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gadget noun ©2053. little | clever, neat, nifty | useless | jatest, modern, new | electrical,electronic | kitchen 4 VERK + GADGET Invent «PREP, ~for She has invented a nifty little gadget for un: doing stubborn nuis and bolts gag noun 1 piece of cloth «VERB © GAG puton They tied him up and puta gagon fim, | take off 2ioke * ADU, good, great | sight, visual ¢ mixture of wit and instant visual gags | eunning There was thisrunning gag about a penguin. (= they kept telling penguin jokes). * VERB + GAG Crack @ nonswp comedian, cracking gags by thedozen *PRER ~about Gag verd * PHRASES bind and gag sb The men Jeff tho security guards hound and gogged. gain noun + ans, big, considerable, huge, major, real, significant, substantial Tis change in the tax system till mean ble gains for some companies. | modest, small | long-term, short-term | potential | pre-tax | nat, overall: Labour made an overall gain af 58 seats, | ill-gotten She tucked hor itt gotten gains indo her purseand lef. | personal, pri- vate using the investments for their private gain | com- marcial, economic, financial, matorlal Tiere will benofi- nancial gain for mothers from this new system. | elector al, political the far right made huge alectoral gains | mili- tary, territorial | weight She was most upset hy her recerit weight gain, } efficiency, productivity There i3 still scope for efficiency gains (= gains to be made by being mare efficients # VEER + GAIN make | bring (sb) Better workplace de- signcan bring reai gains in productivity. = PREP. for~ H's amazing what some people will do for sain, | ~from £3.9 million gains froin the saie of stock ~in Lest year there was onky 6 modsst pain in earnings, gain vere © ALN. certainly, undoubtedly Consumers have certain- ty gained from the increased competition in the telecomms ications industry | clearly | quickly, rapidly | grad ually, slowly His ideas gradually gained acceptance. | stoadily | eventually, finally, ultimately | successtulty | automatically Hushands and wives of British nationals do notautomatically gain citizenship, | easily © VERS + GAIN stand to The company stands to gain (= islikely togain)quitea lotfrora thisgovernment scheme. | expect fo, hope to Witat do you hope fo gain by this ac- Hon? | attempt to, seek to, strive to, try to Protesters irted to gain access to the presidential palace, | faite + DRED. by There is nothing to beacined by forcing people Jocomph. trom Weall gained o fot from ihe experience. © PHRASES have everything/much/little/a lotnothing to gainibe gained Why not give i a go? You've nothing 10 lose and eversthing to gain, 9 1 don't think there's any- thing 10 b2.gaired from this course of action. gait rou AD). ‘rolling, strolling, stumbling, waddling e PREF witha~Hevwalked with arotling gait, gala noun «ADIL charity, Royal | swimming «VERN + GALA have, hold | attend. goto «GALA - NUUN concert, day, dinner, evening, event, night, occasion, performance, weekend galaxy rou © 404. distant | nearby, nearest, neighbouring eeRpe in althe ~ scientists observing phenomena in nearby gaiaies gale noun + ADJ, flerce. full, great, heavy. howling, severe, strong | Force 9, Force 10. etc. | northerly, westerly. atc. | au- tumn, winter, ete. | equinoctial | Atiantic, Nerth Sea, ets. «VERD - GALE blow fi was blowing @ gaie outside. | got caughtin Wego! caught ina howline gale. *.GALE « VERB blow A severe gcle tas blowing along thecoast. + GALE + NOUN force goleforce winds | warning es pRaR in~ The tree had come down ina flerce gale the night before. gallantry now: © ADJ. great, outstanding © VERF + GALLANTRY demonstrate, show a soldier who had demonstrated otdstending gallantry @CALLANTRY + NOUK award, madal gallery noun A for art © ADJ. art, exhibition, picture, portrait | commercial, private, publie | national He offered ten major paintings to staré a national gallery of modern Britisteart. + VERB = GALLERY goto, vieit GALLERY + VERB exhibit sth, show sth Some of his work has been exhibited by locai art galleries. | speciafize in sth a galery specializing in ceramscs | close, open * GALLERY 4 NOUN space The extension wlif provide s00square metres of new gallery space, 4 PREE. at athe~ The painting is now on display ai the ‘National Gallery in London. in aithe~ There were very few people in the gallery, 2inahell Ans. long, wide [firstfloos, upper j public The packed public gallery at Teesside Crown Court erupted in rear of approval PREP inathe~ Ffourd myself in a wide gallery looking dotonen the floor below. gallon ncun =pNoteatMEASURE gallop noun # ADJ. fast, good, head-down, mad | staady gampie ‘* VBRH + GALLOP break into The horses broke into a ‘nad gallop wtten they heard the gunshot «PREP. at a~ They reached the farm ata gallop. into a~ ‘The noise startled the horse into a gallop. | ~through (fg- urative) The programme starts with a gallop through the history of the railway: «PHRASES. atfull gallop riders coming at full gallop gamble noun «ADJ. big, huge, major | calculated | desperate tas time for @ last desperate gamble. | political # VERE + GAMBLE take © GAMBLE ~ VERB pay off, work J took a calculated gambleand itpatd off ‘* PREP. ~on Backpackers with a heavy load should resist tacking a gabe on the weather 4 PHRASES a bit/something of a gamble Trying to find the right pension can he a bitof a gamble gambler noun © ADJ. compulsive, heavy, inveterate Most compulsive gamblersarenot successful. | notorious | professional gambling row ©.ns. compulsive He went to a psychiatrist about his compulsive gambling. | illegal The police are trying to stop all illegal gambling. | legalized, legitimate * GAMBLING + NOUN casino, club, den | table | debt Sheranup garabling debts wortha million pounds, | man If Iwerea gambling man, I'd put my money on him resign ing soon. game iocun ‘Aactivity/sport ® ADJ. ball, board, card, computer, video | good Thisis, ‘good game for getting people to mix. | competitive com: peutive games in which there is always a winner and a loser | team How I hated team games at school! | party | children’s children’s party games like Musical Chairs | indoor, outdoor finding good indoor games for children SYERE + GAME have, play Shall we have o game of chess? | draw, lose, win © PREF, ~againstiwith,~of To pass tite time, we played a gemvof cards. 2sports match © anu. big @ imporiant) The team are ie training far thelr big. game. | first, oponing | final, last | away. home | Gup. League their first League game of the season * VERB + GAME have, play United are playing a home game this week, | draw, lose. win We lor the first game ‘and drow the second. # PREP, ~ against/with He's hoping to be fit before next ‘week's game with Liverpool. ~ota gameof tennis 3how sb plays Api, good, great Tat gir! plays « great game of bridge. * VERB + GAME have, play Trescothick had @ good gareand was man of the match. | improve, raise Hendry raised his easme to collect tite £40 000 first prize, sports competition ‘* Aby, Commonwealth, Olympic © VERB + GAMES compete in, participate in, take part in She's hoping to participate in the next Olymapie Games, | host Beijinw's bid to host the Olympic Games Sbusiness/activity * VERR + CAME be in How long have you been in this Baume? # PRED. ~of thegame of life/ politics @ PARASKS all part of the game Getting dirty was all art of ihe game to the kids. naw to this game I'm new to this garne rayself 338 Gsecret plan # ADJ. Iitle, sly, stupid «VERN » GAME play Irealized that he had been playing ‘a stupid game with me. | put an end to, put a stop to I soon putantend to her silly Httle games, | give away Don’ et him talk to anybody or he'll give the game away. gamut noun «ADJ complete. entire, full, whole 2 NERD + GAMUT cover, run (through) ~of The exhibidon runs the whole gamut of artis gang noun of criminals ‘+ ADJ. street a sireet gang known as the Hooligans | armed, criminal, organized, terroriterrorist The robbery was carried out by an armed gang. | teenage | rival Hights had ensued between rival gangs of football fons. SNERB + GANG belong to. join A lot of the fads belonz io gangs. o He pressed meto join his gang. *GANG + NOUN attack, fight. violence, warfare a ganz fight between tea rival teenaze gangs | leader, member | Ife a saleaf LA gang life | rape 4 PREV, inalthe~ We were in tie same gang. | ~ofagane of skinheads © PHRASES amember of a gang 2group of friends ‘© PREP. ~ of You probably so witha gang of friends to the sume pub taast Saturdays. ‘© PHRASES one of the gang Her friends made me feet welcome and treated me asone of thewang. gangrene noun ©YERB + GANGRENE have, sufferfrom | develop, GANGRENE + VERB sot in The wound was not proper ly disinfected and gangrene.set in. =} Special page at ILLNESS gaol noun co8ee Jai gap noun 4 space between things * ADJ. big, huge, large, wide | narrow, small | awk- ward an awkward gap hetteeen the bed and thedoor * VERB + GAP leave | fill, seal Sea! te gaps around the windows with an exterior-quattiy sealant. GAP + VERB appear, open up He flushed his head lights and jumped lanes whenever a gap opened up. # PREP. through aithe~ A rabbit raz along the fence and darted through a gap. | ~between Positiori the tiles, leow ing @ narrow gap between the edges. ~in A huge gap has appeared in the hedge. 2period of time © ADJ. awkward | long, short | time © VERB + GaP fill wondering how to fll ari awhware gap in the conversation *GAP = NOUN year Pr planning to travel in my year (= the year between school and university). © PRED. after aithe ~ She returned to leaching after = twelve year gap. | ~ between a Job to fill the gap beticexe schooland university ~in a gap in his career 3difference » ADJ. big, huge, large, significant, substantial, wide yawning | unbridgeable the unbridyeable gap beticee tite two cultures | growing, widening | narrow | age generation Despite the age gap. romance blossomes cultural/culture | gender the gender gap in earnings credibility Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between what he said and what he did. | information, knowledge, skills tie knowledge gap between doctor and patient | trade (= the gap between export and imports; used in journalism) «vann + GAP bridge an attempt to bridge the gap be tuneen the acaciemtic world and industry «Gar + veRB widen | narrow | separate sb/sth He realized how narrow was the gap separating him from his pagan ancestors. | PRER ~ between The gap between rich and poor widened. 4 where sth is missing + ADJ. big, enormous, great, huge, important, large, serious, significant, terrible, yawning serious gaps in their knowledge «VERE + GaP create, leave His death lefta huge gap in ny Life. | identify | close, fill (in), plug Her appointment veil fill she gap created when the marketing manager If # PREP ~in legislation to close agap in the law © PHRASES agapinthe market We think we veldentified agap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sellsth that isnot yet available). gape verb # PREP at Wharareyou gaping ar? * PHRASES gape open She watched him, her mouth gu- ing open. 6 (figurative) The empty cash box iay gaping open in onecorner. garage noun ‘for keeping cars in © 4d, double, single | detached, integral, lean-to, lock-up | underground | bus © GARAGE + NOUN door = PREE. ina/the~ Don’ ¢/orget o put the car in the garage. 