- collaborative, measurable network performance processes. The
nesses and their information systems (IS) to improve organiza- results show manifestations of motives and success factors of
tional performance using IS-based resources (Kearns and Lederer case study companies in a potential PI setting. The identified
2000). This indicates the way in which PI operations and activi- success factors “central orchestrator” and “alignment of
ties, including resource alignment and transparency of informa- resources” clearly indicate that a central and neutral control and
tion within the network, should be managed: “If the platform coordination body is crucial for collaborating successfully in a
system can transparently calculate and show prices, costs and PI. The task of this central orchestrator is to regulate the partner-
orders, demonstrate compliance regarding delivery time and qual- ships and economic exchanges in the PI network: This involves
ity, it should be able to show what is available” [I#1]. The physi- contracts, standards and compatible interfaces, a participation
cal and information resources throughout the PI network can scheme, and a pricing model for executing operational trans-
support the network’s strategic orientation and emphasize the portation plans.
importance of the central orchestrator role (as seen in P4) (Kehoe Control of network performance and quality is a central
et al. 2007). Referring to the alignment of resources and a requirement for organizations to collaborate continuously under
increased level of information sharing in a PI, our final proposi- fair network collaboration conditions. To achieve the appropriate
tion is therefore: alignment of resources, findings suggest the establishment of an
efficient and fair governance structure that features these PI oper-
Proposition 5: The appropriate alignment of physical ations and activities, including resource alignment. In terms of
and digital resources is a critical success factor in a PI RBV, we showed that traditionally NON-VRIN resources like
network. transport and warehouse capacity can become VRIN in a PI net-
work setting. Resource orchestration theory was used as a theo-
Drawing on the above-discussed findings and their relation to retical frame, revealing the idea of the resource orchestrator
existing literature, a theoretical framework is presented in Fig- (Zacharia et al. 2011) to be especially applicable in a PI network
ure 2. This highlights the motives and success factors identified setting. The key motives we identified, that is, “access to net-
among four shippers and three LSPs operating in a PI network. work resources,” “competitive advantage,” and “efficient pro-
According to the framework, propositions 1–3 relate to RQ1 and cesses,” are nothing out of the ordinary and can be found in
indicate motives that encourage an organization to become part non-PI settings as well. Nevertheless, in an open PI network the

Figure 2: Framework of motives for entering and success factors for remaining in a PI network.
Physical Internet Network 17

leverage to address these key motives is significantly higher. The Figure 3: Theoretical underpinning of collaboration in a PI net-
following subsections illustrate the implications and limitations work.
of this study and indicate potential directions for future research.

