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Bb baby noun ADJ. new, newborn, tiny | fow birthweight, small, tiny Smoking in pregnancy ineeases therish of nroducing alow Birthweight baby: | big | ful-term | pre-term, pre- mature | stilcorn | unborn | lite, young | three-day- old, sixweek-old, ten-month-old, ote. | beautiful, bonny. lovely } bouncing (injorrmat), healthy, normal A bonny, bouncins baby: Freddie was her heart's desire and Jey: Lcontented, good, perfect | collcky, crying, screaming | sigeping } Growing He took an inierest in the growing baby even before it was born. | bostle-ed, breast-fed | illegitimate | test-1ube | abandoned, un- wanted | ward born during the wat} VERE + nAnY have [want tohave a baby. | conceive, make babies (informal) Darling, [just want to siav with you and make babies! | carry, expect She's not sure set ‘how many bees she's carrying. © She's expecting 6 baby in July. | give birth to, produce | deliver The baby was delivered by a midwife, | tose She lost her baby - hada miscartige) tireemonths into her pregnancy | eare fer. lock after | food | bottle-feed | breastfeed, nurse | burp The baby needed burping after every bottle. | wean You can start weaning your baby when it's four months old. | change You should change your baby about six tinesadax | bath | comfort, cradle, cuddle, hold, pick up, rock, take She rucked the baby to sleep in her arms. © Could you take the baby? Ineed 10 bring tn the washing. | swaddie | play with | adopt They would like to adopt a newborn baty: | ave adopted, put up for adoption She decided t0 put her baby up for adoption. | abandon | loop like 1 was s0 tired afterall his exertions, he slept likea baby. | ABY - VERB be due The baby is due in October. | ar- tive, be born Thetr first naby orrived exactly nine months ‘ater the wedding. | baw. ery, seream | babble, coo The baby cooed happily on the rug. | be sick, dribble, drool Baotes droota lot when shey are teething, | be teething | rami, sit up, take his/her first tops, toddle, walk | kick, move Fcvuldfeetthe baby moving insideme. | sleep SBARY » NOUN bey, gil | brother, daughter, slster, son | bitd,rabbit,etc. | clothes | food | buggy. carrier alarm, monitor } bath | talk Zaide’t use baby tatk with ‘my children, but used proper words righejrom the start. | lunit the hospttats speciat care baby unit | boom (- a ‘pared when many more babies ars horn than natal) bachelor noun # ADJ. confirmed He was 38. anda confirmed hacketor | ible onc of the country's mesteligible bachelors FLOR + NOUN days, life | flat,pad | status back noun 1 part of the body ‘+A, broad | lean, slender | muscled. muscular. powerful, strong | bent | erect, straight | lower, upper | bad. stiff He's aff work with a bad back = VEKU = HACK bend, stiffen, straighten } stretch He jutined and stretched his back a3 he got out of bed | break, hurt, injure | arch The cof arched its back and hissed ot the doe. | support | knead, massaye | scratch @ RACK.» veRR arch | stiffen His hack siiffened as ine saw the photographers waiting. | ache ‘S BACK « NOUN Injury. pain. trouble | musoles | eun- port aseat with gond back support @PREE. Dehind your~ They blinafolded han anc ted his hands betting tis back. 9 (hguraitve) Peopte say bad things about him behind his back, but never i his face. flat fon your /12as/lat on my back for six weeks when I broke my lee. on yout ~ He was carrsine @ small child on his back. 0 Sre1as lying on her back on the sofa. ta thelyour~ Toe got a ageing pain in my lower back, | ~t0 He was standing with his bark fothefire ‘SES sb’s back Is turned (fzurative) The boss was certain thet the staff wouild stop wwarking as scon as fusback wes turned. back toback Phechileren sat back to back 30 they couldn't see each others’ drawings. a patisiap fon the back He smiled and gave me a hearty slap on the back. © figuraitve) She deserves.a pacon the back for her ‘efforts. the small of your back She felt a sharp pain in the small (= the lowest part of) her back, turn your back (on ssbjsth) Actors should never turn their backs on the audi ence. 0 (figurative) She decided to turn her back on Paris ‘and return toher hometown, 2 part furthest rom the front ‘= PREP. aroundiround the ~ if you'd like 9 come round she beck (= wthearea behind the house), Fi show you the garden. at the~ We could only get seats at the back. down the~ My money'sailfaiten down the back of the Tivo nassenzerssat in tne back of the car tothe~ The main was refsing to B0 to the back of the queue. towards the~ hearts paseis usually towards the back of thenews- paper ‘© PHRASES back to front J Had my pullover on back fo ‘Front (= with tho back whore the front should be). back vers ‘A move backwards Ao¥. hastily, hurriedly She tacked away hurriedly. | away. in, off,up [fsau can’t drive in forwards, try hacking iin, 0 Back off! There's no need to yell at me. ¢ Can you ack your car up so that lean get through? # VoRE ~ uack tryto Hecried io back aveay. ‘* PREP. across She bucked across she Toor, away from The children backed away from him in fear. into Sic backed into tne garage. out ot He backed out of thedtrive. 2eupport sb/sth ‘© ADW. firmly, strongly Teachers are srongiy backing the new educarional policies. | fully | overwhelmingly | Unanimously | openly, publicly | financially fs elec tion bid was financially backed bya soft drinks company. | up Ft bck you up i they don’t believe you. PHRASAL VERB back down VERE + ACK DOW: refuse fo { be foread f0, be ob- ligedtto @ PREP. trom The government was forced to back doven from implementing these propesais. an Sle refused ta aac: doten on a point of principle, over The commitiee jraily acked down aver the issueof spending cuts backdrop num ¢.405, dramatic, magnificent, perfect, picturesque, ro- mantic | economic, historical, political © VERB > BACKDHOP have | provide ‘PREP. against althe ~ of The conference begins this week azainst @ backdrop of unimitigated gloom. |~ for ‘The Alps provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic holiday. ~ of The large bay has a superd backdrop of mountains, ~to War is more than just a dramatic back crop tothe novel. backfire very * ADV. badly, disastrously = PREP. on The surprise Thad planned hackfired on me. background noun 4 type of family/social class sb comes fram ADs. broad, narrow Itisimportent whevea bread edu tational backsround. | mixed | privileged, wealthy 1 doprived, disadvantaged, poor | middle class, upper class, working ciass | academic, class, cultural, educa- tional, ethnic, family. military. professional, religious, social, socio-economic “VERN | ACKGROUND come from, have Hie came from avery privileged bocksround. \ be drawn from The students are draton from very mixed social backgrounds. BACKGROUND - VERB bo in sth Her background was in biology and medicine, fe PREP from a~ children from deprived backyrounds with a- an economistecidha background in business | STIRASES arange/variety of backgrounds 2 facts connected with a situatorvevent © ADJ general | factual | euitural, economic, historic. al. politcal, technical © VERA» BACKGROUND desetibe, give (sb), outline, Provide (ob with) The Book providesthe bachsround to the reootution. | form ‘Those discussions formed ie back ground tothe decision @ BACKGAOUND + NOUN Information, knowledge, reading hackeround information on the country stor against the-Agains: chat gencral backround 7 shall give you a more detailed view of current medical practice. |~ta he technicel backsround toe report 3 art af a view picture behing the main parts + PREP against althe ~ The creas of water stood out aageinst the dark backeround. in the~ The mountains in the background were capped weith snow on aithe~ bright blue onacred background 4 position in which sb/sth is nct important/noticed # VERB - BACKGROUND blend into, fade _ into. meltimerge into, recedeiretreat Into, slip into The dis ‘te over the new contract allowed ‘ver other problems to Fadl into the backsround. He had learnt how to meit in visibly to the background. | Keepiremainistay In ie “fers to remain in the backgrauad and let his assistant eal with the press. | hover n I could see my secretary Aovering inthe background. + BACKGROUND + NOUN music, noise, radiation # PREP. Inthe~ Therewasaradto.n inthe background. backing su ‘spr strong | full, unanimous, whole-hearted Zu eachers have the full backing of the schooi governors. | fi nancial, legal | government, official, popular * VERB + BACKING have | gain. get, receive, secure, win They have won financial backing from the BU \ need, seek | give Sb, provide (sb with) Wio's going 10 provide the backing? S HACKING | VNB Come from sb/sth The backing wll! comefrom the government | PREP with/without the They brought the legal action uth the backing of their MP | ~Yor They want backine Jor more revearch.~ from backing from management backlash noun + D1. conservative a conservative backlash against the ‘mints of the 60s | political | public ‘* VERR + BACKLASH cause, produce, provoke Such « bad-tempered decision may provoke a backlash from their supporter expect, fear | face # PRED ~against a backlash against any future reforms, from Phe) face a backlash from shareholders, backlog noun « Abd, big, considerable enormous, huge. large f Vitn + BACKLOG be faced with, have He are faced tvitha backlog aforders wecan'tdealtaith, | catch upon, clear, deal with, reduce | RACKLOG VERR accumulate, build up.A huge back toaraf work had built up. backpack noun 2 See RUCKSACK backstroke noun ob Noteat STROKE. backward adj. 2 VERRS be. seem © Apy very | rather, somewhat a rather backward child | economically, educationally bacon noun @ ADJ. lean | streaky | back | ciispicrispy Fry, bacon untiicrisp. | smoked, unsmoked S QUANT. bit, plece, rasher, lice Fihave two roshersof ‘bacon and a fried egg. | side A whole side of bacon was hanging from e bookon the ceilings # VERE - BACON eat, have | cook, fry. grill | cure BACON + NOUN fat, rind | butty. sandwich cp Special pageat FOOD the bacteria noun ¢ ADs. harmful | bonoficial VERB © BACTRRIA attack, destroy, fight, kill Neither chilling nor froezing kills all bacteria. PHRASES a strain of bactes bad aaj. ‘4inot good: serious « VERES. be, look, sound | become, get Paeweather got tory had later in the day: = abv. extremely, really, very | enough Things are bad enough without our oun guns shelling us. | fainy, pretty uit, rather John’s ina pretty bad mood this morning. PREP. at He's really bad at maths. for Smoking is very brad for you 2not safe toeat «= VERDS be, look, smell, taste The sausages tasted bad. | go, turn This meas as one bad. 3 uilty’sorry VERBS feel Any. roally, very | enough For! had enough without you evnsiaaly telling me how i was att ny faut? | fairly pretty. quite. rather = PREP. about She,eltpretty bad about leaving hin. badge noun Ani. blazer, cap, lapel | club | name | button SveRn + Hace wear Seaver = Norn helder Soiiadses abadge of office His hadge of afice o large ‘oli ke, hung rewna hisneck bad-tempered wu: ‘© VERES be, look, seem, sound | become, grow | make sb /t is hivillness thatmakes him bad temper. baffled ‘spy. extremely. very | increasingly, more and more He grew more and more bec. tempered as the afternoon woreon. | rather baffled aa. # VERBS be, feel. look.sound | remain aby. completely. totally, utterly | rather | olearly | frankly «reap about Officials saythes're baffled about the cause ofthe gas explosion. as to Tie referee rematns baffledas to twhy hs decision caused so much anger by The doctors are completely baffled by her illn bag noun +403. strong | heavy | canves, leather, paper, plastic polythene, string | carrier, shopping | bin, dustbin, rubbish I clutch, shouilder or croeedile skin clutch bag rmotched her” shots. | drewstring, duffel | evening | overnight. weekend. travel/travelling | sponge, toilet. wash | changing a baby changing bag | school | beach, camera, gol, sports | kit(clso kitbag) | medical Lerigp | sandwich | body The dead solders were puton the plane in bady bags. | stek a paper bag fora person to be sick into on a plane, boat, ote) | doggie (= for tak ing uneaten food home from a restaurant) | goody (= 4 hagciven asa mit with a variety of thinasin) WP'regivine cxtay afree goody bos with every children’ smal. | sleep ing | pannier, saddle ciso saddiebag) | meney (izura five) He could not convince those who hel the money hes that hus idew wos vxable. | diplomatic (= an official gov ernment container hatmay no: heapened by customsot ficials) | mail(also maitbag), post (alse postoeg) «VERB + BAG open, unfasten, unzip | close. zip up | pack | empty, unpack | seal eth in Tite mushrooms are sealed ina bag for freshness. | cram/push sth in/into, put sth injnto, shove sthinvinto, slip sthin/nto,stuffithrust sth injnte The camera caught im slipping @ CL tvto his fag. | draw sth out of, produce sth from. pulltake sth from/out of | delve ivinto, cive into, ferret (around) in fumble in, reach into, rummage in, scrabble In / rum rnavd in my bag for pen. Veluteh, hold | carry, drag, haut, ug There was ro lilt 501 hed wo fag my Bags up che stairs. | heave. lift | shoulder He shouldered his bag and left | drop, dump, put down | deposit, drop off leave We dropped our bags off at the hotel and went straight out. I grab, snatch Ske grabbed her bax and ran out of the dor. Tito youths snatched her bog as she was walking hhome. | swing Hesrasicalking aiong swinging hissenol da, [look in, search | gather They cere gathering thet bags preparing to leave SAG + VERD bulge (with sth) The bag bulged with Dapersand lxers. | contain sth, hold sth | be erammed with eth, bo (stuffed) fullof eth + PREP. Inalthe>, inside athe | ~ofa bagofzreceries + PHRASES the contents of a bag The customs alfcer ded him to empty ue the contents of his bag. sling your bag over your shoulder She stepped down off the bus eith her bas slung over her shoulder: baggage noun “+ ALJ. carry-on, hand | excess Ar the airport J found hat I hod 100kg of excess bexgawe, | emotional, spiritual ignrative) She's stillcarrying all that emotianal bageaee Srom her first marriage. * QUANT. item, piece + VERB | BAGGAGE carry | go through, search | check In iVhere do we check im our bageage? | claim, re- claim Let's claim our baggage first. #aGGAGE - NOUN allowance | trolley | handler | claim, reclaim the bazeaze reclaim hail | train Extensive haggage trains followed the troops. bail noun ‘onal, unconditional | police HALL apply for | allow sb. give sb, grant(sb) #vERs She has been granted conditional bail. | set The judge Bail at £50000. | get She couldn't got bail and now she's last these 20 montis she spent on remand. | oppose Tite police were successful in opposing bail. | refuse (sb) | post, pul up, stand A wealthy businessman has stood bail Jor him. | ffee sb on. release sb on, remand sb on They wore released on police bail pending further enquiries, | jump, skip(- not return for your trial after bail has been granted) *BALL + NOUN application | conditions | hostel twas sent tou bail hostel until thecase came to cour. ‘* PREP. (out) on~ He committed another robbery white ‘uutor vail. without The accused were held without bail © PHASES an application for bail bailiff noun © ADJ. court | private ERD - DAILIF send in Their landlord has threat ened to send in the battifs if vhey dont pay their rent, | HAULER . VERB salze sth The bailiffs seized the car ‘and house. bait noun + ADI. fresh, live He used maggotsas live bait. @ VERB + BATT put out, set out We'll pur out the bait ‘ond see wha! happens. | use sth as | nibble (at). rise to, take (all often figurative) We hope that potential investors will wake the bait. He bake vert) ‘© PHRASES freshlynewly baked 7 with the scent of freshly baked bread. ne house was filled balance noun ‘even combination ‘distribution '* ADJ. correct, equal. even, exact.ideal, necessary, op- timum, perfect, proper, right Wish chtidren, 1s import. ‘ant 10 achieve the right balance herween love end diseip- Une. | comfortable, equitable, excellent, good, happy, harmonious, healthy @ heathy balance of foods | ac- ceptable, adequate, appropriate, fair, roasonablo, aene: Ible Hove do vou find an acceptable balance between close ness and distance in a relationship? | caraful, delicate, fine, subtle Being a good buss requires a five balance be tween kindness and authoritt. | fragile, precarious, un- ‘easy | overall I: is the overall balance of the diet that is important. | ecological, natural Pulling up all he piants will disturb the natural balance of the pond. | hertmnal, nutritional | ethnic, gender, social There is an evens gers, der balance amongst staff and students (= equal numbers ofmonand women). * «VERB + BALANCE require | seek | achleve. create, find, strike We need 10 strike a halance between these con. Aicting inwerests, | keep, maintain, sustain You have 10 ‘maintain @ belance tn your life or else you it go crazy | disturb, upset Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. | redress, restore | affect | alter, change, shitt BALANCE © VERA change. ahi © PREP. on~(=after consideringal the formation) Ua balance, the company has had a successful year in~ is importa to keep the different aspects of your tife in baie ance. | ~ between the balance between academic and practical work ~ of the balance of animals and plants in theenvironment # PHRASES the balance of nature 2division of power influence + ADJ. changing, shifting | military, p + VERN = BALANCE hold chold the balanceay pote’ to be in a position where your support would be Tust enough te give overall powor to one group or another) | affect | change, shift | swing, bit, tip to influence a resuldecision) in a interview, smart presentation cam sip dhe balance in your favour “BALANCE - VERH change, shift + PUR: dvantege has shifted from ihe unions w eraployers. the balance of forces/power the changing bolance of rower between the working and middle cless checks and bale ances Democracy depends on a system of checks amid bal- ances. 3.f tha body * Aus, excellent. good | poor * VERB ~ WALANCE have Gymnasts have excellent dal- ance. | affect Pighiness in one sot of muscles tall affect you whole batance. | keep [struggled keep my datance on my new skates. | 1058 She lost her balance end fall.) recover, regain | knock sb off, throw sb off Thesucder monomer tarew mim off balance sonar off~ | PHRASES a samse of balance Cots tave « very sod sense of balance. money ‘#0, account, bank | cash, money | credit, favour- able, healthy, positive | debit, nogative | clears¢, net Interestiscalculated on thedlaily cleared bolenceand paid direct 0 your gecount. | opening | final, outstanding | trade + VERD + BALANCE Rave Everyone likes to have a ealiny bank balance. | ask tor, Fequest He asked the cashier forthe balance of hiscurvemt account. | eback Pt newt (0 chock my bark balance before T spend so iach ‘money. | show | achiave | he due Tie final baianee is due six weeks before departure. | pay FE pay the ealance Jatt | use The Dolance of the proceeds wit be used for rete oquipment. | bring forward, carcy forward zh bat. ance brougns forward from theprevious year BALANCE + NOUN sheetihecompans’s balance sheet » euasES the balance of payrments (= the difference perween the zmount of money coming into and goingout of a country}, the balance of trade (~ the differance in ‘value between imports nnd exports) balance vers Tkeep steady # ADY. Carefully, precariously + PREL: ondle balanced the glasses carefilly on the trey. ‘Zcompare hwo things; giva them equal value ¢STRR - BALANCE have to. need lo | seek to, wy to The plan seeks to balance two important objectives. | manage to ‘+ PREP, against We hove io batance the risks of ihe new strategy against ihe possibie bonefits. with She tries 1 bat. ‘ance the neads of her chiddrenswith those of her employer, balanced ad «Ek be | remain ADS. properly, wall The report wus accterate and wel! Delanced. ¢ « properly balanced dist | sempletely, par- ‘feotly apersertty batamcer design | equally, eventy | falt- ly. reasonably, sufficiently | carefully. closaly. deli- cately, Finely, sicoly he issues are finely balanced and there is no simple answer fa the question. | beautifully @ bearstifuliy balanced orchestra | procariowely = PREP. between The parliamen: was evenly datanced between the too parties bald ed VEERS be | go Hestarted to go bald in his rwenties. the balance of advantage The balance of" balloon » AbY. completely, quite, totally | almost, nearly | pre= maturely young men who go prematurely bald balding aq + VERBS be He'sin hisewenies but e/ready balding. anv already. prematurely ball noun Around object in games. © Ad. billiard, cricket, golf, rugby. tennis, etc. | beach | match, practice + VERA + RAL piay with | bat, blast, bounco, bowl, chip, dribble, heac, hit, kick, rol. strike. throw The kids love to kick a bellagoins! my wail. | clear, cross, pass | cateh, stop He caught the batt. | control, trap | chase Shechased the batt alt over the pitch. | retrieve, run dows | return The feiders ary co retrieve the ball quickly and rs ‘turn it {0 the bowler | iss The gootheeper missed the hott. | drop. let go of Oh no! He's dropped the ball. | handle | give away, iose | win | retain | RALL + VERT fly, go, roll, sail The Alt fleto over the er inta the sea of