2 for repairing cars/ouying petrol # ADJ. local * VERB + GARAGE own, run | take sth to rook she car ‘0 the local garage to get it fixed. * GARAGE + NOUN mechanic, owner + PREP. ata/the~ The car's still at the garage, garden noun * 404. beautiful, lovely, pretty | big, large | small, tiny | back, front people hanging out washing in their back gardens | flower, herb, kitchen, rose, vegetable Most of the hotel's salads are grown in its own Klichen garden. | rock, water a rock garden with an astonishing variety of alpine plants | botanical, cottage, formal, landscaped, public, town, walled a large country house with beautiful landscaped gardens plants suttablefor asmail town gar- derrva lovely Victorian walled garden * VERE + GARDEN create, design, lay out, plan, plant creating a garden out of a wilderness o We got sarneone to design the garden for us, © The garden is iad out in vighteenth century style. | plant We planted the garden with herbs and wiid flowers. | dig, do, tend, tidy (up), weed Weekends weresperst doing the warden. * GARDEN + NOUN flower, plant | pest ephids, one of the commonest garden pests | tools | gate, path. shed, wall | furniture, seat | contre We got the gravel at ow locai garden cenire © PREP. inlinto aitho~ Mary's out in the garden, * PHRASES the bottom/end of a garcen gardener noun «Apa, enthusiastic, keen | experienced, expert, good | amateur | jobbing She employs a jobbing gardener to keep the garden tidy. | assistant, head head gardener 10 gasp the Duke of Devonshire | organic The organic gardener avoids the use of pesticides. | landscape, market © Noteat son gardening noun * ADJ. organic | landscape, market # VERB = GARDENING do t's my husband whodoes the gardening #CARDENING + NOUN business She started up her ‘own market gardening business tivo years ago. | book. magazine | programme, show a TV gardening show | equipment, gloves, tools | expert garlic nexn @ ADs. wild # QUANT. clove ¢ VERB + GARLIC peel | chop, crush “GARLIC + NOUN clove | bread | sausage © Special page at FOOD garment inun ©.4DJ, heavy | shapeless | knitted, woollen © VERE < GARMENT have on, wear She wore a shape less knitted garment gas noun 1 substanee like air ‘© ADJ. noxious, poisonous, toxic | oxplosive, inflam. mable, radioactive | inert | exhaust. greenhouse poitu ton from greenhouse gases | nerve, teat Police used water cannon and iear gas agains domonstraiors 4 VERB 1 GAS give off, produce It gives off @ poisonous gasasitrotsdown GAS + VERB build up Noxious gases had built up in the sewer | escape, leak ‘Toxic gases carn escape throuzh oneof the pines. 2 for heating cooking + ADJ. butane, coal, natural, propane | bottled, Calor VERN ~ GAS cook with F prefer f0 cook with gas. | light,turn on Jit the gas and put thesoupon to warm. GAS + NOUN appliance. boiler, central heating, cooker, fire, lamp, oven | bottle, cylinder, pipeline | board | industry | field tapping the North Sea gas fields | supply | works Local gas works were closed as natural gas became available, | Weak Atl gas leaks should be re. ported as soon as possible. “PHRASES. gas mark2, 3, ete. Sottheoven atgas mark 4 gash noun 4deep wound ‘ADJ. deep, great, ong | nasty, terrible # VERE + GASH get,have spree. on the~ Shegotanasty gashon the head 2ierge hole ‘+ ADJ. deep, great, long ‘VERE = GASH carve, cut,tear The bulldozers carveda reat gash through the forest. o The rocks tore along gash in the ship's hut gasp noun ‘+ ADJ. big, great | little, short, small | quick, sharp, sudden | loud | low | audible | shocked | strangled | involuntary «VERE + GASP give, let out | stifle | bring The stunt brought shocked gasps from the audience, hear | take (in) taking in great gasps of air RB escape sb * PREP. between ~s ‘Listen carefully’ he said, between. gasps of breath. In~s He leant against the ralling, nis gasp breath coming in short gasps, with a~ She spun round witha litie gasp of delight. |~of = Note at sound gasp verb #4Dv. almost { aloud ( breathlessly # VERE - GASP make 8b The cold made her gasp. | manage to 'No” she managed te gasp. PREP. at She gasped at his poldness. in Denis almost gasped aloud in astonishment. with gasping with pain ‘PHRASES gasp for airibreath, leave sb gasping Her Breath wentand lejt her gasping for lr gate noun # ADs entrance, front, main | back, postern (in a cas- tle), side | inner, outer | double, five-bor/five-barred, portcullis « wide driveway with double gates | great The great gales of the abbey were shut fast. | heavy | high | narrow | ormamental | open | iron, metal, steel, wood en, wrought.iron | city, factory, farm, garden, park, prison, school, ete. | security | sluice QUANT, seta set of ornamental gates 4 VERE + GATE open | Bar, close, faston, lock, shut Don'tforget to shut te gate when you leave. o The defend- 73 had closed and barred al the city gates, | go through Go through the gateand continue down the track. *# CATE + VERB opon, swing opon The heavy’ gate suungoper. | close, shut The gaie shut behind hin. PREP. through althe ~ He lad us through a wate into a este warden. gather vers ‘come together ina group ‘+ ADY. quickly | aroundiround, togother # PRSE aboutiaroundiround The boys gathered eround the cae for They areall gathering for a major conference. 2 bring paople/things together # ADV. hastily, quickly She Aastily gathered ait er be- longings together: | caretully | together.up Bincrease © ADV. quickly, rapidly Te movement for reform rapidly gathered momentum. | slowly | steadity «VERE + GATHER begin to, start to As the weeks passed, Charlotte tegen together strength. gathering noun meeting + 4DJ. big. large | small | informal, private, public | ik legal | family, political, religious, social VERB + GATHERING attend, go to Women are not aliowed 10 atiend public gatherings. | hava, hold, organ- ine We're having a small fomily gathering to mark our wedding anniversary, | address eGATHSRING + VERB take place © PREP, ~of Tne prime minister addressed a gathering of local government officials. * PHRASES a gathering of tho ctan/clans (humorous) AU the chiiren and grancichitaren are going to my par ents’ at Christmas for the annual gathering of the clan. 2ooliecting ‘© ADJ. information, intelligence gauge noun 4 measuring instrument + ADs, accurate | fuel, oii, petrol | denth, pressure, temperature + YERB - GAUGE check, alance at, look at, read The plist checked the fuel gauge Prequentiy. * GAUGE + VERE read sth, show sth, tell sb sth The petrol gauge was reading ‘fulto Thedepth gauge wlls you nono deep yuirhame ved. 2 distance between raiis ADJ. broad, narrow, standard # VORB | GAUGH adopt Hvontually all the British rail- lwaty companies aciepiod the standard anuige of 4 foot Be inches. 3 fact for judging sth #43, reliable, usetul 4 VERB + GAUGE be seen as, serve as This company is seem asa genyeos Britain! stndustrist wit-being. * PREP. ~of gauge vb © ADV. accurately, correctly | carefully © VERB 1 GAUGE be able to, can/coutd | try to | be difficult to, be hard to, be inpossible to Ir is difficutt to snuge accurately how much fuel isneeded gay «dj © VERBS be, look, sound + ADV, openly He isnowopen!y gay. gaze noun + ADJ. direst, fixed, level, steady, unblénking, watehful She felt embarrassed under his sieads gaze. | intense, in- tent, ponetrating, piorcing, searching | clear | cold, scot, Hard. stesly, stony | admiring, angry. critical. etc. I blue, brown, dark, gray His deep blue gee held hers. | public (Rgwrative) Pup stars are constantly exposed to the publte gaze, © VERB + GAZE direct, fix (sb with), focus, turn They fixed their gaze on the dark fine of the coast ahead. 9 She ‘fixed him with a ievel gaze. o He wrned his zaze on me. 4 meet She refused to meet my gaze. | hold | follow £ fol- lowed her gaze and spotted a new arrival at the far side of iheroom. | avert, drop, lower Shedeliberately averted her gaze when become in. | avoid She avoided his gaze. @GA7E + VERE drift flick, licker, fly, move, rake (sth), roam (sth), run, shift, slide, sweep (sth), travel, wander Bis gaze flickered an instand. o His gaze flckered over the room. | follow sth Her gaze followed Simon's through the arcitoay, | thc 01 sth, lock (with sth), mest sth Her gaze Jfixed on his and held it unbiinkingiy. ¢ His gaze locked with hers. | hold sth | finger, rest Rebecca's gaze restad ‘onthe child thoughefulty, | fall Her gaze fellon Kate's tau- sled hain | narrow The dark gaze narrowed. + PREP. undor sh’s~ He biushed under her angry gaze. gaze vers @-A0N. calmly, steadily | fatently, unblinkingly He gazed unblinkingly into thedistarce. | absently, blankly, unseeingly He gazed absently at the passing crows. | thoughtfully | admiringly, adoringly, fondly, longingly, lovingly She gazed adiméringty up at tira Vdown, out, up gazing out over the ake o PREP. atgazingather beautiful jewellery in They gaze inwonder at the mighty peaks. into Ske gazed steadity into his fase gear noun : tina vehicle #404, bottom, top driving along tn top gear | high, low | first, second, etc. | reverse © VERB + GEAR engage, select Engage Arse gear and move off | change, change into, move into. put/slamistip sth into, shift (into), switch I's dificult steer and change gear at the sure time. © She put the car into first genr and drove off o (fgurattoe} The partyargan- ization is moving into top gear as the election approaches | move up, step up (often figurative) Coming out of the al final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest the pack. | crash, grind He was crashing the gears ‘because he was so nervous. eGRAR + NOUN change She made a sinooik gear change. | lever, stick (also gearstick) © PREP. in (althe)~ driving along in third gear © Some drivers leave thecar in gear when parking on hills. out of= Leave thecar out of gear. 2equipment/clothes © ADJ. camping, climbing, fishing, running, sports, swimming, walking | breathing firemen in breathing gear | landing, winding the plane's landing gear | com- bat, riot | outdoor | designer wearing expensine design. ergear # VERS + GEAR be dressed in, have on, wear She had her running gear on. | puton, take off # PREP. in... ~agroup of young men in combat gear Gear verb be geared to/towards sth ‘+ ADY. completely, entiroly, exclusively, totally an econ: omy exclusively geared towards tourism | primarily | specifically Our training programmesare geared specific ally to the needs of older workers. | clearly gem noun Ajewel ‘* ADJ. precious, priceless ‘PHRASES dripping with gems @ millionairess drip ping with gemsand pearisencrusted/studded with gems a belt studded with priceless gems. 2personithing © ADJ. little | absolute, real The second side of their new album contains some real geras. | hidden She worked in the antiques trade, searching out hidden gems in the most untikely places, | architectural architectural gems like York Minster © PHRASES a.gem of a sth This isa little gom of¢ flower: gender noun © GENDER + NOUN felations | differences, divisions ‘She examines the interplay between changing gender div. isions and urban change. | bias, imbalance, inequality The government is working on tackling gender inequal: ities in eraployment. | identity, role, stereotype Mar: agers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes. | issues, politics gene noun D3. dominant, recessive | abnormal, defective, mus tant | human VERE + GENE carry, have people iho carry the gene thatcauses this disease | pass on The zene is passed on to their children. ©GENE + VERB be responsible for sth, cause sth, control sth, influence sth Genes contral the development ofanembryo, | mutate ©GENG + NOUN pool Scientists have estimated thai «a gene pool of at east 390 animals is necessary to maintain a healthy tiger population. | defect, mutation Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code. | sequence | therapy © PREP. ~for An individual may pass on to future gener ations its genes for tallness. general noun * OBNERAL + vaRp command sth, lead sth Both gen rats hod commanded units in that area. =>Noteat RANK generosity generalizat © ADJ. broad, sweeping | abstract | useful, valid © VERB + GENERALIZATION make © PREP, ~ about The author makes severat sweeping generalizations about the causes of the crisis. noun generalize vert VERB | GENERALIZE canicould | be easy to, be possible to | be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to I be dangerous to, be unsafe to, be unwise to # PREP. about It is impossible to generalize about sucha complicated subject, from Wecannot generalize from these Sew examples. generate ve ‘© ADY. quickly | automatically, spontaneously People used: to belteve that dirt spontaneously generated disaese [randomly « sequence of randomly generated fractions Lexternally, internally internaily