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A: Complete the photo captions with a phrase from the box

Infancy Adolescence
He´s A baby He´s A teenager

Adulthood Old age

She´s An adult He´s A senior citize

She´s A child
What do you think? At what age do people make these
1. From infancy to childhood 1 years old to 13 years’ old
2. From childhood to adolescence 13 years old to 18
3.from adolescence to adulthood 18 years old to 22 years old
4. From adulthood to old age 25. Years old to 50 years’ old
A. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or simple
1. I. Have Lived (Live) in this apartment for live years. Before
I. Lived (Live) with my parents.
2. Leonard. Has graduated (Graduated) from high school two
Ago. He. Has not graduate (Not, graduate) from the university
3. Nora Was not (Be, not) so South American, but she
Traveled (Travel) in Mexico last year
4.we started (Start) this course two months ago.
So far, we Finished (finish) five United:
A: unscramble the question. Take turns with a partner asking
the questions.
1. English how do speak well you How well do you speak
2. You how are old. How old are you?
3.Can fast you how type How Can you type fast?
4. You how tall are How tall are you?
5. Your family how aften move does How often does your family
B. Complete the conversations. Write questions using how.
1. A: I think Mr. Chen is too elderly to live alone.
B: He doesn’t look old me. How Mr. Chen look?
2. A My brother failed his driver’s licenses test six time because
he drives so badly.
B: wow! How your brother failed his drivers´ license ?
3. A: I can’t go to the movie with you tonight, because my first
class is very early tomorrow
B: that’s too bad. How we can go to the movie?
4. A: I don’ t want to get my own apartment, it’s much too
B: Really? How you get your own apartment?
5. A: I haven’t finished reading the assignment for tomorrow. I
guess I read too slowly.
B: That’s a problem. How can you explain that situation?

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