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Body languange

Flirt, or wink with opposite sex, and will make the person feels less happy with your
way, so be prepared to accept the consequences. It could be considered as a form of
harassment and or you would get a damper, still profitable if he did not question further. If in
America, sexual harassment will accept heavy punishment, and there sue's power to appeal is
very strong.

Eye Contact in the US means confidence and sincerity. In South America it is a sign of

2. Introduction

During the initial introduction you should address your American business colleagues
with their respective titles and their last names. They will let you know immediately how they
wish to be addressed. If you prefer to be addressed by your last name and/or title, do let your
US business partners know immediately. They will not be offended, but respect your direct and
honest approach.

3. Greeting
Use an official call or title with their family name when meeting for the first time. Unless
your US business partner asks you to call his name. get used to say please and thank you for the
smallest thing is very appreciated.

Saying hello in the United States tends to be informal, make sure you smile and call
someone by using their first name. If you are with your friends, don't forget to introduce them
to each other. Handshake is a common thing and a general "Hello" is used to start a
conversation. Americans tend to speak open as they are. Don't be offended by their words,
because they basically dislike chat, which is just a small talk.

4. Interaction

Thank you, goodbye, have a nice day, please, sorry, and nice to meet you, often spoken
and heard in everyday life. Even smiling with strangers is normal. Like a norm that is ingrained,
these words adorn the lives of famous Americans who love to maintain privacy. In addition to
these expressions, Americans also like to use hyperbolic sentences in their sentences. Words like
extremely, very, super, truly, highly, especially and the like are often tucked into sentences.
"Thank you so very much!", "You are extremely kind, I'm super thankful to you", are some
examples of hyperbolic sentences.

We can't just come to visit without calling or making an appointment first. And if we are
invited, we must clearly be able to come or not by notifying in advance through RSVP. Even
more interesting is the attitude of some Americans towards social media. Although this is not
generalized, I also met Americans who were sensitive to the installation of photos of themselves
or their children on social media, especially Facebook. There is a very anti-tagged one, which
carefully posts photos on FB, and some even don't want to follow FB at all. Giving contact
numbers is not uncommon, especially home phone numbers.

In America, good manners are not unique. Ordinary people make small talk but on
general topics. Weather or certain events / hot news in the media can be a powerful "ice
breaker" to start a conversation. Asking for personal things is something that makes the
atmosphere become stiff, although of course everything can depend on individuals. But indeed
in America, things that are new personal can be asked if someone's relationship is near or
already feel comfortable with each other. Questions about status, employment, number of
children or already having children or not, or commenting on physical form and style of speech,
are things that can be said to be "prohibited".

Finally, the problem is antri or stand in line. Everyone must respect and obey the 'law' in
this line. Never cut the path of a standing person before you. In any form, including when driving
a car. For example, if there is a stop sign, then you who arrive later must give a way first to the
car that first arrived at the road plunder.

Don't make physical contact, Americans really value privacy and the distance between
individuals. In some Asian countries including Indonesia, fellow men put their hands on the
shoulders of their male friends. Hold your friends' hands and shoulders too. But don't ever do
something like that in America, they will stare in surprise and think you are gay or gay.

5. Table manner
In American culture, watching someone is only done occasionally. And that is usually
done by and to people who are close to each other, and only at very special events. When eating
together outside, each of them already understands, that the one who invites does not mean
who will and must pay. Usually each will pay individually to the cashier, or collect money from
one of the people who will pay it to the cashier.
If we are invited to eat at an American home, we will be great guests. As a grand guest,
before the meal we will be asked by the host to read the prayer before eating. So it must be
prepared before an American dinner. We may also say a prayer with our language which is
important at the end of the prayer, say AMIN. That means you can eat.
Dinner shows in the United States tend to be relaxed and informal so don't be surprised
if you attend a dinner party where the attendees are dressed casually. What you have to
remember there is to start your meal when you are welcome by the host.
6. Office hour
Saturdays and Sundays are days to relax, both with family and in groups. Rarely d,
Americans want to work after weekend, except workers from Asian countries, because working
at weekends you will usually be paid one half or twice the salary. For Americans, quality time
with family at weekends is more important than even paid double overtime. 8.30/9.00 am to
5.00/6.00 pm long hours are common.
7. Meeting
In American work culture, meetings are the right time for brainstorming and discussing a
project or problem. Disclaiming - refusing opinions is a common thing, even among seniors and
juniors. Americans also tend to be more courageous in expressing their personal opinions even if
they contradict senior opinions.
Most of them always arrive on time, even a few minutes before they arrived when there
was an appointment. If there are obstacles, whether from the one who made the appointment
or on the other hand, then they will immediately notify in advance. I was 10 minutes late from
the agreement without telling, when I came to the dentist clinic, as a result I had to make
another appointment. Wasting time is forbidden in any case.