generated revenue | locally © VERB + GENERATE help (to) the opportunity 0 heip generate ideas | be used to The wind turbines are used to generatecleciricity. | be expected to, be likely to Se lot tervris expected to generate substantial funds for charities, © PREP. from Living cells generate energy from food. ¢ profits generated from the company’s activities generation ncn ‘1 poople/periad of time ‘@ ADJ. current, present | new, younger | older The older generation prefer @ darker and more traditional kind ofclothing | coming, future, later, next, rising The forest will be preserved for future generations. | earlier, former. last, past, preceding, previous These children seem 10 havea stronger sense of purpose than the previous gener ation. © the wisdom of past generations | first, second, etc. The second generation of immigrants often adopted British forencmes. | subsequent, succeeding, succes- sive Succeeding generations have added to the stock of Stories and legends. | whole The First World Wer stax. tered a whole generation. © VERE + GENERATION belong to people who belong io ayounger generation *©GRNGRATION « NOUN gap / was avware of a real gen eration gap betioeen us. # PREP. for a~ The consequences of the radioactive leak age may not become apparent for a generation or more for~s This kind of apple has been grown for generations. «PHRASES from generation to generation The recipe for making the liqueur has been handed down from gener: ‘ation to generation. from one generation to the next 2 production of sth '* ADJ. olectricity, gas, income, powor different methods ef power generation generator noun © ans. diesel, gas. petrol, steam, wind | electrical electricity, power © VERB + GENERATOR drive, power A water turbine drives the generator © GENERATOR + VERB deliver sth The wind generator delivers 120 watts in a strong breeze. generosity noun © ADJ, extraordinary, great, unusual © VERB + GENEROSITY show (sb) He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown. | take ad- vantage of Their guests took advantage of their gener. iy, overstaying thelr welcome by severat days. © PREP, ~toitowards their great generosity to the school generous ‘© PHRASES an act of generosity, generosity of spirit She showed an unusual generosity of spirit to those who had opposed her thanks to the generosity of sb Tie hos pital has now bought a new body scanner: thanks to the generostiy of local fundraisers generous az). ‘© VERBS appear, be, feel, seem, sound | become, get John’s getting very generous with the wine! ® ADY. amazingly, exceedingly, exceptionally, extraor- dinarity, extremely, incredibly, most, very, wondortully You have been most generous. | excessively, overly The review panel criticized the payments as overly gonerous. | fairly, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, relatively # PREP. of Thank you for your donation. It was very gen: erous of you, to They have been extremely generous to the ‘mosque with She's quite gonarous with her praise. geneties noun © ApJ. evolutionary | molecular | medical | human, plant | population | Mendelian ‘© PHRASES the science of genetics => Note at SUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) genitals noun ADJ, female, male VERS + CRNITALS cover | display, exhibit, expose genius noun {very great and unusual ability ADJ. great, pure, real | natural * QUANT. flash, stroke, touch In a flash of pure genius, she realized the answer to the problem. ¢ It was a.stroke of genius on ray par! to avoid such awkward questions. © VERB + GENIUS have She has @ genius for sorting Ihingsout. show a work which shows ree! genius © GENIUS + VERB lie in sth /His genius lies ix his ability to convey pure terror in his work eS PREP. Of~ ¢ writer of genius | ~for his genius for pin- pointing the absurd 2person with great and unusual ability ‘© Ans. great | natural | eccentric, wayward | artistic, comic, creative, literary, mathematical, military, music al,ete. genocide noun Ans, mass Refugees gave accounts of the mass geno- cide, | cultural © PREP. ~against genocide against ethnte minorities => Noteat criME (for vers) gentle aaj. ‘¢ VERBS appear, be, look, Soom, sound | become © ADv. extremely. very | almost | fairly, quite | sur- prisingly, unusually | deceptively His mouth fooked de. ceptively genile # PREF. on The new treatments are gentle on your hair with She was very gentle with the children. gentleman noun ‘Iman who is polite/behaves well towards others ADJ. perfect, real. true He's « real gentleman, always kind and considerate. ‘© PHRASES be no gentleman He may be a lord. but e's ‘no gentieman. too much of a gentleman He was too much ofa gentleman toask them for arey money. 2rich man with 2 high social position © ADs. country, landed He retired to his estate in Norfolt. and lived the Ufeof a country gentieman. © GENTLEMAN + NOUN farmer 342 genuine ad. Areal + veRns be, look, prove } consider sth Thedocument is not considered genutne + DN, absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite Her ha- iness was perfectly genuine. | apparently | obviously | undoubtedly 2sincere ‘+ VERBS appear, be, look, seem, sound ADM. really, very | absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite Pm convinced she is absolutely genuine. | enough Ais offer sotinded genuine enough. | apparently | obvi- ously | undoubtedly geography rou * ADJ. economic, historical, human, physical, political, Social © Note at SUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) geology noun © ADJ. applied, engineering | physical, structural | environmental, marine | petroleum | Pleistocene. Quaternary, ete. # PHRASES thescience of geology © Note at SUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) geometry noun ADJ. algebraic, co-ordinate, differential, fractal, solid, three-dimensional | Euclidean | basic | intern- al, local | sacred Pre-Christian sacred geometry was in- corporated into church architecture, © Note atSUBJEOT (for verbs and nouns) germ now © ADJ. virulent The epidemic was caused by a particu: larly virulent lugerm. | flu, typhoid, etc. © VERB + GERM carry Children carry all kinds of germs home from school. | harbour Cracks and scratches in work surfaces can harbour germs. | dastroy, kill They used bleach to kill any germs in the sink and drain. *GERM + NOUN warfare German noun NoteatLaNcuacE German measles noun © Special page at iL NESS gesticulate veh ‘© ADY. wildly He gesticulated wildly as ite tried to make hor understand. PREP. at The other woman was zesticulating at the am- bulance. to gesticwlating to me with her hands towards The officer gesticulated towards the refugees. with gesture noun 4 movement that expresses sth © ADJ. dramatic, expansive, oxprossive, extravagant. flamboyant, melodramatic, sweeping, theatrical She made an expansive gesture with her arms. | abrupt | careless, vague He responded with a vague gesture in the direction of the pub, | obscene, rude | angry, defiant. threatening | dismissive. impatient, irritable | help- less | imperious | placatory VERB = GESTURE make The children made rude ges- stores at them. PREP. by~ They communiente entirely by gesture. in a~ He waved hisarms in a melodramatic gesture. with a~ She 343 waved us away with an impatient gesture. | ~of a gesture of despair 2 sth that shows other people what you think/feel © ADs nice i thought if was a nee gosture to send every. one a card, | bold @ bold gesture of reconciliation | dra- matic, extravagant, grand He had the respect of his people without the need for grand gestures. | conciliatory, friendly, goodwill [ charitable, philanthropic | empty, small, symbolic, token Words and eripty gestures are not enoweh—twedemand action! oa token gestureof their good intentions | futile | political PREP. as a~ Several hostaxes were released as a good: will gesture. in a~ Ina dramatic gesture, the prime minis ter refused to attend the meeting. | ~against The invasion attempt was intended as a political gesture against his op- ponents. ~ of His gift was a gesture of friendship. ~to- wards The president's speech was seen as a conciliatory gesture towards former enemies. gesture verb + ADV. vaguely | wildly | oxpansively | abruptly, im- Patiently | helplessly PREP at She gostured at him to step back. abouVaround He gestured around tie room, lost for words. for He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in tho cai: to Mrs Davis gestured to the waiter: towards He ges- ured vaguely towards the house. with gesturing wildly witht her hands ghost noun © VERB + GHOST 00 You look as if you've sven a ghost! | believe in I don't believe in ghosts. | exorcise, lay to rest A priest was cailed in to exorcise the ghost. © GHOST + VERE appear, haunt sth. walk dark, cold nights when ghosts walk © GHOST + NOUN story © PREP. ~ of The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house, «© PHRASES as pale/white as a ghost He looked as pale as aghost ashe climbed out of the wrecked car giant noun 4 very large man © PHRASES a gentle giant Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant. a giant of aman He was agiantof a man, standing nearly sever feet tal 2sth thal is very large/important ‘© ADJ. corporate, multinational | car, chemicals, nancial, food, industrial, oil, retail, etc. The oil giant Bsso Is planning to set up a new refinery tn the port. | literary Camus is considered to be one of the twentieth century's ti erary giants PREP. - amonglamongst The Amazon is a giant amongst rivers. ~of The company ts now one of the giants of the computer industry: giddy adj, ‘* VERBS be, feo! | become, come over all (informal), get My munt came over all giddy and had to sit down. | leave sb, make sb Steep stairs may leave you giddy and faint, ‘© ADV. quite | a bit, rather, slightly © PREF, from Hie felt tired and giddy from the sleeping pill, with Twas giddy with the heat gift noun 1 sth that you give to sb ‘© ADJ. expensive, generous, kind, lavish, valuable Thank you all for your kind gifts. o She received lavish gifts of jewellery and clothes. | perfect | small | free When you place your first order with us, we will send you gimmick the free gift of your choice | birthday, Christmas, part. ing, retirement, wedding | unwanted the problem of what todo with unwanted gifts VERB + GIFT bear, bring (sb), exchange, give sb, make sb, offer sb He arrived home bearing gifts for every. ‘one. 0 They gaveeachother gifts at Christmas. o She want ed to make a gift to her grandchildren. | accept, gat, re- ceive Plonse accepi this smal! gift. 0 The children all re ceived gifts. @GIET + NOUN shop | box, pack, set, token, voucher New customers will receive a free gift pack containing a se- lection of our products. © a gift set of shampoo, soap and hand cream | token, voucher * PREP. asa~ The messengers brought the king afine suit of armourasa gift. |~for There were gifts for all the chil: dren, ~From This vase wasa giftfrom my mother ~t0 The Golf clubs were her gigtto her husband. PHRASES shower gifts on sb, shower sb with gifts 2natural ability «ADJ. great, outstanding, remarkable, special, won- derful his great gifts as a wacker | rare | God-given, in- nate, natural, special | artistic, musical 4 VERE + GIPT have, possess © PREP. ~for She hasa natural gift for music. gifted adi. + VERBS be = Abv exceptionally, extremely, highly, immensely, prodigiously, supremely, very | undeniably | naturally @ naturally gifted sportswoman | uniquely | preco- ciously | academically, athletically. intellectually, musically academicalty gifted children e PREP at He's very gifted at matis. in gifted in the art of healing with Their helpers aregified with amazing powers of patience gig noun © ADJ. benefit, charity | free | live | pub # VERE + GIG do, play (in) They're doing a gig in Leeds tonight. | goto # PREP. ata/the~ They're performing ata local pub sig. giggle nou: © ADJ. little | high-pitched | norvous | girlish © VERB + GIGGLE give, have, let out | collapse into, dissolve into, get~s Weal! collapsed into giggles. 