Middlesbrough fans. 9 The batl’s gone over tne fence. | hit. land The bait hut the walt and roiled along theroad. | bounce, rebound GALL + NOUN game | control, skuls Hts aa consrot waserevlient, ©) Special pageatseoRT 2kick/hit of a bal # ADJ. good, creat, superb | bad, loose | high, tow He sentovera high hat! | long, short | quick. slow | cross. through « superb ehroul Gallfrom tohn Scott | hand He waspenalized for hand bait + VERE + AL play, send | pick up, peunce on, pun- ish Hepourcedon a loase batt and scored. + PREP, ~fromagreat bali from Beckham Sround object ike abalt ADJ. tight | fiery The sun was a fier batt, low on the fills. | crystal (- used for telling fortunes) Without @ erpstal balfit’s impossible lo say where bend year. | cannon, musket © VERB + BALL curtoll (up) Into The dtde wirt cuted! up into. ball in her mother'sarms. | formimake sthinto, Tollistrew sth {upyinte. shape sth nto He crewed thetet- tor upinio a tig bal. ‘| PHRASES a bat! of fre‘fiame, a ballof stringwoo! © PHRASES a ball and ehaln (ixziratived The restrnsiti ity wasa hatland chain arcund my ankle. party ‘ADs. college, charity, Hunt | costume, fancy cress, maskhd We're going ton masked bali SVERE | BALI. have, hold, organ acharily boil { attend, goto “DAIL © NOUN gown «Apa atalthe~Sremel fim arine coitege tat, Were organizing ballet noun ‘style of dance ® ADJ Classical, modem # VERO = HALLET stucy Fes studying classical ballet ‘© BALLET + NOCN music | dancer ! company | shoe Lalase. lesson, sehaal | teacher 2performance of a bailel = Apu, classical modem. romantic. VERE | BALLET compose, write | chorecgraph =p Rowat PERFORMANCE (for more verbs) baltoan norm ttoy © Abd, hellumetium batloons or thechtidren’s party VERB + BALLOON blow up. Inflate | burst, pop ballot «BALLOON + VERB burst, pop inthe sky ADI barrage, hot-air VERE 6 HALLO go up in Wetnentup ina Balloon * EALLUON + NOUS flight | race e PREP, by~ Shecrossed the Atiantic by hot-air balloon ballot nown ‘+ ADJ. secret | open | postal | national | first ‘ond | leadership | strike «VEKH — BALLOT carry out, hold | organize | cast Only 49% of eligible voters cast their ballots. | TALLOT + ROUN box | paper | rigging «PREP. at althe~ They voied against hum at the second allot. by ~ The jury cast thoir vote by secret ballot, in althe~ rhe club members decided ina ballot to suspend the captain. on althe~ [voted for her on thefirst ballot. | ~for 2 ballot jor the Conservative leadership ~ena balioton the new consracis~ over a baliot over strikeaction sec- ban noun ‘© ADJ. blanket, complete, total | partial | temporary | overtime | advertising a blanket cdvertising ban on to bacen | driving I testa nuctear test ban trea ¢ VERH + BAN impose, introduce, place, put The EU has imposed a ban cn the import of seal skins. | ft, over= turn, remove | tighten | ease The ban on exports has now been eased. | call for. demand | oppose, raject | comply with | defy The students took 1o the streets, ery: ing a ban en political gatherings #DAN ~ VERT come into force, start | apply to sth, cover sth The ban only covers tropical hardiwoed. «PREP, ~on@ ban on traffic in tho town contre bani verb ‘= Abv. effectively | formally, officially * VERB + BAN attempt to, seek to, try to | vote to MPs oted to ban hunting with dows. ‘s PREF. from He has been banned from driving for a year ¢ PHRASES an attemptia move to ban sthamoveto ban cigareiteartverts dacision to ban sth banana roun «© apJ. ripe | green | mashed Sauny7, bunch bourh¢a smal buch of banates {VERB + BANANA eat,have | pick | poel SDANANA + SOEN shin (Heuretive) The company has acquired an wihappy knack of slipping on barane skins (being ted into making mistakes that make i ook stu pid) | plant, tree | leaf | grove, plantation © Special page at FRUIT band nour ‘1group of musicians ‘¢ ADJ big | brass, string, wind | blues, danco, jazz, rock | marching, military, regimental | schoo! | iIve the excitement of secing a Tive band | one-man (ofien fig- urative) He runs the business as a one-nan baid (docs everything himsctt) = VERB + RAND form | join. play in, sing in She plays ina rock band. | conduct, lead BAND + VERR perform. play | strike up We hoard « ‘band strike up in the park «BAND © NOUN leader, member = PRED, in althe~ a singer in a rock band with althe~ a drummer witha jazz band | PHRASES amember of theband 2aroup of people ‘© ADJ. select, emall He is one ofa solect band of top class players, | dwindling | growing VERB + BAND join © PREP ~ofa band of rebels 3range ADI. age, price. taxshe25-25 age band #VexB + BAND be In, fall Into Wich sax band do you fall nto? bandage noun ADJ. tight | loose | crepe ¢ VERE - BANDAGE put on, wind around/round, wrap aroundiround Wrap she bandage firmly around ibe in Jjured limb. | have on, wear | change, ramove. take off SURED ~aroundiround,~on Shw had a bandage on her arm, 4SES be in bandages, be swathed/wrapped in bandages He'll be in bandages for afew weeks. bandwagon sour VERE + BANDWaGON climb on, join, Jump on Cour etitors have jumped on the bandwagon and started build- ing similar machines. ‘BANDWAGON + VERB be rolling, gather_momen- tumipace, sweep along The Scottish Nationalist band. wagon is guttering pace | slow down, * BANDWAGON + NOUN effect There is now a band wagon effect with mereand more firms joining the scheme. ‘© PHRASES getsstart a bandwagon rolling They seem 10 havegotan anti-government bandwagon rolling. bang nour sudden loud noise © ADIL almighty, bi ternific,tremencous | VER « BANG let out, make Theengine let out a bane. © Will the firework make a loud enough bang? hear We suddenly heard an almighty hang from the kitchen |. enormous, huge, loud. massive, = DANG > vERR echo ‘© PREP with a~Shesiammed thedoor with a loud dang. 2sudden hard hit ‘© ADI. nasty Hegata nasty bang on the head. ¢vERB - BANG get,have bang verb hit noisily # vw hard, loudly = PRED against He kept bonging his chair ayoins! the wall. on She banged loudly on the table. #Pu1RaseS bang sth about. bang (sth) down, bang (sth) opon/shut The bedtroom door banged shut. > She aniged the dor sat. 2 part of the body person ‘© abv, badly, hard Jad banged my head badt PREP into He banged into me in the corridor: on 1 banged my leg on thereble bank noun {for money «ADJ. big, large. major | small | central, clearing commercial investment, izauing, reserve, savings The contra bank tas put up interest rates 0 The Hand willbe priced hy the issuing bank. 9 She hes her money in one of the largest saci national overseas + VERB. BASE goto | borrow (eth) from # HANK VERB lend sbsth The hank lent er money to ‘uy a car | underwrite sth A group of tn international tanks is to underwrite and sell the bonds. | collapse, crash investors lost millions when the bank crashed “BANE - NOUN account, balance, charges, deposit, toan, statement | manager | robber + PREP from althe~ Hegotsa large loan from the bent. in athe Fil pul half the money in the bank and spend the rest. out of aithe I need to get sone money eutof the bank 2oye riverrcanal +8011 far epposite, other We cond see them waring on seopensite bare. | canal, river 1 > DANK burst, overflow The River Krome had sits banksaftertorrentialrain. # PREF alongarthe~ Westroited along therrver bank. on 2the=apicniconihe banksof the Thames a of Sioping ground + sot steop | gracoy «PREP downalthe~ Phechtldren roiled down the gras tank upaitho~ £7 assoi cloud, ete, row of machines. etc. | ADI huge, vaste huge bank of switches end buttons EP ~ofavast bank of cloud banking su ©AD) business, commercial, corporate | investment, merchant | retail, wholesale | domestic. national | global, international | ¢-, electronic. Internet, online Ar sf consumers were wary of e-banking, | BANKING ~ NOUN system | market | group | busi- ness, industry. sactor | community the international akira community EP in Tibis software és used in banking. bankrupt cai + VERDS be | become, go Hundredsof firms went bunk int during the recession. | adjudge sb. adjudicate sb. declare sb, make sb She fad fo pay the martage after her band was declared bankrupt, almost, nearly, virtually | economically, ideo- logically. morally /igurative) | PREP of (figurative) @ government bonkrupt of new bankruptey rou +80). personal PRR» BANKRUPTCY face Smalleravel operators are acing honkruptry \ be elose to, be on the brinkiverge of | be drivensforced/threwn into, go into | file for, peti- tion for The contpany has been forced to fie for bankrupt: | declare Zt is the only country t0 have declared bark .ptcy. | be saved trom, escape (from) | BANERUPTCY = NOUN order, proceedings The de ‘nudant has a bankruptcy order against him, = PHRASES: thethreat of bankruptcy banner noun SVERH + BANNER drape, hang (out) | carry { wave | unfurl | BANNER + VERB hang | flutter, fly, wave benners in the wind | bear sth The demonstrators carriee 7s bearing verious slogens, | demand sth, BIO claim sth, read sth, say sth Banners demanded the presi Zene’s resignation. | be strung across sth A banner Strung across theroad read, Welcome fhome, bays!" banquet noun i. gFand, great, lavish, sumptuous { veritable (hie ‘orous) The meal that fallowed wasa veritable banquet. | five-course, six-course, etc. | formal, official | royal state | calebration/celebratory, farewell, wedding | medieval Visitors to the castle can enfoy a medieval ban ih entertainment, in enauthentic setting. = VERB - SANQUET give. hold | arrange, prepare (fer) The Al@tensare preparing fr Claus hanguct. | attenc The Lord Mavor attended a state banavect iast ight. bargain a pane, atathe~He wos suddeniy taken ill ata banquet ‘lven in his honour: | ~fora banquet forthe president banter noun ‘+ ADI. easy, friendly, good-natured, lively, pleasant | idle | bawdy, ribald ‘VERT + BANTER swap | bo ongaged in, engage She engages iafeiendty bane wici ner custarers bar now: 1 for drinks/food ‘® ADJ. licensed | crowded | lounge. public. saloon | gay, singles | cocktall, wine | breakfest, coftee, salad, ‘sandwich, snack RB ~ BAN ATOD into, go to, stop at He often drops intoa baron tie way home from work, | manage, ren © AR ~ NOUN food,menu, snacks | stool Paep inalthe~Thore were not many people in the bar 2counter = VERE | BAR be propping up (/tumorous), drink at. lean on, sit at, stand at You can usally find hum prop: ping up jhe bar of the Red Lion, | sorve bekind J dicin't recognize teman who was serving beliind the bar. at the~ They mere chatting at the bar: behind ‘ie barmaid stred behind the bea 3in music + VEX ~ BAK hum, play, sing Si played a few burs vn thepiana. PREP. Inalthe~ the notes in the firstbar ‘¢ PHRASES two, four, etc. beats tothe bar bar veri sADy, effectively fe PRER from The