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Module 2

Refer to the resources in Module 2 to complete this assignment.

1. What is SIOP and how might SIOP instruction help ELs with the Common Core State
2. What is the relationship between the SIOP Model and the WIDA ELD standards?  
3. How might teachers use the CAN DO Descriptors from WIDA to plan and
deliver differentiated lessons to ELs?  
4. Explain the three linguistic areas in the WIDA ELD standard listed below and give some
examples of each to support your answer:
a. Discourse
b. Sentence/grammar
c. Vocabulary
5. What are the components of an MPI? How can it be used to prepare content lessons
for ELs?  
6. Identify the language function, content stem, and supports in the following MPIs:
a. Describe and give examples of positive and negative impacts of exploration using
graphic organizers and word bank.
b. Discuss orally and then in writing reasons for selection of features of model
governments using a template in small groups.
c. Produce key words about themes related to the main idea using visual support (e.g.,
captioned illustrations of plot and main ideas) with a partner.

II. Refer to pages 10-17 of the article "Make the Ideal a Reality: All Teachers are Language
Teachers” (Module 2) to answer the following:
1. "All teachers are language teachers."  What does this statement mean and how would
this change the role of content teachers who work with ELs?
2. Refer to the 2 lessons in the article that connect content area instruction in the
Common Core State Standards and the ELD Standards.  How does each lesson explicitly
infuse academic language (word level, sentence level, text/discourse level) for ELs at
certain proficiency level?  
III. Personal Reflection
1. Why is it important to know your students’ background and abilities?
2. Create an instrument (maybe be a Google form) to know more about your English
Learners’ background and abilities. Please, remember the law. You cannot ask about
their legal status.

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