0 Susan tends to get the gigeles at the most inappropriate moments. | stifle, suppress / just managed to stifle a giggle at the absurd idea. | hear PREP with a~ ‘Age before beauty! she said with @ gie- gle, | ~aboutat We had quitea giggic about the new office romance. ‘* PHRASES afitof (the) giggles giggle verd ‘+ Aby. holplessly, hysterically, nervously The children elggled hysterically. PREP. about They giggled about their teacher's acci dent. at We giggled at the picture. over giggling over old photographs with The children giggled with delight. * PHRASES afitof giggling gimmick noun © ADJ. latest, new a new gimmick to encourage people (0 £0 to the cinema | election, marketing, publicity, sales ‘The promise of lower taxation may have been Just an eiec tion gimmick to gain votes. ¢ PHRASES justinothing mora thanionly a gimmick He dismissed tive event as just a publicity gimmick, gin noun ‘© ADJ. stiff | double, large | small | pink, sloe ¢ VERR + GIN drink, have ‘What areyou drinking? TH havea ginand tonic, please. | sip | pour (sb) She poured horselfa large gin * PHRASES agin andtonic girl noun © ADJ. baby They've had a baby girl | little, small, young When site was« little girl, shedreamed of becoming a baiterina. | adolescent, teenage | bubbly, happy, lively | lovely, nice | attractive, beautiful, good looking, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, stunning | sine gle. unmarried girlfriend noun ADJ. current, latest, new | ex-, former, old | long- standing. long-term, serious, steady | live-in | preg- nant | jealous | jilted * quant: string, succession # VEQ6 + GIRLFRIEND have | meet | live with | sleep with | propose to | marry gist noun the gist ‘© ADJ. general ¢ VERH + GIST convey, give (sb) tis difficult to convey the gist of Reich's ideas simpiy. | follow, get, understand a pune, ~of fconuld follow the general gist of their conwer- sation. glad adj, # VERBS be, feel, look, seem, sound | make sb The smell of the sea air makes you glad to be alive! ‘* ADy, awfully, extramely, heartily, only too, really, ter- ribly, very She was only to0 glad to escape them all. | just Fm just glad its att over | almost Danny looked almost glad to be going | quite, rather | secretly She was secret ly glad of his company: ‘© PREF, about What hive 1 got to be glad about? for We're glad for you both, of Iwas quite glad of his help. glamorous «cj. * VERBS be, feel, look, seem, sound | become | con- Sider sth, regard sth as, see sth as Cavtoving is not seen as glamorous tn the way that skiine is. © Ay, really, very | less than, not exactly, not in the least Working in publishing turned out to be less than glamorous. | quite, rather glamour non © quaNT, touch Several filin stars were invited to add a touel of glamour ta theoccaston. * VERB + GLAMOUR have He had « glamour about him that shefound very attractive. | lack Jumbo jets somehow lack ihe glamour of the transatlantic liner | add. give sb/sth, lend sb/sth Her long dark hair lent her a certain glesnour, ® PHRASES a certain glamour glance noun #404. backward, sidelong, sideways She cast @ sidelong glance at Fern. | brief, cursory. flocting, quick, swift Afer a cursory glance at the report he frowned. | casual | covert, furtive, surreptitious The man walked slowly along. casting furtive glances behind him. | ac- cusing, angry, baleful, disapproving, mocking, re- proachful, scomful, sharp, suspicious, withering ‘Meena threw him an angry glance. | curious, puzzled questioning, quizzical | admiring, approving | know- ing | meaningful The couple exchanged raeaningjul glances but seid nothing. | amused, wry | anxious. ner- vous, worried | plaintive *VeRB + GLANCE cast (5b), dart, give (sb/sth), ave, shoot (sb), steal, take, throw (sb) He gave her a mocking lance. o Thad a quick glance at the article, but i haven't read ityet.o He stolea sidelong glanceat the young woman sitting next to hin on the main. © She took one last glance in the mirror and then left. | exchange They exchanged Knowing gionces. | catch I caught the wacher’s glance and nearly burst into nervous laughter | attract, draw Their vintage car attracted admiring glances wherever they went, |CLANCE + VERB fllck, flicker, move Her glance Alichered brieily across to the group standing at the other side of the street. | meet Their glances met, then they bath looked away. | fall on sb/sth, rest on sbisth His glance felt ona ptfe of papers at one site of the desk. PREP. at a~ The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer with a~ With a quio glance atthe time, she stood up and prepared io leave. with- Out a~ He left without a backward glance. | ~at A glance ai my watch told me it was already past six o'clock. ~of He ignored my glance of disapproval, ~over He kept throwing nervous glances over hisshoulder glance vers ‘+ ADW. briefly, quickly, sharply Norton glanced sharply aihim. | anxiously, fearfully, nervously She glanced ner- vously over her shoulder: | curiously glancing curiously about him | covertly He glanced covertly at his watch. | barely, hardly She barely gianced at him, | down, up She glanced up at him. # VERB + GLANCE pause to, turn to Heturned to glance in our direction. | happen to At that moment she hap- ened to glance up. PREP aboutlaround/round She glanced around the room. across/over She glanced across to where the others ere standing chatting, at She glanced briefly at his tapel badge. towards He glanced towards the kitchen. gland rou «ADJ. enlarged, swollen She's gone to bed with swollen glonds and a temperature. | adrenal, endocrine. exacrine, pineal, pituitary, prostate, sebaceous, thyroid. | poison, salivary, scent, sweat, venom Female ans re- lease pheromones from their scent glands. ©.GLAND + VERB release sth, secrete sth glandular fever nour © Speciel pagect ILLNESS glare noun ‘strong light «ADJ. blinding, full, harsh, hot | sudden A sudden glare of headlights lit the driveway. VERB + GLARE reflect The walls were whitewashed to reflect the glare of the sun. | reduce We wore sunglasses to reduce the glare from the road. \ be blinded by. be daz- zlod by For a moment she was blinded by the harsh glare of thesun. | be caught in The rabbit was caught in the glare of thecar's headlights, @ PREP. against the~ We screwed up our eyes against the blinding glare from the searchlights. inlundor the ~ of Under the glare of the street amps, vistbttity was good. | from # PHRASES the glare of publicity (figurative) The di vorcewas conducted in the full slare of media publicity. angry look , baleful, dofiant, furious, hostile, maleve- 19, withering | icy. steely, stony | warning © VERR + GLARE fix sb with, give sb, send sb, shoot (sb), turn on sb She fixed her questioner with an icy glare. 0 He seni her a glare that was ull of suspicion. o She shota warning glare at her companion. ° He turned his bralejti glareun the cowering suspect. glare vero = AoY. angrily. balefully, fiercely. furiously | back 7 Jonked at hor end she plared angrily back. «PREP. (down/up) at He stood at the bottom: of the stairs, glaring upat us. glass noun 1 transparent substance ‘# Abs. clear, coloured, opaque, plain, smoked, tinted | broken | flying A bomb went off and many people were in: ured by fiying glass. | bulletproof, cut, frosted, plate, safety, stained, toughened @ QUANT. piece | pane. sheet | fragment, sliver, splin- ter The floor was littered with fragments of broken glass, @ VERS + GLASS blow, make watching the Venetian craftsmen blowing glass 0 The factory makes safety glass. I break, crack. shatter. smash GLASS + VERE break, crack. shatter, smash, splinter ‘the sound of breaking glass + OLASS + NOTIN beads, bottle, bowl, eye, jar, vase | cabinet, case | door. panel, partition. roof, wall | fibrec Boat madeof glass fibre sent? behind ~ The books were alt behirat glass (= in glass eases). on~ She cut her foot on some glass. undor~ growing frait under glass (= in a glasshouse) through = He could see the light through the frosted giass. 2yfor drinking ADJ. brimming. full | halfempty, half-full | empty | beer, brangy, champagne, sherry, whisky, wine | orys- tala set of crystal glasses | tall a tall gtuss of milk | fresh He poured her a fresh giass of sherry: | pint beer ira pint lass VERB + GLASS have He Aad asmall glass af lager with his meat. | drink, sip She sat sioning a glass of chant pagne, | drain, ompty | fill, pour, rofilt, top up The wait er filled their glasses. | clean, polish, wash The hutler was polishing the brandy glasses. | raise She raised the glass to her lips. \ hand sb I handed her a gioss of wine. | put down, set down J pui my glass down en the table, | clink They clinked glasses, sil! laughing, «CLASS » VERB clink He heard giasses clinking in the ‘ther room. «PRED, in afthalsb’s~ the red liquid in his glass | ~ of She had had three glassesf whisk» already « PHRASES (a) glass in (your) hand He sat back, glass in hand. glasses now «DJ. dark, sun (clso sunglasses), tinted / wear bive tinted glasses on sunny days. | reading | half-moon, (its tle} round | pohble, thick, thick-lensed a short, fat man with greasy black hair and thick pebbie glasses | granny | owlish | heavy | gold-rimmed, horn-rimmed, steel- rimmed, wite-framediwire-timmed | rimless | field, opora *GUANT. pair «VERE + GLASSES have on, wear | put on | remove, take off | look over. peer over Her father lowered itis Paper and peored over hs glasses at er: | adjust, push up She pushed her glasses un and rubbed the bridge of her nose. | clean, polish, wipe + GLASSES + VERT steam up Mis glasses steamed up as soon as he came indoors. | be perched on sth, perch on sth Horn-rimmed glasses perched ow the bridge of her nose. * PREP. behind (your) She blinked behind her glasses, ‘Thetr amsrions faces were hidden behind dark glasses. gleam noun soft light Aol, dull, faint | distant PREP. ~ofthedistont gleam of the sea a PHRASES a gleam of light a feint gicam of light from thedoorway Zin sb’s eyes * ADJ. cold, dark, strange | predatory, speculative | mischievous, sardonic, wicked | sudden * VERB + GLEAM have Hie had a speculative gleam in His eyes. *GLEAM + VERB come into/enterilight sb’s eyeleyes A sudden gleam came into her eyeas she remembered that tomorrow was her day af ‘© PREP, ~of A gleam of laughter lit his eyes. # PaRASES agleamin sh's eyeleyes gleam srs © ADV. dully, faintly, softly The Anife's blade eteamed dully inthe dark. © PREP, with The long aak cable gleamed rith polish, © PHRASES gleam golden, white. etc, Tie nebble beach gleamed white in she moonlight. glimmer noun © ADJ. faint, tiny Jn the east we could see the first faint alimmer of dawn, ¢ (figurative) The faint glimmer of an Idea had crept into his mind. fe PkEY, ~OF glimpse now ‘rief sight of sb’sth © ADA. brief, fleeting, the merest, momentary, quick | octasional They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling. | tantalizing This was my first tentedizing glimapse of the istands. © VERB + GLIMPSE catch. get, have, take Thousends of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Queen.o Weonly iad a fleeting glimpse af thesun call day | afford sb 2 PREP, ~ at He took a quick glimpse af the map. ~ af We gol justa brief glimpse of the car as itrushed by. 2brief experience of sth © ADi. briof | fascinating, intriguing | rare This seene may give rareglimpse of Charies's persona style as Fing. VERB + GLIMPSE get, have, take | afford sb, allow sb, give sb, offer (sb), provide That smite afforded her brief glimpse of the other sideof Adam Burns, > PRED, ~at The exhibition offersa fascinating glimpseat life beneath the waves, “Inte Takea glimpse inta the future of rail travel, ~ of She got a glimpse of avery different way oftife glint noun ‘flash of light * ADJ, golden, metailic WB + GLINT catch, see Among the trees J caught a alint of blue, + PREP ~of 2insb's eye = AnJ. dangerous, determined | mischievous, playful, teasing # VERE + CLINT have He had a dangerous glint in his eyes. © GLINT - VERE appear in sb’s eysieyes, came into/to sh’s eyeleyes A determined glint appeared tn her