curfew has effectively barred migrant workers from their jobs bare adj. ‘11nct covered by clothing # VExbS be Fie wasstanding there, completely pare! #Apv_ completely 2not containing’ covered by anything ‘* VERBS be, look | romain | loavo sth You sizouldn’r have left the wires bare. | lay sth, strip sth Theearth had been laid bare. o The tails have been stripped bare. Avy very completely, quite The room was completely bare. | almost, rather | strangely The room looked strangely bare without the furniture Peer of The house was almost bareos furniture. barefoot adj, aac, ‘= VERES be, go, pad, stand, walk The children had fo 30 ‘tarefoot because there teas no money for shoes. o He pod: ded barefoot across thecarpet. bargain noun sth sold at a lower price Abs. absolute, amazing, good, real # VERN - BARGAIN’ find. get. plek up [picked up a real 1y 400d bargain inthe market. @ BARGAIN + NOUN buy, holiday | basemont Zagreement ‘+ ADJ. excellent, geod Vek - BARGAIN make, strike #2420: into the~ (= as well) He's very strong amd com: pletely fearless into the bargain. | ~ between A bargain tras struck between ihe employers and the unions. ~ with Tilmakea bargain with you S PHRASES. drive a hard bargain ( force sb to agree to the arrangement thai is bes! for you). Keep (10) your price | hunter, hunting | bargain halt/partisids of the bargain You haven't keptyour sideof ine bargain. $b's side‘partinalf of the bargaln Her part of the bargain wastoluok after thecer bargain wrd any hard He bargained hardand was seubborn. | cole lectively sie rinicaf worker ste bargain cotéecively = PREP” about He twas prepared to bargain abet mone: for to bargain Jar @ davont wage aver crowds of mon bar. gating ober horses with He tried tu bargnstolh her bargaining ncn envi. hard There will be some hard bargaining before an agreement is reached. | collective Unions were insist enton the right to collective Bargaining. | plea (= wherea defendant plesas guilty to a lesser charge Ix return for havinga more serious charge dropped) SDARGAIKING » NOUN position, power Weare notin astrong bargaining position, barge noun © ADJ. brightly painted | canal. river | sailing | cargo. toal-ete. Svein» GAKGE tow | load (sth Inka), unload (sth from) | moor.tie up SAUCE + Venp. beladonilocdod with eth. carry th S PRES. by~ Lrovede Ay barge. ion ale ~ crusts tiecanais of Franceina barge baritone nour AD, lusty. melodious. pleasant, rich BARITONE - NOUN voice | solo ePREE ina... ~ desangin hisrizh baritone bark noun dona tree ADI. rough | trae | birch, cinnamon, willow, ete. VERN ~ BARK peo off, strip Phe peuple stip the iar fond use tia msi, “BARK > VERE. pool off The bark peels of ix summer @ BARK - NOUN chippings 2of adog «ADI loud, noisy @ VERE + BARK give Thedog gana load bark Bloud sound/voice © ADJ. short | harsh. @ VER - BARK give Hewatea /ecish Dark Gf inusghier ‘PHRASES abark of laughter bark verb «ani excitedly. frantically. furlously, foudly As PERE. at Thedog was barking furiously at coat, barley rou + Ani, moltedimalting Male whisky iy made from molied dariey: | reastiroasted | pearl | spring, winter # QUANT ear | field | VERR + nAKLEY grow | sow | cut. harvest | thresh Loring HARLEY | Vera grow | ripon eUARLEY + HULN Rarvest | fleld barometer row ‘instrument that mneasures air pressure + AD. anerold digital | high. low | steady Zhe baron: ter has been steady for three days note “VERE + BAROMETER check eaad I tap fe sapped ste barometer ant no.ed where the needlevoas printing emAROMETER + VERT rfse | drop, fall 2 sth thal shows the siato of sth ‘¢ ADs. accurate, good. rellabie, sensitive, useful ygant mortality isa highlv consrive barometer of socioecontmic ‘conditions. | polttical PREP. “of baron sou ‘noble =i Notoarprnr 2 powerful businassman ‘AD. media, newspaper. press | cecaine, drug, oll theo baronsof Texes | robber baroness, baronet sven = Noles PERS barracks noun = ADL. army, military, pollce | fortified * VERB + BARRACKS live In j be confined to He was confined in barracks for three weeks as a punishment. | bbeslege | go back to, return to, withdraw 10 barrage sou { firing of guns +24, heavy intense | artillery 4“ YPRn - nARRAGs lumen, unl BARRAGE + NUUN balloan 2 blest ~0f Troops unnshedla barrage f grenades. Zlarae number of questions, exc. ‘© ADE. constant, conGnuous, endlacs ‘VERE - AARRAGH Detaced with, endure. face | kaep up Thereparterskepr upaconstant barrages questions sPanases a barrage of abuse/compicirts/cri cismiuestions Tkepresident is facing @ barrage of criti: elsm over hishandlingof theerisis. 3wallof earth ADS. thdal 4 YERU | BARRAGE build, construct SPRrP across Mey buitta barrogs cerossthe best oh barrel noun 1 conlainer | ADS. beer. wine RE + BARREL fill They fled tee barreds wit cider *BAXERL — VERE contain sth se PREY aiper~ The price of oft hud falien w $16 per bor- vrei. by tha Boor is sold by the barre’. {~ot a harrel of beer ail 2of aqua ADI. gun, rite £felc the gus barrel at my head VERE + HARK), look down, peerisquint along She found herseif looking down the barrel of @ gun. ¢ Pulling ‘his rifle w iis shoulder he squétted along the barrel. | RATERS, « VERE point fe PIERANES the barre! ofa gun barren eaj © vex28 appear, be | become | make sth The yearsof rowing cattn had med the fund compietely barren = ADY. completely, entirely. utterly | almost | largely barricade nun © AD). human ¢ VERB ~ WAIUCADE build, construct, erset, put up. setup | form Theproiestersformeda human barricart, | dismantic, remove. take down | smash. storm The Army dissed (GUKS (6 Storme the barricades. {man There ere six miners manning the barricades. PREP, behind athe~ fighting from behind theie barr des over althe~ The two sides waiched each uther over the barricades. | ~aerose a barricade across the main cad ~agalnst Sauderts built ¢ barricage against the po- -» ~ofa barricade of wooden benches barrier noun ‘ence/gate + ADJ physical | crash, crush. flood, police, protect- ive, Security, tleket | sound (/igurastve) the irst plane to rook the sound barrier # CES — DARKitsR bulld, erect, install | break through The croind manned 10 break through the bar- 5 anid get nto the pitch = PREP. at althe~ Please show your tickel at the barrier behind althe~ The police wailed behind the barriers, through a/tne~ There was a slow trickle of people through he barriers, 2ing that causes problems + AD. effective, formidable, major ] class, cultural language, racial, trade + cTRE -'RARRIER build, ereate, erect, put up, set up weold laws created barriers to free rade. | break down, lift. lower, recuce, remove | cross They believe that portcan cross any barriers. | be faced with, encounter, face | overcome, transcend # DRED, ~against The country has set up harriers against "ports. ~ between a class harrier between the two fart- ‘esto a farmidable barrier to communication J onysical oblect that prevents sb/sth passing + ADJ. impassable, impenetrable | natural © CERF) BARRIER form PREP. ~ between The mountains form a natural bar- er between the two countries, barrister now + ap brilliant, good, leading, successful, top | prac- tising. qualified | junior, trainee | defence/defending, prosecuting/prosecution PRE, ~ forthe barrister for the ferrycompanys = Naieat professional, for verbs) base noun owest part Ap). firm, solid, strong # VERB - BASE have The statue has a solid concrete 2 onginal idea/situation = ApJ. firm, secute, solid, sound, strong | economic, ideological Hisargumentshave a sound economic bast. TRH - DASE have | establish, give eb, provide (sb with) These poiicles give us u solid! base for winning the nevi election. | use sth as © PEL ~fordie used tirenotescasc base for his lecture. support/income/power ‘© AD. Solid, sound | broad, narrow These policies have 9 broad hase of support. | power a politician witharural pewer base | commercial, economic, financial, indus trial, manufacturing. tax The country has a sound corm rnerciel base. | client, customer © VERB + BASE have | develop. expand, improve, in- croase Thecompany istrying to expand itscustomer base, * BASE + VERB grow | shrink Amain place ADJ. excellent, Ideal, perfect = VERE - BASE have The company has its base in New Wore. | establish, set up The company has set up its newe base ia the mort, BASE + NOUN camp » PREP. ~foran ideal base for mountain expeditions Smniltary centre basis ApJ. foreign Demonstrators demanded the removal of foreign bases. | air, air force, military, missile, NATO, aval, RAF VERB + BASE have | build, establish The Americans establisted a navel base oft the isiarsd tn the 1960. + PREL at aithe~ equipment kepe at the base en althe~ people living on the air force base ta (the)~ The planes have all returned to base. base verh PHRASAL VERB. base sth on/upon sth + apy. closely, firmly | broadly, loosely The novels are aU loasely based an fhe author's fe. | argely ‘Thetr re search iwas based largely o7 anecdotal evidence. basement noun = Abu. dark, unlit, windowless | bargain (often figura. ve) bargain basement prices S BASEMENT - KOUN apartment, bar, flat, Kitchon, room, studio | door, stairs, steps, window | carpark = PLE, in altho~ Thecanicen isdown in the basement, bash nom 4strong hit # VERB ~ BASH give sb/sth | get # PHER. on She gota bash om the head: 2party aps, big | birthday, charity, farewell VERN BASH Dive, throw ‘They're throwing a bis besit to celebrate thelr anniversary, bash verb ADV. hard She bashed limo hard she broke his nose. ® PREP on Someone hashed him ov the nose. with She bashed him with ber Book. ‘© PITRASES bash sb aboutlup Ze hud been aitacked and bashed abouta bit. basics noun + VERB + NASICS grasp, know, learn, master, pick up, understand | cover The hook covers the basics of mas: sage. | concentrate on, stick to 11's best to stick to basics ‘witen pianning such a large party. | getlgo back to. get downto It's time our education systen: got back to basics. S PHRASES get the basics right The important thing is toget the basicsright basis noun 1 starting point And, firm, solid, sound + ERD - Asis form, provide # prrp. ~for The proposal provides @ sound basis for a book. + PHIRASHS have no basis in sth These allegations have rn basis in act 2 principle reason ans whole » PREP. on the~of We made cur decision on the basis of ‘he information we had. | ~for The whole basis for your argument isfalse 3uray st iscdone/organized + Abu. regular | daily, monthly, weekly. ete. Siaif are employed on a monthly basis. | permanent, temporary | casual, part-time, voluntary | commercial # PRE. ona... ~ basket basket noun ‘tcontainer ‘= Abs. cane, straw, wicker/wickerwork, wire, woven | laundry. sewing | bread. food, frei, shopping | wastehwaste-paper | cat, dog | bieyele She zeas eveting ‘tong with her bicycle hasket Full of shopping. | picnic. | flower. hanging fanaing baskets fullof suram- fowers = VER} - BASKET make, weave | fill load (ath into), pack (sth into), put sth in | take sth trom/out of, unpack Vearry, heave, pick up She heaved the huse basket onty shetutle. | swing | puraown, set down SHASKRT + VERS be filled with sth, befullof sth. con. tain sth a basheifilted with deticious fruit 4 PHRASES infintoalthe~ Theat iay curled in its hasket (~ofe tasketaf lawers/ fruit 2inbastelbal VERS + BASKET shoot | make.score, sink basketball non 1 809. eollege. professional * QUANT game 4S VERD « BASKETBALL, play | watch # BASKETZALL = RON championship, mateh | court I coseh, player. star. taam | roferan, umpire Special page al stor bass noun ‘lowest part in music «APJ, boomy, foud, pounding | solid The bass etarinet Porms:a solid bass for the woorkwing group. | ground The ‘hwth organist may improvise of a ground oass. | Ng- ured(= a hass linen which the chords are represented hy figares, aot written cut in full the abandonment in the late 18 contury of Fizured bass in favour of completely written out orchestral seares a vina + BASS sing He sings bass tn our focal chow | turn downlup He always plays: his stereo with the bass turned righ up. “BASS + NOUN note. sound | linea pounding bass ine Idler 2iowest male singing voice ans, deep, low 4. Vera + BASS sing Doahas agreed 1 sing bss. sing the basspant), "RASS 1 NOUN voice | part | PRED, ina, — He answered my guration in a surpris ingly deep bass. bass guitar © ADJ. electric | fretless VERS 4s BARA tune (up) mass + NUUN guitar Special page at MrisTe bassoon coun <> Special nay at MUSIC bat noun ‘Tin games + ADS, baseball. cricket, table tenis, + vera = BAT anp.nold | carry | swing email fying animal © ADA fruit pipistrele, vampire ¢ na ~ VERS flutter Ay | roost | squeak + PHRASES. a species of bat bat verb © ERB + BAT. go Into Htek wert inte Oatafter Hessen uit sh in to Fretia nr the toss and put Ragland into hot. © PREG, for Sinith was frst te basfor Warwickshire batch pon ‘number of people/things « abs. large, small | whale A whole batch af original ragings wilt be on saie. | fresh, new He baked a fresh hatch of rolls, « Bach summer a new batch of stuetents tries toftradwnirk. | latest the atest lech of opinion polls e PRRP. in the~ How many books are therein each batch? + Wedeliver the ods in baiches. | ~afa balch of letters 2in computing enaTCH + SOUN job 00 process a Datel fod | Mle, pro- gram | processing mode 10 run in baich mude | queue bath wan ‘¢ Avy, bot, warm | cold | long | quick | bubble tying Fra hor pubble Fatih | baby, bird 8 RT BATHE BM, run Could you run the bath for me? | have, lake | lis in, soakin | need SEATH ~ NOUN tap, water (also bathwater) | mat, Aowel | time IP sthechildren's bath time, ‘* FREE In the~ Please answer the phone £m ta ihe bain! bathroom noun ary, steamy { larga,spacious | tiny | luxurious, tux- ury | fitted | tiled { adjoining. en suite | communal, shared | private } downstairs, upstairs RA = RATHRUON goto, use(~ Ko tw the toilet) = PATHROUM + NOUN eabinet, cupboard | accosar jes, equipment, fittings, sulle | mirror | scales / meigh -myselfon the bathroom sealeseneryday: | facittles. baton noun {usedtby police’saldiers + and. electric I wooden | police 4 VERS ~ BATON carry, hale [draw, use The police wercordered 19 drano their hatonsand disperse the craved. STATON | NOUN charge Five peoplewere ryured Inthe Baton hare 2used by conductor ERS + BATON ralea,wave «PREP, under the~ of The orctesirs rue the reomding under the batoncg aryoung German constucion Sused in a felay race ADs. hand, pase Hach runner passes the baton to the next. | take up} | crop Aused by a drum majorette IRR: BATON swing, twtl battered cz. «VERBS. be, feel, look | become, get «anv badly, vary | 2 bit, alittle, rather, slightly [ emo Wonally Shefeteemottonaily bastered. HRSSES batered old She worea battered ald robe, battery nour Aor electricity + Abu, dead,flat Thecar won't start—the battery's flat. | rechargeable | car. torch | alkaline, lnium 4 VERA - BATTERY charge. recharge I change, re- place | connect fy the Buttery connected correctly? V'be Powered by, run on. use, work om The machine can also run an batteries * BATTEN > VERB give out, go dead, run down, run out After about sic hours, she batiery wiltrun dota, “ DATTERY + NOUN power | life With our product you 0 longer battery tif. | fallure | charger ‘= THRASFS. ‘tattery-operaied. battery-powered «small dattery-peered car 2large group of similar things + ap, full,whole Be ~of Shad to answer a whole battery of questions. + PHRASES abattery of tests battle noun 1 between armies + 3b). bloody. fieree | pitched Te thio armies fought a >uched battle on the lain. | decisive | great, important, major | famous, historic | land. naval, sea FRN ) BATTLE fight (in) | win | lose | do, give, go into, join Charles V reused io gtve battle. 9 The two armies ined bautle. | send sb Into Many young men wore sent rio batile without proper training. #Sa7TLE = VERA begin, take placa I rage | cor | beover.end # PREP at althe~ Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterio, in (althe)~ Hedied in battle, 2 volent fight between two groups + 09. fierce | pitched | running | gun + VERB + RAPTLE fight + onEP ~againet Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators. ~ between a gun battie betveen potice and Zrug smugglers ~with Scores of people have been isurt in uanining biles with potice. ruggle # ADJ. bitter fierce | real Taere’s now areal battle atthe op of the First Division. | constant, continuing, long, long-tunning, ongoing, protonged | losing. uphill We seem to be fitting a losing battle. | successtul | court. legal + VERB + BATTLE be engaged in, do, fight Are you pre sared to do battle with your insurance company aver the lain? | face | win | lose “BATTLE = VERA begin | be over. end hee ~ against his lung batile axainst cancer ~ be- tween a fierce battle between developers and the local core ‘munity ~ tar the battle for naman rights ~ ever The 00 ernment now faces a new battle aver tax increases, ~with They are engaged ina long-running legal battle with their igh burs PHRASES @ battle of ideasiwords, a battle of willsiwits, 2 battie royal (~ a major battle in which all available forces take part), flght your own battles 1 parents believed in leaving me fo ight my oun batts, 3 battle vor ‘+ anv hard | bravely The child battled bravely for her ise. | nal Dociors battled in vain to save istife, | com stantly | away Hb keep battling away and hope that the zoals start to come. PREP agalnst Kescuors battied against torrential rain and high winds tor battling for contral of the party over Residents are buctling aver plans far 4 caus super market through We battled through the snowstorra. with Rivt po- lice bottled with 4 000 students. o bateling with leukaemia © PHRASES battle it out Competitors battled it out against the clock, battle your way He battled his way othe bar, bay nou: ‘t partof a coast * ADJ sheltered | wide | sandy s vena + DAY overlook holiday flats overtocking the bay nse, across the~ Lights winklad aeroesthe bay ‘area used fora particular purpose + Apt docking, landing. loading bayonet roun + AD fixed troops with fixed bayoncts 59 bean © VERE + BAYONET fix | thrust A bayonet had beer thrust throusth his belly, beach noun + £1, beautiful, fine, lovely, magnificent, palm- inged, sun-drenched | golden, sandy, white | pebble, shingle | bathing, pleasure | deserted. empty. private, secluded @BEACK + VERB stretch @ Deautiful golden beach stretching for miles eer along althe ~ He watked along the beach. at aithe~ They met at the beach. on althe~ She lay on the each and read her book. bead nom ‘1 small piece of glass, wood, ete. ‘© ADJ. amber, glass, wooden.etc. | prayer,rosary ‘© QUANT. strand, string a string of wooden beads «VERB READ weer | faston, puton | take off, undo, uunfasten | thread She dhreaded the beads carefully a TEAD + VERA hang A sirand of coral beads hung round her neck. FAD + NOUN curtain 2small drop of liquid ‘© PHRASES. a baad of moisture/perspiration/sweat beak noun + ADs short, small (Terge, tong | curved, hooked, pointed, sharp | powerful | black, yallow # YER © BEAK open | close beaker noun + And. glass, plastte « glass beaker conuaining copper sulphate solution © She drank froma plastic beaker. + VERS + BEAKER fill, refill | drain, ompty | lift, pick Up, raise | place, put down, replace, set down | crink from/out of + YEAKER ~ VEND contain sth beam noun Aray of light ‘ADM. bright, intense, plercing, powerful | narrow, thin | electron, laser, searchlight, toreh «VERS - DRAM direct, point, send, shine | play He plaved the heam of his torch over the wall of the cave. | catch sb/sth in ewoas staddenly caught in tefall beam of a secrchtight, +SFAM + vERA shine | iluminate sth, light sth up © PRE ~from (fe beam from the lighthouse of A bearn of sunlight shone in through the window. + FERASES. on fullbeam car headlighis on full beam 2iong piece of wood/metal + ADJ. timber, woeden | oak | iron, metal, stee! | old, originalacottagewith original beams and a thatched roct exposed a cosy pub with expesed oak beams | horizon tal, vertical « HEAM ~ VERE supportsth beam ver ‘© ADV, broadly He beamed broadly at them, clearly very pleased 10 see them. | positively She positively beamed with satisfaction. | cheerfully, happily, proudly «PREP. at She beamed happily at Maxim, with His face beamed with pleasure bean ncun ‘vegetable «Avs. black-eyed, broad, butter, chill, French, green haricot, kidney, runner. soya, string | canned, dried refried | baked baked beans on toast © VERE - BEAN eat, faye | plant | grow Shegrowsher ou broad beans | cook | drain. strain | soak ff using dried beans, souk thers over tigit fist © BEAN + SUN curd | sprout =) Spacial pageat P00, 2seed of other plants «ADI cocoa, coffee * BRB ~ BEAN roast | grind bear ter 1 acceptdeal with sth ‘VERT + BEAR be ablefunable to, canicould thard- Iylscarcely) Don't leave me alone. 