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Birthday Mail

dear daniel,
thank you so much for coming to my birthday camp-out. I had a great time with Mike Tony
and you. The headlamp you gave me was a grate gift its the perfect thing to use for exploring
caves. I really like having both my hands free when Im walking in a dark cave, and a light on
my head is the perfect solution. Its so much better than a regular flashlight. Thanks

A New Life in Old California

It has been more than five years since we left our home in New spain it seemed like
we had live there forever. After all, I had spended all eight years of my life their. That time
and place seem so distant now Sometimes it feels like our new home in Salinas, Alta
california, is worlds away from new spain it was such a tiring difficult journey between our
old home and our new one that we might as well be in another world!

The Everglades
The United states of america stretches from the pacific ocean to the atlantic ocean with
lots of land in between Each region of the country are unique? A special feature of the
southeast is a wet grassy area in florida this area is called “the Everglades.” The Everglades
has been described as a “river of grass” Thats because currents of fresh water floe through the
grass to form the Everglades special habitats

A Monumental Tribute
In 1923, Doane robinson had a big idea. He want to carve a huge sculpture into the
granite rock of south dakota, his home state. He wanted to honor people who helped to make
the united states a great nation He wanted to honor native american leeders such as Chief
crazy horse a Sioux leader. He also wanted to honor american explorers like lewis and Clark

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