eye. | PREP, ~in,~of There was a glint of amusenient in her oer. glint glint © ADY. angrily Hisevesglinted angrily ¢ PREP. with Her eyes glinted with amusement. glitter vers {shine brightly @ADY. brightly Crystal chandeliers glittered brightly above them. ePRDR, in His metal buttons glittered in the suntigitt with Trees anid grass gittered with ew. 2show emotion © ADY. coldly, dangerously, darkly. fiercely. strangely His deep set ees gittered coldly. © PREP. with Her eves glittered with delight globe nounthe globe VERB | GLOBE span a commercial service that will soon span the globe | circumnavigate, travel one of the first boats to circumnavigate the globe o She travelled the lobe in search of good writersof children's stories # PREP, across the~ The railway network soon spread eros the giobe. all over the~ Motor vehicles are found ali over the globe, aroundjround the~ Chess jens arvund the globe watched the match with breathless interest ‘© PHRASES all parts of the globe, every corner of the globe Athietes from every corner of the globe competed in the Gares. gloom noun 4 sadness © ADJ. black, deep Ste was in deen gloom because not even a posicard had arrived from Ricky. | general | eco: nomic the generat economic gloom ‘* VERB + 6100M be filled with, be sunk in, sink into He wassunk indeep gloom at the prospect of being atone, © Isank into gloom and depression. | fill sb with The news filled me with gloorn. | east Rumours of his itt health cast ‘gloom over the celebrations, | combat, dispel, lift efforts to dispel thetr gloom GLOOM + VERE deepen, descend Their gloom deep: ened! as the efeciion results came in. o She felt gloom des: cend on her shoulders. | lift When the gloom finadly lifts, the pessimists will be surprised at how much has heen going right. ‘© PREP. in~ THe natlon was deep in gloom. | ~ about Thereisa general gloom about the farming industry. ‘s PHRASES doom and gloom Despite faulting demand, ‘the year has not been altdoom arid gloom. gloom and des pondeney the darkest feelings of gioom and despondency 2 darkness ‘sans, deep | deepening, descending, gathering He ‘peered into ihe gathering gloom. | cold, damp, dingy | evening The fog looked ominous in ihe evening gloom. «VERE + GLOOM penetrate, pierce The sourid of dis tant police whistles pierced the gloom. | adjust to, be- come/get accustomed to Siow! my eves became accus tomedt to the gloom. | peer into/through | be shrouded in The sun went in and ihe house was again shrouded in gloom. *CL00M + VERR deepen, descend We watcher as the gloom descended. # PREP. in the ~ We lost sight of them in the gloom. into the~ The tram reitied off into the gioum. out of the~ Tio ‘figures materialized out of the gloom. through the~ She could see the house faindly through the gloom. sat and gloomy ac). * VeRns be, feel, look, seem, sound | become, get Now, don't start to get giooms. | remain eapy decidedly. very The future looked decidedly gloomy. | far from The committee's view was in fact far from gloomy. | pretty.rather ‘© PREP. about Her trainer was even more gloomy about the prospects for British tennis, glory noun ‘Ifame/honour ADJ. personal They are driven by a eraving for person- alglory. | reflected She hasked in the reflected glory of ter daughter's success. | greater The force behind all Peter's reforms was the greater glory of the Russian state, | mili- tary young soldiers keen to win miliary giory VERB + GLORY cover yourself infwith, get, win He covered himself in glory and came homea rich man, 0 (it formal) Typical! 7do all the work and she gets all ihe glory. | bring (sb) Victory brought them glory, famieand riches. | baskin | steal, take i¢ was 19.year-old David Hagan wlio stole the points and ike glory with a brilliant goal in the closing minutes of the zame, ©GLORY + NOUN days We remember the team's glory days in the 1960s, when they won the Word Cup, © PREP. for'to the ~of They built many churches, great and simail, to the glory of Goo. Se BHRASES ablaze of glory 11's my last ever tournament and T hope to go out in a blaze of giory! sb’s moment of glory His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhili skiing event. 2beauty/beautiful feature ® ADJ. full You cannot appreciate the bridge's full glory by going over it; it is best viewed Jrom below: | crowning Phe city’s crowning glory ists Godkiceashedral. © PIMASES in all her/hisftsitheir glory Autumn is the time to see the beech woos in ali their glory. restore sth to its former glory Theeighteenth century building has been restored to ts former glory gloss noun © ADJ. clear, high Use a hizh gloss pains, | healthy, nate ural Your hair has lost its natural gloss. © VERB + GLOSS add We used! @ gel 1 add gloss 10 her hair: | lose ©GLOss + NOUN finish, paint, varnish furniture with a dark gloss finish glove noun * ADJ. long | fingerless | protective | cotton, _kid (often figurative), latex, leather, rubber, woollen Treat her with kid gloves—she's very sensitive. | boxing, driv- ing. evening, gardening. oven, surgical © QUANT, pair © VERS + GLOVE pull on | peel off, pull off She peeled off her glove to reveal a wedding ring. *GLOVE + NOUN compartment Don't keep importane documerits in the glove compartment of your ca: > Speelal pageal CLOTHES glow noun 4 steady light ‘© ADS. cosy, Fich, soft, warm | dim, dull, faint, pale | fierce | steady | eerie. ghostly © VERB + CLOW cast, give sth, throw The lamplight gave «cosy glow to the roumn..o The suriset threw an orange slow on the cliffs, | be bathed in Tae whole village was bathed in the glow of the setting sun * GLOW + VERB light sth Our faces were lit by the faint green glow of the dashboard lights. PREF. ~from thesofi slow from the lamp —of 2in sb’s face * ADJ. healthy, pink, rosy, warm VERE + GLOW have Her checks hada hentthy glow. ‘* PHRASES bring a glow to sb’s cheeks/face The wine ed brought warm glow to ker chaeks, 3 feeling © ADS. rosy, warm ‘© VERB + GLOW baskin, hathe in, teel Ske bashed tn the woarm glow of first love. e PREP. ~ of Hepite glow of prideas he watched them, glow uerh 1 give out light/neal ‘@ ADY. dully, faintly, softly Two lamps glowed softly in the tounge. | PHRASES glow orange, red, ete. Thestonesaarnnind the Gunfire glowed red with tite heat, 2lock healthy, happy, angry, etc. ‘ADV. positively + PREY. with She wes positively glowing with happiness, glue nsw = QUANT. pot, tube Aliyou wild need is a sharp knife and pot of glue. * VERB + CLUE apply, put on Put giue on both the sur ‘faces. | sniff He took to drinking and sniffing glue. © CLUS + VERP dry, set Ji takes cbout half an hour for ‘the glue io set glue verb ‘+ Ap¥. firmly | down, infinto place, together Glue che pieces fir aly together ‘+ PREP. ontoito Someote’sgliced this coin to the table! JO vere A happen * AbY. smoothly, well Everything went very smootitn | badly 2pass ‘© ADV. quickly, slowly The holiday went very quichkts | by The clays seemed 10 40 By vary stornly 3fookvtaste good with sth ‘+ abv, well] together Lecks and potatoes go weil to gether ina soup. Phen, with Phat tiegoes well with that shirs, PHRASAL VERBS go down any. badly, well © PREP. with The novel went down well with the public. goon spy. endlessly «PREP. about Hegoes on endiessly about his health prob Jems, at Stop going on at me about that money. with We'll ‘Re on with the presentations after tunich, © PERASES. go on and on The journey Just seemed (0 0 onand on, goal nour wooden frame into which a ball is kicked/hit @ ADJ. open He kicked the ball into an open goal. ves = Goal. go in, play in The gontkeeper was tn juredso a defender had te goin goal. PREP in~ Who's ingoat for Arsenal? 2point scored ina game * ADJ. brilliant, excellent, good, great, spectacular, stunning, super, wellaken | scrappy, soft The fans were annoyed that the team gave away suck a soft geai, | decisive, winning | equalizing | important, useful, vital town Vega scored an unfortunate own goal when he slipped as he tried toctear the bail vena ~ GOAL get, score | kick (imrugby) | head (in) | make Viscond seored one gen! himself and mace tiso for Lupe. | concede, give away, let in | allow, disallow Te referve disattowed the goat + GOAL + VERB come from sb/sth The equattzing gal came from Cale, o Thesecond goakeamne from n penalty ‘+ PREP. ~ against They scored three goals agains! the ‘homme team. ~for his firs goal for Spain from A late gon! from Owen ton the game for Liverpool, © Special pageat spore? 3aim © AD). immediate, short-term Our irmediate goal is to 2arn enough money io keep the business gofng. | lang- term,ultimate | main, major, primary. prime | clear, ex- plicit, specific | ambitious They have set themselves sone ambitious goels. | modest | desirable | achiev- able, attainable, realistic | unattainable, unrealistic | elusive | personal | common ie are all working to- wards @ common goat, | twin The prison service pursias the twin goals of the punishment and rehabititation of of ‘fenders. | strategic | political ‘* VERB r GOAL have it is important to have expdictt ‘goats. | establish, sot (sb) | pursus, strive for, work to- wards | achieve. attain, reach ‘© PREP. ~of rheir goal! of providing froe untuersity edtuca- tion for everyone goalkeeper noun + Abs. brilliant, excellent, good | England, Liverpool, etc, The England yoatkeeper plaved brilfiansés \ inter= national | reserve, substitute | veteran, young fe PREP. ~for He now playsasgnalkeeper fir Liver pent goat nw © Any. billy, male | female, nanny | wild | mountain © QUANT. flock. herd VERB y GOAT keep | milk | tether grazed among the apple trees. * GOAT + VERB bleat | graze | wander | PHRASES goat's cheese/milk, Tethered goats ged noun «an. pagan | Christian, Greek, Roman, etc. | hea- than, false those who follow jaise gods | fertility | sun # VEXB + GOD believe in, follow, have Uo you beléeve in God? % aMfusiims fave onty one God. | praise, pray to, thank, worship The people worshipped pagan gods. © GOD + VERB exist Can we prove that God exists? arene ~of the Roman ged af war # PAKASES faith in God Nothing ever shook her faith in God. the will of God He saw the accident asthe wildaf Gaal goddess noun «+ an.. pagan | Egyptian, Roman, — ete. | fertility, mother | moon, sun | screen (figuratine) She dreamed of becoming « Hollywood scrcen goddess. @ VERB + GODDESS prayto, worship s PREP. ~of Aphrodite, the goddess of love goggles noun «© ADJ. protective, safety | driving, flying, motercycie, ski, snow, swimming © QUANT. pair © YER + GOGGLES have on, wear | put on, takeoff ©GOGGLES - VERB steam up fay swimming goggles Avep stearaing up so lcan’tsee. gold row: ‘yellow metal @anJ. pure [ real | solid | fool's | S-carat, 1 ets. | moltan | beaten, rolled | burnished | tarnished @ YEIB + GOD extract, mina, produce | [ook for. pan golden for, prospect for He spent weeks panning jor gold in the river | discover, find, strike | be set in The rubies were set in 18-carai gold. GOLD + NOUN mine, miner, mining, prospecting, prospector | rush @ gold rush town | deposit, dust, nugget | bar, bullion, ingot | leaf, plate | market, re- serves, stocks falline government gold stocks | stand- ard Thecurrency was tie to the gold standard. PHRASES a vein of gold in the afiernoon he struck @ leh veln of gold. 2 (alsogold medalyin sports wads. Olympic VERB + GOLD get, take, win She got a gold in the long Juinp. | go for She's going for gold tits tira. golden adi. * VERBS bo, gleam, look The abbey walls gloamed gold en in the light of the setting sun. | turn The whole sky turned golden and red. © ADV. faintly, softly tefiinely golden afternoon tight golf now: © ADJ. amateur, pro, pro-am, professional Amateur golf is very competitive. | miniiminiature ‘The hotel ofers miniature goif and other activities for children * QUANT. game, round © VERB + GOL® play | take up | watch ©GOLF + NOUN course, links | hole The eighth at Banif is one of the worid’s great golf holes. | elub She de cided to join. a goif ciub. | ball, bag, buggy, cart, club, equipment, glove, shoes, tee, umbrella You can borrow golf clubs you wanta