1 wowidn’t he able to bear it, How can you bear thts auful noise? o We could hardly hear to heontoorsin the blinding sunlight 2be responsible far stn VERN + BEAR have to, must Do porents have to bear he whole costof tuition fees? o You must bear at terest sorne responsibility for whot has henoened. PHRASAL VERB bear on/upon sb/sth + ADU haavily The hurden of the tax bory mast heawily on the pour bearable «cj evERBS be | become | make sth ‘The camaraderie among Jeilow emptosees iiatie the tedious work jest Bear: able, | find eth He found the duliness of his werk scarcely bearable # any almost } hardly. scarcely | Just » PRET. for The moncymade life mare bearablefor her beard rou + vd. brletling. bushy, full, shaggy | neat. neatly- clipped | patchy. straggly. wispy | goatee | pointed | gingar/aingery, graying, reddish. white. te. | Fake. false «VERE + BEARD grow | have, sport, wear Hesporteda neat goatee board. | elip, cut, trim | shave (off | pull (ab, siroke, tug (at) rn strahed his beard reftectively # BEARD 1 VERE graw Ay beard's groun a lol. { be streaked with eth His heard ts etrecked teith grey. © BEAKO + NOU growth, Stubble fe had tov day: earl growth across his jovols and chin «PREP. with aithe~ She's cured of mren with beards ePHRASES a threeday/seven-day. etc. growth of beard, a throe-day-old, ote. beard bearing noun A way in whieh sth is related #801 dirget, important, significant The rise ix interest rates hada direct bearing on the company’ sprofis VERE + Bele have 2 PREP. ~on 2direction/position ADI. compass VERE + UEARING check Ke checked his bearings on the map tn the car | find, got veryihing was inciarkness and i wes difficult wo get my bearings | Weep Ty kee ‘your bearings fa a desert sandstorm is impossible. | lose ‘She losther bearings inthe thick forest. + PERASES take 4 (compass) bearing on sth Take 4 comes bearing on that mauretain, beast noun tenimal ‘= ADJ. ferocious, savage, snarling, wild Savage deasis ance rnamed thase forests, | exotte, fabled, fantastic, I gendary, mythleal. rare, strange paiztings of mythical Beasts | creat, huga, magnificent. mighty ¢ PIRASES a beast of burden, « beast of prey 2unpleesanveruel person ‘¢ Ava. filthy You Athy beast! | sex Local people tive it fear of this unknown sex boast. ‘TERASES the beast in sb (= the Violentor sexual part of sh’s character} Phe east in her waned to deseray his ‘house. bring out the beast in sh Somehow she brought out be beast fe nim, beat noun Arhythm © ADJ regular chythmic, steady | pounding © YER + BEAT clap fo, dance le, sway to Trey deri? tothe rhythmic beat of the music. ULASHS two, three, four, ete. beats to the bar The piece has four beats so she bar sb's heart misses/skips a beat (= sb feels very nervous) As J opened the leiter: my hasre missed ¢ beat, 2of a police officer = VERE + SEAT pound. walk We fave dive officers walk ing the beatafter midnight PRE®. entho~ officers onthebeat beat wr Aina game + AD¥ comfortably, comprehensively, convincingly, easily, hands cown. soundly He beet her hands down. | narrowly He was narrowly beaten by his oppenent. ‘sree, at She Deas flim ai chess. by beating her Oy Just ree points = PHRASES beat ab into second, third, elec. place Fie ‘was beaten inio second place bythe American 2hit sb + ADN: badly. brutally. savagely, severely. viotently «PREP with Sheces beaten ithe metal ba + PHRASES. beat sb abouv/over the Nead He tad! beer henten obout the head witha rack beat sbta daath, beat sb unconscious 3of heart wings ‘+ ADV. fast frantically, palnfully. rapidly, wildly fous Jeet ny heart beating witty 4mix | ADY thoroughly, well Feat dhe mixasre wet, wat i's light cod crear. \ Nightly Add three cage, lighity booeen, FHRASAL VERS boat down + ALN. mercilessly. relentlessly # PREP. onlupon The African sun beat reientlessty dow” om hisaching head. beating ann © ADJ. brutal, savage, sovare. terrible, viclent # VERE + BEATING get, receive, suffer, take The tecm fookaterribleheating | give sbisth They caughi him anit ave hiea a violeret beatin, beautiful 2a, + VERBS be, feel, look, seem | baceme, grow | make sbisth We did aff we could to make she room beautiful. | find ab/sth He fornd her exguisitely beautifial © ADS. exceplionally, extraordinarily, extremely, cule standingly. really, remarkably, supremely. truly. very | absolutely, perfectly, quite. uttorly | just, simply Unformah "They're just heaueine,’ breathed Jo, when she samy the earrings. | almost I remember her as pretty. al most beautiful. | rather | astonishingly. breathtaking ly,dazziingly. incredibly. staggeringly, startlingly, st ingly, stunningly, unbsliovably. wonderfully | uniquely | exqutsitely | serenely | classically Her features were clossizally beoutifial, with perfectly serretred high Cheek bones. | ealdly The designs were pure, oustere and coldly 2ecutifut | achingly, eerily, Nauntingly. painfully @ Aauntingly beausiftl melody beauty nour 1 quality of being beautiful ‘ADs, breathtaking, extraordinary, great, outstanding sheer en ares of breathtaking beau’ | classical the clas Soul beauty of her face | ratural | physieal | sconie BEAUTY + VERB last | fade Her beauty faded as she otoider + DEALTY + NOU competition. parlour. salon | treatment | spot = PHRASES. beauty sin the oye of the beholder, beauty is only skin-deep 2 beauliful person or thing ‘ADS. great She was brown asa great beatity inher time contest | queen | | absolute, roal My new car's a real beauty? | little Isn't sitea litle beauty? bed noun 1 piece of furniture for sleeping on +n! double, king-size, single. twin | bunk, eamp. feather, folding, fourposter, hospital, sofa | warm | unmade a mescyroom, with an unmacie bed andclothes on sefloor | marriage + VERB + Aen do [informal). make. make up (strip Please strip the beds and put the sheets in the washing ma ‘chute. | climb into, crawl into, get into, go to, tumble into She craioled into bed exhausted. | climb out of. get ‘out of. leap out of I lie (down) on, lie in, sit on He ay:ir si, reading his book. © Klizabeth twas sitting on hor bed writing @leter | put sbto, tuck ab up in T's your turn to put the children to bed. | wet Dor’: punish @ chili who isthe hed. + pep ~ NOUN clothes. linen © PREP. in~T like 0 bet bed fefore I To'clock. outof= Are sour of bed yer? + PiRasns bed and breakfast, the edge/side of the bed, the footthoad of the bed, gat sb into bed (= have sex widh sl), go to Bed with sb (~ have sex with sl, take to your bed (= go to bed beeause you are ill). time for bed Comeon, children is time for bed. 2 piace of ground for growing flowers, vagetables, etc. + Ans. flower,rose, strawberry | ornamental | raised # Patt ofornamental beds afroses bedroom nou: ‘+ any attractive, elegant. pleasant, pretty | comfort- able, easy | big, enormous, largo, spacious | cette. ittle. modest, small, tny | double. single, twin | en suite | main, master, principal | nursery | study | 3t- tic, back, downstars, first-floor, front, upstairs | guest, spare | hotel CERE | BEDROOM hare I used (9 share a bedrvuan ‘eit my brother | convert They converted the spare bed room into anoffiee. | decorate, redecorate # BEDROOM + NOUN furniture, sulte | window | slip- pors | scone The actress refuse! 10 appear naked in the ‘wdrooan scenes. @Paee. around althe~ There were dirty clothes strewn -cund the Bedroom. in althe~ # PHRASES a S-bedrcom, etc. house 1/e larger houses ‘ore four-bedrocm houses bedside noun VERE - sepsine be called to, be summoned to The doctor was sumnmionted Co tls budsie, | stay aby | eave His wife never left his bedside = BEDSIDE - NOUN cabinet,lamp, light, table | PRED. ateb's/the~, by sb'sithe~ Jlike wm keepaglassof water by my bedside. bedtime noun Abs. normal, usual @ BEDTIME - NOUN reading story I drink = PAEP. atv. before sh'e~, past ob's~ I's weil past my normal beatime. bee noun ‘© Ds. bumble (alse bumblebee). honey. killer | queen, worker | angry Hewas stung hy thousands of angry boos SQvANT swarm REL» VERB buzz, hum A bee buzced in my ear | sting (sb) | fly, swarm The bees swrarmed round the hive. #BEE + NOUN hive (also beehive) | sting | keeper (also bee-keepen) beef noun © ADJ. fresh | lean | fatty | tender | tough | prime | ‘organic | medium, rare, well done ‘How would you like your beef” flare, please. | roast | corned, minced, salt- ‘ed a ilo of very oan minced href = QUANT. bit, piace, slice | fillet, joint, rib, side © VERB + BEEF eat | boil, braise, cook, fry, roast, stew | carve, eutearving a jointos hoof fs uxnr + NOUN stew, stock | catlle | farmer | Incus- try. production beer noun Di. excellent, good, great, quality | strong | alcohol-free. light, low-alcohal, no-alcohel | cold, iee- cold | warm | foaming a glass of foaming ice-vatdt beer | black. blonde. dark | bottled. cask, draught. keg | flat (thatthe ges has gone out of| | stale The picb smelted of stale beer | home-brewed | designer The shop special: izes in designer beers: | QUANT. litre, pint / ordered alfa pine of beer with my sendwich, | barrel, bottle, can, glass, keg. tankard | erate VERB - SEER drink Do you drink beer? | nave Wilt 20H have a beer? | down He dotned his beer in one £0. | guip (at), sip (at), swig, teke a gulp/sip/swig of | draw, our (sb) THs beer should be drawn slowly. o He poured usalla beer | order !saw himatthe bar ordering a bow: | go for Lm going for a beer with Carl tonight. | brew | chill | BERR + VERE chill Put che beer in the fridge ta chill. { foam | go flat | flow (figurative) The deer flowed freely ajter tho match. | slop He slammed hisglassdownand the ‘beer sloppeid aver the sides. @ RFER + NOUN drinker. lover | maker | barral, bottle, can, crate, glass, keg, mug, tankard | mat | festival | consumption, production, sales | cellar, garden Tie pub has a beer garden round the beck. | belly He's only ‘twenty but he's already got @ eer belly (= 2 fat Stomach from drinking too much beer). | money Playing non: league football keeps him in beer money (= carns him enough money to buy beer, but he has todo another job to earn a living) beg verb ask sb for food, money, etc. VERB + 486. be forcedto, have to S PREP. for dogging ‘or fod tom He had 0 bes food from passersby 2ask for sth with great emotion ‘© ADV. almost practically Jn the end they almost begged him io take the Joh | Mumbly We humbly bex Your Me} extyinshowe mers | silently Pan lervome, he Boge hr sient begin » VERB ~ BEG beforced to, haveto # PRE for We went 10 him 10 beg Jor forriveness. of Gor. mab Domotdo thet, Ibex of ou begin vero # ADV. (all over) again Once it has finished, the video automatically begins again. © We hatl 10 begin all over ‘again. # ypius + nxciN be due to, be expected to, be sched- tled to The entertainment was due io begin at 8.20. | be ready to | be about fo, be going to A ttew life was about tobeginfor him. DRED. by Let's begin by writing dow 1 few ideas. with We will begin with a brief atscussion of the problems. 