Theoretical implications

Existing PI literature lacks theoretical grounding; theoretical

development in the field of PI is therefore urgently needed. Our
paper addresses this need inasmuch as we are the first to apply a
well-established theory (RBV) and an emerging theory (ROT) to
the context of PI (Figure 3).
RBV is a seminal theory used in a myriad of studies on mani-
fold topics of strategic management. For research applying RBV,
the originator of RBV—Birger Wernerfelt—recommends gaining
a profound understanding for what is actually considered as
resources (Lockett et al. 2008). In an interview, Wernerfelt stated organizations can leverage their resources was missing from his
that researchers tend to focus on explaining the effects of original work. Our paper addresses this missing piece inasmuch
resources, but neglect understanding the nature of different as we present how the PI network, especially by means of the
resources (Lockett et al. 2008). Since we apply RBV to a new neutral orchestrator, can provide the governance structure
topic (PI), we tried to define the nature of the resources relevant required to efficiently leverage resources. The logistics environ-
in the context of PI. ment has become increasingly digitized and collaborative in
Our case study revealed that the following three types of recent years, which is also reflected by new concepts such as PI.
resources prove to be important for organizations entering a PI We show how RBV and the idea of a PI fit together and comple-
network: ment each other, thus providing a missing link for the further
development of RBV in this new, digitized, and collaborative
• Physical resources (e.g., case companies frequently mentioned world of logistics.
access to warehouse and transport capacities as desirable net- To explain the governance structure in a PI, we used a second
work resources) theory, ROT, which turned out to be particularly useful for
• Digital/intangible resources (e.g., data and knowledge are rele- understanding the deployment of logistics resources and capabili-
vant resources in the PI network to create efficiency and inno- ties in a PI network. We extended the notion of the resource
vation among collaborating companies) orchestrator as stipulated by ROT to the context of PI and
• Relational resources (e.g., business relations can be used for thereby revealed a new field of application for this emerging the-
network and market expansion) ory. Our work thus supports the dissemination of ROT as a rele-
vant new theory. Our results contribute to the further
The assumption that VRIN resources yield a competitive understanding and application of ROT, as the case study reveals
advantage is of central significance in RBV (Barney 1991). The some distinct success factors for the effective orchestration of
results of our study contribute to understanding the foundation of resources (e.g., open infrastructure, strategic alignment, and trust-
VRIN criteria. Resources do not have to meet the VRIN criteria building measures). Additionally, we complement existing work
innately; VRIN criteria can be developed over time. Some of an on resource orchestration in logistics, which currently focuses
organizations’ resources only become valuable, rare, imperfectly exclusively on the function and capabilities of third-party logis-
imitable, and nonsubstitutable when the organization enters a PI tics providers (3PLs) (e.g., Dollet and Dıaz 2011; Zacharia et al.
network. The reason for this is that these resources (e.g., ware- 2011; Shaharudin et al. 2014). In comparison with 3PLs as well
house capacities) can be fully utilized only in the PI network. as LLPs and 4PLs, the role of the network orchestrator in a PI is
Efficiency is increased, leading to additional return on invest- more progressive and comprehensive. The case study reveals the
ment. Horizontal collaboration and participation in a PI network expectations concerning this advanced network orchestrator. For
can therefore enable resources to meet the VRIN criteria (and example, case study companies expect efficient processes by
create competitive advantage). bundling and leveraging resources appropriately, as they need to
Although RBV previously proved to be appropriate for cope with increasing cost pressure and flexibility requirements.
explaining the formation of strategic alliances and collaboration
between different organizations (as seen in, e.g., Eisenhardt and Practical implications
Schoonhoven 1996; Tsang 1998; Das and Teng 2000), this the-
ory has some major shortcomings. It has been criticized for pre- We began with the problem that managers require answers as to
dominantly focusing on the question of which resources are how the PI can work in practice and how potential PI users esti-
critical for an organization’s success, while neglecting the ques- mate their demand and expectations from this specific network
tion of how to use these resources (Priem and Butler 2001; Han- concept. Our paper presents the first effort in PI literature to
sen et al. 2004). This is also reflected in a review written by study the collaboration between logistics service providers and
Wernerfelt himself, 10 years after publishing the initial idea of shippers from multiple industries. We provide guidance for prac-
RBV (Wernerfelt 1995). In this review, Wernerfelt (1995) titioners that companies which strive for more efficient logistics
acknowledged that the governance structure within which processes or enhanced access to network partners’ resources
18 M. Plasch et al.

show appropriate motives to join a PI network. Managers need Limitations and future research
to consider their organizations’ collaboration readiness (i.e., com-
petency fitness, willingness to collaborate and share data, and This exploratory study has several limitations that call for further
technological compatibility) for joining a PI and may expect an research. First, this study is an initial attempt to empirically
efficient alignment of resources and an evidence-based transport examine motives for entering and success factors for remaining
logistics planning as well as decision making (performed by a in a PI network. Further research is needed to examine motives
central orchestrator through a PI platform). Managers should and success factors in different PI networks with respect to net-
consider that their organizations’ resources become valuable, work size, actors, and culture. Second, longitudinal research is
rare, imperfectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable when collaborat- needed to understand whether the expected benefits truly materi-
ing within a PI network. This is because resources can be better alize (e.g., in KPIs) and the identified success factors remain suc-
utilized and managed in a complementary way with those from cess factors. Third, as we limited our study to the specific multi-
other network partners—including multi-industry and LSP com- industry context and the corresponding companies’ requirements,
panies alike. it would be interesting to see whether the propositions also hold
In the long term, new servitization models may appear (e.g., in other multi-industry settings. Although we selected cases
Gruchmann et al. 2020) that are based on the fact that transport deliberately to achieve a heterogeneous sample, we cannot con-
users need the functionality of assets rather than the assets them- clude that the findings are transferable to all firms without adjust-
selves (Neely 2008). This implies that it is not the transport ments or rule out interpretation bias regarding the investigated
resources (e.g., pallet space on a specific truck) that is sold, but phenomenon.
that instead a specific service is offered (e.g., instant transporta- Further research is required in the following directions: (1)
tion service from A to B). A development toward servitization The establishment of the resource orchestrator’s role and valid
will lead to more efficient logistics processes in the PI network gain-sharing mechanisms have to attract future PI network mem-
(P3). This refers to the dematerialized assembling of resources bers by highlighting upfront what they expect from joining. (2)
and competencies in PI orchestration. Utilization and resource The development of knowledge on business models and operat-
productivity will still play an important role for the resource ing models relevant in a PI context will help to make the vision
owner in this servitization scenario, but not for the LSPs, who and the way collaboration takes place in the network more tangi-
will then only use the functionality of the resources, but not own ble. (3) The identification of companies’ organizational readiness
them (P2). The orchestrator—for example, a platform or entity— and maturity (Kl€ otzer and Pflaum 2017) in terms of PI can
relies on monitoring plans and performs on the basis of a ensure that the promised benefits can be realized and are not
dynamic assembly of partners’ resources. endangered because of internal company shortcomings. (4) The
Regarding the orchestrator’s role, managers may expect a neu- investigation of the foundation of VRIN criteria through a high
tral driving force that acts on the basis of potential platform and well-aligned balance between PI network resources.
intelligence for the purpose of managing data optimization pro- Facing the current challenges and mismanagement with respect
cesses through algorithms, standardized data structures, and inte- to sustainability in recent decades, the PI might serve as an evo-
grated protocols. The implementation of the central orchestrator lutional concept for future sustainable and open transport logis-
—in whatever form or hierarchical structure—is a decisive fac- tics networks and sharing-economy actors (Gerwe and Silva
tor. The fact that this inhibits an enormous potential is evident 2020).
inasmuch as the network described here is only one part of a net-
work in wider networks, according to the PI vision.
This “network of networks,” as a concept, also initiates discus- REFERENCES
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Physical Internet Network 23