game. | swing His coach says his golf swing needs iraproving. | game, mateh, tournament title | handicap She has gol{ handicap of 16. | profes- sional, star | fanifanatic | season | circuit, scene, tour | clinic, lesson The club ts holding a golf clinic next week where golfers can get advice from the pros. | correspond- ent, journalist, reporter, writer | magazine | holiday, package Choose from over 10) golf packages in cur bro: chure. | widow She's beena wolf widow since she gave ter husband hisfirst set of clubs, Special pageatsront golfer noun © ADJ. brilliant, good | experienced | handicap a low handicap golfer | champion, top | keen | amateur, pro- fessional | club *GOLFER + VERB play good now # ADJ. common The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit. # VERE + GOOD. do (sb) You can try talking to her, but 1 don't think it wild de much good. o Itwillde yougood toxet out of the house more often © PEP. for sb/sth’s~ Wher the prime minister's health problems continued, he resigned for the good of the party. HEASES a force for good In disadvantaged areas, schools can bea forcefor goad. for sb’s (own) good J know: you don’t wart to ge into hospital, but it's for your own ‘good. for the good of sth, good and evil the struggie be- heer good and evil a power of good That holiday has done mea power of good. good adj » VERBS be. feel, look, seem, smell, sound. taste | be- come, get She's gotiing quite good at reading now. © ADV. dead, extremely. really, very a really good film | fairly, pratty, quite You've done preity good job © PRE. at He's very good at music. for Vegetables are 00d for-you. to She was very good to me when my husband died. with She's good with figures. good-looking «aj. «VERBS be ‘apy. extraordinarily, extremely, really, strikingly, ter- ribly, very | not exactly, not particularly She was not exacily good-looking, but definitely attractive. | quite, ra ther, reasonably He was tail and quite good-looking. goods noun ADJ. consumer, olectrical, electronic, household, luxury @ shop selling electrical goods | durable, perish- able A ‘use by’ dato must be stamped on all perishable zoods. | mass-produced | cheap. low-priced | brand- ed, own-labol Tae supermarket's own-label goods are cheaper than branded goods. | duty-free | second-hand I defective, faulty, shoddy | stolen He was accused of handling stoten goods. | counterfeit, fake * VERN > GOODS make, manufacture, produce factor: ies which produce tuxury goods for Ge export market | buy, purchase | export, import | sell, supply | deliver The goods will be delivered within ten days. | transport *GO0DS + NOUN train, vehicle, wagon | depot, yard goodwill noun * VERB + GOODWILL enjoy, have | create Addressing Customers in their own language helps create goodwill. | win | lose They are in danger of losing the government's goodiill.| depend on, rely on | express, show * PREF. ~to, ~towards He expressed goodiill towards nis former colleagues. * PHRASES a gesture of goodwill The government re leased htm ase gesture of Zoodwill. in a spirit of goodwill They made he offer ina spiritof goodwill goose noun © ADJ. wild | roast savant flock, gaggle (only used for goose on the ground), skein (only used for geese that are flying) *GOUSE + VERH waddle | hiss, honk | feed, graze | migrate gorgeous «di. ‘* YERnS be, look, sound Doesn't Kate look gorgeous? © Av. really | absolutely, drop-dead, simply @ drop- dead gorgeous Hollywood icon | rather gospel nounthe gospel ©ADJ. Christian * VERN + GOSPEL bring, preach, proclaim, spread. take She preached the Christian gospel to the poor and des tieute. | hear Thousands came to hear the gospel. ‘* GOSPEL + NOUN message, story gossip noun ‘rumours about other people ©.4Ds. latest | common M's conaraort gossip in the office that she’s about to leave her husband. | idle, malicious, salacious, silly * QUANT. bit, piece, fitbit ! Heard an interesting bit oF gossip yesterday, * VERB + GOSSIP spread Someone has been spreadine malicious gossip about me. | exchange, swap | hear, lis ten to, pay attention to You shouldn't listen to idte gossip. © GOSSIP + VERB. circulate, go around/round A piece of silly gossip was going round the school GOSSIP + NOUN column, columnist Isa it in thegos sip column of the iocal newspaper PREP. ~about a magazine full of gossip about famous pecpie 2conversation about other people * ADJ. good # VERB ~ GossiP have «prep, ~about We had a good gossip abaut the boss. A with She's having a gossip with Maria govern wer © Av. well | directly The colony was governed directly from Paris. '* VDRB + GOVERN be fitlunfit to He accused tie eppos ition party of being unfit to govern government inn 1 people in control of country ‘© ADJ. central, federal, local, national, provincial, re- gional | Communist, Conservative, Labour, etc. the country’s new Communist government | leftewing, right wing | coalition | minority The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minortis government. | caretaker. in- terim, transitional The president dissolved the assembly ‘and swore in an intertin government. | military | puppet | French, Western, ete. The report on world poverty calls for urgent action froin Western gover tunents, ‘© VERB + GOVERNMENT elect The present government was elected iast year |form A new government was formed in September of that year | install A puppet gov ernment was installed as the occupying forces witiuirea. | swoar in | head, run a new government headed by a for mer military leader | bring down, destabilize, oust, overthrow, topple This crisis could bring down the Brit. ish government. © The group aims to overthrow the mili- tary government. + GOVERNMENT + VERB come to power | take office On May 23 a coalition government took office. | fall, rex sign ¢ national emergency that could cauise tite govern: ‘ment 1 fati | announce sth The gousrnment announced the cancellation of the dam project. | intreduce sth, launch sth + GOVERNMENT + NOUN agency, body, department | funds, money | aid, assistance, backing, funding, grant, subsidy, support | expenditure, spending | cuts The hospital has been hit by government cuts. | control | intervention, involvement catis or government interven. tion in the dispute | minister, official, representative, spokesman | sources According to government sources, two people died in the incident. | figures, statistics | post | reshuffle The former minister was relieved of his, ‘post in last month's extensive government reshuffle. | de~ cisions, legislation, measures, plans, policy, proposals | report | propaganda # PREP In~ a problem facing whichever party ts in gov. ernment under althe~ measures thet were introduced under the fast goverament + PHASzS a change of government It is time we had a change of government. the government of the day This was a decision taken by the government of the day. amem- ber of a government Tie prime ininister has been meet ing members of the French government. 2act of governing ‘© ADM. democratic, representative | firm, good, strong We need strong government to take the country through thiscrisis. | weak governor noun © ADJ. deputy | acting, interim She was appointed as acting governor until anelection could be held. | colonial, district, provincial, regional, state | imperial | military prison, school | parent She served asc parent governor at her children’s school, © VERB + GOVERNOR appoint, appoint sb (as), co-opt, 349 gradient co-opt sb (as), elect, elect sb (as) | serve as © PHRASES. aboard of governors gown noun 4 woman's long dress ADs. Tong | flowing Sie was dressed in a fong flowing gown. | ball, bridal, evening, wedding * GOWN . VERE be trimmed with sth She more thite satin gown trimmed with lace, PREP, inathe~ 2worn by judges, surgeons, etc. © Ab., academic | hospital, surgical © PREP. inaithe~ f# PuRaSKS. town and gown (= the permanent members ofauniversity town and the menibers ofits university) <2 Special pageat CLOTHES GP noun * ADJ, excellent, good | qualified | experienced | family, local Who is your local GP? © VERB = GP register with You should register with a GPas soonas possible ©GP + VERB refersb The Preferred her to. specialist => Note at DUCTOR (for more verbs) grab verb apy. suddenly © VERB » GRAB tryto | manageto Hemanaged to grab aecouple of hours’ steep © PREP, at ! grabbed at his arm as he ram past. by As he walked past the boys. oneof them grabbed hin, by the arm. from Somebody tried to grab her handbag from her @ PHRASES grab hold of sth Fe grabbed hold of a hand: Trail fo save himself from falling. grace noun © An. easy, lithe, supple | natural | feline + VERB + GRACE have, move with 4 PREP. with~ Ann moved with easy grace. grade nun flevel/quaiity @ ADJ. high, top a piece of high grade building land He still wants to play top grade football. | low, poor low grade steel 2mark given for a piece of work/an exam: @ ADJ. final The oral exam constitutes 10% of the fina! grade, | excellent, good, high | low, poor @ VERB + GRADE achieve, attain, get, receive She of very good gradesin her exams. | award (sb} 3loval of importance/level of pay at work @ ADI. high, senior He fas esked to be put ontoa higher grade. © large pay rises for senior grades | junior, low | management | manual PREP. at althe ...~ She was offered a job at a lower grade. onaithe ...~ the peopleon management grades grade wrt © AY. carefully @ series of modern stories carefully graded for beginner to intermediate students © PREP. according to The tirber is graded according to ts thickness. by The containers are graded by size from ... to ... Bgesare graded from small to extra large. gradient noun DJ. steep | gentle, slight | downhill, uphill 4 VERE 4 GRADIENT have The road has a fairly steep gradient, «PREP. ona~ The football pitch was on aslight gradient. graduate graduate noun #401, college, university fab opportunities for univer sity graduates | arts, engineering, history, law, medic- al, science, ete. | new,racent eGRADUSTE + NOUN course. degree, diploma | School | student | racruit, trainee He joined the com pany as @ graduate trainee. L employment. recruitment ‘The company places great importancean graduate recruit ‘mentend training, | unemployment «PREY. ~ing graduate insocioloey graduation noun © ADJ. college, university © CRADUATION + NOUN ceremony, day Mark's whole family atiended his greduation ceremony. ‘© PREP, after~ She managed 10 find @ job immediately ajter graduation. ontupon ~ Gn greduation, he plans to travel around Asia, graffiti nou: + 403. political, racist * QUANT. piece © VERE + GRAFFITI daub, draw, scrawl, scribble, spray, write Gratjiti was scribbied ali over the walls. | be covered with, be daubed with, be sprayed with The buildings were covered with racist graffiti. * GRAFFITI + NOUN artist ajoshionaile graffiti artist graft nour 40 part of the body + ADJ, bone, skin @ VERB + GRAFT do Doctors are hoping to do a bone srafita repair thedemaged bone. *GRAFT ~ VERS take If the skin graft takes, then sur- geons willdo ancther operation a fewe weeks jater: Dhard work © AD hard Startigg anew business invotvesa totofhard araft. @ VERB + GRAFT do Most ofthe graft was done for them bytheir assistants. grain now J seeds of wheal, etc. | VERE + GRAIN grow, produce | sow | store ©GRAIN + NOUN harvest, production, yield | exports, imports 2netural pattern of lines in wood ADJ. fine, smooth coarse, tough [ natural This wood has a beautiful natura grain. ‘PREP. across/against the ~, alongiwith the ~ Cui the wood alang the grain, gram noun =p Note at MEASURE grammar noun © ADI. correct, good Spotting and good grammar ary oth very important. | bad, incerrect | Arabic, French, Latin, ote. the complesitizs of English grammar 2 VERE + GRAMMAR correct, teach People were too po lite tocorrect my grammar when spoke German. | learn © GRAMMAR + NOUN rules PHRASES therules of grammar grammaticat adj. + vuras be, sound © ADY. perfectly Tis sentence is perfectty grammatical, 350 grandeur noun © ADJ. rugged the rugged grandeur of the mounzains | breathtaking, dramatic, majestic, sheer ike breathtah- ing grandeur of thecathodral | faded, former grandfather, grandmother now: # ADJ. maternal, paternal | doting grandparent noun Avs. matornal, paternal | doting « present from his doting grandparents @ QUANT. set [ve serit photos of the children to both setsof srandprarents. grant roan ‘© ADJ. large, substantial | small | full Phe full stucient muintenancegrant was rather less than £2000, | annual | capital, lump-sum, purchase The school as received a Jorge captie! grant to iiprote tts bulldings. | mainten~ ance | emergenoy emergency grants for special needs jor items such as cookers and clothing | discretionary | mandatory | stucient | project. research There isa iota emmpetition for research grants. | clothing, conserva tion, (home) improvement, land, maternity, renovation. training. etc. | Arts Council. EU. government, local a thority, ote. © VaR + GRANT apply for | be eligible for. qualify for You may be eligible for « clothing grant. | get, obtain, re- ceive You can get a grant if pou’ ve tived in the area for three years. | award (sb). give sb, make {sb}, offer (sb), provide (sb with} The government has awarded 13.6 mit- Hon pound grant for the restoration of the opera house. | refuse sb | cut The theatre's annual erent from the Arts Council has been cut. PREP ~for a grant for a youth project ~ from a grant from thelocalauthority grant vers AD, expressly, specifically the rights expressly grant. ed By thetorms of the tease | effectively The law effectively grants the company immunity from prosecttion. ‘+ VERB + GRANT agreo to, decide to | refuse to The Juige refused to grant nim ball. | be willing to grape noun # ADs. juley, sweet fovety susei gropes { black, green Purple, white | seedless * QUANT. bunch # VERB + GRAPS eat, have I harvest, pick The first ropes cre harvested in mid-Augusi. | crush, tread The ‘poasons ware ironing the grapes in huge vats. * GRAPE + NOUN harvest = Szecial page at FRUIT graph noun ADJ. bar.Tine «vege + GaeeH draw, produce | depict sth asion show sth as/inion The statistics can be depicted os a graph. | plotsth on Thefiguresareall pictted on a graph. SGRAPH + viRB show sth She drew a graph showing the relationship between costs and sales. © GRAPH + NOUN papor PREP. in afthe~ I decided 0 slow the resules in a bar graph. on aithe ~ We can see ov this graph bow the com. Panty has grown over she last year + PHRASES in graph form Results can be shown in nu- mericor graph form. graphics nour © ADJ. computer | basic, simple The scrven can display simple graphics as well as text. | colour | high- resolution | three-dimensional, two-dimensional VERB + GRAPHICS produce | display | manipulate The prograntcar produce ard manipulate text and graph ies. | support The editor's PC should support desktop publishing and graphics. '* GRAPHICS + NOUN application, package. program, software, system | capability, performance | card, file, tablet, workstation | design, designer = Special page at COMPUTER grasp noun ‘holding sth © ADJ. firm, strona She felt a firm grasp on her hand. + VERB + GRASP slip from As she jumped forward, the bali slipped from her grasp. | prise sth from, rip sth from, snatch sth from, wrench sth from, wrest sth from ‘She wrenched the bottle from his grasp. «PREP. beyond your~ The key was on a high shelf just beyond her grasp. in your~ He kept tive letter firmly in his gruisp. from sb's~ The robber tried tofree the cuse from her grasp. out of sb's~ She kicked the gun out of his grasp. within (youn (often figurative) Just when victory seemed within grasp, the referee blew his whistle 2understanding ‘© ADJ. fine, firm, good, impressive, proper, sound | fimited, poor | intellectual The task was beyond the intel- ectual grasp of some of the students. | intuitive We have ng intuitive grasp of the immensity af time. * VERB + GRASP have | get Working with nativespeak ers helped meget a good grasp of the language. PRED. beyond your~ These ideas ave ail beyond his grasp. within your~ | ~ofa poor grasp of mathematics grasp vert ‘1take hold of sbysth suddenly and firmly © ADV. firmly, tightly + PREP. at Her hands were grasping at his coat. by Sho gruusped him tighely by the wrist. © PHRASES grasp hold of sbisth She grasped hold of the banister to support herself 2understand sth # apy, fully He had not juily grasped the fect that he was the one who would pay for all this, | not really I hadn't really grasped what they were talking about. | quickly | easily, readily a means by which students can more easily grasp the basics of science © VERB + GRASP tryto | be unable to fail to She failed fo grasp the significance of these facts. | quick to He was, quick to grasp the basic principles. | be difficult to, be hard to Someof these concepts arevvery difficult to grasp. grass noun ‘ADs. gteen | coarse, rough, thick | lush | long, tall | short | fresh-cut, freshly-cut, freshly-mown | damp, wet | dry | wild # QUANT blade Pye watked along that path for so many years [know every blade of grass. | clump, tuft There were only a few clumps of coarse grass for the animals to cat. ‘© VERB + GRASS eat | cul, mow | sow * GRASS + VERD grow ©GRASS + NOUN clippings, cuttings | seed | verge Weparked on the grass verge by the side of theroad. © PREP. across the~ They ail set off across the grass. in the Liound the wallet iying in the grass. on the~ You're nnot allowed 10 walk on the grass. through the~ The dog comme running through the tong grass. grate verb ‘rub sth into small piecos © Any coarsely | finely Sprinkle tie tap of the dish with some finely grated cheese # PHRASES freshly grated « teaspoon of freshiy nutmeg 2make a sharp unpleasant sound © ADV, harshly © PREP. against The steet of the heimet grated against the door. on The grit bericath her soles grated harshly on the wooden deck. raved grateful ac © VERKS be, feel, look, seem, sound | remain © ADV. deeply, enormously, especially, extremely, genuinely, immensely, more than. most, particularly, profoundly, really, terribly, truly, very We are decply grateful to you and your family. o Tam more than grateful jor their generous response. © Thank you for your help. 1 really arm most grateful. | almost His father tooked al- most grutefil for once. | quite, rather | just, simply 77m. Just grateful the injury is not as bad as we'd feared. | al- ways | eternally Pm eternally grateful that we manazed fogo there before the war ePRER for Mn really grateful for your help. to Pin itn mensely gratefttl to you for your support. gratifying adj * VERBS be | findsth © ADV. extremely, most, particularly, very + PREP. for It is most gratifying for me to know that my {work has been useful gratitude noun + ADJ. deep, profound | heartfelt, real, sincere | eter- nal, undying © VERB + GRATITUDE feel the very deep gratitude Ffelt towards her | oxpross, show | earn (sb) His kindness and supportearmed hima her eterna! gratitude. © PREP. in~ He almost wept in gratitude when he saw the money with~ I remember them with gratitude. | ~at my gratitudeat her thoughtfulness ~for,~tortowrards I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the stagf for their patience. © PHRASES as atoken of your gratitude Isent iim some money asa token of my gratitude. owe a debt of gratitude to sb Weoweher adeep debt of gratitude for her services, a feeling/sense of gratitude grave sour © ADJ. deep, shallow The body was found in a shallow grave in a nearby wood. | open The mourners threw flowers into the open grave. | freshly-dug | unmarked His body is buried in an unmarked grave. | mass A mass grave has been discovered in a wood outside the village. | watery He rescued her from a watery grave (= saved her from drowning) © VERB + GRAVE dig | mark The grave was marked hy a simple headstone. | desecrate Some of the graves have been desecrated by vandals. # PREP beyond the ~ The old lady stilt influences the farnity from beyond the grave, in althe~ Tit be in my grave by the time that happens! on aithe~ She puts fresh flowers on her husband's grave every Sunde. gravity noun ‘natural force © ADJ. weak, zero the woak gravity on the moon | strong © VERS + GRAVITY be subject to Al! objects are subject togravity | daly The building ieans so mtuch that ft seers todefy gravity, © PREP, By~ The woter flows rom the tank by gravity 10 the houses below. 4@ PHRASES. contro of gravity (often figurative} Burope's economic centre of gravity shifted northwards. the force of gravity, the law/laws of gravity 2sericusness © ADs. extreme don't think you realize the exirente gros: ity of this offence. © VERB + GRAVITY appreciate, realize, understand PREP, with~ Criminal laurioes no! treat fragfe offences ith the gravity they deserve. graze nour ‘+ ADL. minor, stight, small | VER + GRAZE get, have, suffer She sufered onby rainor grazesin the crash, fe mREP. ~on Megat a graze on my ieg. graze wr of animals © ADV. peacefully, qitietly Sazep wore yrazing peacefiuily ithe fields, '* VERE + CRAZE allow sth to,turn sth out to Theaattie were turned out to graze. 4 PREP, onlupon farbs grazing on the rough moortand posture 2 break the surface of your skin © ADY, badly Sizhad grazed her elbow quite badiy @ PREP onHefeilandgrazed his knees ona rock grease nour © VERS + GREASE be covered in/with, be smeared tnywith The kitchen surfaces were all smeared wlth grease. I dissolve, remove ©: GREASE + NOUN mark, spot, stain «PHRASES a blob/smear of grease grease verb ‘| Any, well | lightly Piace the cakes on a Lightly greased baking ray. great adi. large in amount/degree/size, etc @VERHS be! become ADV. very The play was avery great success PHRASES great big There's a great big hole In this sleeve. no great Don't worry. It's no great problem. 2admired evenns be eabdy. really, truly, very He was 2 truly greai man, 3 very good pleasant 4 VERBS. 8, feel, look, seam, smell, sound, taste Youre ooking great. Marriage misst suit yout © ADV, really That's really great news! | absolutely The fooxi smells absolutely aredt. greatness noun s ADJ. true This book fells you nothing about the true greatnessof his paintings * VERA 1 GREATNESS achieve those peaple who have achieved greatness | be destined for a woman who was destined for greatness @GREATNESS + VERB lie Her grentness ites in her deep understanding of lauman nature. greed noun # ADJ, pure, sheer, simple | human, personal © VERB + GREED satisfy She billed Aim 10 satisfy her greed. | be consumed by, be driven by SPREE ~for Hewasdriven by greed for money and power Greek noun ‘© ADJ. ancient, classical | New Testament [ modera + GREEK + NOUS alphabet > Noteat LANGUAGE green adj @ ADV. very | quite, stightly The cluth looked stightty aren in that light ‘+ 4D. bottle, dark | tight, pale | bright, brilliant, emer- ald, ime. lush, rich, vivid near énu an emerald ereen dress othelush gremnsgrass | duil | olive anotive green carve! = Special page at COLOUR greet vers 4 say nellots sb © DN. cheerfully, enthusiastically, pleasantly. warmly The co men grezted one another warmls. | courteously, politely | coolly Stella greeted her mother coosiy AVERE « GEERT be there Co, be walting to You must he there to greet your guests. o My parents were waitiig to Breet us at the door | come to, rise to, turn to The presi- dent rose ta greet his guests SPREE. with She greeted him with aauiek kiss, * PHRASES grost sb by narne The head teacner greeted ali the pupits by nearae, 2react to sth in particular way ©40N. enthusiastically [ coolly Langeily The an nouncement was greeted ansytly by the watkers. » PREP. with The news was greeted with astonishmtent, greeting nan ‘first words you say when you meot sb > an... formay, friendly, polite * VERS + GREETING cail(out),niod, shout, smile, wave He jumped to his eet and called outa greeting. 0 They said nothing, but nodded a potite greeting. | exchange The delegates shook hands and exchanged greetings. | a6- knowledge, respond to, return £ said ‘Good morning? but she dar? t rerurn che greeting. | ignore e PRBE in~ He held outhis hand in greeting. 