0 Con you think of a word beginning with V? ‘© PIRASES begin at the beginning Begiit your story at the beginning, and carry on to theend. beginner noun + ADs. absolute, complete real beginning sou © ADJ new She spoke of a new beginning jor thenation, ERR = DRGINNING herald, mark This invention marked the beginning of the modern axe. | see 2001 saw the beginning of a period of rapid growih s pREeP. at tho~(of eth) I'm paid at the beginning of each ‘month, from the~ Tell me the whole story, right from the beginning. in the~ In the beginning [found the course very igicate © PHRASES the beginning of the end That holiiay to gether was the beginning of the end of our friendship. earlyifirst beginnings The society had us early begin: ings in discussion groups. from beginning to end The play was rubbish from beginning ig ent. trom hum bleimodestismall beginnings From these small begin. ings it grew into the vast company we know today. the very beginning / disliked her from the very bexinning, behave rer) » ADV. Impeccably, perfectly, well | aggressively, badly, disgracefully, outrageously Children who hehave badly are rejecting aduit values. | appropriately, cor- rectly. properly. responsibly The enquiry investigated whether officers had behaved correctly. | improperly. irre- sponsibly | rationally, reasonably | stupidly, unrea- senably | normally | oddly, out of character. strange- ly, suspiciously | accordingly Chtlaren. if ihey.are used to being treated with respect. will behave accordingly: | naturally the freedom to behavenaturally » PREP. as ifithough He behaved as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, like Stop behaving like a tree: yearold! towards He had always behaved tn a frlendty ‘manner towards ns, behaviour noun © ApJ. exemplary. good He had his jaif term cut for good behaviour | acceptable | antisocial, bad, unsecept- able, undesirable | deviant, problem 7eachers can’t at ways respond effectively to problem behaviour | nermal | strange | aggressive, criminal, disruptive, violent | animal, human, sexual, social * VERE + BEHAVIOUR control, influance Parents cai influence the behaviour of thetr children. | alter, change, modify | display. exhibit, show Animols in 2oes often display distur bed betaviour, BEHAVIOUR - NOUN pattern # PRE. ~towards his beltaviour towards his parents © PHRASES behaviour and attitudes, be on your bast behaviour (- to bohave very well in order to impress sb), a code of behaviour, a pattern of behaviour, standards of behaviour a newstucy looking at the behaviour and at- tudes of sounermen being moun Aliving creature ‘Ain. human, living cherights ofall fauna beings: ne telligent. rational werkon the assumprion that people are rational beings. | strange, supernatural 2siate of existing + VERB ~ DEING be brought into, come into(= (0 stact toexist) How dovouthink the wnrldenmeinto being? belief noun ADJ, absolute, ceep-seated, deeply held, fervent, firm, passionate, profound, strong, strongly held, un: shakeable | genuine, honest, sincere site was strice with hor children n the genttine belief that it 1s the right ‘hing to. do. | entrenched, fanatical | common, com- monly held, general, popular, widely held, widespread | growing | long-held, long-standing | besic, contra, ‘ore. fundamental ihe baste betersoj Christianity | per- sonal, private think therighisand wrengsof eating meat area matierofpersonal belief. | rational, reasonabie | ir rational, superstitious | instinctive | naive | strange | conflicting, contradictory | erroneous, false, mis- guided, mistaken took the ob in the mistaken belief that Tout be able to stay in London. { anctent, traditional The peuple still follow thelr traditional beitets. | orthodox | cultural, moral, political, religious, spiritual Trey 102re persecuted for ther religious belief. | Catholic, Chris- tian, pagan. otc + QUANT. Sot, syatom Zeck religion has ts st of bli © VERS + BELIEF have, hold I have very firm beliefs about moral issues. | share He shored his father’s beitef that people should work hard for their living. | adhere to, cling to. follow. hold on to. stick to She clung the hetier that he woud come back to her The Labour Parts must Stick 10 its fetes. | abandon, give up, renounce | lose ‘She has last her belief in God. | affirm, assert, deciare, express, state Here the apostle Peter affirms his belief that the scriptures are “inspired. | emphasize, stress | encourage, foster, fuel The exer results encouraged the belief thai he was a good teacher | confirm, reinforce, strengthen, support This latest evidence sirengthens cur belief that the government is doing the right thing. | question, shake. shatter. undermine, weaken The Chile's death shook her belief in God. | respect You must respect other people's belief. | beggar, defy (= tobe ins possible to beliove) 11 Beagars belief haw things could hhave go this bad. | WbLIRE = VERD_ persist Belief in the magical proper ties of this herb persisted down the centuries, @ BELIEF + NOUN system s ener beyond ~ (~ too great, difficult, cic. to be be hhevea) Dissatisfaction wu the government as grotn be yond belief ¢ icy air that was cold beyond belief in the~ that She did iin the belief that i woud help her car fer | ~ about belies about the origin of the universe ~among There isa belief amen young people that educa tion isa wast of time. ~ ma belief in God + PHRASHS contrary to popular boliof (~ in spite of what people think) Contrary io popular belies rainforests reno jungies through which you have toslasha path believable aw. «VERS be, sound | find sth e aby. very All the characters were very believable. | hardly Jfind her siory hardly believable. believe verb © ADV, firmly, really, seriously (only used with nega: <). Sincerely Hefirmly believed that he wasright.o.No ne seriously believes that this war will happen. | mis- takenly + VERE. BELIEVE can’tieannot, could not I couldn't slleve whar Fwas hearing, | be hard to I¢s hard to be: irre that this carapatign has Been soins on for ten years. | give ab to The hoss gave me to believe that we would allect pay rise. | have reason to We havereason to believe that ccaped prisoner may be hiding in this house. | be in- clined to Pm inclined to betteve you. | lead sb to Tite ad ‘ertisement lect us to believe shat al! prices had been cut = PHRASES canicould hardly/scarcely believe sth, not Delieve a word of sth / didn't believe a word of what he believer noun 4 sb who has religious faith » spy devout, genuine, true | religious who believes thatsth is good ‘© 80J fervent, firm, great, passionate, staunch, strong a Paup in ma firm belionor in she benefits of exorcise be! ‘hollow metal object that rings + nJ_ church, temple | wedding (often figurative) The x0 of them went everywhere together ard their friends id aircady hear wedding bells (~ wore sure they would viamrmied), | cow | distant fe vene + Ber. ring | hear + SELL ~ VERS chime, clang, jengle, peal. ring (out), sound.tinkle tll Zhe bells on the harness tinkled softly. Taechurch bells wolled for Buorsons SAREL + NOUN tower | pull, rope = PHRASES. a chime of bells the faint chime of bells a peal of bells Sie card a peal of church belis.a sound of bells he suund of bells echowd across the valley Zother object nat rings ‘#403, bieyele, doar ‘also doorbell) | dinner, schoo! | electsc | alarm, warning (often figurative) Alarm fells uupre ringing inside Stuart's head. + VEuD + DELI. press, ing, Sound | amower She hur ‘ed to answer the doa vet BELL = VERD go, ring, sound The schoo! bell goes at iiree every afternoon. | RELL + NOUN push noun bellow noun © ADJ great. loud | angry SVERR «BELLOW give, let out She your ¢ great Fellow of laughter. | near | PREY with a~ He woke witha bellow of rage. | ~of © PHRASES a bellow of laughter, a bellow of rage = Noieatsounn belly nom © ADJ. empty, full [flat | fat, pot Since fe turned 30 he's started todevelopa pot belly. | distonced,swollon | boor (= afat stomach trom drinking too much beer) | REILLY + VERN bulge | hang He's co Jat, his beily hangs over his routers. | swell prep. inyour~ She el! thechtld in her belly hick. belongings noun ‘* Abu, personal 2 VERE + BELONGINGS collectigather (together/up), Pack (up) She collected up ier personal belongings and 1eft | go through, look through. rife through. search /n hher absence, someone had gone through her belongings. | sort through He wes trying to sort through his belongings and bring them to some sort of order bend beloved adi. VERBS be © AD). dearly. much she death of his much beloved wife @ PREP, byararee beloved byartists of Steran oneo} the Hitle tea roams so beloved of Londoners at the turn of the conuury. belt noun 1 narrow piece of leather, etc. worn round the waist + ADI broad, wide | narrow | thick | studded | cart ridge, money, sword | trouser VEND + BELT buckle. do up, fasten | unbuckie undo. untasten | tighten | loosen @ BELT ~ NOUN buckle. loop = Special pape at ch 0TH 2ina mactine ‘= Abu. conveyor, drive, fan 3area of land ADs, wide | narrow, thin | coastal, mountain | corn cotton, wheat | green, industrial New reads are cutting into the green belt (~ open land round city where build inugisstriclly controlled). | commuter, stockbroker PRER, ~ ofa narrow beltof trees bemused edi = VERBS be.lock, seem. sound | become FADS totally Sarah soked wiaty bemused, | a BI tly. allttle. quite, rather. slightly, somewhat J tras be: ginning t0 joel slightly bemused. @ PREP. by Connie was rather bemused by all the aiten tion sho was getting, bench noun 4 long seat * Abi. Tong { narrow | hard | padded | wooden | garden, park I replacements’, subs’, substitutes’ (sport) They have several top playerson the subs! hench. VERB - BENCH. sit(down) on © BENCH + NOUN seat © PREP. on a/the~ He often sleepson park benches. 