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Best qualities in a Sales person

Sudhanshu Dhatrak - 81
Ashoka Business School
Who is a Sales person?
A salesperson is a person whose job is to sell products or services.
Another term for salesperson is sales rep (or sales representative).
The salesperson is responsible for greeting customers, helping them
find items in the store or in person, and bringing up purchases.
To be successful as a salesperson you must have excellent
communication skills.
A good salesperson meets sales objectives while remaining polite and
helpful to customers.
Definition of ‘Salesperson’
• A salesperson is an individual, who sells something - an object, an experience, etc.
• According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a salesperson is “a person whose job is to
sell things.”
• According to Collins Dictionary, “a salesperson is a person who sells things, either in a
shop or directly to customers on behalf of a company.”
• Inside the sales world, there are multiple roles one could choose, the main ones are called
‘hunters’ and ‘farmers.’
• Hunters: are those people who are highly motivated by commission and the chase after
new clients and deals.
• Farmers: those are nurturing people, who aim to continue and build lasting relationships
with already existing clients (particularly connected with customer experience).
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Communication

1. If you wish to be a good salesperson, your communication skills must be very

2. This includes verbal & nonverbal communication, as well as active listening,
body language, and eye contact.
3. A salesperson must transmit confidence and professionalism through their
words and behavior.
4. This all might sound obvious, but if you are not on top of your communication
game, you will most likely miss out on a deal because of it.
5. In order to sell something, you must present the product or experience using
specific words and strategies to engage your client or future client via
communication and presentation skills.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Reliability

i. Reliability is one of the top quality of a good salesperson.

ii. Why? Clients will not close a deal with you if they feel they cannot rely
on your professionalism, if they do not notice there is honesty in what
you are trying to sell them, and if you are not consistent.
iii. To be a reliable person is to be trusted by others. This can be seen in how
fast you respond to their phone call and emails and if you are coherent
and consistent in the facts you project.
iv. In most cases, you will need to have a deep knowledge on the product
and/or experience you are selling.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Knowledge of the product/experience being sold :

a. Having a deep knowledge of the product and/or experience being sold is vital
when speaking to the client.
b. The more you know, the more you can sell if presented in a strategic way.
However, this knowledge is not only related to what you are selling, but also to
the client’s needs and their corporate culture.
c. Every client has different needs and approaches; therefore, it is the salesperson’s
role to perceive them and use them to their advantage.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Self-driven

• The ability to motivate yourself is an important skill. Self-motivation drives

people to keep going even in the face of set-backs, to take up opportunities, and to
show commitment to what they want to achieve.
• Clients can instantly understand if you are passionate about what you do because
your customer service skills will speak out loud, and they will rather purchase a
product from an organization that actually believes in what they are selling to the
public than from a company that only cares about money.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Negotiation

• When we talk about selling an item or an event, negotiation skills are always
• There will be times in which the client does not agree with the price, or wants a
different service, or wants to add ideas and collaborations to a contract, etc.
• For this reason, you will need to practice and know all aspects of the product you
are selling.
• If you are not confident to hold a meeting by yourself, ask a person with more
experience to participate and interfere if needed.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Organization

An organized person will most-likely have the base to succeed in the sales career as it is part
of qualities of a good salesperson.
It is true that this is a skill wanted, needed, and valued in most careers - especially in the
The whole selling process requires organization, mainly when:
Scheduling meetings & phone calls
Responding to emails
Making sure the product sold is ready to be delivered
Creating PowerPoint presentations
Creating an excel sheet with clients’ information
Punctuality is the most important factor of organization skill.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Empathy
• According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, empathy is “the action of
understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and experiencing the feelings,
thoughts, and experience of another person of either the past or present without
having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an
objectively explicit manner.”
• Simply put empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
• If a seller is able to deeply connect with the client and build a strong and long
lasting relationship with them through empathy, they are most likely to continue to
purchase your products/services, as well as spread the word to others.
• Empathy is a huge quality to have when nurturing a relationship, mainly if you are
a farmer. (Salesperson)
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Adaptability

Adaptability is the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.

This refers to how flexible you are with unexpected situations.
There will be cases in which clients change their mind, have rough feedback, and
are looking for different things.
It is up to the salesperson to Adapt quickly, speak with your team & supervisor, and
get back to them as soon as possible to secure your sale and continue this
relationship with your client.
Adaptability is a huge quality to have when acquiring a new client, mainly if you are
a Hunter. (Salesperson)
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Improvisation

Improvisation is key when it comes to selling a product/service. This skill is tied up

to communication, negotiation, and adaptability.
A sales professional should not get scared or freeze when asked unexpected
questions, or when they are put in the spot by the client.
Knowing how to improvise (without anyone noticing) will show your confidence
and will show you are updated.
Improvisation is the activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand,
using whatever can be found. Improvisation in the performing arts is a very
spontaneous performance without specific or scripted preparation
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Teamwork

Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to

complete a task in the most effective and efficient way.
Selling is never done 100% by only 1 individual.
There is usually a team behind it in order to deliver the product and make sure the
entire process runs smoothly.
Therefore, make sure to be a team player and have quality relationships with every
person in your department, you never know when you will need them to assist you.
Qualities of a Good Salesperson
• Honesty
Honesty is a face of moral character that has attributes such as integrity,
truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along
with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc.
Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.
Honesty in sales is very important because :
1. Customers know better
2. Transparency makes the sales process run smoother
3. Authenticity makes you relatable
4. Honesty opens the door for future deals
5. Honesty breeds self-confidence
Thank You
Sudhanshu Dhatrak - 81
Ashoka Business School

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