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Killing all the cats in the world in exchange for world peace

What steps can we take to achieve world peace? Is it by annihilating an entire domesticated
animal species, such as cats, for the sake of the majority? Or is it by taking into account everyone's
interpretation of the term "world peace"? Although there have been cases of ailurophobia in humans,
killing all the cats in the world in exchange for world peace is never an option because it is morally
wrong and can put you in prison for violating the Animal Welfare Act of 1998.

A sense of world peace in exchange for murdering an entire species of cats on the planet is
morally unacceptable. As humans, we have known since the beginning that killing, in general, is wrong.
According to Pete Marra, author of the book Cat Wars, “No one likes the idea of killing cats". For
example, I can't even watch a scene in a movie or witness animal violence in real life because I feel like
it's just immoral and too gruesome. This shows us that eradicating all the cats in the world is not morally
right although it will guarantee us the so-called world peace.

Furthermore, the Republic Act 8485, also known as the "Animal Welfare Act of 1998,"
criminalizes anyone who performs illegal acts towards animals such as neglecting, torturing, or killing
them. Section 6 of the said law specifically states that "it shall be unlawful for any person to torture any
animal, to neglect to provide adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreat any animals or to subject
any dog or horse to dogfights or horse fights, kill or cause or procure to be tortured or deprived of
adequate care sustenance or shelter, or maltreat or use the same in research or experiments not
expressly authorized by the Committee on Animal welfare." There are, however, specific instances
specified in the legislation that makes the killing of any animal other than cattle, pigs, goats, sheep,
poultry, rabbits, carabao, horse, deer, and crocodiles are legitimate and legal. For example, whether it is
part of an established religion's or sect's religious rites, or if it is a ritual required by indigenous cultural
communities' ethnic customs. But still, animal cruelty, in any forms, will subject us to criminal charges
and, if found guilty, will land us in jail.

On the other hand, opposing views claim that cats have been known to cause ailurophobia in
humans. This phobia is defined as an intense fear of cats that causes panic and anxiety when in the
presence of or thinking about cats. It can be caused by being attacked by a cat as a child or witnessing
someone else being attacked. Genetic and environmental factors may also have an impact. Since this
falls more on the psychological level, it should be taken seriously. Maybe, help from a professional
psychologist might lessen or completely stop the manifestation of the trauma. This, however, is not a
valid reason for annihilating all these fur babies across the globe. If we accomplish this, we will be free of
our phobia, but at what cost, right? Although cats can trigger an ailurophobia among us, it will never be
justified to do such horrific actions towards them.

To summarize, animal cruelty is unjustifiable under any circumstances or for any purpose.
Animals can't converse like us and can't even defend themselves properly against us, which is why laws
are enacted to protect them. Although there have been instances when the laws have allowed for the
killing, it makes no sense if we can have world peace in exchange. It goes against the core of the word
"world peace," since how can we achieve peace if we resort to violence only to obtain it? But one thing
is certain: killing all the cats in the world would not offer us peace; instead, it will give us nightmares that
will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

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