2in Pariiament ‘@ ADJ. government. Opposition | Conservative, La- our, ete. | back, front (Government ministers and the ‘most important memioers of the Opposition sit on the front benches. Back-benchMPs have no official position ‘besides that of MP) VERB - RENCH beon,sit on SPREL. from the. -s There were cheers from the Lar our benches. on the ... ~8 Some MPs on the government back benches are starting to question the xovertinent’s ‘handling of the war. 3 lang narrow table that peaple wark at ‘© ADJ. work (also workbench) | carpenter's. labora- tory PREP, atalthe~ He was working ar nls bench. bend ioun © ADJ. gentie. slight, wide | halrpin, sharp, tight Some of the hairpin bends had Ruth clinging to her seat. | dan- gerous | blind mountain roads with stecp gradients and blind bends | left-hand, right-hand | final (~ in a race) He hada winning lead off the final bend. # QUANT, series c sertes of dangerous bends ERR | BEND come round, negotiate, round, take, turn He slowed down to negotiate te pond. © PREP. aroundiround a/the~ The car vanished round « bend. into a/the~Tinched the car into (he bend. off a/the— He came off the bend in the lead. on aithe~ Siow down on thetight bends, | ~ine wide bend in theriver bend vers samy slightly | quickly, swiftly | backwards, for wards | down, over F dent doten and tied my shoelace. | close, nearer Sora bert clase la him. | double Z hod t end leuble io get under the able fe PREP. at Avokd bending ar the ealet when Uftings heary ‘ohjees. towarus He came Coser and Deru zowars her benefactor cou *aDi. generous, kind | wealthy | great | anonym- ous, mysterious, unknown | private | public Ho wae 0 Brest public benefactor and gee lard for butiding the sea atl. fe BENEIACTOR + Vaan donate sth, give sth A pricate benefactor donated £26096. | PRER. ~to Shewasa generous benefactor totkeliorary, beneficial aaj + VERES bo, prove Some alternative treatments my procehighiy Dengfctal | consider sth apy. extremely, highly, vary | entirely, wholly | clearly | mutually The arrangement! was weutuatly bereft iat. | mecically, socially ‘SPRUP, for [think i wll be beneficial jor ench como tee merater fo have e copy of the report. to Exercise is ex. tremely bonofiial to health banefit neu advantage aI. consiceraale, enormous. great, mafor. real, substantial This could bring reat benefits for teachers. | maximum | additional Phe scheme has mary additional ‘benefits. | fringe (= extra things that an employer gives as wellas wages) The riage benefits include ree health ie surance. | mumual The different environments} groups could work tngether to taelr meual benefit, | potential | longterm, shortterm | aconomic. environmental, f- nancial, health, secial | tax VERE = nENFFIT enjoy,have Themoior industry will ron of the Rirsttoenioy the beneftsar the recotery. ochit schon tri tave the Benen of a.siable home backyrotnd [ derive, gain, get, obtain, rean, tecelve The contpany de- rived substantia! bengfit from the deal 0 I reaped the bene- ‘fus of alt my early training. | bring, offer. provide Tre new factory will bring considerable bendfils to the area. © Thisdeel willofer major benefits a indusiriaitsesand fn estore. fe DENEFIT + VERB mccrue the ben: @.z00d education PREP. for sb's~ We shally shisfor the bendftaf thepa- ents, of ta Tiuis arrangement wilt be of great benefit co yout foth to sb’s~ Ht ill be tn overyore's Bencft withfethout the~ of manouing to work without the dene. Jfitaf modern technology | ~for the benefits for coaparnies “tron fhe benefits from tour iamn ~of ihe benefit ofa steudy incometo Whatare the benefistoinvesiars? 2money @x01 walfare | state | means-tested, unlvarsal One ‘way fe cu spending is to move from universal benefits: thse Dold t everyone regardtess af need’—ta meanstestet ones. | cash | child, housing, sickness, social security. unemployment * QUANT. amount. level | VERT + BENEVIT be eligib(efor,be eruitiedto, quall- fy for I claim You may be able to claim housing: henefs. | raw. got, recelve He receives unemployment benefit. | be dependent on | lose She is worried that ff she takes ona Jobshewill loseher benefits | cut The government hascut unamploymens bengfit. | ineTbase © DENEFEP + VERE bo pald Bengitispaid monthls bs that accrue frome @MENEYCT | NOUN benefits agency | office | pay- ment | system = PRED on~ He'san sycial security benefit. benefit vers + aby. considerably. enormously. greatly, substantial: ly | fully | clearly, obviously, undoubtedly Tre ner faw clearly benefits those earning the cast mong. | equally | sispropertionately | directly We tenerted ciretiy from the reorganization, | indrectly | fnancially We both benefited financtalty from the arrangement. PREP from benign adi = VRRS bs, look, seam apy. fairly, rather, retatively The effects of dts chem eal are fairiy benign. environmentally We are looking for an env:ironimencalty beige alternative to bleach. bent noun ADI. natural | artistic, intellectual, sophlcal, scientific 9 VER + BENT have She has af artistic bent, | show Heshoweda literary bent froma young age SPREE with @ child with a sctemtific Bent | ~foranai ural bent for tanguages bent ea), ‘= VERRS be, look | become, gat 7h? iamp post gut bent inihecrash. ¢ ADY. slightly He stood with knees sltghity dent. @BHRASES bont double The man shujjted back a few Paces, beat almost double, bequest now © A0J, generous, larga, substantial The fibrary has received @ generous bequest from 2 Ioeat businessman, | small | charitable VERB 1 BYGUEST leave (sb), make (sb) it his wilt he madea substantial bequest to his wife. | receive e PREP, by~ The picture was acquired by beauest in 1921, | trom a bequest froma the late Jack Dawkins ~to a be: quest tohisson bereaved cgi. ‘S VERES be = Avs. nawly,rocontly a rewuntiy bereaved family literary. phillo- bereavement 2oun * Add rocont | family, personal © VERS + BEREAVEMENT suffer He Nas suffered a be- reacement. | comete lorme with, cope with, got over @ BEREAVEMENT + NOUN Counselling, counsellor “| PHRASRS tha psin/shack of bereavement berry noun AD). ripe | wild | pottenous | Holly, juniperote. Senn» anna have, procuce (oes its bust have Dervis? | pik We pick afer te berri | eat SaEnRY + VERS rien | dropolt Sy Syecial paeear rr berth nou ‘sud. empty | upper | lower | VERA + BERTH have | book, get. take Tee sancged to get berths mm thenverniehtferry, ¢ PICIASES. a twe-borth, three berth, otc. cabin 9 best aaj + venus be | consider sth, deem sth, judge sth, think sth Owen judied it best to make noreply ADV. very He ait to give our guests the very best atten non. | by far, easily huis ts bv Jar the best restaurant in therown, © PREP, at Whoo in the class is Dest at maths? for Tm only irvine todo what sbestfor you. bet noun © .ANI good. safe, sure | fair | outside (- with « very small chance of winning) © VERE - BLT have, make, place, put /'m going to place a bet on that white horse. | accept, take We are now tak: ing bets on the election result. | win | tose # PREP ~on Thad 0 bet on the three o'elock race, ~with | ‘mactea bet with afrtend, epueases do sth for a bet, my bet isi (that)... My betis that Liverpool will win. is my bet betrayal neun + ADs personal | final, ultimate His defection 10 the other side was the ultimate betrayal. | VERE | BETRAYAL regard sth as, see sth as, view sth as The business community regarded the measures as ‘a betrayal of election promises, ePRER ~ofa betrayal of his friends o The decisions were a betrayal of everything my father stood jor ‘© PURASES an act of betrayal, a botrayal of (eb's) trust, afeeling'sense of betrayal better auj 1 comparative of ‘good = VERBS be. feal, look, seem | get Cars are getting ber- er all the ine. | make sth We must make our tener cities better to five and work in. | consider sth. deem sth judge eth, think eth I thought i hotter to tackle him out side of business hours. = AbY. adamned/darned sight, even, far, lot, marked- 1y, (very) much, stl, substantially, tena hundreda thousand times His latest hook 18 a darned sight bettor than the one before, | a bit, a goodigrest deal, a Kittle, marginally. slightly | PHRASES no bettor Charles VI was a had king, and Chartes VILE was no better nothing better than There's nothing heiter than @ nice juicy pooch" 2 recovered from an iliness + VERBS be, feel, look, seer I get / hope you set better svon. | gat sb, make sb Don't worry. The dector will soon marke you better: [kige sth Didl yor hurt yourself? Poor shing-—come here and tetme kiss ie better © ADV. alot, (very) much | a bit a good/great deal, alit- tle. slightly bewildered adj LHS be, feel, look, seem, sound | become | leave sb She packed her boxs and lert—leaving Matthew bewil: doredand confused. © ADV. very | completely, quite, thoroughly, totally, ut- terly | alitile, rathor, slightly, somewhat fe PKL at He was rusher bewildered at seeing her there, by She was totally bewildered by his message, bewildering cai. ‘vets be, seem | find sth [found the experience quite bewildering © DN. very It was ail very hewildering | completely. cuite,ttallya totally bewildorins array of diferent vines | abit. rather bid bias noun And. Clear, definite, marked, obvious, strong | left- wing, rightwing | cultural, political *VERD + DIAS have Tite newspaper has a clear bias to wards the Conservaiive Party | display, show | avoid, eliminate, reduco | cerroct We have now tried to correct the bias in our original report. | be free trom The news: Paper was free from political bias SDIAS + VERE creep in, exist Bics often creeps in through the wording of questions. ‘e PREP. withwithout~ Al! material must be selected and presented without btes.with a~ a newspaper with e trong leftaving bias | ~ against a bias against women ~in fae vour offtowards a bfasin favour of small firms biased adi. sveRBS be ‘© ADW. extremely, heavily, hopelessly, stronaly, very | a littlo, slightly | naturally | inherently | ideologically. politically | racially © PREP. against Fate was strongly biased against him. in favour of The methods they employed were heavily biased 1m the gentry’s favour. towards Managers are naturally biased wowaris projects showing a quick return. Bible noun ADs. Holy fe VeKH + BIBLE read, stucy © BIRLE + VERB sayssth. tells sth, teach sth Tie Bible teaches that all people are equal before God. *RIRLE » NOUN reading, story | study Peep in the~ You can read the story o Bible. Noah in the bibliography nou + Abs, brief, select, selective | comprehensive, exten- sive anextensive bibltagraphyof books and articles, ¢VERB + BIBLIOGRAPHY compile, put together | contain, Include | publish | consult Consutt che brbtiog: raphy for further reading on the subject PREP. in aithe~ You'll fd thw professor's bok in dhe bibliography: |~of The book includes a selective bibliog: raphy of wrkson French art. bicycle noun 2 viens - picvere ride | get on, mount Ze mounted his bicycle and rode of | get off | come of, fall off Site came off her bneyele when it skidded! on some wet leaves. | knock sb off | pedal She pecialled her bicycle up tte track. | push, wheel / dismounted and began to push my bicycle up the Bill. | park | hire BICYCLE - VERB gethavea puncture # BICYCLE - NOUN rida | chain, frame, wheel | rack, shed | hire © PREP. by~Didvoucomeby bievcle? on a'the~ watching the boys on their bicycles ‘¢ PHEASES leaniprop a bicycle against sth bid noun tattemat ©AD3. successful | failed, unsuccessful | desperate | takeover 1B + BID launch, make, mount A German firm launched a takeower bid for the company. | succeed in | fell in They failed in heir Ditto buy the holiday coripany. e BID = VERR succeed | fall S PREP. in aithe~ He attacked his guards in a desperate Did for freedom. | ~ by a bid by the president to boost his popularity ~for This play was her last bid for recognition. ‘* PIIRASES a bid for freedom/power, a bid to escape

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