Round Questions/Procedure

First round of Instructions for the interviewee

interviews Introduction
Interviewee background
Main Research Question
Reference to initial expectations from first workshop

Broad open-ended questions:

• What managerial and strategic aspects drive you and your company to enter an open logistics network?
• Which framework conditions must be in place for a successful collaboration with other shippers/LSPs?
Postinterview comments
Second round of Instructions for the interviewee
interviews Introduction
Interviewee background
Main Research Question
Reference to (aggregated) set of motives and success factors from second workshop

Specific questions:
• What is the strategic position of your company concerning the PI vision?
• When you look at this set of motives to enter a PI network, can you elaborate in detail what aspects apply
to your company?
• When you look at these success factors to collaborate continuously in the PI network, can you elaborate in
detail what aspects are relevant to your company in this matter?
• To what extent is the PI development in general relevant for your company’s field of business?
• Are there any particular issues that may influence a realization of PI in the future?
Postinterview comments


Aspect Expectation

Performance Utilized transport capacities

On-time delivery
Flexibility for shippers and logistics service providers
High delivery readiness
Utilized storage capacities
Technology Modern hub/warehouse logistics
Uniform standards and regulations
Comprehensive data exchange
Simple and technology-supported communication and processing
Tracking and Tracing
Standardized containers
Modular containers
Communicating/Intelligent containers
Procedures Bundling of material flows
Cross-company solutions
Comprehensive data and information exchange
Holistic network view
24 M. Plasch et al.


Motives Success factors

Cost pressure Trust-building measures combatting increasing competitive thinking

Logistics resource access/expansion Functioning standards and compatible interfaces
Competitive pressure Trusted data exchange
Policies and regulations Full network transparency and monitoring
Know-how access Measurable increase in the economic and ecological logistics process
Flexibility requirements Central and neutral control and coordination body
Network and/or market expansion and Open warehouse hubs and transport relations
Integration and collaborative business strategy Fair network collaboration through a participation scheme (contract) and pricing
Innovation and business model development strategy Certification and ongoing quality assurance of network partners
Maintaining private partners’ autonomy in the network
Practical handling of transport units and infrastructure
Control levers for operational process excellence
Business development and performing value streams


Michael Plasch received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in “International Logistics Management” and “Supply Chain Management”
and is a PhD candidate at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Michael is research project manager at University of Applied Sciences
Upper Austria at Logistikum Steyr in the department “Supply Chain Management,” leading the research area “collaboration and compe-
tition in supply chains”. His research interests include supply chain collaboration, coopetition, and supply chain networks.

Sarah Pfoser obtained her diploma in Management and Applied Economics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. She is a PhD
candidate at the University of Bremen, Germany, studying the acceptance of sustainable freight transport strategies. Sarah is working as
a researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria at Logistikum Steyr. In the previous years, she has acquired and man-
aged several internationally and nationally funded research projects on the topic of sustainable freight transport.

Markus Gerschberger is visiting professor at the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute at Georgia Tech and professor for supply
chain management at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Markus heads the research department “Supply Chain Manage-
ment” at Logistikum Steyr and the Josef-Ressel-Centre for real-time network visibility. His research interests are in the areas of supply
chain visibility, supply chain complexity, risk, and resilience.

Regina Gattringer is Head of the Institute of Strategic Management at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz. She holds a PhD in
Social and Economic Sciences. Her current research interests focus on inter-organizational collaborations, open foresight, open innova-
tion, and strategic management in the context of digitalization and value networks. She has extensive experience in the implementation
of inter-organizational collaborations.

Oliver Schauer studied law at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and completed an executive postgraduate program at LIMAK
Johannes Kepler University Business School. He is professor at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Business
and Management, with emphasis on the fields of sustainable transport, Physical Internet and Logistics 4.0 and head of studies of the
master program “Digital Transport- and Logistics-Management.”

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