2 greetings good wishes © and. affectionate, personal, warm | birthday, Christ mas, New Yoar, seasonal | VERB + GREETINGS bring, extend, send (sb) fe brought Christmas greetings from the whole famity, ¢ We extend our grectings to you ant thank you for listening to us * GREETINGS + NOUN card gregarious «di © VERBS he, seem | become ‘» ADY. highly, very These animats are highly gregarious. grenade neun ans, hand,smoke,stun | rocket-propellad | tive © VERS + GRENADE be armad with, carry, have The hi- Jackers were armed with hand grenades. [ hold Sie was holding the grenade above her head, ready to throw. | hun, Job, throw, toss I tossed the grenade through the pen door: { pull the pin out of * GRENADE + Vunb fall, land | oxpiode, go off * GRENADE 4 NOUN attack { launcher grey adj. 1of the colour between black and white # ADV, very The sky looks very grey. Think t's going to rain. | quite, rather, slightly # ADJ. dark | light, palea figh: grey suit | stivery, slate & Special page at COLOUR 2with grey hair «VERBS be | go, turn He went grey before he was forty. ‘# apw very | completely She was completely grey by the age of thirty. grid now ‘pattern of lines that cross each other © ADJ, rectangular, square | regular «GRID + NOUN line, pattern, square, system ihe art- ist drew set of grid lines over the area to be painted. 2system of squares drawn on @ map *GRID + NOUN line, reference, square The grid lines on the map run nortivsouih. o An Ordnance Survey grid reference gives the position of a place to within 100 metres. 3system of olcotric cables © ADJ, national | electricity * GRID + NOUN system Power can befed from wind gen- erauars into the electricity grid system grief noun © ADJ. considerable. deep, great, inconsolable, real | private [eit awkward at intruding on their private grief © VERB + GRIEF be overcome with, be stricken with, experience, fool Her parents were stricken witit grief | express, show | die from/of | come to terms with, cope with, deal with struggling to come to terms with their grief I cause (sb) Such behaviour can cause considerable griet ‘» pRSP. ~at Children can feel reai grief at the loss of a pet. for her grief for ner dead husband * PHRASES afeeling/sonse of grief grievance noun «ADJ. genuine, legitimate, real Some people will com: plain even if they have no genuine grievance. | imagin- ary. imagined | long-standing, old | individual, per- sonal | economic, social By the 1530s social grievances ‘were again being voiced. # VERB + GRIEVANCE harbour, have, nurse She still nursed her old grievance. | air, express, vent, voice | hear Yormad, listen to MPs spend many hours listening to the real or imagined grievances of their constituents. | redress, remedy, settle Managers would make every ef- {fortio remedy individual grievances as they arose. PREP. ~aboutiover 7Ze meeting wit! be a chance to air your grievances about the organization. ~ against He had ‘personal grievance agains: the professor ‘* PHRASES asense of grievance grieve verb © ADV. doaply She had grieved deeply for her father | still © PRER. for They are still grieving for their child. over grieving over the loss of his daughter QFN oun 4 part of a cooker ‘© ADJ. hot Cook uncer a hot grill for 7 minutes. | eye- level | electric, gas © VERB + GRILL preheat Preheat ¢negritl to medium GRILL + NOUN pan PREP. under althe~ Place the chopsin the grill pan, and put itunder the grill 2 framework of metal bars that you cook food on grind = ADJ. charcoal «PREP. on althe~ Once the charcoal is glowing, place the food on the grill, wrning itregulerty, grimace noun + ADA. litle, slight, small | ugly | rueful, wry | facial SVERD + GRIMACE give, make Sie made a wry grim- cece. | twist into His face twisted intoa grimace, * CRIMACE « VERB twist eth An wely grimace twisted her face. © PREP. with a~ He acknowledged his mistake witha wry grimace. |~of agrimaceof disgust/pain grimace werp apy. slightly | ruefully, wryly * PREP. at He grimaced slightly at the pain. o She grim. aced at him. in She grimaced in disgust grime noun © VERB + GRIME be covered iniwith © PHRASES a layer of grime Over the years, the painting has become covered ina thick tayer of grime ‘apd. big, broad, huge, large, wide | faint, feeble | friondly, sympathetic | infectious | lazy | fatuous, foolish, goofy, silly | boyish, cheeky, impish, mischiev- ous, sly Edriund dooked up with ar inapish grin. | bash- ful, sheepish | sickly | rueful, sardonic, wry | self deprecatory, selfmocking | knowing | insane, manic grim, humourtess, mirthiess | evil, ferocious, hid- eous, wicked, wolfish I crooked, lopsided | gap- toothed, toothless, toothy © YSRB ~ GRIN Crack, force, give (sb) He gave the pho: iographer a big grin, | break into, split into The old man’s face broke into a grin. | hide, restrain, stifle She tried tostiflea grin. * GRIN + VERB broaden, grow broaderiwider, widen | appear, spread across/over sth A mischievous grin spread across the little girl's face. | disappear, fade His tory grin faded. PREP, with a~ Footed you! he said, with @ cheeky grin. | ~atagrinathis wife~otagrin of triumph * PHRASES takelwipe the grin off your face Take that grin off your face! wipe the grin off sb’s face Il! soon wipe that silly grin off her face gr © ADY. broadly, widely He appeared in the doorway grin. ning broadty: | weakly | crookedly | cheerfully, hap- pily | amiably | cheekily, impishly, thievously | triumphantly | inanely | sheepishly He jus? stood there, tonguectied and grinning sheepishts: | apologetically, ruefully, wryly She grinned apologetically when she save him, | unrepentantly | conspiratorially | wickedly | maliciously, wolfishly | sourly | back, down, up She re laxed and grinned wickedly back at him. 0 Fe lay grin: ning impishly up at me. # PRED. at Hestopped eating togrin at me. to Shegrinned to herself at the thought. with They grinned with pleasure. © PHRASES grin from ear to ear She looked at us, grin. ning from ear toeat. verb grind vers ‘* AY. coarsely | finely The cement need not be finely ground. | down, up Grind the secais down toa powder © PREP. into machinery for grinding wheai into flour to ‘Thecofjee is ground toa fine powder: # PHRASES freshly ground /reshiy ground Black pepper grip noun Ahold on sth ‘= ADJ. fitt, good, secure, strong, tight | cruel, crush- ing, fieree, iron, painful, punishing, vice-like Her upper arms were seized inan iron grip. | restraining @ VERB + CRIP have He still hada firm grip on my art. | get, take Taking a tight crip on the hook, he beean to ‘uit it towards himself | keep Keep a secure grip on the rope at all times. | lose She slipped and lost her arip of the rope. | tighten Robert tightened his gripon her shoulder | loosen, relax, release, slacken GRIP + YERR tighten | loosen, relax, slacken Fis rip slackened and she tore herself away. @ PREP. in alsb's~ Hold the microphone in afirm grip. 0 She was powerless in his vice like grip, | ~on She relaxed her grip on the door frame, 2power/contro! ‘+ ADJ. firm, iron, powerful, strong, tight. vice-like © VERB + GRIP have The Church does not have a strong grip on the population. | get. take The governmaent needs to get a grip on this probiem. 2 (informal) Get a grip! (= take control of yourself, your life, etc.) | keep We need to heep a tight grip on costs. | strengthen, tighten They managed to strengthen thelr grip ot the southern part of the county’. | lose (informal) Sometiines f fee! Fm losing myerip( losingeonirol of my life.etc.) @ PREP. in sth’s~ Winter stil heid them in its ron grin. @ country in the grip ef recession | ~on The government does not seem to have a very jirm gripon the economy. ‘* PHRASES come/get to grips with sth (= to begin to ‘take control of sth or untierstane sth difficult) Pm sfowly getting to grips with the language. grip vert + ADV. firmly, hard, tightly | gently, lightly @ pKEe at She gripped hard at the arms af her chair. by Hegripped her gently by the shoulders. grit noun 4 small pieces of stone ‘© QUANT. bit plece A bitof grit kad got intomyeve. 2courage/determination ‘© ADI. sheer, rue © VERE + GRIT have Don't give in yet. You have more grit than that, | display, show The team showed their true grit and played a magnificent game. | take it takes shoor grit stand up toa bully lke that. groan noun © ADs. loud Heer outa loud groan of frustration. | little, small | deep. low | harsh, hoarse | muffled # VERB + GROAN give, let out, utter | stifle, suppress | hear ¢ PREP with a~ He stood up slowly with agroanaf path, | ~of = Noteat sun groan veri ‘+ ADV. loudly | quietly. softly | aloud, out loud wardly He groaned inwardly at the thought of spending another day in that piace. PREP. at, In She groaned out loud in protest, with Some of the patients were groaning with pain. ® PHRASES moan and groan Ther®'s no point in moan- ing and groaning about not having any money. groomed adi. « VBRBS be, look She is always perfectly groomed. ©pv. well | immaculately, impeccably, meticulously, perfectly { beautifully | sleakly, smacthly 264 groove ‘oun © ADJ. deep, shallow | narrow, wide S VERB + GROOVE carve. cut, make Runwing water had carved a groove down the face of the wall ‘© PREP. ~inadeep groove in the surface of the rock grope verb * ADV. blindly | vaguely | about/around/round # PREP. for She groped blindly for thedoor hardle. # PHRASES grope your way J groped my way across the pitch-black stave. ground noun 1 solid surface of the garth © ADJ. firm, hard | muddy, soft, wet | dry, dusty | fer- tile (often figurative) The fall of the old reginte provided JSertile ground for opportunism. * VERB + GROUND fall to, hit Zhe helicopter burst into flares when it hit the grourtd, | reach She's so shore, her ‘Jeet don't reach the ground when sho sits down. | get off, eave The plane was so overloaded it couldn't leave the ground. © (figurative) His plan is too cosily 10 ever get off the ground. GROUND + NOUN level A waterproof membrane is Inuit into the wall just ebove ground level © PREP. abovalbolow~ Therootsray spread as ar below ground as does the foliage above ground. in the~a hole in the ground on the ~ He sat down on the ground. under the~ The tunnel goes deep under the ground. 2ereaof land ® ADJ. high, low The village stands on high ground and is not prove t flooding. | open | difficult, rocky, rough. stony, uneven | marshy * QUANT. patch, piece We found a paich of open zround in the middle of the woods. 3piece of land used for a particular purpose © Ans. burial | dumping | cricket. football, practice rugby, sports, training | parade | breeding, fooding, hunting © PREP. at althe~ 1! meet you at the football ground. in althe~ all ihe graves in the burial ground 4grounds ‘and surrounding a large building ‘AD. extensive | castle, hospital, palace, school, etc. # VERB + GROUNHS. be set In, have The patace is set in extensive grounds. @ PREP. inthe~(of Many estate workers Hved in cowtages in thegrounds of the castle. Serea of interest/study/discussion © And, familiar, firm, home I was on more furttiar ground now that we were talking about our own system. | dangerous, shaky Legally, we're ont very shaky ground (= our actions may not be legal). | safe | common Boris arties in the debate shared some common ground. * VERB - OROUND cover, go over Several researchers have published articles covering ihis ground. 0 We ju seem to be going over ihe same ground that we covered last ear @pREP. on... ~ He knew he was on dangerous ground talking about money: * PHRASES break new ground Her architectural designs have broken new ground. S grounds reason for sth ‘* ADJ. good, reasonable, sufficient, v @ VER + GROUNDS have The constable had reasonable grounds for arresting her | give (sb) His evasiveness gave grounds for ihe suspicion that he knew more than tke was saying. PREP. on ... ~s Permission 10 open a mine was denied on environraental grounds. on the-8 of Fie resigned fro his posi on the grounds of itt heath. | ~for Drurthenness atwork was sufficient grands far instant dismissal,

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