8. Negotitation

In negotiations Americans are deal-focused. They want to “get down to business” right
away. Getting to know each other and building relationships can be done while the business
discussions are under way. Americans regard negotiations as problem-solving situations based
on mutual benefit and personal strengths, with a clear emphasis on financial position and
business power. In discussions and negotiations American business partners value information
that is straightforward and to the point. They expect the other delegates to think for themselves
and to express their own ideas and opinions.

The main objective of negotiations is usually the signed contract.

Contracts are legally binding documents and are commonplace in the US. During
negotiations all the legal aspects and fine points of the written agreement will be scrutinized.
Should a disagreement arise later on, the US side will rely strictly on the terms of the contract.
When doing business in the US you should be aware of the fact that for most procedures there
are a set of rules and guidelines, state and federal laws, that your US counterpart must follow
and that you as business partner also need to adhere to.

9. Business strategy

a) Discipline and value time

Starting from the basic habits of America, it is a country that very passionate about "time is
money", it can be seen from the way they walk fast and they do not care about what is around
them while walking. Most of them always arrive on time, even 15 minutes before they arrived
when there was an appointment. If there are delays, whether from the appointment maker or
vice versa, then they will immediately notify in advance.
b) Very structured
Americans work very structurally. The leader likes things that are well organized and has good
plans. The leader always makes a guide about what things are done before, when and after a job
/ project. The leader also prepares all the necessary templates from the beginning to the end of
the process. Every employee must follow these guidelines so that each employee will go
through the same process. This also makes it easy for every employee to do their work and can
see more progress at each stage of a project. In addition, it will be easier for other employees to
continue the project if the person is unable to attend because everything is organized according
to the existing and documented guidelines.

c) Team-work Oriented
Leaders in America are also very team-work oriented. If they have a project, they will gather as
much information and teams as possible involved in the project. They will sit together to discuss
how they will execute the project and also determine the time frame. When the project is
running they will evaluate the progress they have made at each stage.

d) More Happy Working Practices

It can be seen that the characteristics of Americans tend to be personal practical. They are not
the type of analysis. They do not spend much time analyzing something but tend to immediately
practice it and make various anticipatory plans / actions if what happens is not as expected /
planned. But this does not mean not doing analysis and preparation properly.

e) Work Effectively
Another distinctive feature of American character is that leaders always try to make their work
team use time effectively because for them time is something valuable. They are very disciplined
and always make plans for all of their activities.

10. Present
Don't be offended if your US business partner refuses to give a gift. For them gifts are
things that are not justified.
In Japan and China gift giving is an integral part of business protocols but in the US it has
a negative connotation. Where gifts are exchanged one must give a fancy gift, they are always
reciprocated, must be wrapped, and there are numbers or colors that should be avoided.

11. Costum

East american people tend to dress more formally than in the west. People there tend
to wear something that is comfortable and tends to be casual. When you attend an interview, of
course you still have to be present in more formal attire.

  Although a person's appearance can depend on the environment of association and

place, most American people are not really concerned with appearance. As long as it's clean and
in accordance with the weather, they don't care if the clothes they wear are expensive or good.
According to Deirdre Clemente, an American cultural historian, the way to dress is a form of

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